N e w s L e t t e r o f H u s s a i n i a s s o c i a t i o n o f C a l g a r y, C a n a d a Al Al-- Hujjat (ATFs) Al-Hujjat (atfs) Vol.3- Issue No 2- Safar-1436 / November –December -2014 Message from president In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful Salaam-un-Alykum Dear Momineen & Mominaat, We have to remember that the months of Muharram and Safar ,the Mourning period for every Shia is a very emotional period and this emotion has to be conveyed by the Ahl-eMimbar to spread the true message of Karbala‟, to awaken a hatred against all that Yazid stood for and to rekindle a commitment to Islam as preached by the Ahlul Bayt (s) and for which Imam Hussain (a) laid down his life. We can not perpetuate the illusion that Aza‟ al-Hussain means no more than a few tears, matam and processions. These are the means and not the end. They are important only if they lead each of us becoming a better Shia than we were in the preceding year. If we lose sight of the objectives we may find ourselves answerable for forgetting and holding to ridicule the cause for which our Imam sacrificed so much! May all our Azadari be true demonstration of our love for, and a confluence of emotion, reason and commitment to, Imam Hussain (as) May Allah Almighty accept our azadari and other Aamaal during these months. Riyaz Khawaja (President) In this issue: Event at a glance *ASHRA-E-ARBAEEN The Third Journey-Karbala to Kufa Abuzar Al-Ghaffari 2-3 3 Dec 4th—Dec 13th 2014 Speaker: Moulana Syed Sartaj Zaidi A Brief History of the Prophet‘s (pbuh) Life 4-5 *Khamsa Majalis-e-Aza The Journey of Kufa to Shaam 6-9 Picture Gallery 9 *Shab-e-Aza on Sat,27th Dec Allamah Syed Mahdi Bahrul Uloom (r.a) 10-13 For Further Information : Advertisements 13-14 Prayer Timings Ayat of the Month 15 16 20th Dec-24th Dec 2014 Speaker: Moulana Syed Safi Haider Tele Message: (403) 235-1212 OR visit: www.hussainicalgary.com Suggestions: [email protected] Page 1 The Third Journey - Karbala’ to Kufa Dawn breaks out on the desolate sands of Karbala‟. What was the battle field yesterday, is a stretch of desert covered with the bodies of the slain. In the corner where there had stood Imam Husayn's camp the mourning widows and orphans have completed their morning prayers. Imam Zain ul 'Abideen is in sijdah glorifying Allah. Umar Sa'ad walks over with a few soldiers and orders the women and the children to be tied with ropes as captives. There is a renewed wailing. Our fourth Imam consoles them. He himself is put under heavy chains. Yazid's soldiers spend the day burying their dead. The bodies of the grandson of the Prophet of Islam and the other martyrs are left unattended. Imam Zain ul 'Abideen pleads to be allowed to bury but all his pleas go unheeded. Another night in Karbala‟ followed by another dawn! The prisoners remain tied. Our Imam suffers the discomfort of the chain. His wrists and ankles are bruised. On the morning of the 12th Muharram the enemy brings unsaddled camels upon which the women and children are made to mount. A huge procession is being prepared. At the head of the procession is Umar Sa'ad followed by the officers. Then a few foot soldiers carrying lances upon which are mounted the heads of the martyrs. In their midst is our fourth Imam, chained and shackled. Then the camels carrying the women and children as prisoners. Shimr and the rest of the infantry bring up the rear. The journey to Kufa begins. Yes, the tale of Karbala‟ is a tale of five sad journeys! Now begins the third journey of tears. We look at the travellers. Some of those who had set out on that first journey, from Mecca to Madina, can be seen but the rest can not. No! They also can be seen if we look around! They are lying slaughtered on the sands of Karbala‟. Who are the legends of this third journey? We see the hero, hand-cuffed, chained, exhausted with the long illness and the great suffering, our Fourth Imam, Zain ul 'Abideen. And the leading lady? Yes we see the lady. She is bare-headed. Her face full of pain and yet reflecting courage and the strength of her spirit! She knows that for the sake of Bibi Sakina and the other ladies she can not possibly give in to her grief and sorrow. Yes, it is Bibi Zainab! Umar Sa'ad cruelty is not exhausted. He decides to lead the procession past where the bodies of the martyrs lie. As the camel carrying Bibi Zainab goes past the body of Imam Husayn she can no longer contain her pain and anguish, and turning her face to Madina she cries out: “Ya Muhammad, The angels in heaven send their blessings upon you! Look, here lies your beloved Husayn, so humiliated and disgraced, covered with blood and cut into pieces. Here are we your daughters taken captives by Yazid!” Imam Zain ul 'Abideen walks over to Bibi Zainab.” Dear Aunt, have patience. Your sacrifices for Islam have only just begun.” Ibn Ziyad, the Governor of Kufa, had declared a holiday. The city was decorated with flags and pennants. People had been told that the rebels who wanted to attack their city and murder them had been defeated at Karbala‟ and that their women were being brought into the city as prisoners. Those who believed this, and many did, came out to line the city streets through which the procession was to pass so that they might mock and jeer at the prisoners. Big crowds had gathered everywhere. There was a holiday mood. The procession slowly entered the city and began to move towards the Governor's palace. People jeered and shouted at the prisoners. There were a few, however, who guessed the truth. When they saw Imam Husayn's head, and saw the misery and grief of the widows and orphans, they began to shed tears. The majority were ignorant. They believed, or found it convenient to believe, the lies which Umar Sa'ad had told them. As the procession neared the palace, the crowds thickened. Most of the people who gathered around the Governor's palace were those who worked for Yazid or supported him. The jeering and insults grew louder. The face of Bibi Zainab was red with anger. She stood up on the camel, looked at the crowd and in a loud and clear voice said: “Praise be to Allah and blessings upon my grandfather Muhammad, His beloved Prophet!! Woe unto you, O people of Kufa! Do you know whom you have killed? Do you know what pledge you have broken? Do you know whose blood you have shed? Do you know whose honour you have defiled?” There was a stunned silence. Then a gentle sound of people crying! There was a blind old man in the crowd. He had been a companion of Hazrat Ali. When he heard Bibi Zainab's voice, he cried out, “By Allah, if I had not known that he had died, I could have sworn that what I just heard was the voice of my master Ali ibn Abu Taalib.” Imam Zain ul 'Abideen went up to him and said, “Oh Shaikh! This is not Ali but his daughter Zainab binti Ali! She is the daughter of Fatimah, the beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet.”The sound of weeping from the crowd grew louder. But as Bibi Zainab continued. Immediately there was a hushed silence: “And well may you weep, O people of Kufa! The crime which you committed against your Prophet was so great that the skies shook, the earth trembled, and mountains crumbled down! You have killed your Imam, and by doing so lost your shelter against hardship, evil and kufr! His blood stains your souls. Nothing can protect you from the anger of Allah for having killed the son of the last of His prophets!” Page 2 The Third Journey - Karbala’ to Kufa c o n t i nu e d People could no longer control their wailing. Umar Sa'ad was frightened and quickly led the prisoners into the palace. The prisoners were brought before ibn Ziyad. Shaikh al-Mufid (A.R.) reports that ibn Ziyad sat on his throne and in front of him was the head of Imam Husayn (a). He frequently poked the face with his cane. An old companion of the Holy Prophet, Zayd bin Arqam, was in the court and when he witnessed this indignity being inflicted on the head of Imam he cried out, “Take your cane away from those lips! By Allah I have seen the lips of the Apostle of Allah on those lips!” Ibn Ziyad was livid with rage. He retorted, “O old man! How dare you interrupt our celebrations of the victory of our Imam, Yazid ibn Muawiya. Because of your