F WESTERN MILWAY Headquarter office, Churchgate, Mumbai-400 020. P.S.No.3412014 No. E/E/1o?5/Mate Datet 10/04/2014 To, All DRN45/CWMS & Unit incharge, C/- General Secretary, WREU-GTR / WRMS-BCT C/- GS - All India SC/ST Rly. Employees Assn.'W'Zone, Mumbai C/- GS - All India OBC Rly., Employees Assn., t4umbai Sub: Revision of percentage distribution of posts of Track N4aintainers. A copy of Railway Boa.d's lette. No. E(NG)I-2012lCEI/GNS/20 (RBE No. 33/2014) dated OUO4/20I4 is reproduced betow for information, guidance and necessary action. Rallway Boardt letter No. E(NG)I-201o/CE-I(Spt.)/GNS/15 dated !7/OA/2012 (RBE No. 91/2012) referred in the tetter dated 01/04/2014 was circulated vide this office letter of even No, (ft.) dated 17/O9/2Ot2 (PS No. B7l2012). awe+- Encl : As above v ( ____- \c! Lv) GOPIKUN{AR ) SPO (Engg.) PK For General Manager (E) z E z4 l1 i! rt 'i!rli. Fs:rlr'.,tq M;i i''jr r-!it'i'i i']tE / r:aPi iqi.r-r F.iIiiiIs"[ Et\t +i:; !:llil: L, rf'fr:.Ys I i c'i rr,i;lri R}.IL.'Yir"AY i:if-]A,i.:J, I i'-.4 Ei-J G( !Vla l-.r h! ie The General Mana€ers a*d{+es All lndian Railways / FUs et€. \^l i., ',' Deihl cl"r:eu , u .-l lr a \\ ,1,..r*\ a,i (As per mailing list) l-.0AC/P ) tt/ sub: Revision of percentage dlstributlon of posts ofTrack ivlaintalners. Instructlons or reslructuring/reoi'ganiseiion of staffing patiern of Trackmen on /i / tirci an Railways were issued vide Board's iettei fc.2010/CE-l(Spl)/GNS/15 (Pt.) dated 17,08 lAiZ {RBE No. 91/20.12). As per tirese instructions, the categories of " tlf,,,/tracfnenlcatemen/Tro L'l ley m n/Watch men/Keym en and Mates (P.Way) of ilivrl e Engiraerlng Departfient \\'ere merged and a unifiecl cadre of Track Maintainer was introduced as Llnder:_ Designation Pay Stru(ture ilt-trtI" '') l\laintainer I Tra ck Mainta rrer ll lreck Maintainer-lll Tr;ck Maintainer-lV PB'1 GP Rs.2E00 PB-1 GP 2440 Taack 1. ) , Existing %age dlstribution of Drsis PB.1 GP 1900 PB 1 GP R!. 1800 1I 2, Iheissueof revisionofexistingpercentaSedistribuiionofpostsofTracklValnlalfe!-. has been rai:ed at various fora by both the recog ,ised Federatlons (AIRF/l',lFlil). A.coroiigl;, thc matter has been examjned and keeping in vlew the career progression and wofiliirg corditions ofTrack Maintair.is, ii 113. been ciecirler: by lvlinistry of Rallq/a.y'i (Railv,ay r,-:c;riij to revisethe peacentage distaibution ofposts lsru ofT;.1 ll;rnr.lnai! Pay Siruciure Designation a5 tlven balow:' Revised %age clistribution of pcsts lra.l\ vLalntarnel-ll Track Maintainerlll Track Maintainer lV 1-. PB.1 GP Rs.28011 PB-1 GP Rs ,40i1 1 GP P.5. 