12/03/2014 Lateness Li = fi − di Li > 0 ri fi di Li < 0 fi ri di 4 Sommario Maximum Lateness Algoritmi di scheduling real real--time Lmax = maxi (Li) Single job scheduling Scheduling per task periodici Accesso a risorse condivise Gestione di task aperiodici if (Lmax < 0) then nessun task supera la propria deadline 5 Earliest Due Date EDD - Optimality Seleziona il task con la deadline relativa più imminente [Jackson’ 55]. σ Ipotesi ≠ EDD B σ’ - Tutti i task arrivano simultaneamente A r0 - Le priorità sono fisse (Di è nota in anticipo) A B fa ’ < fb t fb’ = fa - La preemption non è un problema Lmax = La = fa − da Proprietà La’ = fa’ − da < fa − da - Minimizza la massima lateness (Lmax) Lb’ = fb’ − db < fa − da 3 da db L’max < Lmax 6 1 12/03/2014 EDF Example EDD - Optimality σ’ σ σ’’ σ* ... Lmax (σ) ≥ Lmax (σ') ≥ Lmax (σ' ' ) . . . ≥ Lmax (σ*) σ* = σEDD Lmax (σ EDD ) è il minimo valore ottenibile da un algoritmo 7 10 EDF Guarantee test (on line) EDD guarantee test (off line) c1(t) τ1 τ2 τ3 f2 f1 τ4 f4 f i = ∑ Ck k =1 ∀i c3(t) ∀i f i ≤ d i Un task set Γ è fattibile s-se: i c2(t) t f3 c4(t) i ∑C k =1 k ≤ Di t ∀i i ∑ c (t ) ≤ k =1 k di − t 8 11 Earliest Deadline First Complessità Seleziona il task con la deadline assoluta più imminente [Horn 74]. EDD Scheduler (ordinamento coda): O(n log n) Feasibility Test (garanzia task set): O(n) Ipotesi - I task p possono arrivare in istanti arbitrari - Le priorità sono dinamiche (di dipende da ai) EDF - I task possono subire preemption in ogni istante Proprietà Scheduler (inserimento task in coda): O(n) Feasibility Test (garanzia singolo task): O(n) - Minimizza la massima lateness (Lmax) 9 12 2 12/03/2014 EDF optimality Dertouzos Transformation for (t = 0 to Dmax–1) if (σ(t) ≠ E(t)) { σ(tE) = σ(t); σ(t) = E(t); } σ(t) = task executing at time t ⇒ nel senso della fattibilità [Dertouzos 1974] E(t) = task with min d at time t tE = time at which E is executed Un algoritmo A è ottimo nel senso della fattibilità se genera una schedulazione fattibile, posto che h ne esista i una. τ1 τ2 τ3 Metodo dimostrativo τ4 Basta dimostrare che, data una schedulazione fattibile qualsiasi, la schedulazione generata da EDF è anche fattibile. 0 2 Dertouzos Transformation tE = time at which E is executed σ ≠ σEDF 8 10 12 14 16 σ(t) = 3 E(t) = 2 tE = 7 16 Dertouzos Transformation for (t = 0 to Dmax–1) if (σ(t) ≠ E(t)) { σ(tE) = σ(t); σ(t) = E(t); } E(t) = task with min d at time t 6 t=5 13 σ(t) = task executing at time t 4 for (t = 0 to Dmax–1) if (σ(t) ≠ E(t)) { σ(tE) = σ(t); σ(t) = E(t); } σ(t) = task executing at time t E(t) = task with min d at time t tE = time at which E is executed τ1 τ1 τ2 τ2 τ3 τ3 τ4 τ4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 σ(t) = 4 E(t) = 2 tE = 6 t=4 0 2 Dertouzos Transformation tE = time at which E is executed 8 10 12 14 16 σ(t) = 3 E(t) = 2 tE = 7 17 Dertouzos Transformation La trasformazione di Dertouzos preserva la schedulabilità, infatti: for (t = 0 to Dmax–1) if (σ(t) ≠ E(t)) { σ(tE) = σ(t); σ(t) = E(t); } E(t) = task with min d at time t 6 t=5 14 σ(t) = task executing at time t 4 ¾ ovvio per il pezzo che si anticipa! ¾ per il pezzo che si posticipa lo slack non può diminuire: τ1 τ1 τ2 τ2 τ3 τ3 τ4 τ4 0 2 4 t=4 6 8 σ(t) = 4 E(t) = 2 tE = 6 10 12 14 16 0 15 2 4 6 t=5 8 10 12 14 16 18 3 12/03/2014 A property of optimal algoritms Non Preemptive Scheduling Il problema di trovare una schedulazione fattibile non preemptive (noti i tempi di