age I spare your life. Leave my court immediately.” Ibn Ziyad then pointed at Imam Zain ul 'Abideen and asked: “Who is this young man?” “He is Ali ibnal Husayn,” replied Umar Sa'ad.” “Why is he alive?” asked ibn Ziyad. and added, “Kill him straight away!” Bibi Zainab rushed forward and planted herself in front of Imam Zain ul 'Abideen.”You will have to kill me first!” She said looking at ibn Ziyad with such defiance, determination and anger that ibn Ziyad got up and walked away ordering that the prisoners be locked up. Abuzar al-Ghaffari as A h m a d L o qm a n i Abuzar was a truthful, strong and pious disciple, who from the outset of his conversion to Islam till the last moment of his life, didn't stray from the Path of Truth. He fought against oppression and fully supported Prophet hood and Vilayah and was among the first people to convert to Islam. In fact, he was the 4th or 5th person to become Muslim and because of this he is considered among the "most eminent in Islam.” He was the first person in Mecca to make his conversion public and with his distinct manner aired his belief in the „Oneness of Allah' near to the Holy Ka‟ba. The Messenger of God (SAW) praised Abuzar and said to him: "May Allah bless you, O Abuzar! Truly, you live alone, die alone, rise alone and enter heaven alone! Fortunate and amongst the delivered are those who will attend the ceremonial washing of your body after your death and your burial. The sky has cast no shadow and the earth received not one more truthful than you.” "Abuzar you are truly one of the Ahl ul-Bait so love my Ahl ul-Bait, those whom God keeps away from indecent actions and wickedness and purified them a unique purification.” The clairvoyance and insight of the Prophet (SAW) after his death, was confirmed for all because Abuzar, in the midst of the storm of events and dark political circumstances, among more than 100,000 persons in Ghadir-e-Khum, stood up like a strong cedar, a vigilant vanguard and had a revolutionary, penetrating and influential presence. He was not at all deterred by the conditions and polluted atmosphere of allure and intimidation by money and force.4 Abuzar from the very beginning of his move towards the Prophet (SAW), had witnessed the accompaniment of Imam Ali (AS) by the side of the Prophet (SAW), who at the time was a youngster, and he was also quite aware of Hazrat Fatima's (SA) diligent endeavour in the course of the Prophetic mission of the Holy Prophet (SAW). Therefore, he had faith based on recognition and insight regarding the Prophet (SAW) and his chaste household. So when silver and gold coins of leaders of Medina and Syria discreetly were sent to him, his only answer was: "I have a loaf of oat bread which can see me through for a few days. With the Vilayat of Imam Ali (AS) and his chaste relatives, I feel no need for others.” 5 On another occasion he decisively defended Hazrat Fatima (SA) and cried out loud: "Truly because of Ali‟s (AS) Vilayat and his family, who call everyone to truth and justice and who are men of guidance and justice, I feel richer than most people. I learnt about Ali (AS) and his family‟s characteristics from the Prophet (SAW)... Hence, Ali (AS) is very truthful, most pious and the distinguisher between good and evil after the Prophet of God (SAW). He is „Amirul-Muminin' Leader of the Faithful and wealth of the under privileged people.” Abuzar and Hazrat Fatima (SA): Abuzar‟s relentless faith, thunderous cries and forceful protection of Fatima (SA), in the midst of her pain and nostalgia were the soothing remedy for her burning wounds, especially whenever his deep perception and clear recognition led him to take a decisive stand against secularism and worldliness. It seemed that Abuzar echoed Zahra's (SA) truthful thoughts. It has been mentioned from Abuzar that: "O Allah! I love Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain, even if I am dismembered for the sake of their love, I would follow this path until I meet You and in following this path I seek Your satisfaction.” Fatima (SA) in return, held Abuzar in high regard and at opportune moments praised him and introduced him as a confidante of the Household of Prophet hood and Imamate. One day she mentioned her meeting with three beautiful, jovial and perfumed girls, who were Houris of Heaven and devotees of Hazrat Zahra (SA). She inquired their names. While introducing themselves, the second girl called Zorat said that God had intended her for Abuzar. Imam Ja'far as- Sadiq (AS) said that my grandmother Hazrat Fatima (SA) said to Imam Ali (AS): "Upon my death, don't inform anyone but Umme Salama and Fizza among the women and in addition to my two sons, Hassan and Hussain, inform Abbas ibn Abdul-Muttalib, Salman Farsi, Ammar, Abuzar and Huzaifah among men. Page 3 A Brief History of the Prophet's p b u h Life LINEAGE The oldest and noblest tribe in the whole of Arabia was Banu Hashim. They were the descendants of Ibrahim through his son Isma"il. The Arabs respected and loved them for their goodness, knowledge and bravery. ABD AL-MUTTALIB Abd al-Muttalib was the chieftain of Banu Hashim and he was also the Guardian of the Ka"bah. Among his ten sons, "Abdullah was the father of the Holy Prophet. In Mecca, baby boy Muhammad was born on 17th Rabi" al-Awwal, 570 AD.His father "Abdullah, son of "Abd al-Muttalib, died before he was born and when he was six, he lost his loving mother Aminah bint Wahab.His Grandfather, "Abd al-Muttalib, took the responsibility of bringing up the orphan. At the age of ten, he was berefted of his venerable grandfather. On his deathbed, he appointed his son Abu Talib as the guardian of Muhammad. Gentle, soft spoken, tall and handsome boy, Muhammad, accompanied the trading caravans of Abu Talib, across the deserts, giving him deep insight into nature and man. KHADIJAH(A.S) The wealthy noble widowed lady Khadijah, looking for a manager for her rich mercantile caravans, selects Muhammad, the Trustee. Able and fair dealing, Muhammad is a tremendous success. Khadijah already an admirer, made him an offer of marriage. Muhammad was twenty five and Khadijah forty. In spite of this disparity in age, the marriage proved to be a very happy one. THE PROPHET Lover of nature and quite worried about human sufferings, Muhammad very often retired to Mount Hira" for meditations. One night, Laylat al-Qadr (the Night of Majesty) a voice addressing him, commanded "Recite in the name of thy Lord." Deeply excited by the strange phenomena of Divine Visitation, Muhammad hurried home to his wife, Khadijah, who listened to him attentively and said that "I bear witness that you are the Apostle of God." After an interval, the voice from heaven spoke again "O thou shrouded in thy mantle, arise, and warn, and magnify thy Lord." This was a signal for him to start preaching the gospel of truth of One God. In the beginning Muhammad invited only those near him, to accept the new Faith. The first to embrace Islam among women was Khadijah and among men "Ali. Soon after, Zayd ibn alHarithah became a convert to the new Faith. For three long years, he laboured quietly to wean his people from the worship of idols and drew only thirty followers. Muhammad then decided to appeal publicly to the Quraysh to give up idol worship and embrace Islam.The new Faith, is simple without complications, practical and useful for everyday life. It commands to believe and do good, keep up prayer and pay the poorrate, two orders giving four principles of a successful way of life. Almost ten years of hard work and preaching, in spite of all persecution, produced over a hundred followers, physical cruelties and social boycott made life unbearable in Mecca. The Holy Prophet of Islam advised his followers, to seek refuge in the to seek refuge in the neighbouring country of Ethiopia. Eighty eight men and eighteen women sailed to the hospitable shores of the Negus, under the leadership of Ja"far at-Tayyar (brother of "Ali) and the cousin of the Holy Prophet. several times the chieftains came to Abu Talib saying, "We respect your age and rank, but we have no further patience with your nephew. Stop him or we shall fight you." Abu Talib asked Muhammad for his decision. With tears in his eyes, the