Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC Global Programme Food Security Logistics FACE-2-FACE Event of the Agriculture & Food Security Network Smallholder family farms - What is their future? in Thun, Switzerland From Monday June 02nd to Friday June 06th 2014 1. Programme Day 1: Mon, June 2nd Venue: KK Thun Day 2: Tue, June 3rd Venue: KK Thun Day 3: Wed, June 4th Venue: Field Trip Day 4: Thur, June 5th Venue: Uni Bern Day 5: Fri, June 6th Venue: Freienhof Thun 08:30 Registration & Coffee 09:00 M1 Welcome 08:30 Welcome Coffee 09:00 M5 Policy & Gender 8:30 Registration for Fieldtrips Hotel Holiday Thun Option 1: 08:45 Conference on Gender, Land & Sustainable Development 08:30 Welcome Coffee Opening on Family Farming and Smallholder issues Welcome & logistics M2 F2F global Family Farming and post 2015?! Q&A Global perspective on Family Farming Q&A Lunch Break 13:30 M3 Case Study 1 Analyse linkages between policy and its effects on the economy, society and ecology – especially focusing on smallholders/Family Farmers group work feedback and discussion Keynote on how (agricultural) policies affect gender roles/relations (along age groups)? Sabin Bieri, Uni Bern Peter Moser, Archives of rural history Panel with 3 farming couples (young, midage, old) Lunch Break 13:30 M6 SDC Case studies 2 Analyse implications of policy changes on gender in your context. Which policies is SDC promoting with what expectations?(rural economy/agriculture) 18:00 End of Programme 18:00 End of Programme Dinner (individual) Dinner (individual) 09:00 Departure of buses for Field Trips M8 Field Trips Different Options with focus on gender in rural economy/farming 16:00 End of Field Trips, back at Hotel Holiday Thun 17.00 Departure for closing Event, meeting point Hotel Holiday Thun OR 17:30 meeting point harbor/port Thun (next to train station) http://bit.ly/1iNQLgL Key notes Sabine Pallas, ILC Marie Monimart, IIED Workshops “Gender & Food Security” “Gender & Climate Change” “Gender & Water” “Gender & Resource Conflicts” Panel discussion on Gender, Land and Poverty Reduction in the context of the post-2015 agenda 09:00 M12 Network day Keynote on concept of network functioning With Eelke Wielinga toolsfornetworkers.nl Keynote on network analysis with Urs Gröhbiel FHNW http://www.fhnw.ch/per sonen/ursgroehbiel/projekte Lunch Break 13:30 Deepening of network analysis Formulation of vision for the network Closure of the F2F 2014 17:45 End of Programme; Reception and Drinks Closing Event & Dinner (included) Option 2: Visit SDC HQ (individual) 21:00 End of Closing Event & Dinner Dinner (individual) 16:00 End of F2F 2014 Dinner (individual) Page 1 of 8 2. Visa, Flight and Train Please book your flight by yourself and organize a visa if necessary. Information for Entry to Switzerland: http://www.bfm.admin.ch/content/bfm/en/home/themen/einreise/faq.html If you need a letter of invitation, please contact us. 2.1 Airport and Train From Zürich: Map Airport Zürich: Upon your arrival at Zurich Airport, head to the underground train station. You need a train ticket Zurich Airport – Thun, “Strandbad” (direct connection ZHR – Thun available) In Customs Hall 2, arriving passengers have the option to buy a ticket from the vending machines. Additional ticket machines can be found right next to the SBB travel centre. The SBB travel centre is located beneath the Airport Center in the Check-in 3 area. The ticket counters are open from 06:15 to 22:00. Journey time and ticket price from Zurich airport – Thun, Strandbad (Bus station Hotel) Zurich Airport – Thun, “Strandbad” approx.1 hour 50 minutes (CHF 69.00 one way, 2.class, City Ticket Thun included or Transfer Ticket: http://www.swisstravelsystem.com/en/home/ticketsen/ticketfinder-en/swiss-transfer-ticket-en.html Page 2 of 8 From Geneva: Map Airport Geneva Upon your arrival at Geneva Airport, head to the underground train station. You need a train ticket Geneva Airport – Thun “Strandbad” (change Train in Berne) The airport offers connections to the Swiss and European rail network. The SBB airport railway station has direct access to the airport Check-in and Arrival levels. Tickets can be purchased from the machines located in the station or from the station counters. Journey time and ticket price from Geneva Airport – Thun Geneva Airport – Thun “Strandbad” approx. 