Courier Spring 2014

Vol 23 No 3 Spring 2014
Spotlight on our Programs
Spotlight is a series of articles that will feature different services and departments
throughout CONCERN so those inside and outside of the organization will have a better
understanding of the services and departments that comprise our mission.
Quality Assurance
Quality is an attribute we all appreciate and value. Maintaining quality
requires attention and focused efforts.
Quality assurance refers to those focused efforts which ensure a degree
of quality. In general, quality assurance is the planned and systematic
set of activities implemented to ensure that the required quality
standards for a product or service are satisfied.
Page 2
Focus on our Families
Page 4
Staff Receives SPIN®
Page 5
So what is quality assurance in the human services sector and what is its
role at CONCERN?
Youthful Achievements
In the human services field, the quality assurance activities include
systematic monitoring and evaluation processes as well as a focus on the
improvement of processes and services. This ensures that substandard
services are not in any way provided to any clients. This constant and
vigilant monitoring ensures that services provided are of the highest
Through teamwork,
Quality assurance at CONCERN also involves the planning,
implementing, and evaluating of a broad range of quality improvement/
assurance projects to ensure that our clients at all service sites, as well as
our foster homes, are assured of quality services.
The quality assurance efforts at CONCERN are led by Quality
(continued on page 3)
cultural awareness and
quality personalized
services, CONCERN
promotes respect,
self-worth and trust in
individuals and fosters
the growth of healthy,
responsible and
productive community
Focus on our Families – The Coolbaughs
“Focus on our Families” is a series of articles that will feature foster and adoptive parents and
their experiences so those inside and outside of the organization will have a better
understanding of the importance and the rewards of foster parenting and being an adoptive
Foster parenting may not be a genetic trait, but in
the Coolbaugh family it may very well be. William
(Bill) and Joanne Coolbaugh have been foster
parents getting their inspiration from Bill’s parents
who were also foster parents.
Bill and Joanne have always enjoyed a very busy
lifestyle. Joanne is an ordained minister and enjoys
running a baking business out of her home. Bill is
retired and enjoys running and gardening.
Bill and Joanne have also always enjoyed a very busy
home having raised 10 children (four biological and
six adopted). For the past 34 years, including the
past four with CONCERN’s Susquehanna Valley
Regional Office, Bill and Joanne kept adding to
their family by fostering more than 80 children
providing safety, security, and love.
Age, gender and circumstances have not mattered to
Bill and Joanne as they have welcomed into their
home both school-age children and teens having
dealt with issues ranging from drug addicted infants
to infants and toddlers with eye and pulmonary
issues to children with terminal diagnoses.
Jenna Morrone, Susquehanna Valley Caseworker,
states, “The Coolbaughs have always gone above and
beyond to assure that their biological, adopted and
foster children have all of their needs met from the
basic needs of unconditional love, unwavering
support, and food, clothing, and shelter to mental
health, behavioral, and medical needs.”
Jenna continues her praises in stating, “They do a
wonderful job working with birth parents by
providing them with updates on how their child is
doing to educating them on medical care to
maintaining and supervising visits and they provide
support to the parents after reunification as well as
maintain contact
with several of
their former
foster children.”
William and Joanne Coolbaugh
One example of
the compassionate and quality care Bill and Joanne
provide is the fostering of a one year old terminally
ill child named “Joey” who is blind, deaf, and does
not crawl. Over the past year, Bill and Joanne have
attended numerous doctor appointments, heartwrenching emergency room visits and waits through
medical and surgical procedures to make sure Joey
pulled through.
Even though Joey needs nearly round the clock
medical attention, Bill and Joanne never neglect
their two teen children who live at home or their
community. They are active members of their
church, stay involved with youth group, and on a
bi-weekly basis they assist with cooking for and
feeding over 200 homeless. Additionally, Bill and
Joanne are always willing to provide support to
other foster parents.
The Foster Family of the Year Award goes to . . .
Being selfless, unassuming people, accolades and
recognition are the furthest things from Bill and
Joanne’s minds. They were nonetheless nominated
and honored as Foster Family of the Year by The
Pennsylvania State Resource Family Association
(PSRFA) at a ceremony at their annual conference
held on October 18, 2103 at the Holiday Inn
Harrisburg-Hershey in Grantville, Pennsylvania.
Congratulations Bill and Joanne! You are not only
special to CONCERN, but also to all of those lives
you have touched over the years.
• Courier • Spring 2014 • • 2
Quality Assurance (continued from page 1)
Assurance Administrator Ginny Ysa, MS, MSW.
In this position Ms. Ysa provides quality assurance
and quality improvement support to regional
offices and residential sites assuring compliance
with regulations. Ms. Ysa’s duties at CONCERN
seem quite daunting, but she possesses the
requisite skills and experience to manage her tasks
quite admirably.
