WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS Weiqiang Tang, Zhiyuan Rui, Jinghua Zhang High-order sliding mode design based on geometric homogeneity and fast terminal sliding mode WEIQIANG TANG Department of Automation Lanzhou University of Technology No.287. Langongping Road, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Prov, CHINA [email protected] ZHIYUAN RUI Department of Mechanical Design Lanzhou University of Technology No.287. Langongping Road, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Prov, CHINA [email protected] JINGHUA ZHANG Department of Engineering Mechanics Lanzhou University of Technology No.287. Langongping Road, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Prov, CHINA [email protected] Abstract: - A high-order sliding mode control algorithm is proposed for nonlinear uncertain systems based on geometric homogeneity and fast terminal sliding mode. Homogeneity approach used to stabilize the nominal system, and fast terminal sliding mode used to reject the uncertainty, are applied to constructing the controller. High-order sliding mode is established by the proposed algorithm, the boundary of the uncertainty is not required, and the global robustness is achieved. Additionally, the resulting control law is continuous, which is beneficial to reduce the chattering effect. Simulation results of the proposed algorithm confirm the effectiveness. Key-Words: - Nonlinear Systems, High-order Sliding Mode, Geometric Homogeneity, Fast Terminal Sliding Mode, Robustness standard SMC, was proposed to reduce and (or) remove the chattering effect [7–9]. Moreover, better accuracy can be achieved by using HOSMC [10]. There exist many second order sliding mode algorithms [11–13]. Arbitrary order sliding mode controllers have been proposed as well. In [14], new families of high-order sliding mode controllers (HOSMCs) were developed based on homogeneity approach. A approach, called quasi-continuous HOSMCs, was presented in [15], allowing the control to be practically continuous function with respect to time in the case of relative degree r > 1 . Homogeneity reasoning and integral sliding mode were used to design HOSMCs in [16, 17]. Although the mentioned techniques above can admit the 1 Introduction Due to the strong robustness against the matching uncertainties including the parametric uncertainty, unmodelled dynamics and external disturbances, sliding mode control (SMC) has been widely utilized to deal with systems operating in the uncertain context [1–3]. However, the chattering effect caused by high-frequency control switching, is a main problem to many practical applications. In order to overcome this drawback, many papers are available to solve it, such as dynamic sliding mode [4], high-gain control [5], and sliding-sector method [6]. In addition, high-order sliding mode control (HOSMC), which inherits advantages of the E-ISSN: 2224-2678 96 Volume 13, 2014 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS Weiqiang Tang, Zhiyuan Rui, Jinghua Zhang dimensions, and s ( x, t ) ∈ R is a only smooth measured output. To make the output s ( x, t ) vanish in finite time is the objective of control. Assumption 1. The relative degree r of system (1) with respect to s ( x, t ) is constant and known, and the associated zero dynamics are stable. Definition 1 ([23]). Consider a smooth dynamic system with a smooth output function s ( x, t ) , and let the system be closed by some possibly dynamical discontinuous feedback. Then, provided the successive total time derivatives s ( x, t ) , s( x, t ) , ... , tracking of desired signals through adjusting only one sufficiently large gain parameter, they did not provide constructive conditions on the parameter adjustment. Solutions can be obtained in [18, 19], where the HOSMC is equivalent to finite time stabilization of higher order integrator chain system with a bounded uncertainty. And the controller was designed based upon the concept of integral sliding mode control. However, the boundary of the uncertainty must be determined in advance, which may be difficult or impossible in some