2 hours 30 minutes (CHF 133.-- one way, 2.class, City Ticket Thun included or Transfer ticket: http://www.swisstravelsystem.com/en/home/ticketsen/ticketfinder-en/swiss-transfer-ticket-en.html ) Train Timetable: http://www.sbb.ch/en/home.html http://www.zurich-airport.com/passengers-and-visitors/access-and-parking/swiss-federalrailways?_ga=1.90090776.2048079244.1393854900 Page 3 of 8 3. Bus, Hotel and Seminar Venue 3.1 Thun: How to reach the seminar venue Bus from Train station to the Hotel Holiday Upon arrival in THUN head for the bus terminal just outside the train station. Take Bus No 1 direction Gwatt / Spiez until 4th stop “Strandbad” (approx. 9 minutes driving time). Bus main station in front of the train station in Thun Bus Timetable: http://www.stibus.ch/de/oeffentlicher-verkehr/fahrplaene2014/linie-01.php Monday-Friday Saturday Sunday Page 4 of 8 3.2 Hotel Holiday, Thun, and the seminar venue Map: http://www.holiday-thun.ch/hotel-restaurant/kontakt/beim-strandbad-thun.html Hotel: http://www.holiday-thun.ch/hotel-restaurant/ Your hotel is located on the border of the Lake of Thun, three kilometers from the city. The seminar venue is just opposite the hotel. Approx. 150 m. KK Thun Hotel Holiday Page 5 of 8 3.3 KK (Kunst- und Kulturzentrum) Thun Website KK Thun: http://www.kkthun.ch/kkthun-ag/ueber-uns.html The seminar will be held in the „Lachensaal“ in the KK Thun 4. The City of Thun Thun is a city and municipality in the administrative district of Thun in the canton of Bern in Switzerland with about 44,000 inhabitants (near 90,000 in the agglomeration). It is located where the River Aare flows out of Lake Thun (Thunersee), 30 km south of Bern. Besides tourism, machine and precision instrument engineering, the largest garrison in the country, the food industry and publishing are of economic importance to Thun. Further information Thun Tourismus http://www.thunersee.ch/en/lake-thun.html Page 6 of 8 5. Other information 5.1 Emergency contact Simon Weidmann Phone 41 (0) 76 397 54 32 Felix Fellmann Phone 41 (0) 79 969 94 29 5.2 Food If you have special dietary requirements, please inform SDC’s contact person, Mr. Simon Weidmann, as soon as possible, for appropriate arrangements to be made - unless you have already stated your dietary requirements in the registration form. 5.3 Costs Costs that will be covered by the A&FS Network: For all: Meals: Lunch (Monday-Friday), as well as closing Dinner on Wednesday Fieldtrip (transport & meals) For members coming from abroad with an FDFA/SDC contract in addition: Hotel incl. Breakfast will be fully covered. Payment will directly be made by the network. All other expenses will be covered by participants, respectively their organizations. 5.4 Weather Averages for Thun in June 5.5 Clothing Beginning of June is summer season. However, you should bear in mind that we can’t predict the weather so don’t forget to bring a rain coat and a warm pullover. For the field visit on Wednesday please bring comfortable shoes with you. Page 7 of 8 5.6 Changing Money In the airport you have the option to change your money (UBS and Credit Suisse). The national currency is the “Swiss Franc” (CHF). In circulation are coins of denominations 1, 2 and 5 Franken, and banknotes (paper money) of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 1000 Franken. The currency is divided into 100 subunits, called Rappen. Coins of 5, 10, 20, 50 Rappen circulate. Page 8 of 8
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