arrivo) è di tipo NP hard e può essere risolto off-line mediante una ricerca di un albero: Se un algoritmo ottimo (nel senso della fattibilità) produce una schedulazione non fattibile, allora nessun algoritmo può produrla. empty schedule depth = n # leaves = n! partial schedule complexity: O(n n!) Se un algoritmo A minimizza Lmax allora A è anche ottimo nel senso della fattibilità. Non è vero il viceversa. N F N N N N F N complete schedule 19 22 Non Preemptive Scheduling Bratley’s Algorithm [Bratley 71] ( 1 | no-preem | Lmax ) Se si disabilita la preemption, EDF non è più ottimo: Reduce la complessità media mediante pruning: Feasible schedule τ1 Si esplora un sottoalbero solo se la schedulazione parziale è strongly feasible. feasible τ2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Una schedulazione parziale è strongly feasible se rimane fattibile aggiungendo uno qualsiasi dei task rimanenti. EDF τ1 τ2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 23 Bratley’s Algorithm ( 1 | no-preem | Lmax ) Non Preemptive Scheduling Per ottenere l'ottimalità in assenza di preemption occorre essere chiaroveggenti, e decidere di lasciare la CPU idle anche in presenza di task pronti: τ1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Example τ1 τ2 τ3 τ4 τ2 0 Riduce la complessità media per mezzo di pruning: 9 Se si impedisce si lasciare la CPU idle in presenza di task pronti, allora EDF è ottimo. NP-EDF è ottimo tra gli algoritmi di tipo work conserving (non-idle algorithms) ai Ci di 4 1 1 0 2 1 2 2 7 5 6 4 finishing time 6 6 τ2 Scheduled task 1 21 1 2 2 6 3 4 1 3 τ3 τ4 4 4 1 τ3 6 3 τ4 3 6 τ1 σ1 = {4, 2, 3, 1} σ2 = {4, 3, 2, 1} 4 6 3 4 2 1 τ2 2 1 6 τ3 3 5 3 7 1 1 5 6 2 τ2 7 1 24 4 12/03/2014 Heuristic search Heuristic algorithm Spring algorithm [Stankovic & Ramamritham 87] Spring algorithm [Stankovic & Ramamritham 87] 1. La schedulazione di N task è costruita in N passi 2. La ricerca è guidata da una funzione euristica H Complexity: 3. Ad ogni passo, l'algoritmo seleziona il task che minimizza la funzione euristica. Backtracking è possibile min H Exhaustive search: O(N·N!) Heuristic search: O(N2) Heuristic w. k btracks: O(kN2) min H min H min H min H min H min H min H 25 28 Heuristic functions Implementazione Spring algorithm [Stankovic & Ramamritham 87] Spring algorithm [Stankovic & Ramamritham 87] Esempi di funzioni euristiche: H = ri ⇒ FCFS H = Ci ⇒ SJF H = Di ⇒ DM H = di ⇒ EDF Se l'algoritmo non trova una schedulazione fattibile, non è detto che questa non esista. Se la schedulazione viene trovata, questa viene memorizzata in una lista di disptach: next Funzioni euristiche composite: ∅ Task ID H = w1 ri + w2 Di H = w1 Ci + w2 di H = w1 Vi + w2 di start time length 26 29 Heuristic algorithm Spring algorithm [Stankovic & Ramamritham 87] E' anche possibile gestire vincoli di precedenza: Eligibility τi Ei = ∞ τi Ei = 1 Funzioni euristiche: H = Ei ( w1 ri + w2 Di ) H = Ei ( w1 Ci + w2 di ) 27 5 12/03/2014 Problem formulation τi (Ci, Ti) Timeline Scheduling job τik Method rik • The time axis is divided in intervals of equal length (time slots). dik • Each task is statically allocated in a slot in order to meet the desired request rate. For each periodic task, guarantee that: • each job τik is activated at rik = (k−1)Ti • The execution in each slot is activated by a timer. • each job τik completes within dik = rik + Di 31 34 Proportional share algorithm Example In each slot execute each task