Action Plan : Social Inclusion Statement (SDC) Priority 1: Education, employment and training Intervention Task By when Resources Maybird and Bishopton Gather information from frontline professionals & local anecdotal intelligence. January 2015 SDC Orbit Employment Support Officer DWP Deliver services education, employment and training opportunities. July 2015 Gather information from frontline professionals & local anecdotal intelligence. Deliver services to improve education, employment and training opportunities. Lighthorne Heath Potential Funding Resources Partnership Resources Lead Partner Measureable outcome Orbit and SDC Report identifying services required to deliver education, employment and training opportunities. SDC Orbit Employment Support Officer Partnership Resources Orbit and SDC Report and case studies to SIP of successful interventions. January 2015 SDC Orbit Employment Support Officer DWP Partnership Resources Orbit and SDC Report identifying services required to deliver education, employment and training opportunities. July 2015 SDC Orbit Employment support Officer Partnership Resources Orbit and SDC Report and case studies to SIP of successful interventions. Priority 2: Income and Debt work Intervention Task By when Resources Alcester and Henley-inArden Expand CAB Reach Out and Help (ROAH) to relevant LSOA’s. November 2014 ROAH Southam and Lighthorne Heath Expand CAB Reach Out and Help to relevant LSOA’s. November 2015 ROAH Potential Funding Resources SDC Orbit Community Investment Grants & External Grant Funders SDC Orbit Community Investment Grants & External Grant Funders Lead Partner Measureable outcome CAB, Orbit and SDC Presentation to partnership from CAB on ROAH achievements. CAB, Orbit and SDC Presentation to partnership from CAB on ROAH achievements. Priority 3: Social Isolation within Stratford-upon-Avon town Intervention Task By when Resources Isolation and wellbeing work with older members of the community. Understanding profile, and identifying the issues of older residents and the impact of isolation. March 2015 Use community feedback to help design service to reduce isolation (if required). June 2015 Deliver services/ interventions that reduce isolation (either directly, or indirectly). September 2015 SDC CAB ROAH Age UK Warwickshire Contact the Elderly Municipal Charities Orbit Housing Public health/WCC * Campaign to End Loneliness- research Health & Wellbeing Board Warks Observatory Stratford SCAN University of the 3rd Age (U3A) - Heart of England and Shottery groups Age UK befriending project Mens Shed, Stratford SDC Citizen’s Panel SDC Age UK Orbit Housing Potential Funding Resources Partnership Resources Lead Partner Measureable outcome SDC Report identifying key facets contributing to social isolation of older people within Stratfordupon- Avon town and the impact upon health & wellbeing. Partnership Resources SDC Report identifying services/interventi ons required to reduce social isolation of OP in the defined geographical area. Stratford Town Trust grant application Healthy Stratford Grant Orbit Community Investment Grants SDC Report and case studies to SIP of successful interventions/ services * Work on ‘Tackling the Health Burden of Social Isolation and Loneliness’ – Lead officers Dr Charlotte Gath , Kate Ray and Claire Hall Priority 4: Monitoring, impact measurement and creating greater understanding Intervention Task By when Resources Develop a core group of partners to monitor the progress of SI work and monitor the impact. Establish Stratford-onAvon District Social Inclusion Partnership. July 2014 Monitor progress of SIS Action Plan. Research impact or rural isolation and options for targeted work to reduce this. Design and commission research into rural isolation. Potential Funding Resources Lead Partner Measureable outcome SDC and Partners SDC Annually on anniversary of adoption by SDC. SDC and Partners SDC Prepare research brief for Sept 2015. SIP Group of key local partners established and TOR agreed. Annual report on performance against targets in SIS Action Plan and impact of each intervention. Brief completed and agreed by SIP. Partnership Resources SIP Prepare summary of initiatives to reduce rural isolation. Carry out research and report on findings Jan 2016. Report by May 2016. SDC SDC Research completed. SDC Healthy Stratford Grant Warwickshire Rural Community Council WREP SDC SIP agree report and recommendations. Priority 5: Boosting the alternatives to high cost credit Intervention Task By when Resources Support to credit unions to re-establish accessible financial services into the District. Attend WFIP and influence Countywide agenda on credit union development. Ongoing SDC WCC Develop proposal to SIP and SDC Members on preferred approach to boosting alternatives to high cost credit. March 2015 SDC Potential Funding Resources Partnership Resources & External Grant Funding Financial Inclusion Partnership grant bid Partnership Resources Lead Partner Measureable outcome SDC Report identifying current coverage by credit unions and suggested model for county SDC Brief completed and agreed by SIP Priority 6: Current initiatives Area Task Working alongside older people and associated organisations/ community groups across the District, to identify need and provide information, support and services. Work in partnership to create accredited dementia friendly environments within SDC and identified locations across the district. By when September 2015 Resources SDC Dementia friendly task & finish group Warks. CC dementia team Alzheimer’s Society Dementia cafes NHS Guideposts Trust Local businesses Potential funding resources: Healthy Stratford grant Town Councils Potential Funding Resources Lead Partner (s) Measureable outcome SDC WCC NHS SDC formally accredited as a dementia friendly organisation. Shipston-on-Stour formally accredited as a dementia friendly town Alcester formally accredited as a dementia friendly town. To work alongside the six Senior Citizen’s Action Networks (SCAN) to develop the existing network and to increase membership and opportunities for older people to influence local provision. June 2015 SDC SCAN WCC- area team Town Trust Warks Older People’s Forum (WOPF) Older People in Action, Warwick District (OPA) West Midlands Later Life Forum (WMLLF) Age UK Warks. To work with partners to develop and enhance the new community transport service, UBUS, operating across the district, with a focus upon vulnerable communities. June 2015 To work within the community to identify gaps in existing provision for local older people and to enable action to be taken and/or to share good practice and initiatives. June 2015 (NB In addition to Priority 3) WMLLF Age UK Town Trust Comic Relief SDC Presentation to SIP, in co-operation with SCAN members, to highlight successful interventions and opportunities to improve social inclusion of older residents. SDC WCC Linc. CC Town Trust SDC Presentation/ report to SIP to evaluate the progress of the service one year after commencement. SDC and partners SDC Report and case studies to SIP of successful interventions.
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