Aside from the planning, implementing, and
evaluating of a broad range of quality
improvement/assurance projects, Ms. Ysa is also
responsible for the review and negotiation of
agency purchase of service contracts.
project called the Quality Improvement Initiative.
This initiative helped staff at CONCERN’s
Treatment Unit for Boys learn and implement a
continuous quality improvement process.
Another quality improvement initiative has been
the Corporate Support of Sites project. This is
basically a customer service survey where our
different sites rate the support provided by
CONCERN’s administrative office. This project
has been a catalyst for many improvements at
CONCERN’s quality assurance efforts are yet
another example of how we continue to fulfill our
pledge to provide hope, opportunity and change
to those in need by providing our services in an
efficient and quality manner.
During her early tenure at CONCERN, Ms. Ysa’s
projects included the development of data
management systems to monitor and ensure
compliance. In recent years, Ms. Ysa
and the Director of Residential Services
Enclosed is my gift to CONCERN
collaborated with National Center for
in the amount of: $ _________________________________
Juvenile Justice (NCJJ) on a state-wide
Upcoming Event
April 17 - CONCERN Charity Bingo
will be held at the Fleetwood Grange
beginning at 6:30 PM and will feature
trendy purses, totes, and accessories
from Thirty-One and also items from
Coach. Admission of $20 includes
twenty games of bingo, a hot dog,
beverage, and door prize. Contact
Jane Zettlemoyer at 610-944-0445 for
For more information on this event
or any other CONCERN event, visit
the website at:
City_________________________ State________ Zip______________
Please charge to my credit card: q MasterCard q VISA
Cardholder signature (required)
Card number
Exp. date (month/year)
Visit for secure online donations.
Contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Please mail coupon to: CONCERN • Development Department
One West Main Street • Fleetwood, PA 19522
The official registration and financial information of CONCERN - Professional Services for Children,
Youth, and Families may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free,
within Pennsylvania, (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
A copy of the current financial statement of CONCERN – Professional Services for Children, Youth, and
Families is available by writing One West Main Street, Fleetwood, PA 19522 or by calling (610) 944-0445.
Documents and information submitted under the Maryland Solicitations Act are also available, for the cost of
postage and copies, from the Maryland Secretary of State, State House, Annapolis, MD 21401,
(410) 974-5534.
• Courier • Spring 2014 • • 3
Staff Receives SPIN® Certification
Over the past 18 months, Becky Keller, Supervisor, and Christine
Kopanski, Caseworker, from CONCERN’s Greater Berks office, worked
diligently to meet the requirements for SPIN® Certification as part of the
Mother/Baby Foster Care program.
Under the guidance and tutelage of Teeda Jagne, Maryland Regional
Office assistant administrator and certified SPIN® trainer, Becky and
Christine routinely travelled to Maryland for training toward
(left to right) Teeda Jagne, Christine
Kopanski, Becky Keller, and Jane
In addition to the 18 months of training, Becky and Christine also were required to present a detailed
presentation to their colleagues using actual cases they were assigned.
On December 6, 2013, Becky and Christine were rewarded for their efforts when Jane Nestel-Patt, President
and CEO of SPIN® USA presented their certification as Certified Video Home Technicians.
SPIN®, which is a Dutch acronym, translates as the Association for the Promotion of Intensive Home Based
Intervention. SPIN® is an internationally validated strength-based training approach focusing on what an
individual is already doing that is successful.
Direct care staff and parents (yes, fathers too) learn to use direct videotaped observation, detailed analysis of
interaction and strengths-based feedback and coaching to strengthen families. SPIN® Video Home Training
focuses on supporting parents in developing the qualities of responsive nurturing of their children that will
support optimal learning and healthy social, emotional and cognitive development.
The Mother/Baby Program is designed to provide support to the adolescent or expectant mother in her
efforts to develop a good parent-child relationship and become a productive citizen. The program focuses on
four areas of competency: parenting skills, child development, safe sexual practices and independent living
skills with CONCERN determining outcomes by the use of pre- and post-competency testing.
Thank You!
Boy Scout Troop #505 from Earl Township Boyertown,
under the leadership of Tim Evans, donated 22 bicycles to
the children in CONCERN’s care.
Not everyone was
unhappy with the
snow this season. The
residents at
CONCERN Treatment
Unit for Boys in Coatesville had fun making snow angels.
• Courier • Spring 2014 • • 4
Youthful Achievements
CONCERN congratulates the many children
in care who are active in their schools and
communities and achieve personal and public
goals. The following is just a small representation
of the achievements of our youth over the past
several months:
Derika B., 19, completed the requirements to
obtain her Certified Nursing Assistant certification
from Nurse One, Inc. and is preparing to take her
state board examination.
Kendra M., 10, wowed the audience when she
sang a solo performance with her church choir.
She is an active member in Sunday school.
