Les Dentelles de Montmirail 797 792 793 O Rocher du Grand Travers I ParkingforChair deGigondas h'U •' - . " • " • 794 I Chaine du Grand Travers Rocher du Cayron Rocher du Cayron Chaine du Grand Travers Rocher du Cayron A pleasant location featuring a collection of slabby routes on good compact rock. Approach - See page 190. Ga+ y Chicos 6a+ V Agrhume ©Loloa 6c+ 9 Virgule 5+ 3 Dessine-Moi Une Grenouille . . . ©L'Astronef 6b SHSdlfil © Funambulle 8JG0S1 OvolauVent £§l[Hiil OfialduRoc Gc 7a 6c CD Cachemire ® (ES1I I 6a The start used to come in from the right (hence the oddlypositioned bolt) but chipped holds now lead directly. *> Les Jardins Suspendus Salsa 6b © Folle Envie 6b+ !£> Les Quatres Saisons... 6b Carence Photo opposite. 7a Le Grand Mouvement.. 1 1 6b+ ©Captive {&GH L'lmpermanence Ninos La Terre Apres la Bombe '& Unknown L'Homme Volant 7a ©Voyage-Voyage 6b+ © L'Encre de Tes Y e u x . . . {S [S '& Frankie Goes to Virginie 1 Cuba Libre & Chan Chan u) Talons Aiguille et Bas Reside £) Conpadres Adam Gill on Carence (6b) - opposite 196 I Chainedu Grand Travers Rocherdu Grand Tr her du Grand Travers Chaine du Grand Travers lljj Rocher du Grand Travers Good rock and short, friendly routes following good lines plus a sunny aspect make this a popular spot for groups and families. Approach • Warning - At time of writing, the threat of a rockfall posed by some large boulders at the top of the crag (belays of routes 16-18 are on these blocks) has closed the left-hand side of the crag. La Dalle de I'Arbre Ambiance et Cotillon P.E.G.C. 13 La Petpluoktoncul La Jacqueline La Jolie Dalle ©La Fastoche La Bonbulu La Leonne Le Faux Pas D'Artif La Leon L'Ave Haineux 5 6b ©LaLyon 61)4- ® Cracoucass . S t a r t en Feu 6a+ 5 La Sophie 5 Le Golot Critique 5+ La Fissure 6a La Danone 6a La Gauche de la Droite D L'Annie L'lvaldi .................. i r |_ © L'Octobule ............... SI I 6a I 5+ 77)e fi/ia/ ftVe routes 0/Ve pleasant easy climbing on the end wall. © La Niquedouille ............ o?H _ An easy initial slab leads to a prominent crackline. © La Garce ................. iSl_ I 5 I 4+ Scramble up past a detached block at 3m then follow the corner/ crack up leftwards. © Le Vivier ................. {J}|_ I 4+ Start left of the big tree, four bolts lead up past another tree, then continue to the top. Super Mollasson A very amenable line. 5 6a © L'Enfance de I'Art.. 5+ ©LaG.G 5 ©LaD7 © Les Mollasons ............... I_ I3 The final, ultra short, route on the right-hand side of the crag. Orpierre 200 I Chaine de Gigondas Diedre de Savoie 5+ Diedre de Provence Hamdulilha 6b 7b+ 0 Oceane 5+ Vipere a Sonnette 6a •*• Diedre de Provence . 1)6a, 2)6a. Photo opposite. 6a+ Apollo 13 7a 'Tibet Libre . 1)4+, 2)6b+, 3)7b+ Jomo . 1)5+, 2)4+ Montelimar. . . Approach from Jomo. 6a+ 01 Le Seme Guignol... 1)6a, 2)6a+ 6a © Le Jouret la Nuil... 1)5, 2) 6a © Solstice d'Ete . (D Dur la Reprise. 5+ 5+ 6b+ 6b O Super Cog Lufalukejelcus. 1)5, 2)6b+ 6a+ 1) 6a+, 2) 6a+ 5+ Faute de Prises . . 5+ La Route de la Vie. ' Tierra del Fuego 1 5 La Savoyarde 1)5,2)4+ 1 Bismilha. . Williwaux Ourdes96.. 6b+ 7a © Fleche a Jojo 1) 6b, 2) 5+ Nanie. 