1900 PB 1 GP Rs. 1800 PB fhe revision of percentage dijirlbuticrl oi oosis ofirack f,,4aintalnErs es lndicateC iJi para 2 above, would le s-.if flnancing ;id e pe i ru c neu*i: fiolo!iL:a . /ifter r,vorkrng out the r'lnancial iri'lplicatiorrs, the rnaliclring sa\,i.gs shculd be eifected from the category itself. Wherever lt ls nct possib e tc cic so fro,-i, the categ.rry iiself, ihe matchiig s;vinEs .Jrl.j:.i J::nto.j !. ',.,::.r.: /i c-,;::- i,5 .jrpo.r i.r;l li: -;.: ,Lr "i.1.r-", i.i-i. li rareclicu!nsiar'cesWheaernatchinqsurt-er,defar..foitossiL.ie.iheo:ion.frs:rg:l3iahing sat,ings from v:cancy bank as paa leid down Noims fiay be regarled to. Hovrevei. tl':re v;culo be fo revisi.-,n oi F;.ceatage olsir :r!lio s! !.i)5is (rr' Ira.ii 1.4:ia'!:,re - . i nrrtching s3vings. t ;,v s procecil]1e for fuili:'e promoiion in lire All seleciions shollld be made as pe!' |ro'Ir s/ laid down in Bc;aro's ietter no E(NG)'-2012'lPMS/1 dated uniiie!] caare otfrack '\4aintainers rega,-ding minlmum resiCetc'v Dericd for promoiicrl issued by r:-os 2aL. l;nr;.tions Board frorn iime to iime should be follolved strictly 3 each post of Track Maintainer and Detai ed duties/responsibiilties attachecl to Manual etc will corresponciing changes in Permanent Way [lanual/ Safety tManuai' Trainiig ofthis Ministry be norified se"paratjy by Civil Engineering Directorate/concerned Dlrectorate (Pt.) dated 11 08-20!2 as !-neftioned in para 3 of Board,s letter no. 2O1e //CE- l(Spl. )/G NS/15 4 issue' These orders are effect;ve frorn the date clf 5 concurrence of the This issues ln consultation with ihe civi! Engineering & with Finance Directorate of this lv4inistry. 6 Ihe receipt of this letter may please \\.:,\r);i r',lo: 2012 \{rv !.i o,\ \.,;u\ ji,t$L.. I New Delhi, dated s \ '04 2014 Copy (with 40 spares) forwarded N l,t 1-vrk'-afi GuLat ' Director, Pay Commission_ll RailwaY Board /CE-llGNs/20 {Railways), I ii be acl<nowledged to Deputy Comptroller & Auditor ev,/ Delhi. General o{ 1.1, . lo't.,, -', ro'l- nencr rom.rt lndia 1,,'n '' NewDel., o3teda 0r :{lrr No:2012 /CE-l/GNS/20 Copy {cirn,arCeC io: 2- Dr/w FA& cAo's All lndian Rajlway, cLVv, DLw, ICF' Rail Wheel Factory/Bangalore' Chennai & Mumbri Metro P6tiale, RCF/ Kapufthala, RcF/Raebareli Project' MTP {P') Railway (Kolkatai, COFMOW, Tilak Bridge, New Delhiand CORE/AIlahabad (Consi ) Northeast Frontier Railway Grrwahati and Geneial Manager (Const ) & FA& CAO5 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sollth€rn Railway, Bangalore' The Pay & Accounts officer, Railway Boa'd' Rail Bhawan' New Delhi The Gen era I Secreta ry' lRcA/ New Delhi The Commissioner, Railway Safety, Luckncw Delhi The Chairman Cum Managing Directof, Kcnkan Railwey Co'po'ation, Nev/ Nc'315A' The Chairman, HLln"an Resourcas Refoillrs Ccmrniitee, Raili,.J:y tscaid, Roori i. Pargati Maidan Metro Staiion Building Cornplex, I'iew Delhi B. < 1 z Director General RDSO Luckncr'v 9. The Executi'.,e D!redor (Finaice), RDgO, r-Lrcknc"'J. 10. The Director (a) lRlEEN, Na5ik, {b) iR aEl'1, Pune, Sa. J ,dotdoad i1. I he DG, Rail\t/aY 12. The Chairman Si.ff College, Vadodar'. RCC Lok Sabht Se.re,ia;-iair fieiu Delh!. icl !RlN4:E. la'n3lpur, (dj !Fl-cEi' ?. .l -1,i. 1!1. 15. Ihe Cha;fiia.r iiliT, '-heir'ili The Chaifinln ilfa, L-e ihi' -l iahal:o, Biia:1'ur, Sangaiore, l:''rpal, lvirida, I\'/]urnLlai, €uwahati, Bhubanesh\^/ar, Chandigar-h, l(clkaia, Jamrnu, Gorakhpur, ahe Chairi-ran RRB/Ajm.r, Ahe'rreciabaj, A N4uzaffarpur, Patna, Ranchi, secunderabad anci Trivarncjrunr' I\4etro Railway/ Caicutta' 15. The General Manager (a) C o. R, E./ AIiaha bad, {b) 77. The Editor,'Bhartiya Raii' Room No 469, Rail Bhawan, Ne!,/ Delhl 18. The Editor,'lndian Railvu'ays'Roorn l\1o 411, Rail Bhawan, N!ev'/ n z n t- I Delhi ' 21-. Ediior,'Rail Rajbhasha, Room No.543, Rail Bhawan, Ne\a Delhi. The ahairman Passengei Services commiiiee The Chairman, Passenger Amenities Comm;ttee. 22. rhe C.A.O.(R), COFMOW, Tilak Bridge, New Delhi 19. The '20. 23. The Director, CAIMTECH/ Gwalior' 24. The C.A.Os, (a) MTP{R) ML.rmbai, (b) MIP(R)Chennai 75. Office ofthe Chief Project Administrator (Telecom), lnd!an R?ilway Centre Oi'gani7;iion fo!Telecom consultancy, Shivaji Bridge, New Delhi 26. The Chief tlining Advisor, Ministry of Railways, Dhanbad )7 The C.A.O. (ton :l Centrdl Rdil"!ay \4umiJa; 28. The Nodal officer, 6'h cPc, Al! Indian Railways and PUs/ RDso/Training lnstitutes/ Metro RailwaY/ coFMOw CORE/ RSC/etc. 29. The Director {Movement) Railways/ Calcutt'i 30. The General Secreta ry, IRCA, DRM Office Complex, State Entry Road, New Delhi 31. The Chief Commlssioner, Railway Safety/Lucknow 32. Nlinistry of Finance, Department of Expencjiiure (lmplementation Cell) - 33.M/sBahariBrothers,LaipatRaiMarket/Deihi ri;,;y-,,,,,,_,,,,_ ilt /t !:: Gulati ) " Director, Pay Commission ll RailwaY Board. {vikl-i New Delhi, ciated 0i-04-2014 No: 2012 /CE-rlGNS/20 Copv forwarded to : (with 35 spare:j) :1f'^ Cer"-atSe,rPta-v, a RF l\{ tl- J5 !oa'e ) 3) The Members of the National Council, DepartmentaJ Council and Secreiary, Staif Slde, National