applications. Compared to the standard SMC, Terminal sliding mode (TSM) originating from the terminal attractor [20], adopts a nonlinear switching manifold with finite time mechanism, which can guarantee the time to reach the origin for system trajectories will be finite [21]. Fast terminal sliding mode (FTSM) is a revision form of the TSM, achieving better performance in the case of the initial state far away from the origin. In [22], the controller was designed via the fast terminal sliding mode in both reaching phase and sliding phase. As a result, the system shows superior robustness in system uncertainties and external disturbances. The objective of this paper is to develop a new controller based on homogeneity and fast terminal sliding mode, characteristics of the controller are as follows: 1) High-order sliding mode can be established in any given accuracy. 2) The control law is continuous such that chattering effect can be removed or decreased. 3) The prior knowledge of boundaries of uncertain terms is not needed. 4) Global robustness is guaranteed. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 states the problem and some hypotheses. In section 3, the high-order sliding mode control algorithm is derived. A numerical simulation of a permanent magnet stepper motor is carried out to verify effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in section 4. Section 5 concludes the paper. s ( r −1) ( x, t ) are continuous functions of the closedsystem state-space variables, and the set s ( x, t ) = 0 , s( x, t ) = 0 , ... , s ( r −1) ( x, t ) = 0 is non-empty and consists locally of Filippov trajectories [24], the motion on the set s ( x, t ) = 0, s( x, t ) = 0 , ... , s ( r −1) ( x, t ) = 0 is said to exist in rth -sliding mode ( r -order sliding mode). The rth derivative s ( r −1) ( x, t ) is mostly supposed to be discontinuous or nonexistent. By defining a suitable discontinuous control, the r -order SMC allows the finite time stabilization to zero both the sliding variable s ( x, t ) and its (r − 1) first time derivatives. Computing the rth total time derivative of s ( x, t ) along the trajectories of the system (1) yields the following equation: s ( r )= ( x, t ) ϕ ( x, t ) + γ ( x, t )u where are uncertain functions, L f ( x ,t ) s ( x, t ) = ∇s ( x, t ) f ( x, t ) , while ∇s ( x, t ) = ∂s ( x, t ) represents the gradient of s ( x, t ) . ∂x Assumption 2. The solutions are understood in the Filippov sense [24], and system trajectories are supposed to be infinite extendible in time for any bounded Lebesgue measurable input. In practice, it means that the system is weakly minimum phase. Assumption 3. There exist K m ∈ R + , K M ∈ R + , Consider a dynamic system of the form: C ∈ R + such that the following inequalities hold at (1) least locally. K m ≤ γ ( x, t ) ≤ K M , ϕ ( x, t ) ≤ C where x ∈ R n , u ∈ R are the state variable and the control input, respectively. f ( x, t ) and g ( x, t ) ≠ 0 are uncertain smooth functions with proper E-ISSN: 2224-2678 ϕ ( x, t ) = Lrf ( x ,t ) s ( x, t ) , γ (= x, t ) Lg ( x ,t ) ⋅ Lrf−(1x ,t ) s ( x, t ) 2 Problem Formulation = x f ( x, t ) + g ( x, t )u y = s ( x, t ) (2) (3) The control objective is to drive the sliding variable s ( x, t ) to zero in finite time, and to keep it 97 Volume 13, 2014 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS Weiqiang Tang, Zhiyuan Rui, Jinghua Zhang There exists ε ∈ (0,1) such that, for every α ∈ (1 − ε ,1) , the origin is a globally finite-timestable equilibrium for the system (6) under the feedback: exactly by defining a suitable control. The problem of r -order SMC of system (1) with respect to the sliding variable s ( x, t ) is equivalent to finite time stabilization of = i 1, 2,..., r − 1 zi z= i +1 = zr ϕ ( x, t ) + γ ( x, t )u w0 = −k1sign(x1 ) x1 (4) α1 − − knsign(xn ) xn αn (7) where α1 , ... , α n satisfy where = α i −1 z [= z1 , z2 ,..., zr ]T [ s ( x, t ), s( x, t ),..., s ( r −1) ( x, t )]T . αα i i +1 = , i 2,..., n 2α i +1 − α i (8) with α i +1 = 1 and α n = α . 