Boston University OpenBU BU Publications Bostonia 1944 Bostonia. Volume 18 Waxman, Samuel M. Boston University Boston University. Bostonia: The Boston University Alumni Magazine, volume 18, number 1-9. 1944-1945. Archived in OpenBU at Boston University COAL臆$1,OOO,OOO A LOG-JAM containing millions of feet of potential board is often held up because some one key /og is blocking the steady flow of lumber downstream to the mill. Remove that smgle log and what happens? The whole enormous stream bngins inexorably 亡o move! So it is w皿the CLA Building Fund Drive! When the $1,000,000 goal of this fund is rais`ed it will mean - nOt Only that the CLA Building wi11 be immediately assured but that the wheels will be at once set in motion for the development of the cntire %eu propo∫ed cdmp初/or Bo∫tOn Uni“er∫ity! W方y? 1・ The College of Libe重al Arts building, focus of the new campus, Will be guaranteed・ 2. The erection of the Co11ege of Libe重al Arts building will enable the Trustees to put 688 Boylston Street on the market. The proceeds from this sale’augmented by what- ever amount is necessary, Will make possible the erection of a third educational plant On the new campus. 3. In the meantime, a SCience building lS aSSured. Money for this building is being raised by theくくFriends of Boston Universlty.,, The erection of this building lS natu" 4. President Marsh is confident of the ultimate success of a national campalgn Which wi11 result in a new home for the SchooI of TheoIogy on the new campus・ 5. President Marsh also frequently expresses confidence that if the above buildings are erected, the new tower will be assured. 6・ When all of this happens, is it not inevitable that other friends will rise up to see that物Departments are housed on the new campus? It is easy to see, then, that the CLA Building is the KEY to the whole. I am confident that every alumnus will see the importance of this Drive for, When we raise the money for this one building, We Will have - in effect - fumished Boston Universlty With a beautiful and pemanent home worthy of its position in the educational field・ What, then, are We aS alumni asked to do? We are asked to raise $250,000-just % the necessary amount! When we - amOng OurSelves - have raised this quarter mi11ion then and only then will we have the right to ask the community for the balance. We must - We ノill - do this, for how else can we ask ot方er・f tO glVe until we have proved our faith in the future of Boston Universlty by making our own contributions? C埴 Pre∫iカenらBo∫tOn Uni4′e壷ty A寂mi A∫∫OC宛房0′タ - ¥ ﹁ 暮 - 〇 ㌦ 完 了 - I j く - - ra11y conditional on the erection of the College of Liberal Art§ building. 勿傷揚%脇煽 Ed紡d匂′ GRACE E. AuBURN FEENEY, THOMAS M., M,36, Lt., Naval Reserve Med. Corps, On U. S. Thurston. (61 ABOUNADER, ABRAHAM J., B’33, Sp (C) 3/c, Classification office, Fargo Bldg., 495 Summer St., Boston lO, Mass. Evergreen Av., Hartford 5, Conn.) with Patton’s Third Ariny in France ‘‘slicing FERRIS, BENJAMIN G., former Fac., Brig. Genl., Army. FOURNIER, JOSEPH A., B,40, Lt., Bombardier, A.A.F. Has been a prisoner of war in Germany for past 18 months. (4 Cooper into Germany.’’ Sq., Taunton, Mass.) ALLEN, JOHN M., 4’31, Honorable dis- Charge, September 1943, after ten months as an aviation cadet. BAADE, PAUL W., former Fdら Major, BAMFORD, ALBERT E., C,48, Corpl., With FOYE, L. CURTIS, A’24/M’27, Lt. Comdr., U.S.N.R. Med. Corps, Chelsea Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. A.A.F. Sqdn. called the ’‘Hump-T-Dumps’’, a troop carrier outfit of 14th Air Force in China. (1265 Broadway, South Boston, Mass.) GANNON, VINCENT H., E’46, PFC, BELSKY, ROBERT, B,41, Pvt., Inf., WOunded in action in France, November 20. with American Ninth Army in Germany. Wounded in action November 18. (117 Plain St., Millis, Mass.) BERNARD, ROLAND K., B’39, T/5, In- fantry unit jn Italy. GOLDSTEIN, FRANK, 4′31, Capt., in BLOOM, PHILIP, C’45, U.S.N.R., Returned charge of eye, ear’nOSe, and throat clinic from 12 months duty in E.T.O. Reporting in for duty at Long Island, N. Y. BLUESTEIN, ALBERT I., B’38, Lt., Re- Irene St., Lawrence, Mass.) BORNST剛N, SAMUEL W., B’37, Corpl., Sqdn. Supply Room, Sacramento Air Technical Service Command, McClellan Field, Calif. BOULETTE, HUBERT R., B’43, A/C, Cadet Section, Class 44-49, B.A.A.F., Fort Myers, Fla. BOULTER’ HAROLD R., C/43, Army. (1169 Franklin St., Melrose 76, Mass.) BRENNAN, RUSSELL E., C’38, Naval 〇億ce重. BROWNI ARTHUR L., B’24/L,28/31, Deputy reglOnal hearing administrator, O.P. A., Washington, D. C. BYRNE, JOHN J., former Fac., Lt., Army for outstanding performance of duty in com・ bat. (218 Wachusett Ave., A重Iington, Mass.) CUSHMAN, HORÅCE O., former Faら Brig. Genl., Army. DAVIS, GEORGE A., former Fac., Brig. Genl., Army. DEAN, HAROLD B., Z/37, Capt., A.A.F. Recently retumed after 28 months service in England, Africa and Italy. DeFUSCO, ARTHUR J., Z/43, Fort Mc- CONATY, THOMAS P., B’42, PFC, Inf. N. Y. > CONROY, JOSEPH A., B’31, PFC, Seriously WOunded in action in、 France, October 3, nOW hospitalized in Italy. (36 Chestnut St,, Dan- VerS, Mass.) COOMBS, WILLIAM H., JR., 4,38: ph. M.3/c, U. S. Naval Hosp., San Diego, Calif. COONEY’GEORGE F., CJ46, Lt., Anti一 COREY, MILTON O.’GI41, 2d Lt., Camp Plauche, New Orleans, La. COTTON, H重LLEL, B,36/37, S/Sgt., With Americal Inf. Div・ jn S.W. Pacific. (165 Shurtleff St., Chelsea, Mass.) COUGHLIN, JOHN J., JR., C,43, Sgt., PrOmOtion received at an VIH Air Force Liberator Station in England where he js an engineer gunner on B-24 Liberator, 446th Bombardment Group. Thi§ grOuP reCeived a citation upon completion of lOOth mission 1ine, Mass.) HALBERG, RICHARD C., B’35/36, Lt., U.S. Signal Corps, Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. HALTMAIER, AUGUSTINE J., E’45, Petty officer 2/c∴U.S.N., On duty in South HAMER, DAVIS K., B’48, Pvt., Co.C., equlPment Of entlre Squadron. Has received HAY, MAURICE W., B’30, S.Sgt., Army the Presidential unit citation. (29 Union Air Forces Convalescent Hospital, Fort Thomas, Ky. Prepares for arrivals of A.A.F. DEVINE, RAYMOND E., L’39, Lt., Navy, Pean and Asiatic sections and has seen service from Iceland to SoIomons. Was with the North Atlantic Fleet for 18 months on a mine_ SWeePer. (51 Berkshire Rd., Swampscott, Mass. ) DiVENUTI, ALBERT P., C,44, Ensign, U.S.N.R. (16 Bellingham Ave., Everett, Mass. ) DWYER, WILLIAM E., L’28, Lt. Comdr., Co叩alescents transferred from general or reg10nal hospitals, etC. HARDING, HENRY J., B’33/34, PFC, U.S.M.C.R. HODSDON, GEORGE M., JR., B’39, CAPT., nOW under treatment at Lovell Genl. Hospital at Fort Devens, for wounds received in France in July. (1738 Beacon St., Brook・ 1ine, Mass.) HOWARD, ALBERT, B’36, Sgt., nOW On Leyte after 30 months in Australia and New U.S.N.R., in Washington, D. C. Guinea. Is member of a tank destroyer Bn. EAGER, ROBERT H., B,46, Corpl., A.A.F., Charleston Air Base, Charleston, S. C. Is (113 HillcfeSt Ave., Brockton, Mass.) HOWARD, FRED H., M,44, Lt., Army Med. Corps, intemlng at Henry Ford Hos. Pital, Detroit, Mich. ball turent gunner on a Liberatof. EGGER, NORMAN F., 4’39/G,40, Corpl., A.T.C., Traffic Technicians School, 1109th 罵t unit. (Fenwick St.’Framingham’ GR髄NHOOD, BERNARD L., LJ41, With I.T.B., Camp Blafiding, Fla. in South Pacific. Has served jn both Euro- Repl. Co., A.P.O. 176, C/o P.M., New York, in Inf. in France. (261 Winchester St., Brook- Forfe (ground vyorker). In charge of all Terrace, Forest Hills, Mass.) Bombardier School, A.A.F.T.C., Big Springs, somewhere Brookline, Mass.) GRAHAM, PHILIP A., B132, U.S. Naval Section Base, Portland, Me. Atl antic. Troop Carrier Command Combat Crew Repl. Trg.Ctr., Bergstrom Field, Tex. Tex. Hospital Clellan, Ala. DELLA SALA, RALPH O., E,37, S/Sgt., With a B-17 Flying Fortress sqdn., VIII Air Med. Corps, Fort Snelling, Minn. CANTER, MORTON, B,40, Corpl., 1st COHEN, JACOB, C’42, A/C, Big Spring Station Artillery Staff Surgeon. (76 Williston Rd., tumed from 18 months in Puerto Rico, With an anti-air-Craft coastal artillery unit. (22 a 28th England. (193 Lafayette St., Salem, Mass.) GOODMAN, MAX, 4,32, Major, Field A.A.F.B.U., A.T.C. Car D., Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, Fla. ELLIOTT, THOMAS C., C’43, S/Sgt., JACKSON上WILLARD D., RE’30, Honorable discharge from service June, 1944・ JAHN, RUDOLPH, E’43, C.SP (A), U.S. N.R., Newport, R. I. Waist gunner in a B-17 Flying Fortress in KELLEY, EDWARD J., C,47, Lt., A.A・F. England. (115 Leavitt St., Hingham, Mas§.) KENNEDY, WALTER F., C’41, U.S.M・C. ENGLESBY, GEORGE, E,40, Sgt., PrOmotion received in England where he is with VIⅡ Air Force as a Radio operatof. (32 KRONICK, STANLEY W., B,42, Lt・, Marine PBJ Pilot, heading for Tokyo. LACKEY, PHILIP, L’42, Lt. Comdr., U. SchooI St., Dracut, Mass.) S.N., reCeived promotion about six months ago. Med. Corps overseas. (69 Columbia Terrace, Weehawken, N. J.) transferred from flight duty to temporary ’イFEDERER, JOHN J., M’32, Lt., Army LAMBERT, MILTON G., C’41, Lt.(j.g.), (Conli微ed on助ge T初ly-Tu′0) 」的ge One 化のd%‰ Edited dy DoR重S MACINNES 1886 Chusett§ Bar Association and a former mem_ REGINALD FOSTER, Ld均Vice-PreSident Of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, died on December 21. A native Of Worcester, he was the youngest son of the late Judge Dwight Foster. He was a director of the Boston and Maine Railroad, ber of the Medford board of aldermen. He WaS PreSident of瓜e class of 1898 of the Boston English mgh School, and the oldest Surviving member of the Boston University Chapter of Sigma AIpha Epsilon. He is surVived by his wife and three sons. Professor-emerjtus Gorham W. Harris of Simmons College. Bostonians are familiar with her verse, Which has appeared in the Boston Herd楊for the past fourteen years. Her SeCOnd book’"More Pen Grins・・ is proving a happy successor to the first book of light VerSe言くPen Grins’,. Continental Mills and the Old CoIony Trust Company, and a trustee of the Pemberton Building Trust and the Provident Institution fo重Savings. 宣夕00 重夕10 Govemor-elect Charles M. Dale of New JAMES A. DORSEY, Z4均has been elected PfeSident of the Law Society of Massachusetts, Hampshire has announced the appomtment Of CHARLES E. HAMMOND, Z4均Manchester 宣887 attomey, aS hjs secretary. Mr. Hammond has 1夕01 CLA’87 has Iost another of its valued mem_ bers in the passing of MARY J. WELLINGTON, Who died December lO. Most of her life as a teacher was spent in the Manchester The Newton Center Unitarian Church has Called as its minister the Reverend VINCENT been active jn New Hampshire politics fof twenty-five years. RAVI-BOOTH, ueo, D.D.(Hon.) ’42, Who has been 飢ing the vacancy there for 1夕11 a High School, New Hampshire, Where she number taught Latin for thirty-tWO yearS and was retired as minister of the Congregational head of the department for sixteen. She held Church’Benning〔on, Vermont, Whefe he had retumed to be assistant to the pastor of the many o鉦es’ the most prized among them Served for twenty・品e years. Centre of weeks. Last summer Dr. B。Oth WaS that of Secretary and Treasuref Of CLA She also was prominent in the Manchester Woman’s Club. She was always ready to do her part in service to the Class of 1887, tO the College of Liberal Arts, Boston Univer§ity, and to various civic activities. She was a_ WOman Of great force of character, Whose Philosophy of life was that you get out of life what you put into jt. 1夕02 After an jllness of six weeks, FRANK J. CUSAK, Z“弛[ died on December 17 at his home jn Lynn. He was admitted to the Massachusetts Bar in 1902 and had law of一 五ce§ in I‘ynn・ He was a past exalted grand ruler of the Lynn lodge of Elks of which he wife, a SOn and a brotber. 190う 18夕0 ’ CLA, mini§ter in Atkinson, New Hampshire, ha§ Written くくAn Interpretation of the Eucharist’’and another very beautiful selec- tion based on the Bible verse, John 15:1. 18夕1 HENRY M. HOWARD’4g, PaSSed away November 22. His home was at l161 Boylston Street, Newton Upper Falls. lived in that city since he was nlne yearS Of age, and had served as `COunCilman and alder_ man and as a member of the Republican state and in other phases of the church work. At a meetlng Of the Eastem Association Of Physics Teachers held at Brookline High School, December 9, Dr. ROYAL MERRILL FRYE, CLA, Grad ’12言34,加#l初SPOke on recent developments in Physics. Dr. BERNHARD OSTROLENK, CLA, author’ nationally known economist, and member of the faculty of the City College in New York, died November 26 of a heart attack while driving his automobile. Dr. JOSEPH L・ BARRY, Lau㌧ Clerk of the OstfOlenk was bom in Warsaw, and studied in schooIs in Berlin until he was ten years denly while visiting friends jn Swampscott on Of age’When his family came to America. December 17. He was a long-time practicing He held degree5 from Massachusetts State attomey and for many years representative of and the Universlty Of Pennsylvania as well the General Court from the 14th Essex Dis_ trict. He was president of the Lym Catho1ic Charities Center, a member of the Ox_ ford Club of Lym and the Salem Country Club. He leaves a wife, tWO brothers and as Boston Universlty・ He was an authority On agricultural economics and cooperatives. His “Econpmic Geography of the United States’’’wrltten jn ]941 js in general use in COlleges throughout the country. Among his books are .'The Problem of Cooperative Medicine’’’く一The Legal Phases of Coopera- resigned as presiding JuStice of the First Dis- tives’’’く一Harvey Baum - A Study of the trict Court of ’North Worcester. Agricultural Revolution/’ "Economics of Branch Banking,,, and 'くElectricity - for Use JOHN INGRAM, Z4均PrOminent attomey and well known citizen of Lynn, died on December 8 after a short jllnes?. He had Malden. His South Essex county court’ Lynn, died sud- Judge WILLIAM S. DUNCAN, L拘has 1893 Church, ter and he wi11 also assist in the Sunday School WaS an honorary life member. He leaves his -鵜M.H.T. The Reverend C. JULIAN TUTHILL, Methodist SPeCial function will be that of a parish minis・ ’87 for丘fty years. For two years she was the D.A.R. State Secretary of New Hampshire. Rev. JONATHAN CARTMILL書rbeo, Who retired last year from the active ministry, has 重夕08 WILLARD CARLETON BARNES, Lauノ, a Or for Pro丘t.,, He leaves a widow, three brot専S and a sister. PrOminent citizen of South Weymouth, died On December 18, after a long illness. Mr. 」宣夕宣2 Bames wa§ educated in the Weymouth schooIs BARTOL PARKER’L’e4,l d上ed suddenly of a heart attack while hunting jn Sandwich for and was graduated from Thayer Academy and mayor. He was associated with his son in from the Massachusetts Institute of Tech_ On the firm of Ingram and Ingram with offices in Lynn. Surviving him are his wife, tWO noIogy. He was one of the founders of the Cafeer aS a football player and had been cap- Weymouth Hospital and had served as its tam Of the Harvard team jn 1907. During COmmittee.・ He was once a candidate SOnS, a daughter, and three grandchildren. Mrs. William N. Kimball (MARGARET M. NUTE) CLA, died on November 24, 1944. She was stricken in church and passed away two hours later. PreSident for twenty-One yearS. He had been associated with the Jarvis Engineering ComPany aS PreSident and later treasurer for forty yeafS. He leaves hjs wife, tWO brothers and December 28. He had had a notable World War I he served in France with・ the Y.M.C.A. After his graduation from Law School in 1912, he practiced Iaw in WorCeSter, and later went into the real estate a sISter. business. He had served a§ State RepfeSenta- tive from the Eighth Middlesex DistrlCt and GEORGE A. MOORE, La均died on De- One of the fourteen authors who were featured at the Boston University Bazaar on December l, WaS LOUISE DYER HARRIS, cember 30. He was a member of the Massa_ CLA, Of Newtonville. She is the wife of 18夕4 壌` rめ○ had been prominent jn Republican committee work. He leaves hjs wife. (Co勿i鋤eクon Pdge Ten) VOLUME XVIII NUMBER 5 BOSTON工A Title Reg. in U. S. Pat. 0瞳ce The Bo8tOn University Alumni Magazine Subscription !2.00 per year Single copie8 25 cent8 Cove若∴∴∴∴∴ 冒 PrqposedB扉fdingfor租e CoJ/egeofLIberalArts IN THIS ISSUE FEBRUARY, 1945 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Goal - $1,000,000, ChaでIes F. Co班ns‥ ‥ ‥ Inside front cover WiththeArmedForces… NewsoftheClasses… … … ‥. ……… … … …. 1 … …‥ 2 TheImpactofthe召G. I. Bill,, onEducation‥ 5 Boston University Moves Ahead … … … … 6 A Proclamation, PresIdent DanIel L.脆rsム19 From Beacon Hill to Charles River Campus, Ralp五W.露ヅねで…………‥.‥‥. WhoAsks What From Whom?‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥. Editor JUDSON REA BUTLER =OLD BOSTON STUMPl,- mOdernized for Associate Edito富 A. LOUISE HAINES the new Boston Published monthly from October to June inclusive by the BosTON UNⅣE龍醐町Y ALUMNI AssocIA冒ION Editorial O臆ce, 178 Newbury Street, Boston 16, Massachusetts Entered as second-Class’matter, at the Post Office, Boston, Massachusetts, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Copyright, February, 1945, by the Boston Universlty Alumni Association. Pαge Tんγee 、、pぁ-q伽"のめ∽d B叩4 Cemer: Steven Jay Frades, SOn Of FLORENCE DINE FRADES, CPES’41, and FRED FRADES, E’37, E’39. Toク: Peter and Sally Prior, Children of ELEANOR HEATH PRIOR, PAL ’33. Reading dockwise: Karen Andrea Christensen, daughter of KATHERINE BAKER CHRISTENSEN, PAL ’35; Ellen Margaret Kelley, daughter of PAUL OWEN KELLEY, Mus ’44; Garret Derby Smith, son of S. RAYNOR SMITH, T’42, and PHYLLIS COMEY SMITH, A’39, G’42; Bobby Pothier, SOn Of WILLIAM R. POTHIER, B’40, and ANNA T. DRITSAS POTHIER, B’42; Robert Hinckley Bruce, SOn Of ROBERT A. BRUCE, A’38, and ELEANOR HINCKLEY BRUCE, Å’う9, G’40. Page Fo勿r β○勿砿汲 みん解物ノダ45 Publisbed for tke Alumタi of Bosタon U巌γerSity %槻場易e巧みB幼"∽脇 T葦請書詰。寵等 ture・ It is vastly different today than lt heat of battle have been either unful_ been taken out of his civilian life. This 創Ied, Or their benefits postponed until basic philosophy is behind allくくG. I.’’ too late to be of much value. Now, legislation: behind the law which guaran- was before Pearl Harbor. It is certain however, for the丘rst time in American tees the veteran his old job back; be- to be still different in the months to come history, Plannlng for the veteran has hind the provis'ions for loans to help - after V-Day. For while faculty, and pγeCedeガ, nPt followed, demobilization・ him establish a new business, Or PurChase curricula, and books all help, yOu know, This, in ltSelf, is a great step forward, a home or farm. And it is behind the a for it guarantees every veteran of World educational provisions, Particularly, for War II葛With any but a dishonorable Our amy tOday lS a yOung man’s∴army, Where slhall we look for our students discharge - immediate and practical as- a younger army than the United States and I know, it’s students who make COllege. of tomorrow who will become leaders in sistance world affairs, in politics, in education, and Continental, the Yankee or Johnny-Reb, the our and the ‘くbuddies’, of the last war, had age; the minimum draft age is 18 (as dominating group - during the next to wa」it months or even years, today’s opposed to 20 in the last war). professions’T- in short, for if he so desires. Where the has ever sent into the 丘eld before. Eighty percent are under 30 years of quarter century or more? The answer is, retuming serviceman, eVen if discharged It is, mOreOVer, a better educated army in large part from the riillions who will before the cessation of hostilities, is at than ever before. Consider these com- retum home as veterans. once eligible for aid. parisons: under Pershing’s command J% Perhaps even more important, how- only were college men, aS agalnSt臆tO- gratitude and our deep sense 6f obligation to these men who have actua11y been ever, is the entirely new philosophy day’s 14%; in 1917-18 4% were high which is apparent behind theくくG. I. Bill’’ school graduates, While World War II’§ 丘ghting che nation’§ War that the G. I. and other veterans’legislation already corresponding percentage is 2J%; in Bill and its, aPPlication to education and enacted for t:his war. Previously, the World War I, 80% of the army had It is for these reasons, and because of cultural interests is important・ After citizenry has γe砂aγded the veteran - not gone ・beyond grade school, While each war, attemPtS have been made to by glVmg him pensions, land grants, today that percentage is only 33%・ It recompense the veteran, however in- cash bonuses, etC. Today, the whole basic idea is different. As a people, We is evident, then, that entry lntO SOme But after the Revolution, the Civil War, and World War I, the legislation required have at last recognized the fact that education of many of the young men the veteran needs - and deserves - nOt and women now in our armed forces. to e任ect it has been dangerously delayed・ a Many more, Who had voluntarily qult Promises made to the soldier during the tunity to ma車up for the time which has adequately, for the service he has given. ca§h reward so much as an oppor- branch of the service has cut short the (Continued on Page Eigbteen) p脅狐細d脇B勅 See Picture of Building on Page Forty・three A new science building will be erected on the new campus at about the same time that the College of Liberal Arts building lS ereCted. Money for a science building is being rai§ed by a group of splendid citizens known to the public asくtFriends of Boston University.,, The idea was born in the heart of the Honorable Charles A. Rome. 履ge戸ん` B励み“勿れ互唯物埠励鮪 %妬細物d脇擁 This is the third annual report of Boston University,s Alumni Roll Call’eStablished in the winter of 1941. It is a record of forward movernent - a reCOrd from which all alumni can take encouragement for the future. It reveals that more alumni have seep the need - that more and more alumni have responded to the opportun宣ty for aiding in the development of the Universlty. The record further reveals that our alumni in uniform- and their families at home - have responded, in some respects’eVen mOre liberally than the average・ Because they are glVmg SO generOuSly of themselves for the bene丘t of all of us’nO direct appeals were sent, eXCapt for a qualified statement at the time of the last notice. Many of our service alumni had asked to be included. The response was one of which all alumni can be especially proud: Within a few week§ three thousand dollars had been subscribed by 42夕alumni in uniform. It has been aptly stated that if you want a job well done, gO tO the busy man. Likewise it §eemS that those who 41●e glVmg the most are the very ones who uill give most generously. Especial recognition is due our group ofくtBoston University Regulars.,, These are the alumni who have subscribed every year since the start, Or Since the graduation of their classes, if that was after 1941・ In years to come CくBoston Universlty Regulars’’will consist of those who have subscribed for the last丘ve consecutive years. This year, because of the special efforts to rai§e the three-year alumnl quOta Of $2 0’000 for the development of the new campu§, alumni are asked to pledge their subscriptlOnS for this year and for the next two years. The current gift will be counted in the 194’Annual Roll Call; gifts pledged for the next two years will count as §ul’SCriptlOnS tO the 1946 and 1947 Roll Calls, reSPeCtively. Naturally, Pledges paid in three years will cover membership ln the Alumni Association and subscriptlOn tO BOSTONIA. To the Class Agents and Chairmen, and to the thousands of alumni and friends who have shown their confidence and loyalty through the Annual Roll Call, Boston University is proud to express her appreciation and gratitude. Bosタon U寂t,eγSity muSタPJedge NOW 4eγ∴CO擁deタ$C.e初Jbe /uタuγe. $250,000 Zs NOr Joo muC.b if榊′e eaC.b γaise ouγ Sお庇s, #わditノidually owe gわe as ge%eγOuSky 4S meの郷allou′・ We “′ill suc.c.eed・ Ouγ Cause js '.ig加. Let,s do fbe job 4タO%C.e fo初suγe fbe deリelop肋eのタOf ouγ ne桝′ Calm中郷・ J” gilノわg Of ocJγ `研0γtS md ouγ manS tue gaわouγSelt′eS. Foγタbe good gわ′eγ PγOlts mosタ・ W窮b a /aitbめouγ beaγts Jbat democ.raタわeduc.ation1 md equal o」坤0γタ桝膨砂/oγ all sball卸et,ad, 初産tb co7少denc.eあouγ beaγtS a肋d mわds /or Jbe futuγe Of Boston UnれeγSity, md,あg胸筋ude /0γ タbe sacγiβc'es of ouγ Sタude脇ts脇d alumniわunグ0γm, may砂e #0匂4’ma鳥e s”γe fbat BOSrON UN手 V倍RSI富Y柵OV互S AH丑AD. COMPARATIVE SUMMARY THE ALUMNI FUND ROLL CALL - 1944 Gifts by alumni .. 1夕42 1943 1,44 Number of old subscribers ……………… 1754 Gifts ‥‥....‥.‥. $8`70.20 $3208う.1` ∴∴ $36006.28 Numberof new subscribers … … ………… 2879 Subscribers . ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ 949 341う 4633 Percentage subscribing 3% 11% lう% $36006.28 Total number of subscribers ……………. 4633 (of known addresses) NU団B巨R O「 SUBSC尺旧亡RS 2 〇〇〇 3Q○○ AMOUN「 SUBSCR旧さD (Iヽ十千hoUSA調oS) 2o 1942 囲患国壷壷口 Page 5諒 eO 4000 COMPARATIVE SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENTS TOP CLASSES IN NUMBER OF SUBSCRIBERS (1) CBA 1942 …………………………・:.. 66 subscribers N〃mbe′ Of Sub∫′ribe′∫ Amo〃m Sab∫′γibed (2) 1夕43 1夕44 1タ43 1夕44 PAL 1942 ……………………………. 52 subscribers (3) ED 1942 ……………………………‥ 51 subscriber§ ノ 3 2 3 1 2 6.う0 11夕.00 333う.う0 う878.う3 (1) CLA1894 ………………………………‥ $1434.50 (2) CBA1930 ……‥:………………………… 1123・50 う83.う0 1286.7う TOP CLASSES IN PERCENTAGE OF SUBSCRIBERS 173.う0 634.2う (over eight givers) 320.う0 8夕9. 10 2490.う0 3291.00 82`4.1夕∴∴∴∴う32`.`4 (1) CLA 18夕4 …………………………………‥ 70% (2) Musl,3う……………‥……………….…… 63% 100% CLASSES (under eighe givers) 1 ⊥ l ノ 144`.90 2646.2う l 308.う0 う00.う0 l 148.00 137.う0 Education ‥.‥.‥‥..‥.‥.‥‥..‥‥‥.‥.‥‥‥‥‥‥ l Religious l 1 Medicine ‥‥‥‥‥..‥‥‥...‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ l 1600.2う 724.00 Education くくⅤ)) G重VERS ‥‥‥‥.‥‥‥‥‥‥.‥‥‥‥..‥‥‥ l/07∩フQ/7/0 2837・う0 3ううう・00 cpES 8∩フ∩フQ/8oフ8 く くくGRANDタブGIVERS TOP CLASSES IN AMOUNT $8137.う0 $10801.1う ∩フ00071Q/ Graduate School く Social Work Religious Education Education Q/∴くノー) 8 Medi ci ne Law 8 Theol ogy ハ ブ 7 3 7 ∩ フ く ノ ノ 0 / 0 く ノ 4 ま ノ 4 7 CPES 8 2 /0 (ツーヽノ ブ一8 2 8 /0 4 7 Music Q / ( ソ l 1 2 2 2 - / 〇 一 l PAL 1⊥ 3 0 えノ 8 0 1 7 0 まノ 8-ヽノ 1 CBA 0 8 ∩フ 8.4 /0∴Q/ O CLÅ Agricul ture TWIN CENTURY Har61d S. Ansin, B’30 Melvin M. Johnson, L’95 Homer R. Page, T’30 Anonymous’CLA Building Fund Anonymous, CLÅ’94 Arthur L. Bridgham, CLA’93 Cha章les R. B章own, T’8夕 Dr. Merton H. Mack, A’27/Med’29 Gladys de Almeida, Mus’34 Lewis E. Whipple, Law’04 and Mrs. Lewis E. Whipple, CLA’ol (Lizzie E. ‘ Dight) CENTURY CLUB - 1944 (Caro重yn C. St重Ong) George D. Greenwood A’夕l Mrs. Arthur T. Johnson Å’タ1 (Helen Smith) Mrs. William B. Deering Å’夕2 ( Florence Chamberlain ) *Arthur L Bridgham A’夕3 Theoren L Wamer Mrs. Benjamin C. Lane A’,4 Homer R. Page A’夕4 (Bertha Hi11) , *Joseph J. Corbett Melvin M. Johnson *Guy W. Cox T’89/’22/’36 To l/A’0う T’30 L’8う L’" L’夕` Edward R. Hardy A’夕6 Bert E. Holland Mrs. Murray G. Day A’夕7 Edmund R. Mans丘eld L’夕9 Fred L. Hewitt L’00 (V王01a MacLellan) *Mrs. Lewis E. Whipp】e Wesley T. Lee 奉F重みk E. Bart。