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May 20, 2014
Edited by Pete Peterson
Photos by Everett Jackson
of the Rotary Club of Zanesville
Call to Order: Mollie Crooks
Invocation: George Kopf...Welcome back, George!
Introduction of Guests: Mollie Crooks
Allison Weeks of the Community Bank, and Rob Zachrich,
guests of Sue Wilson. Kelli & Jenn Wohlgamuth, Lori & Matthew
Burnell, A.J. Patel, guests of Marion Gilliland. Visiting Rotarian
Bill Porter, President of the Daybreak Club.
News at Noon with George Hiotis
George reported on Mumps, the inevitability of more rain,
and joked about $9.00 beers.
Don shares his story
with us in the Spotlight.
Birthdays and Anniversaries
May Birthdays
Rob Guentter
Linka Conkle
Ron Welch
Janice Tucker-McCloud
May Anniversaries
Shala Zemba
Sharon Parker
Bill Bussey
Bert Hendley
Jack Wine
May 4 Bryan Hartley
May 22 Tom Hammond
May 24 Rob Willmann
May 26
1 year
1 year
12 years
36 years
51 years
Jon Renner
Sheila Everett
Paul Ritchey
Ralph Cater
Paritosh shares his
experiences here
and the customs of
his home.
May 16
May 24
May 24
1 year
2 years
30 years
46 years
Member Spotlight: Don Mason
Don Mason told his story to us in the member spotlight. In
high school, he was the 1975 ZHS class president in his junior
and senior years. He went to college at OSU and Muskingum
College. At ages 22 and 24 he was elected to the city council,
and became Mayor at 26, and reelected at age 30. He became
a member of PUCO in 2008. He has now retired from elected
office and is self employed as a utility and pipeline industry
My best memory of Don: As Mayor, he conviced the city and
county executives that good things would happen if they would
work together. They did, and it happened! Thank you, Don!
Ralph celebrates 46
Years at Rotary.
Jack has stuck around
the club for 51 years!
Mollie proudly displays our “Club of
the Year” plaque!
Committee Reports:
Mike Snode reported to the club on our Rotary International
Foundation additions. Jeff Dittmar received his first Paul Harris
Award, while Don Mason received his 5th and Eldon Hudson
took home his 6th. Bob Edmonson presented a memorial dedicated to all the contribution of time, talent and treasure given by
Butch and Maggie Collins. The gift goes to our Legacy.
Presidents Time:
“Sponsor a Member” Award Pins
“Sponsor a Member” pins went to Jeff Hardwick for sponsoring Jeff Dittmar, Rick Sabine for sponsoring Linka Conkle, and
Cassandra McDonald for sponsoring Stan Braxton. We now
have added 10 new members! Wow!
Mike updates us on the
RI Foundation.
“Engage Rotary, Change Lives”
Sue Wilson dives for the
Daily Catch.
Report on the District Conference
From here, everything got even bet- obelisk in the center of the city is Mile
Thanks to ADG Rick Sabine, Marion ter. Zanesville support came from A.J. Zero for all cities in the country. There
Gilliland and Hud for attending & repre- & Gayatribet Patell and Scott & Kelli are many statues. They’re often rainy
senting our club!
Wohlgamuth families, Bill Stewart has weather has an average temperature of
Received the Rotary Club Central been Paritosh’s mentor, Matt Burnell and 115º. Paritosh recommends you have
Award for setting strategic goals to his mother Lori brought Paritosh into 4-wheel drive in Nagpus.
Engage Rotary, Change Lives, this year the Robotics team, and Shala Zemba
Marion has told me that Paritosh will be
and in years to come.
& Company paid for the billboard taking home many favorable impressions
Received a Presidential Citation from RI. recognition.
of our country and is leaving behind the
Received a District Governor
It is always interesting and enlighten- same.
Award for Club of the Year (along ing to hear about how life is lived across
Paritosh’s final remarks:
with Daybreak)
the pond. Paritosh articulated well his
“Amazing time of my life! I’m a better
country and culture.
person and like it!”
Proud Rotarian Signs
Here goes: India, 5000 years of history,
Don’t forget, see Mollie to get your “I’m 1/3 the size of the US with 3 times the 50/50 Raffle - Sue Wilson
a Proud Rotarian” signs for $12 each!
population and 6 religious faiths.
Customs: Males dominate, while Presidential Ponderings
My recent adventure into politics left
are generally home makers, but
Paritosh Kanye, Youth Exchange Student
me with many memorable experiences
Marion Gilliland introduced Paritosh
and of which is:
Kanye, our Youth Exchange Student from arranged, families bond, and the divorce “You’re never too old to learn something stupid.”
Nagpus, India.
Our Rotary 4-Way test speaks of con- things like rice, lentils with a lot of spice,
Upcoming Programs
necting, truth, fairness, goodwill, and and tea 3 times a day at specific times.
May 27 -
Happy Hour at Weasel Boy
better friendships that benefit all concerned. Our Rotary Club has a history festivals featuring celebrations. They also June 3 -
taking exchange students and adults into value the bonding of brothers and sisters,
June 10 - TBA
the gracious and generous way of life light and the victory of good over evil.
June 17 -
here in Zanesville. With Marion at the
wheel we have been taken on a unique million Indians, comprising 38% of our
journey in bringing two cultures together doctors and 12% of our scientists.
Paritosh’s family lives in the city of
in a very special way.
Nagpus, in the very center of India. The
Marion wrote to Paritosh’s parents:
May 27 -
June 3 -
June 10 -
June 17 -
Candid meeting moments
Zanesville Rotary Club
Officers & Directors
President..................... Mollie Crooks
Secretary......Janice Tucker-McCloud
Treasurer........................Sue Wilson
Historian.....................Elden Hudson
Sergeant at Arms....... Tom Poorman
Birthday Cupcakes
Rich “rests his eyes” for a second.
Club 156
District 6690
Chartered May 1, 1915
No Noon Meeting
Stacey Clapper, Mollie Crooks
Heather Dolen, Richard Duncan
Terry Dunn, Bob England
Jim Evans, Sheila Everett
Jim Fonseca, Marion Gilliland
Beth Glass, Rob Guentter
“Engage Rotary, Change Lives”
Board of Directors
Club Administrations............Tori Thomas
Membership....................... Tom Poorman
Community Service 1......... Stacy Clapper
Community Service 2..... Theresa Kanavel
Public Relations.................... John Parker
Rotary Foundation..........Paul McClelland
P.O. Box 177
Zanesville, Ohio 43702-0177