3 High-order Sliding Mode Control Based on Geometric Homogeneity and Fast Terminal Sliding Mode 3.2 Fast Terminal Sliding Mode The fast terminal sliding mode, which can accelerate the moving rate of the sliding mode compared to the standard terminal sliding mode when the initial position is far away from the origin, is provided in [21], given by Based on the concept of integral sliding mode, the high-order sliding mode controller is designed in two steps: the design of a finite time controller stabilizing the nominal system at the origin and the design of another controller suppressing the uncertainty. To facilitate the description of the design process, consider the following uncertain integrator system. = i 1, 2,..., n − 1 xi x= i +1 xn= u + d s =x1 + α x1 + β x1q (5) ts = 3.3 Disturbances Design 3.1 Finite Time Controller for Integrator Systems (10) Attenuation Controller In the presence of disturbances, the effect caused by them can not be completely compensated by the finite time controller. Therefore, an additional controller should be designed to do it. As mentioned in Introduction, the sliding mode control can be capable of doing this. However, in the conventional SMC design principle ss < − k s , which results in a For a chain of integrators without uncertainties, the existence of a continuous finite time stabilizing feedback controller has been proved, which provides an explicit construction involving a small parameter in [25]. The controller renders the closedloop system asymptotically stable and homogeneous of negative degree with respect to a suitable dilation such that finite-time stability is achieved. Proposition 1([25]). Let k1 ,..., kn > 0 be such that E-ISSN: 2224-2678 α x (0)( p − q ) p + β p ln 1 α ( p − q) β At the same time, it can be proved that the x1 is a terminal attractor using Lyapunov theory. d ≤ D. = i 1, 2,..., n − 1 xi x= i +1 xn = w0 (9) where x1 ∈ R , α , β > 0 . The time to reach the origin can be calculated after the sliding mode occurs, expressed as where d is the uncertain term and its absolute value is less than a known positive number D , i.e. the polynomial s n + kn s n −1 + + Hurwitz, and consider the system: p discontinuous controller that produces the chattering effect. As seen in subsection 3.2, the fast terminal sliding mode bears the mechanism of finite time convergence, hence it can be used to design the controller instead of the conventional design principle. For system (5), define the sliding variable as k2 s + k1 is (6) σ= zn + ζ 98 (11) Volume 13, 2014 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS Weiqiang Tang, Zhiyuan Rui, Jinghua Zhang where ζ is a auxiliary variable, determined by ζ = − w0 Remark 2. To realize the global robustness, the initial condition of ζ should be equal to the initial (12) value of zn , that is ζ (0) = zn (0) . with w0 being the finite time controller. Therefore the attenuation controller can be designed as w1 = −φσ − γσ q p 3.4 High-order Sliding Mode Control Design In fact, the system (4) can be divided into the nominal part and the uncertain part, therefore it can be rewritten as (13) Theorem 1. Consider the system (5), and define γ and γ ' as D γ = σq γ =' γ − +η p = i 1, 2,..., r − 1 zi z= i +1 zr =ϕ0 ( x, t ) + γ 0 ( x, t )u + f ( x, t ) (14) where ϕ0 ( x, t ) , γ 0 ( x, t ) ≠ 0 are determinate terms, d σ ∆ϕ ( x, t ), ∆γ ( x, t ) are the disturbance ones, f ( x, t ) = ∆ϕ ( x, t ) + ∆γ ( x, t )u indicates the whole (15) q p with η > 0 . The control law = u w0 + w1 disturbance. Design the following law for the system (21), like that (16) ensures that xi (i = 1, 2,3) convergences on zero in u= any given accuracy, and w0 , w1 are given by (7) and (13) , respectively. Proof: Taking the first order derivative of σ with respect to the time obtains σ = −φσ − γσ q p + d σ = −φσ − γ 'σ q p = zi z= i 1, 2,..., r − 1 i +1 zr= w + f ( x, t ) (17) ≥ σ q p D σq p − − d σq p (18) σq (19) p +η ≥ η > 0 Based on the equation (14), it is concluded that D σ < γ (23) Theorem 2. Consider the nonlinear uncertain system (1) with a relative degree r with respect to the sliding variable s ( x, t ) . Assume that the hypotheses 1-3 are satisfied, the control law (22) can