zenith summer camp Sufi Camp: Ticino, Switzerland · 21st July to 16th August, 2014 In nature, in beauty, in friendship awaken your heart Welcome to the Zenith Camp! Zenith was founded 25 years ago by Pir Vilayat Khan as a place for seekers of truth to periodically step away from the fast-paced world and find, in the mountains, a space in which to awaken to our timeless nature. Every summer people come from around the world. They come to drink deeply of nature’s beauty and power, to connect with old friends and new, and to inwardly tread the path that leads to the soul’s awakening. The Camp is hosted by the Sufi Order International, and many who come are initiates (mureeds) of the Order, but many others come as well, and all lovers of truth and beauty are welcome. This year we will be returning once more to the Alpine meadow in Ticino. Our work will start in June when there is nothing more than the mountains, the trees and the cows. A group of people of all ages, and with different skills, gathers to build the camp. They prepare the space for the four-week programme, share in spiritual practices, and live together in community. The programme is led by the President of the Sufi Order, Pir Zia Inayat Khan, together with senior teachers in the Order as well as teachers from other traditions. Participants in the Camp have the option of taking part in group seminars or retreats or doing a guided individual retreat. We have a wonderful camp within the Camp for children, so you can come as a family. We also offer special workshops for teenagers and young adults. A typical day at the Camp includes early morning meditations and singing, morning and afternoon teaching sessions, additional workshops and, an evening programme of zikr (“remembrance” -chanting) or sema’ (music, poetry, and spiritual dances). You can come for a week or four weeks. At the end of the four weeks another group gathers to take down everything that was built and return the land to the state in which we found it. Do come and join us! You can come to build, participate, take down, or just visit. In joining together, may we all be strengthened and inspired by the glory of the Divine presence in our lives and in the world. Programme The theme of the camp this year is gratitude. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the passing of the camp’s founder, my father Pir Vilayat. We are grateful for his legacy. We are grateful for the ancient heritage of guidance and grace that he transmitted. We are grateful for the luminous emanations of the One, the Friend. We are grateful for the stars, the mountains, and the rivers, and for the love that sustains and renews this perishable world. In gratitude we will gather and join our praise to the tide of remembrance that flows through all things. – Pir Zia Inayat Khan We will explore the meaning of gratitude by bearing witness with our senses to the benevolence of the landscape in which we stand, nurturing friendships with fellow seekers from many lands, and delving deeply within, to encounter the Source of all blessings. The vision of Hazrat Inayat Khan, the founder of the Sufi Order, provides a potent framework for our work. Hazrat Inayat Khan established five Activities, and these Activities will form the basis of the programme this year. They are Healing, the Esoteric School, Ziraat, Universal Worship, and Kinship. For more information about the Activities please look at our website: www.zenithinstitute.com Each week another Activity will be featured and each seminar will focus on different aspects of an Activity. Kinship, the Activity concerned with community, will be a constant, underlying all that we do. In this spirit, Hazrat Inayat Khan said, “The great teachers gave to the world that simple philosophy that even a child knows: To love one another, to be kind, to be sincere, to serve one another.” In addition to the sessions listed below, we will have dedicated spaces for zikhr, the telling of dreams, yoga, whirling, and music. Week 1 Healing The healer must have the power to heal, besides concentration and a desire to heal. But at the same time … Messiah in the East means healer, and for a Messiah the power of love is the first quality. – Hazrat Inayat Khan Seminar 1A Sarida Brown guides the Sufi Healing Order internationally, for which she teaches and leads retreat. She practises