WRUN AM—1150 • WRUN FM—104.3 DAILY SENTINEL, ROME, N. Y., WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2, 1963 PAGE TWO Board of Assessors Snow Avalanche Kills Two Taberg Youths' jGrogan Reappointed by Wood |ln First Official A c t As Mayor built at the northwest corAn avalanche of snow from a 100-foot embankmeat along Furnace Creek,' Mayor Lewis C. Wood, in his portion of his time in the coming to be of Union and Clinton Sts., and Taberg, trapped and suffocated T h o m a s Alan Vaile, 14, and Daniel P . Mehl, 13, first official act this morning, re- weeks and months to the several ner appointed William B. Grogan, lo- major capital projects that are for the covered artificial - ice both of t h a t village, late Monday afternoon as the two were walking home after cal realtor and insurance broker, presently in preliminary stages. skating rink that has been proan afternoon of sledding. to a three - year term on the Retaining of architects or en- posed by a citizens committee. Their bodies were found shortly after 7 t h a t evening, buried in about two Board of Assessors and directed gineers for plans and cost esti- A fourth major undertaking is that he continue as Board chair- mates has been authorized by the the downtown urban renewal profeet of snow. They were originally t h o u g h t to have been sledding a t the time Common Council for the $2.5 mil- ject, in eonedion with which forman during 1963. of the accident, but investiThe mayor said todav that he lion water suply conduit and re- mer Mavor Lanigan^ last week gation by the Sheriff's will be devoting a considerable lated facilities, for the firehouse signed a contract with Arthur J. Reed, Syracuse planing consultDept. concluded t h a t they ant, for preparation of an apwere walking when an Roman Was Aboard plication for an advance of federal planning funds. overhang of snow gave way Bond Issue Voted above them. The Council has voted bond isThe boys were last seen about sues for the water supply facil3 Monday by Danny Augustine, 13, j ities and for the flOO.OCO firehouse. a companion who left the pair Action on a (190,000 bond issue for when he got cold and decided to the skating rink was defergo home. Authorities said the boys, red pending submission of a cost had been dead between two andj The Navy has abandoned the search for the 13 crewmen °'| estimate. three hours when they were found. | a missing seaplane that disappeared last Wednesday while on The Board of Estimate and Thomas was the son of Mr. and Contract, which will have Anroutine patrol off the coast of Baja California. Mrs. Charles R. Vaile and Daniel the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles David K. Eiffe, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Eiffe, thony J. Montoya, Wood's successor as Council president, as a F. Mehl. N E W OFFICIALS T A K E OVEE — Mayor Lewis C. Wood, right, signs 516 Wellesley Rd., was a mem- Msgr. Edward P. Buttimer, M. R., new member, is expected to inter80 Join Search ber of the missing crew. Eiffe, P. A., officiating. view individuals to be retained the oath of office as Rome's new chief executive a s Common Council PresAbout 80 persons joined in the an aviation technician third class, Mr. Eiffe today said that on for the various studies mentionident Anthony J. Montoya, a t left, looks on. City Clerk Bernard T. Consearch for the boys after they had been assigned as a radio op- Monday he received official noti- ed. failed to return home for supper. cannon, standing, administered the o a t h to t h e two officials late Monday erator with the patrol squadron. fication that his son had died at The mayor said the members Among them was the Mehl boy's afternoon. Wood replaces former Mayor Charles T. Lanigan, now Oneida An official Navy announcement sea. of the Mayor's Committee on Grif father, chief of the Taberg Volunsaid, "We regret to announce that David K. Eiffe was born in fiss AFB, had accepted his invitateer Fire Dept., and