SUNDAY AT BETHEL WELCOME to our worship celebraon on this

S.M.P.G. (SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER GROUP) meets from 7:45 - 9am Sunday mornings to pray for
the worship service, our church and community. Come out and join us on occasion or on a regular
basis. We meet downstairs in classroom #7, in the Children & Youth Wing.
January 4 2015
WELCOME to our worship celebra on on this first Sunday of 2015! We begin the year with the call to
put first things first and to respond to the first and greatest commandment – to love God with all our
heart, soul, mind, and strength. We are grateful for the worship leadership of Synchairo.
A warm welcome to guests. We invite you to stay for refreshments we share together a er
the worship service. For more informaƟon about our church and its ministries please come to the
Welcome Centre. We invite you to fill in a Guest Card and place it in the offering bag, or bring it to
the Welcome Centre to receive a welcome gi from Bethel.
NEXT WEEK we con nue to explore the summary of the law, focusing on the second commandment
that is like the greatest commandment -- “Love your neighbor as yourself”. We will have the simple
but significant ques ons asked of us: “Who is your neighbour and how are you called to neighbour?”
You can prepare by reading and reflec ng on the Bible reading from Luke 10:25-37. We also look
forward to celebra ng the Lord’s Supper and encourage you to prepare by asking God to show you if
you are living out the spirit of the call of Romans 12:18 – “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you,
live at peace with everyone.”
SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 10:30 AM – UNITY SERVICE AT THE ACTON LEGION. We gather together with
all the churches of Acton to celebrate and demonstrate our unity in Jesus Christ. We look forward to
the worship leadership of a combined choir and a music team from Crossings Church. The message
will be shared by Pastor Todd Nelson, the new minister of Knox Presbyterian Acton. The offering will
be for the Acton Ministerial Associa on, for shared ministry ini a ves in the community. There will
not be a worship service in our building that morning.
TODAY’S OFFERING - Food for Life is a food recovery program. Every day, seven days a week they
collect surplus perishable food (baked goods, fruits and vegetables, prepared foods, dairy and meat)
from grocery stores, restaurants, and the corporate food sector in Halton region. Their emphasis is on
fresh food that can be delivered quickly to those in need. They deliver this food, same day, to over 40
community social service organizations and over 45 outreach programs which have been established
in low-income neighbourhoods in Oakville, Burlington, Milton, and Georgetown.
Jan. 11 - Youth Unlimited
Jan. 25 - Benevolance
COUPLES NIGHT OUT COMES TO BETHEL! The ul mate date night with a message. Mark your
calendar for Wednesday, February 4, 7:30 pm. Featuring Leland Klassen, with live music by
Dan Macaulay. Presented by and hosted right here at Bethel. $10/person. More
informa on to follow!
OFFERING ENVELOPES 2015 are on a table beside the mail folders, and Giving Guides with PAD (PreAuthorized Debit) forms were placed in mail folders in December. If you don’t have offering envelopes or a mail folder and would like to have either or both, please contact Leila Vos, Administra ve
Assistant, at offi[email protected] or 519-853-2121.
ELDERS BOARD meets next Monday, January 12, 7:30 pm, in Room 102.
KNIT & CHAT meets Tuesday January 6 at 10am. Everyone is welcome!
MEN’S BREAKFAST is scheduled for next Saturday, January 10th from 8:30 – 9:30 am. For $3 (to cover
cost), you can enjoy an hour of good Chris an fellowship over a breakfast of coffee, toast & eggs.
Invite a neighbor… it’s a perfect me to build community and to get to know others. Feel free to join
us. For more info, contact Jake Adema at 905-877-4080.
WOMEN'S COMMUNITY BREAKFAST: Saturday, November 15, 2014 Doors open at 8:30am
Breakfast served at 9:00 am, Cost $3.00. New volunteers welcome to help set up or cleanup!
All are welcome; bring a friend, or a neighbour.
“HOW TO READ THE BIBLE FOR ALL IT’S WORTH” is an excellent opportunity for lay persons, church
leaders, pastors, and students who have a desire to become more confident in their understanding
and interpreta on of the Bible. Dr. Jeff Weima, Professor of New Testament at Calvin Theological
Seminary, will be presen ng this seminar at Maranatha Chris an Reformed Church, 94 Elgin St.
SOUTH, Cambridge, on Saturday, February 7, at 9 am, followed by lunch and a demonstra on
preaching from 1:15 – 2:30 p.m. Registra on is $20 before January 26 and at the door at 8:15 a.m. for
$30; email offi[email protected] .