Apostle firmly replied, "O my uncle! If they place the sun on my right hand and the moon on my left, to force me to renounce my mission, I will not desist until God manifests His cause or I perish in the attempt." TRAGEDIES In a period of troubles, trials and tribulations two major tragedies afflicted Muhammad. First the venerable guardian uncle Abu Talib died and shortly afterwards his noble wife Khadijah died, leaving behind her daughter Fatimah (peace be on her) - the only child she had from the Holy Prophet - the daughter who looked after her father so much so that the prophet called her Umm Abiha (the mother of her father). MUSLIM ERA With the death of the old patriarch Abu Talib, the Meccans planned to assassinate the prophet. Under Divine guidance, he asked "Ali to sleep in his bed and Muhammad put his green garment on "Ali. While the murderes mistook "Ali for Muhammad, the Holy Prophet of Islam escaped to Medina. The Muslim era of Hijrah (Emigration) is named after this incident and dated from 17th Rabi" al-Awwal, 622 AD. From the time he came to Medina, he was the grandest figure upon whom the light of history has ever shone. We shall now see him as the King of men, the ruler of human hearts, chief law-giver and supreme judge. The Preacher who went without bread, was mightier than the mightiest sovereigns of the earth. No emperor with his tiaras was obeyed, as this man in a cloak of his own clothing. He laid the foundation of the Muslim commonwealth and drew up a charter which has been acknowledged as the work of highest statesmanship, a master-mind not only of his age, but of all ages. Unlike the Arabs, the Prophet, had never wielded a weapon, but now he was forced to defend Islam by force of arms. Commencing from the battle of Badr,a series of eighty battles had to be fought, which the infant community defended successfully. Page 4 A Brief History of the Prophet's p b u h Life c o n t i n u e d UHUD Next year, Abu Sufyan, the famous long-lived enemy of Islam, again attacked the Muslims at Uhud. Hamzah, the first flag-bearer of Islam and uncle of the Prophet, was killed in action. In spite of strict instructions from the Prophet, a few Muslim soldiers deserted their post, when victory was in sight. This changed the course of the battle. Khalid ibn al-Walid attacked the Prophet and the grave situation was saved by the timely arrival of "Ali. The enemies ran away and the issue was decided. Muhammad (pbuh) was deeply grieved at the death of Hamzah.. HUDAYBIYYAH The Muslims had been in self exile for six years and began to feel a keen yearning for their homeland, Mecca. The Prophet desired to perform a pilgrimage to Ka"bah. When he forsook his home town he was weak, but when he wanted to return, he was strong. He did not use his strength to force an entry into the sacred city. Finding the Quraysh hostile, Muhammad entered into a treaty Known as the Peace of Hudaybiyyah, appearing not very advantageous to the Muslims, but which revealed the Islamic character of moderation and magnanimity. For the strong to exercise restraint and toleration is true courage. Having reached upto the door of their birth place with hearts overflowing with impatient longing to enter it, the Muslims retraced their steps peacefully to Medina, under the terms of the treaty, which allowed them to perform the pilgrimage next year. MECCA In The 8th year AH, the idolaters violated the peace of Hudaybiyyah by attacking the Muslims. The enemies were defeated and Mecca was conquered. The Prophet who fled from Mecca as a fugitive, now returned home as a mighty conqueror. The Rahmatun lil "Alamin (mercy unto all beings, i.e., the Prophet) entered the city with his head bowed low in thankfulness to the Almighty (Allah) and ordered a general amnesty, instead of the mass massacre of those who persecuted him and his followers. WIVES A great number of Muslim soldiers were killed in battles at Badr, Uhud,Khaybar, Hunayn and other places, leaving behind young wives and children. The serious problem of taking care of the widows and orphans, threatened to break up the moral fabric of the Muslim Society. Muhammad (pbuh) decided to marry these widows and set an example for his followers to do likewise. LAST PILGRIMAGE Under the Divine intuition of his approaching end, Muhammad prepared to make the farewell pilgrimage to Mecca.Before completing all the ceremonies of Hajj, he addressed a huge multitude from the top of mount "Arafat on 8th Dhi al-hijjah, 11 AH,in words which shall ever ring and live in the atmosphere. After finishing the hajj the Holy Prophet started for Medina. On his way, at Ghadir Khumm the Voice from Heaven cried: "O Apostle! deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord; and if you do it not, then you have not delivered His message and Allah will protect you from the people, surely Allah will not guide the unbelieving people. (5:67) Muhammad immediately ordered Bilal to recall the Muslims, who had gone ahead, who were behind and who were proceeding to their homes at the junction, to assemble. The famous Sunni mutakallim and commentator, Fakhr ad-Din ar-Razi in his At-Tafsir al-Kabir, vol. 12, pp. 49-50, writes that the Prophet took "Ali by the hand and said: "Whoever whose mawla (master) I am, "Ali is his master. O Allah! Love him who loves "Ali, and be the enemy of the enemy of "Ali; help him who helps "Ali, and forsake him who forsakes "Ali." DEATH On Muhammad's (pbuh) return to Medina, he got busy settling the organization of the provinces and the tribes which had adopted Islam. His strength rapidly failed and the poison (administered at Khyber by a Jewess) took its deadly toll. So ended the life dedicated to the service of God and humanity from first to last, on 28th Safar, 11 AH. The humble Preacher had risen to be the ruler of Arabia. The Prophet of Islam not only inspired reverence, but love owing to his humility, nobility, purity, austerity, refinement and devotion to duty. The Master inspired all who came into contact with him. He shared his scanty food; he began his meals in the Name of Allah and finished them uttering thanks; he loved the poor and respected them; he would visit the sick and comfort the heart broken; he treated his bitterest enemies with clemency and forbearance, but the offenders against society were administered justice; his intellectual mind was remarkably progressive and he said that man could not exist without constant efforts. There is no god but One God and Muhammad is the Apostle of God, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his descendants. ―The best among you are those who have the best manners and character‖ Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Page 5 The journey of kufa to shaam Bibi Zainab's speeches had stirred Kufa. The people of Kufa were filled with remorse. There was unrest in the city. In the market place they were whispering: 'What have we done? How could we invite the Prophet's grandson and then desert him to be mercilessly butchered at Karbala‟? How can we permit the Holy Prophet's grand daughters be paraded in the streets like slaves? What have we done?' Ibn Ziyad feared that the people of Kufa might rise against him. He ordered that the prison be strictly guarded. No one was allowed to visit them. Only the most trusted guards were allowed in or around the prison. In the mean time messengers ran between Kufa and Damascus. Although at first Yazid had ordered that the captives be detained at Kufa until he had completed all the arrangements for their entry into Shaam (Damascus), because of the mood in Kufa, Ibn Ziyad was anxious to have the prisoners out of Kufa as soon as possible. It was agreed that they be taken to Shaam. Once again the prisoners were assembled and a procession left Kufa. But this time the departure was kept secret from the people of Kufa and took place at night. So began the fourth journey of tears! It was a long and difficult journey. Who was the hero and who was the heroine of this journey through the Iraqi and the Syrian deserts? Was it Bibi Rubaab, who from her unsaddled camel kept on staring at Ali Asghar's cradle loaded on another camel carrying the goods looted from Husayn's camp during the Shaam al-Gareeba? Was it