SOUTH-SOUTH TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER LOW CARBON BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES MARKET ASSESSMENT REPORT MALAWI SEPTEMBER 2014 "This material has been funded by UK aid from UK Government’s Department for International Development under the Knowledge Partnership Programme (KPP). However the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK Government’s official policies”. We regret any errors or omissions that may have been unwittingly made. © Maps, photos and illustrations as specified. Feasibility study undertaken by: Technology and Action For Rural Advancement, India Supported in Malawi by: Centre for Community Organization and Development, Lilongwe, Malawi Enterprise Development Holdings, Lilongwe, Malawi Eco Bricks Limited, Selima, Malawi Indian High Commission at Malawi Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Malawi 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It would not have been possible for the project team of Technology and Action for Rural Advancement (TARA), Development Alternatives Group; to undertake the feasibility study for introducing energy efficient and environment friendly building material technologies in Malawi without the active involvement and assistance of a number of individuals and organizations. The Feasibility team would, in particular, like to acknowledge the unflinching support given by all the staff and management of Centre for Community Organization and Development (CCODE), Lilongwe, Malawi; Eco Brick Limited, Selima and Enterprise Development Holdings, Lilongwe, Malawi. We would like to express our sincere thanks to Peter Schramm, Siku Nkhoma, Cynthia Phiri and Wonderful Hunga, for supporting us beyond means to undertake the assessment study. Their constant aspiration of supporting Malawi to explore efficient construction through building material production inspired the team to achieve the same. The team gratefully acknowledges the support from various Departments and Ministries, Government of Malawi especially. National Construction Industry Council, Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development, Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Environment for their interest shown in the feasibility study. Their interest to take out time and discuss possible means of cooperation with the implementation team shows their keen support for dissemination of cleaner building material production technologies for Malawi. At the end and certainly not because they were the least important, TARA would like to highlight the crucial role played by building material manufacturers of Malawi in helping us understand the current situation, identify key issues, estimate the immense potential for modernization of the brick sector and chart out the way forward. The openness and alacrity with which they shared information and ideas was truly remarkable. Last but not the least, TARA gratefully acknowledges the support provided by Department of International Development, India and IPE Global, New Delhi for the assessment study undertaken. We do hope that the feasibility study will encourage the introduction of new and sustainable building material technologies in Malawi to build up resilience to cope with environmental effects in future. Technology and Action for Rural Advancement 2 FOREWORD Given the strong South-South Cooperation development dialogue and India’s long standing presence in assisting development in various regions of the world, DFID has identified a new model for increased cooperation support to India. The Knowledge Partnership Programme aims to step up collaboration around ideas, knowledge, evidence, accountability, technology and innovation, impacting the delivery of global public goods and services and leverage Indian experiences to reduce poverty in LDCs. Development Alternatives Group has been working for the last 3 decades in developing energy efficient and environment friendly technologies creating sustainable livelihoods. Technologies developed, tried and tested have been transferred to many countries in South Asia and Africa. Thus DA Group has acquired capabilities of re-engineering, home-grown technologies to suit the developmental needs for South-South countries. In light of this, the Development Alternatives Group is working a South-South technology transfer assignment for green building material technologies to Malawi. The Centre for Community Organization and Development (CCODE) is a non-govt. organization which works in alliance with Malawi Homeless People’s Federation to provide affordable housing to all. Over the last decade the construction of houses has been costly and thereby not affordable at all for the homeless. This has been mainly due to irregular shape and poor quality bricks, the use of which consumes high cement from large mortar joints and plastering. Over the last decade CCODE has been looking at low cost technologies to produce good and affordable quality building material so that the homeless can live in safer and better conditions. This assessment conducted by the DA Group in collaboration with Centre of Community Organization and Development (CCODE), examined the feasibility of introducing green building material production techniques and methods like the Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln, Micro Concrete Roofing Tiles, RCC Door and Window Frames etc. in Malawi. It showed that all pre-requisites to transfer this technology to Malawi exists and the project would have the support of most institutions in the Malawian housing sector. These low carbon building technologies within the portfolio of DA Group have potential to deal with the dual challenge of mitigating GHG emissions while catering to the housing demand through livelihood creation for poverty alleviation. 3 LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS CCODE Centre for Community Organization And Development DA Development Alternatives DEA Department of Environmental Affairs DFID Department for International Development GDP Gross Domestic Product GoM Government of Malawi GoI Government of India IPEG IPE Global, New Delhi, India ILLOVO Illovo Sugar (Malawi) Limited INR Indian Rupee MBS Malawi Bureau of Standards MFIs Micro-finance Institutions MHC Malawi Housing Corporation MIPA Malawi Investment Promotion Agency MITPSD Ministry Of Industry, Trade And Private Sector Development MWK Malawian Kwacha MLHUD Ministry of Lands, Housing And Urban Development MNREE Ministry of Natural Resource, Energy And Environment NCIC National Construction Industry Council of Malawi TARA Technology And Action For Rural Advancement TEVETA Technical Entrepreneurial, Vocational Education And Training Authority VSBK Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A land locked country in Southern Africa, Malawi with a population of around 15 million, has one of the highest rate of urbanization at 5.22%. This high rate of urbanization puts tremendous pressure on the entire building material sector. With constraints in supply of material both the quality of material and the application in housing has degraded to an alarming extent resulting in poor quality and increasing construction costs. It has been estimated that with the current rate of urbanization, a minimum of 21,000 housing units are required to meet the urban housing demand.Only looking at walling demands, Malawi will require around 1.7 billion units of burnt clay bricks annually. If the rural housing demand is also considered then the annual material consumption will be much more. There is a rising concern on resource scarcity voiced by both the Malawian Government and the building material industry. As wood is the prime source of energy (both domestic and for brick firing), there is immense pressure of deforestation on the fast depleting forests. Current brick production will required around 850,000 MT of wood each and every year. At this rate of wood use, entire Malawi will be deforested within 25-30 years only from brick activity. The increase in demand will accelerate the deforestation, currently at approximately 1% per annum; threatening to wipe out all forests in the near future. The current state of housing has put an immense pressure on the low cost housing sector. Most often it has reached beyond the means of common beneficiaries. With constraints in supply of material and demand far outstripping supply, both the quality of material and the application (house) has degraded to an alarming extent. This has resulted in poor quality and increasing construction costs. Thus there is a need to bring about change in the business as usual scenario. Thus an assessment study was undertaken to study the current status of the market and the feasibility of introducing cleaner production technologies in the construction sector in Malawi, espcially for the brick sector. Housing in Malawi ranges from traditional thatched huts to elaborate multi-roomed dwellings with running water and satellite television. Most rural homes are made of unbaked brick (adobe’s) and grass thatched roofs. As we move towards urban spaces baked-brick homes with metal roofs begin to make an appearance. Only a third of current urban housing is built of permanent materials It is important that the Malawian cities do not simply extend the current technologies and systems of production as different ones are available and may be more appropriate and sustainable. The main walling material in Malawi in urban settings is “burnt clay bricks”, especially for owner driven housing. Poor quality bricks characterised by low compressive strength and inconsistency in shape, size and colour drastically impacts the quality of construction and the standard of living. The poor quality leads to use of excessive mortar, increasing the cost of construction. Use of alternate materials is sparse, limited only to subsidized construction activities. There is a slow shift towards the use of concrete blocks spurred on by the proliferation of developer led construction. In Malawi, competition in the housing sector is limited and operates under a weak institutional framework. On account of this, the informal sector plays a vital role in 5 urban housing though difficult to quantify. The informal sector dominates the construction and housing industry in Malawi, like many developing countries. There is a small formal sector that caters to some of the high end demand. The housing and infrastructure sector in Malawi, the prime users of building and construction materials has a small set of direct stakeholders. The three main sets are the Government, the private sector and the home owners. The housing sector currently is dominated by the Government. Even with the advent of private players in the arena, the Malawi Housing Corporation remains the single largest player in housing development and construction. The government plays a largely regulatory role, with MHG taking on the execution responsibility. The private sector in increasingly becoming an important part of the construction value chain in Malawi. Moving away from just being material or service providers, they are now taking on the role of developers. The home owners play an important role in the sector as they are the largest consumers of building materials. However they have limited say in the quality and pricing of products. Besides the Government of Malawi, there is also interest among the international multi and bi lateral community to work on the housing concerns in Malawi. A priority geography for many agencies, Malawi with its rapid urbanisation rate has ignited interest in its housing and construction sector. With the need to adopt cleaner brick production technologies evident in the country, the team explored the market potential of the Verticla Shaft Brick Kiln (VSBK). The basic criteria’s used to select the technology were based on production capacity, fuel type, product quality, investment capacity and ability to tap the carbon market. Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln technology is the most energy efficient technology available globally till date. Greenhouse gas emissions are also enviably less making it an obvious choice for the carbon market. VSBK is versatile and can be adapted to any scale of production. It produces consistent quality bricks with higher returns than clamp brick production. From the technical viewpoint there are no issues for designing and construction of a VSBK in Malawi. However during the initial couple of years, the design and construction of the VSBK has to be under expert supervision. Preliminary economic and financial analysis of the VSBK technology shows that it can be an alternate technology to replace the clamp kilns and stop use of fuelwood. Although the capital expenses in the range of 8.5-15.5 million MK (depending on the number of shafts) are much higher compared to clamp (no capex required) kilns, the payback period will be around 2-3 years (considering 1 year as stabilization and training period). Even though the price of the VSBK bricks at 15 MK is higher than the 5 MK clamp bricks available, market intelligence suggests that there is a willingness to pay among consumers due to the better quality standarized bricks on offer. If there are constraints in capital investment or uncertainty in volumes that can be marketed, an entrepreneur can start with a single-shaft VSBK and add shafts as his business grows. Moreover the flexibility of the VSBK can meet any production capacity. For smaller production requirement the shaft size can be changed to suit the requirement. Thus VSBK is expected to have its own niche market amongst all the brick production capacities thereby promoting the growth of SME sector in Malawi. It is also expected that the attractiveness of the VSBK will be more to new 6 entrants in the brick business since reluctance is expected amongst traditional brick makers until and unless forced by Government policies. Promotion of VSBK technology will also be a good financial business for financial institutions and the banking sector. It is estimated that more than 1000 VSBK (single shaft) are required to replace the clamp technologies only in urban areas. These will require financing and hence a profitable business. However this requires extensive support and policy changes from the Malawian Government and bilateral agencies as the sector is very nascent. The formal market is small and cannot meet the demands of the people. The informal market has a cost and convenience advantage but suffers on account of quality due to the lack of mechanisation. There is a gap that small scale units can fill. There is very limited evidence of this happening as the entrepreneurial ecosystem is not well developed. Thus the technology transfer needs to be integrated with elements of capacity building and hand holding for the enterprises. India can support this process of technology transfer through building local capacities to transfer the skills and know-how to local institutions and individuals. This is essential for the long term sustianablity of the project. Also there is scope for supporting the development of standards and codes for these bricks. In addition there is an immense need to develop and adopt policy tools both regulatory and fiscal to enhance the uptake of the technology among new and exitsing entrepruners. This is another area, where lessons from India on adoption of cleaner production technologies can be shared. 