Joseph Goss- County executive, and Montoya assumes Wood's former position of presiding Utica on July 5, 1943, son of ner, whose home the boys had officer of t h e Council. Montoya will continue to serve also as Democratic there were no survivors and that George H. and Eileen Fitzgerald tion to continue to serve and that the 13 airmen have been considvisited earlier in the afternoon. alderman for the Third Ward. Wood and Lanigan are Republicans. Rom- ered lost at sea in the line of Eiffe, and in 1960 graduated from he had concurred in a committee suggestion for appointment of adAccording to Deputy Sheriffs the Utica Catholic Academy. ans will elect a mayor a n d Council president for regular four-year t e r m s duty." ditional members. Francis Broski and Thomas OutAn aviation technician, third Search planes had sighted the class, He said he expects to have an next November. trim, who investigated, Gossner he enlisted in the Navy in wreckage of the Martin Marlin January of 1961 after having been announcement on the matter afand the Rev. Raymond Deitz, paspatrol craft late last week, but employed by Oneida Electronics ter he has confered with the B E P O B T F O R DUTY — T h e city's newest tor of the Taberg Methodist Church, followed footprints which prospective appointees. saw no signs of life. The site was Inc. firemen, Robert L. Aldrich, 411 F o r d St., at left, led to the pile of snow. Two Vacancies some 275 miles southwest of San His parents survive with three and Bernard S. Richardson, 409 Scott Ave., reMr. Deitz was the first to find Diego, the plane's base. brothers, Daniel, Michael and In the matter of personnel, ported for d u t y this morning and w e r e assigned to the boys and administered mouthHigh Mass Scheduled Patrick, and three sisters, Kath- Wood said, two vacancies he will No. 2 Engine House. Deputy F i r e Chief Don E. to-mouth resuscitation along with A solemn high Mass of requiem leen, Pamela and Mary Ellen, all seek to fill as soon as possible deputies. They continued their effor the Rome sailor will be cele- at home, and the maternal grand- are those of city planner and reSmith will supervise their in-service training be- forts to revive the boys at the Tamother, Mrs. Margaret Fitzger- creation director. Members of St. Michael's a.m. and Masses in honor of St. At St. Nicholas Church, the brated in St. Peter's Church at 9 ald, New Hartford. fore permanent assignment in five or six weeks to berg Laundromat where they The planning post, vacant since Monday with the Rt. Rev. awaited Nunn's ambulance. The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Stephen, the first martyr, will be liturgy of St. Basil the Great will a.m. a F i r e Dept. company. the resignation last fall of Fred boys were taken to Rome Hos- and St. Nicholas Ukrainian Ortho- held at 8 and 10:30 Jan 9 . celebrated on Sunday at 9 a.m., D. McCutchen, may be filled if a pital where Coroner Thomas A. dox Church will celebrate Christ- New Years Masses will be held! . . * . . . qualified appointee can be found preceded by Vespers. At 9 in the Cox pronounced them dead due mas Monday, Jan. 7, according at 8 and 9 a.m. Jan. 14, and or, if not, may be covered on a Rome Man's License evening the Compline and Matins Epiphany high Mass will be at to asphyxia. consulting basis. to the Julian calendar. with collect hymns of the feast will 10:30 a.m. Jan. 19. After Mass Gives Last Rites The recreation position is presChristmas Eve services Sunday will be the solemn blessing of be read. Following the Gloria, the ently being handled on a part-time The Rev. Matthew J. Doran, at St. Michael's Church will in- water. priest will perform the Litiya and basis by Joseph A. Skwarek of pastor of St. Patrick's Church, clude Masses at 8 and 10:30 a.m.; Caroling at the homes of parish- blessing of the bread. the public school system physical was called to the accident scene confessions from 10 to 11:30 in ioners will get under way at 7 On Christmas