THE SASKATOON Saskatoon Chapter: PO Box 7273, Saskatoon, Sask S7K 4J2 Editor: Brad Smith UPCOMING EVENTS OCTOBER 30 WHY DO CERTAIN CONTRACTS CREATE OPTION FOR CONTRACTUAL BONDS? NOVEMBER TBA J A NUA RY TBA FE B RUA RY TBA MARCH TBA APRIL TBA MAY 27 – 31 CSC CONFERENCE WINNIPEG, MANITOBA J UNE ANNUAL CSC GOLF TOURNAMENT IN THIS ISSUE Upcoming Events ++++++++1 Executive Committee +++++.+ 1 CSC Saskatoon Presents: ...............2 Our Mission........................................3 Director’s Report++++++..+ 4-5 Education report+++..+++++ 5 Kitchener Conferenca Highlights+ 6 Membership+++++.+++.....+ 7 Advertising.+++.+++.+++..8-9 [email protected] October 2014 Edition 2014/2015 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHAPTER DIRECTOR TRADE CONTRACTOR OFFICER Garry Booth (306) 652-5044 [email protected] Bob Spenst, CTR, CCCA 382-6312 [email protected] CHAPTER CHAIR LEGAL OFFICER Brent Fraser, RSW (306) 652-5044 [email protected] Bill Preston, QC (306) 933-7388 [email protected] CHAPTER VICE-CHAIR GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICER Brennen Mills (306) 270-5184 [email protected] Brennen Mills (306) 270-5184 [email protected] EDUCATION OFFICER SECRETARY/TREASURER Greg Mylks, CTR (306) 222-2774 [email protected] Kelly Boldt, CSP (306) 343-7280 [email protected] SPECIFICATIONS OFFICER PROGRAMMING OFFICER Brent Fraser, RSW (306) 652-5044 [email protected] Amber Moar (306) 683-2912 [email protected] ARCHITECTURAL OFFICER MEMBERSHIP OFFICER Vacant Garry Booth (306) 652-5044 [email protected] ENGINEERING OFFICER NEWSLETTER EDITOR Trevor Knoll (306) 477-0655 [email protected] Brad Smith (306) 652-5044 [email protected] FACILITY MANAGER OFFICER MEMBER AT LARGE Daryl Cherry (306) 966-4643 [email protected] Rick Kalenchuk, CCCA 966-2407 [email protected] INTERIORS OFFICER Amber Moar (306) 683-2912 [email protected] THE SASKATOON OCTOBER 2014 CSC SASKATOON PRESENTS: PAGE 2 OF 9 THE SASKATOON OCTOBER 2014 OUR MISSION Construction Specifications Canada (CSC) is a national multi-disciplinary, non-profit association with chapters across Canada. CSC is committed to ongoing development and delivery of quality education programs, publications and services for the betterment of the construction community. To this end, CSC pursues the study of systems and procedures which will improve the co-ordination and dissemination of documentation relevant to the construction process. CSC Seeks to enhance the quality of the design and management aspects of construction activity through programs of publication, education, professional development, and certification, believing that in so doing it can best contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of the industry as a whole. OUR VISION That Construction Specifications Canada is the construction community’s first choice for quality documentation, education and networking. OUR VALUES & CORE BELIEFS Quality, Professionalism, Teamwork, Integrity, Openness & Innovation EDITOR’S MESSAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION Have an idea for the Specifier? I would love to hear from you. An announcement, upcoming event, or technical article. Any submissions can be emailed for review to [email protected] and I will do my best to get it in print. Deadlines for submissions are the first Friday of the month for that month’s Specifier. Speak up and be heard. Contact any member of the executive Remember to encourage your colleagues, associates, and clients to attend our monthly meetings. Thank you, Brad Smith Newsletter Editor, CSC Saskatoon Chapter Attend one of our meetings Visit the association website at Visit our chapter website at Send your name and address to: Construction Specifications Canada Saskatoon Chapter PO Box 7273 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7K 4J2 The newsletter acts as a moderator without approving, disapproving, or guaranteeing the validity or accuracy of any data, claim, or opinion appearing under a byline or obtained or quoted from an acknowledged source. The opinions and comments expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the official views of Construction Specifications Canada. Also, appearance of advertisements and new product or service information does nor constitute an endorsement of product or service featured. PAGE 3 OF 9 THE SASKATOON OCTOBER 2014 CSC DIRECTOR’S REPORT – FALL 2014 BY: BRENT FRASER, RSW – CHAPTER CHAIRMAN Board of Director’s Orientation Meeting October 4/5, 2014 Strategic Planning Session The purpose of this session was to review and develop the following for CSC: VISION (Big Picture) VALUES (Core Beliefs) MISSION STATEMENT (What are we trying to achieve) Working from the outcomes of the volunteer group assembled at the 2014 Conference, the Board of Directors reviewed, evaluated, debated and further developed the proposed and updated framework for CSC members and stakeholders. Proposed Vision: “Transforming the Design + Construction Community” Proposed Values: Collaborative Objectivity Relevancy Professionalism Proposed Mission Statement: “Delivering progressive education, certification, publications and professional networking opportunities for the Design + Construction community” Membership Membership continues to have a steady increase in members year over year (1590 (2006) to 1745 (2014)) with a very high retention rate around 89 – 91 %. The executive director reports that this is industry leading % and CSC is strong in membership. 