1)6a+, 2)5 © Homme a Lunettes... dre de Provence Chaine de Gigondas 6b 6a+ 7c Start as for Nanie or Mauvais. © Mauvais Jour 1)6b+, 2)7a De Champeville 7a 5+ Approach up Nanie which is 6a+. €> Tour de Chauffe. © La Griffe du Lion © Petit Pilier . Je Suis un Communiste . . . 7a+ I 7a I 6b I 6c+ Photos on page 190 and 203. 6c+ 6a+ Diedre de Provence A mixture of routes following strong natural lines. Diedre de Provence is well worth doing and is probably the most popular route here. Approach - See page 190 for main approach. Head left when you reach the top of the approach path. A team enjoying the classic Diedre de Provence (6a) opposite. 202 I Chaine de Gigondas Arete Lagarde L'Aiguillette Lagar £ 1) 5, 2) 5. Can be done in 1 long single pitch. Crack en Stock.. E2D 5 6b O Week-end a Vichy 4+ v Tout Crapato C'est C a n o n . . . Aliens Z'Enfants Archimede . . . 6a 6b+ O Oral au Moral . Tintin Sous la Dentelle 1)4+, 2)5+ & 1)4+, 2)4+ Spartacus 5+ Boule et Bill 1)5,2)5+ Lucky Luke . . . Rantanplan... Petite Emetine 1)3,2)5,2)4+ Super Lolo La Belle Alexandra 1)5,2)5 Arete Est de L'Aiguillette Lagarde Directe de L'Aiguillette Kebra le Loub Arete Quest de L'Aiguillette Garganta 1)5+, 2)5+ e Socle... Tischmacher > Filler Clair . Citron Hallucinogene 6a+, 2 ) 6 b , 2 } 7 a 3D Vibration 1) 6a+. As for Citron.... 2) 6b+, 3} 6b ;' 24 25 26 L'Aiguillette Lagarde IA wealth of short, slabby routes at the top of the I approach path ensures popularity. The longer routes take I striking lines to the very top of the crag. I Approach - See page 190 for main approach. | This is the area just right at the top of the approach path. Diedre de Pfovence o o Eliffll E33 " o «J Emprise Directe i)7b, 2)7a+ 35 Baleine Sous Caillou /o &[HS1[ SI 1)6c, 2)6c Avt .en SH (D Groupe Electrogene SI ©Jardinland Si I ® Radio Moquette uH 3) CeSoirou Jamais Morizot-Parat iSl '1)4, 2)5+, 3} 5+ © Larguez Tout & k_l I iSI Super Regina wl Fleurde Lotus iSI Ludwig ' DokterGigi '* UJI S? ISlI I ' Prince des Tenebres SIS > Mr. Wonderful 1© Lobotomitique. 1 |O Nulle Part D'Ailleurs ' Face Est 1 Les Copains D'Abord I© L'luresse de la Victoire I'Aigiiillrtti- Lagarde 1 ID ATitre Provisoire ,&) Surplomb Variation .. sBfiienNeVa ^© Managa i) Le Dauphin D'Argent .... l)6b+,2)6b ';© Glasnost |y«K U? Croqueuse D'Hommes ... ' Banana Split ;0 Arete Sur Image * Temps Decadents Uj |1}6b+, 2)5 St) Pierrelatine Diedre des Parisiens . . . O Referentiel Bondissant y Terre Etrangere l)7a+, 2)6a f'*|l)5+,2)5+ {$ Petits Moutons |1)6C, 2)6c l*£> Voie du Surplomb . . . ,l)6c, 2)6a+ $3 $ F""1 Ht $3 fp~ Le Mythe de la Beaute du Diable UJ 10 Hamburger Morizot-Parat IA number of impressive wall climbs, many I stretching to the summit ridge, make this feel a bit I more adventurous than the average sport crag. I Approach - See page 190 for main approach. I Walk right from the L'AiguiNette Lagarde sector. 6a Soleil Couchant La Dalle du Banlieusard i?3 [ZZD .Q Kj O \ Ch o Traversee Chainedu Clapis \<r\( Chagrin d'Humei Chagrin d'Humeur Diane ................... 5+ Orange Mechanique, 6a 1)6a, 2)5+ A long trad route for which few details are known. Brazil Nike.. 6a There are two continuation routes above Diane. Jardin. 