RBF Morph: mesh morphing in OpenFoam Dr. Marco Evangelos Biancolini University of Rome “Tor Vergata” HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications @ CINECA, 26-28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA RBF Morph Training – PRACE School 2013 Session #1 General Introduction of RBF Morph, Features with examples http://videolectures.net/prace2013_biancolini_rbf_morph/ Session #2 Basic Usage of RBF Morph, Examples and Live demonstration http://videolectures.net/prace2013_biancolini_rbf_morph_hands_on/ Session #3 Advanced Usage of RBF Morph, Multi-solve, Free surface Deformation, STL target, Back to CAD, WB coupling RBF Morph Training Material Web Portal: www.rbf-morph.com frequently updated with News Download Area: http://rbf-morph.com/index.php/download • animations, technical papers, conference presentations • for registered users (usr:ANSYS_COM, pwd:ANSYS_COM) YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/RbfMorph video tutorials Documentation Package (on box.com reserved area): • User Guide / Installation Notes • Tutorials (complete of support files folders) Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/rbf-morph/ E-mail support: [email protected] RBF Morph Training General Introduction of RBF Morph, Features with examples Dr. Marco Evangelos Biancolini Outline • • • • RBF Morph tool presentation Ongoing Researches Industrial Applications Hands On HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner RBF Morph tool presentation HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Morphing & Smoothing • A mesh morpher is a tool capable to perform mesh modifications, in order to achieve arbitrary shape changes and related volume smoothing, without changing the mesh topology. • In general a morphing operation can introduce a reduction of the mesh quality • A good morpher has to minimize this effect, and maximize the possible shape modifications. • If mesh quality is well preserved, then using the same mesh structure it’s a clear benefit (remeshing introduces noise!). HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner RBF Morph software line • Awarded mesh morphing software available as an add-on for ANSYS Fluent CFD solver • HPC RBF general purposes library (state of the art algorithms, parallel, GPU). • Stand alone morphing software + smoothing commands (OpenFoam, Nastran, Step, STL, Elsa, CFD++) • ANSYS Mechanical ACT module (first release planned in June 2014) HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner RBF Morph Features • Add on fully integrated within Fluent (GUI, TUI & solving stage) and Workbench • Mesh-independent RBF fit used for surface mesh morphing and volume mesh smoothing • Parallel calculation allows to morph large size models (many millions of cells) in a short time • Management of every kind of mesh element type (tetrahedral, hexahedral, polyhedral, etc.) • Support of the CAD re-design of the morphed surfaces • Multi fit makes the Fluent case truly parametric (only 1 mesh is stored) • Precision: exact nodal movement and exact feature preservation (RBF are better than FFD). HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Mesh Morphing with Radial Basis Functions • A system of radial functions is used to fit a solution for the mesh movement/morphing, from a list of source points and their displacements. • The RBF problem definition does not depend on the mesh • Radial Basis Function interpolation is used to derive the displacement in any location in the space, each component of the displacement is interpolated: N x x x x x v s x x x x y z x x i k 1 2 3 4 i i 1 N y y y y y v y s y x i x x ki 1 2 x 3 y 4 z i 1 N v s x z x x z z x z y z z z i ki 1 2 3 4 z i 1 HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner One pt at center 80 pts at border HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Effect on surface (gs-r) HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Effect on surface (cp-c4) HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Control of volume mesh (1166 pts) HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Morphing the volume mesh HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Background: RBF Theory • A system of radial functions is used to fit a solution for the mesh movement/morphing, from a list of source points and their displacements. This approach is valid for both surface shape changes and volume mesh smoothing. • The RBF problem definition does not depend on the mesh • Radial Basis Function interpolation is used to derive the displacement in any location in the space, so it is also available in every grid node. • An interpolation function composed by a radial basis and a polynomial is defined. sx i x xi hx N i 1 hx 1 x 3 y 4 z HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Background: RBF Theory • A radial basis fit exists if desired values are matched at source points with a null poly contribution • The fit problem is associated with the solution of a linear system • M is the interpolation matrix • P is the constraint matrix • g are the scalar values prescribed at source points • and are the fitting coefficients HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA 0 qx s xki g xki 1 i N N i 1 M T P i ki P γ g 0 β 0 M ij x ki x k j 1 xk01 1 xk02 P 1 xk0 N yk01 yk02 yk0N 1 i z k01 zk02 zk0N jN www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Background: RBF Theory • The radial function can be fully or compactly supported. The bi-harmonic kernel fully supported gives the best results for smoothing. • For the smoothing problem each