n William H. Gilliatt John F. Connell Irl H. Blaisdell Grace S. Mans丘eld Mrs. Everett F. Parks (Maude Grant) Gladys de Almeida L’99/’13 A’01 率Lewis E. Whipple William E. Ennis Shields Warren A’0う Edward M. Dangel *Nunziato Fusaro A’18 Samuel Seder L’17 Charles F. H. Allen A’18 Milton A. Stone L’17 (Lizzie E. Dight) John W. Mofgan *Charles A. Rome Abraham Bloom B’20 *Charles R. Brown Eben G. Townes Geo堪e藍. Pe重q Ag’08 B’30 James D. MacNair A’,4 、 A’31 Harold S. Ansin A’夕4 (FIorence Goodwin) A’2タ Dewey D. Stone Frank W. Kimball Ffed R. Miller Mrs. Frank Stone A’27/M’2タ Mrs. Miles N. Clair (Carolyn Greene) L’04 L’12 John Cowles L’17 *AIso qualified for Century Club in 1943 SPECIAL GIFTS FRIEND S Anonymous C. L. A. Building Fund $1,000.00 Anonymous Friends of Law Library∴∴∴∴飢36.14 FA CULTY James D. Chamberlain Alice M. Dean Mary Lichliter Harold M. Bowman Geor合e E. Lincoln Bess J. McKinley James Geddes, Junior N. Emmons Paine Thompson Stone U皿known George E. Washbun Alice R. Appenzeller Amount contributed Clarence Brower Gustavo A. deAragon HONORARY DEGREE RECIPI ENTS John Cowles Number of contributors 72/○ ○/8えノ41えノー︺ -)8 A’タ0 Merton H. Mack M. Esther Morrison Mrs. I. Kahl Saunders (Margaret E. Preusser) 1 2 2 7 ハ ブ 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 ( Loui§a Holman RIchardson) 喜富財相調譜博博朗助 Mrs. Everett O. Fisk A’83/G’87 *Mrs. Lyman C. Newell Number of contributors 3 $108.00 Amount contributed 10 $24.00 Comelia B. White MfS. John M. Williams 畿豊器。霊豊富n an Amount contributed 10 $18.60 Page Jeひen COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS GEORGE R. ERICSON - Chairman C履∫∫ Agen近 William F. Rogers - Reunion Chairman Class subscribing largest amount.‥‥・‥.‥‥‥・‥‥‥‥.‥‥‥‥ ‥‥‥・‥.‥ Wiユ1iam G. Aufelio 1894 ‡1434.う0 70% ’’ 18,4 Class with largest percentage of subscribers . ‥ … ‥. ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥. ‥ ‥ ‥ Class with lafgeSt number ofsubscribers.…‥.‥….……‥‥‥‥. ‥‥‥‥.‥ 36 36 J. Marjorie Bailey 1913 Mildred E. Steams 1924 1889 1880 Number of contributors Amount contributed 2 $40.00 Potential contributors Percentage 4 50% 1882 Potential contributors Percentage 3 33% Ruth L. S. Child N、紫豊霊‡結露と8 4 1890 Mrs. John L. Dearing, Class Age初 Mrs. Hubert Arrowsmith ca深紫嵩豊) Potential contributors Percentage $56.20 8 37% 1884 N監詩語慧詑ut。rB Amount contributed Charles W. Coyle Mary E. Cutting Mrs. Justin F. Emery 1 $50.00 Potential contributors Percentage of contributors M雛諾法認手es) Caira Hawkes Mrs. Charles Hescock l l % Potential oontributors Percentage 1891 7 G某誌認諾霊。。d Mrs. Lewis C. Strang (Martha H. Locke) Mrs. Percy C. Sturdivant Mrs. Samuel M. HoIway M霊魂詳説。h ns。n 5 17 29% Potential contributors Percentage Mrs. Robert L. O'Brien (EmiIy Young) Eva M. Palmer Mrs. George B. Pratt (Mat,tie Carter) 1887 Wi11iam E. Chenery Emily L. Clark 54% Mrs. Edward C. Mason M. Helen Teele William M. Warren Mary J. Wellington Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributo rs Percentage 11 $86.00 25 44% Mrs. Charles A. Co11ins (A. Louise Symonds) Mrs. William B. Deering (FIorence Chamberlain) Bertha L. Gardner WiIliam B. Geoghegan 宣888 Gertrude Gilman Mrs. D. Fletcher Barber, Class Agc海 Mrs. D. Fletcher Barber M書誌患許諾藍 (Florence E. Watson) A. May Frost Mrs. Oliver H. Howe Clift R. Richards Edward K. Titus Nunber of contributors Amount contributed . Potential contributors Percentage P碓e Eig伽 Wilbert F. Gilman Mrs. Wilbert F. Gilman (Nettie A. MoKinnon) Marion W. Joyce Mrs. Charles Leber $46.00 20 30 Mrs. John E. Martin (FIorence M. Wilson) 珪謹書鑑親 LiI]ian B. Moulton Elizabeth H. Norman Mrs. Joseph F. Phillips (Jennie M. Gammons) Emest A. Maynard Albert B. Meredith Lela C. Murdock Harry E. Perkins Mrs. J. Edward Plimpton Emma D. Shelton Arthur N. Sma11 Ralph R. Stratton M讐豊盛観。。k Number of contributors Amount contributed N」豊島盤練もu七。重S Potential contributors Percentage Potential contributors Percentage Lucy F. Sanderson Ethelwyn Wallace 17 $58.00 39 23 $219.20 53 43% 宣899 44% Alice H. Bigelow 宣896 Arthur P. Pratt, Class Age海 Frederic Serex Oscar Storer Helen M. Dame Inez Day Mrs. Elihu Grant 16 Amount contributed $288.00 Potential contributors 28 % Percentage 57 M鋼謹繁豊1も4。rri11 Emma W. Gleason Mrs, Leon O. GIover Herbert R. Roberts Number of contributors Mrs. Berton L. Maxfield Ellen B. Esau Sarah M. Fisher Amount contributed E11a A. Titus 6 Frederick J. H. Mansfield Luella M. Eaton (Corrie Tanner) (Maれha Pa巾) (Ida Barrows) Clarence H. Jones Ju盤甘藍結晶 Harry E. Back Julia E. Chadwick Bertha L. Cogswell Olive B. Gilchrist, Nellie B. Hill (Ruth Wood) Mrs. Roscoe J. Ham Mrs. Charles Co11ins, Class Age海 AIIiston B. Gi鱒ord Mrs. AIIen P. Hoard (Lelia Stiles) 1892 (Martha Sprague) Mabel A. Fitz Lucy A. Gardiner Mrs. Wi]1iam C. Hoag Sarah E11en Breed Amount contributed $2 14.00 Lillian C. Rogers 70% Grace B. Day 19 Potential contributors 35 Percentage . c縁語薯藍 32 $1,434.50 46 Margaret F. Berton Eugene M. Bosworth Nunber of contributors Lizzie L. Damon Elizabeth D. Hanscom Sarah Hobson Emma F. Loud 1898 Grace B. Day, Class Age海 F. Gertrude Wentworth Mrs. George A. Wilson (Winifred Warren) M. Helen Teele, Class Age海 54% Arthur N. Small, Class Agcn; Mrs. Albert B. Black 1895 Augusta N. Putnam Charles T. Snow 41 Potential contributors Percentage Isabelle D. White Number of contributors Amount contributed 22 Nu皿ber of contributors Amount contributed $2 18. 1O L.盤悪寵藍 (Helen Smith) $30.50 (FIorence E. EveIeth) (Bertha HilI) (FIorence Harris) Nunber of contributors Grace M. Snow FIorence A. Wescott Lillian T. Wilkins Mrs. Frank Stone Joseph C. Hagar Charles D. Jones Amount contributed Potential contributors Percen tage Mrs. Willet C. Roper Mary E. O’Connor Mrs. George A. Dunn Mrs. Albion W. Hobson Frank J. Metca]f E,篤詑認諾親。 Edith L. Russell George O. Smith Sarah A. Co11ins Ina C. Brooks John C. Ferguson Emma F. RipIey William F. Rogers Wilbur T. Hale 1886 (Maude Howe) Lena PooI Etta L. Rabardy Mrs. S. Percy R. Chadwick c豊鵠三富is) 29% M豊塔豊常軌。l。S (FIorence Goodwin) Charles Parkhurst Lida S. Penfield Anne Boardman Harry G. Butler $30.00 (Grace Gri距ths) Fred R. Mi11er Mrs. A. M. Nightingale Mrs. Charles W. A11en (Louise H. Morey) Mrs. Henry M. Ayars (Mary C. Warren) Caroline A. Sawyer Number of contributors Amount contributed Mrs. Thomas D. Perry Mrs. Benjamin C. Lane F. Gertrude Wentworth, Class Age海 Caroline A. Sawyer, Class Ageni Mrs. J. Everett Pearson Caroline G. Howe Frank W. Kimball Percentage 48 (Bertha Crocker) 記譜惑告藍dg。 Potential contributors 23 6 1885 Mrs. Emest C. Jewell (Elizabeth G. McIntyre) Lilian G. Marr Mrs, William A. Merrill Bertha C. Fox Amount contributed $164.00 17% Esther S. Dodge Lena A. GIover Ethel J. Heath Fred C. Hosmer Emest W. Hatoh Mf詑寵蕊畿藍h。Vi,。h Nu血ber (Ella L. Chase) EIoise H. Crocker Mrs. Murray G. Day (Viola MacLellan) Edith L. Bishop Bertha Courtney S. Edgar Whitaker Mrs. Edward H. Atherton (Annie Hatch) Mary A. Bachelder (Mary M. Kingsbury) Helen L. Thomas Mrs. George W. Bell (Pearl W. Chase) Mrs. Charles E. BoIser Mrs. Henry E. Cottle Anonymous William B. Locke Mrs. Lyman C. Newell Mrs. J. Everett Pearson, Class Ageni M豊8緒器雷chas。 William G. Aurelio (Emma L. Nickerson) Number of contributors A皿Ount COntributed 24% Wi11iam G. Aurelio, Class Age短 (Mary L. Hinckley) Warren E. Fisher Mrs. Wi11iam W. Harrington (Louisa Holman Richardson) 25 1894 Mrs. Lyman C. Newell, Closs Agenき 20% 1897 NJ鑑三書落ribu t。.S Potential contributors Percentage M欝悪書藍霊 Mrs. William L. Jackson Mrs. Henry A. White Amount contributed $293.50 % Mrs. James E. Cowper Mrs. Everett O. Fisk Susanna I. Sayre Percentage 3 1 9 $206,00 44 Potential contributors P ercentage Potential contributors 13 Joshua L. Brooks Mrs. Everett O. Fisk, ClαSS Age海 Number of contributors Amount contributed Amount contributed $37.00 (Josephine Howard) 1883 FIorence I. Webster Herbert W. Hunt Grace Marchant Mrs. Frederick E. Whittemore 1 $5.00 Emma C. Shipman Arthur’L. Bridgham Luther Freeman Hattie B. Cooper Number of contributors Amount contributed Sarah E. Reed 宣893 May W. Davis Mabel I. Dyer Charles M. Melden Marion Talbot % (Almy Chase) Ella Durgin Gray Edward R. Hardy Ethelwyn A. Rea Mrs. Wallace B. Conant (Edna Hatch) Clara B. Cooke George B. Currier Marie E. Dagemann Helen N. Gary (Contlnued on Paさe Thlrty-Four) Gun crew o億cers, in helmets and血ash gear, keep careful watch following an attack on their carrier. Action took pIace in the Southwest Pacific. O債cer at righl is relaying observations by telephone. 嶋E telephone and rad辛n ships and planes have made a vast change ln naVal warfare. ・ Our Navy has more of these things than any Other navy in the world・ The battleship Wis- COnSin alone has enough telephones to serve a C重ty Of lO,000. A great part of this naval equlPment COmeS from the Westem Electric Companyタmanufac- turing branch of the Bell System. That helps to explain why we here at home are short of teIephones and switchboards. B寡看獲 冒格看格回報O調書 SYSl格調 ’しe ad§Natio n.Wide Cru sadeWhile Army Legal Adviser to Sir Henry Maltland Wilson in Washington. Mr. Manley remained in Paris after the last waf, married, and built up a large intemationa=aw practice・ Twice Directing l,7○○ 寒冊ho i§Churches during this war he was intemed with his son, Robert言n Italy and later jn France. After being freed from their first intemment they joined the U.S. Army, and with their second release they retumed to this country. 1タ22 AMY L. COOK, CLA, Lauノ’33, is Secretary at the Human Engideering Laboratory, 347 Beacon Street, Boston. PAUL P. FLAK, Ld均tOWn PrOSeCutOr of West Springfield, has been chosen chairman Of the Republican town `Ommittee. WAI.TER B. LOUNSBURY, RE, is a chap・ lain in the Army Air Corps, Stationed at Camp Polk, Louisiana. He holds the rank of Captain ALFRED R. WORTHEN, Lau′, has been made manager of the Lynn o伍ce of the Social Security Board, located in the Post O錦ce Building, Lynn. He and his wife are making their home in Marblehead. Their son is With the army in New Guinea and their married daughter lives in Lowell. 1タ23 O戸で種∈・ Recently announced was the engagement of αlCAGO A恥辱A MADELINE DOROTHY BUTLER, CPES。 Of Rockport, tO Pfc. Robert R. Hmt of M聞出ODす$r C調U晒帥 Washington, D. C., nOW Stationed at Camp Myles Standish. Miss Butler is secretary to the headmaster of the Brockton mgh School. Govemor Saltonstall has selected HAROLD I. GROUSBECK, Lau′, Of Northampton, aS District Attomey for the northwestem district, CHARLES J. KILEY, La均 Of Brighton, has beeil electc`d treasurer of the Brighton Five Cents Savings Bank. Mr. Ki!ey has been a trustee of the bank fof SOme yearS, He is married and has five children. FRANKLIN KING, JR., CBA-E, has been elected a director of the Northampton Natiopal bank. Mr. King is in the insurance business A臼Ve・戸oしD小C層己小∈N十〇戸 A既NC∈I -NC」UD-NG A ll 小三OAUG調も電, ‖﹁ S‖椅S 孝2和○○,〇〇〇的訂小官盲UND ∪宜し盲肥 l▲栂81〔高Op併 畦AN博Aしα A搾馴Nてる 缶軸∪し根きら 融和翰・めAし」と印C舶O いどら∈賢〕∈D極 Al敬三A ①州G闇A¶O心S雪 一向号慮∈ A筋410,〇°O 圏園園圃 1pR富来Y4′ o戸 and conducts qu agency in his own nane He is also a vICe-PreSident of the Haydenville Savings Bank, and president of the Northampton Community fund. ‖AM」間e U博立 M∈Me∈聴OND∈曾山も 〇千ち「.臼的」._ 1夕24 J〇日lらDIC¶oN __.,、._ 場▲ノd劃膝6iエー「賀〇千ト0叱る↑∂「直、わで` JAMES M. AHERN, CBA, manager O白he BISHOP J. RALPH MÅGEE, T’10, aPPOinted jn June, 1944, tO SuPerVise Methodist Church matters in the Chicago area, One Of the largest and most responsible jobs in the episcopacy, has been further honored by Berkshire Life Insurance Company’s bond de- Partment for the past two years, has resigned to retum to the investment banking fim of being given leadership of the Methodist Crusade for Christ, Which invoIves GIore, Forgan & Company, Pittsfield, Where the ralSmg Of $25,000,000 for relief and reconstruction, and for use in he was formerly associated for fifteen years. PAUL MOODY BOYNTON, CBA, CBA a general four-year PrOgram Of advance. ’28, and Mrs. Boynton of West Hartford, Con- necticut, are the parents of a son, Paul Moody, Jr., bom at the Hartford Hospital on the e左助力♭あ fourteenth of December, 1944. He js the (Conlimed /ro172 Page Fu/の 1夕1う EARLE L. RUSSELL, LdC/ノ, Of Portland, lawyer, and member of the State Industrial Accident Commission several years ago, has been selected a Maine Superior Court Justice by Govemor Sewall. Mr. Russe11 is married to Ellen Burke Alexander, formerly a Portland school teacher. 1夕17 On the first of October, 1944, A. COLEMAN BROWN, r方eo, R&S ’29, Of Weston, West Virginia, began his fourth year as District Superintendent of the Central District Of the West Vinginia Conference of the Methodist Church. . JOSEPH M. MURPHY, CBA, Lt.Col. A.C., Page Te〃 is assistant auditor of Terminations and grandson of E. Moody Boynton言nventor- of Special Audits for the Eastem Audit District" the famous Lightning Saw and the Monofail Railroad. Mr. Paul Boynton is Super- 1918 Visor of Secondary Education for the State GEORGE ALPERT, La砂, Attomey, WaS guest speaker in December at the suppermeeting of the Brotherhood of Ahavas Achim in Newburyport. Rev. CHARLES D. MAURER, rbeo, RE, is pastor of St. Luke’s Methodist Church, Derry, New Hampshire. His son, Charles D., Jr., WaS a Student at the College of Liberal Arts before he entered the Air Corps. AnnaEleanora, a daughter言s a senior at Radcliffe. 1夕1夕 ANTHONY MANLEY, Lau′, formerly of Holyoke, has been acting as an American of Connecticut. ARTHUR L BROWN, CBA, Ldu) ’28, Lau′ ’31, Of Newton, formerly chief reg10nai OPA hearing commissioner, has been appointed deputy hearing administfatOr in Washington. assignment will be to hear and determlr:e雪Peals from orders of OPA hear王ng COmmlSSIOnerS throughout the country, JOHN W. DOWNS, LatJ′, PreSident of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy Alumni Ås- sociation, and legislative counsel for MassaChusetts insuraqc: COmPanies, has been appointed commlSSIOner Of the Academy by Govemor Saltonstall. L CURTIS FOYE, CLA, Med ’27, Of Ar1ington’Who has practiced medicine jn Ar・ lington for the past twelve years, has・ been MaJOr ROBERT S. HALL, Tんeo, U'S.A., nOW 9n duty with the Atlantic Fleet. The wedding lS tO take place Apri1 21 in the chapel at COmmissioned a lieutenant commander jn the Fort Hamilton? Brooklyn, New York’Where medical corps of the U.S.N.R. and reported for active duty at the Chelsea Naval Hospital Miss Meyer lS Stationed with the Special On January 15. Se重vices Branch. WILLIAM D. JACKSON, SR阜is sports Assistant District Attomey GEORGE∴E. editor for the Boston Chronicle and sport THOMPSON, Lgu′, Lauノ,25, Of Melrose, has COlumnist for the Malden Press. He was re_ been appointed District Attomey of Middlesex Cently appointed to the Orchard Park and Leonard Street Developments (Boston) as a Recreational Aide. County, uPOn the resignation of Lieutenant Govemor-Elect Bradford. 192う SUSAN M・ ANDREWS, R且Gra`i ’31, eX- ecutive director of the General Sunday SchooI Association of the Universalist Church of America, WaS gueSt SPeaker at a meeting of the First Parish Church School and cradle roll mothers in the Philipps Chapel, Fitchburg, The wedding of PAULINE R. LINCOLN, CLA, tO Stuart M. Donaldson, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Donaldson of Quincy, tOOk Place December 2 at the home of the bride’s ParentS in Quincy. Mrs. Donaldson was a SeCretary jn the Asiatic department of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. 1夕32 in the latter part of November, She has wriト ten many Christmas plays, PageantS, articles and sto章ies. FRANCIS J. BURNS, Eli, Of Charlestown. editor of the Charlestown Neu′∫ Since 1931, MARY ELIZABETH MAHER, CPES, Of Worcester言s a physical training teacher of elementary and special dasses. has been swom in as a practicing federal attomey in the U. S. District Court. LUELLA M. DUNN重NG, Grdd, former teacher of English at Stoneham mgh School, 1タ27 Mrs. Wendall Estes, the former ESTELLE DAMION, CLA, Of Hudson言s empIoyed at has left the United States for Turkey. She is teaching in the American Collegiate InStitute, Izmir, fomerly called Smyma, Tur- the recorder’s o鯖ce at the College of Liberal key. This is a girls’school under the Amefi- Art§. Can Board of the Congregational Church and JOSEPH W. R班VES, r方eo, PaStOr Of the Congregational Church, Winchendon, has ac- CePted a call to the pastorate of the Trinitarian COntains about two hundred fifty native students. ELEANOR SH斑DY, Lau′, Of Worcester, BISHOP OXNAM HONORED Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam, T’1j, On November 30 was honored with the PreSidency of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America. He is resident Methodist bishop of the New Congregational Church, Northfield. Mr. and Mrs. Reeves and their son, Richard, 14, Wi11 visol. Cross. She York area and has been chairman of the 1ive in the parsonage. has been a staff member of the Red Cross Federal Council’s advisory committee. has been appointed assistant case work superWith the American Red Home Service Department since August, 1943. 1928 EROLD B. BEACH, CBA言s pr誼cIPal of the Marblehead mgh School. FREDERICK B. COLE’CBA-E, COnneCted With the sports department of the Lawrence 嵩盈‡笠島言霊離籍薄紫 Mr. and Mrs. John Winer of Bondsville Road. Three Rivers, have announced the engagement of their daughter, LILLIAN member of the faculty of the Boston SYLVIA WINER, PAL, and Harold R. Stein Of New York City. Miss Winer is empIoyed Universlty SchooI of TheoIogy. in the o儀ce of Samuel Black, Publisher’s distributor. くくThe bride, given in marriage by her father, Mr. Cole is married and has one son, Fred, Jr. A. EDWIN GRIMES, RE言s a field and 1夕33 Parish worke† Of the Massachusetts Univer- James Fau†eux and Mrs. Fauteux, the former Salist ConventlOn, reSPOnSible for the develop- ADELINE ALLEY, PAL, Of Chicago, have ment of the total program in local churches announced the birth of a son, Robert James and church extension. He has served as minister of several rural churches in Arkansas; director of religious education in Central Con- Fauteux. He was bom August 28, 1944. A daughter, Sally, WaS bom Septinber 26, gregational Church, Jamaica Plain; director of (ELEANOR HEATH), PAL. Young People’s work for the Norumbega 1944 to Mr. Melville Prior and Mrs. Prior Mrs. ELSA LEONARD, E々, is teaching Council of Religious Educat王on, and in numer_ English at Arms Academy in Shelbume Falls, OuS Other similar positions. Massachusetts. Mrs. Philip H. Lord, the former PRISCILLA CHARLES M. STEARNS, U.S.A., CLA, Who fell thirty feet while his boat was land_ lng in France, and has since spent much of his SAWYER, CLA, Of Norway, Maine, PreSented a program ofくくBook Reviews’’to the Wobum time in hospitals jn France and England, has recovered and is now back with his company. Women’s Club.on December l、 at the First attached to General Patten’s Third Army. His Charge of the_Children’s Story Hour at the wife lives in Boston. Norway Public Library, and has served on the Board of Trustees of the Library. Congregational Church. Mrs. Lord is in 重夕29 Mr. and Mrs・ Clarence J. Derby (CHAR・ He has been president of DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana, and a 宣夕34 wore a coIonial designed gown of faille taffeta with peacock train. Her Juliet veil was arranged with orange blossoms and she carried a shower bouquet of roses, SWeet PeaS and gypsophila with an orchid center. .《Miss Lou王se R. Thompson, M初’31, EJ .33, Of Milton, maid of honor, WOre raSPberrypink frosted marquisette; matChing headpiece of fine veiling and she carried briarcliffe rose§. Ralph M. BEmett was best man and ushers were charles E. Gelette, Jr., and Edwin P. Ashworth. The bride’s mother wore aqua faille crepe, matChing hat and corsage of yellow roses and sweet peas. The bridegroom’s mother wore an orchid figured dress, OrChid hat and mixed corsage. ‘.Followmg a reCePt10n in the church parlors’ Mr. and Mrs. Bennett left for‘ Montreal, Lake Champlain and Lake George, New York. The bride, formerly a teacher of music and art at Milton Junior High School, reCeived a B.S. in Education and A.M. degree from LOTTE SCHAEDEL), PAL, are the parents The fo11owing appeared in the Stm`idr`i. Of a second son, Charles Wilkins Derby, Who Boston University. She has been a cellist in Time∫, New Bedford, OP Wednesday, June High Pines Symphony Orchestra, Milton’and WaS bom December 6 at the Peterborough, 28, 1944: ●くThe double rlng SerVice was used New Hampshire, Hospital. Grandparents are by the Rev. Walter Sillen at the wedding of Mr. John W. Derby of Peterborough and Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Schaedel of Malden. Miss FRANCES GERTRUDE BROWN, Eみ Grd〆’42, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Brown of 335 Reedsdale Road, Milton, 1930 Captain E. LIoyd Meyer and Mrs. Meyer . : - ト ト i ﹁ i , , ト i ) 、 ︻ i - i 巨 are announclng the engagement of their daughter, Marcelle Julia Meyer, to Chaplain Who became the bride of Charles Frankljn active iq the Milton Choral Society. Mr. Be事mett lS a PaSt PatrOn Of Dartmouth Chap- ter, O.E.S., and master of Quitticus Lodge, A.F. and A.M. They wil=ive at 226 North Street, New Bedford. く(For traveling the bride wore a ciel-blue Bennett, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Bemett wool dressmaker suit, White dose fitting hat Of 355 Reed Street, New Bedford. White and mixed corsage:’ flowers, Candles, and palms decorated the First Baptist Church Chapel for the∴CeremOny. RUTH CORTELYOU, CPES, 1st Lt. P.T., has been stationed at Vaughan General Hos一 助ge月leクen Pital, Hines, Illinois, near Chicago, Since the middle of July. ber of the American Red Cross and is in 1夕36 Mr. and Mrs. Russell N. Hamlin of Brock・ JOHN H. LOUDEN, Lauノ, is Assistant Cor" ton have announced the mamage Of their POration Counsel for Boston; he was appointed in 1941. daughter, Jeanne Alison Hanlin to FRANCIS At a wedding ceremony in Temple Ohabei Shalom, Brookline, Edith R. Tarlin, daughter ried in Harvard Congregational Church, Brook- Of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Tarlin of Brookline, was married BRODNEY, November Lau′. Mr. 19 to and FREDERICK Mrs. Brodney are living in Chestnut Hill. S. BATES, S∫, Of Brookline. They were mar- 1ine, On December 2. Mr. and Mrs. Bates are living in Brookline for the present. LIONEL L. MEUNIER; Lタ均is a mem・ ber of the New Haven, Comecticut, Field Division of the F.B.I. He is recognized as one of the outstanding fingerprmt eXPertS and is a native of Nashua, New Harppshire. S/SGT. LEONARD BERNHÅRDT, CBA, 1夕37 Miriam R. Rosnick, daughter of Nathan from he was in a hospital in Budapest. He Rosnick of Holyoke, became the bride of has two oak leaf clusters for the Air Medal. Captain HAROLD B. DEAN, A.A.F., Lzu′, GILDA Lieutenant HAROLD A. CHRISTENSEN, soon after D-Day. recipient of the Air Medal was shot dowq in action over Hungary. When last heard 1タ3う France having gone there from England DRAGO, M初, has begun her of New London, Comecticut, late in Novem- new duties as supervisor of music in Ston9- ber. Captain Dean has retumed after twenty・ CBA、 ’40, and Mrs. Christensen, the former ham public schooIs. She has served as musIC eight months in service in England’Africa KÅTHERINE BAKER, PA4 are the parent§ supervisor at Hopkinton, Warner, Henniker and Italy. Before entering the service, he Of a daughter, Karen Andrea. Karen was and Bradford, all in New Hampshire. Paul L. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Fitzgerald practiced law in New London. (WINIFRED FRAZER), CBA, Of Cam- CLA, and S/Sgt. ROSARIO GIACOBBE, born on September 18, 1944. DOROTHY KENNEDY, PAL, Of Lynn, was married November 18, in Plainville, Con- necticut, tO Lieutenant Alden G. Woodworth. JOSEPH B. MURRAY,型#∫, Grad ’37, has been elected director of musIC at Framingham. He was formerly music director of North Andover schooIs. bridge, are the parents of a son, Thomas Kevin, bom November 17. Miss FLORENCE M. HAYES, E4 who had been a junior high school teacher in Norwood fof tWenty. yearS, died December 5. ELEANOR D. HOOD, M紺, is∴a mem- On December 5, NICOLLETA GRILLO, CBA, Were married in Somerville. Mrs. Giacobbe is living in North Carolina, Where Sergeant Giacobbe is §tationed. Mr§・ Gia- cobbe has been teaching retarded children at a school in Somerville; her husband is a C:P.Å. ELIZABETH HEMMERLY, PAL, is Ad_ missions Secretary at the College of Practical Arts and Letters, Boston University. LUTHER F. THOMPSON, M研, former supervisor of music in the public schooIs of Framingham, has accepted a new position as supervisor of music in Darien’Connecti- Cut. RICHARD A. WOLFF, Gra2, r方eo, ’38, is pastor of the First Parish Church, West. wood, Massachusetts. 1夕38 Dr. ROBERT A. BRUCE, CLA, and Mrs. Bruce (ELEANOR HINCKLEY), CLA ’39, Gγad ’40, are living in Rochester, New York, with their son, Robert Hinckley BfuCe,' bom June 22, 1タ44. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Washbu重n Of Han- 0Ver, Massachusetts, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth, and SergeanりOSEPH W. BULGER, U.S.Å・, CBA, of Concord. The wedding date was planned for Decembe重. WILLIAM H. COOMBS, JR, CLA, is a Pharmacist’s Mate 3/c, Stationed at the U. S. Naval Ho§Pital, San Diego, Califomia. His wife, the former VIVIAN E. GR班NE, CLA, and daughter Leslie’aged 2, are living with Mrs. Coombs’parents in Bristol, PennSylvania ・ Captain and Mrs. G. Richard Blake’the former VIRGINIA ESTABROOK, PAL, are the parents of a daughter, Janice Elizabeth, JoHN F. SuLL重VAN, JR., CBA COLORFUL SPORTS FIGURE Students at CBA in 1939-40 will remember John F. Sullivan, Jr. As Second Lieutenant Sullivan he took.part in the invasion of Oran a§ leader of a combat infantry platoon of the First Armored Division. During the Tunisian CampIalgn he was promoted to First Lieutenant, and he is now a Captain. Interested in sports, he is coach of the Fifth Army boxers who tied for the inter;A11ied boxing champIOnship, and is also busines§ manager Of the Fifth Army’s football stars, Who met the Twelfth Air Force in the Spaghetti Bowl game in Italy on New Year’s Day・ He is one of the most decorated men in the Army. He has been awarded the Legion bom August 28. Captain Blake is serving GEORGE H. HUBAN, CBA, a Captain in the Infantry, is recovering in England from wounds suffered while assisting in the capture of St. Malo, France, August 9. He landed on D-day. His awards indude the Silver Star and Purple Heart. CHRISTOPHER J. KARAS, CBA, Of Framingham, WaS reCently promoted to the rank of Major in the Army Air Corps. Son of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Karas, he landed in England and served later in North Africa. He is currently on duty as an operations of Merit, the Silver Star, the Purple Heart, the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, the officer with the Mediterranean Air Transport British Military Cross’and the French Groix de Guerre with Gold Star. He has Service in Italy. been made an honorary member of the Chasseurs d,Afrique. Having partlCIPated JOHN J. MAGINNIS, CBA, Of Worcester, has been promoted to the rank of in every campalgn §ince the North African landings’he has five Battle Participa- Lieutenant-COIonel. He is attached to the tion Star§. First European Civil Affairs Regiment now Page Tu′eルe SerVmg in Belgium. Before enterlng the 1夕40 SerVice he was vice-PreSident and director Of the Claflin-Sumner Coal Company, Wor- Beatrice Ruth Merowitz, daughter of Mrs. Lena Merowitz of Waltham, WaS married in Announcement of the engagement of November to pHⅢP BLOOM, ECC, Of New- ELLEN VERONICA SWEENEY, PAL′ tO ton. Mr・ BIoom js a member of the U. S. Sergeant Hugo Esposte, U.S.A.A.F., Of River・ Naval Reserve. News has been received of the promotion Side・ Rhode Island, has been made by Mrs. Daniel Sweeney of Nashua, New Hampshire. Of Captain ARTHUR J. CUNNINGHAM, CBA, U.S.A., tO Major. He is重ocated with the First Army Headquarters in the European 1夕3タ Theatre of War. MARGARET DICK, Grad, Of Lawrence, On December 14, the ’.Gracious Ladies,・ Massachusetts, has joined the faculty of Column in the Boston rrae/eler was devoted Nasson College’ Sanford’ Maine, aS aCting to MABEL P. FR工SWELL, E々, Of Needham. head of the Secretarial Department. She At present she is personnel director at the began her duties January 4 Fisher School, Boston. River, is working in the office of House The engagement of EDITH GOLDMAN, CLA, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Gold_ Minority Leader Joseph W. Martin, Jr. For two months, She was empIoyed in Mr. Mar- U.S.A.’Of Washington’D. C., and New York, tin’s Fall River office. has been叩nounced by her parents. Lieutenant HELEN E. MORRTS, PAL均 Of Fall man of Everett’tO Lieutenant Morton Robbins, In the summer and winter, PR賞SCILLA Robbins IS Stationed in the Statistics Depart- RABETHGE, CLA, is Social Director at ment in Washington’having recently retumed Eastem Slope Im’ North Conway, New from Italy. Miss Goldman is engaged in Hampshire. She has been specialist in Re・ Public relations work with the War Labor Creation for the Universlty Of New Hamp. Board. ● Shire’ and this comlng SPmg She will Lieutenant act EDGAR GR斑N, CBA, and as chaiman for a New Hampshire Folk Fes- Mrs. Green, formerly Rosalyn Gross, are nOW WYONÅ GoDDARD, CPES’38 tival, SPOnSOred by the N. H. Recreation living in Texas. Lieutenant Green has been 方の。