proportionally to Ui Let: Ui = required feeding fraction Δ = GCD (T1, T2) = 8 execute δi = UiΔ in each slot Δ Pig 2 4/16 Cow 2 4 20/40 4 8 0 2 2 4 16 2 4 24 f T A 40 Hz 25 ms B 20 Hz 50 ms C 10 Hz 100 ms task 2 T Δ 4 32 0 40 25 50 NOTE: UiΔ ensures Ci in Ti, in fact: δi(Ti/Δ) = Ci Feasibility test: Σδi ≤ Δ i.e. ΣUi ≤ 1 75 Guarantee: 100 125 150 175 200 CA + CB ≤ Δ CA + CC ≤ Δ 32 Timeline Scheduling (cyclic scheduling) 35 Implementation It has been used for 30 years in military systems, navigation, and monitoring systems, and still used in critical control applications: Examples – – – – Δ = GCD (minor cycle) T = lcm (major cycle) Air traffic control Space Shuttle Boeing 777 Airbus A B A C A B A 33 timer minor cycle timer timer major cycle timer 36 6 12/03/2014 Timeline scheduling Expandibility Advantages • Simple implementation (no real-time operating i system is i required). i d) If one or more tasks need to be upgraded, we may have to re-design the whole schedule again. Example: B is updated • Low run-time overhead. but CA + CB > Δ Δ • It allows jitter control. A B 0 25 37 40 Expandibility Timeline scheduling • We have to split task B in two subtasks (B1, B2) and re-build the schedule: Disadvantages • It is not robust during overloads. A • It is difficult to expand the schedule. • It is not easy to handle aperiodic activities. 0 B1 A B2 C 25 A 50 Guarantee: B1 A B2 75 ••• 100 CA + CB1 ≤ Δ CA + CB2 + CC ≤ Δ 38 Problems during overloads 41 Expandibility If the frequency of some task is changed, the impact can be even more significant: What do we do during task overruns? • Let the task continue – we can have a domino effect on all the other tasks (timeline break) • Abort the task task T T A 25 ms 25 ms B 50 ms 40 ms C 100 ms 100 ms before – the system can remain in inconsistent states. 39 minor cycle: Δ = 25 major cycle: T = 100 after Δ=5 T = 200 40 sync. per cycle! 42 7 12/03/2014 Example How can we verify feasibility? T Δ 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Δ 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 T • Each task uses the processor for a fraction of time: C Ui = i Ti • Hence the total processor utilization is: n C Up = ∑ i i =1 Ti • Up is a misure of the processor load 43 46 Priority Scheduling A necessary condition Method • Each task is assigned a priority based on its timing constraints. • We verify the feasibility of the schedule using analytical techniques. • Tasks are executed on a priority-based kernel. If Up > 1 the processor is overloaded hence the task set cannot be schedulable. However, there are cases in which Up < 1 but the task is not schedulable by RM. 44 Rate Monotonic (RM) 47 An unfeasible RM schedule • Each task is assigned a fixed priority proportional to its rate [Liu & Layland ‘73]. Up = 3 4 + = 0.944 6 9 τA 0 25 50 75 τ1 100 τB 0 40 τC 0 0 3 6 9 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 12 15 18 τ2 80 deadline miss 100 45 48 8 12/03/2014 Utilization upper bound U ub = The least upper bound Uub 3 3 + = 0.833 6 9 1 τ1 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 Ulub τ2 ... NOTE: If C1 or C2 is increased, τ2 will miss its deadline! Γ 49 52 A different upper bound U ub = A sufficient condition 2 4 + = 0.9 4 10 If Up ≤ Ulub any task set is certainly schedulable with the RM algorithm. τ1 0 4 8 12 16 τ2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 NOTE 20 If Ulub < Up ≤ 1 we cannot say anything about the feasibility of that task set. The upper bound Uub depends on the specific task set. 50 53 A different upper bound Rate Monotonic (RM) • Each task is assigned a fixed priority proportional to its rate [Liu & Layland ‘73]. 