Natalia H., 2 and Secia H., 1, have made great
strides in their development thanks to their foster
mom digging up any and all services to get them to
be the best that they can possibly be.
Brayden P., 6, is a happy and energetic little boy.
He attends Head Start and has made some new
friends. He is signed up for soccer and is so excited
to start playing.
Sofia R., 7, and Salena S., 10, are happy and
adorable little girls who are taking dance classes.
They danced with their class at the Philadelphia
76ers game when they retired Allen Iverson’s jersey.
Both girls are looking forward to being adopted by
their foster family soon.
Danielle C., 14, maintains excellent grades in
school and has resumed contact with her younger
Norman W., 17, has been accepted to West
Chester University and plans to begin his studies in
the Fall 2014 semester.
Christina B., 17, made the distinguished honor
roll at school and was accepted to Bloomsburg
University. She is preparing for track season and is
the co-assistant editor for her school newspaper.
Christina is also excited about her trip to France
this summer with her school.
Thoughts from the
Executive Director
CONCERN’s mission statement
reads “Through teamwork, cultural
awareness and quality personalized
services, CONCERN promotes
Paul D. Rieger, MSW
respect, self-worth and trust in
individuals and fosters the growth of healthy,
responsible and productive community members.”
This singular statement acknowledges our
commitment to all those that we will serve in the
hopes of improving their lives. Our mission truly
reflects our core values and the manner in which we
perceive ourselves and our clients.
The information contained in this newsletter is not
only a reflection of our mission statement, but also
how we use it as a guiding principle each day.
With an emphasis on quality assurance, we make sure
that maintaining quality is not just good business, but
also the best way to serve our clients.
Our “Focus on our Families” segment shows that
having dedicated and caring foster parents as well as
staff receiving additional credentials and certifications
will assuredly bring about the healthy, responsible and
productive community members we profess.
Of course, there are the “Youthful Achievements.”
Our mission could not be complete without singling
out our clients for their personal accomplishments. It
is these achievements that make all of jobs worthwhile
and the reason we come to work each day.
Finally, there are you, our loyal friends and donors.
You may not realize it, but you are very much a part
of our mission. Your generosity all year-long also
helps to foster the growth of healthy, responsible
and productive community members. Each time
you make a donation or attend an event, you are, in
essence, helping us fulfill our mission and for this we
are truly grateful.
• Courier • Spring 2014 • • 5
Leadership Statement
Leadership ... is
a participative process,
in which everyone
is a stakeholder
and has the
as well as the
responsibility, to
contribute to
the success
of the organization.
The Courier is published by CONCERN Professional Services for Children, Youth, and Families
Your comments and suggestions are always welcome by mail, phone,
fax or e-mail addressed to the Development Department at our Corporate Office: One West Main Street •
Fleetwood, PA 19522 • (610) 944-0445 • FAX (610) 944-8834 • [email protected]
One West Main Street
Fleetwood PA 19522
Board of Directors
Raymond J. Albert
G. Thompson Bell, III
William C. Cooperman
Glenn J. Hillegass
Roger N. Longenecker
Stefanie E. Nester
Paula Plageman
Sandra L. Weidner
Nancy W. Weikert
CONCERN Service Sites:
Foster Care/Adoption Services
Greater Berks Regional Office
Fleetwood • (610) 944-0445
Lehigh Valley Regional Office
Bethlehem • (610) 691-8401
Northeast Regional Office
Eynon • (570) 876-3800
Southeast Regional Office
Willow Grove • (215) 654-1963
Susquehanna Valley Regional Office
Lewisburg • (570) 523-1297
Wellsboro • (570) 724-7142
Maryland Regional Office
Lanham • (301) 429-2370
Counseling Services
Eastern Region
Bethlehem • (610)691-8401
Fleetwood • (610) 944-0445
Lewisburg • (570) 522-0990
Wyomissing • (610) 371-8035
North Central Region
Laporte • (866) 946-5101
Mansfield • (570) 662-7600
Towanda • (570) 268-3073
Wellsboro • (570) 724-7142
Residential Services
Treatment Units for Boys
Coatesville Campus • (610) 384-8733
Lehighton Campus • (570) 386-2990
Paul D. Rieger, MSW, Executive Director
Check Out CONCERN’s New Look
After many months of planning, designing and giving much thought to
content and placement, CONCERN officially launched our new website on
March 15, 2014. The website address will remain the same, www., but it has been greatly enhanced.
This enhanced website will include familiar links to information about
CONCERN, our various services, locations of these services, donations,
news, and how to contact us. In addition, there are enhanced links to foster
and adoptive parent training, and a much broader section on career
opportunities. Overall, this information is now more detailed, easier to
navigate, and is more eye-catching in its design.
The qualities that make for a well designed website are
accessibility, identity, navigation, and content and we feel
we have successfully met all of these criteria, so please
check out!