Bibi Sakina who now sat mournfully on her mother's lap staring at the 'alam of Hazrat Abbas and her mashk still tied to the 'alam, and who kept whispering: “I am not thirsty, Uncle, I am not thirsty!” Was the hero Imam Zain ul 'Abideen who was made to walk all the way, the hot chains eating into his flesh? Some times our Fourth Imam would faint. His captors however knew no pity. They would flog him if he slowed down or fainted. On these occasions Bibi Zainab would intervene to stop the Imam from being flogged to death. This was the journey of which the hero was the valour of Hazrat Ali which ruled the heart of Imam Zain ul 'Abideen and the heroine was the sabr of Fatimah Zahra which inspired Bibi Zainab. The journey from Kufa to Shaam was a long one. It took over twenty days. The women and the children were exhausted. Their suffering was great! Quite often the children would faint under the scorching desert heat and fall off the camels. The mothers would scream. Imam Zain ul 'Abideen and Bibi Zainab would go looking for the children. Sometimes they would find them by the road side barely alive and there were occasions when they were discovered too late. Our fourth Imam would dig a grave to bury the dead child. An historian revisiting this route a few years later discovered a large number of small graves on the way side! Some Zakirs narrate the following story: Once Bibi Zainab looked at the camel on which Bibi Sakina was riding. Bibi Sakina was not there! She looked at all the other camels, Bibi Sakina was nowhere to be seen. She panicked. Where could Imam Husayn's darling daughter be? She asked Shimr to untie her to that she could go and look for Bibi Sakina. At first Shimr responded with his whip. Unmindful of her own pain she kept on asking12. Shimr untied her with the warning that if she did not return soon he would flog Imam Zain ul 'Abideen to death. Bibi Zainab ran in the direction from which they had travelled. Some distance away she saw an elderly lady holding Bibi Sakina affectionately, kissing her cheeks and wiping away her tears. She could hear Bibi Sakina telling the lady how her uncle Hazrat Abbas had gone to fetch her water and how he had never returned. When Bibi Sakina saw her aunt she explained that she had fallen off the camel but the kind lady had looked after her. Bibi Zainab turned to the lady and said, “May Allah reward you for your kindness to this orphan!” The lady replied, “Zainab, my dear, how can you thank your own mother? Do you not recognize me?” As the lady lifted her face, Bibi Zainab saw that it was Fatimah Zahra!! When the caravan reached the outskirts of Damascus Omar Sa'ad sent a message to Yazid that they had arrived. Yazid ordered that the caravan remain where it was until the morning. He wanted the people of Shaam to line the streets to look at the captives and witness his victory. In the meantime the streets through which the captives were to be marched were being decorated with flags and pennants. Bibi Zainab had conquered Kufa. Now Shaam had come and was waiting for her! The Court of Yazid When at long last the caravan reached the outskirts of Damascus, a message was received by Umar Sa'ad that the prisoners were not to be brought into the capital until Yazid had completed all the preparations. Yazid invited all the ambassadors, foreign dignitaries and leading citizens to his court. People were ordered to line up the streets. Musicians were asked to play music and dancers were told to dance in the streets. Such were the festivities organized by the Khalifah for the entry of the grandson and the grand daughters of the Holy Prophet of Islam into what had become the metropolis of the Islamic Empire! Surrounded by the dancers, the musicians and the jeering crowds of the citizens of Damascus the prisoners were led toward the palace of Yazid. The ladies who had never stepped outside their homes without their heads and faces being covered, had been forced to travel from Karbala‟ to Kufa, and Kufa to Shaam bare headed and with their arms tied with a single rope. If any one of them stumbled, she was whipped. Never in the history of Islam had prisoners been treated with disrespect, let alone the cruelty meted out to the members of the Holy Prophet's household. And now, this ultimate insult of being led into the court of Yazid like a herd of cattle! Page 6 The journey of kufa to shaam c o n t i nu e d Bibi Zainab seemed to be drawing strength from some divine source. She wiped away her tears. Drew her hair over her face so as to hide as much of her face from the staring crowds as she could. Other ladies did the same. Imam Zain ul 'Abideen straightened himself. Exuding dignity and confidence, he maintained his position behind the bearer of the lance upon which was mounted his father's head. Such was the jostle of the multitude thronging the streets that it took them more than twelve hours to traverse the short distance between the city gates and the palace. They entered the palace and were made to stand in front of Yazid. The tyrant was dressed in his best finery. Imam Husayn's head was formally presented to him by Umar ibn Sa'ad. Yazid, with a cup of wine in one hand, ceremoniously accepted the ultimate symbol of his victory and commanded Umar Sa'ad to call out the names of the prisoners. And then, in his drunken arrogance, Yazid recited a few couplets which enshrine a diabolical confession, a confession that explains the history of the division in Islam and the motives not only his but of his father and grand father in accepting Islam! He said: “If my venerable ancestors who fell at Badr fighting Muhammad had witnessed how the supporters of Muhammad's faith were thrown into confusion with thrusts given with my spears, they would be blessing me today. The Banu Hashim played a trick to win power. There was never any wahi to them nor did they receive any revelation. Today the souls of my ancestors and friends killed by Muhammad at Badr will rest in peace!” The raison d'etre of the Umayyad dynasty was vengeance against Islam, a sanguine continuation of Uhud where Yazid'd grand-mother had been only partially successful in her determination to have Ali and Hamza killed in retaliation for the deaths of her father and brother at Badr!! Yazid never believed in Islam, and yet the system forced upon the people after the death of the Holy Prophet had resulted in this worst of all the hypocrites becoming the Khalifah of the Holy Prophet and the Ameer-ul-Mu'mineen of the ummah!! Yazid looked at the prisoners lined up in front of him. He said: “It has pleased Allah to grant us victory! Look how He has caused the death of Husayn and humiliated his family!” He then recited an ayah of the Holy Quraan which means 'Allah grants honour to whom He pleases and brings disgrace upon whom He pleases.' There were over seven hundred dignitaries sitting in the Court. They smiled and nodded approvingly. Bibi Zainab could stand it no more! She was filled with wrath. How dare this unclean man say such things? How dare he with his najis tongue recite from Holy Quran? How dare he make mockery of the family of the Holy Prophet? In a loud and clear voice Bibi Zainab said: “O Yazid! Do you think that it is Allah who has caused you to commit all these foul deeds? Do you blame the Rahman and the Rahim for the oppression we have suffered? Do you blame Allah for the death of the beloved grand son of his most beloved Prophet? How dare you make these false accusations against the Almighty? No, Yazid, it was not Allah! It is you, with your insatiable ambition and greed for wealth and power, who are the only cause of the suffering inflicted not only upon the household of the Holy Prophet but on Islam itself! Do not forget what Allah has said in the Holy Book: Let not the unbelievers take it that the respite We give them would do them any good. We allow them time in order that they might continue to indulge in sin to their hearts' content. Indeed a humiliating punishment has been kept ready for them. Do you think that by killing the grandson of the Holy Prophet and bringing us to your palace as prisoners, you have scored a victory against Islam? No, Yazid, no! Husayn with his blood has made sure that tyrants like you will