rrh/ed ;n Ha秒aii /0 ∫e砂e偽e 4γme`i Coundl. in For“∫ a∫ m Ame壷m尺ed Cro∫∫の∫右Iml GORDON S. RICHARDS, CLA, is in Greece wo重king as a sanitary englneer for the AAF for the past two yea購. Dr. ROSS W. GR髄N, CLA, Of Falmouth the U.N.R.R.A. He was formerly with the Were married December 2 in Gardiner, Maine. Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation, Dr. Green is now engaged in a research pro- but has been transferred. ject at the Boston City Hospital. He and Mrs. Green are living on Park Drive, Boston. SARA GUTTERMAN, PAL, and BER- Loretta P. Borkows貼, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Borkowski of Fall River, and JAMES T. WALDRON, Ld均Of Taunton, NARD Were married November 23 in Fall River. ried in December. Sergeant Goldston has re・ Mr. Waldron is associated with the o億ce of tumed from combat service in the South Attomey Harold E. Clarkin, Fall River. Pacific. Mrs. Goldston is living in Dorchester. Mrs. Penrod Hepfer, the former ARBETTA KASHIMURA, CPES, is a Lieutenant with the U. S. Army Medical Corps. She has served JAMES A. WH郎LER, CBA, Of Mansfield, has been elected Treasurer and Director of the Mansfield Co-OPerative Bank. ARAM K. ZELVEIAN, r方eo, former クrogram窃re′10r. and Anna Rose Goodspeed of Augu§ta, Maine, GOLDSTON, CBA ’38, wire mar- as a physical therapist in this country and faculty member of Anatolia College, Turkey, recently addressed the Kiwanis Club in Hart. 叩erSeaS and recently received her medical re- ford, Comecticut, On.“Russia,s Old and New tor, P(;stwar policies.,, 玉.T.0. Bronze Star’American Theatre of Operations, Asiatic Theatre of Operations with one Bronze Starl Good Conduct Medal, Purple Heart with One Oak Leaf Cluster and the Bronze Star Ribbon・ Private Smith while disarmipg Japanese PW’s received wounds to right wrlSt and on head on February 4, 1943 and March l’1943・ These wounds were received in savlng the live§ Of two EM who were on guard at the PW stockade who were attacked by the PW. Disregarding the safety of hi§ OWn life, Private SmithタWho was unarmed, disarmed the said こPW’s and saved the lives of the two guards. tlrement tO inactive duty. Her husband, a docLieutenant Hepfer is §ervlng in the The engagement of MIRIAM MYRA KRECHEVSKY, PAL, tO S/Sgt. Saul L. Nathan Berson of New Britain, Comecticut, has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Morris Later’While performing his duty as a cook, he undertook to direct a detail of men in血e COnStruCtion of two gun empIacements which had to be all manual labor owing to the near- ness of the enemy. under his leadership the emplacements were丘nished two weeks ahead Of time and also a road built and camouflaged Krechevsky of Hartford. Sergeant Berson js leading to the gun emplacements. This was Stationed at Freeman Field, Seymour, Indiana. dooe in addition to Private Smith’s duty as The engagement of Lieutenant (j.g.) c○○k. VERONICA M. LUCEY, NNC, CLA, Of Major HARRY THELEN, SS, Of Lynn, has Taunton, tO Lieutenant (j.g.) Bemard Con- graduated from the Adjutant General School ley’U.S.N.R., SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. George in Texas and has been appointed Assi§tant Conley’Sr., Of New York’has been anno甲fed Adjutant Genefal Fourth Army Headquarters, Fort Houston, Texas. He is twenty-SeVen 霊豊宮詣豊吉詩誌吾輩請 Corps School, San Diego, Califomia. Lieu. tenant Conley is serving with the Amphibious Forces ove重seas. years old. JOHN YOUNG, CLA, Grad ’41言s teach- ing at North Quincy mgh School. He and his wife are making their home in Wollaston. The marrlage Of Louise Ann Camey, daugh・ ter of Mrs. Harold E. Camey of Hudson, tO Lieutenant WAYNE B. PALIOCA, ECC, U.S.A., Signal Corp§, Of Marlboro, tOOk place December 3 in Hudson. Lieutenant and Mrs. Palioca are living in Asbury Park, New Jersey. ALFRED ROLFE SHRIGLEY, L4均 Of Hingham, has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, U.S.N.R. He is statjoned at the U. S. Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, FIorida. HARRY F. SMITH, ECC, Of Everett, holds JAMES ARTHUR WHEELER, B,39 1夕41 DOROTHEA L. CARLISLE, SI均has been appointed district secretafy Of the All§tOn- Brighton office of the Family Society of Boston. After graduation from the SchooI of Social Work she was empIoyed by the same society but was working in the Northwest End of Boston. ANNE MARIE DiNUCCI, PAL′ Of Malden, WaS amOng the thirty-One WOmen graduated the following campaign ribbons and awards: from the American Airlines, Stewardess Train_ ing School, New York, in November. She is American Defense Service Ribbon with one now based in Memphis, Tenne§§eC. 壌e rあれee脇 JANE WILSON, CLA ’44, Pi Beta Phi and Scarlet Key’ at PreSent holding a position at Harvard Business School ‥ ・ As for my- Self I am a member of history department at Hanover High School, Hanover, New Hampshire. -RuTH B. NICKERSON, CLA ,42 H. OSGOOD BENNET, r方eo, is in his third year as pastor of the.Methodist Church, Nantucket Island. He is married to the former FRANCES CALKINS’RE ,35, and they have two children, Joy, 4, and Harold, 2;4. ALICE MAY BURBANK, CLA言s jn the Navy and stationed in Little Creek, Virginia. Corpordl WILLARD L CHASE (name legally changed from KASHIMURA) A.A.C., CBA, is now stationed in the Caribbean area On foreign service’With the Army Air Corps Specialized Training Group. He is based jn Puerto Rico. The Rev. Dr. C. MILO CONNICK, r方eo, P局・D・’44, Who is Head of the Department of Bible at The Northfield School for Girls,.WaS the subject of an editorial in So′ial Q雛∫l10n∫, Official organ of the Methodist Federation for Social Service. Dr. Connick has done far more ANGELA J. CAPOBIANCO, L’43 in recent months to increase the membership and financial support of the Federation than any other member. In an aftemoon ceremony, ANGELA J. CAPOBIANCO’CBA, Lu ’43, Of Brighton, In addition to his duties at East Northfield, became the bride of Lieutenant HENRY A. MAFFEO, U.S.M.C.R・, Lu ’42, Of East Boston, at the Church of St. Ignatius, Chestnut 甘iH, On December 18. Lieutenant Ma鱈eo has Dr. Comick has taught courses at the Franklin HENRY A. MAFFEO, L’42 County Interdenominational Religious Edu- just retumed from the South Pacific where Cation Institute and the Greenfield Univer- he participated in three maIOr CamPalgnS. Sity of Life. The latter was spons?red by the Protestant and Jewish congregatlOnS Of Green丘dd, Mass. Ånnouncement has been made of the en. On December 3’ Mr. and Mrs. vemon Mattson of Newtonville announced the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth, tO ROBERT GROVER FITZGERALD, CBA, U.S.Å・A.C., Of Chestnut mll, at the Midland Post Chapel, Midland, Texas. Mr. Htzgerald, an instructor at Midland Field, holds the DFC, Oak Leaf Cluster’Air Medal with three dusters and Presidential Unit Citatjon. The Sacred Heart Church in Abilene, Texas, WaS the scene on December 2 of the marriage Of Lieutenant JOHN T. FOLEY’U.S.A., CBA, Of Boston, tO珊een M. Bradley of Union, New Jersey. Lieutenant Foley j§ Stationed at Camp Barkeley, Abilene. M/Sgt. FRED I. FRADES, EJ ’37, Ed ’39, and Mrs. Frades, the former FLORENCE DINE’CPES′ are the parents of a son, Steven Jay, bom November 17. Mrs. Frades js liv_ ing.with her parents while her husband is SerVlng OVerSeaS. Stationed at Elizabeth, New Jersey, With the WAVEs, LILIANNE M. A. LUSSIER, Gra4, Of Fall River, has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant (j&). PHYLLIS BLAKE PALMER, CLA, Grad ’44, Of Dedham, the wife of Lieutenant DAVID A. PALMER, Ed ’43, has been com- missioned an enslgn in the U. S. Naval Re_ SerVe, having completed training at the Naval Midshipmen’s School, Northampton. She js U.SA・事CBA, Of Boston. Lieutenant Seiniger is on temporaJ-y duty at the office of the Quartermaster General in Washington. T/Sgt. BERJ H. SERON, La均and Enid gagement of Lieutenant (j.g.) CLAIRE COSGROVE, U.S.N.R., E々, Of Medford, tO IJieutenant (j.g.) Lawrence D. Ebersole of Belmont, by Mr. and ’Mrs. Joseph F. Cos- Hemington of Red House, Over, Cambridge・ grove of Milton. Lieutenant EbefSOle is a Shire, England’Were married in aq old English graduate of Iowa State CoIIege. Church. Sergeant Seron is servlng aS Chief In June, 1944, BERNARD GOLDSTEIN, non-COmmissjoned o億cer m the Judge Ad- 力I勿∫, Grad ’43, reCeived an A.M. from Har- VOCate department at the headquarters of the Vard. He is continumg his study for a Eighth Air Force’s famous - Thjrd Bombard_ doctorate and has been a tutor of music at ment Division. His bride is a former student Radcliffe College and a proctor at Harvard. at Bedford College’a branch of the University of London. Trudy Heller, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. h December he served as orchestrator and musical assistant to Flie Siegmeister, the mu§ical director of the play, ’’Sing Out, Samuel Heller of Brookline, WaS married re- Sweet Land,’’ which played recently at the Cently to Lieutenant MYER H. SHUMAN, CoIonial Theatre, Boston. U.S・A.A.F., ECC, Of Brook]ine. They are liv- Rev. HERBERT M. INGRAHAM, r方eo, and mg in Houston, Texas, Where Lieutenant Mrs. Ingraham, the former Earlene Eaton of Shuman is stationed. Miss MARTHA WOLK, SW, has been OVerSeaS Since March’1944, and at the present time is stationed somewhere in Belgium. She Everett, are the parents of a son, Paul Eaton, bom October 21 in Ashtabula, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Johnson of Greeley, is servlng aS Assistant Field Director for the CoIorado, have amounced the engagement of their daughter, Edythe Dagmar Johnson, tO American Redこross. Ensign ALCOTT J. LARSSON, U.S.N.R., CLA, Who is stationed at the Naval Reserve 1夕42 Laboratory in Washington, D. C. Miss John- NEWS FROM A CLASS SECRETARY vestlgatlOn in Washington, The wedding is SOn.is町pIoyed by the Federal Bureau of In- being planned for late February. ROBERTA KELLEY SMITH, CLA ’42, and Sergeant JAMES DAVID LYMAN, CBA, On duty with the Navy Department, Washing- Captain Howard Smith of Fort Belvoir, Vir- ton, D. C. Lieutenant PATRICIA REYNOLDS, CPES, PhysiotherapISt at the Cushing General Hos- ginia, are the parents of a baby daughter, 1ished by and for the Persomel of the Reno Jeame, bom November 12, 1944. ‥ a/c C. Army Air Base, Ferrylng Division, A.T.C. Pjtal, Framingham, has reccntly been trans- ferred to Washington. D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Dealey Butterfield of Chevy Chase, Maryland, has amounced the engagment of their daughter, Margaret, tO Lieutenant WILLIAM BRECK SEINIGER, Page Pouγ〆ee〃 DENTON FERNALD, Ed ’44, is now sta- is editor of the ’′Flyer,’, a weekly paper pub- Mr. and Mrs. John L. Selden. of Bristol, tioned at Pensacola, Florida, COmPleting the Vermont, have amounced the mamage Of their final stages of Navy training to qualify for daughter, MARGARET HELEN SELDEN, his wings as a Navy flier. ’くDenny’’enlisted PAL, SP.Q.3/c, tO Norman W. Champagne in the Navy in July of 1942 as an enlisted man. of West Walwick, Rhode Island. Mr. Cham・ In August 1943 he started his aviation training. He was a member of the varsity foot- pagne has just received his honorable dis- baI] team and also a varsity hockey player ‥ ・ the Walter Reed Hospital for some time. charge from the Air Corp§, having been at 、ナノ Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hoy of Milton have ROSALINE HALPER SOLOMON, M初, lS announced the engagement of their daughter, empIoyed at the House of Kent in the General Offices. She is living on Brattle Street, Cam- Virginia M. Hoy and Lieutenant EDWARD F. MORGAN’III, S∫, Of Hudson, Massachusetts. bri dge. Lieutenant Morgan is a member of the U. S. Navy. He has been stationed at SoIomons, Maryland, aS Communications Officer for ,the MARY LOU SPRINGER, U.S.N.R(W), CBA, Of Allston, and LOUIS JAMES BAILLY, JR., U.S.A., CBA, Of Boston, Were amphibious forces there. married December 9 in St. Mark’s Episeopal Lieutenant RENA M. MORRISON, U.S.M. Church, San Antonio, Texas. Mrs. Bailly lS C.R.(W), PAL, Of Allston, has been assigned Stationed at Corpus Christi, Texas, and her to duty with the Department of the Pacific, husband at San Antonio, (Fort Houston), Texas. San Francisco, Califomia. WILLIAM R. POTHIER, CBA ,40, and Mrs. Pothier, (ANNA T. DRITSAS, CBA), have announced the birth of a second child, Denise CPES SPECIAL 1944 Ann, bom December 9, 1944・ They are living jn Waterbury, Connecticut. GLORIA TRAGESER announced her en_ Mrs. Hugh J. McTeman, Jr., the former 写agement tO Lieutenant ‘`Bud’’Murphy dur1ng the summer. “GIo’’is at present teach・ PHYLLIS REILLY, PA4, is living in Chest・ nut Hill, While her husband, Lieutenant Mc- mg in Baltimore. ‥ HARRIET CRABB, a Teman is servlng With the U. S. Navy in the Physio-therapist working in a hospital in New Padfic theatfe. She was married in York_ Orleans’ has amounced her engagement to ’(Butch’’. (I am unable to obtain his real town, Virginia言n February, 1944, tO Hugh ・埠 McTeman’a graduate of Holy Cross in 1941. name but everyone will know whom I refer HELEN PAITEK’PAL was maid of honor: to) . ‥ JEAN KERSHAW and BARBARA She is empIoyed as a secretary at the Alumn1 MARTIS are members of the WAC and 〇億ce. MARY TUDBURY, CLA, Of Newton Highlands, has been appointed assjstant inStruCtOr Of nursmg artS at the Beth Israel Studying Physio-therapy at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgla. EILEEN HAYDOCK is also in the H. OsGOOD BENNETT, T,42, Mrs. Bennett (FRANCEs CALKJNS・ _ RE,35) and thejr HARRIET A. WHITTEN, Ed, daughter of Robinson S. Whitten of Winchester, has Children, Joy, 4, and Haro】d, 2;4. arrived in England to serve as an along with Lieutenants PHOEBE CARLSON and BARBARA SCHWEINSHAUT . Red Cross staff assistant. Lieutenant PAT REYNOLDS i§ Servlng OVerOn November 30, Wenona A. Clark of Phillips, Maine, and Chaplain ROBERT L HOMER’r方eoI Of North Fort Lewis, Wash- EVELYN GLAZER, M初, Of Somerville, has Started her new ’duties as musical director in the public schooIs’Newburyport. IJaSt year She taught in the schooIs in Hartland, Maine. MA餌NETTE JEANNE HICKEY, PAL, Of West Newton, has completed her basic train1ng and indoctrinatlOn COurSe at the Naval Training School (WR), Broex, New York, and is now at the U. S. Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland. She is a member of the WAVEs. ton on October 27. He is now serving over・ SeaS and ’くIzzie’’is stationed at Fort Devens Åmerican 1夕43 WAC . . . Lieutenant ISABELLE CRAW. FORD was married to Ensign Robert Hamil_ Hospital. ington, Were married in the Baptist Church, Phillips. Mrs・ Homer is a second grade teacher jn Norway, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Maletz of Brookline have announced the mamage Of their daughter ROSE MALETZ, Lau′, tO WARREN S. GILFORD, CBA ’38, Lau′ ’40, Of Dorchester. Both are members of the Massachusetts Bar. ROBERT MARTIN, Lm4,, has been ap- POmted judge of the Hallowell Municipal Court, Augusta, Maine, for a four-year term. Marilyn Grover, S2/c, U.S.C.G.R.(W), Of SeaS aS a Physio-therapist . . . In October ’‘NEAT’’ WH髄LER graduated from the WAVE contingent at Smith College as an ensign. She is now stationed at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland . ‥ LILLIAN NARDONE is assistant head Of the Physical Education Department for Women at Rhode Island State College. ‥ ADA DAVIS and ’くPEANUT’’ JOHNSON are working as recreational directors at a Y.W.C.A. in Long Beach’Califomia. They have just finished taking English cqurses at the Universlty Of Southem Califom重a . ‥ Ensign and Mrs. Jack Wald (FRITZIE SCHⅢFFERLI) are now living in Oregon Lynn, and FORREST E. MASON, C.Q., U.S.N.R., CBA, Of Swampscott, Were married in York, Maine言n November. Mr. Mason WaS OVerSeaS for eighteen months jn North Africa, Sicily, Italy and Southem France. MAVIS A. MILANO, CLA言s empIoyed by the Hathaway Manufacturing Company,.a textile plant in New Bedford. Her title lS Persomel Manager’ and she was recently PrOmOted to the position of an executive. Mr. and Mrs. Emest P. Monroe of Dor_ Chester have.announced the engagement of their daughter, FRANCES LAURA MONROE, Gra`i, tO Staff Sergeant Drue King, Jr., U.S.A., SOn Of Dr∴and Mrs. Drue King of Tuskegee, Alabama. Mrs. Takayuki Y. Sato of Cambridge has announced the marriage of her daughter, TAKAKO GRACE SATO, Ed, R.N., tO PriVate DIWAKER SALVI, Grad ’44, Of Bom- bay, India. The wedding took place November 26, in Pittsburgh, Kansas, at the Bethel AME Church. Mrs. Salvi was a head nurse at the Boston FIoating Hosp王tal. ALLEN G. SKIFF, ueo, for the past two years pastor of the Wesley Methodist Church, New Bedford, has accepted the pastorship of the Summer Place Methodist Church Buffalo, JAMES DAVID LYMAN, B’42 New Yo重k. WALTER MEN。ENHALL, E’44 nge申坊eeか The SchooI Committee of Concord has ap- Announce Engagements pointed JOHN J. WATSON, Ed, Of Watertown, aS director of physical education for the town schooIs. Mf. Watson, reCently discharged from the A.A.F., Will also coach the high school track team. 1夕4う ANNE DONOVAN, CBA, WAVEs, Of Plymouth, has completed her boot training at Hunter College, New York, and has been asslgned to Chicago’Illinois’On a bond selling Justine Cautela, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Cautela of Astoria, New York, ` has become the bride of CHARLES LEAHY, E`C, Of the U. S. Navy’SOn Of Mrs.、Anna V. Leahy of South Weymouth. The young couple are making their home with the bride’s ParentS in Astoria. IRVIN W. WEAVER, Grad, a Candidate for the Ph.D. degree in Philosophy, has been glVen a temPOrary aPPOintment as instructor in the Department of Philosophy at Syracuse University, from January to April, 1945・ 1夕46 Amouncement has been made of the enRosE MALETz, L’43 MÅRGÅRET H. SEI.DEN, P’42 gagement of PRISCILLA JANE AMNOTT, CLA, daughter of Major and Mrs. Walter D. Amnott of Danvers, tO Sergeant William Robert Pike, U・S.M.C., Lym. Sergeant Pike 二‥ AUDREY RUSCHER BAKER is teach- SYLVIA GOODMAN, PAL, Of Brookline, PAT LEYDON, Secretary and Morris Goodkin of Dorchester were married Thursday, November 23. Mrs. Goodkin is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac J. Cu§hing Academy Goodman. 1ng near her home while Chan is servlng Ashbumham, Massachusetts At 3 o’dock, December 9, the East Milton Congregational Church was the scene of the ORATRICE ,K. COTTON, Ed., has been lea楊ng in the Abraham Lincoln School, Nor- folk, Virginia, Since September 6, 1944, and is the only Guidance Specialist in the school. During National American Education Week, Miss Cotton was one of the principal speakers to speak in several local schooIs. She has also organized a teen-age girls’Club which wedding of LOUISE HUTCHINS LYNDE, PAL, Of Wollaston, tO Charles J. E. Wilson Of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.N., SOn Of Mrs. L E. Wilson. WALTER MENDENHALL, E易fal;on, has been YOrking in Chicago for the past months as assIStant Personnel Director of the Cuneco PfeSS. T/Sgt. FRANK A. MERLINO, CBA, is §he is counseling, Called ’‘The Girls of TomofrOW,タ. now attending the Central In§truCtion School LEOPALLE I. DESY, ECC, is a registered for ex-COmbat men at Laredo, Texas. The C.P.A. with the Massachusetts State Board of completion of a five-Week course will qualify Registration. She is a tax accountant in the him as a Gunnery Instructor. JEAN OSMOND, Ed., formerly of Swamp- Boston o億ce of Emst and Emst. Mr. and Mrs. Max Goldforb of Dorchester have amounced the marriage of their daugh・ scott public library, is now children’s librarian of the Parlin Memorial Library, Malden. (j.g.) Martin Amow, U.S.N.R., Dental Corps, of Brooklyn, New York. They are making their home in Ithaca, New York. Page Si諦een GÅRET ROWELL), SW, are the parents of a son, David Rowell, born October 29 Rose A. Jodoin became the bride of Pfc. FREDERICK J. BATORSKI, M御, On Novem・ ber 15 at the Carlsbad, New Mexico, Army Air Field post chapel. They are making a temporary home in Carlsbad. The engagement of ANNE BECKWITH BURTON, CPES, Of New Canaan, Connecti- cut, tO Walter J. Baker of New York, has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Benjえmin Burton of Comecticut. Mr. Burton is a labor relations intermediary with the W. L. Maxson Corporation, New York・ NORMAN S. DION, CBA, is a radio operator 9n a B-24 Liberator. He has twentyfive missIOnS tO his credit, and he has re- ceived the Air Medal. DORIS H. McCUSKER, PAL, is doing secretarial work for the Liberty Mutual InSuranCe Company. The engagement of MURIEL LOUISE YOUNG, CLA, Of Cambridge’tO Lieutenant Paul R. NichoIs and M重S. NichoIs (MAR- ter, NAOMI GOLDFORB, Eみto Lieutenant is stationed in Quantico, Virginia. in Greeley, CoIorado. Mαひ砂e鋤gge$‡ lのきgoα pα切りのわe ouγ ad亀)eγ轟e・「$ William C. O’Brien, U.S.A.A.F., Of Lowell・ 重ndiana, has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Young. The wedding was planned for January. FACULTY 月めのe購読D親心cfめcArr寄れgeの伽鋤 The engagement and forthcomlng mamage Of Jean C. Rearick of Noroton Heights, Con- f重om F.T.CURLEY,INC. necticut, tO Lieutenant John Joseph Byme, Medical Corps’ U.S.A.’ Faf#lly, has been UNIVERSITYCLUBBUILDING amounced by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E.臆Rearick. For the past three years Miss Rearick has been 428StuartSt.,Boston empIoyed as an advertlSlng COPyWrjter with TelephoneKENmore6256 the Hatold Cabot & Company, Boston. Lieutenant Byme was assistant in surgery at the Medical School. At present he is `Stationed at Fort Snelling, Minnesota. TILESTON& HOLLING§WORTHCO. D eath s 」㌦ MakersandDistributorsof FineBookPapers REGINALD FosTER, L,86. December 21.* MARY J. WELLINGTON, A’87. MILLANDOFFICES Decem- ROSTON ber lO.キ 圏 JoHN INGRAM, L’93. December 8.* MRS. WILLIAM N. KIMBALL (Margaret M. Nute), eXA’93. November 24.* GEORGE A. MooRE, L,94. December G。看。軸事績を職種を○○ 30.葦 FRANK J. CusAK, L,02. December 17.* JosEPH L. BARRY, L’oi. December 17.* WILLARD CARLETON BARNES, L’08. De- cember 18.* BERNHARD OsTROLENK, A’11. Novem- AIR MEDAL ber 26.;‡ ABRAHAM H. KLUBOCK, L’12. November 22.† BARTOL PARKER, L’12. December 28.* MARTIN J. KELLY, eXB’32. November 9.† FLORENCE M. HAYES, eXE’36. Decem- 122-126 DUDLEY STREET, BOSTON,MASS Awarded to any person who, While SerVlng m any CaPaClty With the Army Telephone Hl色hlands O207_0208 Or Navy of the United States, distinguishes himself by meritorious achievement while partlCIPatlng ln an aerial 釦ght. Telephones〈藍器287§ ber 夕∵ト WILLIAM R・ FLYNN, JR., B’42. August ADAMS, AUSTIN, JR., C,46, aWarded with two Oak Leaf Clusters. ll.† IDORE BENATI, eXA’4J. December 4.† ARTHUR MICHAELS, eXB,4J. Novem_ BLACKETT’WILLIAM C., B,44, Lt., awarded with 5 Oak Leaf Clusters. CURLEY’RICHARD T.’B,43, Flight 4.† ● WALLPAP置R§ ZARUEN ALEMIAN, eXA,46. November 21.† O鮪cer. Sγmphonγ FLOWER SHOP ● Floα′eγS bγ Wiγe-Guaγanleed ihe Meγ`uγγ Wαγ・, 240 Huntin9ton Avenue Boston, Mass. ELLIOTT, THOMAS C., C,4o, S/Sgt., awarded with one Oak Leaf Cluster. *Additional information in class notes. KELLY, JOHN M., B’43, 2d Lt., †Died in war service. McGLOIN, PAUL A., A,45, Lt., awarded with one Oak Leaf Cluster. awarded with one Oak Leaf Cluster. TAYLOR, STANLEY J., C’46, T/Sgt., awarded with two Oak Leaf Clusters. WALKER, KIRKE W., Jr., E’42, Lt., YOUR COOPERATION APPRECIATED awarded O乙k Leaf Cluster to medaL WEIDER, JOSEPH L, B,44, 2d Lt., A.A.F. The Alumni Records O範ce will ap- PreCiate your cooperation in informmg them of changes in address’Of any lr- regularity in receivmg the magazine, and Of any duplication of mailing. It wi11 assist them in locatlng the trouble if you Annual mid-Winter reunion Will send them that part of the wrapper EPSILON CHAPTER (CLA Or enVelope bearmg the address. Kindly Send to the Alumni O任ce at 178 New_ bury Street, Boston 16. Commonwealth Alumni Association) March 3, 1夕4う 4423, if you prefer to telephone. 九Iaひのe鋤gge$‡ lhαまgoα pα切りのあe ouγ ad樹海eγ$ Page ∫e〃enleen くくG. I. Bill’’ (Conlin鵜d f′Om nge Fiひe) SChool, have - through their service experience - gained a new appreciation Of the advantages of higher education. Wmat percentage, then, Can We eXPeCt to take advantage of the veterans’laws - Public Bil1 16 (for the disabled) and Public Law 346 (くくThe G. I. Bill’’) - Which provide for their education partly Or Wholly at govemment expense? The answer, at this juncture, Can Of course be only problematical. Eventually, SOme 12,000,000 to IJ,000,000 will be eligible for eduCational bene丘ts. All veterans (with 90 days’active service) are eligible for one year’s subsidized education, While those under twenty-丘ve at the time of induc- tion may receive additional tr?ining (up to a total of four years maxlmum, dePendent upon the time they spent in uniform), aS Can those over tyenty〇五ve who can prove their educatlOnal programs were interrupted by their entry into the war. Obviously, then, the potential enrollment in the country’s∴educational institutions is enormous. How much can we reasonably expect to materialize, and what sorts of institutions will be best丘tted to handle them? t音ime factor all-important. They will be equlPPed to handle 小e problem be- critical of the leisurely attitude often cause, unlike the smaller colleges, its characteristic of pre-War COllege life, student-body has always been hetero置 and will desire to accelerate their train- geneous. With its eleven Departments, ing as much as possible. Veterans, also, Boston Universlty lS in a strateglC POSi- will be accustomed - through their tion to meet the variety of educationa] service tralnmg - tO VOCational, teCh- needs of the post-War Period, tO PrOVide nical, and professional study. Though a invaluable assistance to both veteran and few may, ln reaCt-ion, Wish to ‘く創I in the war worker in his transition from war gaps’, of a liberal education, the large to peace. Through its evening and post- majorlty Will have little interest in the value of a broad cultural background. Yet graduate courses, it is prepared to serve the many who will wish to become part- these same individuals will, by their num- time rather than full_time students. And bers alone, be the dominatlng grOuP ln to those who seek on-the-job trammg, national and world affairs during the it can offer the benefits of its wide con- next quarter century or more.