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................... 2 FOREWORD ......................................................................................................................... 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... 5 1. MALAWI – A BRIEF PROFILE ....................................................................................... 10 2. MALAWI BRICK SECTOR ............................................................................................. 16 3. STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS ............................................................................................ 24 4. DRIVERS AND BARRIERS ............................................................................................. 27 5. POTENTIAL IMPACTS.................................................................................................. 30 6. WAY FORWARD ......................................................................................................... 32 ANNEXURES 1. BRICK MAKING IN MALAWI ........................................................................................ 35 2. OTHER BUILDING MATERIALS IN MALAWI.................................................................. 39 3. TECHNOLOGY PROFILES ............................................................................................. 52 List of Figures Figure 1 : Map of Malawi ................................................................................................... 10 Figure 2: Traditional rural housing in Malawi ..................................................................... 11 Figure 3: Typical Urban House in Malawi ........................................................................... 12 Figure 4: Urbanization rate and corresponding housing needs. .......................................... 13 Figure 5 : Increased pressure on deforestation .................................................................. 14 Figure 6: Drivers of Change................................................................................................ 15 Figure 7: High Mortar Joints .............................................................................................. 15 Figure 8: Wood Fired Clamps ............................................................................................. 16 Figure 9: Forests felled for brick production....................................................................... 16 List of Tables Table 1 : Decision making matrix for the choice of technology transfer in Malawi.............. 19 Table 2: Approximate production cost of bricks manufactured in a VSBK in Malawi .......... 21 Table 3: Cost – quality comparison of VSBK produced bricks ............................................. 22 8 Table 4: Standard Capital Cost Estimate of VSBK in Malawi (Figures in Malawi Kwacha)........................................................................................................................... 23 Table 5: Scale of operation ............................................................................................ 23 Table 6: Summary of materials used and alternatives ................................................ 33 9 1. MALAWI – A BRIEF PROFILE 1.1. Development and Growth The Republic of Malawi is a land locked country situated in Southern Africa (Figure 1). It is bordered by Zambia, Mozambique and Tanzania. Measuring 48,000 square miles, it is a relatively small and densely populated country with limited mineral resources. On the unique geographical treasures of Malawi is Lake Malawi, the 3rd largest fresh water lake in Africa. Part of the Great African Rift Valley, Lake Malawi is around 587 km and 84 km at its longest and widest point. With a population of over 15 million and an average annual per capita income of USD 268 (at current USD), Malawi is among the poorest countries in the world (World Bank, 2012). The economy is predominately agricultural and is dependent on substantial international assistance. In 2012, Malawi received official development assistance and official aid to the tune of USD 1.174 billion (current US$, World Bank, 2012). The Human Development Index, 2013 is 0.418, ranking Malawi at 170 out of 187 countries. 66.7% of the population live in multidimensional poverty (MPI ‘head count’, 2010) while an additional 23.4% were vulnerable to multiple deprivations, leading to an MPI value1 of 0.334. Life expectancy of 54.8 years with an average of 4.2 years of schooling put Malawi below the average for both Sub-Saharan Africa and other Low HDI countries. While Malawi has shown signs of development, this development has been very unequal. HDI when adjusted for inequality falls to 0.287 and the 2004 Gini coefficient is just 39.0. In addition Malawi has a Gender Inequality Index (GII) value of 0.573, ranking it 124 out of 148 countries reflecting gender-based inequalities in three dimensions – reproductive health, empowerment, and economic activity. Figure 1 : Map of Malawi As of 2014, Malawi ranked 128 out of 178 countries on the Environmental Performance Index with a score of 40.06. In 2010, it had a total emission of 1,239 ktonnes CO2 emissions with a per capita figure of 0.1 metric tons CO2 emissions. (World Bank, 2012). Malawi is one of the countries with the smallest Ecological Footprints, under 0.5 global hectares (1¼ acres) which is generally too small to meet basic requirements for food, shelter, infrastructure and sanitation (Global Footprint Network, 2009). In 2012, Malawi managed to attract Foreign Direct Investment worth US$1.2 billion representing 22 percent of the FDI flows to Southern Africa. With reference to Malawi Investment and Trade Centre records for investment pledges for the year 1 Share of the population that is multi-dimensionally poor adjusted by the intensity of deprivations. 10 2012, FDI significantly rose by 18% from US$987,458,231 recorded for 2011 to US$1,161,432,000. This is a reflection of the improved business environment which attracted more investors from within and outside Africa. This upward trend commencing from 2011 was a diversion from the collapsing investment figures traced from 2008 to 2010. Infrastructure and Energy sectors shared 62% and 33% of the 2012 total investment respectively with tourism, services and agro-processing having minimal contribution. Concerning the origin of the investors, China and the United Kingdom shared 46% equally while the rest of the investors which include South Africa, India, Pakistan and local investors, were less than 4% of the total investors. Despite the hike in FDI in 2012, the year’s employment levels (at 4,366) were relatively lower than those of 2011 (at 12,847). Foreign Direct Investment in 2013 and beyond is expected to show a positive growth from the current trend that is benefiting from the investment friendly economic reforms. The current government has liberalized the exchange rate and devalued the Kwacha which should ensure availability of foreign Figure 2: Traditional rural housing in Malawi exchange for investment. Restored good relations with the donor community are also expected to boost confidence in investors. The Economic Recovery Plan is expected to put Malawi’s economy back on track which subsequently should make investing in Malawi more secure. Furthermore, the One-Stop investment facilitation anticipated to commence this year is a likely determinant to increased investment. It is seen that the Government of Malawi is planning to open up the infrastructure sector in the next decades and create favourable investment opportunities. This is expected to create a large demand on the building and allied materials. Moreover increasing urbanization will place a high demand on housing and related infrastructure. Thus there will be rapid increasing demand of building materials and technologies creating high interest for investment and profitable business in urban areas. 1.2. Urbanization and Housing The capital city of Lilongwe is Malawi's largest city. Other large urban centres include Blantyre, Mzuzu, Zomba and Karonga. Currently just over 15% of the population is urban, which is growing at an annual rate of 4.2% (CIA, 2013). Projections suggest that, by 2025, almost 30% and by 2050, 50% of Malawi’s 11 population will be urbanised (UN DESA, 2007). The average annual increase of 5.2% in the urban population in Malawi during the period 2005-10 is amongst the highest in the world. Approximately one in four urban residents officially live in poverty, one-third in Mzuzu, constituting 6% of all the poor people in the country (Integrated Household Survey, Government of Malawi 2005). The richest 20% of urban households consume 40 times as much as the poorest 20% of rural households and 13 times as much as the poorest 20% of urban households (World Bank, 2003). Population growth patterns of Malawi’s major urban centres indicate there will be 203,600 additional households by 2020 that, with an additional 25 per cent for the secondary urban centres, leads to a total demand for new dwellings of 254,500 by 2020. The Malawi Urban Housing Sector Profile 2010 reveals that with the current rate of urbanization 21,000 housing units are required annually to meet the urban housing needs over the next 10 years. In Malawi, formal housing delivery systems account for less than 20% of the demand and target middle and high income people. As a result, between 70-90% of the urban population who cannot afford a decent living condition are forced to live in informal settlements – resulting in insecure tenure, poor quality of housing and overcrowding (Habitat NI, N.D)2. This type of living conditions often creates human stress Figure 3: Typical Urban House in Malawi leading to restlessness and unlawful activities. In Malawi market, competition in the housing sector is limited and operates under a weak institutional framework. Taking advantage of this, the informal sector plays a vital role in Malawi’s urban housing though difficult to quantify. Informality increases as one moves from urban to rural spaces. In fact one of the biggest informal housing sector is in Likuni, on the outskirts of Lilongwe. The pre and post-independence administrations set up the Traditional Housing Areas3 and successfully recruited the informal construction sector’s energies to develop an affordable urban environment.(Figure 2, 3) Unfortunately, this has withered away and the informal sector co- operates with the formal sector in overlapping systems, but with little government acknowledgement or assistance through policy (UN-Habitat, 2010). 2 Traditional Housing Areas (THAs) are the official way of supplying housing to the low-income majority in urban areas. They are provided serviced plots in the “sites and services” tradition, but with relatively tolerant standards for the construction of the dwellings in response to the poverty of the plot holders. 12 3 The Malawian government has retained a high profile in the housing sector despite never adopting a national housing policy. The draft National Housing Policy recognises that housing provision is potentially a major contributor to national economic development through its direct, and multiplier effects in job creation (Government of Malawi, 2007). NSO data reveals that building and construction is fourth among the nine major businesses in the country. It follows agriculture, mining and manufacturing in terms of contribution to GDP and growth. An annual increase in funding for construction works from MWK 11.9 million in 2003 to MWK 20.4 million in 2009 (at constant 2002 prices) was observed, highlighting the growth in the building sector. According to the IHS, 3.9 % of the urban workforce is employed in construction. 15% 30% 50% 2013 2025 2050 21,000 42,000 84,000 Urbanization rate Housing needs Figure 4: Urbanization rate and corresponding housing needs. Note: This prediction is only for urban and does not account rural houses and other infrastructural needs The last few years, Malawi has seen an improvement in its development and poverty indices. As the country moves towards growth and development, people will have disposable incomes and will invest in essentials like housing. The housing demand is already evident and this will only grow. Estimates of a fourfold growth are expected in housing by 2050 this will correspondingly increase the brick demand and thus fuel consumption. (Figure 4) Building materials are estimated to contribute to about 60% of the cost of housing as well as the major chunk of the emissions from the sector. Bricks occupy a large share of this. Introduction of clean production technologies for quality bricks will reduce both the cost of housing as well as reduce the carbon intensity of the sector. Thus investing in technologies for production of clear and better quality building material is imperative to enable the sector to grow in a sustainable manner. 1.3. Drivers of Change This high rate of urbanization puts tremendous pressure on the entire building material sector. With constraints in supply of material and demand far outstripping Annually 850,000 MT of wood burnt to supply, both the quality of material and the produce bricks in Malawi application (house) has degraded to an alarming extent. This has resulted in poor 13 quality and increasing construction costs. This current state of housing has put an immense pressure on the low cost housing sector4. Most often it has reached beyond the means of common beneficiaries. Thus there is a need to bring about change in the business as usual scenario. The prime driver for change is the rising concern on resource scarcity voiced by both the Malawian Government and the building material industry. As wood is the prime source of energy (both domestic and for brick firing), there is immense pressure of deforestation on the fast depleting forests. Current brick production will required around 850,000 MT of wood each and every year. At this rate of wood use, entire Malawi will be deforested within 25-30 years only from brick activity. The increase in demand will accelerate the deforestation, currently at approximately 1% per annum; threatening to wipe out all forests in the near future.