not be able to use Islam as a toy to carry out their evil designs. The victory is not yours. The victory is of Husayn! The victory is of Islam!” Yazid was stunned! The people present there could not but be moved by what this courageous lady had to say. This lady, who had seen and experienced great suffering, dared today defy the very man who had inflicted those sufferings. Who was she? They asked one another. When they learnt that she was the grand daughter of the Holy Prophet, their hearts began to fill with admiration! In an effort to save the situation Yazid turned towards Imam Zain ul 'Abideen and said: “Well you can tell us who has been victorious. Imam looked at him and replied: “Yazid, final victory can only belong to those on the right path. Let us look at you and look at Husayn. My father, whom you got killed so mercilessly, was the grandson of the Holy Prophet who had said that “Husayn is from me and I am from Husayn.” He was born a Muslim and all his life he upheld the laws and principles of Islam. You are the grandson of Abu Sufiyan and Hinda, who most of their lives fought Islam and the Holy Prophet!” Yazid was now greatly embarrassed. To silence the Imam he asked his muezzin to recite the adhaan. When the Muezzin cried out 'ash -hadu anna Muhammadar-Rasuul‟ul-Lah'Imam Zain ul 'Abideen, addressing Yazid, said, “Yazid speak the truth! Was Muhammad my grandfather or your grandfather!” Yazid ordered the prisoners to be moved to a prison. This was not a prison. It was a dungeon! Only a part of it had any sort of ceiling. The rest was open to the sky. An iron grill surrounded the place so that no one could get in or out. Bibi Zainab reports that the place was so cold at nights that no one could have proper sleep. During the day, it got hot like an oven. It is here that our fourth Imam, still under chains, the ladies and the children spent many days of great agony and discomfort. Bibi Sakina Bibi Sakina was the youngest daughter of Imam Husayn. She was a vivacious child, full of love and happiness. Everyone loved Bibi Sakina. She was also a very religious girl. She enjoyed reading the Holy Quran and never missed her prayers. From the age of two she took great care to make sure that her head and face were properly covered when in public. Bibi Sakina was Imam Husayn's most beloved child. Our Imam was often heard to say, “A house without Bibi Sakina would not be worth living in!” She always had a sweet and cheerful smile and a very friendly nature. Other children sought her company as much as Page 7 The journey of kufa to shaam c o n t i nu e d There was a special bond between Hazrat Abbas and Bibi Sakina. He loved her more than he did his own children. If Bibi Sakina requested for anything, Hazrat Abbas would not rest until he satisfied her request. There was nothing that Hazrat Abbas would not do to make Bibi Sakina happy. During the journey from Madina to Mecca and then Mecca to Karbala‟, Hazrat Abbas was often seen riding up to the mehmil in which Bibi Sakina sat to make sure that she had everything she wanted. Bibi Sakina loved her uncle just as much. While in Madina she would, several times a day, visit the house in which Hazrat Abbas lived with his family and his mother, Ummul Baneen. Like any other four-five year old when Bibi Sakina went to bed at night she wanted to spend some time with her father. Imam Husayn would tell her stories of the prophets and of the battles fought by her grand-father Ali. She would rest her head on her father's chest and Husayn would not move from her until she fell asleep. When from the second of Muharram the armies of Yazid began to gather at Karbala‟, Husayn said to his sister Zainab, “The time has come for you to get Bibi Sakina used to going to sleep without my being there!” Bibi Sakina would follow her father at night and Imam Husayn had to gently take her to Bibi Zainab or Bibi Rubaab. At Karbala‟ when from the seventh Muharram water became scarce Bibi Sakina shared whatever little water she had with other children. When soon there was no water at all, the thirsty children would look at Bibi Sakina hopefully, and because she could not help them she would have tears in her eyes. Bibi Sakina's lips were parched with thirst. On the Ashura day, she gave her Mashk to Hazrat Abbas. He went to get water for her. The children gathered round Bibi Sakina with their little cups, knowing that as soon as Hazrat Abbas brought any water, Bibi Sakina would first make sure that they had some before taking any herself. When Bibi Sakina saw Imam Husayn bringing the blood drenched 'alam she knew that her uncle Hazrat Abbas had been killed. From that day on Bibi Sakina never complained of thirst. Then came the time when the earth shook and Bibi Sakina became an orphan! But even then she always thought of the others first. She would console her mother on the death of Ali Asghar and when she saw any other lady or child weeping Bibi Sakina would put her little arms around her. Yes Bibi Sakina never again asked anyone for water. Bibi Zainab would persuade her to take a few sips, but she herself would never ask for water or complain of thirst!!!! From the time when Imam Husayn fell in the battle field, Bibi Sakina forgot to smile! Kufa saw her as a sombre little girl lost in thought. Quite often she would sit up at night. When asked if she wanted anything, she would say, “I just heard a baby cry? Is it Asghar? He must be calling out for me!” Knowing that her weeping upset her mother, Bibi Sakina would cry silently and quickly wipe away her tears! In the prison in Shaam she would stare at the flock of birds flying to their nests at sunset and innocently ask Bibi Zainab, “Will Sakina be going home like those birds flying to their homes?” Then one dreadful night Bibi Sakina went to bed on the cold floor of the prison. For a long time she stared into the darkness! The time for the morning prayers came. Bibi Sakina was still lying with her eyes wide open. Her mother called out: “Wake up, Sakina! Wake up, it is time for prayers, my child!” There was only the painful silence! Our fourth Imam walked up to where Bibi Sakina lay. He put his hand on her forehead. It was cold! He put his hand near the mouth and the nose. Bibi Sakina had stopped breathing. In between sobs Imam Zain ul 'Abideen said: “Inna lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Rajioon” How was Bibi Sakina buried? Bibi Zainab held the still child as Imam Zain ul 'Abideen dug a grave in the cell. As the grave was being filled up after the burial the mother let out a scream! How could anyone console Bibi Rubaab? What could they say? They huddled around her, and the prison walls began to shake with the cry: “ya Sakina, ya madhloomah!!” Bibi Rubaab put her cheek on Bibi Sakina's grave and cried out: “Speak to me, Sakina! Only a word, my child! Speak to me!!” Aza‘ al-Husayn in Shaam The tragedy of Karbala‟ had begun to arouse great sympathy for the Ahlul Bait in Hejaaz and Iraq. Even in Damascus some people began to ask whether it was necessary to inflict so much sufferings on the members of the family of the Holy Prophet. When the charming little Bibi Sakina died and the people of Damascus came to learn about the death of the little girl whom they had seen and come to admire, they began to talk openly about Yazid's cruelty. Yazid feared that the people might rise against him. He was now anxious to get rid of the prisoners. He called Imam Zain ul 'Abideen and told him that he was prepared to free them, and compensate them for the death of the martyrs. He also asked the fourth Imam whether they wanted to remain in Damascus or return to Madina. Imam Zain ul 'Abideen replied that he would consult his aunt Bibi Zainab. Page 8 e uj r on u eryn eoyf o hm aam T h eT h jo k fu fkau fta o ts o h as a c o nctoi n nt u iendu e d When Imam spoke to Bibi Zainab she was grief stricken at the audacity of Yazid in offering compensation. She said, “Tell Yazid to talk of compensation with the Holy Prophet. We would certainly return to Madina. But first Yazid should provide a house so that we may hold mourning ceremonies for the martyrs in Damascus. We shall then go to Madina via Karbala‟ to visit the graves of the martyrs.” Imam Zain ul 'Abideen