2015 / 2016 will see a membership fee increase of $15 to $250 + taxes. This vote was not unanimous but was carried and approved. The current Saskatoon Chapter Director has been scheduled to support the efforts of the Technical Studies nd Committee lead by Mr. Peter Hiebert – 2 Vice President. No formal membership drive is being conducted for 2014 / 2015. Education All courses are now in the final review process and are scheduled to be released and approved for Chapter use at the end of conference 2015. Chapters should be able to use the new courses in the fall of 2015. Conference / Awards 2014 conference was a tremendous success for a financial standpoint producing a $100,000 profit which is shared between the association and the chapter. This amount of profit is mainly attributed to the location, as the venue costs were much lower than previous cities. The Executive Director has suggested the possibility of using smaller cities/venues in the future. Next conferences are: 2015 Winnipeg 2018 Edmonton 2016 Halifax 2019 Regina 2017 Kelowna (Vancouver) 2020 Montreal will be applying Chapters are being encouraged to begin looking into 2015 chapter awards. PAGE 4 OF 9 THE SASKATOON OCTOBER 2014 CSC DIRECTOR’S REPORT – FALL 2014 Technical Studies New CCDC2 MA Document draft was endorsed by the Board of Directors. MA refers to “Master Agreement between Owner and Contractor” for use by Owners for on-gioing construction or maintenance programs. Work on CCDC2 Stipulated Sum continues and may be endorsed late 2015. Financial CSC is currently in a good financial position with a proposed surplus for 2014 – 15. Concerns about the cost of translating the education courses to French have been tabled. This cost could be in the $50,000 to $75,000 range. Most chapters are also in good financial shape with a few struggling to be in the black. Publications The association along with the publisher of the French language magazine has decided to cease publication of this magazine in to stop the loss of money in trying to make this publication successful. The decision was very difficult to make and the Montreal and Quebec City chapters expressed deep concern and disappointment about his decision. The committee will continue to work to see how French language articles can be incorporated into the Construction Canada magazine. Director’s Forum Discussions were centered on better communication between chapters in order to share good or successful topics or initiatives, and heated debate around the power or lack thereof of Twitter and other social media. Next Meeting – Toronto March 7/8, 2015 EDUCATION REPORT BY: GREG MYLKS, CTR – EDUCATION OFFICER This past winter saw the Saskatoon Chapter put on a PCD course to 16 students. The classes were held at the Saskatoon Club over 10 weeks. I would like to congratulate the following students who passed the course: Jill Dusyk – SEPW Architecture Sam Lock – Metaamo Architecture Laura Buckwold – Buckwold Western Ritesh Mistry – HDH Architects Jillian Gerlach – HDH Architects Kevin Broks – AODBT Architects Susan Crush – AODBT Architects Ibrar Hussain Gord Hundeby – City of Saskatoon Lorna Taylor – Associated Engineering Congratulations to all those who passed. You will be invited to a CSC luncheon in the upcoming months to receive your certificates. The education courses of CSC (PCD, CTR, CCCA, RSW) are going through a re-tooling currently with the new and updated course material available by the Fall of 2015. With that being the case, the Chapter Executive has decided to not offer any classes the year. We will look at hosting a class in the Fall of 2015. PAGE 5 OF 9 THE SASKATOON OCTOBER 2014 KITCHENER CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS Hosted by the Grand Valley, Hamilton Niagara, and Toronto Chapters, the 2014 CSC National Conference was a held May 21 to 25 at Kitchener’s Crowne Plaza Hotel. Originally named Berlin, the southwestern Ontario city is home to what is reputed to be the largest Oktoberfest outside of Germany – a Bavarian bash featuring amongst its cultural exploits not only lederhosen-clad dancers, but also sizeable beer kegs. Therefore, the conference’s slogan – “Tapping the future” – was a clever plan on words as much as it was a mission statement. At the annual awards luncheon, numerous honours were presented. Below is a summary of CSC Saskatoon members who received accolades this year. LONGEVITY AW ARDS CSC Saskatoon would like to recognize the following local members who received longevity awards in 2013. Congratulations!! And thanks for your continued participation and support in CSC. 35 years – Gerry Wilson, FCSC, RSW, and Bill Pizzey 20 years – Ken Conn, Rick Kalenchuk, CCCA, and Wesley Moore 15 Years – Brian Briscoe, Brent Fraser, RSW, and Steve Findlay, CCCA 10 years – Bill Preston, Carlee Brattan, Neil Henrikson, Tyler Pochynuk, Janis Dubreuil, and Lionel Scribner CHAPTER AW ARDS OF MERIT Chapter Awards of Merit are given to those who have helped advance the association at the local level. This year’s recipients from the Saskatoon chapter were Kelly Boldt, CSP and Brennen Mills. Kelly has been a member of CSC since 1989. He became involved with the Chapter executive fairly soon after joining. In 1992 he became the Chapter Chairman for two years before moving up to Chapter Director for 1994 and 1995. After his term as Director was completed, Kelly became our Education Officer until 