(Figure 5) Thus, the two major concerns in the Malawi brick sector are increased deforestation due to use of fuelwood and poor brick quality Figure 5 : Increased pressure on deforestation resulting in poor construction quality5. The lack of appropriate moulding and firing techniques results in poor brick quality. There is a huge scope in improving brick production. In the case of red bricks there is a need to introduce improvements in both the green brick making process as well as firing technologies. (Figure 6) The construction quality found in Malawi is mixed. There are masons who can do a much better job of construction. However the general tendency is to cover up the construction by either thick pointing6 or by plastering, both of which are expensive. This is a general habit of masons and cannot be changed immediately. The reason of poor construction quality might be due to poor quality and irregular shape of bricks. There is no consistency in shape, size and colour. Thus another major driver is the demand for quality building material that can contribute to a reduced cost of construction. Poor brick quality drastically impacts the quality of construction and the standard of living. The poor quality leads to use of excessive mortar. (Figure 7) One of the largest contributors to the cost of construction is the cost of cement from these high mortar joints. These costs can be reduced for example in walls through standardized and good quality7 bricks from better construction and reduced use of cement mortar, Estimates peg reductions at about 25-30% from current conventional costs. Construction with traditional bricks is approximately 70% more than similar construction with good quality bricks. Thus use of quality bricks can drastically bring down the cost of construction of a low cost housing. 4 Low Cost housing while not strictly defined by the state, refers to housing for the low-income group. Low compressive strength averaging between 15-30 kg/cm2 and irregular dimensions of the low quality bricks, when used in construction with low skill levels result in poor quality structures. 6 Method of finishing walls after construction 7 Quality above 50-77 kg/cm2 14 5 Figure 6: Drivers of Change Poor quality housing coupled with the increasing deforestation in the country, has prompted the Government of Malawi to take notice of the situation and explore alternatives. During the course of the assessment, several meetings were conducted in Lilongwe, Malawi. The Department of Energy Affairs, Department of Environment Affairs, and National Construction Industry Council etc. have expressed a keen interest in promotion of such building materials like bricks and tiles from India. Figure 7: High Mortar Joints 15 The project intervention will introduce new technologies for building material production that will deal with this dual challenge of proving quality housing to communities while mitigating environmental damage caused. A further dissemination is required to enable the technologies introduced to have large scale impacts on suitable development indicators of environment, economics and social well-being. 2. MALAWI BRICK SECTOR 2.1. Brick Making in Malawi The main building material that is used in Malawi in both rural and urban settings for all building types is burnt bricks. The 2008 Population and Housing Census shows that burnt (38.5%) and un-burnt (38.3%) bricks were dominant wall materials in 2008. In the last two decades there has been a significant shift from mud walls (46.6% to 19.9%) mostly to bricks. Not only in urban areas, also the percentage of dwelling units with burnt bricks has significantly increased in the rural areas from about 10 % to almost 40 % in this duration. In some cases alternate materials have been experimented but with limited success. Compared to burnt clay bricks, concrete and other cement based products only account for 0.6% of all walling materials. A low cost house will require an estimated 20,000 burnt bricks while a high income house will require an estimated 150,000 to 300,000 including bricks for fencing around the house. Thus on an average 85,000 burnt bricks will be required for the construction a single house. Therefore to meet the demand of 21,000 housing units needed each year, a minimum of 1.7 billion burnt bricks are required every year. This is just the bare minimum of the housing sector in urban areas only. If the requirement of rural areas including infrastructure requirements of public investment is calculated then the estimate of 1.7 billion per year will increase manifold. Majority of the bricks in Malawi are fired in traditional clamp8 fuelled with fire wood. In almost all the conventional type kilns wood is being used for firing of bricks. The wood is generally from large trees. Typically a clamp consumes around 20 MT of wood to fire 40,000 bricks. This puts enormous pressure on the remaining forests in Malawi which are already under high pressure from domestic demand as wood is the major source of energy for Figure 9: Forests felled for brick production households. (Figure 8,9) With no control on raw materials and process the product is extremely poor compared to the standards in other countries. Malawian clamps have a Specific Energy Consumption of approximately 3.66 MJ/kg compared to VSBK which operates at 0.7-0.8 MJ/kg. Figure 8: Wood Fired Clamps 8 The clamp is really an arrangement for firing bricks exactly without a kiln. The clamp consists of a large stack of bricks, with stack sizes varying from between 10,000 to 3 million bricks upto a maximum stack height of 4 metres, and which tends to taper slightly towards the top. The bricks are essentially placed closely together to allow for the direct transfer of heat. 16 Given the pressure on forests and firewood, there is a keen interest of the government in the building materials sector. They are contemplating a ban on use of firewood for brick kiln firing and promoting concrete blocks. However, in absence of viable options, banning the use of forest resources is not possible. 2.2. Economics of Brick Making Virtually all brick activity in Malawi can be classified on technical grounds into two categories: Burnt bricks Cured brick products o Compressed earth blocks o Hollow concrete blocks It has been seen that the non-traditional building materials e.g. cured products are being used sporadically only in urban areas of Lilongwe and Blantyre (only accounting for 0.6% of walling materials). These products are not commonly produced and remain the preferred choice of funding agencies. It has been seen that they are not being economically viable compared to the burnt bricks only from the production cost. The major reason for high production cost is due to cement. Almost all the cement in Malawi is imported and made available at MWK 5,000 per bag which makes the business of producing cured bricks unsustainable. Thus in the following analysis only traditional burnt clay bricks were being considered. Traditional commercial kilns in Malawi produce 100,000 to 1,000,000 bricks per year. However there are also kilns of 20,000 – 40,000 capacity being used for own construction by house makers. Since these are traditional clamp kilns thus no investment is required or being made. Virtually all of the kilns seen in Lilongwe and Blantyre area were made without any investment of hard capital. Even the land being used is from the Government with no formal payment system. In the clamp kilns there was no system of keeping track of finance. With the information gathered from workers, a green brick costs around MWK 2. Similar expenses are incurred for firing also. Thus the production cost of a small size brick is around MWK 4. These include labour expenses paid on piece rate basis. Thus an entrepreneur makes a profit of only around MWK 1 per brick which as per standard survival conditions is too low. It has been reported that a family requires around MWK 60,000 per month for basic minimum survival.9 Thus brick making is not a profitable business. However it is a good proposition for making some quick money. On the other hand there are instances where in organized production (based only on 2 factories present) the selling prices of bricks are much higher. The approximate selling prices of bricks are given below: Traditional clamps MWK 5 per brick Yam Construction, Lilongwe MWK 15 per brick Terrastone Brick Factory, Blantyre MWK 25 per brick. Thus there are instances where good quality bricks are in demand and sold at higher prices. 9 For more information please see the Basic Need Basket Data published by Centre for Social Concern, Malawi 17 No information was available on the existence of a tax regime for bricks. Entrepreneurs did not report the need to pay taxes to the Government or charge any such surcharge from their customers. 2.3. The Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln The choice of technology to be transferred to Malawi was critical. The choice was made on the basis of technical suitability and performance economics. The selection criteria included production capacity, fuel type, product quality and investment capacity among others. The decision making matrix in Table 1 shows the process of selection. It portrays a comparison between wood fired clamps dominant in Malawi and various alternatives including the VSBK. 18 Table 1 : Decision making matrix for the choice of technology transfer in Malawi Criteria Brick firing technologies Wood fired clamp Coal fired clamp Improv ed clamp Scoved kiln MK Kiln Up draught kiln Down draught kiln Zig Zag kiln Habla kiln BTK Hoffma nn VSBK Tunnel kiln Roller hearth Bench mark Malawi Capacity of kiln Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod High High High High High High Variable High High Type of fuel Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Fixed Variable Variable Fixed Variable Variable Fuel switch facility Homogeneity of temperature Energy requirement /kg brick Heat recovery for drying Capable to produce Roofing tiles Hollow bricks Solid bricks Floor tiles Emissions to atmosphere Workplace emissions Possibility of fulfilling emission norms Requirement of quality green brick Product quality Monthly production Yes Low Yes Mod Yes Mod Yes Mod Yes Low Yes High Yes High No High No High Yes High Yes High No High Yes High Yes High Low Variable Fixed Coal No High High High High High High Mod Mod Mod Mod High Mod V. low High High No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes High Yes Yes Yes Yes High Yes Yes Yes Yes Mod Yes Yes Yes Yes High Yes Yes Yes Yes Low Yes Yes Yes Yes Mod Yes Yes Yes Yes Mod Yes Yes Yes Yes Mod Yes Yes Yes Yes Mod Yes Yes Yes Yes Mod Yes Yes Yes Yes Mod No Yes Yes No Low Yes Yes Yes Yes Mod Yes Yes Yes Yes Mod NA Yes Yes NA V. Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Mod Low Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod High Mod Mod Mod High Mod V. high Low High Low High Low High Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low High Low Low High Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Med Low Good Low Good High Good High Good High Good High Good High Good Variable Good V. high Good V. high Land requirement All year operation Production losses Investment Low No High Low Low No High Low Low No High Low Low No High Low Low No Mod Low High High Low High High High Low High High High Low High High No Low High High No Low High High High Low V. High Low High Low High High High Low V. High High High Low V. High Good Low Mod Low High Low Low 19 Low - V. Low High Mod Return on investment Organisational requirements Availability of replicas Local capacities for construction Availability of materials for construction Experience of implementation Total positive points 20 Fast Low Fast Low Fast Low Fast Low Fast High Med High Med High Med High Med High Med High Med High Med High Slow High Slow High Fast High Easy Yes Easy Yes Easy Yes Easy Yes Difficult No Difficult No Difficult No Difficult No Difficult No Difficult No Difficult No Difficult No Difficult No Difficult No Easy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes 7 7 7 7 6 5 5 5 8 5 7 14 5 5 The Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln (VSBK) technology is the obvious choice for small scale brick making in Malawi. Although new technology requires a considerable amount of training and capacity building, still it scores over the traditional clamps in energy consumption, environmental emissions and return on investment. There might be comparison with clamp on the initial investment required, but VSBK has the ability to produce consistent quality of bricks getting higher returns. The VSBK technology developed in China and adapted by Development Alternatives is an energy efficient, environment friendly and economically viable alternative means to produce quality bricks, especially for mid range brick makers, producing 10 to 40 lakh bricks per year. It consists of one or more shafts located inside a rectangular brick structure. The shafts are 1 to 1.25 metres wide with nominal lengths of 1 m, 1.5m, 1.75m or 2.0 m. In India, shaft heights have been Adoption of VSBK technology would varied to hold from 8 to 13 batches. The result in savings of 850,000 – inside surface is a brick wall, often lined 1,000,000 tonnes of wood per year in with refractory fireclay bricks. The gap Malawi. between the shaft wall and outer kiln wall is filled with insulating materials clay and rice husk, etc. (see diagram). Provision for peep-holes and thermocouple probes are provided along the shaft height to monitor the position of fire as well as temperature profile of the kiln. The shaft is loaded from the top in batches of green bricks. Each batch typically contains four layers of bricks set in a predetermined pattern. The stack of bricks rest on square support bars (which can be removed or inserted) and supported in turn by a pair of horizontal beams across the arches in the unloading tunnel. For evacuation of exhaust gases, typically, two rectangular chimneys are provided at opposite corners of each shaft. Lids are provided to cover the shaft top, which direct the gases to the chimney through the flue system. 