allow the establishment of an r -order sliding mode control with respect to s ( x, t ) in any given accuracy with large enough parameters. Remark 3. To execute the design of the controller, the sliding variable and its (r − 1) order time derivative must be obtained, whilst the sliding variable s ( x, t ) is commonly an only measurable output. This problem can be solved by the (r − 1) order differentiator provided in [14, 15]. +η d (22) Obviously, the system (23) is identical to the system (5) in the form, it follows that In order to have the fast terminal convergence, the condition γ ' > 0 should be hold. According to the equation (15), it can be seen D 1 (−ϕ0 ( x, t ) + w) γ 0 ( x, t ) with w being the auxiliary control input. Hence the system (21) is transformed into the following form. Based on the equations (14) and (15), the equation (17) can be rewritten as γ '= (21) p q (20) Remark 1. Choose large enough γ and p q , σ 3.5 Example can be smaller than any given positive number. Consider an uncertain second order integrator system: E-ISSN: 2224-2678 99 Volume 13, 2014 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS Weiqiang Tang, Zhiyuan Rui, Jinghua Zhang x1 = x2 x2= u + d algorithm, which removes the chattering effect. In contrast, the manipulated variable is serious chattering using SMC, which is harmful to many applications. Comparative study testifies the advantage of the proposed strategy. (24) Choose the simulation parameters as φ = 10 , γ = 10 , q = 1 , p = 3 , k1 = 1 , k2 = 1.5 , v1 = 0.60 , v2 = 0.75 , and d = 5sin x1 . 8 6 5 4 x1 4 x 2 2 u 3 0 x 2 1 -2 0 -4 -1 -6 0 2 6 4 8 10 time(s) -2 -3 0 2 6 4 Fig. 4 Control input versus time using SMC 10 8 time(s) Fig. 1 State trajectories versus time 4 Tracking Control of a Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor 6 4 To illustrate the aforementioned procedure, consider the high-order sliding mode control of a permanent magnet stepper motor (PMSM). u 2 0 -2 4.1 Mathematical Model Consider the following uncertain PMSM model, derived in [26]. -4 -6 0 2 4 6 8 10 dθ dt = ω d ω = kM (−i sin pθ + i cos pθ ) − F ω − TL a b dt J J J (25) di u k R a a M = − ia + ω sin pθ + dt L L L di u k R b = − ib − M ω cos pθ + b L L L dt time(s) Fig. 2 Control input versus time 5 x 1 4 x2 3 2 x 1 0 -1 -2 where θ is the rotor angle, ω is the rotor speed, TL -3 -4 0 2 4 6 8 is the load torque, i = [ia 10 time (s) ub ] are the stator current and voltage, respectively( see [26] for more details on the other parameters). Based on Park’s transformation [27], i.e. the vectors u and i expressed in the fixed stator frame (a, b) are transformed into the vectors expressed in a frame (d , q ) . Fig. 3 State trajectories versus time using SMC Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 are simulation results under the control of the proposed strategy, Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 are the ones under the control of SMC. It is concluded that the system trajectories can converge on zero under the two control strategies. However, the manipulated variable is continuous using the proposed E-ISSN: 2224-2678 ib ] and u = [ua 100 Volume 13, 2014 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS xd cos pθ = xq − sin pθ sin pθ xa cos pθ xb Weiqiang Tang, Zhiyuan Rui, Jinghua Zhang (26) The dynamics (25) expressed in terms of currents and voltages in the frame (d , q ) become the equation (27). z1,1 = z1,2 z1,2 = z1,3 z =A + B u + f 1 1 q 1 1,3 (31) z2,1 = A2 + B2ud (32) dθ where dt = ω T T = z1 = z1,1 z1,2 z1,3 [σ 1 σ1 σ1 ] , z2,1 = σ 2 d ω = kM i − F ω − TL k R F 1 q dt , B1 = M ,= f1 ( 2 − )TL , A2 = − id + pωiq , J J J (27) L J J JL di u R d d = − id + pωiq + kM R FkM kM kM2 F 2 dt L L −( + 2 )iq − − 2 )ω − θr A1 = pωid − ( JL J J JL J di uq kM R q = 1 − iq − pωid − ω+ , B2 = . Herein, the term f1 is viewed as a L L L dt L disturbance caused by the load torque TL . For the system (31), the control law can be defined as 4.2 Tracking Control Using the Proposed Algorithm uq= B1−1 (− A1 + w1 ) The control objective is to design a robust control law such that the θ tracks the following