morning the Holy education staff. to administer the last rites of the the evening, Povetcherie and Litia p.m. Sunday in the city of Rome, Liturgy of St. John Chrysostyn church to the Mehl boy, a mem- at 11:30 and midnight Mass at continuing at 2 p.m. Monday in will be celebrated at 9 and 10:30 Roystron M. Spencer, 53, tech- Sunday's severe cold froze the Wood also will be seeking apa<viser for steel tubing at pipes in the home of Mrs. Connie pointees to spots designated for a ber of his parish, He had served 12. Lowell, Stanwix, Oneida and Ver- a.m. after which the choir will nical Reveres Rome Manufacturing Holz, 200 Nock St. master plumber and a journeyas an altar boy at an anniversary Christmas morning Mass will be non. The homes of pajishioners visit the parishioners and sing Co. Division, died in the Rome The new year was started in City Court this morning with man plumber on the Examining Mass for his grandfather that celebrated at 10:30 a.m. On Jan. in Taberg, Lee Center, Floyd andj Christmas carols, She said the plumber thawed a 60-day suspension of the driver's license of Joseph F. Morris, morning. Hospital at 4 a. m. Tuesday. them out, but Monday night they Board of Plumbers and will an8 the Synaxis or Sobor of the other places north of Rome will! Masses will also be celebrated 40, of 506 E. Bloomfidd St. Thomas was a member of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be cele- take place Saturday, Jan. 12, j at 10 a.m. Tuesday and Wednes- Mr. Spencer, whose home was had frozen again and by early nounce within a few days an apJudge Donald L. Austin also imposed a $25 fine. He told Taberg Methodist Church. at 1608 Roser Terr., had resided New Year's morning the bath- pointee to the Board of Managday, the Feast of St. Stephen. brated at Masses at 8 and 10:30 starting at 11 a.m. Morris, who pleaded guilty to a room pipes had burst and were ers of Rome Hospital. The Taberg and Lee Center Volin Rome 10 years. previously denied count of driving unteer Fire Departments joined Proposal Under Study He was born in Bradford, Eng- spraying water on an electric while his ability was impaired by Rome Attorneys families and friends of the boys heater placed there temporarily land, May 22, 1909, son of MaurThe Council has under study the alcohol, that the suspension would in the search ice and Martha Clough Spencer, to keep the pipes unfrozen. proposal by the joint Hospital Are Elected be retroactive to Dec. 17. Funeral services for Thomas and came to this country with Police said sparks were coming Board - medical staff committee This was the day following the Vaile will be held at 2 Thursday his p a r e n t s when he was six from the heater and had the util- for a 76 - bed expansion of the accident, source of the charge, in By Bar Assn. ities shut off. The Holz family hosoital, carrying a preliminary at the Taberg church with Mr. months old. which Morris first appeared in went to her sister's home, that of Deitz officiating. Burial will be in In Rome on April 19, 1942, he Dominick Bravo Jr., Upper W. cost estimate in the fl.5 million Attorney Paul L. Pileckas Maple Hill Cemetery, Taberg. court. range. It is hoped that one-third firemen received the married the former Elinor L. Thomas St. The charge, brought by Patrol- has been installed as second He was born in Rome on Jan. A fire New Year's Eve destroy- Tre Dunhams lost a four-bed-1 lRome of that cost, if the project is aphome that was built 17 * a r "! »t *14 p.m The depart- Thomas. men Frank Smith and Louis Giar- vice - president of the Oneida 21, 1948, son of Charles R. and ed the Terrance J. Dunham Sr. The piping was repaired and proved, will be met with federal room ment s rural pumper had to travel She survives with his mother, Mrs. Holz and her four sons, Carl, dino, followed their investigation County Bar Assn. Mary Austin Vaile, and had al- home, located on the Rome-New Hill • Burton funds. of an accident about 2 a.m. that He will serve on a