2.4. Business Economics - VSBK The price at which bricks were being sold in Malawi ranged from MWK 4 to MWK 6 per brick. Apart from the normal spread in pricing on account of variation in rates at which entrepreneurs are selling bricks to customers, there is only one main factor that determine price: Quality Good quality bricks are in high demand for high end and Government construction since traditionally people prefer exposed brick work. Thus even a 5 times price escalation is not an issue provided the bricks are of good shape and quality. This high price is also somewhat offset from the reduced cement costs from thinner mortar joints. Table 2 below shows the approximate breakup of production cost of a VSBK. Table 2: Approximate production cost of bricks manufactured in a VSBK in Malawi (All figures are in Malawian Kwacha unless otherwise specified) 21 Parameters VSBK 1 - shaft VSBK 2 - shaft Bricks manufactured 1,215,000 2,430,000 Raw material for green brick 1,215,000 2,430,000 Green brick making charges 850,500 1,701,000 Green brick transportation 486,000 972,000 External fuel 1,944,000 3,888,000 Internal fuel 2,673,000 5,346,000 Firing labour expenses 972,000 1,215,000 Machine and kiln maintenance 486,000 364,500 Overheads 486,000 486,000 91,125 121,500 Damage due to unseasonal rains Unforeseen expenses Sub total 516,375 486,000 9,720,000 17,010,000 Direct cost per 1000 bricks Marketing costs Cost of Capital (annualized) 8,000 7,000 486,000 850,500 700,000 980,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 10,906,000 18,840,500 Net Cost per 1000 bricks 8,980 7,750 Exchange rate: 1 USD = 250 MWK There is sufficient evidence to indicate that the brick market in Malawi is robust enough to encourage higher pricing if quality bricks are being produced. This will result in relatively predictable revenue for brick makers which will increase over time with demand. Input costs are also likely to be stable and increase gradually in pace with general inflation. Table 3 below shows the comparison between cost and quality of VSBK produced bricks in comparison to bricks produced in clamps in Malawi. Table 3: Cost – quality comparison of VSBK produced bricks (All figures are in Malawian Kwacha unless otherwise specified) Comparative parameters VSBK 1 - shaft VSBK 2 - shaft Clamp Length 230 mm 230 mm 180 – 300 mm Breadth 110 mm 110 mm 70 – 120 mm Height 70 mm 70 mm 55 – 90 mm Shape Good with sharp edges Pleasing Poor Appearance Good with sharp edges Pleasing Ring Metallic Metallic Dull Colour Bright red Bright red Brownish Uniformity Uniform quality Uniform quality Non-uniform Compressive strength* > 100 kg/cm2 > 100 kg/cm2 < 40 kg/cm2 Water absorption 10-15% 10-15% > 20% Efflorescence Nil Nil Nil Production cost per 1000 bricks MK 9,000 MK 7,750 MK 4,000 Selling price** (expected) MK 15,000 MK 15,000 MK 5,000 Poor Exchange rate: 1 USD = 250 MWK * Depending upon soil quality and made in soft mud moulding machine ** Normally equivalent quality bricks are sold between MK 15 – MK 25. The economic feasibility of VSBK Technology in Malawi is predicted upon its viability in the urban areas of Lilongwe and Blantyre. No absolute prediction can be made at this stage by comparing the VSBK Technology Package against existing brick production technologies i.e. the traditional clamps. Once pilot kilns are operational 22 more definite figures can be calculated. However an indicative cost is given in Table 4. Thus table 5 gives an idea on the scale of operation of a single and a double shaft VSBK. Table 4: Standard Capital Cost Estimate of VSBK in Malawi (Figures in Malawi Kwacha) Parameters VSBK 1 Shaft VSBK 2 Shaft Materials Construction Materials Refractory bricks & mortar MS Steel GI Sheet Roof 2,582,513 1,259,200 530,981 617,630 5,165,026 2,518,400 1,061,962 1,235,260 Equipment Exhaust System Unloading Screw Unloading Trolley Trolley Truck Conveyor Belt Metal Stair Case Misc. 378,000 312,000 468,000 20,000 1,300,000 100,000 127,550 756,000 624,000 936,000 40,000 1,300,000 100,000 255,100 285,000 240,000 570,000 480,000 25,000 15,000 15,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 8,275,874 8,500,000 15,151,748 15,500,000 Labour Skilled Unskilled Fabrication Charges Shuttering & Scaffolding Transportation Total Total (Rounded Off) Key economic parameters used to make the analysis are: Scale of operation, Investment, Annual Expenditure, Annual Revenue and Overall Business Performance. Given that the VSBK is modular in nature, two sizes – a 1-shaft VSBK and a 2-shaft VSBK are being recommended. Table 5: Scale of operation Parameters Daily output (bricks) Days of operation Annual capacity (bricks) Capacity utilization Annual production (bricks) Investment Selling Price ROR VSBK 1 - shaft 4,500 300 1,350,000 90 % 1,215,000 8 million 15 MK / Brick ~3 years VSBK 2 - shaft 9,000 300 2,700,000 90 % 2,430,000 15 million 15 MK/ brick ~2 years It is evident that VSBK technology is suitable for small to medium scales of brick manufacturing. It matches the capacity expectations of most entrepreneurs and is modular. If there are constraints in capital investment or uncertainty in volumes that can be marketed, an entrepreneur can start with a single-shaft VSBK and add shafts as his business grows. Moreover the flexibility of the VSBK can meet any production capacity. For smaller production requirement the shaft size can be changed to suit the requirement. 23 3. STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS The housing and infrastructure sector in Malawi, the prime users of building and construction materials has a small set of direct stakeholders. The three main sets are the Government, the private sector and the home owners. 3.1. Government The housing sector currently is dominated by the Government. Even with the advent of private players in the arena, the Malawi Housing Corporation remains the single largest player in housing development and construction. The government plays a largely regulatory role, with MHG taking on the execution responsibility. In the overall construction space however it occupies only a 10-20% share. Most residential construction is carried out by home owners themselves. Agencies like TEVETA (Technical, Entrepreneurial and Vocational Education and Training Authority) are involved in capacity building and skill up gradation of masons and other construction workers. While housing is apriority area for the government, there are no dedicated schemes or plans to meet the deficit or take the programme further. They recognize the need to introduce cleaner production technologies for building materials especially bricks due to the increasing pressure of natural resources like wood and timber. Thus the technology transfer programme proposal was met with a lot of encouragement from departments as diverse as Energy Affairs, Environmental Affairs and Housing. However beyond just the technology transfer for production technologies, there is a need to work on policy level interventions to introduce codes and standards for the newly introduced materials. There is also needed a policy push to move away from the traditional low quality high energy building material towards cleaner low carbon options among the users. 3.2. Private Sector The private sector in increasingly becoming an important part of the construction value chain in Malawi. Moving away from just being material or service providers, they are now taking on the role of developers. 3.2.1. Brick Manufacturers Brick production in Malawi is a small scale activity. Brick making activity is scattered throughout the country depending on demand and need. Temporary clamps dot the sides of roads. It is mainly undertaken by unemployed youth and farmers after harvesting their crops. The bricks are then sold from the site itself or very often used for personal consumption. Often people take up contracts to produce a fixed number of bricks for a particular construction assignment. The same contractor might undertake the brick production as well as the construction. It is very often done directly on the site of the future construction. However there are certain areas that have concentrated activities due to the presence of good quality clay and their proximity to fast growing urban centers. 24 Only 2-3 entrepreneurs have been identified who produce bricks on a larger scale, in permanent kilns. Compared to clamp bricks there is a considerable improvement in quality of these bricks. There is a recognition present among the entrepreneurs but they are unable to adopt mechanized production due to the lack of access to both information and technology. They however expressed interest in adopting simple mechanized devices is easily available. The barrier of access to finance however remains. Also important are the construction service providers who use these materials. While adept at using the available materials and making the best of it, there is a severe dearth of skilled labour who can take on new technology applications. Hence the need for capacity building and agencies like TEVETA is imperative. 3.2.2. Developers With the increased demand for housing coupled with inadequate supply of poor quality bricks another interested stakeholder group is the developer. Private developers are mushrooming in urban areas like Lilongwe and Blantyre. Moving away from the traditional housing practices of owner driver construction, they are providing already constructed homes. Majority of these however deal with higher to middle income groups. Public private partnerships enable the smooth functioning of these developers, with the government playing the role of a facilitator. With respect to the materials and technologies used however, there is still a resistance to try out innovations. While the transition from burnt bricks to concrete blocks for walling is being made, they are reluctant to experiment with roofing technologies. The only difference is the cost and quality of material used. For e.g. Harvey tiles will be used instead of corrugated sheets. This is however a stakeholder group that is fast gaining influence in the sector and it is important to seed them with innovations at this time. 3.2.3. Financial Agencies Access to finance is one of the largest barriers to industry in Malawi. This also applies to the construction sector. With interest rates exceeding 30%, it is difficult for entrepreneurs to invest capital in their businesses. In addition the risk taking ability of local entrepreneurs is not very high. Most businesses in the country are owned by ex-pats who invest equity. This is not a luxury afforded to many local entrepreneurs. Thus in order to ensure the widespread adoption of new technologies among new entrepreneurs, it is imperative to improve access to finance. 3.3. Home Owners The home owners play an important role in the sector as they are the largest consumers of building materials. However they have limited say in the quality and pricing of products. The options range between low cost-low quality and high costhigh quality products, often making quality affordable housing a dream. They unfortunately have very little say in this as the market is controlled from the supply side. Introduction of new technologies and new players in the market will help the market grow and let the consumer have better decision control over their choices. 25 3.4. International Cooperation Besides the Government of Malawi, there is also interest among the international multi and bi lateral community to work on the housing concerns in Malawi. A priority geography for many agencies, Malawi with its rapid urbanisation rate has ignited interest in its housing and construction sector. This set of stakeholders is also responsible for introducing materials like SSBs and Concrete Blocks. However high costs of these materials keep most other users at bay. 26 4. DRIVERS AND BARRIERS The successful introduction and large scale proliferation of the VSBK in Malawi is governed by a multitude of factors. In order to achieve impact, there is a need to create an enabling environment focussing on capacities (knowledge & technology base), finance (market & economics) and policy (regulatory & institutional framework). This section analyses these key aspects to develop an understanding on the different drivers and barriers in the context of Malawi. 4.1. Market and Finance 4.1.1 Growing demand for construction drives the material production sector The growing demand for construction due to increasing populations and urbanisation offers a huge potential market for different building materials. Malawi is urbanizing at a rate of over 4% per annum. The demand for housing is growing and this is tried that is predicted to continue. This demand will spur growth in the building materials sector. Concern over burning firewood the most common fuel for firing bricks is encouraging entrepreneurs and end users to explore alternate opportunities. The current trade-off is between quality and cost. Good quality building material is expensive. Building material that is used in affordable housing is often sourced from the informal sector and is of poor quality. With environment and cost being priorities, investing in technologies for production of clear and better quality building material is seen as a good opportunity. 4.1.2 Private sector has displayed an increasing interest in investing It has been pointed out that there is a growing interest by the private sector in investment in the building material sector. There is a growing entrepreneurial spirit among the local people. With political stability and the country opening out to the global economy, the risk taking ability of people is enhanced. Recognizing the demand of the market, they recognize the potential of investing in the sector. Existing entrepreneurs are keen to grow their business from manual home operated businesses to small semi mechanized enterprises. 4.1.3 Lack of support systems retard growth in the sector While there is an expression of interest in the market, it has not resulted in a many enterprises on the ground. This is primarily due to the lack of support services available to the potential and existing entrepreneurs. Adoption of these technologies involves capital expenditure. While small, it will still require a debt component. Access to finance is a serious concern in Malawi. The banking sector has average lending rates of over 30%. This enhanced risk dissuades interested people from investing in the sector. In addition there are no incentives available for entrepreneurs investing in cleaner technology units. There is little or no support provided to new entrepreneurs in terms of market linkages to reduce the risk to the enterprise. There is thus a great need for 27 handholding support to the first few enterprises that adopt a new technology to ensure a critical mass of successful enterprise are set up to seed scale up. 4.2. Capacities 4.2.1 Low or negligible levels of skill There is currently no skill available to operate and manage new technologies. It has been observed that the lack of skilled workers is one of the most severe barriers faced by enterprises espcially new enterprises. While there are technical training institutes available in the country, they are currently not aware of these new technologies. It is imperative to get them on board. A positive sign is the presence of these organisations like TEVETA and their mandate of training. However there is a need to conduct large scale skill trainings to ensure a large enough cadre of skilled workers are available. While this project touches upon this aspect, a far more intensive appraoch is required to create a large enough pool of resource. 