2 4 + = 1 4 8 U ub = τA τ1 0 4 8 12 16 0 4 8 12 16 0 25 50 75 100 τB τ2 0 40 80 τC The upper bound Uub depends on the specific task set. 0 51 100 54 9 12/03/2014 Rate Monotonic is optimal How to assign priorities? • Typically, task priorities are assigned based on the their relative importance. RM is optimal among all fixed priority algorithms (if Di = Ti): If there exists a fixed priority assignment which hi h leads l d to t a feasible f ibl schedule h d l for f Γ, Γ then th the RM assignment is feasible for Γ. • However, different priority assignments can lead to different utilization bounds. If Γ is not schedulable by RM, then it cannot be scheduled by any fixed priority assignment. 55 Priority vs. importance Deadline Monotonic is optimal If τ2 is more important than τ1 and is assigned higher priority, the schedule may not be feasible: P1 > P2 58 If Di ≤ Ti then the optimal priority assignment is given by Deadline Monotonic (DM): τ1 DM τ1 τ2 P2 > P1 τ2 RM τ1 deadline miss P2 > P1 τ1 P1 > P2 τ2 τ2 56 Priority vs. importance But the utilization upper bound can be arbitrarily small: If there exists a feasible schedule for Γ, then EDF will ill generate t a feasible f ibl schedule. h d l deadline miss ε τ1 EDF Optimality EDF is optimal among all algorithms: An application can be unfeasible even when the processor is almost empty! P2 > P1 59 ∞ τ2 U = ε T1 + C2 ∞ If Γ is not schedulable by EDF, then it cannot be scheduled by any algorithm. 0 57 60 10 12/03/2014 Identifying the worst case EDF Example Up = Di = Ti Feasibility may depend on the initial activations (phases): 3 4 + = 0.94 6 9 Up = 3 4 + = 0.944 6 9 τ1 0 3 6 9 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 12 15 18 τ2 τ1 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 deadline miss τ2 τ1 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 τ2 61 Critical Instant The RM unfesible schedule Up = 64 For any task τi, the longest response time occurs when it arrives together with all higher priority tasks. 3 4 + = 0.944 6 9 τ1 τ2 τ1 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 R2 τ2 τ1 τ2 deadline miss R2 62 Critical Instant Priority Assignments For independent preemptive tasks under fixed priorities, the critical instant of τi, occurs when it arrives together with all higher priority tasks. • Rate Monotonic (RM): Pi ∝ 1/Ti (static) • Deadline Monotonic (DM): Pi ∝ 1/Di (static) • Earliest Deadline First (EDF): Pi ∝ 1/dik (dynamic) 65 di,k = ri,k + Di τ1 1/6 τ2 2/8 τ3 2/12 Idle time τi 2/14 11 12/03/2014 Ulub for RM Basic Assumptions • In 1973, Liu and Layland proved that for a set of n periodic tasks: A1. Ci is constant for every instance of ti A2. Ti is constant for every instance of ti ( A3 A3. F each For h task, k Di = Ti A4. Tasks are independent: ) RM U lub = n 21/ n − 1 for n → ∞ • no precedence relations • no resource constraints • no blocking on I/O operation Ulub → ln 2 67 70 RM Schedulability CPU% 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 69% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n 68 RM Guarantee Test • We compute the processor utilization as: n C Up = ∑ i i =1 Ti • Guarantee Test (only sufficient): ( ) U p ≤ n 21/ n − 1 69 12
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