5+ Silence 0 Qa Bade un Max 6a ©TablierRose .............. {|}| 6c 1)5+, 2) 6c O Rape 6b 6a Mid d'Ecureuil 5+ Cheeseburger... 1)6a,2}6a+ Comme un Oiseau Sans Ailes . . a+, 2)6a+ 6b 6c (D Charter Pour Ouaga 2} 6a, 3) 6c 7a © Oes Gestes Pour le Faire . . 6a 6a 7a+ 1 N'Accablez Pas I'Os 7a Chagrin d'Humeur 5+ 1)5+, 2)5+ © Belote et Rebelote. 1)6b, 2)6a Planplanette 6b • 6a 1}6a, 2)6a 1)5+, 2)6b+, 3}7a 6a+ W Ventre Gris Bb 1) 6a. As for Nid d'Ecureuil. 2) 6b, 3) 6b • Electric Soupgon Jeu d'Artifice O Pan Bagnat. 1) 5+, 2) 7a+. The second pitch can be gained from the left. 6b © Chateau de Sable. l)6a, 2)6b ©Semenova WlluL 7a A steep alternative finishing pitch. 6b Q) Bayonnette . . 1)5+,2}6b Nikita &C Baramine et Belles Ecailles . . .{?f| © Sucre d'Orge. 1)5,2)6b The first sector you come across is a popular spot, with plenty of slabby routes up excellent rock. It might not be a good spot on a cool windy day as the wind funnels through the notch in the chain. Approach - See page 190 for main approach. These walls are left of the notch. 6a+ 5+ 6b © Croissant Chaud iSl 6b 1) 6a. Can continue direct for a good 6b+ alternative. 2) 6h ;© Expo Systeme [l)6a+, 2)6b+ 61)4- Attention Fragile 6b+ w Trainee Marron 1)5+, 2}6b+ SJ| 6a 1) 6a. Start up Croissant Chaud. 2) 6a. Can be done in one long run out. Vires Rouges Some brilliant technical wall climbs with some almost-as-good steep slabs to go at. This sector is often more sheltered from the wind than the previous one. Approach - See page 190 for main approach. This wall is just right of the notch. Vires Rouges Chaine du Clapis B1.3 O L'Eliminante (E> Panique Rend Sourd 0) Panique el Lime .. & Vil le Coyote Photo this page. Bougede La ^ © Le Pire Ami du Loup Les Novis ^2 ^2 La Poire i2 L'Oreille Absolue (D Tern pete de Cerveau.. 1)6a+, 2)7b t> Le Philanthrope 1)7a,2)6c+ 1 Andropete ' Grottea Gateau ^2 > Reved'6 © Rapt a la Trnnqonneuse ... ^ 2 1}6a+. 2)6b, 3)6b+ © New Baby 1)6a+, 2)6b+ w Vires Rouges & 1} 4+, 2) 6a+. Can split at a belay on New Baby, 3) 6b 6c+ L Enter des Roudoudous , 2)6a 6a+ Fonction Nerf d'Acier O Georgette a Plat O Macroscope Roudoudous Directos l)6b, 2)6b+ , 2)6b+ ;hris Keag on Vil Itt Coyote (6a) - this page. 272 I Chaine du Clapis Vistemboir A justifiably popular sector with a number of good two and three pitch routes that feel quite airy. Bring a 60m rope and lots of quickdraws and you can try and link some of the pitches. Approach - See page 190 for main approach. Follow the path right aiong the crag base. Ophilippus , 2)6a, 3)6b+ The next seven routes all share the first pitch of Philiippus, 5. Esoleroc 1) 5, 2) 6b+, 3) 6a+. There may be a 4th pitch. 6b+ O Les Memoires de Darwin . . 1)5, 2) 6c 0 Un Minou aux Yeux d'Ocean 1)5, 2)7a, 3)6b :4 -- "- \^f WS/-L ''^ O Piano Postiche 1)5, 2)5+, 3) 7a Luna Speed 1)5, 2)5+, 3)6b+ Vistemboir 1)5, 2)4+, 3} 5+, 4 ) 5 + EgoTne .................. 1)4+, 2 ) 5 + Solidarnosc Approach from Ego'ine. 1) 5+, 2) 6a Les Conquistadors .......... Approach from Ego'ine. 1) 5+, 2) 6a © Megalomane Gaga 1 ) 6 b , 2 } 4 + , 3)6a, 4)6a+ .......... © Megalomane ........... 