4.2.2 Lack of technology solutions While entrepreneurs expressed interest in investing in technology for cleaner and better quality production, they have no access to information about these technologies. There are no technology providers available in the country that can cater to the needs to enterprises that adopt this technology. The technology transfer project does address this issue. However there is a need to identify focal points of dissemination in the country. Technology service providers that can facilitate entrepreneurs in establishing their enterprises using the new technology are required. This set of stakeholders does not currently exist in the country and needs to be created. 4.3. Policy 4.3.1 Keen interest from decision makers Most of the Government bodies in Malawi are well aware of the fact that the building material sector needs to change, especially the burnt brick sector. The major concerns expressed by most of the Government Departments visited are the use of wood and quality of the bricks being produced. In general it was felt that there is a strong knowledge gap between the current situation and the present technologies being adopted in other countries. Thus they encourage this technology transfer initiative. It was also communicated that there was a In 2012 a proposal was move by the Cabinet, Government of Malawi submitted to the Cabinet to on banning the use of wood in making of burnt ban burnt clay bricks. clay bricks. However the major questions raised were the alternative options available that Malawi needs to adopt. Since no suitable option was presented, thus the ban was deferred. 28 4.3.2 Lack of quality assurance and control Quality of building materials is recognized as a concern by the government, entrepreneurs and users alike. There are certain national codes and standards for building material. However due to lack of technical support, the quality being produced are not upto national working standards. It was requested that quality control labs and capacity building be supported by India. This is especially for transferring knowledge and should be anchored within Malawian Universities and Technical Institutes. Also, product standards for some of the new technology options need to be defined to check energy intensive and polluting manufacturing practices. There is potential of knowledge transfer in this area also to provide technical support. 4.3.3 There are no government schemes to help build the programme Government agencies have pledged univocal support to the programme. However there are no schemes or programmes that support the development of the sector. While there is recognition of the need for action and there are no concrete steps taken by the government for the same. They welcome the initiative and promise support, however there needs to be more intensive engagement to imbibe it within the national agenda. Thus there is a positive mindset in improving the industry. However adequate information and means should be made available by the civil societies and entrepreneurs working on introducing cleaner production technologies to provide an alternative to the current type of building material production. There is a demand for quality building materials. There is an understanding of accepting cleaner production systems. There is a buy-in from the public and private sector. Thus the stage seems set for the introduction of new technologies. However it is a new government and a nascent market. There is a need for intensive support in terms of policy, finance, technology and capacity building for the new technologies to take root and be accepted and adopted in the local context. This requires engagement over a number of years to embed these skills in the local people and businesses. 29 5. POTENTIAL IMPACTS The various meetings and workshop conducted in Lilongwe on the VSBK technology has created a substantial interest amongst all major stakeholders in Malawi. The Department of Energy Affairs, Department of Environment Affairs, National Construction Industry Council etc. has taken a keen interest in the VSBK technology with options of suggesting VSBK as a replacement to clamp kilns. It is expected that entrepreneurs will be interested in adopting the same due to enhanced profits and compliance with Government regulations. Workers will be willing to contribute due to enhanced incomes and favourable working conditions. Regulatory agencies will be interested in enforcing the same since deforestation will be arrested. Thus if VSBK is adopted only in the urban cities replacing clamps, then it will result in: Environmental Impacts Saving of 850,000 tonnes of fuelwood annually due to fuel replacement to coal Saving of 1,500,000 tonnes of CO2 annually Reducing the embodied energy in housing, thereby pioneering the path of energy saving in Africa Economic Impacts Recurring income of USD 9 million worth of foreign exchange annually Creation of more than 1,000 small to medium scale enterprises in the SME sector and ancillary industries Recurring use of 50,000 tons of coal creating a business of USD 10 million within the country thereby promoting inclusive growth. Social Impacts Creation of more than 20,000 sustainable “GREEN JOBS” thereby helping in reducing poverty Provision of healthy working conditions for kiln workers due to reduced exposure to smoke and other exhaust gases working in a VSBK. Yearlong production ensures stable, steady and enhanced source of income for entrepreneurs and workers also Improving the quality of housing in Malawi and incurring a saving of around 40% from bricks and mortar alone To get the benefits of VSBK it is expected that the Government of Malawi will have to play a critical role through a “carrot and stick” approach. On one hand it should provide the stick through stringent laws and stricter enforcement. On the other it should also provide the carrot through easy financing, subsidies, awareness and promotional events. New approaches to operational practices requires a paradigm shift from the conventional practices and the mentality amongst entrepreneurs of conducting regular business thereby integrating the whole process innovations with new 30 technology process and re-engineering of existing methods. Change in mentality, technology innovations and trained human resources are the most valuable asset of improving the environment and benefitting the society in a business-like manner. However the advantage of all this can only happen if all the brick industry stakeholders are ready to change its mind set and working habit. All this requires extensive awareness, widespread demonstration, intensive training and long term technology support and making both workers and entrepreneurs learn, practice and adopt improved technology options. The above is the key to the success of pilot demonstration initiatives and can only be achieved in time. In the absence of learning, the work force simply repeats the old practices and therefore, continuing learning and commitment to re-learning are crucial for overall improvement in the brick sector especially with regards to stopping use of fuelwood, energy conservation, minimizing pollution and better quality of brick. Thus it is recommended that a pilot demonstration of VSBK be initiated for demonstrating technical viability and creating awareness. The pilot demonstration is to be seen as a compliment to initiate a larger demonstration initiative in all the major cities and towns of Malawi with attractive business opportunities and enhanced environmental benefits. 31 6. WAY FORWARD The increasing housing demand exerts pressure in the current building materials market both formal and informal. The formal market is small and cannot meet the demands of the people. The informal market has a cost and convenience advantage but suffers on account of quality due to the lack of mechanisation. There is a gap that small scale units can fill. There is very limited evidence of this happening as the entrepreneurial ecosystem is not well developed. Thus the technology transfer needs to be integrated with elements of capacity building and hand holding for the enterprises. 6.1. Strengthening the Value Chain for VSBK While the current environment is conducive to the introduction of new technologies and the need for such transfer is ripe, this is just the beginning. The technology transfer programme is observing positive signs in terms of acceptance among the government and support from bi-lateral agencies. However, in order to achieve impact at scale it is important to tie up the technology transfer initiative with support particularly from the policy and finance end. Policy support in the form of codes and regulations for new materials is one of the first steps in mainstreaming these technologies. Policy research also needs to explore and understand how these materials and technologies can be incentivized for the users through fiscal and regulatory measures. Till the market is mature enough to innovate, policy needs to provide support to new technologies and developments. This area currently lies in vacuum. Another aspect is building capacities of local people to take on these technologies. This needs to be done at various levels ranging from establishing new entrepreneurs to workers at the enterprise as well as masons during construction. The lack of skilled workforce can be met through introducing vocational training courses. This skilled workforce is a key ingredient in promoting the technologies and achieving scale. Finance as an enabler cannot be ignored. While the technology transfer has been met with positivity, the impact of the initiative will be seen only when more and more entrepreneurs adopt the technology. The current financial landscape defies this movement. The lack of access of capital and the limited risk taking ability of locals is a deadly mix to retard the good progress a pilot technology transfer can make. Thus it is important to seed and provide hand holding support to the first set of enterprises that will be created. There is a need to move beyond the first enterprise to create a critical mass of enterprises to demonstrate the potential for change both for the entrepreneur and the local economy. A longer term support program is imperative to achieve scale and impact that the technology transfer pilot envisions. With the backdrop of these assumptions, we can chart a course of widespread impact in the lives of the local Malawi home owners and entrepreneurs. India can support this process of technology transfer through building local capacities to transfer the skills and know-how to local institutions and individuals. This is essential for the long term sustianablity of the project. Also there is scope for supporting the development of standards and codes for these bricks. In addition 32 there is an immense need to develop and adopt policy tools both regulatory and fiscal to enhance the uptake of the technology among new and exitsing entrepruners. This is another area, where lessons from India on adoption of cleaner production technologies can be shared. 6.2. Spin Off Ideas The market assessment and engagement with both public and private stakeholders in Malawi revealed a very high interest for technology transfer of cleaner brick production technologies. However the intervention has also resulted in an expression of interest from the neighbouring countries to undertake similar exercises to explore the potential of technology transfer. Some of the countries from where interest has been received include Mozambique, Kenya, Ethiopia, Zambia and Tanzania. It is worth to note here that the interest has come from the private sector in these areas. The drivers here also reflect an interest in a technology that provides an affordable quality product while causing minimal environment damage as a secondary cause. Based on the observations in the field and the interactions with stakeholders, the team uncovered potential for the adoption of other green building materials in addition to the VSBK. The summary of presently used building materials and alternatives suggested in Table 6. The detailed report is in the Annexure. Table 6: Summary of materials used and alternatives Sectors Roof Wall Frames Floor 33 Building materials presently used Thatched materials Metal sheet roof with false ceiling Concrete flat roof Tiled roof with false ceiling Concrete sloping roof with decorative tiles Adobe bricks Burnt clay bricks fired in clamps Stabilized soil blocks Concrete Blocks Wood Steel Skreet Concrete Tiles Pavers for roads Alternative proposed Benefits Micro concrete roofs with and without false ceilings Low cost, versatile, load bearing, easy to produce Low construction time Flat roof with filler materials Low material consumption Durable and aesthetically pleasing Planks and joists Funicular shells Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln for burnt bricks Better quality of product Less use of mortar Mechanized Concrete Blocks Durable and aesthetically pleasing Reinforced Cement Concrete Durable as compared to wood Less construction time but fits into existing practices Less cost, easy to produce, versatile Low cost Versatile and easy to produce Durable and aesthetically pleasing Semi-mechanized medium and heavy duty pavers ANNEXURES 34 Annexure I 1. BRICK MAKING IN MALAWI Brick making in Malawi is essentially a small scale informal activity. The process of making bricks is elucidated below. 