conveyed the message to Yazid who after some hesitation agreed. In asking for a house to mourn the martyrs in Damascus, Bibi Zainab scored a major victory over Yazid. When the house was made available the ladies held Aza‟ al-Husayn for seven days in the very city which was the capital of Yazid who had murdered Imam Husayn. The women of Damascus poured in to offer their condolences and Bibi Zainab and the other ladies would tell them of how the martyrs had been killed, how they had been denied water, how young children had been crying al-atash, how Imam had taken Ali Asghar and pleaded for a few drops of water and how the baby had been slain. These tales so moved the ladies of Damascus that they would break into sobs and begin wailing and beating their chests. Thus in the very house of the murderer Bibi Zainab laid the foundation of Aza‟ al-Husayn. This is so much like the story of Hazrat Musa (A.S.). Firaun orders all the male children of Banu Israel to be put to death. Allah's miracle is that his Prophet of wahdaniyyah finds refuge in the palace of the very Firaun who had plotted to kill him! These majlises have continued to this day. Every Muharram Shia‟s all over the world gather together to mourn the tragedy which took place more that 1,370 years ago. These majaalis have a great meaning for us. Firstly, they mean that we love our Imam and grieve for the suffering to which he was subjected. Secondly they mean that year after year we protest against all that Yazid stood for. We make a solemn promise to Allah never to follow Yazid's foot-steps. In whatever country we may be, we have to remember that taking alcohol or any kind of drugs, is Yazid's way. To keep ourselves ignorant of Quran or Islamic way of life, is Yazid's way. To oppress anyone, is Yazid's way. To indulge in any un-Islamic activity, is Yazid's way. We can not mourn Husayn and follow Yazid!! Muharram/jaloos -2014 Page 9 Allamah Syed Mahdi Bahrul Uloom r , a Allah has always been more merciful to His servants. After their creation, they were not left on their own; rather He sent several guides for their guidance. Even today, despite the occultation of Hazrat Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.), He has ensured that the course of guidance is not disrupted. He has made a provision to the effect that some select persons are associated with the Holy Imam (a.s.) who then provide the essential guidance to the people at large. It will not be an exaggeration to state that these select personalities can easily be regarded as Hazrat Salman (r.a.) and Hazrat Abuzar (r.a.) of the modern world. In this period it is through these chosen men that Allah has conveyed the knowledge of the Holy Imams (a.s.) to the people. Birth and early life He was named Mahdi and his father was Sayed Murtuza Tabatabai Burujardi (r.a.). His lineage can be traced to Ibrahim (who was known as Tabataba), a descendant of Hasan Mussanna who was from the progeny of Hazrat Imam Hasan Mujtaba (a.s.). (Aa‟yaanush Shia by Sayed Mohsin Ameen, Vol. 48, pg. 164) Allamah Sayed Bahrul Uloom was born in Karbala on Thursday in the month of Shawwaal in 1155 A H. Shaikh Abbas Qummi (r.a.) in his book „Fawaed Razawiyyah‟ writes that the night when Allamah Bahrul Uloom was born, his father saw Imam Reza (a.s.) in his dream. Imam Reza (a.s.) gave a big candle to his student Mohammad bin Ismail bin Bazee‟a and instructed him to light it and go on the terrace. Allamah‟s father says that when Mohammad bin Ismail lit the candle, the flame got connected to the divine light of the skies and the whole world got illuminated. Allamah received his training and education from his father and other veteran scholars and jurists of the era. The formative four years were spent in learning Arabic grammar Sarf-Nahv, literature, logic, fiqh and Usool. Subsequently, Allamah attended the discourses of Ayatullah Waheed Bahbahaani (r.a.) and Shaikh Yusuf Bahrani (r.a.). In the next five years, Allamah managed to make the grade for Ijtehaad. Books and Compilations Allamah has written innumerable books which are replete with the gems of knowledge and wisdom. We mention some of them here: Masabih fi sharhe-Mafatih- The book was on the subject of Fiqh Ad durratu Najafiyah – The book is based on Taharat and Namaaz and a thousand poems/verses and their explanations. Mishkatul Hidayah – Under the instructions of Allamah, the exegesis to the book was compiled by Shaikh Jaafar Kashiful Ghita (r.a.). Al Fawaedul Usuliyah Hashiyah Ala Taharatish Sharaae‟ of al-Muhaqqiq Al Hilli Al Fawaedul Rejaaliyah Resalah fil Feraq wal Milal Tohfatul Keraam fi Tarikhe Makkah wal Baitil Haraam Sharh Babil Haqiqah wal Majaaz Qawaedul Ahkaam ash shakuk Ad durrul Bahiyyah nazm baa‟az al masael al usuliyah Deewan (which has over 1000 couplets) (Foqaha-e-Naader Shia, pg. 1295 by Abdur Rahim Aqiqi Bakshaishi pub. by Kitab Khanae Ayatullah Mar‟ashi) The title of ‗Bahrul Uloom‘ was a gift of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) Allamah Sayed Bahrul Uloom was a Shia scholar of prominent repute. Allamah‟s contribution and service to the religion is accepted by all. Shiaism became synonymous with his eminent personality and spread wherever he went. All these evident and hidden excellencies were undoubtedly due to the benign endowment of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) on him. Mirza Abul Qasim Qummi (r.a.) writes that he used to accompany Allamah to the lectures of Agha Baqir Bahbahaani (r.a.). They both used to intensively debate and discuss the discourses of Aghae Bahbahaani. At the time, Allamah used to be benefited by Mirza‟s knowledge and perspective. Then Mirza writes that he had to stay back in Iran and Allamah migrated to Iraq. In the meanwhile, Allamah acquired an enviable esteem among the scholars. Mirza writes, “I was stunned because I thought that Allamah was not capable of such an indepth knowledge and understanding. How did he manage to achieve this?” Later, Mirza traveled to Najaf and happened to meet Allamah. Mirza observed that the number of students who attended the lectures of Allamah was easily over 100. During the question and answer sessions, Mirza was further surprised to see Allamah‟s command over theology and concepts, it was then that he conceded that Allamah truly deserves the title of „the pillar of knowledge‟ and „Bahrul Uloom‟ (the ocean of knowledge). Once when Mirza got an opportunity to meet Allamah in private, Mirza got straight to the point and told Allamah in as many words that when they both used to attend the lectures Allamah was not so well versed with the knowledge and he rather learnt lot of concepts from the discussions with Mirza. Then how come he managed to attain such prestigious position despite he being not such a brilliant student, Mirza asked. Page 10 Allamah Syed Mahdi Bahrul Uloom r . a c o n t i nu e d Allamah replied to this in an enigmatic manner, “Mirza Abul Qasim the answer to your question is actually a secret. And I will let you in on this secret only on one condition that you will not disclose it to anyone in my lifetime.” When Mirza promised that he would be steadfast in keeping the secret, then Allamah began his narration. “It happened one fine evening in Masjid Kufa when Hazrat Wali Asr (a.t.f.s.) embraced me.” Mirza was taken aback at the revelation. Not able to hold back his curiosity, he asked “How come?” “One evening I saw my Master Hazrat Wali Asr (a.t.f.s.) busy in prayers in Masjid-e- Kufa. I approached him and saluted him. He replied to my salutations and asked me to come closer. I went closer. He said come further close to me. I went closer to him. I managed to inch nearer to him. He said come close.” Allamah continued, “I went so close to him that he embraced me and hugged me tightly. After that whatever Allah wished it got transferred to my heart.” The eminent scholars and researchers were pleasantly surprised by the divinely blessed knowledge of Bahrul Uloom which was directly bestowed on him by none other than Hazrat Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.). Allamah stayed in Mashad for seven years. Once he visited the martyred teacher Mirza Mahdi Isfahani (r.a.). The eminent teacher was left speechless and astonished