1) and 2) as for Megaiomane Gaga. 3) 6a, 4) 6b Benedetti 1)5+, 2)6a+, 3)6a ................ 9 Melomane Gaga (P1) Three more pitches - see previous page <2 Karsherigene Tintin au Bidet No Commenf La Planete aux Scorpions . . . . ©Plume 6b+ © L e Local Loco Profenator ID Rire en Dedans Tous des Gosses LeZan El Mon Capo Camouflage Au Pays du Soleil Brulant Photo on page 21 3. ©LeZain O Unanime C'etait un Roaw Benedetli (P1) Three more pitches - see previous page Full Double Full $ Hymnosens On I'Appelle Fossile O L'Enfant de Sable Urgence du Pire Pebroune route continues for two pitches on old gear. Ultimatum Gogol Blues La Vie au Chon Sacrepuscule Nebuleuse (P1) The route continues for four pitches on old gear. LeZebre Hula Hop La Loi du Caniveau Le Marquis ©Germinal LeLelo Les Demons du Temps Immobile Crise d'Autorite Nebuleuse A wide wall with mostly single pitch routes that don't get a huge amount of attention. The quality generally improves as you move further to the right. Approach - See page 190 for main approach. Follow the path right along the craq base. O Petit Verin Detour au Purgatore . . . Masculin Singulier ____ Giilou The most impressive sector at the Dentelles with plenty of big, steep, hard routes to choose from if you are up to them. Sheltered from the rain, the routes here tend to stay well-chalked-up, making them look all the more inviting. Approach - See page 190 for main approach. Follow the path right along the crag base. O Bassora Fiesta Q) Regards de Profanes . . id 0 Over the Topinambours . « ChaineduClapis © C'etait un Petit Bonheur wL5i bti i &l9ll£ll i 7b+ 7b © Complicite d'un Paradoxe.. Ufffll © Le Lezard de Balthazar . © Outrage ® 1 Gitlou <2 The original start is up the previous route. The start shown is Garagiste aux Mains Blanches, the grade is unchanged. /\7b+to the first belay. © Rien a Cirer © Ocunu Beach La Transformation du Boulanger © Est-Ouest Pas de Doute © Saddam Kiki Osmose Moxita I 7c ; Two more pitches can be climbed at 5+, A1 if you want to get to thfitoo of the wall. I 8b 7c 7b+ 7c © Qa Cracotte 7b © Gigondas New York . . . S 7b+ i? © J'ai Deux Amours i£ © Bird's Beach 7b Ticket Pour un Aller Simple Lune de Miel In sharp contrast to the wall to the left, the routes here are slabby and technical. The rock is perfect and the routes are absorbing. Approach - See page 190 for main approach Follow the path right along the crag base. ^^•ifcs^ , • -^^-M^^^f^:^^^ &&*& < • 1^^^^^^^^-^^^ :fe^?^^ O Loin de la Foute l)7a. Continue past the first belay. 2)7a+ O Petits Doigls de Fee . . . £J , 2)7b+ 7b+ la Ballade du Mahabhartata 1)61)+, 2»6a+, 3)6b O Les Chemins du MerveilleuxS Courte Echelle Crenoline O Mini Prises, Max! Vols 1)7b, 2)7b, 3)5+ Lune de Miel 1) 6a+, 2) 6a, 3) 6a. Photo opposite. O Invitation a la Danse . . Mandragore 1)6a+, 2)5+, 3)5+ •T rj^KT^ 220 | ChaineduClapis Blocus Blocus A concentration of great slab routes, the best of | which run for two pitches or more. Approach - See page 190 for main approach. Follow the path right along the crag base. £$ AgadirRiena Dire W L'Ombre d'un Doute ©L'arlaCroft (D pjgne de Coucou Revede Singe 1)6a,2)5+ •:".