くtHere,,’ tacts with the industrial, SerVice and says the report,くくis the most serious chal- educational agencies of the communlty. 1enge ever glVen tO those interested in While the tくveterans’ problems’’ at liberal education. Some way must be Boston Universlty Will be much less found to make the knowledge of history, acute because its enrollment has always of govemment, and of social welfare of included the mature student as well as vital importance to those who wi11 shape the eighteen- tO tWenty-year-Old, neVer- the destiny of our future.’’ theless the retummg SerViceman or Obviously, tOO, the retummg Veteran woman will need help and advice, OVer will be older and more mature than che and above that glVen tO the student student who comes directly from high coming directly from school. In order school・ Many of them will also have had best to serve former students who have intensive tramlng in some specialized entered che Armed Forces, aS Well as in- those other veterans who enter Boston stance - Without having any under- University for the first time, the Univer- standing of the basic principles which slty has established a Veterans’Recep- field - electronics, Or radio, for underly lt・ To recognize and evaluate tion Center with Dr. Chester M. Alter the veteran,s special knowledge and ex- as Director. A special counseling ser- discharged from the services, Only a perience - in order to help him round out his education - Will present a cha1- of tests and personal interviews the stu- small trickle (17,723) have already ap- lenge both to the instructor and the in- dents’aptitudes and vocational interests The latter are questions which, agam, can only be answered tentatively. Though to date we have had l,2JO,000 vice has been set up. Here by means will be analyzed and used as a guide, plied for educational benefits・ This small number who have retumed to edu- To a certain extent, many Of the cation, however, Should not be considered factors which apply to veterans also are but also as an aid to his eventual job typical of the percentage that may re- applicable to those civilians who will placement. Dr. Alter has already inter- tum after complete demobilization・ return to college after several years’ viewed more than JOO veterans and is in Many of them naturally wish - eVen empIoyment in war industries and ser- correspondence with hundreds more. though they may later intend to con- vices. They, tOO, Will be more mature tinue their educations - tO take advan- ÷ have a greater sense of the value of not only for his educational training, The Director of the Center is prepared to act as coordinator between the tage of the present high wages (since tlme. They, tOO, Will have had many they are permitted to postpone starting experiences both broadening and edu- veteran and the elevep different Departments of the Universlty. His aim, also, cational which will be di億cult to evalu- is to take as much of the burden as pos- their govemment-SPOnSOred tralnmg until two years after the war・) Thus, despite the numbers of veterans already retumlng, institutions have as yet comparat・ively little factual basis for ate in terms of academic credit. Their sible from the veteran in his relations values, also, Will be influenced by the with the Govemment. arti丘cial standards of wartime. Any mSritution making plans for the Already 2川veterans are enrolled in Boston University - including four or 丘ve WACs, WAVEs, and Army nurses making de丘nite post-War Plans. Never- post-War muSt’therefore, take into con- theless, this intermediate period does sideration the special problems presented - the by each of three groups: VeteranS, War England educational institution. On血e 鵜On a Sma11 scale - PrOCedures∴and workers, and its usual clientele of high basis of this experience it appears that, curricula before the vastly greater num- school graduates. Never before havc with very few exceptlOnS, the returning bers return after the war. From those colleges and universities attempted to serviceman wants the same type of pro- gram that Boston Universlty has tra- provide an ideal opportunity to try out largest number of any New veterans already retumed to their studies, serve, Simultaneously, individuals with it 'is possible to draw certain conclusions. such a wide divergence of background ditionally offered・ In order to glVe the Here, for example, are SOme Of the pomtS and training. Such variations wi11 de- maximum in public service, both in the brought out in a recent bulletin of the mand great血exibility m POlicies. Ad- immediate postwar, and for generations American Council on Education on missions, Curricula, and even course re- to come, lt is essential for the Universlty く<Higher Education and the National Defense.,’ Veterans, it says, Wi11 consider the Page Eigbleen qulrementS but may need to be modi丘ed, Oi Jouノered. Boston Universlty, however言s well to enlarge its facilities to take care of the expected increased enrollment of future yearS・ BY THE PRE§書DEN丁 A PROcしAMAT看0‖ OF THE uNIVERi獲TY T岩瀬欝葦黙認霊露葦置音盤詩 both altruism and self-interest in every alumms’s ambition to see his Alma Mater,s serv- 1Ceab誌諾謹豊豊謹告a.t that m。ny P。rS。nS.。SP。。, an。th。r,s education in the same proportion tha=hey respect the institution where the education WaS aCquired’and also m the fact that one’s own self-reSPeCt is toncd up when he sees his Alma Mater gomg forward. The element of unselfishness in one,s constructively helpful attitude toward his Alma Mater is found in the desire t.o make his own Universlty SeCOnd to none as an eduCational institution, a Place where others can be trained and equlPPed for the highest SerVice to mankind. Boston University has for so Iong been in need of modem and adequate buildings that levery SteP Which we make toward the development of the new cappus glVeS Satisfaction to both of the abo‘γe-mentioned motives which prompt alumnl tO be helpful・ The present home of our College of Liberal Arts at 688 Boylston Street was built Sixty-twO yearS agO aS a home for the Harvard SchooI of Medicine. In 19O7, Boston Universlty PurChased it from Harvard’and has housed its College of Liberal Arts there ever since. It is old, OutmOded・ inadequate, OVerCrOWded’and costly to maintain・ We are now in the midst of a campalgn tO raise one million dollars to complete a new home for the College of Liberal Arts on our new campus. we can paraphrase the message that Lord Nelson slgnaled to his fleet as it began one of the greatest battles of naval history: Boston Universfty expects every graduate and fomer student to qo his duty ! It is more than a ‘h y that confronts the alumni and friends of this instltution: It is a glorious pr寂Iege and a cha11enging型ortanity・ We have not engaged the servICeS Of any professional fund-raising organization. We are conductmg this campalgn OurSelves. We are countlng On the alumni to come to the help of Alma Mater in this crisis hour. The Board of Directors of the Alumni Association have solemnly dedared that the alumni wi11 contribute a minimum of two hundred and fiftv thousand dollars. Our confidence in the loyalty and fidelity of the alumni is such that読accept this figure as practically a /dil 。“ompll・ This is the goal of the Boston University Alumni Fund for the year 1945. Let every graduate and former student of.Boston University give something to this Fund; let it be the most that he can glVe aCCOrding to his ability; let each one glVe Cheerfully. Alumni must both give and work. Our goal can never be achieved without work. There is no substitute for work. The whole future of Boston Universlty is at stake now. As Brownmg eXhorts:くくPut in the pIow, and plant the great Hereafter in the Now:, 終盤告謹嘉島諸寄#霊討霊#霊霊感:, and looking 四駆 ′麗 PreJ#enl of Bo∫〆。n Un;汐er∫ity FROM BEAOO‖晴ILL 丁O丁晴各 OHARしE§剛VER OAMPU§ Page Tu′enly the College urgently needs a new building. About ten years ago acute need was relieved in part when a portion of the adjacent Soden Building was opened to the College of Liberal Arts, a mg a組○○r Of new laboratory space, a few seminar rooms shared w地the Gradu and a few 。assrooms shared w地the SchooI of Education. Placing e agamSt the number of rooms surrendered through the later SSr○○m Wth of the College Library, for the extension of laboratory nd for University adm上nistration, the hour by hour classroom as when, thirty-SeVen yearS agO, a Student-body of fewer lty of half the present membership moved to Copley Square. Of the current year, under war per上od conditions, the College ergraduate students, 591 part-time students from other Departn dass sche late aftemoon, evenlng and Saturday courses. Adjustment of Ⅹtremely d脆cult. Laboratory afea, although two to three times greater OVertaXed. Ap′art from the College Library and the inadequate student 1ounges ther be expanded f imperative. The o ittle study-rOon PrOVision within the buildjng. Library space camot ithout sacrifice of o血er departments, yet additional shelf-rOOm js POrtunities afforded for art and other exhibits are the corridors, departmental rooms, and Library. Available houslng SPaCe is insufficient for the proper arrangement and protection of collections and equlPment. The Faculty of nearly sixty, and their numerous assistants記ave insufficjent office and conference space・ All these handicaps Seriously restrict further development of program and service. Enrollment trends appear in graph上c representat上ons elsewhe Bos亡onia. The College of Liberal Arts must be prepared to receive in dents in the postwar period・ It gave valuable service to military It must be so srfuated as to assume its full respons上b上l PrOgramS for Veterans. It must contribute more and intelljgent, reSPOnSible, and humanitarian-minded le COmmunlty. It must be in a more favorable s上tuation trjbution of Boston Universlty m the greater demands Will bring’ by havmg adequate building space and facilities centra e new University CamPuS. Toward these ends and because of such urgendes and o Slty Calls on every fomer student - eaCh of us a reCIPlent ities, the Un上ver- but real and v上tal in our lives臆tO COntribute as generously as our means may a11ow toward the Building Fund for the College of Liberal Arts. 〆移ブ豪三彩を Dem, College of Ljberdl Art∫ Page ru′emy-One 唖iu「u叫 〇〇° l川0さ0〃6帥 Ir時机「血 葛当町o仙唖的博 I書 き_- Ou時0叫oDA I TODAY Boston Universlty,s College of Liberal Arts is forced to deny admission to an increasmg number of applicants. These applicants, yOung men and women now, might be the potentia=eaders of tomorrow. Regardless of race, Creed, COIor’Or financial status, those Who measure ap to the University’s high requlrementS Of character and ability must be given their opport皿lty. Yet the College of Liberal Arts camot today glVe these young men and women the start they deserve,血e sound trammg in血e humanities, in science, and in the preparation for professional study. For today the co11ege of Liberal Arts is critically overcrowded. It has reached the peak of its capacities. Its classrooms are far too small; its laboratories woefully inadequate; its possibilities of expansion non-eXistent. It no Ionger can contain its growmg enrollment in the antlquated’OutgrOWn, OutmOded quarters it has used for 37 years・ Its present student enrollment of 700 must remain static. Its essential growth must lag bchind the upsurge in enrollment in the eleven other Departments of Boston University. Training in the Liberal Arts, the most important vilue the University has to offer to this community, to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and to the nation is endangered. National statistics show that when war ends, the College of Liberal Arts may expect an increase of lOO%一 an annual enrollment of 1400, double the present capacities「in the numbers seeking admis- sion. Many of these would-be students can attend the College economically only because of its neamess to their homes. Many will have no other opportunfty to realize worthy ambitions for service in business, medicine, 1aw, teaChing, theoIogy and the other professions which so profoundly will affect the future of our country. It is for them that we must plan #Ou′ for the immediate postwar construction of a new building for the College of Liberal Arts. All worlhy applicants m∫t be glVen their chance if we are to preserve and increase for New England and the nation the understanding and tralnlng in human values and human rela- tionships so vital to?ur future democratic society. Boston University’s College of Liberal Arts m‘∫t have a new building・ Page Tuノenty-Tα,0 In 1940, Civilian enrollment in all the institutions of higher education in America totalled approximately l,500,000. Leading educators and education research bureaus now estimate that there will be a tremendous increase in the post- War yearS. Civilian enrollments are expected to reach the Staggermg tOtal of 3,000,000. Translated in tems of Boston Universlty,s enro11ment, this should mean that approximately twice the number of our PreWar qua舶ed students may be expected to apply. 4,SOa ○○O ∴ 二・‥襟 騨汀IM鼻丁置o調教○○しM各軸丁 OF o筆州○○IしI雄o Vさr議A岬S uND陣GI. eI○○ OF *lcHTS もOOqOoO §丁IMきけさo I持c鎌AS各州 書VルA持∈N農oししM各軸丁AS OMPA撮D Wm I,4O CIVIしIAN〔N oき`しIN各〇番 coV各年NM電動 ′二 ∵丁 子¥←∴: 郎8海 」 9 o NO農MALT能NDOF COしLEcさEN農OしLMEN鳩 A管丁と要しA§丁肌農 =音i 農oし」M置討† 書鎌丁8Y 丁能○○議州 ∴一’∴ ←/臆¥こ "ヽ OqOOo ∴l 認 00 鳩I蜜 ∴19 2o∴ 霊9 事o l〇〇〇 〇 i紳 In addition to normal civilian enrollment’Preliminary SurVeyS indicate that l,500,000 veterans will enroll in American colleges upon discharge from the armed forces. In Short, jt’s believed that in the immediate postwar years enrollments will go from a peacetime high of l,500,000 to 4,500,000-a threefold increase. Already, mOre than 200 veterans of World War II are enrolled at Boston University. Page ru′emy-T方γee A〃 Young Whalever I The n designed al the Charles Cram and Ferguson, Architects 了帽E P」ANI§R話ADY.. )Ung Men and Womeれ′ Whelhe「 Riくh o「 Poor, O書 Through its doors will flow a steadily increasmg num一 塁蒜蒜器量謹 護藁葺蒜霊霊輩薫 A丁しAS丁! After seventy-Six years, Boston Universlty lS at last on the road to achievlng q CamPuS WOrthy of its position among the great educatlOna上insti融ons of the country ! Alumni have long fealized the inadequacy of its present buildings; the inconvenienc?S and the waste of time and money resulting from ltS PreSFnt SCattered plant. Now-tOday-there is an 9PPOrtunlty for us all to do SOmething about it. Here lS a Drive in which we can al′ put our hearts ! ∴ ∴∴ ※ ま筆 ◆ Y、 丁子 丁子∴ ∴∴: ∴∴ ∴ ぐ、◆諜 ヾ〉ヽ◆ヽぶ ∴∴ ∴ ∴: ’i∴∴ :∴∴ 禁 ・義で千〇 ∴:∴∴∴ :∴∴; ∴∵∵∴∵ 壷箪 ∴∴∴ 〉,ヾル :∴;∴∴ ∴∴∴∴ 〈◆く,忍ぶ蕊 ∴∴ ∴∴ ∴ ∴∴ ∴ ∴; ◆ゝ ぐや〈ゝ ∴i/∴∴ ∴ ∴ ∴i∴ ∴∴ ∴ 撥総 ∴∴∴ ∴∴∴: i/ ∴,/∴ ∵∴: 子音i 、,試売へ、、 ∴∴∴∴一 ∵i/∴ ※く諒′、〉くめ 全き無人 澄 淑 ∴ ∴ ,,∴∴ 〈Yく、‡さ¥ ∴∴∴ ∴∴ ∴ ∴ ∴∴ ∵ ∴∴∴∴∴ ・態 ∴∴ 懸三 i/ ∴∴ ∴∴ : ∴: 凝 ∴ ∴∴ 鶏 ◆く人や 簿懸 ∴ ∴ i∴∴ ∴ 音: ∴∴ /∴ ∴ノ ミ球 ∴ 緩ま、 煎’ 熱 学 ∵ く 減 硝 ∴ 練 、 ∴∴ 箋 ∴/∴ 丁子丁子: ∴∴∴ ∴∴ 二年∴ ∴! ∴ ,∴’∴ ∴∵ ,※態幾簿 ∴∴ ∴∵∴;∴∴; ∴;∴ 丁子 ∴:拭 丁子∴∴ ∴∴;∴ 繭鰯〉 態簿欝 ∴∴ 熊畿 ∴ き き 霧 ;碍 子 千 言 ;∴ さ 高二 二㌧∴!:; ∴ ! ∴∴二∴/ ざ◆葛 畿 o賀… 子ら∴;∵∴∴ 騒弱 こら:誓享“ ∴ ∴∴ ◆沸くゝ ※、慾轡 ∴ ふ O 態鸞繋 潔※ 醤 ∴∴ ∵ ∵∴ ∵∴ 了∴1高∴上 ; 懸 ∴∴ ∴∵∴∴ ∴ ∴-・●品 さ 基盤塗薬※ 〇°○○● ;:∴ 躍罷 熊 /、 ∵∴∴ ∴.∴ 淡さ沌 ;/ 二一∴∴ ∴∴ ∴∵ 縫 鷲 業態欝 : 畿‡ T晴I§ 1§丁晴E KEY! As you send in your contributions to the CLA Building Fund you will have the satisfaction Of knowlng that your dollars will do double duty. The $1,000,000 we raise will assure the beautiful building, tentative plans for which are Shown above. It will 4l∫0, aS Our Alumni chairman has explained・ PraCtically guarantee thc COmクle〆e propo∫ed ”eu′ [amク初PIC/〃re`i u /be left! PAUL O. KELLEY, Mus. J. ARTHUR BAKER, Law W聞O A§K§ W晴A丁FROM W晴OM? In the course of the CLA Building Fund Drive, eVery alし工mnuS is gomg tO be asked to contribute - either financially or through service and financially - tO the success of the proJeCt・ It is natural, then, that you should want to know WHO is working for the fund, WHAT you wi11 be asked to do, and to WHOM you can tum to o任er your services. Here, therefore, is a thumbnail sketch of how the fund-ralSmg Organization has been set up within the alumnl grOuP. The regular Board of Directors of the Alumni Association, under Mr. Charles F. Collins, President, has appointed a special Alumni Fund Council, Of which Dr. Judson R. Butler, is Secretary. This council is made up of chairmen‘ from every Department within the Universlty: Mr. Wesley L Slade, CLA’25, Mr. Walter D. Gordon, CBA’32, Mrs. Charles A. Tiemey, PAL’36, Mr. Paul O. Ke11ey, Mus’44, Miss Elizabeth E. Andrews, CPES, Dr. Emil M. Hartl, Theo’31 and Rev. Lesl上e H. Johnson, Theo’41, Judge J. Arthur Baker, Law’04, aSSisted by Miss Bertha Levenson, Law’43, Dr. Frank E. Barton, Med’24, Mr. Arthur L. Jones, Ed’31, ’38, Mr. Ashton M. Temey, SW’39, Mr. Kemeth E. Downs, SRE’29, Miss Olive B. Mac`Pherson, Grad’38・ It has been their duty to appoint committees and Choose workers for the various districts. As we go to press’fifty-One dass agents for CLA have been appomted, and 175 workers’tO eaCh of whom from three to五ve names will be allotted for solicitation. After a careful study of the s上tuation it has seemed wise to organize these workers as follows: for the Bo∫tOn 4red (where so many of our alumni are concentrated) it appe竺 most practical to choose workers along departmenta1 1ines. (Thus, jf you live in this distrlCt WAL冒ER D. GoRDOrT, CBA ELIZABETH E. ANDREWS, CPES BERTHA LEITENSON, La,W Page Tu′enケEigbl FRANK E. BARTON, Med. :∴∴三園 OLIVE B. MACPHERSON, Grad・ WESLEY L・ SLADE, CLA MRS. CIIAS. A. TIERNEY, PAL and are an alumnus of CBA, for instance, yOu may eXPeCt tO be called upon by a fellowalumm】S Of the Co11ege of Business Administration, Whereas PAL graduates wi11 be solic- ited by someone who has also- attended the College of Practical Arts and Letters, and so forth・) In certain outlying districts, however, it has seemed easier to set up the organization On Purely geographica1 1ines. Thus, if you live in Worcester, Say, Or Low′ell, yOu may expect to reeeive a call from a fellow-alumnus of Boston University, but not necessarily a dassmate. The means, however, do not matter, for the Building Fund is an o汐emll 4l幼mi proiect. The whole association sponsorsl it and is backing lt tO the limit. If you, yOurSelf, have not SO far been asked to partlCIPate in the active work of the campalgn it is probably thaト because of the d紐culties of wartime organization-We have not, aS yet, been able to con- tact you. Do not let that deter you! We can use-We need-eC/eク′y WOrker Who can possibly spare the t上me. Here are two important ways in which yo〃 Can help: 1. By offering yoし1r SerVices to sol王cit subscrlPtlOnS. o 2. By making your own pledge as large as possible-aS a PraCtical demonstration of your loyalty and faith in your Alma Mater. As this issue of BOSTONIA goes to press, We Prmt the names of those alumni who have already agreed to act as dass agents in their respective districts. Further names will of COurSe be added・ If an agent has already been appomted in your district, WOn,t you help by gettmg directly in touch with him? If you cannot find the name of a leader in your particular area, WOn’t you write to the Alumni Fund Council, Offering your services? You may be surc a place is waltlrlg for every one of you who has the good of Boston Universlty at heart! 三二-二手: ARTHI二R L. JoNES’Ed・ HMIL m HARTL’Theo. AsHTON M・ TENNEY, SW LESL丁E H. JoHNSON, Theo. Page ru′enly・Nine Risked, His Life to Reach Injured Men Among the first troops to land on the Coast of Normandy on the 7th of September was prlVate Frank Zervas, E’44, Private Zervas was awarded the Silver Coast Guard Lieutenant Star, the citation was∴aS follows: John H. Judge くく. ‥ for gallantry ln aCtion in Holland on 25 October 1944. On the evening of 25 October 1944 a message was received at the Regimental Aid Station to which Private Zervas was asslgned that two Students at the College of Business Administration from 1938_42 will remem- ber Mr. Judge as an Instructor in Social men of the forward platoon of one of the fegimental companies had been severely mJured on the.north edge of q town Which at that tlme WaS undergolng terrific enemy fire and was infested with many snlPerS. The platoon referred to, Which was spearheading the attack, had been pinned down by enemy mortar and machine gun fire. The litter squad of which Private Zervas was a member had been halted south of the town and told that it could not advance any further Without exposmg ltSelf to extreme enemy 丘re. Rc‘gard!css of tlle Wammg, Private Zervas, aCCOmPanied by the other members of the squad, mdde an atte」nPt tO PaSS through the town but was p王nned down by snipers. Realizing the futility Of this approach, he and his squad members withdrew and renewed their attenpt by passing along the town,s western edge. With extreme risk of life, Private Zervas, With the other members of his squad, PaSSed through mine fields and barbed wire 町tanglements under continumg Shell fire ln Order to reach the inJured men. By this COurageOuS aCt, the mjured men were Safely evacuated to the Regimental Aid FRANK ZERVAS, E’44 lives. Private Zervas, by this courageous act, reflects great credit to himself and to Who has probably set a record for length Of time spent at Boston Universlty, Since he entered PAL practically at birth. It happened this way. Mr. A. George Zervas, JoHN H. JuDGE, B’37, E’う8 Station, Which timely treatment saved their the military service. Science, and a member of Phi Delta Kappa and Lambda Chi AIpha. Now as Lieutenant Judge, a member of Coast The Zervases have added two daughters to their household: Audrey, nOW in the Boston Universlty SchooI of Education, Class of 1948, and Ardith, in the Guard for over two and one-half years, he captains a Coast Guard-manned LST Frank was bom the Zervas family was Jamaica Plain High School. Boston Universlty joins with them all in point- a veteran of the anti-Sub patrol in the living next door to the College, in the 1ng With pride to Private Frank Zervas. Frank,s father, has for many years managed the PAL dining room, and when building which later became the dormi- in the South Paci丘c. His ship ferries men and supplies to invasion pomtS. He is North Atlantic, and he has served in the American and European theaters. tory, and consequently from a very early .age Frank spent much time in this De- partment of the Universlty, - in fact he WaS the so-Called baby for PAL classes HONOR ROLL of that period. His formal Boston Universlty train1ng began in September, 1940, at the A supplementary list of the members of the Boston Uni・ VerSity family who have made the Supreme Sac重ifice in the SerVice of Our Country: SchooI of Education; in 1942 he was elected class president. That fall, how- ALEMIAN, ZARUEN, 4’46, Pvt., Infantry Division in ever, he was accepted in the Enlisted Germany. Killed in action in Germany, November 21. Reserve, and was inducted into the Army the followlng SPrmg. Under the ASTP BENATI, IDORE, A’45, Flight Officer, Army Air Force. he was sent to the Universlty Of New Hampshire and Princeton, With basic trammg COurSeS at Camp Edwards, Fort Ethan Allen, and Fort Benning. After 丘nal trammg at Camp Carson, CoIorado, Killed in plane crash in Italy, December 4. FLYNN, WILLIAM R., JR., B’42, Lt,, Army. Killed in action in France, August ll. KELLY, MARTIN J., B’32, PFC. Killed in action in France, November 9. he was attached to Regimental HeadKLUBOCK, ABRAHAM H., L’12, Lieut. Col., Amy. Died quarters asくくMedic’’in the lO4th ‘くTim- ber Wolf’’Division commanded by Major in Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D. C., On November 22. General Terry Allen, and it was with this group that he landed on the Normandy Coast. On the lith of November, 1944, When Page r方irly MICHAELS, ARTHUR, B’45, PFC, Infantry. Killed in action in Ho11and previous to November 13. 富のめ巧の揚猿親側〆富み妬み∽心のl榊 Backed by the∴Skill and ingenulty Of doctors and nurses of this MGH group, SOldiers have perfected medical and sur- gical devices that have enabled the hosPital to do an outstanding jdb even when expected conveniences and materials were not at hand. Among the c{home葛grOWn・・ equlPment is a special X-Ray machine that eliminates much guesswork in prob- mg for shell fragments. A boxlike arrangement has a black camera cIoth Which goes over the head of the soldier OPeratmg the machine. Peering mtO this box, he has a perfect view of the position Of the fragments and is able to tell thc SurgeOn eXaCtly where to place his knife. Then there,s anくくassembly line,, method Of dealing with battle casualties in which the operatmg rOOm COntains fourteen tables, eaCh with a two-man team. Fr。m JosEPH L. WEIDER, B’44 Salvage materials, hospital personnel have built physio-therapy gadgets, leg and arm PRISCILI‘A T. CHANDLER, CPES,38 Second Lieutenant Joseph L. Weider, exercisers, that, uSed with proper mental B’44, has been awarded the Air Medal SuPerVision’ reduce the hospitalization Four Boston Universlty graduates are for ‘くMeritorious achievement in aerial Period by as much as thirty per cent' flight while partlCIPatmg in sustained With the Army’s Sixth General Hospital, OPerational activities against the enemy・,, a制iate of the Massachusetts General, Lieutenant Weider is a pilot with a now set up near Rome after twenty-tWO B-24 bombardment group, and has parti- months, overseas service, during which it CIPated in more than eight combat sorties Correc tion has handled more than 26,000 patients・ OYer enemy territory while bombing Nazi Technician fifth grade HENRY WEINBERG, A,41, Grad ’42, PSyChoIo- rail and industrial centers in widely In December we announced the marriage of SCattered parts of Europe. DOROTHY LORRAINE HAMILL, PAL ’43, glSt’ has been ‘overseas twenty〇五ve months and has been awarded the Go。d to John W. Thompson. We have since When Lieutenant Weider entered the leamed that Mr. Thompson is a graduate of Conduct Medal. First Lieutenant PRIS_ CILLA T. CHANDLER, CPES ,38, Tufts College ,44, nOt Boston Universlty aS Service on December 12, 1942, he was a student at the College of Business Ad- head physical therapISt, has been on we indicated. mlnlStratlOn. forelgn SOil for twenty-tWO mOnths, aS has second Lieutenant ARLINE E. ADAMS, CPES ’42. All three wear the Mediterranean Theater Ribbon with one Battle Participation Star・ CAROLYN B. EVANS, P’38, American Red Cross secretary, h亀s been overseas eight months with this unit. K看MBALL, GILMAN & C○○ INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS 87 Kilby Street BOSTON HARRY W・ GILMAN wALTER R. J. SMITH STANLEY O. MacMULI,EN ARLINE E. ADAMS, CPES’42 Mαひue S.ugge$t脇の‡ got‘ Pのかの7譲e ouγ 。dのeγ琉e7.$ Page T方irly-One MILITARY PILOT Armed Forces STONE, CHARLES H., JR., B’46, Pvt., Anti-aircraft Div,, Field Artillery, Fort Bragg, N.C. TAYLOR, STANLEY J., C,46, T/Sgt., (Conti微eli /rom Page One) Aerial gunner on B-24, and veteran of 30 status as an instructor at Universlty Of Chicago, missions. Is now in this country. (14 Nash where he will conduct aero-dynamics classes St., East Milton, Mass.) for naval officer flight students. THOMAS, PAUL J., B’38, Navy. (1022 LEAHY, CHARLES, C’45. U.S.N. over- Robbins Ave., Niles, Ohio) LEIGHTON, GUY R., JR., E’42, Veteran Lovell General Hospital, Fort Devens, Mass., TOLL, MORRIS, L’38, Pvt., Patient at of World War II. Now with Submarlne recovering from wounds received September Signal Company in Boston, Mass. 2. (102 Lothrop St., Beverly, Mass.) TOOMBS, ERNEST I., C,40, Capt., A.A.B., Maxton, N. C. LINDEN, HENNING, fomer Faら Brig. GenL, Army. LIPMAN, RAYMOND, B,37, CORPL, TYSON, CHARLES M., B’32, Lt.