1.1 Green brick Production Process The main raw materials in brick making are top soil and fuel for firing. Due to its topographical variations different types of soil were found in the various brick making clusters of Malawi. All types of soil occur in vast quantities. Soil depth is quite appreciable in many areas. However soil dug upto more depths contains increasing amount of coarser particles making it unsuitable for brick making. However acceptable quality soils are found upto a depth of 2-3 metres. Fig. 1: Soil depth An essential part of brick making is the ability of a skilled moulder to mix soil with other raw material and water, age the mix and form a good green brick with proper compaction. All of these processes need to be continuous and work in unison to produce a high quality green brick. Principally Malawi follows the normal hand moulding way of producing green bricks similar to Asian countries. However Malawi follows the slop moulding process compared to the sand moulding technique followed in other countries e.g. India. The soil is mined locally from in-situ fields by moulders. It is watered, wet mixed and aged for 24 hours. More ageing is not done due to silty nature of the soil. After ageing, the moist soil is again mixed in the wet state before moulding. Various types of moulds are used in Malawi. Starting with double moulds even four brick gangmoulds are used. Although there are standards for moulds and bricks, they are not followed and not enforced also. Shrinkage is also not calculated since there are no fired brick sizes. Moulds are poorly made of wood with variations in dimensions within a single mould. There is no tapering given in the moulds to facilitate easy release. Various types of green bricks are usually moulded. They range from 300 to 180mm in length and 50-80mm in height. Generally a single person can lift and carry the mould for demoulding. In the entire country two instances of mechanization were observed. They use a disintegrator for grinding coarse soil particles. They are then aged and mixed in a two stage U-shaft mixer. The mixed soil is mechanically transported by a conveyer belt to a vacuum extruder producing perforated bricks of acceptable quality. However the optimization of the process and the resultant quality needs to be improved and optimized to a considerable proportion. 35 Commercial brick firing in Malawi takes place only around 6 months due to a long rainy period. The green brick making process is also, seasonal; mainly confined to the months of dry season between May and November, spilling over to December in some cases. Almost all the green bricks are made in the open and left to dry in the atmosphere. Thus, from November due to onset of the rainy season it is difficult to produce bricks. Variable green brick quality has been observed in most of the kilns. As per Indian experience this depends on skill levels of moulders and their ability to ensure quality at relatively high levels of productivity. However no specialized skills were seen based on the fired brick quality of moulders to produce a good quality brick. This might be due to the slop moulding process and the quality of the soil being prepared. The brick dimension ranged from 300mm x 150mm x 80mm to even 180mm x 70mm x 50mm. The green brick weight varied fr om 4kg to even 2.25 kg. Although drying is not considered important by most brick producers, it is still one of the most critical processes for getting an appropriate fired brick quality. Drying in brick making commonly refers to the process of removing moisture under atmospheric drying to yield a solid product. The brick drying in Malawi is normally done in the field. To avoid green shrinkage cracks they are covered with biomass in most of the cases. After that they are just dumped in heaps for further drying. No proper drying technique is being followed. Fig. 2: Process of green brick making 36 One of the most surprising aspects was the total absence of any stacking method after nominal drying in the atmosphere. This is due to the inability to make a proper stack and the knowledge with the poor quality and finish of green bricks. With these green brick quality a stable stack cannot be made. On the other hand the two visited sites with mechanized brick making with proper shape and size, a very well established drying method was observed which is normally followed in Asian countries. These are in areas with permanent and well established drying areas. In these cases also the brick stacks are covered with plastic sheets to avoid cracking and damage due to sudden rainfall. Since the bricks are made in-situ thus there is no requirement of green brick transportation. Thus no green brick transportation mechanism or equipment was seen at brick production facilities also. During kiln loading they are transferred manually by hand from a short distance. In most cases clamps are constructed near the green brick moulding sites only to reduce transportation. 1.2 Firing of Green Bricks Firing bricks in a clamp is not only the oldest firing method, but is also the technique that has been in continuous use the longest of all. This is the firing method that is found everywhere in the countries of Africa, Asia, South America. It is still even used in parts for Europe, for example, in Belgium for specialized brick production. In South Africa, the brick clamp is still currently the backbone of the brick manufacturing industry. So firing bricks in a clamp can at all costs be regarded as one of the alternative methods that has to be taken into consideration. The clamp is quite commonly referred to as a clamp kiln or field kiln, but this is not strictly correct because the term “kiln” invariably implies a construction that has been erected to house a permanent firing installation. In fact, on the contrary, the clamp is really an arrangement for firing bricks exactly without a kiln. The clamp consists of a large stack of bricks, with stack sizes varying from between 10,000 to 3 million bricks upto a maximum stack height of 4 metres, and which tends to taper slightly towards the top. The bricks are essentially placed closely together to allow for the direct transfer of heat. In Malawi except clamps no other firing technologies were seen. Two types of kiln designs were observed. They are generally classified into two categories as per the design used. Traditional - Scotch kiln Conventional - Scoved kiln In almost all the brick producing units observed, the conventional, single storey firing small dimensions with a capacity ranging between 20,000 to 40,000 per firing. In more advanced production scale varieties a permanent outside wall (scove) is made of burnt bricks in clay mortar. These types of conventional kilns have firing tunnels placed at regular intervals along the base. On one side generally four to eight firing chambers are provided and are built through. This is dependent on the length of the kiln being built and the number of bricks being fired. 37 All the types of kilns observed uses similar style of firing. In almost all the conventional type kilns wood is being used for firing of bricks. The wood is generally from large trees. Typically a clamp consumes around 20 MT of wood to fire 40,000 bricks. To cater to the reducing supply of wood, the clamp owners also use dried biomass to augment the firing process. They are placed at every third layer to help in maintaining the fire. There is no specialized workforce for clamp firing. Same person who moulds green brick is also responsible for firing. The brick quality in Malawi is extremely sub-standard compared to other countries where similar techniques are followed. This is mainly due to the soil quality and the poor quality of the green brick being made. The firing temperature is also very low producing even under fired bricks. In a single clamp various types and qualities of bricks were also seen due to poor fire control. Results are inconsistent as seen by the variable colour of the bricks in each stack. Some of the bricks are yellow in colour, indicating low and improper firing temperature. Some of the bricks are red in colour denoting proper firing. Even in a single stack over fired bricks were also observed. No class difference is made during selling of the bricks. Fig. 3: Clamp firing bricks in Malawi 38 Annexure II 2. OTHER BUILDING MATERIALS IN MALAWI 2.1 Housing in Malawi Housing is a very personal and an important part in the lives of people in Malawi. Housing in Malawi ranges from traditional thatched huts to elaborate multi-roomed dwellings with running water and satellite television. Most rural homes are made of unbaked brick (adobe) and grass thatched roofs. As we move towards urban spaces baked-brick homes with metal roofs begin to make an appearance. Only a third of current urban housing is built of permanent materials It is important that the Malawian cities do not simply extend the current networks and technologies as different ones are available and may be more appropriate and sustainable (UN Habitat, 2010). Fig.. 1: Traditional dwelling in Malawi in semi-urban areas Traditionally, government agencies like the Malawi Housing Cooperation (MHC) provide the infrastructure for housing, but they are not necessarily fulfilling expectations. Their pace of delivery is slow and quality less than expectations. They are now more or less defunct for want of able administration and capital infusion. Small-scale private and household sector initiatives provide most of the dwellings, while there is an increasing focus on a few civil sector actors especially for creating a sustainable affordable housing stock for both owning and rent. Compared to other Asian and European countries, the housing sector is not viewed as a good business proposition by private players and housing companies. The market is small and credit rates from banks very high making large scale business unviable. 39 Even with this slower-than-expectation pace of delivery of houses the building material scenario is quite different than in India. Share of a typical housing cost in India Tax & Duties, 10% Tax & Others, 0 Duties, Land, 5% 5% Others, 5% Land, 25% Labour, 25% Share of a typical housing cost in Malawi Labour, 30% Material s, 35% Material s, 60% Fig.. 2: Comparison of housing costs in India & Malawi It is apparent from the above representation that building material costs occupy the highest share of a house cost in Malawi. This is because land is available at much cheaper rates compared to India. However for Malawi the scenario is different in rural areas where lands are owned and need not be purchased. Figure 9 gives an idea of the quality of construction of houses in Malawi. Typically an average quality of construction in India would require low cement and sand compared to bricks. In case of Malawi this is entirely different. The high proportion of cement and mortar cost is indicative of poor construction practices. Another factor of high mortar costs is due to the poor quality of bricks being used in terms of shape and size. To make a uniform quality wall, with irregular brick shape and sizes the mortar consumption is extremely high. Thus there is ample scope of improving both the quality of building materials and also the construction practices concurrently to achieve a quality house at an affordable cost. The price difference between the formal sector building (~MWK 1.7 million for a 40m2 dwelling) and the informal sector (~MWK 30,000 for a 40m2 dwelling) is almost 60-fold. The median household consumption of about MWK 195,111 (USD 1,400) per year leads to a need for most housing to cost around MWK 976,000 (USD 6,970), including plot and servicing The annual need for 21,000 dwellings costing around MWK 976,000 each generates a need for MWK 20.5 billion (USD 146 million) per annum of housing investment against a current government housing budget for Malawi of MWK 949 million (USD 6.8 million) (UN Habitat, 2010). 40 2.1.1 Informality in the Sector The building material market is completely dominated by the private sector. The important distinction here is between the formal and the informal sector. There are a few large companies that provide materials especially for roofing and flooring. However almost the entire walling and about 60% of the other product market is accounted for with the informal sector. The informal sector dominates the construction and housing industry in Malawi, as is the case in many developing countries. The informal sector has various scales of operation starting from a two member team having set up their enterprise on a busy highway. The largest concern with the informal sector is the quality of the product manufactured as there is no control over material use and composition. In addition the process is completely manual introducing aspects of variability in the product range. Cement based products are manufactured without vibration or compaction severely impacting the quality. There is a small formal sector that caters to some of the demand. These are generally large public private partnerships. The Guonji Dream Town project of the MHC in partnership with Chinese companies is the only example being executed presently. Here the construction is being undertaken by the MHC, while the project is primarily financed through the Chinese. However this is also mainly for use by Chinese expats and workers serving in Lilongwe, Malawi. Fig.. 3: Materials and housing typologies in Malawi With respect to materials, steel and cement are sourced from the formal sector, but most other materials e.g. bricks come from the informal manufactures. The informal sector makes use of labour-intensive, local technologies and materials costing very little or nothing (e.g. adobe bricks made from the site soil). There is a strong tradition of manufacturing and building with burnt bricks, and similar materials available locally. Cement products like tiles, grills, sills are available along the major roads leading into the urban centres. This is a typical small scale household production system followed in most part of Africa. However the quality of these products is extremely variable. The high-end housing segment uses mainly imported materials including cement, steel and roofing elements. The report looks at materials for housing in terms of three elements i.e. the Roof, the Superstructure and the Floor. Figure 11 explains the assessment frame. Each was then further divided on the basis of the material used. The observations and analysis has been presented below in a similar fashion. 