^ **f Les Vautours Blocus ChaineduClapis S^IE ttHSl w ,-CP- Sifc%. .._: ^ H-^^V/»M t^ 'j^^ >' V * W7 T • T ' 4 ''. 1 f7,4f';f i -v w V x - ' - ' - - --f ' •' t^>A/** fW&f&'^A 6a 1)5+, 2 ) 5 , 3 ) 6a ** Gueule de Loup ^i Italian Shoes &l ..$?' wl 1)6a+, 2)5+ © Turbostyle &ISIZ 6b+ 1)6b+, 2 ) 5 . © Pinpin et Yeye -syrvva ,-; ^ -J&' ^W^vSTl ^?*«,V \V' '"* **• ** *.-*»*'- < „ •:: ^Gargolot t*1)Bh.2)5+ "i iUSIISC ;^ 55lSdl_ iSL >.® Scorpigouille '*1)6a, 2)5+ 1)5+, 2) 5+ ^^ ;r t-^r — iSL , 25 Douce Romance ., C$. .1V *;' ,>;' 6a / *' »^> rA ' .- U Histoire d'Aulx | ?SL '' 1)6a+, 2)5+ ** © Pilier Central Direct .'1)5+,2)5+,3)6b ^•L> •*! t's'' t^%> .* &OHL ® Dernier Tango au Clapis j1)6a, 2)6a : is possible to scran down from the second belays on routes 27-31 •lit hardly worth it. SJL -"Jv j-^i j '•^ Tango Direct WL ©Mad Max &[BL ' 1)6b,2)6a \ ®Blocus .....J.., rS. it S51BC 6a .1)63,2)63,3)5 Sans Issue 1 6a+ La Berlue 6c+ Malpertuis 6c Perverse Devers M* Nucleus ^ Roc d'Azur ..$: La Nova £31 11) 5+. Start up Nucleus to maintain the grade. 2) 5+, 3) 6a+ 6b+ O Coup de Boule ! 1) 6c+. Start up Malpertuis. 2) 6b+ 61) S^l *f ® Extreme Droit @l I 6a I 5+ > ! 1)6a,2)5+ 1 J Further to the right, there is a notch in the crag where the wind often whistles through. Beyond here the development is much less evident, though the rock is good. The areas to the right are seasonally restricted and not covered in this guide. Tfte nexf roufe is started by scrambling up an easy ramp to the upper right-hand side of the wall. Soupgons Picots de Rose .0 Une Ideeeen I'Air .. 5+ Hugo Delire. 1) 5, 2) 5+, 3) 6a Saint Christophe Cascad Cascade A sheltered, sunny spot with a collection of routes covering the grade' *j spectrum. The low grade slabby pitches at the base of the wall are popular with groups, so if there's a minibus at the parking area, you may I find it wise to move onto somewhere else if you're looking for 4s and 5s. Approach - See page 190. lFrom the limited parking on the bend, to|low the road which almost leads to the base of the crag. A path leads off under the wall from here. Cascade Saint Christophe Gougniaffier Quelques Gouttes 0 Les Pieds dans le Plat O Pekin 1) 7c. Continue on from Les Pieds... 2) 6c Mori aux Dents Les Ratasi . . , O Unknown 1)6c+, 2}7a+ Diedre a Sec Restosec Alexandra J) Sale Verdure ® Pascal leRappeur.. Rideau de Pluie Adheresec v) Concretion ©Unknown . 1)7b+, 2)7b W Unknown. . _____ May be 7c+ to the tirst belay. Unknown. . " © Project ® La Main Droite du Diable Unknown Unknown ) Diedre des Cascades 1) 6b+, 2} 6a Unknown Unknown Varvava Unknown A finish to the Diddre des Cascades Unknown Saint Christophe Le Grand Toit r-T^. ' V "!-*&> .gjt -'mss*^*?****' ,****& 7l3*~jx*' ' I <£&-- Le Grand Toit Saint Christophe Le Grand Toit The right-hand side of the Cascade area has a huge roof and some good blocky walls crossed by a series of horizontal breaks. The routes here tend to be short and powerful. It is a bit of a sun-trap but good in the winter. Approach - See page 190. From the limited parking on the bend, follow the road which almost leads to the base of the crag. A path leads off under the wall from here. J!