slate ways lived in Taberg, his parents London Rd., near Seifert's Cor- years ago by Dunham, who is about five miles to the scene, and Mrs. Otto A. Nelson, Alhambra, 9; John, 8: Robert,6, and Jimmie, Wood said he anticipates no fursealer of weights and measures with the help of volunteers from Calif.; a son, Thomas M. Spen- 2, were able to spend last night Sunday on Black River Blvd. at which includes Jack J. Danel- moving there from Rome some 15 ners. Verirta and New London, pumrjed cer, Rome, and a brother, Roland in their rented home. The two- ther changes in his official famLiberty St., involving cars driven . la and Francis C. Steates, years ago. Four years ago New Year's Day, for Rome. by Morris and Frederick H. Utica, as president and vicestory frame dwelling is owned by ily and that the day-to-day operA seventh grader in Camden the house trailer of the family of They lost the house (one and a water from the Barge Canal more T. Spencer, Westmoreland. than 300 feet away. Murphy. 22, Boonville. Mr. Spencer, who had also lived Joseph Rubino, Delta Dr., Lake ation of municipal services will Central School, Thomas had play- their eldest son, Terrence Jr., half story wood frame), most of president, respectively. continue with the same departburned down on adjacent properin Clark Mills, saw P-T boat serv- Delta. ed Little League and Babe Ruth Had Been Suspended its contents, and a late model car At Scene Six Hours Elected to the Board of Diment heads and employes. The Morris license had been rectors was another Rome at- baseball in Camden. He was a ty. He and his family now live belonging to Terrence Jr. in which Local firemen were at the scene ice with the Navy during World Patrolmen Edward R. Cretaro in Oneida. War H, serving 354 years. and Louis Giardino responed to a motor was being installed. The for about six hours, according temporarily suspended, except for torney, Edward F. McLaugh- member of the Taberg Methodist At driving to and from work, since lin. Also elected as directors Church Sunday School and its His father, mother, their three structure and some of its contents'!"' Deputy Fire Chief Donald He belonged to the First Meth- Mrs. Holz's call for help. It came •»*.RANGE OH***™4 other children, and an uncle, are at 3:53 in the morning. odist Church and the Rotary Club Youth Fellowship. He also belongwere insured, according to Mrs.' Uie Dec. 17 court appearance. were Leighton R. Burns and Smith, and fought a fire in temGolf. c 25 sMere Lewis J. Archibee, 19, RD 3, Donald E. Keins, Utica law- ed to Taberg Boy Scout Troop 19. now living temporarily at the Dunham, who said some water- peratures fluctuating above and Funeral services will be held at home of the older Dunham's sisgal. Survivors Listed soaked furnishings and clothing, below zero, amidst snow flurries 2 Thursday at the Griffin & AlTaberg, admitted a charge of fol- yers. D*livtrtd Mutual Aid Log ter, Mrs. Peter Wojdyla, 2012 N. dridge Funeral Home with the imor'egnated with the smell of fire lowing another car too closely and Surviving with his parents are and strong winds. No firemen nor Rev. Frederick W. Cook, associPileckas is a member of the and smoke, were salvaged. was fined $5. Deputy Sheriff Al law firm of Griffith & two sisters, Mrs. Eugene Snow, Madison St. TODAY any member of the Dunham ate pastor of the First Methodist No Calls up to 1 p. Bachman issued the ticket after Pileckas. McLaughlin is a Messengers Bay, and Miss Maria ff 7-1232 family, which includes James, 23; Church, m. officiating. Burial will be investigating a Dec. 20 mishap on member of the firm of O'Shea, Vaile, at home; two brothers, Feast of Lights Daniel, 22, and Diane, 12, were in the Rome Cemetery. Route 365, Rome-Oneida Rd., near Griffin, Jones & McLaugh- Charles W. of Camden and Cary reported injured. Friends may call from 2 to 4 Lawrence St., involving cars driv- lin. W., Gouveneur; his maternal Firemen said the fire originated and 7 to 9 today. en by the