acupuncture, trained in Body-Soul Rhythms with Jungian analyst, Marion Woodman, and founded and edited the healing journal Caduceus for 20 years. Rev. Peter L. Dewey is an Ordained Anglican Minister and a founding member of the Interfaith Network, UK and the Prison Phoenix Trust, which takes Yoga and meditation into prisons. Having immersed himself for years in the symbolism and mystic heart of Christianity and other traditions, he leads retreats and runs spiritual development groups for interfaith ministers. Amat-un-Nur Naila Tiwana holds a MA in Comparative Philosophy: Islamic and Western, with a special interest in reading and understanding the Quranic message in the light of universalism and gender-friendliness. She is Head of the Pakistan Chapter of Sufi Order International and Vice President of the Kinship Council. Josine Zon is a music teacher and music therapist as well as a retreat guide and healing conductor In the Sufi Order and mentor for the Dances of Universal Peace. In this time she developed a very personal style of sound healing, inspired by Sufism and other teachings. Seminar 1B Shahabuddin David Less has practiced Sufism for all of his adult life and travels around the world sharing practices of sound, light and breath to uplift the spirit. He is a Senior Teacher in the Sufi Order International and Head of its Universal Worship concentration. He is also the author of Universal Meditations: recipes for a peaceful mind. Seminar 1C Kothranneda Anna Less, L Ac and PhD is one of very few westerners to receive her PhD in Traditional Chinese medicine in China and has practiced it over 20 years. She also completed an advanced training in Ayurvedic Medicine in India and is a spiritual teacher in the Sufi Order since 1978. Seminar 1D Waliha Cometti was an internationally successful fashion designer, when she heard the call for inner meaning and the truth of life. She delved into Yoga, travelled to India and became a student of Pir Vilayat Khan. She is the Founder of The Enlightenment and Glory Training for Holistic Growth and guides retreats and seminars. Alev Naqiba Kowalzik is a teacher of the living sound and music. She grew up in Lugano, Switzerland, singing in the Christian, Jewish and Muslim spiritual traditions. She is an experienced clinical psychologist and works, teaches and heals bridging East and West. She works with individual and groups. Seminar 1E Munir Voß has studied philosophy, physics, psychology and astrology. He leads the Heidelberg Sufi Centre. Munir is one of the main people responsible for the training of retreat guides and leaders in the german Sufi Order. This is the focus of his work. Malik Hirschberg is a retreat guide/representative in the Sufi Order of Austria and has responsibility for the Sufi Center in Vienna. Week 2 The Esoteric School A Retreat with Pir Zia Inayat Khan Retreat 2 There are three esoteric schools most known in the East: the Buddhist School, the Vedantic School, and the Sufi School. The peculiarity of the Sufi School is that it uses humanity as the main path for spiritual advancement. – Hazrat Inayat Khan The retreat is a step-by-step deepening of awareness through the awakening of subtle capacities by means of breath, sound, meditation, and sacred remembrance. This week will be a silent week. Pir Zia Inayat-Khan, PhD is a scholar and teacher of Sufism in the lineage of his grandfather, Hazrat Inayat Khan. He is the president and spiritual leader of the Sufi Order International, founder of Seven Pillars House of Wisdom and Suluk Academy. He is a recipient of the U Thant Peace award, and is a Lindisfarne Fellow. Week 3 Ziraat Although in essence, even after touching the deepest depths of the earth, the soul is divine, in order to realize for itself that Divine Element it has a task waiting even after being human. It is the manner in which that task is accomplished, and the object gained which is called Ziraat. – Hazrat Inayat Khan Seminar Pir Zia Inayat Khan and the Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo 3A Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo is a professor of Buddhist studies at the University of San Diego where she teaches Buddhist thought and culture. She integrates scholarship and social activism through the Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women and Jamyang Foundation, an innovative education project