reference trajectory θ r (t ) . In addition, in order to minimize the Joule losses and maximize the motor torque, it is sensible to choose a direct current trajectory id = 0 . θ r (t ) = 6 1+ e −9.63( t − 0.993) where w1 is a auxiliary control input, expressed as = w1 w1,0 + w1,1 (34) where w1,0 is the nominal controller, given by (28) α1,1 Define the following two sliding variables as σ 1= θ − θ r σ 2 = id w1,0 = −k1,1sign(z1,1 ) z1,1 − k1,2sign(z1,2 ) α1,2 α1,3 z1,2 (29) − k1,3sign(z1,3 ) z1,3 (35) Define the following sliding variable: then k R Fk k 1 = −( M + 2M )iq − M pωid − σ JL J J 2 2 k k FT T F ( M − 2 )ω + M uq + 2L − L − θr (30) JL J JL J J R 1 − id + pωiq + ud σ 2 = L L = s1 z1,3 + ξ1 (36) ξ1 = − w1,0 (37) where So the attenuation controller w1,1 can be designed as w1,1 = −φ1s1 − η1s1q1 It can be see that the relative degrees of the system with respect to the sliding variables equal 3 and 1, respectively. So a 3rd and a 1st order sliding controllers are designed. According to the Section 3, high-order sliding mode control is equivalent to finite time stabilization of the following uncertain integral systems. p1 (38) Similarly, the following results can be obtained for the system (32). ud = B2−1 (− A2 + w2 ) (39) = w2 w2,0 + w2,1 (40) w2,0 = −k2,1sign(z2,1 ) z2,1 E-ISSN: 2224-2678 (33) 101 α 2,1 Volume 13, 2014 (41) WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS Weiqiang Tang, Zhiyuan Rui, Jinghua Zhang = s2 z2,1 + ξ 2 0.3 ξ2 = − w2,0 (43) 0.2 0.1 p2 (44) ia(A) w2,1 = −φ2 s2 − η 2 s2 q2 0.4 (42) 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 4.3 Simulation Results and Analysis -0.4 0 The motor nominal data are referred to [26], and the simulation parameters are chosen as φ= η= φ= η= 10 , q1 p1 = 3 5 , q2 p2 = 1 5 . 1 1 2 2 1 time(s) Fig. 8 Stator current 1.5 2 ia versus time 30 6 θ r 20 θ 5 10 4 ua(V) Position(rad) 0.5 3 0 2 -10 1 -20 0 0 0.5 1 time(s) 1.5 -30 0 2 Fig. 5 Actual and reference position versus time 0.5 1 time(s) Fig. 9 Stator voltage 1.5 2 ua versus time 0.06 6 θ 5 0.04 Position(rad) Position error(deg) θ r 0.05 0.03 0.02 4 3 2 1 0.01 0 0.5 1 time(s) 1.5 2 0 0 0.5 Fig. 6 Position error versus time 1.5 2 Fig. 10 Actual and reference position with uncertainties -4 0 1 time(s) x 10 0.12 -0.2 Position error(deg) 0.1 d i (A) -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -1 0 0.5 1 time(s) Fig. 7 Direct current E-ISSN: 2224-2678 1.5 2 -0.02 0 id versus time 0.5 1 time(s) 1.5 2 Fig. 11 Position error versus time with uncertainties 102 Volume 13, 2014 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS Weiqiang Tang, Zhiyuan Rui, Jinghua Zhang disturbance, i.e., the load torque TL = 2 Nm, the simulation results are shown in Fig. 10~Fig. 14. The proposed controller can efficiently correct the undesirable deviations due to the uncertainties and manages to accomplish the trajectory tracking with high accuracy, as shown in Fig. 10. It is observed in Fig. 11 that the performance is slightly degraded. The direct current is slight in spite of uncertainties shown in Fig. 12. The demanded current and voltage are described in Fig. 13 and Fig. 14. Other simulation results also show the robustness of the proposed controller with respect to uncertainties. 0.015 0.01 d i (A) 0.005 0 -0.005 -0.01 0 Fig. 12 0.5 1 time(s) 1.5 2 id versus time with uncertainties 0.4 0.3 5 Conclusions 0.2 Based on geometric homogeneity and fast terminal sliding mode, a high-order sliding mode control design algorithm is proposed for uncertain nonlinear systems. According to the above simulations and analysis, several conclusions can be drawn: (1) designing a controller for the nominal system is simple using geometric homogeneity; in fact, the controller defines a trajectory to be tracked; and (2) the fast terminal sliding mode concept is used to design another controller for rejecting uncertainties instead of the conventional sliding mode control design principle. As a result, a continuous law is obtained, so chattering effect can be reduced without increasing the relative degree of the system. 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