(j.g.), Army Service Forces Trg. Center, Camp Lee, U.S.N. Has charge of the gun crew on a Va. Is mail clerk for 43rd QM Trg. Co. of Victory Supply Ship engaged in taking supplies A.S.F.T.C. to bases. .- UDIS, LONEY, WARREN R., C’40’ Capt., U・S. M.C. in BougalnVille. LOUNSBURY, WALTER B., SANFORD W., ^I,44, Lt., Army i Med. Corps. (253 Rock St., Fall River, Mass. ) RE,う2, Capt., Chaplain, A.A・F・, Camp Polk, La・ WALDRON, THEODORE A., B’44, S/Sgt. McGINLEY, CHARLES F., B’48, A/S, A.A.B., Pyote, Tex. Co. 212, Unit D-6-L U・S.N.T"C., Sampson’ WALKER, HENRY B., M〃∫,33, Lt., Army N. Y. Med. Bn., A.P.O. 452, C/o Postmaster, New McGOWAN, LAWRENCE R., E,40, in York, N. Y・ Is a physician with the para- New Guinea for over a year. (22 Mulberry St., Fairhaven, Mass.) troOperS・ MacFARLANE, HUGH O., E,40’Lt.’On convoy e:COrt duty and routine S/M patrol in AtlantlC. Is in R.C.N.V.R. (84 Clifford St., Malden, Mass.) MacPHERSON, GORDON A., r,39 Navy WALKER, KIRKE W., JR., E’42, Lt., PHILIP N. DINE, B’43 bombardier on B-24 Liberator. Aviation cadet Philip N. Dine, B’43, received his silver wmgS from the Black- chaplain, U.S・S. LS.M・ 169, in forelgn Ser- land Army Air Field, in Waco, Texas, De- MAHONEY, EDMUND V., C,42, Flight fember 28. The Army Air Forces Trainmg Command installation at this field MAHONEY, THOMAS F., B,32, Pvt., glVeS advanced two-engme Pilot instruc- (Officer, 2d Lt., A.A.F. tlOn. Army. MAKI, KARLO O., C,42, Lt・(j.g.), U.S. N.R. Pilot of a rescue plane in Centra】 Pac誼c. MASON, FORREST E., B,43, C.Q., U・S. RENDINI, MAURIZIO P., B’44, Rd.M. N.R., reCently retumed from 18 months over. seas - North Africa, Sicily, Italy, and Southem 3/c, L.C.S.(L), Crew 128, LCC School, A. T.B., Little Creek, Va. RICHARDS, GORDON S., A’39, With U.N. France. MAYBERRY, HUGH T.’ former Faら and Macedonia as sanitary engineer. Brig. Genl. MELHADO, JOSEPH H., B,29, Economist, MITCHELL具 WILLIAM P., B,35, nOn- P., RUBIN, BENJAMIN, B’26, discharged re- Cently after 2% years in Army. commissioned o錦cer in Navy. RICHARD RIVERS, LESLIE B., B’43, 2d Lt., Techni. cal officer in Communications, A.A.F. W.P.B., Washington 25’D. C. MOODY, R.R.A. and is in Greece on way to Thrace B,38・ Amy. SACKS, LOUIS, G’41, Lt., Army, riOW in England. (19 Windemere Ave., Arlington, Mass.) MORENCY, JOHN E., B’20, Lt., Army, ‘’ MULAIRE, VICTOR J., M,39, Capt., Amy Med. Corps, member ofくくFighting 45th Inf. SALVI, DIWAKER S., G’44, Pvt., Army. SCHLESINGER, MURRAY H., C’40, Lt., Army Air Force (CWS), A.P.0. 528, C/o Postmaster, New York, N. Y. SEINIGER, WILLIAM B., B,41, Lt., Army, Div.’’ MULCAHY, JOHN F., B,45, 2d Lt., Inf. recently MURRAY, JAMES V., B’46, Honorable On temPOrary duty at o錦ce of QM Genl. in retumed from South Paci丘c. Now Washington, D. C. discharge from Na‘′y September 16. NOONAN, ROBERT W., B’う8, Major, Navigator on Flying Fortress Crew, Avon Park 五c A.A.F., Avon Park, Fla. with the Marine Corps. Suffered ll attacks of malaria. (229 Boston Ave", Medford, Mass.) Active duty in U.S.N. in Pacific area, after O,LOUGHLIN, FRANCIS X., B,39’ Lt.’ SPending 16 months in Merchant Marine. Army. PARKER, GEORGE H. JR., T,26, Chaplain, South Chapel, Camp Murphy, Fla. PAYNE, BERNARD, B,38, Capt・, A.P・O. 230, C/o P.M., New York, N. Y. PELCZARSKI, WALTER W., C’46, U.S.N・ PETERS, GEORGE A., JR., B,46, 2d Lt・, Corps of Engineers, Fort Lewis, Wash. PETERSON, DONALD H., E’41, Pvt・, Co.G., 35th I.T.B., Camp Croft, S. C. POWERS, JOHN J., B’42, Capt., A.A.F., SHEPHERD, WARREN A., B’45, Ensign, (138 Aldrich St., Roslindale, Mass.) SHERMAN, ROLAND H., L’37. Lt.(j.g), Awarded to military, naVal, Or Civilian PerSOmel for heroic or meritorious achievement agamSt the enemy. CARO, HAROLD G., B’44, Ensign, N avy. U.S.N. To be at school for Contract Term王na_ tion in Washington, D. C. for an inde丘nite per王od. SMITH, HARRY F., C’40, Pvt., Amy. SMITH, SAUL, B’28, Sgt., Army. (405 E. 54th St., New York, N. Y.) SOUSA, JAMES J., L’38, Sgt., 6th Port Hq.Co. (9 Loring St., Hudson, Mass.) A.P.O. 882, C/o Postmaster, New York, N. Y. 「葦謹;罵I豊S., JR., JM’43, Lt., Box Page T方irty-Tu′0 BRONZE STAR SHEKETOFF, DAVID M., B’43, 2d Lt., retumed home after 33 months in South Paci一 MULA IRE, VICTOR O.,川’39, Capt., Army Med. Corps. SKOROPOWSKI, KENNETH, E’41, Capt. SMITH, HARRY F., B’4o, Pvt. THOMAS, HAROLD A., B’41, Capt. UMPIERRE, EVA, CPES,41, Lt., P.T.A., Cushing General Hospital, Framingham, Swift, Tex. Mass. 聞闇闘 WORMSTEAD, ROLAND C. K., C’47, Corpl., training with ski trooper§ at Camp YELLE, ARTHUR S., B’34, Medical dis- Charge from World War II. SPARS 」匝圏懸照 ZINK, HAROLD R., B’37言n Army for the past two years, and now overseas. (18 Buel Place, Wobum, Mass.) COHEN, ELAINE, P’43, SK 3/c, C.G. T.S., Atlantic City, N. J. BALDWIN, JANE T., P,41;nOW at ’くboot CamP’’ at SPARship Biltmore, Palm Beach, ARMY MEDICAL CORPS (WOMEN) CARLSON, PHOEBE B., CPES’44, Lt., Re- Fla. Miss Baldwin was formerly ln the ser- vice as a WASP. Placement pool at Fort Devens, Mass. CRABB, HARRIET, CPE5,44, P.T.A. at hospital in New Orleans, La, HINES, MARY, CPES’33, 2d Lt., P.T.A., Station Hospital, Fort Devens, Mass. NEWMAN, NANCY, CPES,43, P.T.A., O’Reilly General Hospital, Springfield, Mo. OSLEY, CHRISTINE, CPES,27, Station Hospital’ Camp White, Oregon. SCHWARTZ’TOVA, CPES,36, With Army Medical Corps in France. SCHWEINSHAUT, BARBARA A., E’44, Lt., Replacement pool at Fort Devens, Mass. 」も AMER重CAN RED CROSS BLALOCK Mrs. MADELINE OKEY, CPES ’21, 230 Spring St., Atlanta 3, Ga. BROWN, MRS. RITA TAYLOR, CPES ’2う. DANIELS, ELEANOR, G,45, eXPeCtS tO leave the country shortly. MARTIN, MARJORIE, CPES’33/E’42, de- tached from service. MOODY, JOAN W., 4’4o/G’41, Hospital recreation worker in Middle East. SHELMERDINE, MARION A., CPES’24, A.P.O. 923, C/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. STRASSLER, MARGARET G., CPES’23, Station Hospital, MacDill Field, Tampa 8, 書 ̄韓麗き Fla. WHITNEY, LOUISE, CPE5′34, nOW in England. ¥ woMEN?S ARMY CORPS BROWN, DOROTHY, CPE§ ’20, A.A.F. T.C., Jefferson Barracks, Mo. ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART DONNELLY, EVELYN S., B’29, Pvt., 3rd WAC Trg. Ctr., Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Awarded by the United States Army, FOBES, MARION S., B’35, Pvt., 3rd WAC Trg. Ctr., Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. HELEOTIS, ANASTASIA, C,46, PFC, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard for ‘‘Military Merit’’(wounded in actio皿). Photographer and Technician, MacDill Air Field, Fla. LADD, GWENYTH M., E’31, Pvt., Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. LeWITT, DELLA, CPES’24, Lt., A.A.F. T.A.C., Orlando, Fla. MacDONALD, EVELYN, CPES’20, Capt., 7410 ‘Georgia Ave. N.W., Washington. D. C. MAHONEY, MILDRED K., P,28, S/Sgt., Operations Section of the European Divi§ion ADAMS, AUSTIN, JR., C’46, Lt. BELL, RICHMOND R., B,46, Pvt. HUBAN, GEORGE H., B’38, Capt. NOWAK, THEODORE J. F., E’40, Capt. SHERMAN, FRANK J., B,24, Lt. Col. SMITH, HARRY F., B’40, Pvt. TAYLOR, STANLEY J., C,46., T/Sgt. in England. MARTIS, BARBARA, CPES,44, Co. 7, 2Oth Regt., 1st WAC Det.Trg.Ctr., Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. MURPHY, ELIZABETH, CPES,27, Lt. RETH, ANNABELLE, CPES’43, Pvt., FitzSimmons Genl. Hosp., Quarters 2, Denver 8, Colo. MacDONALD, CATHERINE, CPES,33. MALEK, ANNE, CPES’43, Sp(G) 3/c, WAVES Bks., Lido Beach, L. I., N. Y. PALMER, Mrs. PHYLLIS BLAKE, 4′41/ WOMEN APPOINTED FOR VOLUNTEER EMERGE料cY SERVICE (U.§.N.R.) G’44, Ensign, U.S.N.R.(WR), O伍ce of Chief Of Naval Operations’Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. RUSSELL, FLORENCE’CPES,26, Lt., Carlng BURBANK, ALICE. M., 4’42/G’43, S 2/C, WAVES Bks., Frontler Naval Base, Little DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS C章eek,  ̄Va. DONOVAN, ANNE, ・ B,45, Completed くくboot training’’ at‘ Hunter College, N. Y., and has been assigned to Chicago, Illinois, Awarded by the United Statcs A重ny, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard. ASTOR’ZAVEN R.’C,45, With Eighth Army. GREEN, EDGAR A., B′40, Lt., A.A.F. TAYLOR, STANLEY J., C’46, T/Sgt., A.A.F. On a bond selling tour. EVERS, MARGUERITE C., P’40, $ 2乍 Co. I.,. Plat. I, U.S.N.T.S.(Radio), Miaml for salvage and disposal of metals. SANDLER, IRMA RUTH, CPES,42, Å/S, U.S.N.R.M.S.(WR) , Northampton, Mass. SJORLAND, DOROTHY, CPES’31/E,32, A/S, U.S.N.R.M.S. (WR) , Northanpton, Mass. SULLIVAN, SHIRLEY, CPES’45, Sp.C. (S), U.S.N.R.(WR), Brunswick Naval Air Station, Brunswick, Maine. Univers吋, 0Ⅹford, Ohio. GILBERT, ELEANOR, CPES,29. (706 Washington St., Versailles, Pa.) NAVY NUR§ESI CORPS LEWIS, GRACE, CPES’42, A/S, U.S.N.R. M.S.(W.R.), Northampton, Mass. LUSSIERE, LILIANNE M. A., G,41, Lt. (j.g.), Elizabeth, N. J. STAATS, MARY H., E’40, Lt.(j.g.), U.S. N.R.N.C., Fleet Post O航ce, San Francisco, Calif. Page TbiγケTbγee COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS (Continued from Page Ei色ht) Number of contributors Potential contributors Percentage 7 $48. 50 54 13% N盛業譜もribut。rS Amo¥mt COntributed Potential contributors 宣5% Mrs. Emory A. Bacon (Mary Lillian Home) Mabel C. Bruce 10 $144.25 66 15% M薯諾意智藍ham 7 11% 1902 A]ice M. Lawton Mrs. Walter J. E. MarteI Mrs. Edrick S. Tucker M豊能霊宝結語ger) 68 9% 1903 (Emily Ladd) Mrs. Frank E. Cormao Mrs. William H. Stegeman N盛業薯霊藷配rs 。 1908 16% $202.50 80 42% Royal M. Frye Potential contributors Percentag.e Mrs. Rufus H. Savery 7% Mrs. Earl W. Taylor Mrs. George Bourisk (Helen Travis) S. Evelyn Taylor (Agnes C. Johnson) Charles F. Co11ins Gertrude H. Watts Myrtle W. Webster N蛙終盤諾まbu,。.S Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 1909 MildI.ed M. Anderson Walter S. Atwood Mrs. Ralph B. Collins (Mildred E. Collyer) Mary L. Courtney 1915 Edith B. Armstrong Katherine Bacon Charles R. Baillie Albert J. Barlow Mrs. Boyd Wheeler Bartlett 12 $94.00 -80 15% Milo C. Green Mrs. Brenton R. Lutz Mrs. Charles H. White 25% (Rachel Pope) Mrs. Joseph C. Palamount画in (Ellen Coles) Alice A. Preston Alice Reynolds Mrs. Harry A. Smith (Dorothy E. Twiss) Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage El]a A. Curtis Florence P. Davoll Ashley N. Evans Mrs. C. Frederick Evans (Dorothy Clements) George R. Ericson Mrs. Rachel S. Koegel Elmer B. Mode Ida M. Moody Mrs. Joseph E. Priestley (Bertha M. Dodge) Margaret South Mrs. Kenneth N. Wildes (Mildred L. Aldrich) (Helen Allen) Ruth I. Bessom Viola B. Brown Stanley F. Conant Margaret M. Mason (Edna Baldwin) 15 $88. 00 60 60こ Ruth I. Bessom, ClαSS Age部 1912 (Ruth Lane) 5 $36.00 68 圏 $48.00 124 Louise A. For重est Lucy E. Tripp Number of contributors Amount contributed (Louise Dyer) (Ruth A. Haseltine) Mrs. Nathan White Potential contributors Percentage May Springfield Ralph W. Taylor Mrs. Gorham W. Harris Mr呂. Donald White (Bessie Felstiner) (Esther Lurvey) (Blanche Charlton) LIoyd B. Marks Kendall S. McLean Number of contributors Amount contributed M豊悪筆説。d。na.d (Gertrude Oxley) Mrs. Perce H. Curtis Percy J. Look Mrs. Louis E. White 鋤ge T方irlγ・月訪r M讐講書書詑man Philip A. Goold Frances Greene (Ruth Jennison) (Eleanor Leonard) (Jennie Caswell) Allena Luce 34 Mrs. Willard Knights Margaret A. Fiske Mrs. Nathan C. Hamblin Myron P. Peffers Millard L. Robinson Grace M. Sisson Mrs. Lyman Steed (Josephine N. Ramsburg) Mrs. Charles W. Colby Ethel S. Mrs. George E. W. Brooks Margaret J二Cutler (Carrie F. Weeks) Mrs. Allen B. Champlin Una E. Dary Lillian M. Bowker 13 $290.00 80 Elizabeth E. Allen Emest T. Chase Lorne B. Hulsman Katherine F. Macdonald Luther T. Nelson Mildred S. Bartlett Mrs. Earl W. Taylor, Class Age海 1904 Mrs. William E. Beck Ethel R. Baird % 葺3qそ 1914 A]ice′ M. Cook Mrs. George E. Seabury Mrs. S. William Baker (Mirmie Perry) Potential contributors 74 Percentage 12 109 Emily P. Burdon 19宣1 Amount contributed $105.00 (Jennie HowIand) Olive K. Pitman John E. Rice 1905 Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage (Gertrude Hallett) (Ma重ion Tay). Potential contributo rs Percentage (Louise Nelson) Number of cont,ributors 36 絡166.00 Potential contributors Percen tage Mrs. Paul W. Willson (Jean MacTaggart) WiIliam Wood Mrs. Charles E. Woodworth Elizabeth J. Martin Mrs. George Smith Charlot,te W. Frye Mrs. J. Howard Hayes (Marion Coburn) Bessie M. Miller Ada Mudge Mrs. Thomas P. NichoIs Irene P. Zahn Number of contributors Amount contributed (Beatrice Gair) Sarah M. Parker (Ava K. Howard) Ethel K. G. Cederstrom Mrs. Charles D. Mackey (Ella McGrath) Miriam N. Marsh Lucy B. Morse Mrs. Luther T. Nelson (Leola Co宣e) Wil]lam F. Ennis Mrs. Arthur L. Evans Mildred E. Whittemore Mrs. Sidney L. Wolfson (Marion Hardy) (Eva Harlow) Amy S. Perkins Laura G. Smith Roswel Stearns Martin Edwards Mrs. Warren L. Harlow (Dora E. Smith) Number of contributors Amount contributed 78 35% 1907 Amy D. Dorsett  ̄ Mrs. Arthur C. Wells H擬詰ま親k。r M豊漁賞盈謂親釘bry Louise J. Cooper M黒控鵜。u,.。r Potential contributo rs Percentage 27 Elbridge G. Davis, ClαSS Age初 Mrs. Herbert D. Boyd Mrs. Arthur J. Stevens (Ruby Travis) Harriet L. Stone Mrs. Bemard I. McManus Elbridge G. Davis. Mrs. He轟)ert D. Boyd. ClαSS Agelu (Mary J. O’Brien) Mrs. Harold R. Smith (Mildred Bates) Mrs. Charles Jackson (Vida E. Buchanan) Mrs. Rupert C. Lodge (Edith W. Melcher) (Margaret I. Shirley) $63.00 Helen M. Porter Mrs. Robert F. Schindler Charles Jackson MI.S. William L. Wadsworth 6 Ruth J. Paul Mrs. A. Whitman Higgins (Louise Wilbur) Potential contributors Percentage Number of contributors Mildred Metぐalf Elizabeth L. PaI.tridge Mrs. Herbert N. Hanson Number of contributors (Bessie L. Davidson) BI.entOn R. Lutz ClaI.a E. Macomber R孟謡宰龍認許 Amount contributed $269.00 Catherine McGinley Bertha F. Munster (Lillian Sleeper) (Caroline J. Hammett) (FIorence A. Heath) Grace Bigelow Mrs. George E, Lane Mrs. John E. Long, Jr. (Mabelle Tirrell) M整霊豊艶hu。na 。h。r William T. Wi11iams Mrs. W. Stanton Yeager (Camilla Wheeler) Lilla M. Alger (Louise Hunt) Nunber of contributors Amount contributed Merton L. Brown Marion S. Butterfield Mary E. Downes Eugenia L. Goodwin L. Mildred Greeley HeIen B. Green Mrs. Malcolm Green J。総聾葺揺nn。I I FIorence Thackleberry $23 1.00 62 Hortense L. HarrlS Ruth A. Hatch KatheI.ine E. Hilliker Frederick B. Knight Helen L. Brown Harry R. Talbot Arthur Wright (Marion Tobey) Alice W. Hammond Marian L. Harlovy Mrs. O8Wald H. Blackwood (Emma Fa重l) (Lizzie E. Dight) M舘詳珪豊島。。h A]ice M. Gorman F.鮨黒蜜護霊 Mrs. Margaret H. Johnston (Margaret F. Houston) Mrs. Charles H. Keyes Mrs. Frank B. Stevens (Carlotta M. Brant) M薯盤軒認。。l。 (Louise Alexander) Mrs. Earl Benson (Mildied Daniels) Laura M. Sanborn Mrs. Albert Schofield Mrs. Damon E. Hall (Leah Bennett) Mrs. Bemard F. Garrit,y Sally E. Batchelder (Sarah G. Pomeroy) Robert E. Bruce M讐嵩豊親。 Carolene M. Davis Edith W. Emerson Mrs. Royal M. Frye Ruth A. Baker Hazel M. Purmort Mrs. Francis A. Rugg Mabel F. Barnum Susan J. W. Brown 13% Mildred M. Armstrong Alice E. Perkins 190宣 $58.00 86 Sally Batchelder, Closs Age初 (Susan Tidd) Clarence B. Hill Edith C. Jewett (Elizabeth Moulton) Mrs. George G. Wolkins Mrs. David H. BrowII 11 J. Leonard Farmer Mrs. Walter M. Heald M讐寵蕊銑h。mdik。 Potential contributors Percentage Lewis A. Brigham 宣910 FIorence A. Burt Harold O. Cole Ruby H. Cole Evelyn Crosby Grace C. Emerson M士謹謹聾もb 。r,s Amount contributed E. Estelle Miles Potential contributors Percentage Elizabeth Bartley Everett W. Lord Mrs. Charles W. Parsons Potential contributors Percentage - J. Marjorie Bailey Ruth Bartlett Eleanor Berg (Georgia E. Thompson) Gladys Smith Number of contributors Amount contributed Clarence B. Hill, ClαSS Agenl (Demetria Simmons) Grace Heartz Number of contributors Amount contributed M忠恕善書説n。h。,t Charlotte Paulsen Mrs. Walter R. Fruit (May E. Conant) Mrs. Harry A. George Potential contributors Percentage 1913 J. Ma章jorie Bailey, ClαSS Age初′ Gertrude M. Short 1906 Helen L. Follansbee Amount contributed 10 $84.50 67 Pe重cent秘ge 1900 Clara L. Buswell N豊誤認霊盛も。重8 Edith W, Dunham Mrs. Albert G. Haines Mrs. Watson WoodI.uff Edith M. McCann Amount contributed Mrs. Richard C. Stickney 9 $79.00 117 8% 謹認諾認uめrs 21 Amount contributed $ 1 10.00 Potential contributors 12 1 Percentage 1 7 % 重り16 J. Fred W. Clark Mrs. Howard D. Corkum M讐統監悪討Jr. Dorothy G. Sproul 鼠蕊盤薄豊誓n) Mildred E. Stcarns Edna Walck Herbert W. Walker Mrs. Harry J. Webb (Frances Newell) Caroline E. Legg Isabella T. Lovett Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Mrs. John P. Marshall (Miriam Smith) Mrs. Richard Soderberg 10 $64.00 114 9% 191ク Mrs, Robert E. BIood ’ M蕊藍常駐bull) Mrs. Samuel T. Cushing Robert E. Moody, Class 4ge初` Mrs. Wil]is C: Beveridge, Jr. (Marie E11is) Mrs. Thomas W. Gamble (Alice M. P. HiIl) MrB. David Hilton Mrs. Harrison G. Meserve (Grace Leonard) M薯漑能謹聴yan Mrs. C]arence A. Storer 15 $116.50 92 16% Percentage B。終語‡諾藷) Mrs. Henry W. Hills Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Shields Warren Myrtle H. Waterfall Mrs. A. Edwin WelIs (EIsie Woodland) 11 $300.00 87 Percentage 工3% 宣919 M薯謹繰。y。。 Ralph K. CarIeton Mrs. William F, Caton, Jr. (FIorence M. Beale) (Hazel Cordelia Willett) Leroy E. Bugbee Ralph H. Cheney Mrs. Herbert K. Fairbanks Elizabeth M. Carleton Mrs. WiIliam R. Carrick (Li重】a Besも) Es盤苗藍蕊誓) Evelyn Jenkins David H. Lasker Otis CIapp Mrs. Edward K. MacDonald Esther M. Clement Mrs. B. Robnett Dysart (Mary Bowditch) (Beatrice BIaisde11) Mrs. John L. Parsons M豊競警護盤r L。宝器輔謹誓r) 10% Edwin C. Byam Christina S. Little Muriel Langelier _ Ruth A. Locke Miriam Loring Mrs. Stewart B. Luce Mrs. Alden H. Russell t (Geneve Wilde) M総譜緒管理ass。n A重ice M. Wil]is (Eugenia Johnson) Alice B. Wilson Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Mrs. Phi量ip H. McCrum 6 $29.00 107 6% 1921 Mrs. Harry J. Webb, Class Agem 認諾謹叢: (E]izabeth Forrest) Israel BIoch 12 $72.00 131 A蛇審認盛 Mrs. Velliam H. Peck 昭Ieanor Warren) Mildred Rich Mrs. James C. RosenfieId (LiIlian Obelsky) Mrs. StanIey Silver (Eve]yn M. Fairbanks手 Mrs. Irving Slade (Made置ine Gates) 14% 宣933 Clifford W. Baker 9% Sylvia D. Neilson Comelius DuBois Lo竜se S. Ra鯖erもy Ruth C. Duffey Paul H. Sullivan Mrs. Hugh A. Haeselich Cecil H. Whittier Number of contributors (FIorence Bonやn) Alberico MassucI Amount contributed Potential contributors Walter E. Scott Dorathea WilIgoose Number of contributors 諒蒜冨霊説悪rs Percentage 4% (Madeleine Marsh) Mrs. David Blaney (Marjory Leatherbee) Edwin G. Egge Mrs. Gilbert N. Graves (Mariama Thalheimer) Etta BIoom Mrs. Max DaviB E]eanor Kane Dorothy Kay M. Frances Kelleher Mrs. Dorothy McAteer (Frances A. Jenner) (Dorothy Brennan) Mrs. Carl C. Larsen Mrs. Gordon W. McKey (Elizabeth Goodell) (Eleanor F. Chace) Mrs. Edward D. May, Jr. Ruth Monroe Marjorie L. Parker Mrs. Philip Roberts M繍諮講説轟。i。r (Louise Joyce) (Frieda Eaton) M. Esther Morrison Herbert A. Stevens Number of contributors Cyril T. Powderly Gordon W. Smith Nancy W. Somborger Dorothy I. Wamer Amount contributed 16 $256.00 176 9% Rebecca Glasmann Mrs. Kyle Nye (Harriet Davidson) Mrs. Chester B. Sawyer (Margaret Seymour) (Katharine Green) Ruth A. Dainty M豊手鑑謹謀轟 Mrs. Warren O. Ault (Myrtle Wilcock) 宣930 Mrs. Philip Anderson (Esther Wilkins) Mrs. George Davis Beatrice Armstrong Mrs. J. Robert Bonnar (Frances M. Palmer) Mrs. Phiiip Roberts, Closs Age海 Mrs. George E. Currier Jean BIair McCracken Fund Percentage 宣934 Joseph H. Bomstein Mrs. Frederick A. Meier, Class Age初 Number of contributors 8% Percentage Joseph Lapidus, Class Age短 Amount contributed Potential contributors 9 $44.00 118 8 $54.00 184 1929 Joseph Lapidus Janet S. Height HeIga T. Johnson 1920 111 玉露聖霊h幣監 N。鮭や籍) (Aili Kaukonen) L豊富忠誠er) Nellie M. Haan Mildred Hatch 5% Mrs. Angelo P. Bertocci (噂ildred Portia Aronson) Mrs. G姐arles C. Gray yi盤藷豊ughn) $247.50 160 16 $64.00 Elizabeth Curtis Mrs. James E. Fraser Mrs. T. Jefferson GIover 10 $130.00 100 Potential contributors Percentage 1928 Mrs. Newe看l B○○もh Ralph K. Carleton, Class Agem Potential contributors Percentage (Nathalie Snyder) Samuel Avin Sara A. Barber (Marjorie Marsh) Number of contributoI`S Mildred E. Steams, Class Agenl Mrs. Harry Aronson Mr8. Paul N. Oもto Eleanor A. Reardon Arthur L. Tauro Number of contributors Amount contributed Adrian SoIo 宣924 Number of contributors Mrs. Walter E. Keady BIanche C. McGowan Merton H. Mack Wesley L. Slade (Sara Segal) (ArTia Stone) HiIdegarde I. St. Onge Edith C. Johnson Edward F. LawIor Mrs. Roland D. Earle Potential contributors Percentage F富ank Gonet Emest A. Harding Donald S. Hirtle (Myra Preston) HeIen E. Lanigan Kenneth A. Bemard, ClαSS Agen/ Kenneth A. Bemard Angelo P. Bertocci Amount contributed 重52 7% 講津島豊艶n 1927 (Tillie Strom) M. Evangeline Morse Mabel A. Obenson Mrs. John L. Pingry 4% Ruth E. Lancy M豊艶霊謡と.d。。ai (Marjorie D. Colton) Abigail P. MacKinnon Caroline E. Nutter $55.50 138 M豊忠霊認諾。i n Mrs. Murray Jones (Norma Hopson) Pedro O, Martinez Mrs. E, Carleton Moore Charles F. H. Allen Mrs. CharIes F. H. Allen 10 $156.00 Wi賞liam H. Frackelton 5 Percentage J. Wayne Haskell Potential contributors Percentage 監謹講説n Nunber of contributors Hobart N. Durham V. Raymond Edman Robert E. Harrell Amount contributed 1932 Theodora B. Sco鱈 Mrs. Alton J. Blank (Alice Marjorie Hamer) N臓慰霊艶uめrs Margaret M. DonIan G重ace M. Oもis RoIand D. Hussey 1918 4% Louise F, Burke 1 923 aLaura E. Roper) Mrs. Donald C. Woroester 6 $29.00 148 William B. Crane Frank J. Moschilli 認諾豊$l議 Esther M. Nazarian Mrs. Herbert R. Rainie M縄張艶親nd。.S 1926 Amount contributed Potential contributors M鵠告宝器軒m) D薄雷蔑島諸畠er) Nu血ber of contributors Potential contributors Percentage Mrs. Lawrence C. AIlen Mrs. MerⅤyn Little Morton R. Seavey Warren H. Hussey J. Philip Mason Meriel Meservey Robert E. Moody 4% 宣931 M豊富鑓輔。 S. Emily Serex Mrs. William L, Tisdel (FIorence E. Whittier) F. Sidney WallB Miriam E. Warren Hazel D. Wheeler 丸謹藍黒沼Nash Mrs. Gerald W. Brace Amount contributed 131 Martha Depoyan Marion L. Goodwin Albe重t Mor正s (Daisy Bashford) e $70.(調 Gertrude E. Davis 1925 MI.S. S. M. Leighton, Jr. (Margaretha Gebelein) (F. Adeline Allan) Leonard F. Logiodice 36 $249. 00 155 己盟豊宝龍。ks 去就晋認諾S On Esther Hammond Mrs. Anna B. Hubbard Nunber of contributors Amount contributed 12% (Helen Quigley) Blanche M. Goodwin Amount contributed Potential contributors $38.00 78 Mrs. Sydney H. Perley G。怨電器捜。rS。n Number of cont,ributors Potential contributors Percentage 23% Per∞ntage Mrs. William T. O,Halloran M岩雄警全様鵜 Simon Spill Amount contributed 9 1 922 Mrs. Adna J. Cutting, Class Age初 Amount contributed Potential contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors N、鎧…轄霊臨洩rs (Gladys Naramore) N恩寵喜怒とib。七。rS Nunber of contributors Mrs. Myron F. Wi11iams Mrs. Thomas C. Hoove重・ PotentiaI contributors Percentage Mrs. Clarence C. Smith Marion B. Steuerwald (Gertrude House) Herrick E. H. Greenleaf (Sigrid C. Lofstedt) Number of contributors Amount contributed Mrs. Wesley Leland S]ade (Winifred Thelma Pratt) Charles M. Robinso重l Kathleen A. Rounds Lucy M. B11ker Potential contributors Percentage 17 $125.00 112 15% 宣935 Ruth E. Bailey Mrs. Samuel Gilman (Mildred Pearlman) Herbert Goldman Kenneth A, McClane Mrs. Charles Ramsdell (Evelyn Folk) Nunber of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 5 $17.00 90 6% 壌e T楊ヶ母的 Rose Glaser J. Arthur Hinchliffe Irene A. Koehrmann Mrs. Basil A. Irwin 1936 ・ (Ruth Lee) Francis E. Jepson Virginia M. Bri壷lam Alice M. Bryant (Aまice E. Stewart) Mrs. Ivan H. Mowry Janet Sherwin Nunber of contributors Amount contributed 4 $12.00 Priscilla L. Rabethge George N. Robinson John C. Robinson, Jr. 5% Amount contributed Potential oontributors FIorence A. McConnell Isabel S. Money $137.50 124 Mrs. Lewis H. Smith, Jr. 16% A重讐乾溜藍 Number of contributors Amount contributed 1940 7 $45.00 Potential contributors Percentage John Young, Class Agen/ Edmonia Alexander 83 Potential contributors Percentage 8% W. Russell Battersby Mrs. S. W. Hopengarten Henry C. N. Anderson Stephen C. Andreadis Robert A. Bruce Constance R. Darrow Phyllis Kelley (Doris E. Rose) 孟碁盤寵) Carlo Vacca George P. Winston Robert J. Tiews Nunber of contributors Amount oontributed John K. Young Nunber of contributors 8 $44.50 98 Potential contributors Percentage Amount contributed 11 8% Mrs. Robert A. Bruce (Eleanor M. Hinckley) 8% Frederick D. Burney, ClαSS Age初 (Esther Gotnick) Courtenay W. Be11 (Mary Bradford) Rita J. Conlon Bron Geye Herbert J. Greig Portia A. Ierardi Amount contributed T〇七al Thomas J. CIohesy Edith Dorothy Cohen 1944 Theodore C. Day Martha A. Dean Mrs. George Dewsnap For Building Fund - CIass of 1944 Albert L. Clark Dorothy H. Tiemey `-○ Number of contributors $88.90 Amount contributed 1945 Herbert J. Wostrel 1 N心mber of contributors $l.00 Amount contributed Mrs. Henry Wischhusen (Margaret L. Everett) John P. Cavamos Leo Cravitz Ho皿e重L. F○○te Barbara A. Begg John A. Stefon, Jr. 諸説霊認han Margaret K. Enos Grace E. Firmegan Jacob Herbert Yules Number of contributors Raymond R. Mainini Constantine J. Mekelatos Marie B. Sheahan Mrs. Lewis J. Beckwith Mrs. Ethelbert ChuI.chiI】 Beatrice L. Williams Warren AIpert ・ Gabriel L, DiBattista Joseph Grzyboski Natalie Hastings Richard L. Hayes Leroy J. Hebert AIcott J. Larsson Julia E. Lowe 144 1941 Ernest A. Bragg, Jr. Ann Nancy Patriqun Herbert R. Pickering, Jr. (Lois P. Fo富8ter) $58.50 Potential contributors Percentage 宣939 Josephine J. Orenstein 18% Anna M. Berardi Alice May Burbank Margaret F. Carroll Muriel E. Perry Mrs. Howard W. Sayles 豊静8ぷ欝皿n Esther L. V. Kieckhefer Robert L. Krichmar Helen D. Lymberopoulos 22 $ 105.00 122 1942 Gertrude S. Evert Richard B. Hardy 1938 Mrs. Elizabeth Barry Chisholm Norman W. Fradd, Jr. Mary R. Gillespie Mary E. Gormley Janet M. Haskell Emil S. Skop Li]1ian Saltman Nunber of contributors Amount contributed Ruth I. Butter五eld (Barbara Sellars) Mo11ie Silverman 20 Percentage Eugene Suzedell Eleanor M. Babikian John Be]ocas Mrs. Baldwin Sayer Numbe富Of contributors Erle B. Ayres Elva C. Davis Francis C. Anderson, Jr. (Loretta Lynch) (Phyl]is E. Comey) Hunphrey F. Sullivan, Jr. Mrs. Fred A. Anderson (Ruth E. Messer) The following made additional contributions : M豊1浅黒詑ras。u George Whito Sears, Jr. Mrs. S. Raynor Smith, Jr. 宣937 graduating members of the class $342. 00 (Eleanor T. Jones) Mrs. Robert H. Murray (Harriet Marsh) Mrs. Daniel J. Nolan (Margaret E. Tho皿PSOn) 75 Potential contributors Percentage cable to Alunnl membership for the Emest M. Law Mrs. James P. Ledbetter Mrs. Francis E. Jepson Louis A. Rottenberg 重943 Received fro平Treasurer・ aPPli- F重anklin De Merritt Number of contributors Amount contributed Edna M. Finnerty Margaret Fosberry Potential contributors Percentage 1946 Richard Daniels 22 Maxwe11 V. Jonah $ 132.00 Nunber of contributors 178 12% $26.00 Amount contributed SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE 1908 Class subscribing largest amount ‥ ‥ 1908 1893 1883 Homer J. Wheeler $5 ,00 Joseph $1.00 Fra重心L Cl種pp Salome Sastre Theoren L. Wamer $100.00 Baker $2.00 1896 1892 Frank H. Plumb $ 100.00 … … = ◆ … … … … ◆ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 1911 $5.00 3.00 Raymond L. WhitneJ" $3.00 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADⅢNISTRATION RICHARD B. LoMBARD - Chairman Clの∫ Age研∫ 1タ30 Class subscribing largest a皿Ount. ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ Mrs. Raymond Wells Class with langest number of subscribers. 1919 1916 Frederick W. Holder Charles E. Buck Number of contributor8 1 Ⅵ1脆am J. Ma富ee Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 2 $35.00 9 1917 Josepb Ettinger Jame8 S. Gove Potential contributors Percentage $85.00 52 10% Francis J. Buckley Raymond D. Allen John T. Daggett Armand E. Fontaine John F. Cla重ke Flo章a Levin Clarence O. Dales Leonard R. Nourie Edward S. D. Porter Jacob S. Ruderman (Ruth Thomton) Mrs. Armand Fontaine (Lillian Carleson) Paul W. Goershel (Doris Hopewell) David E. Hersee Samuel Hootstein Howard E. Martin Harry L. Wolk Number of contributors Amount contributed P otenもial contributors Percentage Pクge T楊均一S諒 3 $27.00 50 6% Louella E. Nims Thenice Powe干s 20 $22 l.00 132 】5% Potential contributors Percentage Corodon S. Fu11er Samuel Gerebo鯖 Paul R. Goodhue Francis J. Higgins Adrian E. Holmes Harry E. Kasden FIorence Kolb Harold C. Kurson 轟熱量龍。m。 Arthur Washburn Number of contributors Amount contributed Walter D. Wall Mrs. George H. West (Mabel H. Underwood) Willis F. Eberhardt Edward J. McCarthy Charles W. Pearson Edward L. Smith Number of contributors Amount contributed 6` Reuben Arkanase Carl P. Birmingham Antonio E. F. Donadio 1921 Hans A. Laaby, CJass Age加 Mrs. James Harrop 1918 Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 1920 John J. Harrington James S. Salvin Geo重ge工.冒o飴s Bernard J. Woods Chloe E. Bachelor Mrs. Wi11iam Drew o 22% (Vi堪inia G重imes) 1942 宝器君寵叢。r Philip E. Bunker, ClαSS AgenI 冒ho皿aS H. Bott, Jr. Peter J. Maggioni Harvard L. Mann Clarence B. E. Rosane Number of contributors Amount contributed Amount contributed Potential contributors Peroentage 22% $1123.う0 1タ16 Class wi血Iangest percentage of subscribers Potential contributors Percentage 10 $131.00 171 6% 1 922 Warren Reed Carl P. Birmingham, Clos5 Agem Charles H. SIoan Nelson N. Marshman, Class Ageすきi 17 $139.00 191 宣923 Francis E. Moore. ClαSS Age初 Lester F. Boyce Claude E. Davis James J. Gilleran M. Gertrude Gould Grace M. Grant Rus8ell S. Hadlock 9% Mrs. William E. Harrison Frederiek M. Lione Rob R. Maoleod IJowrenOe R. Murphy Raymond N. Peterson Mrs. Herbert V. Ingersol】 Edgar B. Pitts Alfred B. Sheinwald (Geraldine Roberts) Jean Miller David A. Nelson Augustus M. Sunmers Number of contributors Amount contributed 13 $236.00 307 Potential oontributors Percentage 4% 1924 簿欝晶隷害,d Amount contributed 6% William H. Kunpel Louis Y. Muchnick Hubert M. Blake Eustis R. Perron Stanley C. Pi11ing George W. Fryer Elmer G. E. Johnson Raymond J. Queenin Norman H. Rodd Ca富l Myd郷n8 Number of contributors 重8 $重40.00 Potential oontributors Percentage 6% 8 3% Holmes H. Whitmore, ClαSS Agelli Allan Acomb Fred A. Barker Henry H. Sta債ord Rufu8 S髄ckney 2 Amount contributed $10.00 216 Potenもi al contribu tors 1% Percen tage 1926 W鋤lter Mrs. James W. Vose H砦葺認諾。r。 Mrs. Marion FowIer Woodru鯖 Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Peroentage Stanley W. HirtIe 17 $宣35.50 221 8% 1932 Samuel B. Hutchinson Andrew Petersen Mrs. Ehrich E. M. Schreiter Amount contribu ted Charles A. Woodbury Number of contributo職 179 4% Bumham W. Cowdery John R. Draper, Jr. Anna DiVenuti Harry Fienman Wi11iam Glickman Mrs. Morris L. Goldman c絶無耗舘:詑t Byron S. Pardee Victor Goodberg Arthur J. Honigbaum Comelius S. McCarthy Sydney _W. Tymeson James Abbott Vaughn 13 $123.00 160 Marie G. Nazzaro, Class Age海 会誌盤諾激怒 $11畿 James McTaggart, Clas$ Agc海 % Albert A. Wilcoxson Nu阻ber of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors S. Allan Jagger Dwight R. Merrill Harold T. Young Number of oontributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percen tage 5 3% 1928 1933 Channing Howard George R. Taminosian Number of contributors Amount contributed AIexander J. MacDouga]】 Henry L. Paine PotentiaI contributors Percen tage 葦恕詣重器蔀ne Isaao Ruderman 1934 A. Raymond Spaulding Clarence E. Stoneham James Fawcett, Class Age海 Otto J. Wiese, Class Agem Benjamin N. Wachman Edwin F. Allen Saverio Ceru1lo Mrs. Mary S. Yesulton (Mary Margaret ShaIlna) Amount contributed Potential contributors Percen tage 15 $113.00 1929 248 6% Mrs. Lindsay Cleveland (Bemice C. Phi11ip) Newton W. Congdon James Fawcett Walter R. Geyer Wi量liam J. Hoare, Jr. E. Ea重l Kalle章 Everett W. Downs, C′ass Agel∂! Charles H. LaDue Wi]liam C. Hall, ClαSS Ageni Harold M. Lawson Charles B. McCue William R. Atkinson Edward J. Butler Everett W. Downs Hymen I. Pockriss Elizabeth S. Proctor Irving S. Fleischmann Amount contributed Potential contributors 29、 N叫mber of contributors Bemard Goldston Ollie Gregory $138.00 Percentage 193 15% 1941 Donald E. Livingston Eleanor V. Deane, C′αSS Agm′ RusseII P. Mahan FI.ank M. Marsh, Jr. James A. McElaney, Jr. James J. McTaggart Marie GIoria Nazzaro Louis J. Bailly, Jr. Dale L. Abramson Paul L. Amon George A. Blair, Jr. Gardner C. Borden Mrs. Oscar Braunan Leonard Newman James F. Small Bernard SoIomon lo竜s Levine Herbert H. Waterhouse Max L. Yunik Stanwood W. Johnson Donald M. Boyer Menotti J. Corrieri Theodore W. Jenks 認諾萱罵謹説。rn Israel Franklin Charles F. Connor Edward P. Gray W. Ralph Essery L. Curtis Herring, Jr. Mrs. George G. Loveless Ralph H. C]app Gerald J. Erlick (Winifred Robertson) Wimam O. Hauser, Jr. Frank L. Appell Ha耽y Kraf七 Leon W. Aldrich Abraham S. Burack Nunber of contributors $159.00 194 6% Peroentage $50.50 190 12 Robert T. Parsons Sydney Raine James A. Robinson, Jr. Philip Robinson E]liott G. Rowley Bertha Rutherford Paul E. Sullivan B. Anne ThomaB Eugene J. Vogel 嘉離島量譜譜・ J重・ Charles F. Rogers 1927 John B. Morse Malcolm T. Murray Mrs. Frank】in D. Snyder Abraham Alford Jermie Azoff Arthur S. Pease Louis Pickering Leo H. Cohen George F. Grandi 8% 1938 Ro宮er A. Hardy O Harry Fienman, ClαSS Age131 George Beckerman A. Raymond Carchia Robert S. Cell John J. Connolly, Jr. Samuel Da皿e 己ora皿敵, Kelley Gladys M.山well l 1940 $38. 75 Nunber of contributo輪 18 Percentage 227 16% Per∞ntage 8 T.) Bateman SIooum Francis W. Dailey 37 $250. 50 Potential oontributors AIvin S. Koppel Emerson R. Lowry Russell J. Lynoh Amount contributed Leslie Church Normand L. Cote 。箆轟も害悪Van) Edith M. Honnors James J. Kilroy Gerald Momian Potential contributors Percentage Melvin W. Chase Lawrence A. Robinson Arthur Saltzman Sherman G. Shapiro James A. Wheeler Nu皿ber of contributors Nicholas E. Apalakis 藷嵩雷鴇嵩Qu∞n・ J重 Thomas J. Furlong Jacob K鋤tz James D. Wi量son Norton T. Mullen Kenneth B. Newton Robert E. Peterson Melville H. Rood, Sr. Enid Mary Sadler 1936 F. John Celani 宣937 John Van Bibber C]ifton A. Follansbee W種l惟重 E. Gilbert M寄x恥. G富ossm an James T. Helms Olive Hillman 160 8% Charles C. Badger Victor E. Broomhall Parker R. Colmer Thomas F. Cunmings E. Paul F]ynn L. Wallace Sweetser. Jr. D. CrowelI 13 $98. 00 Potential contributors Peroentage Amount contributed Potential oontributors Percentage Santo J. Marino Dorothy L. Sa鯖ord Lucina A. Eumes Jack L. FI徴ack e 圏va二M. M○○重e Nu血ber of contributors 盤磐品鮮血 Jane Berriman C. Earle Bestick John F. Burke Hamld G. Carlson E鮭;講詑曹Jr. Thomas J. McIntosh Sidney Sugarman Jack J. Goldberg Gertrude Harris Richard B. Lombard Mildred J. O’Leary . C聯ton Fol]ansbee, Cめss Age初 George F. MacDougall, Jr. Mrs. Claude F. Machen Glady8 Pfannermiller Ve重onio寄M. C種肌i債e Number of contributors Donald Morrison Littlefield Henry W. Colbum 1931 Mi]dred J. O’Leary, ClαSS Agc海 1925 James Hamedy, Class Agc?8i Merton T. King Arthur J. Larson Fred W. Johnstone Benjamin J. McLennan $1,123.50 264 Percentage 312 Mary E. Higgins Malcolm Y. S紬nuelian Thorsten A. Wahlberg Amount contributed Potential contributors Edward M. Gordon Amold J. Kaplan Haig A. Keborkian Harold G. Jaoklin Palmer D. Scammell James A. Simpson Edith G. ZoIov Nunber of contributors Amount contributed Louis M鋤zer Number of contributors Amount contributed Edward D. Borchers Fred E. Bryant John F. Dowling F. Glenn Rink Norman S. Fox Maurice S. Creed Noman D寄nie18 Peter Denisevich Ebba V. Engstrom Fmncis G. Harvey Joseph F. Henry 1935 Margaret F. Hill - (E!i梁beth K. Kennedy) Mary E. Wilcox 10% Herbert R. Harもwell 重要aro重d S. Ansin WinsIow Chase Sisson 196 Per∞ntage 13 $132.50 208 Class Agenl Arthur Joseph Sullivan $174.00 John Waters 1930 鼠oy卿l K. Hayes 20 Potential contributors Emest A. Swan Allan S. Taylor Mrs. Frederick K,●Riemer, Robert G. Hess Amold H. Conza Number of contributors Potential contributors Percentage Richard A. Faulkner Robert I. Foster Edward R. French A. Shirley Gray Ⅵlliam H. Condon Ot七〇 J. Wiese Amount contributed Martin Cohen Thomas M. Doonan Alton L. Caldwell, Jr. Edward G. Chapin Cecil F. Wetherbee Nu血ber of contributors Norman Il. Abbott Morton Backer Willinm T. Blair Richard P. Burke, Jr. Arthur T. Rogde Harry Siegel Paul C. Smith Bemard Striar LIoyd E. Taylor 蝕能晋盤操 (Esther Cutler) Robert W. Noonan William H. Pegnam 10 $66.00 243 4% Milton H. Camanp Whitley A. CummmgS, Jr. Bruno A. Pieromarchi Frank C. Phillips John Joseph Di Nublia Saul Feldman Wes】ey F. Pratzner Sheldon L. Founl掛in John E. Quinn Edgar C. Romilly Kenneth J. Garland Charles Y. GIock Stanley Rosoff Murray P. Grobman Mrs. Jack RothoIz Irwin R. Heilbrormer Robert F. Hopkins Harold Howarth (FIorence Ostrer) Alfred E. Stern Bemard David Warshaw Daniel Weisberg Albert J. Woodward William L. Korbin, Jr. Ralph S. LaMontagne Nu血ber of contributors 33 Amount contributed $132.78 Potential contributors 2 1 3 Percentage 1 1939 Eva M. Moore, ClαSS Age諦 Kenneth B. Newton, Class 4ge加 Mrs. Joseph Ahem (Gertrude Fahey) 5 % Richard F. Lincoln Irving C. Little Kenneth MacCuish Roge事L. Macdonald Morton G. Mack Duncan J. MacLennan John R. Mansfield Thomas D. McKeigue Max Meenes Theodore J. Melnick Mauro J. Messina 堰e Tb諦y-Seue〃 Richard D. Marble James McDonough Barbara E. Myers Roy G. Poulsen Stephen Rubino Theodore M. Samel John J. Shea Stan]ey SoIomont Samuel Spector Cli鱈Sundberg George Pilibosian Frances Tranfaglia Amy L. Shaw Henry B. Sherr Henry S. Prario Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Harry Keshishian $294.00 272 16% ‡蕊詳報嘉島Wells, ClαS両e仰i Albert J. Benharris David R. Beserosky George H. Byrom Christopher W. CarriuoIo Donald G. Chisholm Joseph Chusmir George Cohn Louis M. Robb Russell D. Ryder Francis J. Wood Constance D. Wright 18% the graduating members of the Richard T・ Gagney Richard H. Germa重n The followmg made additional James M. Gibadlo contributions : E皿anuel Goldberg Dana L. Gowen Katherine V. Haydock Robert Vernon Heath Theodore Hoffman Edward L. Housman Herbert E. Housman A]mon P. Hunter, Jr. 1Charles E. Hutchings Amount contributed William J. Kosina, Jr. Paul W. Saunders Char]es W. Stowell He轟〕ert B. Lavine Donald E. TI.eadwell Charles H. Kay Melvin Lieberman James F. McIntosh James C. Nesbitt Number of contributors Amount contributed 1 944 Robert S. Willjamson 15 $55.00 Number of contributors 2 Amount contributed $3.00 1 947 Number of contributors 2 Amount oontributed $3 ,00 7 $47.00 1948 宣947 19 $70.50 $565.50 Total 、 16% Julia W. Doyle George M. Flashenberg Amount contributed Russe11 C. Luoas, Jr. Janes D. Lyman 45 Joseph P. Venditti Number of contributor8 A重fred Wool]acott Ri盤譜討豊諾yl) Dexter Locke 7 -$2 1.00 Percentage Harold C. Mason Robert K. Porter Herbert P. Rose Harvey White Pliny W. Wood, III Mrs. Gaylord F. Linco看n Number of contributors John F. James 1946 Franklin J. Walsh Irving A. WoIk Russell Levenson Albert J. Woodrow Amount contributed Potential cont,ributors Vahey Adamian Ira S. Goldenberg Roy T. Hunter, Jr. George Hutchinson Neilson Roy C. Papalia He重iry W. Levasseur Herbert McPike Robert Grierson Donald R. Hannibal Amount contributed Arthur M. Mason Albert G. Merrill, Jr. Julius Monkowski Arthur L. Kaplan John D. Keefe John J. Kilcoyne George L. Kline Edmund Hanson Arthur W. Eklund (Veme L. EIsenboss) Milton Issenberg (Lillian McMurtrie) Lester W. Goldberg William.J. Beaulieu Robert S. Hinds Mrs. Gerald G. King William J. Anderson, Jr, Theodore J. Don Melvin L. Epstein Donald W. Haskell John A. Canton ’Owen M. CarIe 13% Mrs. William R. A七kinson 1 945 Harry E. Sanson, Jr. Roy H. Townsend, Jr. Edward J. Tomkowicz Joseph A. Young Number of contributors Bruce M. Benedicも James C. Je紐ery 19 $68.00 George Cross Herbert H. Dunning cIa的 $495.00 8 $33.00 38 1 942 Number of contribu tors 59 $320.00 324 Received from Treasurer, aPplicable to Alumni membership for William J. Euerle William R. Flynn Amount contributed Potontial contributors Percentage Lee Polisner Oscar Leonard Press 1943 C】arence Hoyt Davis Edward I. Tesler Number of contributors Sumner M. Lieberman Irving F. Macey _ Frank A. Merlino Robert D. Muir Hugh M. Toomey, Jr. Mrs. Raymond H. WeIIs Potential contributors Percentage Li11ian Murphy Donald F. O'Neill Jacob Levine Harold C. SIocomb, Jr. Archie C. Smiles Daniel Sul]ivan Number of oontributors Amount contributed MaⅩ Krakofsky George S. Lenox Harold Eliot Levine M鑑を鵠諾) 重り42 Vlncent R. Dore Merrill W. Lakin William H. S]ayton, Jr. 44 宣941 William L. Kervick Dorothy SilversteiII Edmund Simonds Louis Sines FIorence Zuckerbraun Number of contributors Melvin Izen Elmer J. Sabino WilIiam B. Wadland M. David Weiner I.loyd L. Wheeler John F. White COMMERCE Russell E. Erickson Edward J. Greenspan George Kurs John J. Powers W○○drow T.冒重〇七七er EVENING COLLEGE OF 1 944 W. Donald Cairns George Katz Number of contributors Amount contributed Joh皿H. Si皿ge富 1 $2.00 Number of contributors Amount contributed $2.00 COLLEGE OF PRACTICAL ARTS AND LETTERS PRUDENCE I, MATHEWS - Chairman Ck∫∫ Age初 A. Annette Baker Class subscribing largest amount ‥ ‥. ‥ ‥ 諾言謀議器諸富蕊謹書 Potential contributors Percenta ge M豊詑霊豊艶まm an 7 $17.00 149 5% (Elizabeth A, Pike) Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 1924 $8.0∂ 10 20% Percentage 4% Mrs. William W. MuI量en, Class Age初 Mrs. Peter D. Black (Winnifred Powers) M聖経詫霊X盤ng。Isd。.f M. Helen Hardy Eleanor M. Rhodes Mrs. Samuel G. Tuell Mrs. Philip H. Welch, Class Agem M豊諾‡謹霊hns,。 n (FIorence P. Horan) 丸藍繍諾†認諾y) Mrs. Ray A. Manning Mrs. John F. Conrad Margaret M, Maguire Pクge Tb′γiγ・畳蜜bI Mrs. Robert W. Moody (Lorette CIoutier) Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percent age 15 $66.00 115 13% (CaroI H. Adams) Williamina V. MacBrayne Margaret Alice Thompson Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage (Anne MacFarlane) Alice L. Merritt Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percent a ge Mrs. Wilfred J. Landry (Esther E. Bomstein) (Doris Burtt) Mrs. Wi11iam J. McNulty (Alice Hennessey) 2% ●1928 Mrs. Jacob London (Evelyn B. Gerofski) (Marie A. Perry) Mrs. James H. Taylor, Jr. h重rs. Albert A. Ward $28.50 163 Dorothy A. Dolphin Mrs. Charles S. Geiger (Mildred A. Almgren) 1926 (Helen C. Howiand) Mrs. Robert A. Hurley (Bertha Adams) (Edith English) Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Elizabeth M. Baker, Class Age融 Marg.aret E. Driscoll (Frances Biller) 191 3% (Julia Swift) Juanita C. Hargraves Katherine J. Lange Mrs. Wil】iam W. Mullen 6 $28.00 Mrs. Howard S. Hart Pauline Moody Mrs. Jacob M. Levenson (Nathalie Case) Number of contributors 4 Mrs. John G. Hardy pr繰器宰藍th。WS Mrs. A. Rex James (Alice Isenburg) Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percent a,ge (Lottie Court) Mrs. Harry Cohen M純諾蕊蔀盛。h (Helen Davidson) 2 $15.00 46 1923 Adele S. Brant (Marion Keen) Mrs. Edward BirkenwaId (Lois Hayden) (Ruth Whittaker) Margaret F. Walsh Mrs. Simon Edison (Cecilia P. Dalton) Mrs. Fra皿Cis Doucette, Closs Age面 Mrs. Wilmer L. Shultz Sa11ie C. Bright (Rose F. Friedman) 1927 1925臆 Mrs. AIonzo J. Everett, Class Age初 Addiel]a D. Palmer (Mary Gingras) Mrs. Joseph D. McManus Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Mary E. Johnson, ClαSS Age履 FIorrie Alderson Mrs∴Roy W. Bouyea Mrs. Samuel Glick う2 FIora E. Clark Mrs. Robert A. Bogle (Margaret Conkling) 1922 3う% ll Number of contributors Amount contributed 1921 Mrs. N. D. MacLaughlin $148.00 ll 1929 Eileen Mahar, C′αSS Age励 $24.00 189 4% MaI‘tha V. Johnson Mrs. Margaret Karr (M鶏すきaret恥. Cowan) $4l.00 172 3% Mrs. Bemard H. Zais (Mary Norton) Marion B. McGuire Mrs. Eustace I. Merri】l (Leah R. Rutt) Number of contributors (Alice Robinson) Mrs. John D. Peters 18 Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage (Winona L. Prouty) Mrs. S. LeRoy VanAman $42.00 123 15% (Marion S. Douglas) Number of contributors 1935 6 $21.00 Åmount oontributed 1蝕 PotentiaI oontributors Pe rcentage 4% 1930 Mrs. Miles N. CIair Helen U. McSally Mrs. Paul B. Monroe Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors $68.00 128 4% Pereentage 1931 Mrs. William R. Lewis, Jr., Class Agem Mrs. F. Glenn Rink- 100 10% 1 Amount contributed Potential contributors $5.00 110 1% Pe章cent乳ge 1932 Mrs. Otto KohIer, Class Agen/ (Marion Ingraham) Dorothy Eastman Mrs. George L. Perin, Jr. Mrs. Everett T. Hutchinson,畠 M豊器晋盤S) 8 $3l.00 Potential contributors 117 7% Percentage 1940 3% Mrs. G. Lawrence Roberts, ,Jr. H揺詑鑓欝 c篭惑摂器藍 Sonya Seymon 藍鵠謹軍嘉聖 霊諒籠嵩00 Mollie Margolis Elizabeth Mower Dorothy A. Winchenbaugh Mrs. Henri T. Zinn Number of contributors Mrs. Edward E. Predmore (Virginia M. Su]]ivan) Amount contributed Potential oontributors Percentage Catherine E. Roche (Virginia Twining) (Hazel M. Swanson) Mrs. Elbridge E. Witham (Haze] E. Coming) Mrs. Barrett L. Taft Edith A. Pearlman Mrs. CharIes Tierney M薯藍寵卦R。b。r,s Mrs. Edmund N. SIater v。鰹畿蕊謀 Yolande Laliberte Edith C. Robertson of Clare D. Shillue c盤語盈i n g8 w籍聾計葦畿Iy) Number Mrs. Kenneth A. Senter (Jean W. Tonseth) 譲鴇諜常 M能書盛鵡) contributors 17 Amount contributed Dorothy B. Scherig 濃轟認諾s Mrs. Myles D. Holland Potential contributors Percentage Mrs. Frank R. Pote (Marjorie K. Emms) Erma G. Rich Marion F. Col]ins Mrs. Ivan G. Easton Margaret L, Reid (EveIyn Far富ow) $50.00 102 17% Mrs. Richard A. Sibley Number of contributors 2l $73. 75 Amount contributed 7% Percentage 1934 Ethna J. Silvery, Cla5‘S 4genl Mrs. Cyril J. Blackwood ユ軍艦言蔀軌。p Mrs. Benjamin M. Hayward, Jr. (Marian Saunders) Mrs. CharIes R. Johnson (Madge E. Barrett) Mrs. F. J. MacQuarrle 。諜零韻も譜とP Mrs. David T. Mortimer (Esther C. B]ackburn) Mrs. Thomas Vincent O,Sl川ivan Genevieve M. Collins Estelle M. DiIg Grace M. Dunn Mrs. Clarence Owen Richardson M讐恕,黒龍s。n Mrs. Arthur M. Kap】an (Ha雅1 MacKay) (Ruth Westerman) Ethel Moscardini Potential contI.ibutors Peroentage Mrs. David Field (Virginia R. Becker) Mrs. Saunder Finard (Miriam E. Greenberg) Ruth A. Richardson Gladys Finberg Mrs. John W. Watson 10 $80.00 ’ 95 工1% 宣938 Mrs. Kenneth Doonan, Cla∫S Age海 Rose D. Brodeur Madeline DeVizia, Class Age海 Clara M. Cinquino Jean Davis Jean Ellis Barbara E. Glazier (Una Bangs) (Alice Meyers) Number of contributors contributi ons : Carolyn H. Capitel工 F]eurdelis V. Peluso Amount contributed The following made additional Wanda M. Adamovicz Marguerite R. BoIt Margaret Pease MI.S. Manuel Weinstein class $351.00 Genevieve Co11ins, Class Age寂 (Catherine Powers) (Grace Stravieri) Ellen L. Disken Estelle M, Harrahy Frances M. Hayes the graduating members of the 194宣 Mrs. Theodore Peary Mrs. Robert P. Trask, Jr. Received from Treasurer, aPPliCable to Alunni membership for Mrs. Wa宣ter F. Beth (Louise E. Swenson) Ruth E. Chandler Elizabeth S. Hemmerly Mf盤隷書控諸説。。。 i 。 Pamelia Foss 出藍蒋串も慈On) Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Estelle Glick 12 $31.50 97 12% 1942 Ro8alyn Go重e七sky Sona Husisian Mrs. Joseph Allen Jaymes Th続き流露n) Claire Nobel Geraldine O ,Brien Irene M. Burman A. Annette Baker, C′αSS 4gent Mrs. Kenneth C. Doon左,n A. Annette Baker Mildred Schu11㍑ Mrs. Raymond Baker E鉦e VassiIiadis (He]en Sul]ivan) Elizabeth R. Bastow Mrs. Edmund W. Beebe Elinor Weber Nanoy Wicky Elizabeth Wilson M害聾据誌漣。 rd Amount contributed (Frances Packard) CordeIia J. Doty Barbara F. Drake Mrs. Joseph Guidrey (Hilda Theurer) Anne P. Jameson Mrs. Max E. Kerns (Jean M. Rogers) 35% 1 943 111 19% Ruth E. Chandler, Class Agenl $19.00 107 52 $148.00 147 認諾‡寵嘉計rk ee) Potential contributors Percentage 1937 Number of contrib止tors 7 Virginia F. Mader Barbara Mandigo Adrienne A, Merrill Mrs. Jeanne O. Miner (Virginia L. Petersen) Ruth A. Cohen M鱒諾葺豊d∞S Mrs. MelvilIe E. Prior (Aldona Matulis) ‡篭読聴nal。 Margaret O ’Callaghan (Frances E. zanghi) (Jean Gi鯖ord) $12.00 95 Dorothy Kyros Harriett Lenox Mrs. Thomas Likos Mrs. George A. Berglund M棒瀧鴇霊昔Olbrook Mrs. Francis H. MacDuff (Rhoda Howard) Mrs. Morton Pratt Helen D. Whalan M富s. Jerome Rothstein Stella M. Dondero Mrs. Burton DunfieId (Helen G. Hubbard) Mrs. Roland C. Hale Dorothy Bunting Eleanor B. Dickie Marjorie M. Stewart Elgah Rand Barbara A. Healy Dorothea Hiltz Barbara L. Hubley 孟舘‡註窪藷詑 Mrs. Raymond F. Bailey (Dora Goodkin) Mrs. Melville E. Prior, ClαSS Age寂 (EIeanor Ladd) Mrs. Charles R. Ostrum (Marjorie Haines) Ahis8 J皿e ○○son Mrs. Irving Ginsburg 1933 Alice M. Smith Mrs, LIoyd J. Starbuck Mrs. Francis Guindon (Margaret F. Geary) Miriam R. Hall (Ina-Belle CoIIins) Anne D. Bellows Athene Burke Mrs. John H. Lancaster Ethna J. Silvery Lol貢se Greenleaf ‡藍薄塩韮悪y Mrs. Jarvis C. Buxton Lottie A. EIzbut (Aurora A. WiIliams) (Martha L. O’Hagan) Dorothy I. Gourley Helen F. Bums Pauline CIoues Mrs. Aldrich Abrahamson (VioIet MacLean) Mrs, John T. Anagnoson Mrs. Charles Tiemey, Class 4ge初 Number of contributors Amount contributed Patricia Fencer Catherine Jennings, ClαSS Age初 1936 (Lil]ian Shippee) Potentia量contributors 1939 Number of contributors Potential contributors Percen tage (Ruth Ripley) Marion Doyle Helen F. Bums, Class Ageni Amount contributed 10 $54.00 (Charlotte Quinlan) Mrs. Robert L. DanielB Lyda Dunham Alice Elder M箆‡滞輔。a,l。y (Clara PIace) Potential contributors Percentage 10% (Charlotte E. Weinrebe) M無論蕊畿1 is Mrs. Arthur T. Hatton Helen I. Sutthill Number of contributors Amount contributed 111 Mrs. Richard D. WaI‘ren c豊藍豊n) Nunber of contributors Amount contributed $32.00 (Esther Smith) (Kathleen M, Ho鯖) Eleanor Harrigan Ma富y F. Taiも Mrs, Richard A. Crain 11 Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage MrS. Howard G. Freeman Mrs. Leslie W. Engler (Doris M. Howard) Mrs. Frank Ford Eleanor F. Sullivan Alice T. Corregan Eunice H. Randall Nunber of contributors Class Agenl (Mary P. Burke) Mrs. Nicholas E. Apalakis (Marjorie E. Hildreth) Dorothy A. Dickinson (Carolyn Greene) Elinor A. Hunt Kathleen M. McCarville Mrs. Walter E. DeYoung, Anastasia Bragon }Irs. Miles N. Clair, Class Agen! Mrs. Victor Coghlan (Mary M. Ful]erton) Mrs. Albert Lehrer (Elizabeth Jenkins) Beverly Boyce Norma Scalingi Number of contributors Total 20 $23.00 $374.00 The CLA Building is The Key to the Whole Campus Page Tんi均一Ni解e COLLEGE OF MUSIC ELINOR G. EDI.UND - Chairman C楊JJ Age海∫ Class subscribing largest amount 1タ34 ………………′‥‥‥‥.…‥‥‥‥.‥. Ma岬R. Lane Class with largest percentage of subscribers ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ‥‥‥‥. … ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥・ )) Cla§§ With largest number ofsubs`重ibers.‥‥‥.‥‥‥.‥‥‥‥‥‥ ‥… ‥.‥‥ 1932 Percentage 27 10% Ruth W, Crawford Lucy M. French Mrs. Malcolm Howard Luther F. Thompson, Class Age〃l Doric Alviani Mrs. Arthur H. Baker (Ruth Potter) 宣934 Gladys de Almeida C. Emerson Fox, Jr. Mrs. G. Edward Ninde (Loi8 Sitterly) Amount contributed Potential contributors 4 M縄壬譜謹告鵠鵜 (Barbara Thompson) Mrs. Luther F. Thompson N、鎧‡露盤) Amount contributed N鮮落盤も譜書盈重s Potential contributors Percentage Mary R. Spofford 12% Percentage Luther F. Thompson 宣935 Amount contributed Mary R. Lane, ClαSS Age初 Potenti al contributors Percentage Aune Dickerson Mrs. Charles Ford Mよ誤認烏鷺霊 Nunber of contribut0rS Amount contributed Mrs. Earl Stone (Marion Saphir) Potential contributors 4 $13.00 22 18% Percenぬge Joseph A. Trongone Nu肌ber of contributors Amount contributed 恥鴇欝man) Tota 1 Frank W. Rugg, Jr. Mrs. John T. Samuelson 1 944 M讐請託霊寵霊mak。富 For Building Fund Virginia C. Symonds Nuihoer of oontributors 鷲 幣叢蒜静 Potential contributors Percentage Ruth L. Me11in (Dorothy L. Kimball) Nu皿ber of oontributors Amount contributed E。篤捷管聾霊緒 (Mary A. Doherty) Robert A. Marra Mrs. DougIas A. Moss Mrs. Louis W. Wise (Mildred Hall) J蕊譜轄) William E. Soule Mrs. Francis J. Enge M薯藍蕊龍討Jr. (Edith Stearns) Amount contributed Potential contributors Mrs. J. Warren Braley Myron B.冒homas El悠三富聾慧On) Amount contributed Mrs. Robert D. King Potential contribut′OrS Amount contributed 宣942 Number of contributors (Sa11y Currier) 10 $20. 50 29 Dorothea V. Bertelsen Donald R. Sullivan Number of contributorB 1 946 Haig Toroian Number of contributors Amount contributed Alice G. Cornell Sybil J. Cummings 24 % Sally Cushing Percenta箆e 3 $62.25 34% Percentage John T. Samuelson Regina Schlossberg 宣936 Mrs. Alford S. Peckham, C′●S$ Ageタu J。続譜謹親i Mrs. Henry Hand丘eld (Jeanette Zuber) M薯講終聾寵譜 The following made additionaI contributions : ClαSS Age初 Eleanor A. Hunt Mrs. Clarence M. Luther Mary R. Lane Mrs. Simon Malkin 謹薫豊1蒜欝嵩 cla邑S $72.00 Mrs. Theodore Schoonmaker, Mrs. Harry Folloder (AIoh寄C. Fall) 24% Ruth L. Curtis Eleanor A. Hunt, ClαSS Age初 M患、豊艶。3 $33.00 37 レ1941 宣938 Mrs. Theodore Her8ey 29% 1943 9 $28.50 27 30% 10 $24.00 34 Percentage (Noma Louise Caswell) Mrs. Michael A. Sinclair Scott M縁親書鴇ふ。k $212.00 32 Ruth E. Woessner Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Marcella M. Kittredge Mrs. Kendall W. Reynolds Mrs. Helen Riemer (Vera L録wshe) Sayard E. Stone (Claudia Renehan) Mrs. Gera,ld T. Lorentz Jane L. Spofford (Elizabeth W. Franson) Mrs. Alden W. Pearson (Dorothy E. Mower) (Phyllis Kulvin) Virginia Clark 1937 21 Number of oontributors Mrs. David Nyquist Mrs. Herman Beigelman $25.00 Potenti al contributors Percentage .「ean F. Marks Closs Age初 % 2 12 E総詑r認諾) Mrs. Kendall W. Reynolds, Potential contributors 1 1 Number of contributors Amount contributed 63% 193う Mrs. Albert Doane 1940 Number of contributors 3 Amount contributed $15.00 Warren S. Freeman Mae D. Parmenter, II $212.00 1,3う 1 $L00 COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR WOMEN: SARGENT COLLEGE ELIzABETH E. ANDREWS - Chairman Anna Muzzey Elizabeth E. Åndrews Mrs, S. M. Smith (Miriam Carter) Doris Cole Margaret Coleman Emilie F. Wright Class with largest number of sub§Cribers … ・ ‥・ ‥ ‥ … ‥ … ・ ‥ ・ ‥ ‥ Number of contributors 3 1891 Amount contributed $17.00 Mrs. Jane Kelly Sabine Nunber of oontributors Amount contributed Potential contributo rs Percentage 1 Potential contributors Percentage 3 100% 100% Mrs. S. M. Smith, Class Agen/ Mrs. Robert W. Armstrong Gladys F. Taylor Number of contributors Amount oontributed (Edith Creighton) 宣906 Mrs. Robert Ryder Potential contributors Percentage M雑:聴) Anna L. Muzzey, Class Agen! Anna L. Muzzey Number of contributors 1 Amount contributed Potential contributors $5.00 I:℃rcentage 重00% 1 Potential contributors Percentage $15.00 3 100% Elizabeth E. Andrews, Class Age部 Elizabeth E. Andrews Mrs. Mary Chidester M豊漁冨寵譜。。 (Anne Challis) 履ge Fo′ty Eleanor Kitchin EIsie Ridde11 Number of contributors Amount contributed ’ Potential contributors Percentage 2 $11.00 34 6% 100呪 100%ふ 27% 27% 28 Lelia M. Finan 4 $13.00 41 10% Doris I. Neel EIsa M. Pinkham Lillian E. Shaw Mrs. Marion Stewart D能轟諾1ey) 1914 Mrs. Otis A. Ward (Katherine Hill) Mrs. Robert H. Wilson 1 $5.00 Potential contri butors Percentage Eleanor Kitehin, Class Age初 100% R、揺結語親d。