*«5*«, -ft'i--'> ?5*7; ffffgHH P?H f> ''**£? ^*s \ \ M 8 \ i '• > , , \i \ Approach the roof routes from here I ? © Unknown. ffi[H[ ffi Unknown 7b+ O Unknown. UJlfil © Unknown 6a+ O Unknown. &M ©Unknown 6c 0 Unknown. © Unknown. 6a O Unknown. r \ •i • • ' 7a 6c+ 7a 6c+ 6C+ De Brame. , 8b O Com me une mouche.... UJ The centre of the huge roof. wlfil © Unknown &Hl O Unknown [ O Unknown ®E0H[ O Unknown 7c+ W Unknown iJHllll I 7a+ The same lower-off is passed on the right. This one tackles the left-hand edge of the big roof. ? 7a+ 7b 7b 7b ffi Unknown 7b tiy Unknown. Start up the previous route. 7b 0DDH[ © Unknown &ODH[ ©Unknown Start up the previous route. © Thick + Soft ffilllll I 6c Climb up to a hanging corner then follow the bolts out left. © Unknown {SlUl I 6c Start up the previous route but go direct from the corner. 6b+ © Unknown i$ Start up Pek Machine and break out right. 6b+ W Pek Machine The next line is fairly direct. tU Saint Christophe Tyrolienne Saint Christophe I 229 %**\ ^^^Q I .9\ 9V- > to* -?i' V«vl& W --***» l^% 9^ #vtt °v;V'lJ&V «H *' '<$. «r^~^' 57-: .,*• • • ' « , » fcV ^:: r^ ^U -r~ 9^ Tl**1^'" tV'-- Take care-big drop belc >- ^\\ tV4. v rA Tyrolienne jjJust below the parking for Saint Christophe, Tyrolienne is [ I a sort of miniature crag. The rock is good, but the routes I are very short. A good, low-stress venue for novices. (Approach - See page 190. I From the upper parking, below St. Christoph, follow a I short path to the clifftop, then descend down the left|hand side (looking in) of the crag to reach the base. m^ * ©La Fougasse 5 9 La Meme de la-Haul. ® La Muscat d'lci .. 6a+ y Les Filochons ® La Piquette 4+ O L'Escagasse UD La Marc a Pinard. 3 O La Ragout Tonton... ^) Les Coucougnettes a Monsieur Bean ** Les Mollets de Daniel ™ Morgan Aussi & © Gratte-Cul $ Photo opposite, 0 A Fleur de Roc 6b ^ © Chibrette & W Mulot Intrepide .. y Giani ® Figue Molle El Desole si J'lmisse .. y Parpinasse a Gogo.. ^ WSalino _ Q? Les Escoubilles .. 5+ w) Les Blaireaux . . . -, W Gaston 6a 6a O Vendage en Delire .. ® Unnamed ® Unnamed ; Keag on . ™ Unnamed South Face Saint Christophe Saint Christophe An attractive roadside venue wifh a range of good one and two-pitch routes on very good rock. The crag is quite exposed, so best avoided on windy days. yj Approach - See page 190. A path leads direct from the upper parking to the crag.j r;. '*'£T.-it,'^^v^v''^ V j -«'„' » , * , Delicate et Zen © Amadorix et Clef au Platre ©God Bless You W You Want Transport © Big Blair le Wlaletique © Le Dame de Flair & Photo on page 21. •) La Tautologie de Jacques D Le Magicien d'Oz La Fraise des Doigts .. Si Gargot Scie &> J.M. Charasse & La Rondeur des Jours ft ® Tout est Bon a Prendre .... Poison d'Avril f1 ® Generation Nictout l> Eleusis t* Le Caprice des Vieux You can extend it by continuing to join Gilky. " L'Etrange Mutisme de I'Eolienne a Le Grand Mechant Look ... 1)7a,2)6b La Bidule True Mush ® Kali Koba Gain from the right or via La Bidule. En Route PourTechnotitlan La Voie est Libre a I O Tele-Ragot Finsh left or right. ') Merci Nature ® Le Forgat de Sainte Helene
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