41 Roof Superstructure Floor Wall Basic Frames Finishing Sheet Understructure Ceilings Fig.. 4: The Assessment Frame 2.2 Building Materials for Housing 2.2.1 Roof and Roofing Materials Houses in Malawi predominantly have sloping roofs, as it is the preferred choice of people not only in Malawi but in majority of Africa (Figure 12-15). However internally they aesthetically demand flat ceilings especially in urban areas. Thus the assessment looks at the Roof in these two parts. Fig.. 5: Thatched roof in rural settings Fig.. 6: Cement based decorative tiles in urban areas 42 In rural areas grass thatch is the most common material used. These need to be replaced or repaired annually thus adding to maintenance costs and effort. However this is also an inexpensive option, most often undertaken by family and friends without hiring external experts. As income levels rise, people aspire to move beyond thatch to a more permanent roof. The permanent roof is also seen the first step towards a better quality of life through housing. Thus households are increasingly moving towards steel sheets. There was also observed some isolated presence of asbestos roofing sheets in some of the older constructions. In urban areas, steel sheets are the most common roofing material used. They account for about 80-90% of the market. All steel is imported since there are no steel producing factories in Malawi. Most of the import is from South Africa – especially for the large companies like MAC steel and Safintra. There are also a fair number of smaller retailers who import the sheets into Malawi from South Africa and other neighbouring countries. This informal sector accounts for 4060% of the market based on estimates by different stakeholders in the industry. Fig.. 7: Concrete tiles roof in per-urban settings Fig.. 8: Clay tiles roof in urban areas While the metal is mined and refined abroad, the profiling does take place within Malawi. There are various profiles of steel sheets available. The most common ones are corrugated sheets. These were among the first steel sheets introduced in the country. They cater primarily to the low income households. This is the first step in the move towards the permanent roof and subsequently house. About 50-70% of the market is occupied by them. As the prices of the profiles increases, the market share decreases both in terms of volumes and amount, while the socio-economic status of the target consumer increases. Middle income household prefer IBR (inverted box rib) profiles accounting for 20-30%. While the bold angular appearance of this profile makes it a very attractive choice, it provides optimum load span consistency. The deep and broad flutes of the IBR profile also ensure excellent drainage Fig.. 9: Corrugated metal sheet roof in urban areas capacity. The IBR profile can furthermore be factory cranked, curved and bull-nosed to a wide range of radii to suit specific requirement thus offering variety to the consumer. The remaining 10-20% is filled in by Tile profiles catering to the high incomes households. They mimic the aesthetics of tiles while 43 providing the ease of installation of steel sheets. Each of these categories also have an option for introducing colours in the products, of course at a premium cost. Table. 1: Comparison between Available Roofing Options Materials Cost Life Response Availability Trend Ease years to hazards over last of Use 5 years (m2) Raw Production Marketin Quality Material Concerns g Percepti Concerns Concern on s Steel 5000 25 Med High Up High Cost None Tiles Concrete 4000 10 Low Med-Low Down Low Cement cost Weight / Cost / installation quality 60 High - - Low Cement cost Precast Concrete None Cost / trust High Low-Med High-Med A small market share of about 10% is occupied by cement tiles. While there is a very strong aesthetic appeal and aspiration for tiles, the challenges with implementation have retarded its growth. They were used for a while after Independence; however have increasingly lost favour to steel sheets. The biggest problem with cement tiles is the installation. With no availability of skilled labour, poor installation leads to leaks and lack of insulation, compromising on the quality of comfort. The informal sector is more prominent in this space, with very few companies investing due to lack of skill among carpenters. Some outfits import skilled labour from Mozambique, to ensure quality roofing delivery. However this is still not a common trend. Besides tiles, there is negligible use and demand of cement based roofs both cast in situ and pre-cast. There is reluctance among developers to consider cement based technologies due to the high costs and lack of skill and expertise in executing these technologies. Table 6 and Figure 21 present a comparison on options available. 14000 12000 10000 Aspirational level versus affordability of roofing elements 8000 C2i 6000 4000 2000 0 Thatched roof Metal roof RCC roof Clay tiles roof MCR roof Fig.. 10: Procurement cost of various types of roofing materials showing cost versus aspirational levels In order to support the desired sloping roofs, an under structure needs to be erected. The most commonly used material for this is timber. There are various concerns that are raised due to the use of timber. It increases the pressure on deforestation and with the expected demand for housing, this will have serious 44 consequences. Also if the timber is not adequately treated which is often the case, the quality of the construction suffers. Industrial construction has shifted to steel under-structures; however this is not seen in residential homes due to the costs involved. Industry watchers do predict that the shift to hollow steel purlins will take place in the next 5 years with good quality timber becoming scarce and expensive. There is also a latent movement towards newer lighter materials to fill this space. In addition to the roof, most houses have flat false ceilings. These are made of boards. Depending on the affordability of the household, the range various from plywood ceilings to the much more expensive gypsum boards used in luxury homes. 2.2.2 Superstructure and Walling Materials The superstructure consists of the envelope of the building. Besides the wall, we have also looked at the frames for doors and windows. Wall and Related Materials A low cost house will require an estimated 20,000 burnt bricks while a high income house will require an estimated 150,000 to 300,000 including bricks for fencing around the house. Thus on an average 85,000 burnt bricks will be required for the construction of a single house. Therefore to meet the demand of 21,000 housing units needed each year, a minimum of 1.7 billion burnt bricks are required every year. The main walling material in Malawi in urban settings is “burnt clay bricks”, especially for owner driven housing. If the requirement of rural areas including infrastructure requirements of public investment is calculated then the estimate Adobe or Sun-dried bricks are the most common rural walling material. Both materials are produced locally, often by the homeowners themselves or by small teams of 1-4 brick manufacturers. Currently, brick production in Malawi is highly decentralized and unorganized. The entire Malawi brick industry uses open clamps for firing. With no control on raw materials and process the product is extremely poor compared to the standards in other countries. Due to poor quality of green (unfired) bricks, clamps are not stacked high enough. There is no control over the firing process in the clamps. Fuel used in firing bricks in Malawi is fuelwood. It is estimated that around 850,000 tonnes of fuelwood will be required to produce around 1.7 billion bricks if alternate technologies are not adopted. At this rate of fuel wood consumption, the entire country will be deforested within 25-30 years only from the brick industry. No waste materials are used in green brick making for use as body fuel. Besides fuelwood, fuel in the form of leafy biomass is also used to provide additional energy. However the quantity and quality is not suitable to provide additional heat to uniformly fire the upper layers of the clamp 45 Breakup of cost for 1m3 of wall in India Breakup of cost for 1m3 of wall in Malawi Labour, 27% Sand, 18% Labour, 8% Sand, 8% Cement, 17% Bricks, 48% Cement, 66% Bricks, 8% Fig.. 11: Cost Comparison for walls in India and Malawi The compressive strength of brick is very poor. There is no consistency in shape, size and colour. This drastically impacts the quality of construction and the standard of living. The poor quality leads to use of excessive mortar, increasing the cost of construction. From the analysis of the cost of a wall (Figure 22) it is seen that in India majority of the cost is of the bricks with cement and labour having equal share. However the scenario is just the opposite in Malawi. Maximum cost of a wall in Malawi is from the cement. This is due to the large and thick mortar joints and extra cement consumed to make a uniform plastering. Thus if the various stakeholders can concentrate on reducing the cost of cement in construction, then the overall cost of a wall will be drastically reduced. This can be done by use of good quality and uniform bricks. Thus the Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln will be a useful technology to adopt in Malawi for production of uniform and good quality bricks. Even if the bricks are priced at a higher cost compared to normal clamp bricks, still the cost of wall made with these bricks will be cheaper. Table. 2: Comparison between available Wall Options Materials Cos t Cost for 1m2 Availabilit y Trend over last 5 years Raw Material Concerns Productio n Process Concerns New Skill requireme nt Marke ting Conce rns Qua lity (Per cept ion) Burnt Brick 6 3837 High Stable None Wood Fired Low None Low SSB 80 3629 Med Up None Quality Low Cost High HCB 400 4306 Low-Med Up Cement cost Manual Low Cost High VSBK 25 4270 Low - Coal New Low None High Hydrafor m 150 6238 Low-Med Up Cement cost Manual Med Cost High Use of alternate materials is sparse, limited only to subsidized construction activities. Funder driver construction prefers the use of Stabilized Soil Blocks 46 (SSBs). This is also the material of choice for the MHC, as they move away from the use of burnt bricks. These blocks are produced manually on site with simple machines. Current production systems do retard the chances of this material helping plug the vase housing gap. The reason for the preference is the large scale environmental damage and deforestation on account of firing clay bricks. The recognition of this impact has led funding agencies to promote the cleaner SSBs. There is a slow but steady shift over the last 2-3 years towards the use of concrete blocks. This has been spurred on by the proliferation of developer led construction. The local availability of stone and quarry dust and aggregate has encouraged entrepreneurs to come up with these products. Though cement is expensive developers are increasingly choosing this over burnt bricks for quality reasons. This is still however a trend restricted to high end housing and institutional buildings. The manufacturing of these concrete blocks is split between the formal and informal sector. There is limited evidence of larger companies supplying machine made blocks. Large developers also manufacture their own blocks using hydraulic or manual machines. Concrete blocks are increasingly being manufactures by informal vendors who hawk their wares on the street sides. The quality of the product is a concern especially for the informal street vendors as the process if manual and the compaction and compression forces are not uniform. Table 2 presents a comparison of the options. Door & Window Frames Frames though a small part of the house are very important. Table 3 has a comparison on different frames available. Traditionally, wooden frames are used in Malawi. These are the cheapest available option especially when the wood is untreated. However the life of these frames is not very long. They start rotting and decaying within a matter of 3-5 years. Treated wood frames have a much longer life but are also more scarce and expensive. In urban spaces, steel frames have dominated the market. The frames in the informal sector are much cheaper and comparable in cost to good quality treated wooden frames. But most good quality steel frames are very expensive. Steel frames are available along most major roads leading into the urban centres. Small welding and fabrication units have sprung up to cater to the growing demand. Table. 3: Comparison between available Frame Options Materials Cost MK Availability Trend over last 5 years Ease of Use Raw Production New Skill Material Process requirement Concerns Concerns Marketing Quality Concerns (Perception) Wood 12000 Med-Low Down High None Wood Fired Low None Low Steel 23000 High Up High None - Low Cost High - - High Cement cost Technology Low - High Concrete 10000 While window frames have almost completely made the transition, people still prefer wooden frames for doors. Steel door frames give a prison like feel and the aesthetics of the wooden door are appreciated. 47 The idea of concrete door and window frames was introduced to both users and developers. Though they had not heard or seen it before, there was limited reluctance for the approach. The cost was the major concern. 2.2.3 Floor and Associated Products The floor of the house receives the least attention when upgrading from a temporary to a permanent home. Most rural homes have mud floors. As economic and aspiration levels rise there is a movement towards screed concrete flooring. Currently, this is the most common material in urban areas. In order to enhance aesthetics sometimes colour is added in to the concrete while laying the floors. The next step in the aspiration hierarchy is tiles. These can be concrete, ceramic and wood in increasing order of magnitude of prices. Concrete tiles are manufactured by few large units (Figure 22), but are most commonly locally produced and sold on street sides, Ceramic tiles are generally imported from India and China. This is fast becoming a middle class market demand. There is also some instance of tiles being imported from Italy, but these cater to a very high end niche market. Wood tiles are imported generally from South Africa and neighbouring countries. Fig.. 12: Various types of flooring and other materials While internally concrete dominates in form of screed, external pathways are made of concrete pavers. While this is not a market for affordable housing, high end construction makes use of them. These again are supplied by both formal and informal setups. 2.3 Market Assessment of Building Materials An estimate of the quantity of building materials required in Malawi has been calculated based on the requirement of housing in urban areas only. These are the minimum requirement during the stated period since additional building materials from rural areas and infrastructure has not been considered. To estimate the market it is assumed that the walls will be made of bricks and roof with MCR tiles. The floor of the rooms might be made with paving blocks. 48 Table. 4: Requirement of building materials in Malawi Sl. Materials Year 2013 1. 2025 2050 Roofing materials 1a. MCR Tiles 2. 3 million 6 million 12 million Walling materials 2a. Burnt clay bricks 1.7 billion 3.5 billion 7 billion 2b. RCC Door frames 0.2 million 0.4 million 0.8 million 8 million 16 million 32 million 3. Flooring materials 3a. Paving blocks Note: For all materials requirements are based from urban needs only. Rural and infrastructural requirements have not been considered. Presently all the materials are being produced from either local materials or imported. To produce the above building materials, following are the number of technology units required in the future (Table 10). Table. 