r Mrs. LeBter H. Greene (Sylvia Handy) Number of contributors Amount contributed 100幼 Anne F. Hodgkins Cecelia A. Leverone (Miria血Carter) Number of contributors Amount contributed 1910 1907 (Bertha W. Cobb) Mrs. Carl Illig, Jr. (Marjorie Bullock) 1909 $130.00 Mrs. Frank Bullard (Elizabeth Trowbridge) Mrs. Louis Raymond Bumett Mrs. Lawrence C. Brown Edith F. Burns $2.00 1 1912 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ⊥ l C!ass with largest percentage of subscribers ‥ ・ ‥. ‥ ・ ・ ‥ ・ ‥ ‥ 91 , 8 器 。 磐 。 7 夕 。 , 担 9 4 2 9 4 3 Cla∫∫ Age海∫ Bemice Taylor Class subscribing largest amount … … … …. ・ ‥ ‥ 70 1% M蕊露呈警報s。n (Dorothy MacLure) Helen A. Woodman Mrs. Thomas H. Wyllie Cecelia A. Leverone, ClαSS Agenl (Ardella Peekham) Nunber of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Alice T. Bradford PeI.Centage 1915 17 $94.00 133 I2% 1916 1924 Mrs. Alvin F. Lundberg, 丸柾s. Harold Fuller, Class 4geni (Lucil]e Washbum) Mrs. WiIIiam H. Sory Class Age海 Mrs. Mary Brooks D鵠金豊y) (Hazel Kei七h) Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage $25.00 工10 1% 1917 (Eleanor G. Parker) Mrs. Kenneth Henderson Mrs. Paul Hurlburt $49.00 Number of contributors 1925 2 $6.00 68 3% Percentage 19宣8 重5賞 - 3% Mrs. Mildred Fritzinger Number of con七ributors 1 Amount contributed $l.00 96 Potential contributors Pe rcentage 重% Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Per centage (Ethel Woods) 11% Mrs. Edward H. CIement, II, 2% Doris T. Haynes Mrs. Harry E. Jones (Blanche Downing) Anne C. Kean Class Age海 ○ ○ (R]⊥by Browning) Number of contribhtors 1 $2.50 39 3% 1935 H忠盛謹鵜ugh。. (Ruth Ti11inghast) Dorothy Nye Christine C. Os]ey Thelma E. Peirce Mrs. Harry L. Park (Marjory Darrow) Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 孟黒く詐載。r Mrs. Israel Ulian (Bertha J. Muran) $130.00 132 16% $30.00 116 6% 1 942 Margaret Coleman, ClαSS Age? i Rachael Bush Margaret Coleman Phyllis Edwards Amount contributed Potential contributors June E. Gardner Irene Krantz $39.00 44 Percentage 重4% Amount contributed $3.00 116 Potential contributors Percentage 2% s,縁訪島霊r) Barbara Wilson (Sylvia Hanauer) Mrs. T. J. Bauer, Jr. 2 Frances E. Morgan Marjorie Rugen Helene Strout Mrs. HeIen Vanier Mrs. Albert A. Adelson Number of contributors Grace Lewis Catherine W. Thomson 宣937 Constance L. O,Connor, Class Age初 1929 1920 Number of contributors Amount contributed M豊諸藩音親Inn。S (Jane Marsh) Amount contributed $18.50 88 Potential contributors Percentage 重% Potential contributors Percentage M黙認落雪豊u。, ,r. (Harriet B. Van Bergen) 1921 Mabel Tibbitts Class Agem Mrs. William J. Brownlng, II (Rebecca Bames) (Anita Hoenig) Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Mrs. E. Harmon Friel (Arline Fatzinger) $22.00 重00 5% 宣930 (Bertie Sperling) Mrs. Raymond Holdsworth Norma M. Leavitt, ,Class Age海 記譜書架e) (Priscilla Hamel) Josephine F. Hibben Amount contributed Potential contributors 7 $34.00 工04 7% Percen七age Supplementary list of contribu_ tions received too late to be included in the 1944 Alumni Fund Roll Cal】. Hazel C. Robinson, Class Age海 Dorothy E. Graves Margaret Gertrude StrassIer Carrie M. Brown Mrs. Carl H. AIvord 記諌言詣培藍y) Mrs. Abner Cohan (LiHian Hailpam Mrs. Henry Blau (Edith Piersol) Virginia Vamum Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 33 15% Mrs. Anthony Fontana Mrs. Louise Gannon (Louise Craig) Margaret, Husson Lillian E. B. Li Anne Malek Carolyn I. McPhail Mary E. Merritt Vema Moberg (Charlotte Ame) Ida B. McLaughIin Alice Davis Porter Mrs. Wjlfred Winship 79 9% (Helmi Heikkinen) Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage M聖霊註監護諒雷 6 $17.00 60 10% 1940 Marion E. Stallwood, Class Age海 Mrs. Lisa Bien c紫紺葺琵:轄) (Lisa Leidzen) 2 $10.00 14 Katherine Bodon Mrs. Arthur W. Burke Marjorie Crosby Marie Dimond (Geraldine DeEsposito) Ruth Freelander Mrs. Charles Leverone $19.00 (Margaret M. Shinnick) FIorence CoIe Barbara V. Contant Ruth Foley (Ruth Nowers) Mrs. William MowII, Jr., Class 4ge初 Potential contributors Percentage Mrs. Andrew Chaplin 5 $9.10 (Ruth Paddock) 1932’ Number of contributors Amount contributed Dorothy B. Beers Barbara Broude Shirley Burger Catherine Carvotta Mrs. K. Stanford Blake (Dorothy Mason) 宣923 The following made additional ‡密議龍‡.篭謹告 M整主語親。 1y cIass $165.0ひ Emilie F. Wright, Class Agem 1939 Norma M. Leavitt Katherine A. Menges Mrs. Everett Sherman Received from Treasurer, apPliCable to Alumni membership for the graduating members of the contributi on s : Number of contributors Amount contributed Mrs. Priscilla Busi Dorothy Rowe Number of contributors 67 7% Dorothy R. Cash Priscilla T. ChandIer BIanche Cline Bel]a Gersten Dorothy Leland Potential contributors Percentage Olive F. Ginsburg Mrs. Harry J. Gross 5 $重7.00 Wynona Goddard, ClαSS Age寂 Mrs. Bert F. Wertman Mrs. William J. Browning, II, 27% 1943 1938 Mrs. Frank M. Thompson (Katherine L. Jersey主 52 Constance L. O,Connor Amount contributed Mrs. WaIter A. Cole 14 $50.50 Potential contributors Percentage (Jane Howard) Number of contributors Mrs. Walter A. Cole, Cla∫J Age擁 1 59 27% Arline E. Adams Mrs. Jane Paul Ethel F. Hansen Number of contributors 16 $29.00 Amount contributed Percentage Number of contributors p騎〔鵠藷蕊 2重 Mrs. Joseph L. Walton N悪霊豊島buも。。S Potentia量contributors T讐請託豊富盈ar。z 7 Mrs. Frank C. Poehlman N盟龍霊鳥酔藍r畠 2% Mrs. Rex H. Garrett (Mary Lawry) Mrs. Harry H. Moore 1928 Beth A. Weston Mrs. Soren Willesen $7.00 48 Lois L. Brownell HeIen A. Drake (Henrietta Robinson) Number of contributors M欝…豊晋詑藍r七h 1 Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Beatrice V⊥ahos Virginia M. Amo]d Mrs. Fritz Scharf Doris M. Riggs Marjorie Plumb 1936 Mrs. Mary Porteus Mrs. Moses Rountree M豊栄嵩親書b o rn) Fritzie E. Gareis Vivienne C. Jacobus Mrs. Harry H. Moore, Class Age海 D薄‡禁札an Henrietta M. Riddell (Mary Lou We重sh) Doris E. Cole Mrs. Kenneth N. Emerson Betty A. Tumer 但Iizabeth Backstrom) Mrs. Michael S. Bales Mrs. Mary Brazonis Margaret S. Lysle Teriz Malootian Mrs. Conrad B. Speck, III Dorothy Anne Ryan, ClαSS Age海 Mabel C. Miller Mrs. James E. Morley Betty Rice Doris CoIe, Class 4ge初 Lois M. Bums Rita Tiemey, Class 4ge海 宣927 Ellen Leinonen 23% 1941 Emma A. Bjomson Comelia R. Bonsignore Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 錯誤葦蕊 $l鴇 Gertrude P, Cutler Potential contributors Percentage Percentage Mrs. Edward H. CIement, II N蕊譜霊親s (Genevieve McLaurin) MI‘s. J. P. Coty 56 8 $33.00 70 3 M讐誌隷紫蘇i。。。n 記譜霊薯恕錠l 13 $64.50 Potential contributors ClαSS Agem Mrs. Edward P. Atwood Amount contributed Number of contributoI.S Amount contribu ted $4. 00 126 Mrs. Edward W. Sherman, Jr., Bemice Taylor, Class Agenl Mrs. WilIiam L. Mowll, Jr. (Maxine Julia Meitzner). Eleanor Rehberg Edna Irene Shure Number of contI.ibutors Amount contributed 1934 宣926 1919 Virginia Ward Angelina A. Argus 定盤笥舎監も Vivian Sell AdeIe Y. Strogen (Gertrude Hubbard) Potential contributors Percentage M讐豊島盤 Arbetta S. Kashimura 蒜謹簿嵩SOn, Jr・ (Helen Nass) 5 (Evelyn R. Brustein) Mary Pratt Evelyn M. Reeves Mrs. John L. Be11 Potential contributors Percentage Amount contributed Potential contributors Mrs. Raymond GoIden Mrs. Robert Gray (Marion Houghton) Jean C. Bailey Theresa J. Lammers Mrs. Alvin F. Lundberg (Irene A. Kroeger) Beatrice G. Spil]ane Number of contributors Amount contributed Gertrude L. Davis Mrs. Arthur C. Ryder (Marguerite Smith) 1933 Mrs. William Mowll, Jr., Class Agen; Mrs. John C. Adourian (Margaret B. CIapp) Nancy Newman Ruth E. Otto Dorothy Parmenter Barbara H. Pitman Mrs. John W. Robie (LoreIei Douglas) Eloise F. Schweyer Mrs. Robert Simon pr無韻語普) EmiIie F. Wright Number of contributors Amount contributed 28 $79.00 _ (邸ona興しqrant) 14% A. Betty Goldberg Tota重 $244.00 Pdge Foγly-One SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY EMIL M. HARTI., LESI.重E H. JoHNSON - Co-Chairmen a釘∫ Age海∫ Class subscribing largest amount. ‥. ‥ ‥. Cla§S With largest percentage of sub§Cribers $1000.00 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● . ● ……………………………‥ Henry Nunber of contributors l Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage $5.00 3 33% 宣887 Ly皿an L. Hale Eugene M. Antrim Joseph M. Shepler Oscar Benton Wells George E. Heath Number of contributors Samuel L. Parish Number of contributors l Potential contributors Percentage 4 25% $11.00 16 19% Potential oontributors Percentage Archibald K. Byrns James D. MaoNair Edward H. Roberts 1 Potential oontributors Percentage 8 12% 7 Nu血ber of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage $137.00 31 23% 1892 1902 Otho F. BarthoIow 3 $15.00 Potential contributors Percentage 9 33% 1893 Henry L. Wriston, ClαS$ Age海 Henry L. Wriston $43. 50 1 $10.00 4 25% 1 _$10.00 8 12% Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Francis L. Stickland Number of contributors $45.00 14 29% David H. Jemison Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors $50.00 Potential contributors Percentage 8 12% 11% Norris A. Lineweaver Harry O. Martin Comart J. Mekkelson Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Roy W. Thomas Fred Williams Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 1899 $35.00 12 $38.00 26 8% Number of contribut,OrS Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Elmer A. Leslie Samuel L. Maxwell Claude Allen McKay L. Dorsey Spaugy Number of contributors 3 $10.00 27 11% 1921 11 $70.50 28 39% Horace G. Robson, ClαSS Agel?l Ralph E. Davis Harry E. Gardner John O. Gross James W. Hervey Henry O. Meger七 Barton Rees Pogue Potentia] contributors Percen tage Horace G. Robson Karl W. Scheu且er $75.00 26 8% Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 35% 1 922 1915 D. Joseph Imler, Class Age初 Dwight M. Beck Charles I. Goldsmith Philip Deschner Harry Evaul Nelson A. Price Francis W. Brett, Class Age加 Albert W. Baker Francis W. Brett Potential contributors Percentage 3% Charles E. Scho丘eld Thomas T. Johnston Clarence H. LaRue Amount contributed 1908 Number of contributors Amount contributed 1 $5.00 32 1920 Richard E. Scully, Class Agen! Robert Edwin Miller Richard E. Scully Number of contributors Oliver W. Bell Stanley W. Wiant Arthur D. Willett James T. Carlyon 1 Number of contributors Amount contributed A]exander H. Kemp Harry M. Blout Edgar P. Reed Ernest M. Buehler Paul G. Hayes Joseph G. Joyce 1914 11 45% 33% Thomas T. Johnston, Class AgelCi Edward L. Bellows 5 $26.00 19宣9 10 $38.00 30 Percentage Charles W. Simbson Roie H. Toole Number of contributors 18% Potential contributors Percentage Samuel C. Schaeffer Wil]iam T. Du血m $42.0ひ 45 1913 John G. Rutledge Joseph P. Washin昂on Number of contributors Perry B. Scha鱈ner Potential contributors Stanley Ward David Fraser Lionel A. Whiston Mira B. Wilson Amount contributed Azariah F. Reimer, Class Ageni Paul Little Azariah F. Reimer William C. Wasser, Class Age初 Pdge Forty-Tuノ0 18 Fred W. Wahl 1898 Perc証tage $15.00 Percentage 1897 1 Haines H. Lippincott Charles D. Maurer Claude K, Calkins Joseph H. Edge Heber R. Harper Harry E. Hess 2 1918 Wi11iam W. Edel 2 ]1% 35% Henry WilIiam Bock, Class Ageni Frederick M. Greenstreet $9.00 19 43 Henry Villiam Bock Albert G. Curry Arthur O. Dewey Percentage Benjamin J. Black 1907 . Thomas S. Holt 32 宣2% 宣912 Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Harriet E. Johnson Arthur H. Smith Howard H. Scott $13.00 Wi11iam R. Leslie 15% $u0.00 4 Frank P. Fletcher $25.00 20 1ら Nu皿ber of contributors J. Kirkwood Craig 1906 Battelle McCarty Amount contributed Potehtial contributors Wi11iam Gunter Warner M. Hubbard Myron Insko Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 24 Edmund M. Lewis Albert C. Knudson Nu皿ber of contributors John B. Green P. Henry Lotz Augustus Roeandt Leroy V. Simms Wil量iam R. Leslie, ClαSS Agc海 Albert C. Knudson, Class Age海 Potential contributors Perc entage 22% Potential contributors Percentage 42% 1905 1896 Amount contributed 10 $64.50 L. Roy Fulmer Harry J. Holcombe Potential contributors Percentage Edward J. Gale De]o P. Grover William C. Wasser Number of contributors J. Homer Slutz Number of contributors Amount contributed Harry J. Ho量combe, ClαSS Agem Nunber of contributors Number of contributors Amount contributed 6 $45.00 27 John Walter Harris 1904 Thomas A. WiIson Potential contributors Perc entage Nunber of contributors Irwin R. Beiler 8 1895 Amount contributed Louls W. Swanson Irwin R. Beiler, ClαSS Age海 Percentage 50% Elmer Eugene Marsha11 Number of contributors Amount contributed Charles W. Brashares Charles W. Clark John D. Clinton E. Lamont Geissinger Frank M. Baker Potential oontributo富8 1894 Potential contributors Percentage Henry I. Bailey Edward R. Bartlett Bruce R. Baxter 191宣 Fred L. Daniels G. Edgar Folk Charles G. Girelius Lewis O. Hartman J. P. Hauser Charles C. P. Hiller Frank N. Sandifur Allen A. Stockdale Number of contributors Amount oontributed Edwin C. Dixon Edward H. Todd Amount contributed % 1917 R. Burton Sheppard William W. Constien Charles F. Mott William L. Askue Potential contributors Percentage 2 Myron Insko, Class Age初 John L. Ivey Amount contributed Potential contributors Percen tage Percentage 1 19% Lewis O. Hartman, Cねss Agc初 James W. Vankirk Nunber of contributors Amount contributed Potential contri butors 32 Char重es W. Je債ras Olaf R. Miller Number of contributors Amount contributed Amount contributed $14.00- Edgar S. Brightman Charles N, Donaldson Edwin H. Gibson PhiIip L. Frick $1,000.00 Nu血ber of contributorβ 4 6 $39.00 32 Edgar S. Brightman, ClαSS Age初 Dwight F. Faulkner Number of contributors Albert E. Whitten Clyde E. Wildman 1910 Charles B. Cramer Charles R. Brown Amount contributed Arthur D. Stroud Number of contributors Amount contributed Walter S. Eaton 1889 E. A. Pollard Jones Christopher J. Oleson 1901 $1.50 Willis H. Germany Harry W. McPherson John R. Van PeIt Amount cont富ibuted Wilbur A. VoI心is, ClαSS Agc海 Joseph M. Shepler, C′αSS Age初 Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 1916 1909 1900 188宣 う0班" 1う Wriston Dr. Myron Insko Class with largest nunber of sub§Cribers … William I. Ward L. 音4 $21.00 21 Numbef of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors 1 9 % PeI.Centage 6 $20.00 45 13% Edwin P. Booth James H. Graham Guy O. Hartman D. Joseph Imler S. Raymond Luthy Earl MarIatt Theodore Noon Benjamin F. Schwartz 9 $56.00 28 32% Roy C. Vandegriff 1928 Arthur P. Whito George R. WoIverton Number of contributors Am ount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 宣934 R. Jay Wilson, ClαSS Agc海 13 $50.00 44 30% 1923 評悲喜謹富egg Nunber of contributors Amount contributed 2 $3.00 40 Potential contributors Percentage Theodore R. Bundy 5% Nunber of contributors 2 Amount contributed $6.00 36 Potential contributors Percentage 6% Charles T. Allen, ClαSS Age海 Clarence F. Avey Forrest R. Brown Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Percentage 1 2 % 1930 $72.00 53 9% Potential contributors Potential contributors Percentage $25.00 41 7% 1 $5.00 25 4% Nunber of contributors Potential oontributors Percentage Hobart F. Goewey Clare Le Roy Van Metre Number of contributors $47.00 59 12% 6 $24. 00 32 19% Harry F. Baker 認諾8: 8窯霊 Robert A. Knox Glenn F. Teska Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributo rs Percentage 3 $3宣.00 41 7% 宣938 4 $2l.00 28 14% Lewis F. Ranson Number of contributors $79.00 63 George Howard Number Amount Potential contributors 10% Percentage 11% c重ass $2 Amount contributed $73.00 30 20% 24 2 1 Harold A. Jayne Ervin C. Tipton Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors % Percentage The foIIowing made additional COntributions : Charles W. Ackley Ronald W. Ober Paul N. Otto Harold J. Schieck Robert G. Scu11y Art,hur J. Willett, Class Age海 $23.00 10.00 Number of contributors 6 1939 L. Poor L. Stimmel of contributors contributed 10 $23.00 95 the graduating members of the Sumpter M. Riley, Jr. Potential contributors Percentage Lawrence W. Bratt Harold M. Thrasher Lynn A. Wood Number of contributors 。議書㌔盛書誌認識票 Philip N. Pitcher Number of contributors Harley Borden Amos L. Boren J. Lester Hankins Carroll H. Prouty Clarence W. Smith Amount cont重ibuted 1 943 Howard L. Stimmel, Closs Ageク‘l WiIlard W. Grant Ananias A, Hightower Edwin C. HoIley Robert C. Leslie Hugh N. Lormor David B. Sageser Potential contributors Percentage Elizabeth Alderdice Donald C. Bissinger Carl L. Crain 1933 Paul E. ChamberIain Harry F. Baker, ClαSS Age海 Sumpter M. Riley, Jr,, Class Age初 W. Arthur Weber 1927 15% 1942 25 4% Ralph W. Decker EIwin H. Scheyer Carroll H. Prouty, Class Agem 6・ $24.50 40 l F. Oliver Drake, Class Age海 WiIliam T. WalIace Percentage John B. Olds Edward F. Allen S. Milton JaI.ratt Raymond W. Ricketts Amount contributed Potential contributors 34 18% Wilma E. Davis John M. Finney $1.00 1937 Ralph T. AIton, Class Agem Ralph T. Alton Russell D. Cole Levy C. Robinson L. Harold DeWolf $1重.50{ Carl Berry Sherman L. Burson Harry H. Conner Amount contributed Potential contributors Peroentage LIoyd E. Watt 1932 Francis P. Cook Potential contributors Percentage Potential contributors Percentage 35  ̄ Amountcontributed F. Gerald Ensley Edwin GilIett 豊詑恕菜。量 Amount contributed $201.00 6% Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 艶語継篭綴諾ClαSS Age初 Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Thurman F. Alexander Nunber of oontributors Amount cont富ibuted Number of contributors 2 Number of contributors 1926 Potential contribu tors Percentage 1941 Emil M. Hartl, Class Age海 3 Tharold C. Northup Number of contributors Amount contributed Harris E. Heverly, C′ass Ag。融 1936 Nunber of contributors Amount contributed 龍三譜8龍宮C短s Age形i Number of contributors Amount contributed 26 23% Lemuel K. Lord, ClαSS Age海 Wi11iam M. Parker 1931 Martin E. Van deMark Emest Weals $21.00 Homer R. Page Percentage 1 925 Charles Nevil White 1935 E. Shurley Johnson 5 Charles A. Reeves . 評語等説経y 舘蓋蕊嵩蕊謹霊 $20・鋭 Ar]ie H. Krussell John K. Montgomery Number of contributors F重ed E. F〇着 Orrin A. ManifoId Oren F. McClure Melvin R. McGaughey Roy W. Pfa債 Potential contributo rs Percentage CIarence F. Avey, Class Agc海 Number of contributors 5 Richard M. Cameron Joseph M. Harrell Lester H. Bill William J. Miller Amount oontributed Sidney C. McCammon 1 924 0rrin A. Manifold, ClαSS Age初 Donald H. Baldwin Herdis L. Deabler Nunmber of contributors 1929 Le章oy A. Lyon 1940 Herdis L. Deabler, ClαSS Age海 Howard P. Weatherbee Donald Arthur Wells 2 $2.00 35 6% Number of oontributors Amount oontributed T〇七al PROPOSED ScIENC宣BuILDING Page Forly-T局ree LAW SCHOOL JoHN J, O’HARE - Chairman Cld∫∫ Agenl∫ Maynard くClass subscribing largest amount ……………・∴‥‥ …‥‥‥・・ ‥… E. S. Clemons 1895 1882 Class with largest percentage of subscribers ‥ ‥ … … ‥ ‥ ‥ … ・ … ‥ ‥ ・ 01in M. J誰ords 1918 Class with largest number of subscribers … …・ … ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ・ … … ‥ ‥ … Number of contributors Amount contributed 亭 Potential contributors Percentage 1 $3.00 3 John F. Miller, Cla∫S Agent Jay R. Benton’Class Age初 Henry J. Baron Martin Witte Mary A. Bradbury Number of cont,ributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 50% 嘉霊霊。詳藍記も。rS Amount contributed Potential contributors 6% Edward M. Peters Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percenta ge 54 Amount contributed Potential contribu toI.S Francis I. McCanna 4 Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 6 8 Potential contributors Percentage 25% Edward A. Harriman Number of contributors Amount contributed 3 Number of contributors $87.00 59 4 David T. Montague 1 6% Percentage 1894 Bimey C. Parsons, ClαSS Agen! Potential contributors Percentage J. Arthur Baker Lewis E. Whipple Potential contributors Percentage 5% Maynard E. S. Clemons, ClαSS Agen! Everett Stevens Emery Albert L. Saunders Number of contributors Amount contributed 2 $6.00 58 3% 1906 Maynard E. S. Clemons 鵜島整認諾富s 3 McCallun 4% , Class Agem 1896 Number of contributors Amount contributed William T. A. Fitzgerald, ClαSS Age初 Henry T. Lummus Number of contributors Amount contribuもed Potenti al contributors Percentage 勘ge戸oriy・Fouγ Potential contributors Percentage 1 $55.00 65 3% $50.00 39 3% In memory of Robert M. Dannin Nyman H. KoIodny Lo竜s G. Loeb Gilbert N. Reed Number of contributors Mrs. Clyde H. E11is (Marie Murphy) Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 語法霊譜諾蕊。重S Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 70 6% Mrs, I. E. Blumberg (Anna Segal) Irving Fein Samuel Stern Number of contributors Amount contributed P otential contributors Percentage MiIton A. Stone 宝架謡豊許nS Morris S. Waldman Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Olin M. Je鯖ords, Class Age加 Olin M. Je債ords 1% Harold F. Blackwood Paul A. Dever Gardner S. Hall Benjamin Horwitz Louls Milender George C. P. OIsson Max Kabatznick Potential oontributors Percentage 3 $75.00 217 1926 Reuben Ha11 Charles J. Mahoney Morris E. Schneider Myer SchwoIsky 5% 2% Stanley M. Bums, Closs Agem 欝競業亀$4罵 Number of contributors Amount contributed 4 $14.00 175 1925 Samuel Seder Harry A. Lider $12.00 56 6% Abraham Kar節 Max B. Klubock 3 7 $70.00 115 1924 4 $26.00 Edgar W. G. Lindner Walter F. Gallagher William E. McKee James L. Tryon Number of contributors Amount contributed Potenti al contributors Percentage John A. Brennan Roger P. Clemons Max J. Moskow 1918 2 宣909 1897 1% 1916 FIorence W. Burke Wimam A. Scollen 撥轟謹S $1霊 $5.00 83 (Rebecca Thurman) 会誌黒岩詰藍霊。B $50葦 宣908 Shaw 1 Nunziato Fusaro Jay I. Moskow $15.00 48 Percentage Percentage 9% wi11iam 1923 Mrs. Israel Bemstein Sylvester Francis Whalen Nunber of contributors 155 2% Max J. Moskow, Ciass Agm! Nunziato Fusaro, ClαSS Age海 Raoul H. Beaudreau, ClαSS Agem $120.00 Potential contributors Per centage 1917 Amount contributed Potential contributors Edward Bowers Number of contributors Amount contributed James T. Heenehan Kenneth L. Nash 1905 Frank A. Page 1895 Max Goldstein John W. Morgan 2 $235.00 41 Potential contributors Percentage 欝欝s $壌 Amount contributed J. Arthur Baker, Class Age初 $25.00 17 Malcolm R. Bean, Class Age初 Erving T. Amold Number of contributors Number of contributors Amount contributed 宣892 1 922 4% 19上5 1904 25% ■68 Potential contributors Percentage 5% $5.00 Potential contributors Percentage Amount contributed Potential contributors Joseph Zottoli 1 6% John J. O’Hare, Jr. Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 1891 3 Francis A. Bagley Number of contributors Amount contributed Herbert W. Hovey $55.00 7 $87.検事 119 $20.00 William C. Crossley, Class Age海 George C. Donaldson 2 Number of contributors P. Neiman Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 1914 William G. Rowe, Class Agen! William H. Sawyer Edward Levy Charles H. Loring Percentage 2% 1903 Henry O. Cushman Number of contributors Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors $20.00 58 Potential contributors Percentage 17% Willoughby A. Colby 7% Ben与amin Rosenthal 1 Number of contributors Amount contributed $10.00 Emile Auger Arthur A. Cicchese 68 Francis E. Cassidy Joseph L. Hermanson George E. O’Toole 1 Morris Abrams 5 $180.00 1913 5% 1901 1890 Amount contributed $130.00 61 Percentage 1889 Emile Auger, Class Age寂 Potential contributors Percentage Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors 25% Percentage Bertis A. Pease Number of contributors Amount contributed Marion Louise Tyler 1 1921 George F. Kerr Abraham Herbert Klubock Number of contributors Fred L. Hewitも $25.00 4% Percentage Edward M. Dangel Maurice Emest Harris Francis I. McCanna, Class Age初 Albert F. Hayden Number of contributors 4審 $30.00 104 Amount contributed Potential contributors Harold E. Clarkin 1900 1888 Roy M. RobinsoIと Edward M. Dangel, ClαSS Age初 7% $100.00 8 Walter G. Powers 17% 1912 $255.00 Potential contributors Per centage 12% Charles M. Blake Louis Goldberg 8 $58.00 48 N¥正nber of contributors 4 Nunber of contributors Amount contributed Percenta ge Roy M. Robinson, Class Agent Chester T. Woodbury Howard M. Whiting 1 1920 John E. Rice Edmund R. Mansfield 宣885 1% James E. Luby Louis S. Cox Bert E. Holland 2 $10.00 78 Potential contributors Percentage Bemard Louis Gor丘nkle 1899 1 $18.50 l Number of contributors Amount contributed David J. Donahue 2 $40.00 32 Per centage 1882 Arthur H. Wellman Helen E. O’Brien Jay R. Benton Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors 33% 1919 1911 1898 1873 Frank I. Morrill Charles A. Rome 9 $55.00 90 10% Number of contributors Amount contributed Potenti al contributors Percenもage 7 $166.00 140 5% 1927 1931 Samuel Blassberg Number of contributors Amount contributed David A. Rose G. Joseph Tauro Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 4 $30.00 184 2% l 1% Number of contributors 曽 1928 Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 昆能管認許n Raymond J. Pettine Number of contributors Amount contributed Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 4 $25.00 118 3% 1929 Nunber of contributors 1930 3 126 $102.00 124 4% 2% Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 78 9% John F. CampbelI, Jr. Philip D. Epstein Solomon H. Kramer Douglas Smerdon John F. Taylor Number of contributors Amount contributed 5 $12.00、 Potential contribu tors Percentage 71 7% 3% 。議書e‡悪霊豊蒜h詳霊 the graduating members of the class $75.0ひ The following made additional 5 1935 $20. 00 $15.00 77 Pe重centage Leon Marcus Walter H. Strauss Number of contributors 7 $36.00 1943 2 Potential contributors A. Linco】n Mekelburg Potential contributors Percen tage In memory of Number of contributors Amount contributed Frederick W. Hiller Mrs, A. Lincoln Mekelburg 3% James W. LaYerS Elmer W. SaIenluS Myer R. Feldman Potential contributors Percentage K豊認諾璃s 3 $21.00 103 1939 105 Rogelio Femandez-Garzot Ugo Gasbarro Nunber of contributors Amount contributed Mark Wainer, Class Ageタ房 Am ount contributed Potential contributors Percentage $10.00 Herbert W. Cohen 1% Russell E. Smith l 1% Number of contributors Amount contributed 1 942 Luigi J. Castello Edward J. Nantoski Nu血ber of contributors David Entin, ClαSS Age海 $52.00 165 3% Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 1934 Maurice Davis John F. Gately Potential contributors Percentage 2% Melvin Silverman, Class Agen! Bernard A. MarⅤin, Class Age海 Number of contributors Amount contributed 111 A]an B. Bagley Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 4 $13.00 123 1938 2 $6.00 1933 Number of contributors Berj H. Seron Fred M. Thomas Edward J. Ho鮮man Paull Morton Cushman Irving Joseph Joaquin L. Padin Potential contributors Percentage 1932 John C. Fitzgerald WiIliam J. McNulty Frederick G. Mehlman Oliver Booth Dickinson E. OIsen Field $3.00 110 Potential contributors Percentage Themistocles A. Mantalos 1937 Ralph J. Thibodeau, Class Agem Saul Kaplan Omer H. Amyot 2 $6.00 97 2% contributions : 1940 Robert O. Blair Isfael Kaminsky Number of contributors Philip BeIson 2 Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage $7. 