component of the displacement prescribed at the source points is interpolated as a single scalar field. HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA Radial Basis Function (r ) Spline type (Rn) r , n odd Thin plate spline (TPSn) r log r , n even n n Multiquadric(MQ) 1 r 2 1 Inverse multiquadric (IMQ) 1 r2 1 1 r2 2 e r Inverse quadratic (IQ) Gaussian (GS) N v s x ix x x ki 1x 2x x 3x y 4x z x x i 1 N y y y y y v y s y x i x x ki 1 2 x 3 y 4 z i 1 N v s x z x x z z x z y z z z i ki 1 2 3 4 z i 1 www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Background: accelerating the solver • The evaluation of RBF at a point has a cost of order N • The fit has a cost of order N3 for a direct fit (full populated matrix); this limit to ~10.000 the number of source points that can be used in a practical problem • Using an iterative solver (with a good pre-conditioner) the fit has a cost of order N2; the number of points can be increased up to ~70.000 • Using also space partitioning to accelerate fit and evaluation the number of points can be increased up to ~300.000 • The method can be further accelerated using fast preconditioner building and FMM RBF evaluation… HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Background: solver performances escalation • 10.000 RBF centers FIT • 120 minutes Jan 2008 • 5 seconds Jan 2010 • Largest fit 2.600.000 133 minutes • Largest model morphed 300.000.000 cells • Fit and Morph a 100.000.000 cells model using 500.000 RBF centers within 15 minutes HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA #points 2010 (Minutes) 2008 (Minutes) 3.000 0 (1s) 15 10.000 0 (5s) 120 40.000 1 (44s) Not registered 160.000 4 Not registered 650.000 22 Not registered 2.600.000 133 Not registered www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Coming soon: GPU acceleration! • Single RBF complete evaluation • Unit random cube • GPU: Kepler 20 2496 CUDA Cores GPU Clock 0.71 GHz • CPU: quad core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2609 0 @ 2.40GHz #points CPU GPU speed up 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 100000 150000 200000 0,098402 0,319329 0,667639 1,135127 1,721781 2,451661 3,306897 4,286706 5,390029 6,707721 26,13633 58,96981 115,3628 0,004637 0,011746 0,024982 0,038352 0,054019 0,079459 0,108568 0,134978 0,181181 0,2135 0,745482 1,735367 2,861737 21,2 27,2 26,7 29,6 31,9 30,9 30,5 31,8 29,7 31,4 35,1 34,0 40,3 HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Scaling plot • Complexity is expected to grow as N 2 • GPU observed as N 1.87 • CPU observed as N 2.174 • Estimation at one million points: GPU: 59 s CPU: 2783 s HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA 3 110 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 3 110 3 110 4 110 5 110 6 110 www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner How it Works: the work-flow • RBF Morph basically requires three different steps: • Step 1 setup and definition of the problem (source points and displacements). • Step 2 fitting of the RBF system (write out .rbf + .sol). • Step 3 [SERIAL or PARALLEL] morphing of the surface and volume mesh (available also in the CFD solution stage it requires only baseline mesh and .rbf + .sol files). HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner How it Works: the problem setup • The problem must describe correctly the desired changes and must preserve exactly the fixed part of the mesh. • The prescription of the source points and their displacements fully defines the RBF Morph problem. • Each problem and its fit define a mesh modifier or a shape parameter. HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner How it Works: Fluent parallel morphing • Interactive update using the GUI Multi-Sol panel and the Morph/Undo commands. • Interactive update using sequential morphing by the TUI command (rbf-smorph). • Batch update using the single morphing command (rbf-morph) in a journal file (the RBF Morph DOE tool allows to easily set-up a run). • Batch update using several sequential morphing commands in a journal file. • Link shape amplifications to Fluent custom parameters driven by Workbench (better if using DesignXplorer). • More options (transient, FSI, modeFRONTIER, batch RBF fit …) HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner How it Works: stand alone version • Shape modifications can be defined using the stand alone RBF Morph GUI (CGNS plot based, accepts CGNS and stl) and/or Fluent Add On for each shape modifications 2 files are stored (.rbf .sol). • Volume morphing can be executed using specific morphing commands (input: original mesh, shape modifications, shape amplifications) or directly embedding the smoothing library • Notice that even in the case of huge meshes just the shape modifications files are required; with a very small demand of storage because just the points and the coefficients of the RBF are stored. • A shape parametric calculation grid is obtained HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Ongoing Researches about RBF HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Ongoing RBF researches • RBF for meta modeling (DOE optimisation) including sensitivity data (adjoint solver) • Mapping of magnetic loads • Interpolation of hemodynamic flow fields acquired in vivo • Strain and stress calculation (experimental data, coarse FEM, isostatic lines) • Implicit surface modeling (used for STL targets) • FSI pressure mapping HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner RBF for the image analysis of deformations 42.8% below 5% 17.4% in the range 