for Himalayan women. Seminar Young Adults Retreat 3B Deepa Gulrukh Patel is a campaigner, facilitator, educator with interest in the arts, collaboration and equality. She is a Representative in the Sufi Order with a special interest in contemplative practices. She is also a Co-Director of Slow Down London, a member of the Seven Pillars Wisdom Council and has been a mentor in Suluk Academy. Adam Bucko is a co-author of Occupy Spirituality: A Radical Vision for a New Generation. He is a co-founder of the Reciprocity Foundation, empowering homeless youth to break the cycle of poverty, and HAB, an interspiritual contemplative fellowship focused on training young people in radical spirituality and sacred activism. Retreat Munir Voß 3C Week 4 Universal Worship The Universal Worship is not another Church to be included among the variety of existing Churches. It is a Church, which gives an opportunity to those belonging to different religions to worship together. Also it gives practice in paying respect to the great ones who have come from time to time to serve humanity. – Hazrat Inayat Khan Seminar 4A The week will use the music of the different faiths to deepen our relationship to all the faiths and hear the symphony that is created when each faith has space to play its note. Confirmed teachers include: Saki Lee guides individual and group retreats internationally. In her work, her love of sacred music and the Dances of Universal Peace are woven in to uplift, harmonize and tune the heart and spirit. Mehmet Ungan studied the traditional instruments Saz, Oud and Ney after meeting Dr. Oruc Güvenc. Originally a sociologist and social worker, today he is the co-founder of the Oriental Music Academy in Mannheim and a regular guest on intercultural and interfaith events across Europe. Ali Ungan is an active musician and co-founder of the Oriental Music Academy in Mannheim. He taught at Free Waldorf School Intercultural Mannheim and currently teaches music and intercultural communication at the “SRH-Fachschule für Soziales” in Heidelberg. Barbara Swetina is a musician, singer and songwriter, who plays many instruments and has a wide repertoire of songs and dances from around the world, which she has recorded. She has been living in the Findhorn Foundation since 1984 and travels and teaches internationally. Michael Stillwater is an award-winning songwriter, recording artist, innovative educator and filmmaker. He provides artistic and transformative reflection upon core societal issues. He started a non-profit company called Songs without Borders. He will be part of the workshop for 3 days. Zuleikha is an international performer, social activist, self-care trainer and teacher in the art of movement. Renowned for her global work with women and girls, innovative classes, performances, and Rumi Concert collaborations, she is a recipient of the Images and Voices of Hope Media Award for outstanding work in the world promoting positive personal and social change. As a part of this programme, Zuleikha will offer a special session once a day for those who wish to deepen Body Listening. Aziz Dikeulias, Zumurrud Butta (for 3 days), Uma Lacombe, Ophiel Maarten and Hayat van Leer (see website for details) Seminar 4B Dr. Ulrike Greenway has spent her time in science and teaching. She deepened her Zen-practice in the lineage of and with Zentatsu Richard Baker-Roshi. She explores the interconnectedness of monastic practices and the everyday life, including professional demands, relationship and family. She currently works in the area of teacher trainings. Martin Zamir Roehrs is co-founder of the Zenith Institute and has been leading the camp up to 2013. He has been a teacher in the Sufi Order for over 30 years and was the private assistant to the late Pir Vilayat. His passions are the zhikr, travelling and guiding groups all over the world. Workshop Youth camp – For teenagers from 14–18 years 4C General Information Working at the camp We always need help in building the Camp and then taking it down again, but also during seminar times we offer vacancies in different areas (children’s camp, driving, kitchen, admin and technical help). These jobs can be done full time (Staff ) or part time (Workstudy). You can come for a week or the whole time. Please find more information on our website: www.zenithinstitute.com To work as staff, it