with Allamah‟s indepth knowledge and command over the subjects. It was then that he addressed him thus: “Certainly thou art the ocean of knowledge”. The author of Rauzaatul Jannaat, Ayatullah al Uzma Meer Sayed Mohammad Baqir Khwansaari (r.a.), who is enumerated among the top scholars, writes about Allamah‟s title of Bahrul Uloom: “It is sufficient for the prestige of Sayed that none before him or after him will be honored with the title of Bahrul Uloom.” The satisfaction of Hazrat Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) One of the basic responsibilities of the Shias is to earn his satisfaction. Allamah‟s life was the perfect embodiment of this responsibility. A glance at the life of Allamah shows that the cause of his elevated status was actually his persistent endeavors to please Hazrat Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) through various efforts throughout his life which included spending money in the name of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.), organizing gatherings for discussions on him, propagate his name, publishing and distribution of the books which were written on Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.), also helping the Sayeds and other believers. One of the ways of helping Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) is providing assistance and pleasant interaction with the believers. As it is mentioned in Majmaul Bahrain: “Equality of brothers is their participation and partnership in sustenance and livelihood.” Allamah remained involved in almost all the stages of lives of people, whether those were mundane issues or serious matters. So much so that he was invariably helpful to everyone which is a source of delight for Hazrat Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.). Allamah‟s generosity was not just limited to his friends and associates, in fact he was also extremely compassionate and magnanimous with the destitute and paupers. Following the example of Imam Zainul Abedin (a.s.), Allamah used to leave home in the dead of night with a heavy bag full of food packets and eatables on his shoulder. Allamah distributed the food among the needy and starving, with overwhelming grace and affection. The stint at Mecca As per the instructions from Hazrat Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.), Allamah stayed in Mecca for two years. Allamah had chosen to live in dissimulation and imparted lessons to students of all four Sunni schools of jurisprudence. Allamah was so proficient in all four schools of jurisprudence that everyone presumed that he belonged to their creed. In the meanwhile, he fulfilled all his responsibilities assigned to him by Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.). According to scholars in these two years, Allamah also stipulated the essential tenets and precepts of Hajj. The primary reason for being the main executive of Imam-e-Zamana‟s (a.t.f.s.) assignments and significant tasks was the spiritual purity of Allamah. Allamah Sayed Mohsin Ameen (r.a.) writes: “During Allamah‟s stint at Mecca, he managed to manifest numerous signs (which had remained concealed until then). It is due to this reason that the pilgrims could easily perform the Hajj as per the directives of the Ahle Bait (a.s.), which otherwise was not possible. These signs have survived even after the death of Allamah and they immensely benefit the people. For instance Allamah promulgated the limit for Mawaqeet and Ehraam as also rituals for Muzdalfa. These spots were until then undiscovered, which were made public by Allamah. (Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) and Allamah Sayed Mahdi Bahrul Uloom (r.a.), pg. 106 by Sayed Jaafar Rafi‟ee) Anyone who loves us AhlulBayt must be ready to face a life of austerity. (Imam Ali a.s) Page 11 Allamah Syed Mahdi Bahrul Uloom r . a c o n t i nu e d Thus those Hajj rituals and obligations which we perform today were actually facilitated by Allamah. This also clearly indicates that in the era of the major Occultation, Imam (a.s.) guides us in the similar manner as other Imams (a.s.) had done during their tenure. Some more anecdotes of meeting with Imam (a.s.) Meeting in the Cellar Janab Muhaddise Noori (r.a.) writes that the reliable researcher and scholar, Sayed Ali, the author of Burhaane Qaate was actually the paternal grandson of Allamah‟s daughter. Sayed Ali has related from Sayed Murtuza, who was the son of Allamah‟s sister: “I and Allamah had left together for the Ziarat of Saamarra. Allamah used to sleep alone in his tent, while my tent was adjacent to his, which made it easier for me to spend days and nights in the company of Allamah. Those were the days when people used to gather around Allamah and spend hours with him. At times, the discussions continued until late night. One night as usual, there was a crowd of people around Allamah. But it seemed that Allamah was weary of the crowd and desired privacy. He stopped talking and the gathering dispersed, I was the only person who remained with him. Allamah then asked me to leave. Although I left, I remained concerned about Allamah‟s wellbeing. I could not sleep. After a while, I left my tent surreptitiously and looked at Allamah‟s tent. I saw the door was closed. Then I peeped through ventilator, I saw the room was vacant and the lamp was burning. Then I realized that he is not on his bed. I entered his tent but did not find him. Then I stepped out of the tent barefoot and began searching for him discreetly. I reached the sacred portico of the shrine and saw that the doors of Hazrat Imam Askari (a.s.) and Hazrat Imam Naqi‟s (a.s.) shrines were closed. I returned and began looking for him in the neighborhood of the shrine. But he was nowhere to be found. I came back to the portico and moved towards the Cellar, where to my relief I found that the doors were open. I began descending the stairs of the cellar quietly. As I entered the Cellar, I heard muffled sounds of conversation, though I could not figure out what the conversation was about. Even as I descended a few more stairs, when Allamah suddenly raised his voice from the place where he was seated: “O Sayyed Murtuza what are you doing here? Why did you leave home?” I was terrified to hear the rebuke of Allamah and stood frozen where I was standing. I thought of returning before giving a reply. On second thoughts, I decided to stay put, as I knew that I could not hide myself when Allamah has already recognized me. Subsequently, I apologized and came down from the stairs. I saw Allamah was standing alone facing Qibla. There was none else in the Cellar. It was evident that Allamah was in conversation with our Hidden Imam (a.s.)” (Najmus Saqib, pg. 256; Jannatul Mawa, pg. 228; Darus Salaam of Noori, Vol. 2, pg. 211; Muntahal Aamaal, Vol. 2, pg. 475- 476) When Allamah kissed the hands of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) The great scholar Akhund Mulla Zainul Abedin Salmaasi (r.a.) who happened to be with Allamah in Mecca says: “Despite being away from his city and separate from his family, Allamah was a large hearted man. Due to his unabated generosity and kindness, he had nothing left for himself. Incidentally, I went to him on that day as I had nothing for the expenses. I informed him of the situation. However, Allamah remained unresponsive. Allamah had a habit of going for a circumambulation (tawaf) of Holy Kaaba every morning after which he went to his private chambers. In the meanwhile, I used to bring the smoking pipe for him and he partook it. Then he used to visit other rooms where students from other sects were waiting for the lessons. Allamah used to teach every group according to the tenets of their own sect. The day after I sought financial help from Allamah as per the routine, I brought the smoking pipe for him after the tawaf. Suddenly someone knocked at the door. The knock made him extremely restless. Allamah handed the smoking pipe back to me and said you may leave and take this with you. After that Allamah rushed to answer the door. As the door opened, I saw a dignified man dressed in Arabian attire entered and took seat in Allamah‟s room. While Allamah sat near the door with utmost reverence and humility. He