defendant and Miss grandmother, Mrs. W. J. Austin in an electrical cord connecting Gertrude Pillmore, Westernville. and his paternal grandmother, a batter}' charger to the elder Donald P. Hayes, 26, 712 W. Mrs. Henry Coolidge, both of Dunham's car which, Mrs. Dun- Roman's Stolen Court St., admitted making a right Gouverneur; two aunts, one uncle, ham said, was parked in the driv turn without signalling and was ADDLEMAN - To A-lC Jerry three nieces and two nephews. way. The garage was connected Auto Recovered fined $5. He was stopped Dec, 20 and Beulah Biss Addelman, 602 Calling hours, at the family by a breezeway to the house, in the 100 block of N. James St. Liberty Gardens, Dec. 24, 1962, home, are at the conveninece of which , . ~ , .„ it T T » * • 11 imw.ii had n«u a back wing. Mrs. Police report a 1961 auto stolen by Patrolman T h e o d o r e W. in USAF Hospital, Griffiss AFB, a callers. Arrangements are being Zwn Episcopal Church will present the Feast of Lights, a Dunham sajd the battery charger Tuesday night was found at 3:15 Panych. daughter. handled by the Sanborn Funeral ;eant commemorating Epiphany, at 5 p. m. Sunday. w a s situated in the entrance area a.m. today on the Muck Rd. Reserves Decision CARTER - To S-Sgt. Christo- Home. The Feast of Lights service opens with the stranger, played! of the garage and that work on The auto, a white two-door Services Set Friday by Burton Cook, interrupting the congregational worship to ask the Judge Austin reserved decision pher and Alwortha Alfred Carter, motor of the car inside was sedan, belonged to Jerry Gulla, on a motion by a defendant, Al- Jr., 117 Craig Dr., Griffiss AFB, Funeral services for Daniel Mehl why the people are gathered in in process at the time. 109 First St., who told police he bert Berthelot, 27, Syracuse, to Dec. 28, 1962, in USAF Hospital, will be held at 9:15 Friday at the the church. The narrator, played The inside car, purchased near had left it with the motor running Fire at Hotel Mehl home on Water St. A solemn dismiss a charge of driving an Griffiss AFB, a daughter. by James Brand, invites the the end of the year, was the one while he went into St. John's unregistered car. Berthelot Claims FURLONG - To A-2C Edward requiem high Mass will be offered stranger to hear the story of the destroyed. Mrs. Dunham said that Pharmacy, 223 E. Dominick St at 10 in St. Patrick's Church by Is Confined he was not the driver. CHILDREN UNDER 12 WITH ADULT FREE history of the people of God. The the breezeway and garage were and Barbara Madajewski Furlong, The defendant pleaded innocent 105 W. Court St., Dec. 27, 1982, in Father Doran. Burial will be in r e a d e r , Mrs. George Pfluke, burned down, and the shell of the to this count and also a compan- USAF Hospital, Griffiss AFB, a St. Patrick's Cemetery. A plumber at work thawing out| ma kes use of scriptural passages rest of the structure still stands, Auto Damaged Friends may call at the Mehl bathroom pipes caused a second; in which the mighty acts of God its interior gutted. "Completely ion count of permitting operation daughter. home at their convenience. Martin floor fire at the Empire Hotel, to save His people are recorded. gutted," was the description of Hit-run damage to the rear of of his uninsured car by Joseph D. Johnson, West Lee Rd. Both GUTT - To Maj. Edwin and J. Nunn Funeral Home is handling 111 E. Dominick St., shortly be- As the service unfolds, the nar- Chief Smith. his wife's 1956 auto has been retickets were issued Dec. 29 by Ruth Baird Gutt, 2404-A Snark arrangements. ported to police by John Stuart, rator tells of how God remained Supply Tanker Trucks Patrolman Gerald Lince who Ave., Griffiss AFB, Dec. 29, 1962, He was born in Rome on March fore noon today. Camden. He said the car was faithful. to and final- He said the Rome unit, headed „. the Covenant , „ stopped the car in the 400 block in USAF Hospital, Griffiss AFB, 31, 1949, and had been a life res- Firemen received the