Council, 13-C, Feroz shah Road, Nes-/ Delhi (with 90 spares)' 1) The General Secretary, 4J ' 5)The 5)The 7) The 3) The 9) The N FIR Secrerar; Genera FROA Secretary, RBSs Group 'A' Offi'ers Asso'iatlon President, RBSS Group 'B' Officers' Associatjcn Se.retary Genera, Ali lnd a RPF Assa'iatiorr Secreiary, Rai vvEy Board lllrrlsterial St;ff Association Secretery, Railway 6card Non N4inlsiei'al Star'f Associatioi-r Jne Secre.ar! Gc i'o i2ClijThe Secreiai'y', Alj iil dla 5',/SI R:iLw:f Erirpl'yee' R.il Bhavvan (with 5 sPare5) i, -,- r: ;i . , l-.'., i :, -. r.i ' , 'l:': 'j I ll F" iqryrsi FSOs/5r. PPSs/PP5s/P.S.s/PAs to :- MR, VSR(K), MSRiA), CRB, FC, [4S, M r, [.4E, ML, M l\,'i, Secy., DG/RHS, DG/RpF, A\liB), AM{CE), AM(C&rs), AM(Elec.), AM(pls.), AN4(Siaff), A(a{Sie), AM(ME), A\4{pU), AM(relecom), All(T), AM(W), AM(r&C), AM(com.), ADG(pR), Adv.(projeci), ACv.{Bridge), Adv.(L&A), Adv.(G), Adv.(RE), Adv.(C), Adv.(Vic), Adv.(Fin.), Adv.ME{Proj.). Adv.(lnfra), Adv.isignal), Aov.{RS), Aciv./RS{P), Adv.(RG), Adv.{Safety), Legai Adviser, Aocil. Chief Econcmic Advi5er, Edito.(lR), ED{CC), EDCE(Plg.), EDCE(B&S), EDcE(G), EDCE(B&S) ll, ED Track(M), EDTt</ML, EDrK{P), ED(W), ED(\rvp), EDEE(DEV.), EDlEEM), ED{RE)projects, EDRE(S&.T), FDF(B), EDF{X)-t, EDF(X)-|, EDF(A), EDF(S), ED(Finance), ED(Aims), EDF(E), ED{A), EDF{C), EDF(AR), EDiSAF), EDN4E/Chs, EDME/Frt., EDME(Ir.), EDME{Dev), EDE, EDE/N, EDE/N, EDElRRB, EDE(Res), ED(ERFj EDPC-1, EDPc-ll, ED{T&MPP), EDE{Gc), EDH{c), EDH(Pls.), EDTT{M), EDTT/5, aDTI/F, ED{Coal), EDPM, ED(Ftr), ED(T&.c), ED(chs.), ED(Her tasc), Js, tsic), Js(E), Dir.{G), ti-l sis.(Dev), FsTE(Sis), ED(rele), EDRS(c), EDRS(G), EDRSiS), ADG/RpF, tG/RpsF, Dtc/nS, D G/OPS-r. EDV(E), LDV(A),EDV(T), EDV(S), ED(E&R), Dir,(OL)EDlC&tS, ED(pts.), ED{pp), ED/PPP(t), ED(Pis.)LRDSS, ED/PPP(F), Dir,/ELJ, D5(E), Ds{D), DS(G), Dir.(Estt.), JDpG. D€(N) Lr, Di(Mpp), DE(G), DpC-t, DpC-it, JDi(E), .iDpC- , JDE(N), JDE(p&A), JDE{Gaj. JD:(Gaz), IDE(W), IDE(GP), IDE(Res.) l, JDE{L), DDF{E) l, I & ttt, DDPC-V, DDpa-Vi, DDE{P&A)ll, DDE{P&A)lll, UsE(O)1, US (cash), US(D&A) l& tt, DDE(Rep)-i,ti & |i, D'LfLA) I '. e l./Rd \1;y Bo"rd aoov rl:,:- Cash' l, ll, & lll, Budset, E(P&A) I 8, ll, E{c), E(NG) I & l, Pc - ltt, Pc-tV, Pc-V, c&ts, RBCC, E(TrA.), Ei[,ilPP), E(LR) ]&ll,F(E)-1, ll &ll , F{E)Srre.iai, Se.,r,'ity (E), Accounis I , ERB t, ti, t, lV, V &. D, G(Pass), G(Acc), E(V/elfare), E(SCT), E(O) l, ll lli & lll{CC), E(GR) i & |, E(Gp), E(GC), PF .{D"A)'o.dn.- o 3 i Fdi \'".8o d
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