also indicated to me that I should not bring the smoking pipe near him. They both sat for a while and conversed. The dignified Arab rose to leave, Allamah too hurriedly stood up with him and opened the door for him. At the door, Allamah kissed the hands of the Arab and helped him mount his horse which was tied outside the door. The Arab departed. Allamah returned and came to me with a note in his hands. He instructed me to give it to the money exchanger near the mount of Safa and tell him that the amount is written in the note. I carried the note to the money dealer at Safa. The dealer saw the note, kissed it and touched it to his eyes. Turning towards me, he asked me to get four workers. I got four porters. The dealer looked at the men and as per their physical Page 12 Allamah Syed Mahdi Bahrul Uloom r . a c o n t i nu e d Each Franc was equivalent to five Iranian Qiraan (Qiraan was in currency before Riyal). The men carried the sacks to my house. One day I decided to check out the dealer. As I reached the mountain of Safa, I found that neither the shop existed nor the dealer. Then I enquired from the neighbouring shopkeepers about the shop. The shopkeepers told me that such a dealer or an exchange shop was never there on that spot. I was convinced that it will remain a divine mystery.” (Dar Intezaare Khurshide Vilayat, pg. 147) The mourning for Imam Husain (a.s.) A great scholar narrated an incident thus: “In 1333 A H when I was studying in Najaf, I traveled to Karbala on foot along with some scholars. When we reached Taviraj, which is at a distance of four farsakh from Karbala, one of the scholars told me that on the day of Ashura, groups of people leave this place for Karbala. Often they are accompanied by some scholars, at times even Marjae Taqleed follow them. They all beat their chest with enthusiasm and sincerely mourn Imam Husain (a.s.). On one such Ashura when I was passing through Taviraj, I happened to spot a Marjae Taqleed who joined the group and with utmost emotions, he was beating his chest hard and was also weeping. I approached the Marja and inquired, „Do you have any religious sanction for this action of yours?‟ The Marja replied: Late Allamah Bahrul Uloom (r.a.) along with some students was passing through Taviraj for Karbala. When suddenly, the students saw that Bahrul Uloom who despite having such an esteemed position, disregarded his status, unbuttoned his shirt like others and began beating his chest vigorously. The students tried their best to control Allamah‟s emotions but they failed in calming him down. Then they all made a protective circle around Allamah. After the maatam some of Allamah‟s close friends asked him as to what happened that he plunged himself in uncontrolled mourning. Allamah replied that, “When I went close to the group of mourners, I spotted Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) whose head was uncovered and he was profusely crying and doing Maatam. At this I lost control over myself and joined Imam-eZamana (a.t.f.s.) in mourning and maatam on Imam Husain (a.s.).” he demise Allamah spent his entire life awaiting Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) and searching for him. He expired in 1212 A.H. As per the will of Allamah, Mirza Mahdi Shahrastani led his funeral prayers and he was buried next to the shrine of Shaikh Tusi (r.a.). AIRWAYS TRAVELS Pakistani Passport Nicop /Visa Canadian Citizenship/PR Card Forms & Photos Photocopies/Bookbinding/ Lamination/Bill book/Logbook Business Cards/Letterhead/ Flyers Page 13 In Touch Beauty Studio MUSSARAT SYED COSMOTOGLOGY DIPLOMA FROM BERN, SWITZERLAND MA71 HIDDEN CREEK RISE,NW CALGARY,ALBERTA T3A 6L3 CELL : 403-561-4484 EMAIL: [email protected] Fizqam Photography ABSOLUTE DENTAL CARE DR. ADEEL TAHIR DENTAL SURGEON CALGARY—(403) 685-5510 677 COUGAR RIDGE DR. S.W CALGARY, ALBERTA T3H 5J2 COCHRANE- (403) 932-2060 508—1 STREET WEST COCHRANE, ALBERTA T4C 1B1 14 Star Driving School We provide knowledge & Skills for safe driving DIGITAL ART PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY (403) 971-7313 EJAZ HUSSAIN (403) 968-8854 (For Ladies Only) QUALITY DRIVING SCHOOL DEFENSIVE DRIVING SKILLS WE MEET ALL YOUR DRIVING NEEDS! SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR THE COMMUNITY! Jaffery Optical DESIGNER SALE EVENT ! 2 PAIRS OF GLASSES $199.99 ASAD JAFFERY TEL:403-984=3275 30 DAY SATISFACTION GURANTEE 528-22 MIDLAKE BLVD.SE CALGARY-AB T2X 2X7 Canadian Pizza Unlimited Unit 101, 702 - Bow valley Trail Canmore, Alberta, T1W 1P6 WAJID SHAH TEL NO: (403) 310-8080 DELICIOUS PIZZA, KABOB ROLL, WINGS & DONAIR Info & Contact: Weekly Pakistan Post WWW.PAKPOSTWEST.COM COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER ! FOR YOUR ADVERTISING CALL GHULAM MUSTAFA (CHIEF EDITOR) TEL: (403) 261-0666 MOST CIRCULATED & UPDATED NEWS CALGARY-EDMONTON-VANCOUVER Do you want your advertisement to be featured in the monthly al-Hujjat newsletter? FOR ADVERTISEMENT PLEASE CONTACT: RIYAZ KHAWAJA @ TEL: (403) 999-4614 Page 14 safar—1436/November-December—2014 Nov صفر Fajr Sunrise Zuharain Maghrabain Mon 24 1 6:28 8:08 12:21 4:52 Tue 25 2 6:29 8:09 12:23 4:52 Wed 26 3 6:31 8:11 12:24 4:51 Thu 27 4 6:32 8:12 12:24 4:50 Fri 28 5 6:34 8:14 12:24 4:50 Sat 29 6 6:35 8:15 12:25 4:49 Sun 30 7 6:36 8:16 12:25 4:48 1 Dec 8 6:38 8:18 12:25 4:48 Tue 2 9 6:39 8:19 12:26 4:47 Wed 3 10 6:40 8:20 12:26 4:47 Thu 4 11 6:42 8:22 12:27 4:46 Ashra-e-Arbaeen (1) Fri 5 12 6:43 8:23 12:27 4:46 Jum‘ma Prayers Sat 6 13 6:44 8:24 12:27 4:45 Sun 7 14 6:45 8:25 12:28 4:45 Mon 8 15 6:46 8:26 12:28 4:45 Tue 9 16 6:48 8:28 12:29 4:45 Wed 10 17 6:49 8:29 12:29 4:44 Thu 11 18 6:50 8:30 12:30 4:44 Fri 12 19 6:51 8:31 12:30 4:44 Sat 13 20 6:52 8:32 12:31 4:44 Sun 14 21 6:52 8:32 12:31 4:44 Mon 15 22 6:53 8:33 12:31 4:45 Tue 16 23 6:54 8:34 12:32 4:45 Wed 17 24 6:55 8:35 12:32 4:45 Thu 18 25 6:56 8:36 12:33 4:45 Fri 19 26 6:56 8:36 12:33 4:46 Sat 20 27 6:57 8:37 12:34 4:46 Sun 21 28 6:57 8:37 12:34 4:47 Mon 22 29 6:58 8:38 12:35 4:47 Tue 23 30 6:58 8:38 12:35 4:48 Current Projects Programme Planning for Extension of Hussainia Ladies Khamsa Majalis Jum‘ma Prayers Launching New Website for Hussainia. Install Alam-e-Abbas(a) at Cemetery . Central Air Conditioning Installed New Partition Washrooms Installed! in Drywall & Repair entrance. Side New pavement in Hussainia parking lot Arbaeen (Chehlum) Please Recite Surah Fatiha For All Shuhadas & Marhoomeen. Sunday School at Hussainia Sunday School Every Week 10:30 am –3:00 pm Volunteer‘s Welcome! Please send you children to Sunday School to learn Quran/Deeniyat For any inquiries or suggestions ; Jum‘ma Prayers Youm-e-Hussain a.s Please contact Executive's of HAC Or School Administrator Br. Shabbir Rizvi Tel: (403) 796-5110 Page 15 Hussaini Association Of Calgary, AB YOUM-E-HUSSAIN 4755-34th Street SE, Calgary, AB, Canada T2B 3B3 Sunday, 21st December 2014 Time: 1:30 Pm (Hussain Day) Be careful about committing sin along with joy (avoid it) since the felicity of committing sin is itself a bigger sin (than the actual sin) Hussain the voice for Humanity At: Hotel Sheraton (EauClaire Market #255 Barclay Parade, SW Calgary Speakers: Prof. Badi-ud-din Soharwardy Moulana Syed Safi Haider & Speakers from the different faiths to pay tribute to Imam Hussain (as) ~Imam Sajjad (a.s) Donate Online: www.hussainicalgary.com Aya t o f t h e m o n t h "We have cited in this Quran every example for the people, yet the human being is most argumentative." EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: President: Riyaz Khawaja (403) 999-4614 [Surah Kahf: Ayat 54] Vice President: Imtiaz Ali Khan (587) 435-7714 Make A DIFERENCE: Donate to hac Secretary: Syed Ali Zulqarnain (403) 512-4514 Annual Membership Fee For 2014 Approved by AGM Family Membership- $400 per year Single Membership- $200 per year Senior Membership- $150 per year Student Membership- $100 per year Treasurer: Syed Zaheer Abbas (403) 607-4742 Coordinator: Syed Mansoor Naqvi (403) 975-7313 Trustee: Syed Muzaffer Tahir Cheque: Please contact executives Credit Card: via credit card machine in Hussainia/online/PayPal or Online: visit www.hussainicalgary.com PLEASE PAY YOUR MEMBERSHIP Page 16
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