00 97 2% Nu皿ber of contributors 1 Amount oontributed Tot釘l $2.00 $77.00 1944 1941 Mrs. E. Francis Crowley Louis H. Glickman Number of contributors (Ruth Levensalor) Sidney Curtiss Amount contributed 1 $ 10.00 SCHOOL OF MEDICINE FRANK E. BARTON - Chairman Amount contributed Mrs. Coles Warwick 1898 1 $ 100.00 重 量00% Number of contributors Number of contributors l 館岩蕊震諾盤5富s $100・築 Percentage 4 1884 Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage $50.00 3 33% D. Davis Nalchajian John A. Rockwe11 Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Helen F. Pierce Potential contributors Percentage 5 20% Potential contributors Percentage 1892 Mary F. Cushman Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Luther A, Brown Grace Stevens Number of contributors Amount contributed $1.00 9 11% 13% $巾.00 13 15% 8 $150.00 18 44% 1 1915 裏3 8% Ralph H. Hopkins, ClαSS Age海 Cecil W. Clark 1908 Abraham Colmes Adah L. B. Eccleston Number of contributors Amount contributed 工 $30.00 重0 10% 1911 Nathan H. Garrick Jacob J. Golub Ralph H. Hopkins Leighton Johnson Mrs. Gerald A. Shattuck (Martha Boger) Number of contributors Amount contributed Helmuth Ulrich, Class Ageni Potential contributors Mrs. Hosanna Kamig Percenもage Helmuth Ulrich Number of contributors 1902 Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Amount contributed 1 $10.00 11 9% 7 $120.00 ̄- 13 54% 4 $31.50 11 36% Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors 1 $2.00 19 5% Percentage 宣904 1897 Edward S. Calderwood, Class Ageni David W. Wells 1 $量5.00 14 7% I.rester E. Butler Edward S. Calderwood Dana F. Downlng Harry F. Morin Frank R. Trigg 1916 2 $15.00 7 29% Winfred OverhoIser Bessie B. Tharps Number of contributors Amount oontributed 1913 Potential contributors Percentage David L. Belding Alice S. Woodman William S. Walkley Potential contributors Percen tage David L. Belding, Class Ageni 1903 Myron W, Smith Potential contributors Percentage Robert I. Walker George P. Worcester $7.00 Potential contributors Percentage 2 He量en B. Todd Amount contributed Potential contributors Per centage 1906 Potential contributors PeI.Centage $20,00 23 C. Wesley Sewall Number of contributors 3 Franklin A. Ferguson Mary R. Lakeman Number of contributors Amount contributed 35% Number of contributors George B. Carr Number of contributors $80.00 17 Potential oontributors Percentage (Hosanna Grace Mali里ian) 1 宣895 Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Amount contributed Amount contributed 1901 l $18.50 6 Benjamin Collins Woodbury Walter H. Flanders 1 宣887 Number of contributors Amount contributed % 1899 Charles W. Adams Nu血ber of contributors Roland O. Parris James Y. Rodger (Ruth Barker) Francis X. Corr, Class Age海 Wesley T. Lee 00鴨場 Number of contributors Potential contributors Percentage l 1879 George E. Percy 開聞 l Orland F. Smith 1 0 / ま ノ 1 l David L. Belding Class with largest number of subscribers ∩フ 8 (ソ (ソ Class with langest percentage of subscribers 3 7 1 食 ノ l Orland F. Smith 朔⋮831ぅ ClaJ∫ Age初 Class subscribing largest amount. ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥. 19宣4 C. Wesley Sewall, C′αSS Age初 Louis R. Daniels J Edwin D. Lee 17% Harold W. Ripley Manfred E, Simmons Charles A. Powell Amount contributed Potential contribu tors Percen tage 12 1917 Elizabeth Hirst Sanford B. Hooker Joseph A. Mason Number of con七ributors 2 $20.00 5 $23.00 6 Anthony D. Vamvas Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors 8 3 % Percentage 3 $25.00 20 15% 1918 Samuel N. Vose, ClαSS Age海 Daniel B. Coleman Daniel H. Hiebert 」的ge Foγiy-Fiツゲ David G. Ljungberg Anthony Macaluso John M. Wilcox Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors 5 $70.00 15 33% Percentage J. Mark Hiebert, ClαSS Agem Faith L. Meserve Number of contributors Amount contributed 3 $40.00 41 7% Number of contributors Amount contributed 宣927 Potential contributors 2 $40.00 10 20% Percentage $10.00 37 1920 5% 宣928 (Eleanor B. Ferguson) 2 $35.00 9 22% Percentage Amount oontributed Amount contributed $20.00 Amount contributed $227.00 Potential contributors 29 Potential contributors 42 Percen七age 2 $63.00 34 Willis G. Price Number of contributors l Amount contributed $10.00 16  ̄Potential contributors _Percentage 6% Number of oontributors Amount contributed $100.00 Wi11iam Freeman Leo E. Baron Irl H. Blaisde11 contributors 10 Potential contributors 48 `George C. Branche Louis G. Howard H. Herbert Rossman Percentage 21 1930 James E. Vance Nathan L. Fineberg, Closs Age寂 Number of contributors _Amount contributed H. Archer Berman Herbert K. Bloom $117.00 20 30% 1 924 William Krieger, ClαSS Age初 Frank E. Barton Julius Gottlieb AdoIphe J. Provost 6 N軸mber of contributors Amount contributed P otenti ar contributors Percentage George M. Connor Reginald S. Hunt 爵諾豊島藍計れ購 7 Potential contributors 40 Philip Cirincion? Percentage 1 Gerald J. CurreI.1 Paul Dranow Nathan L. Fineberg Les量ie S. Harrison Gilbert Clapperton Laura G. Jacques Carlos Munoz McCormick Ernest H. Menges James V. Halloran 11 $88.50 39 28% Percentage Marian W. Perry Number of contributors 6 Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 宣931 SoIomon Cooper T. Vincent Corsini Miriam G. Katzeff Gardner F. Manning Leopold F. King Eugene J. Nicgorski Ann P. D. Manton Cecil C. McLaughlin Waype D. StettIer Mary E. O’Sullivan Percy T. Whitney Marion D. Wilkinson Rondall W. Rutherford Potential contributors Percentage Potential contributors 25% Percentage Stanley J. Lloyd Arthur H. Maybay John R. Mabee Francis J. McMahon Herbert Mescon Potential contributors Percentage $78.00 31 29% William F. Croskery 1943 Joshua Derow James Harrison Max Klainer Frank J. McGuire R. Emerson Sylvester, Closs Age祝 John T. Barrett Benjamin S. Golub Samuel E. Paul Anna Fulman Rand Theodore Stalk Joseph P. Lynch, Jr. Thaddeus J. Slomkowski R. Emerson Sylvester Harold M. Waite Orland F. Smith Number of contributors Amount contributed 重0% George C. Calderwood Francis R. Kenney Samuel E. Leard Number of contributors Amount contributed Anonymous Ivan G. Pyle Norris H. Robertson 44 44 14% 1937 Samuel L. Cohen 11 $41.00 Orland F. Smith, Class Age庇 Luther F. Grant Arthur L. Hanrahan Raymond A. Harpin 2 $10.00 20 Ma事tin L. Bradford Priscil量a Sellman Herman L. BIock $197.50 Number of contributors Amount contributed Martin L. Bradford, C′αSS Age初 Wi11iam B. O’Brien William H. Gilliatt Number of contributors Albert W. Moulton, Jr. 1942 (Bertha O節enbach) Samuel E. Paul, Class Agem Amount contributed 42% 194宣 Mrs. Nathan Fineberg Nicholas S. Cea Henry R. BIoom Howard A. Burrows 14 $164.50 33 EIsa K. Cha債ee Potential contributors Percentage 1936 Edwin R. Connors Nicholas E. Creaturo Ann P. D. Manton, Class Age加 % Mrs. Nathan Fineberg, C′αSS Agem Taft A. Antoun 1 925 7 AIphonse L. Forziati $120.00 36 17% Margaret Vencko Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential cQntributors Percentage Amount contributed $2 14.00 Number of contributors Amount contributed Potenti al contributors James A. Ramsay Eugene A Stanchi Franklin L. Wilbur David F. O’Brien Arthur B. Serino Gerald R, Smith EIIa A. Wilder Potential contributors Percentage % Mabel W. MousseIet Joseph F. Palmieri. Louis A. Rottenberg Reginald S. Hunt, Closs Age初 Number of Ralph Mankowich Harry Portman Edna Walck Amount contributed $138.00 Abraham BIoom 17% 1935 Henry Nigro Louis G. Howard, CiαSS Agem 40 Potential contributors Percentage Ca重l O. Nelson 宣923 Mrs. Donald L. Anderson (Dorothy Sperling) Abraham I. Binder Irving I. Goodof Irene D. Grandmont Julius Litter Everett F. Lombard Philip E. Zanfagna (Dimetra Tsina) % Donald L. Anderson Hilda Ratner Lee G. Sannelia Mrs. Chester R. Downer (Muriel Case) Mrs. Andrew Elia O 1940 Frank A. Manzione Charles J. Monestere M. Gene Black l Ralph Mankowich, Class Agen; Jerome A. L’Heureux Kendall B. Crossfield Ada Frances Davis Percentage % George A. Crepeau Kenda11 B. Crossfield, ClαSS Age寂 Louis AIpert 1 922 1 1934 18% 1929 8 Jacob Abrams, Class Age初 Nunber of contributors 3 Bumham S. Walker, ClαSS Age海 $5.00 12% 1939 Frank J. Twadelle Number of contributors Abraham Henry Fox Morris Katcher 1 -Potential Percentagecontributors Gerard M. Chartier 15 $350.00 43 Nu血ber of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors 35% Percentage 12 $76.00 40 Mrs. Salvatore Vasile (Lucy Russo) Number of contributors 30% Amount oontributed $33.00 NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD MEN TO COME TO THE AID OF THEIR ALMA MATER! rVILLIAM R. LESI.IE, T’12 Pdge Porメソ-S諒 % Herbert H. Smith Romeo J. Coumoyer Potential contributors Percentage Moses J. Stone Percentage 34 Everett F. Con]ogue John F. Connell Number of contributors Number of contI‘ibutors Potential contributors 29 Francis E. Allin Julia G. Arrowood Eugene D. Brochu Virginia Chadwell Silas A. Co紐n Amount contributed Edgar C. Yerbury, Class Age海 Amount contributed $130.00 Juila G. Arrowood Class Age初 Kenneth Christophe Lunan A. Woodru鮮 1921 15% Mrs. Arthur Moulton (Marion King) Theodore A. Potter 義_ Bertha P. Rodger Eugene Rodin Number of oontributors lO Frederick F. Yonkman, Class Agem James G. Boyd Chester J. Modeski Joseph N. Sabbagh Luman A. Woodru鱈, ClαSS Age初 Number of contributors 7 $67.00 47 1933 2 Nu皿ber of contributors Amount contributed Edward Gliserman Donald P. Ham Jacob I. Weisman Vincent Ippolito Potential contributors Percentage Marguerite Holman Mrs. Louis G. Howard Amount oontributed Potential contributors Madeline Fiske Frederick J. Fagan Carl E. Trapp Eva Vandon Potential contributors Percentage L. Curtis Foye, Class Agem George D. Bissell, Jr. Harold F. Chase Lois B. Crowe11 Harry H. Shapiro Number of contributors Amount contributed Clifton B. Leech, Class Age初 Edward B. Burroughs .Clifton B. Leech Theodore A, Potter, Clα5S Agem Franois M. Amaral Marion K. Co11e J. Mark Hiebert Charles E. Dumas Robert O. Gilmore Potential contributors Percentage 1919 1938 1932 1926 Clifton Perkins, ClαSS Age初 SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Class Class subscribing with langest largest amount percentage of … … ‥ Cん∫∫ subscribers.. … …. . … … … 諾霊 GEORGE C. FRANCIS - Chairman dse融 ‥ $234.う0 100% 16% Ma堪紺(覚M. Ge狐an Class with largest nunber of subscribers. ‥ … … … … … … ‥. う1 *Mrs. Everett F. Parks 1917 Ida L. Carter Nunber of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 1 $3.00 1 100% 192宣 Charles E. Vamey Nunber of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Mrs. Martin Sorensen 2 $7.00 15 13% 1922 Mrs. Edward R. Co]lier G諜告ぎ豊害悪) Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Maude F. Whee]er $4I.00 49 16% 470 2% Mary L. Dermody 116 5% 富灘認諾g Harold E. Keay Henry O. KelIey Wilbur F. Storer Mrs. Irving KopIow Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Nunber of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 2 $6.00 227 1% 2% John F. Conno1量y Marjorie Grace Dean 7 $29.00 235 3% EveIyn Danovitch 1% Nu皿ber of contributors John W. Jacobs Margaret Dingwall 聾謹裁a Helen A. Murphy Hilga F. Nelson Gertrude A. Pradel George Ratcliffe Phyllis Z. Stewart Sadie P. Tabackman Number of contributors Amount contributed 11 $52.00 Potential contributors Percentage 10 $47.00 186 5% 宣926 220 5% Maurice D. Kramer, Class Agem Christine M. Ayars Fanny M. Bemis (Mary We11ehan) 3 $20.00 364 1% 1927 M繁圭豊認per) Ethel S. Bickford Paul E. Elicker Hazel P. Lutz Franklin C. Roberts Chester A. Robinson Edith I. Wright 5 $23.00 347 1% Mrs. Frances Travis G諾鵠欝とrg H縄詳:認諾㌣ark) Ruth E. SIaden Carolyn J. Stannis Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential oontributors Percentage 1 928 Alice Dunn, Class Ageタ∂i 隷講読豊富m。 rS Alice G. Dunn Nellie W. Jordan Percival M〇七も Mariam P. Nelson 12 $37.00 235 5% Mrs. Norman J. DeCost. Jr. pr盛謹・義盛ギu) Clarke R. Brookes Mabel B. Cook Stanwood Gilman Mau富ice Liberman Nevart Najarian John D. Peters Mabel P. Friswell Mrs. Douglas Kennedy M豊競盛ng (Helen B. Connel]) M乳重y F. Ku擁 Philip R. Lewis Leo M. Miller Mrs. Howard V. Mooney Fr禦謹話聾r) Nellie Walen七 Dorothy M. Weeks M. Emelene Wishart A. Edwin We11s Number of contributors Nu皿ber of contributors 17 $ 142.50 Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 207 8% 1933 Anna C. Burns Class Age海 Ethel M. Bentley OIga L. Bourdy Am6unt oontributed Potential oontributors Percentage 15 $57.50 338 4% 1941 宣938 Mrs. F. Richmond Leonard, (Phyllis Adams) Bert A. Bartlett 9% Lawrence P. Dargie Duncan C. MacLean FIora M. Morrison Mrs. Meriam B. Packard (Margaret H. Lane) Mrs. Albert Pema Murray Kramer Mrs. Leo V. Levins 277 Gertrude M. Belyea (Phyllis Adams) Edwina Lowe EveIyn G. Fuller 25 $131.50 1940 ClαSS Agem 鑑葦宇島黒瀬L。。na.d Rose M. Carini Dorothy M. Currier Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 1937 Fred D. Frades Grace Freidinger Arthur T. Burroughs Mrs. Lester J. Thompson (Agnes MacDonald) Mildred E. Wheeler Mrs. F. Richmond Leonard, Jerome C. Buckley Paul D. Courtney Gertrude Emerson 1932 Isaac Goddard Mrs. Char】es A. Lamey Elizabeth S. Hagar Norman F. Holder Vivian G. Hopkins Amy L. Connor Gertrude R. March Mary E. Shepard Mildred M. Thomas Robert B. Wentworth Mary F. Calden Ⅵlliam H. Galvin Edward E. Lippa Helen L. Lawson (Helen Crawford) Alice J. Dwinell Edith S. Fish John Houston Hulda,h A. Butler Mary G. BaiIey Potential contributors Pe rcentage Mrs. Judson Rea ButIer (Grace Warbasse) Matilda Clement Mrs. Franklin J. Ives (Vera McElroy) Doris M. Atwood Mildred Bainbridge Mrs. AdoIph A. Bander Amount contribu ted Potential contributors Percen tage 257 8% Percentage EveIyn Coyle C. Harold Striley 3 20 $8l.00 PauIine F. BIouin Joseph Glasso鱈 G. Logan Howell $113.00 359 Poten七i al contri butors John Houston, Class Ag鋤l 宣936 9 $宣02.00 465 Mrs. F]orence M. Goodspeed Grace S. Mansfield Amount contributed 4% Freeman Hathaway Gamiss George M. Rogers Amount contributed 12 $47.00 268 E. Leo冒a重utz (Frances L. Mash章ick) Bemice J. Pickard Number of contributors Number of contributors Potential contributors Percen tage Agnes S. Ordung AIbert I. Rabin Lil]ia M. Hi11 Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage (Helen G. Nelson) Frances I. White Amount contributed Rachel E. Cotton EIsy S. Jessup Jennie G. Tripp Number of contributors Mrs. J. Merrill Richards (Mary E. Hartley) Morris Rubinovitz Mrs. Esther M. Smith Mrs. Reinhard Theinert Pearl H. Raymond Edmund R. Sawyer Leon A. Thompson Number of contributors Mary L. Keig Grace M. F. McCaughey 193宣 宣925 Number of contributors G詫落雷豊嵩ke) (Lois M: Branch) Jesse B. Chase (Vivian Dix) L。讐嵩隷) Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage M鎌豊語もallagh。. Harry W. Lawson Dorothy Mankowich Mrs. Henry P. Bemis 1924 Nunber of contributors Mrs. Victor M. Haughton’Jr. VilIa E. Hayden El箆晋宝器誰と Mrs. James E. Devlin Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 宣934 1939 M薯璃‡葦k。dman $22.00 Mrs. John Francis Foley Mrs. E. S. Du撞II Mrs. Hora∞ N. Robinson 6 Dorothy P. Creed Ada E. Fleet G重と藷瑠諾え 1935 Doris M. Dixon 1 923 Harriet L. ClaI.k Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 9 $45.00 IsabelIa Mary Connon Hazel W. Corson Zeta I. Brown 1930 Number of contributors 3% Cecelia A. MacHugh Mrs. Amold S. Peabody (Mildred Rollins) L. May Quimby George K. Makechnie Mrs. Harvey R. Morrison Number of contributors Margaret M. Gearan C. Ethel Hale FIorence R. Haley Lawrence Norton 236 Henry Lisman Elizabeth H. Whe重an Julia E. Dickson $88.00 Pauline Lamson Grace A. Gri撞n Alice E. Riggs Mary W. Bent FIorence G. Holden FIorence G. Houghton Nellie E. Powers Mabel E. Turner Nunber of contributors 3% 8 Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage $136.00 351 A濫糀藍s Margaret M. Gearan, Class 4ge初 Florence O. Bean Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 9 Blanche A. Cheney Number of contributors Potential contributors Percen tage Nu阻ber of contributors 宣929 H譜翫罵転ns 。n Ariount contributed Louise W. Sawyer L。盤轟能盈n Ruth Annis Rhoda L. Boone Mrs. Everett Bow]es H讐軸諾e) Aidan Burnell Gerald P. Bums * Given in memory of Everett F. Parks 脇ge Forly-Seヅen Mrs. Ha]e H. Cook Eva LoPresti 宣942 (Doris J. DeLine) John A. CarⅤalho Margaret E. Allen M讐寵‡嬬謹皇も Edward S. Baum Mary Jane Nugent Margarita E. Bums E謂謹啓轟鵠 S. Elizabeth Campbell Roy Oringer Reginald A. Pearman Mildred H. Cart看and Frank J. Provinzano William A. Casey John W. Chandler Donald W. Rus母ell Victoria C. Jesseman Kathleen Childs Bertha E. Jutras Amalia M. Corbisiero Mary Jane Kelley Harry J. Coumiotes Mrs. Charles A. Daniels (EIse Bydeley) Lionel A. Demers Josephine E. DeSimone Edith Thompson Melvin Finn William S. Finn Margaret L. Fleck Esther M. Flemming Elizabeth Van Dusen Mrs. John R. Pace (Ruth Woodsum) H. Ruth Giessen Esma Hackett Amount oonもributed Maxine Pepper Mrs. Lorentz I. Hansen Donald Hugo Peterson Lois R. Pickering R、結語諜蒋’) Ade1量a Surowiec . Cora M. Leamy (Charlotte E. Gould) Number of contributors 9% Number of contributors Amount contributed 51 $234.50 冒〇七al 393 Potential contributors Percentage 13% 1 944 Clarence N. Blair Florence Pecora Number of contributors Amount contributed Received from Treasurer, aPplicable to Alumni membership for 2 $10.00 the graduating members of the claβ8 $840. 00 1946 The following made additional Mrs. Grace M. Lee $170.25 365 Mrs. Eunice M. Shuebruk Margaret, T. Walsh Lyle A. WiIson, Jr. Irma Jane Wrenn Mrs. James L. Wilson Anna M. Houde Eric R. Simpson Kenneth B. Skoropowski Constance S. Spavln Potential contributors Percentage Cynthia Ryce Elizabeth M. Tucker Milda M. Upley Roy E. Hjelm 34 Harrison MacDonald Tina M. Miller 1943 Aletha Humphreys Robert C. Jackson Harold F. Kedian, Jr. Edith G. Kelley Number of contributors Amount contributed Ellie A. Hatzis Lucy A. Hi11 Evelyn P. Hooper Hester Louise Johnson Helen D. Kendrick Marion S. Sidman Eileen R. McCook Frederick A. Meier Lena Mereness Eleanor A. Miller T. Henry Murphy, Jr. Austin Nielsen Mrs. Joseph H. Schmidt, Jr. Warren F. Goodie Theodore C. Schoonmaker LiIa J. Seeley Edward P. Leavitt A盟認諾・ Albee) Peter Furiga Irene Russell Virginia B. Schmalz Bertha E. Johnston Francis J. Orsi Ernest B. Dorr Dorothy Edwards Majorie B. Meisner Mrs. Thomas Cunningham Eliza L. Hal】as Hope Marion Davis Raymond P. Maronpot Rena R. McGrath Thelma Abrams Gretchen A. Cory Vera M. Lewis Mrs. Richard B. Lilly (Ruth Thorbum) contributions : Everett W. Dorr Rosemary Benohley Laurence H. Bramhall John O. Germain Number of contributors John Wallace Brennan Amount contributed 2 $2.00 SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION WAYNE M. PHILBROOK -- Chairm云n C楊∫∫ Agen布 紛70.00 Class subsc重ibing largest amount ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ・ 100% Class with largest percentage of sub§Cribers 269ら 1夕3夕 10 Class with large§t number of subsC重ibers ……… …… … ……… … … Mrs. Paul Johnson (Evelyn Grant) 1923 SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND SOCIAL S ERVI CE Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 1 $5.00 1 100% 1920 1 $1.00 7 14% 1922 5% 4 Nu皿ber of contributors $19.00 42 萱0% $16.00 71 4% 3 Nunber of contributo調 Potential contributors Percenta筈e Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 3 $54.00 107 3% $65.00 事8 重7% (Emma Holmes) John M. Yanicks 2 $8.00 78 3% Number of contributors Amount coIitributed Potential contributors Percentage 1938 Mary S. Ewell, Closs Age加 Doris H. Brown Lester W. Dearbom Mary S, Ewell Mrs. David L. Leioh Ruth M, Fellows Gladys A. Meyer Doris Wadsworth Mrs. LeRoy J. Hess Number of contributors Amount contributed 土工詑器bel) Amount conもributed (Mary Claire Miller) 3 Mrs. Paul E. Johnson, Class Ageni EIsie M. Beattie John W. Birchall Margaret K. Breese (Constance Brodeur) Anna Ruth Nuttall Cynthia A. Prescott Number of contributors 、3 $9.00 46 7% Amount contributed Potential contributors Percen tage 6 $20.00 31 19% 1932 Mrs. George W. Smallman, ClαSS Age初 Frederic C. Carpenter 1927 Mrs. C. F. Dorman (Olive Ewing) (Virginia Cooke Rinearson) Number of contributors (Susan Chamberlin) Stella G. Eastman Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Mrs. Harold G. Jones Mary A. Evans (Charlotte Chambers) Samuel A. Livingstone L. Theron French Mrs. Otto S. Steele (Rachel Merrill) (Amy Ritter) B. Irma Titus Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage $41.00 67 15% Ashton M. Tenney, Class Age初 3 $22.00 41 7% Mr患. Royal P. S瞳鱈 7 $23.00 78 9% N監護謡霊軋相調 Amount contributed Potential contributors Peroentage Margaret C. Bigelow W. Marlin Butts Signe C. Goranson Mrs. Reuben J. E. Guild 〈Anna M. Schautz) Marian Peters Haynes Bemice M. Ormsbee Mary C. Robinson Ashton M. Tenney 1934 Mrs. Osville P. Schneck Number of contributors lO Mrs. George W. Smallman H柴講書・藷紫 Mrs. Marshall A. Belmer (Evelyn Grant) Harold G. Jones 宣939 Edith Adelaide Hartpence Mrs. R. Stanley Kendig, Class Age海 Glady8 M. Folts Mrs. Paul E. Johnson Page Forly-月々ん 5% 鮭鷲‡豊誌nd M縁篭豊鴇h) (Beryl Bartlett) Potential contributors Percentage 1923 Potenti al contributors Percentage $26.50 85 Hazel L. Cunard Mrs. Raymond E. Feole 1926 Lucielle Spencer Amount contributed ‘ Potential contributors Percentage 1930 Nelle R. Wooden Number of contributors Amount contributed N、繰言譜・霊揺瀧rs Amount contributed 193宣 Jessie Dell Crawford Potential oontributors Percentage $70.00 72 Mrs. George A. Paine Potential contributors Percentage Mrs. Agnes Maud Anderson Mrs. John P. Barres (Hazel E. Wetmore) Amount contributed Potential contI.ibutors Percentage 1937 Mrs. Harold R. Woodworth 4 E11a M. Gerrish Nu皿ber of contributors Potential contributors Percentage Lillian G. Elmendorf Grady D. Feagan Louise M. Kippenhan 宣925 Mrs. Ervin E. Webber (Gladys M. Nute) Amount contributed Class Age海 (Martha C. Johnson) Jannette E. Newhall Number of contributors Amount contributed AND SOCIAL WORK Mrs. Harold R. Woodworth, Mrs. J. E. Johnson 1896 Clara M. Barber SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS 1928 1924 Mrs. Frank E. Farr (M. Louise Leopold) Mrs. Eva S. Johnson l $3.00 12 8% Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage $29.00 31 26% SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK LLOYD W. MII.LER - Chairman Cla∫、「 Agem∫ Class subscribing largest amount … ….. Howard W. Sayles 1940 $24.00 1,40 2う% Robert L. Young Class with largest percentage of subscribers. Howard W. Sayles Robert L. Young Class with largest number of subscribers. …. ‥ ‥ . ‥ ‥. … ‥ Howard W. Sayles 1940 7 1夕42 7 Robert L. Young Number of contributors Amount contributed 1940 Howard W. Sayles, Class Agem Robert L. Young, Class Ageni Mrs. Walter Aures 7 $24.00 28 Potential contributors Percentage 25% 1 942 1943 Vera Baharian Li11ian S. Irvine Received from Treasurer, aPPIiCable to Alumni membership for Joseph Pamicky the graduating members of the Mrs. Pau] B. Plumb (Elizabeth Tourot) 1941 Marion C. Fisher Phi】ip B. Haw]ey Norman L. Hersey John W. NichoIs Howard W. Sayles Number of contributors 3 Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Robert Loring Young class $78.00 (Shir]ey Brown) Mrs. Alexander Strauss (Mary Horwitz Goebel) Dan Wesley LIoyd W. Miller Margaret R. Williston Margaret M. Zimmer $7.50 22 14% The following made additionaI oontributions : John H. Yerger Number of contributors Mary Louise Spratt 7 Amount contributed $17.00 31 Potential contributors Percentage Number of contributors Amount contributed 23% 冒otal GRADUATE SCHOOL OI.IVE B. MACPHERSON - Chairman Cla∫∫ Agen有 Class subscribing largest amount … … … … … ‥ Mary A. Driscoll Class with largest percentage of subscribers ‥ Class with largest number of subscribers. …. William J. V. Babcock 1906 1928 Edwin N. Hardy Number of contributors Amoltnt COntributed Potential contributors Percen tage 1 $5.00 4 25% Joseph N. Rodeheaver Number of contributors Am ount contributed Potential contributors Percen tage Grace S. DarIing MaI.y A. Driscol] l $5.00 2 50% of ーii--1-i・lぐ宣教﹁ Am oun t contributed PotentiaI contributors Percentage $10.00 6 17% Percentage 1 3 Marion S. Reynolds Potential contributors Percen tage l $5.00 3 33% Number of contributors l 舘蕊藍鵜島 $5罵 3 67% Prudence E. Thomas, Class Agelei Mrs. Rufus D. Bowman (Eva M. Craun) Mary B. Diveley E]izabeth D. James Marion I. Lithgow 2 $15.00 56 4% Potential contributors Percentage 59 8% 2 $6.00 3% 2 $6.00 64 3% 8% l $5.00 48 2% Potential contributors Percentage 8% 1942 Mrs. R. M. Bridgforth, Jr. (FIorence Jarnberg) Mrs. Alice Z. Farnham Louis S. Goodman Elmer E. Haskins, ClαSS Agen! Mrs. Anne W. Kuhn Robert ’Bragg Leon Carlyle LeVan Elmer E. Haskins Mrs. Duncan MacLean Herbert M. MoIIer Harriet Ross Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 。1綜(混護豊詑 Dora Pintner Fred A. Smart Vernon A. Tetrault 5 $26.00 76 7% Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 8 $27.03 70 11% 1 943 Morris Zief Number of contributors $42.00 71 13% Received from Treasurer, aPPliCable to Alumni membership for the graduating members of the c重郷8B $237.00 The following made additional contributions : 1939 Mildred V. Carroll (MiIdred B. F]agg) 8 $33.00 98 Jean R. Clawson 1938 $29.25 62 1933 Beatrice L. Goff Henry D. Russell Demetrios E. Theodore Number of contributors Amount contributed (Louisa Boyd) Cora M. Vining Robert H. Whitaker Beatrice N. Wolfson Potential contributors Percentage Isabel Pifer Potential contributors Percentage Edward W. Mathews Mrs. Harold Stose Number of contributors Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Lucy E. Ayer Vinet I. Curdy 64 1927 Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage 62 10% Robert S. Levillain Number of contributors Amount contributed 1932 Amount contributed Mrs. Francis J. FIagg Number of contributors 6 $31.00 宣937 E. Perley Eaton, ClαSS 4ge初 Hyman J. Routtenberg Number of contributors F霊霊や離ite) Number of contributors Joseph F. Manning Ada Van Camp Dwight M. Burkham Mabel Metze Emest W. Moyer 1926 Mrs. Francis P. Cook Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage Cora M. Vining, Class Agen; Melvin C. Cannon John B. Carruthers John M. Vandenbelt Number of contributors Amount contributed 0% 1941 Number of contributors $19.00 Number of contributors 8 Amount contributed $28.00 Percentage ] Potential contributors Percentage (Elizabeth Jane Ryder) Potential contributors Percentage Bertha Starkey Number of contributors Amount contributed 1936 Lottie Leavit七 Katherine W. Ross, Class Ageni Mrs. Donald H. Baldwin Amount contributed Hubert K. Martin HeIen F. Stevens Katherine E. TorI.ant PotentiaI contributors 84 Nils H. Janson Mrs. Grady D. Feagan (Leota McCutchen) George H. Morris Katherine W. Ross Alice E. Ward 1925 5% WiIliam P. McEwen 1931 2 $10.00 4 $22.00 75 S. Wilcox HarⅤey Samuel Dupertuis NumbeI. Of contributors Loraine S. Hamm Mrs. Melissa B. Howarth Wi11iam Larsen Lottie Leavitt, Class Agel!i Number of contributors Everett W. Robinson Potential contributors Percentage % Mrs. Ear] Cranston (Mildred Welch) Linford A. Marquart Amount contributed ]2% Mary L. O’Toole, Class Age海 War重電n H. Southworth Number of contributors Amount contributed Eleanor M. Smith Potential contributors Percentage 1916 Amount contributed Potential contributors Percentage % 1930 Number of contributors $39.00 86 Judson Rea Butler Emest R. Calvert Mildred Huntsinger Mrs. Alfred C. Schroeder (Janet Ellis) Leon R. Searles Percentage 2 Amount contributed 1935 contributors 7 1912 79 4% 10 Amount contributed Potential contributors Percen tage 1940 1 929 1 Number of contributol.S 3 $9.00 Potential contributors Percentage EIeanor M. Smith, ClαSS Age硯 Number of contributors Lienne Tetrault Amount contributed 会誌盤霊鵜島 $4 5 ・諾 1909 Dayton E. McC量ain Nedra Sma]l Lorentz I. Hansen Number of contributors Grace Gatche] l Number Marie L. Paraboschi Mary I. Dwyer J. Arthur West Ellen L. Du鯖ey Mrs. Marguerite Holt (Marguerite G. English) Eleanor Moles C]arence A. Westphal 1907 Fan S. Noli 1934 Mary A. Driscol], C′ass Ageni WilIiam J. V. Babcock, C′ass Age初 Alice F. Angyal William J. V. Babcock Mrs. Otto Berneck 4 $18.00 56 7% (Julia Cluck) Eugene H. Floyd Bethany King Herbert Newman Jessica B. Smith Number of contributors Amount contributed 1 $2.00 二二二二ここ 冒ot秘l $239. 00 1944 Rita Elizabeth Duffy Nu皿ber of contributors Amount contributed 重 $1.00 ■ヾ  ̄臆 ̄  ̄- 懸 闇 緩 怠 藤
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