2003, taking a break from the executive for a while. In 2009, when our secretary/treasurer moved out of the city, Kelly stepped up and took over, and still serves in that capacity. He was also the treasurer for the 2010 Bridge to the Future Conference in Saskatoon. In 2012, Kelly earned the title of Certified Specification Practitioner. Our chapter benefits greatly from Kelly’s experience and involvement. He is a most valuable member of the CSC Saskatoon Chapter and a worthy recipient for the Chapter Award of Merit for 2014. Brennen has been a member of CSC since 2011. He joined the Saskatoon Chapter Executive soon after and for the last 3 years has volunteered his time as the Trade Contractor, on our Marketing Committee, planning our annual golf tournament and this year also transitioned into the Vice-Chairman position. Brennen’s eagerness to help out wherever needed and positive personality is an asset to our Executive. His effort to promote CSC to others throughout the industry has been shown in the events that he has been a part of planning over the years. In his first year on the Executive, Brennen tackled the annual golf tournament by himself and it was a huge success with a sell-out attendance. Brennen has also joined the Marketing Committee over the last 2 years and is an integral part in planning our Chapter’s annual “CSC Mixer”, which is excellent networking opportunity that has increased the name and value of our organization within the industry. Brennen is a valuable member of the CSC Saskatoon Chapter and a worthy recipient for the Chapter Award of Merit for 2014. PAGE 6 OF 9 THE SASKATOON OCTOBER 2014 MEMBERSHIP IN CSC In the construction industry’s fast-paced environment, the need for and value of Construction Specifications Canada is greater than ever. CSC brings together individuals from all segments of the construction industry. All who have a vested interest in Canada’s largest industry are invited to join CSC. When you join CSC you become a part of the only association that brings together professionals from all aspects of the construction industry. CSC offers members of the Design Team the opportunity to meet with other members and exchange information. It also affords you the chance to help improve technology and its management, and the means to improve ways in which your ideals are translated into clear, concise and complete documentation. If you are a member of the Building Team, Construction Specifications Canada offers you the opportunity to become involved in formulating specifications. Your valuable input into the programs can help generate time and cost savings as well as improve performance. The multi-disciplinary composition of CSC allows members of the Supply Team to meet with other members of the construction team. CSC programs in data filing and information retrieval are geared to present convenient and concise information on your products for proper evaluation and specification. If you are a student of architecture, engineering or construction technology, CSC will provide you with greater exposure to and a better understanding of the Construction Industry, giving you an excellent opportunity if you plan a career in the construction field. For More Information on Membership: - Contact any member of the Executive Attend one of our meetings Visit the National website at Visit our chapter website att NEW MEMBER CSC Saskatoon would like to welcome Wade Klassen as a new member to the CSC Saskatoon Chapter! Wade is a born and raised Saskatoon boy, though he has spent some time working in other cities. He is happy to be back in Saskatoon now for the past several years where with his wife, Crystal, can raise their 16-month old daughter, Petra, nearer to their families. Wade graduated from the SIAST Architectural Technologies program in 2009, and spent several years working in Regina with a different architectural firm before joining Kindrachuk Agrey Architecture in 2011. Prior to that he worked in a number of roles, including as an EMT, a house-parent in group care home for boys, a 3-ton truck driver and dispatcher for a lumber company, and as a self-employed residential renovation contactor. His father was a carpenter, so construction runs in his blood. For fun he renovate his house, leads canoe trips in northern Saskatchewan for home-schooled high school kids, hunts, and chases after their toddler. He is currently pursuing becoming getting CCCA certification, and hoping to get his PMP in due course. PAGE 7 OF 9 THE SASKATOON OCTOBER 2014 ADVERTISING The Saskatoon Specifier offers the opportunity to place your business card in every issue for one full year (minimum 7 issues). This offers your company exposure throughout the Saskatoon construction industry. Full page and half page spaces are also available. To place your ad in the next issue, please send your business card, full page ad, or half page ad and a cheque for the appropriate amount: Business card (7 Issues): Half page ad (Single issue): Full page ad (Single issue): MEMBER $40.00 (GST included) $35.00 (GST included) $50.00 (GST included) NON MEMBER $50.00 (GST included) $45.00 (GST included) $60.00 (GST included) Cheques should be made payable to the Saskatoon CSC Chapter. Mail to: Brad Smith c/o HDH Architects 2233 Avenue C North, Saskatoon, S7L 5Z2 PAGE 8 OF 9 THE SASKATOON OCTOBER 2014 YOUR BUSINESS CARD HERE PAGE 9 OF 9
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