5%-10% 14.9% in the range 10%-20% 13.9% in the range 20%-50% 11.0% over 50% pts original for def_pts HPC enabling of OpenFOAM CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA pg 1 , pg 2 , pg 3 ( deformed_RBF deformed ) def_pts www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner RBF for the interpolation of hemodynamics flow pattern HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA 82% below 5% 5% in the range 5%-10% 8% in the range 10%-20% 4% in the range 20%-50% 1% over 50% www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner HIRENASD & RIBES Radial basis functions at fluid Interface Boundaries to Envelope flow results for advanced Structural analysis JTI-CS-2013-GRA-01-052 HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner CAD controlled surfaces • A new shape known in advance can be inserted using an STL target • In the example a fillet with radius in the range 20-30 mm is applied to one edge of the 1000 mm side cube • Shape blending allows a continuous variation • Accuracy of implicit surface is validated against reference analytic geometry HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner MESH2CAD - NURBS 5 Distance mesh2CAD 210 5 1.510 5 110 6 510 0 0 HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA 3 210 3 410 Longitudinal direction X 3 610 www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Adjoint Sculpting HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Industrial Applications HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Formula 1 Front Wing HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Motorbike Windshield (Bricomoto, MRA) HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Sails Trim (Ignazio Maria Viola, University of Newcastle) HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Ship Hull (University of Leeds) HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Ship Hull (University of Leeds) HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Engine Air box shape (STV FSAE Team) HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Exhaust manifold Constrained Optimization Adjoint Solver HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Optimized vs. Original - Streamlines HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Optimization of sweep angles (Piaggio Aero Industries) HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Optimization of nacelle (D’Appolonia) HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner EU Project RBF4AERO – FP7Transport • “Innovative Benchmark Technology for Aircraft Engineering Design and Efficient Design Phase Optimisation” – GA no. ACP3-GA-2013-605396 • www.rbf4aero.eu HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner MIRA Reference car (MIRA ltd) HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner 50:50:50 Project Volvo XC60 (Ansys, Intel, Volvo) HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Generic Formula 1 Front End HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Generic Formula 1 Front End HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner What is MorphLab? Morph lab is the convergence point of academic research, industrial innovation, software and hardware development, where people, companies and developers can work together to push knowledge to a higher level. Why MorphLab? • • • partners can find fast solutions to specifical morph related industrial cases, hardware and software products can be tested and improved in demanding applications, product developers can advance their knowledge in the field of mesh morphing sharing data and workflows. HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Aeroelastic Analysis of Formula 1 Front Wing Mode Disp(mm) Max err(mm) Max err (%) 1 7,19 1,61 22,39 2 7,19 0,86 12,00 3 6,98 0,85 12,15 4 6,90 0,66 9,50 5 6,85 0,19 2,76 2 Ways FSI 6,98 0,00 0,00 HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Aeroelastic Analysis of Formula 1 Front Wing HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Ice accretion morphing HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner 3D accretion morphing HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Carotid Bifurcation (Orobix – CILEA) HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Hands On HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Conclusions • A shape parametric CFD model can be defined using ANSYS Fluent and RBF Morph – new stand alone tools allow to widen the range of solvers (CFD, FEA) supported by RBF Morph technology. • Parametric CFD model can be easily coupled with preferred optimization tools to steer the solution to an optimal design that can be imported in the preferred CAD platform (using STEP) • Proposed approach dramatically reduces the man time required for set-up widening the CFD calculation capability • Local mesh control allows to enable multi-physics as well (FSI, Icing, adjoint) • M.E. Biancolini, Mesh morphing and smoothing by means of Radial Basis Functions (RBF): a practical example using Fluent and RBF Morph in Handbook of Research on Computational Science and Engineering: Theory and Practice (http://www.cse-book.com/). HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner Thank you for your attention! Dr. Marco Evangelos Biancolini E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.rbf-morph.com YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/RbfMorph HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications 28 March 2014 Cineca - BOLOGNA www.rbf-morph.com RBF Morph, an ANSYS Inc. Partner
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