5: Requirement of technologies for production of building materials given above for Malawi Sl. Materials Year 2013 1. 2025 2050 Roofing materials 1a. TARA Micron 2. 50 100 200 600 1200 2400 20 40 70 30 60 120 Walling materials 2a. Vertical shaft brick kiln 2b. TARA Green Cast 3. Flooring materials 3b. TARA Green Cast In the above estimations, it is assumed that the building materials will be produced from the technologies mentioned below. Micro-concrete roofing tiles Burnt clay bricks RCC door frames Paving blocks - TARA Micron - Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln - TARA Green Cast - TARA Green Cast Capacity of production of various technologies based on yearly (250 days per year) production: 1. 2. 3. 4. TARA Micron Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln Green cast (door frame) Green cast (paving block) - 60,000 tiles per year - 25,00,000 per year - 12,500 per year - 2,50,000 per year Thus it is seen from Table 5 that the requirement of technologies over the near future are large and makes business sense for undertaking and demonstrating technology transfer programme. 49 2.4 Recommendations 2.4.1 Roof The aspiration of the home owner towards a tiled look is the major driver in this element. The lack of appropriate technology helps fuel the common perception of low quality in this technology option. Lack of adequate skill in installation and the monopoly of the steel industry are other barriers. Technologies like the TARA MCR technology enable the local production of concrete tiles using cement and available stone dust to produce low cost, high quality aesthetically appealing roofing tiles. This is a technology that can be transferred profitably in the short term. Care however needs to be taken in simultaneously transferring skills needs to install the roof. Comparison of the production cost of the various products suggested that in case of MCR tiles it is cheaper in comparison to roof with metal sheet. For a m2 of roof metal sheet cost is MK 5000 and MCR is MK 4000. The cost of the MCR tiles is based on raw material cost, labour required and overheads including investment in machine and working capital. Although the profitability of the MCR tile has not been calculated and will depend on the business of the enterprise, the production cost of a tile has been calculated as MK 130 per tile. Malawi however is seeing a slow trend towards multiple storied structures. Sloping roofs will have to make way for flat roofs. In the medium term, options for precast flat roof construction options should be explored. There are available options like precast ferrocement members, planks and joists, etc. However, this needs a change in mindsets from the aesthetic appeal of the sloping roof as well as confidence and skill building in concrete based construction techniques. 2.4.2 Superstructure The recognition of the low quality afforded by the existing burnt bricks and the excessive amounts of cement mortar required to compensate is the prime mover for the sector. The government supports a move away due to environmental considerations. New products like SSBs and concrete blocks provide evidence to this fact, they are however held back by the high costs. The Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln (VSBK) is a great opportunity to overcome these barriers. There is a lot of traction from the Government of Malawi for the technology as well as interest expressed from entrepreneurs willing to invest in the technology. The large affordable housing market can absorb the supply very quickly, creating an existing market for the new product. Concrete blocks also offer considerable potential. There has been some informal technology transfer from neighbouring countries. Caution however to the quality of products manufactured. For the frames, there is opportunity available in the precast RCC door and window frames. Manufactured on a vibrating table, they require little energy to produce a quality and affordable product. They offer a cost advantage over the steel and quality advantage over the wood frames while enabling livelihoods to be created through the units set up. 50 The TARA Green Cast technology is suitable for producing both door and window frames and paving blocks. The vibrating table being used for production is common to both the technologies. The production capacity is dependent on the capability of investment to be made. The variable investment is from the number of moulds of frames and blocks. At present the investment cannot be calculated since the equipments are being imported from India. Once they are produced in Malawi then the actual investment can be calculated. However basic production cost calculated show that the RCC door and window frames are much cheaper than existing products. An RCC door frame of 2100mm x 710mm (single leaf) costs MK 5500 compared to MK 10,000 for wooden frames and MK 18,000 for steel frames (made from 3mm thick sheets). Production cost of hollow blocks in Malawi made by high end automatic machines could not be accessed. These are mainly made by Chinese firms. On the other hand a normal hollow concrete block made on the roadside sells at around MK 50. Compared to these hollow concrete blocks made by Indian technologies will cost around MK 40. Moreover the quality will be much superior since they will be machine made and not by hand. 2.4.3 Floor There are very few products available to cater to this housing element. However with increasing aspirations there is a market opening up. A Medium term option could be to look at cement based pavers and tiles. The availability of aggregate and stone dust make this an interesting opportunity. 2.4.4 Concrete products There is an increasing market for concrete products like window grills and sills, decorative elements, etc. This demand is currently being met by the informal sector with suspect quality parameters. The vibrating table affords the opportunity of diversifying the product portfolio to include other elements based on demand. A summary of recommendations presents the following view Table. 6: Summary of Recommendations SHORT TERM MEDIUM TERM 51 VSBK Precast Frames MCR Concrete Pavers Precast Roofs Annexure III 3. TECHNOLOGY PROFILES 3.1 Firing Technologies Wood fired Clamp These types of clamps use wood as the major fuel. Wood burning clamps have large firing tunnels placed at regular intervals, passing through the base of the clamp. These are large enough to allow for the size of wood fuel available, and are usually two bricks wide by eight brick layers high. They are two bricks apart, and have corbelled arches at the top, where two layers of brick come in to create the top of the arch. The tunnels can be split in two by placing bricks across the centre of the clamp. This is done if the clamp is large, and therefore has a wide base, or if the fuel is provided in cut lengths. This prevents crossdraughts blowing through the clamp, and improves the central drawing capabilities of the clamp, all better for fuel combustion. Coal fired Clamp Coal fired clamps are constructed on a spaced brick floor, so that air can be drawn in under the whole clamp area. A band of coal, 20 to 30 cm thick, is laid right across the base of the clamp, being contained within walls of pre-fired brick, with the green bricks laid on top. This does result in the slumping of the clamp during firing, but makes the kiln easier and faster to construct. The clamp is lit with gas or kerosene burners, applied to small ignition tunnels at regular intervals down both sides of the kiln, or with small wood firs, placed in larger ignition tunnels. Internal fuel brick firing (improved) Clamp Coal fired clamps with coal/ fuel added brick are modern types of clamps. This means only the hearth is filled with coal and the remainder of the fuel, around 70%, is added to the clay as an additive at the mixing stage. Scove Kiln Scove kilns are built at places where there are prolific deposits of raw materials, that is, adequate for covering a number of years of production. The kilns consist of a pugged clay wall or a wall of unfired green bricks – although more usually consisting of two opposite facing walls. Through the firing 52 process these clay walls gradually hardened and become a complete solid brick wall. Because the walls have an insulating effect, the outer surface of the bricks inside the kiln is fired well. At the base of the wall or walls, depending on whether firing was single or double channelled, stoking holes are included at certain intervals for introducing and igniting the fuel. The bricks to be fired are positioned in such a manner that between the stoking channels the hot burning gases remained free, and into which the fuel is stocked. MK Kiln The MK kiln has been developed in Mexico and is an enhancement of existing clamp kilns. It is usually fired with similar fuels in clamp kilns i.e. either wood or coal. The performance improvement of the MK design over conventional kiln is due to two main effects. The first is better control of combust ion due to higher temperatures in the kiln and controlled airflow within the kiln. The second is clay filtration of the effluent through unfired brick product where the effluent heat and energy is recycled. Up-draught Kiln Around the year 1540 the first totally arched up-draught kiln was built, and so with it the first closed-in firing chamber. This allowed for a far greater improvement in the heating efficiency of the kiln. The vault also has openings to allow the flue gases to escape, just as if these are small chimneys. Because the fuel gases in the firing chamber rise upwards to escape through the roof, the kiln is therefore referred to as an “up-draught kiln”. The temperature close to the base of the hearth is naturally much higher than the temperature in the upper part of the kiln. Downdraught Kiln These kilns may be either circular or rectangular with fire holes in the circular wall or in the two sidewalls. In these kilns the combustion gases from fire hole rise from behind the back walls into the crown of the kiln and then descend through setting of bricks to the openings in the kiln floor through which they pass into flues and then to the chimney. The size of the kilns varies considerably, capacities ranging from 10,000 to 1,00,000 bricks. Fuel consumption depends largely upon the conditions of the kiln, the manner of setting the bricks and the control of firing process. These kilns are comparatively much efficient than the clamps. 53 The Zig-Zag Kiln The Zig-Zag kiln has a very long firing channel (upto 200 m) that can be built into a relatively limited size base area. The normal Zig-Zag kiln has only one opening from chamber to chamber, the cross firing Zig-Zag kiln has openings spread through the entire wall, and the fire comes in contact the whole width of the new chamber wall. Habla Kiln The Habla Zig-Zag kiln provides a unique, low emission process which substantially reduces gas emissions. It features a long fire zone, advanced by a low horsepower induced draft by an axial flow fan, moving through stationary bricks. The unique, long zigzag fire zone allows even the most inferior fuels to be used. Heat is recycled in a continuous process. Once the bricks have been burnt, the heat is reclaimed and used to accelerate the predrying of green bricks. Fixed chimney Bull’s Trench Kiln This circular or elliptical shaped kilns are constructed on dry land, by digging a trench, 6 – 9 m wide, 2 – 2.5 m deep and 100 – 150 m long. An alternative method is to build up the sides of the kiln with bricks, especially where drainage is a problem. Gaps are left in the outer wall for easy access to the trench during setting and drawing of the bricks. The green bricks to be fired are set in rows, 2 – 3 bricks wide, with holes in between that allow feeding of coal and a sufficient flow of air through the setting. On top of the bricks, two layers of bricks, covered with ash or brick dust, seal the setting. A large piece of canvas, paper or metal sheet is placed vertically across the brick setting to block air from entering from the wrong side of the chimney. The trench contains 200 – 3, 00,000 bricks at a time. The firing in a Bull’s trench kiln is continuous, day and night. The fuel saving is achieved by reusing part of the energy that is otherwise lost in periodic kilns. Daily output is 15,000 – 25,000 bricks. Hoffman Kiln The Hoffman kiln is a series of batch process kilns. Hoffman kilns are the most common kiln used in production of bricks and some other ceramic products in developed countries. The first Hoffman kilns were in the form of a great circular ring chamber, with massive walls and a large chimney at the centre, to which underground radial flue converged from the inside walls of each of the twelve chambers. 54 The barrel-arched chambers (like a railway tunnel) have several small feed holes in the roof arches through which fine coal could be fed into spaces made among the bricks to be fired. The Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln (VSBK) The VSBK (EcoKiln) technology is based on vertical shaft principles. It is the most energy efficient and environment friendly burnt brick production technology available globally. “The EcoKiln” is not merely a firing technology but encompasses an entire brick production system. Use of carbonaceous waste materials in green bricks is an integral part of the technology. Benchmark operation of EcoKiln can save more than 40% energy consumed with reduction in environmental emission by more than 80% compared to traditional firing technologies available in India and most Asian countries. The Tunnel Kiln A continuous kiln, sometimes called a tunnel kiln, is a long structure in which only the central portion is directly heated. From the cool entrance, ware is slowly transported through the kiln, and its temperature is increased steadily as it approaches the central, hottest part of the kiln. From there, its transportation continues and the temperature is reduced until it exits the kiln at near room temperature. A tunnel kiln is the most energy efficient, because heat given off during cooling is recycled to preheating zone. The Roller Hearth Kiln Unlike the tunnel kiln, where the ware is transported through the firing zone on trolleys, in the roller kiln it is stacked directly, or on an under laying covering, onto a conveyor roller. The roller kiln is a fast-firing technique that many had come to regard as the successor to the tunnel kiln. The first of this type of kiln was built in Germany in 1989. the passage through the kiln (from cold to cold) takes from 3.5 – 4 hours, depending on the brick format. 55
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