is mandatory to apply and register in advance! Children’s Camp The Children’s Camp will take place in parallel with the main programmes of the camp, and will be held during the entire camp. Here children and parents can sing, dance, play and be creative together. Children must be at least three years old to take part. Individual Retreat An essential part of the Camp – some would say the very heart of it – is our beautiful, sunny and well-sheltered retreat area. Here, in the silence of magnificent surroundings, one may turn deeply within to experience inner healing and transformation. Individual retreats are available for a period of between one and four weeks. Please check our website for a list of Retreat Guides. For detailed descriptions of our seminars, teachers and more information about the Camp, please see our website: www.zenithinstitute.com Prices Basic weekly price CHF US $ 600 € 498 672 £ 408 2 weeks 1170 971 1310 796 3 weeks 1711 1420 1916 1163 4 weeks 2225 1847 2492 1513 Daily rate 125 104 140 85 Supplement week 1B + C, 2A, 3A, 4A 90 75 101 61 Youth Camp 420 349 470 286 Young Adults Camp 500 349 560 340 Tent p/ week 150 125 168 102 Dormitory p/ night 17 14 18 11 Cheque processing fee 20 17 21 12 Cancellation fee 100 83 112 68 We have brought our prices down!! Make all cheques and money orders payable to Zenith Institute. For transfers use: Zenith Institute, Postgiroamt Frankfurt (Germany) in Euro: IBAN: DE35 5001 0060 0301 1666 06 Swift/BIC PBNKDEFF or Zenith Institue, Banca Raiffeisen Olivone (Switzerland) In Euro: IBAN: CH61 8035 0000 0010 0626 2 Swift/BIC RAIFCH22 In CHF: IBAN: CH84 8035 0000 0010 0623 6 Swift/BIC RAIFCH22 If you pay by check, please add CHF 20 / €17 to your payment! Payments by banktransfer or directly on location in Camp. ATTENTION! We cannot accept credit cards! Bancomats for EC/ VISA/MASTERCARD in Olivone. Week 1B Week 1A Waliha Cometti & Naqiba Kowalzik: Group Retreat Anna Less, PhD. Shahabuddin Less Sarida Brown, Rev. Peter Dewey, Amat-un-Nur Tiwana, Josine Zon Healing Week 1C Munir Voß & Malik Hirschberg Jul 21st – 26th Week 1D Individual Retreat in Week 1 Week 1 Week 1E Retreat Week 1I Jul 28th – Aug 2nd Pir Zia Inayat Khan: Silent Retreat Week 2 Week 2A Deepa Patel & Adam Bucko - Young Adults Camp (18-29 yrs.) Pir Zia and Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo The Inner Life and the Sacred Earth (Ziraat) Individual Retreat in Week 2 Week 3A Munir Voß, Group Retreat Aug 4th – 9th Week 2I Week 3B Week 3 Week 3C Individual Retreat in Week 3 Universal Worship Youth Camp (14 –18 yrs.) Zamir Röhrs & Ulrike Greenway Aug 11th – 16th Week 3I Week 4 Saki Lee, Zuleikha, Barbara Swetina, Michael Stillwater, Week 4B Individual Retreat in Week 4 Mehmet und Ali Ungan, Aziz Dikeulias, Zumurrd Butta Week 4C Week 4A Week 4I Registration Familyname: Street: Name: ZIP/State:City: Country: Email: Name: D.o.B:Nationality: Phone: Familyname: Street: ZIP/State:City: Country: Email: D.o.B:Nationality: Phone: Number of children ___x 50 % 2nd child ___x 30 %, teenager ___ x 2/3 of C Subtotal: C + D Student/Unemployed discount Subtotal: E–F Discount for early registration (before May 1st) Supplement for week 1B+C, 2A, 3A, 4A: 90 CHF, 75 EUR, 101 USD, 61 £ Subtotal: G–H + I Dormitory: nights ___ x dormrate (only valid with deposit of 50 %) Tent rental: weeks ___ x tent rate (only valid with deposit of 50 %) Donation Hope Project Zenith Camp Youth Fund Donation of 100/50 CHF for another participant (or 100/50 € or 100/50 USD) Total: J + K + L + M Deposit via Check/Transfer in the amount of: (For checks: plus processing fee of € 17 / CHF 20 / 21 £ / 13 $) Amount due upon arrival N–O D E F G H I J K L M N O P -5 % of G Subtotal: A + B C -10 % of E Other times : from ________ to _________ Amount ___ x daily rate B amount see price table Number of weeks A Phone: +49 (0)40 18 15 89 97 for french: +33 (0)1 47 28 48 46 E-Mail: [email protected] www.zenithinstitute.com Reinfeldstrasse 3, 20146 Hamburg, Germany or 13, Rue de la Tuilerie, 92150 Suresnes, France Zenith Institute Please send to: Date:Signature: I have read the text on the website and accept the conditions and rules thereof. I am aware, that participation in the camp happens at my own risk. Age: Age: Full name: Full name: Age: Full name: Children participating in the Camp
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