alarm at,. struck while parked New Year's all And by Lt. Michael Senus, along with Eve in the 700 block of Elm St. *ent His only Son to draw ident of Taberg. His parents were 11:42 and confined the fire with pV of Erie Blvd. W. a son n a t l o n s t o H l s love New London firemen, set up the use oLa booster line to an area Charles F. and lleen K. Hyde Action in both cases was adPeter and about the pipes. The Feast of Lights service will portable pumps and that the Verjourned to Jan. 16 and bail of jTKnauss, 341 Glen Mehl. 6 wit Daniel was an eighth grade At 3:22 a. m. Tuesday they went i ™* h the communication of ona and New London volunteers $100 posted on the insurance cm 1963, in Rome the Light of Christ candle to each supplied tanker trucks. pupil at Camden Central School, to the Sam Evans home, 418 W continued. member of the congregation with The trailer fire four years ago, Liberty St., where a short circuit a member of St. Patrick's Church Laverne A. Elmer, 19, 616 N. — To Carmello and James St.. admitted three traffic Frances Dainatto Maltese, 207 where he served as altar boy for in the motor of a blower section the commission to each one to Mrs. Dunham said, wag due to a NOW PLAYING counts. He was fined HO on a Turin St, , Jan. 1, 1963, in Rome several years and a member of caused a furnace to overheat. bring the light of Christ to others faultv oil burner. She said her 3:15 — 7:00 — «:40 who have not yet received or family is in urgent need of its Catholic Youth Organization. charge of running a red light Hospital, a daughter. heard the Gospel. housing. The familv includes her He had played with the Little brought Nov. 24 by Patrolmen The service is under the direc- husband's uncle, Thomas SweenJohn Yamroz and Theodore W. PAIVA — To Capt. Virgil and League and Babe Ruth baseball Roman Taking Churchelow Paiva. 105 Marian tion of John C. Lamont. ey, Oil City, Pa., who was with leagues and was a member of Panych. Milles Dr. Dec. 27, 1962, in USAF Taberg Boy Scout Troop 19. Adult members of the congre- them New Year's Eve. Naval Training Lodged Nov. 23 gation will participate in the eveThe judge suspended passing of Hospital, Griffiss AFB, a daugh- Surviving with his parents are three sisters, Louann, 9; Karen Donald J. Kane. 502 W. Bloom- ning service. The Junior Choir unsentence on a charge of driving ter. a car with only one license olate. PARSONS - To A-lC Henry Marie, 8. and Sandra Elizabeth, field St., enlisted in the Navy Dec. der the direction of Mrs. Robert Attention Members lodged Nov. 23 by Deputy Sheriff and Pearl Reese Parsons, 420 5; his maternal grandmother, Mrs. 28 and is undergoing 10 weeks of Stack will provide music. The Rev. E. Robert Dickson, currecruit training at the Great Timothy J. Hyde, Taberg; his Woodrow Ave., Dec. 28, 1962, in Fran Broski and imposed a 95 of Meeker O'Rourke ate, and the Rev. Charles Sykes, fine on a eharee of driving with USAF Hospital, Griffiss AFB a [paternal grandfather, Herbert J. Lakes, HI., Center.' D. D., will assist in the evening He attended Rome Free Acad|MehI, Lee Valley, and several only one headlight, lodged Dec. daughter. Post No. 1309, prayer service. emy before enlisting. SI V Patrolmen Panych and RUSSELL — To Capt. James'aunts and uncles. Taberg M*rffl. and Carol Paul Russell, 107 Bis-1 ' And Theae and previous admitted F All membera of Meeker traffic violations led Judge Austin This Week's Special O'Rourke Poat, No. ISOfl, to comment that Elmer was "ap- SMITH — To A-lC James and Men's tf Taberg are requested to parently i marked man." and Joan Littler Smith, 116 Caswell Slates Contatas meet at the Post Home therefore in the same situation as St, Dee. » , 1962, in USAF HosThe Community Choral Society HlHutf. that they "can't do any pital, Griffiss AFB, a daughter. this evening at 7:80 o'clock . CO - PIATURI Each will present the Epiphany and fttui wrong on the highways." to proceed In a body to Oa «t 2:00 — 1:20 SONTER — To A-3C John and New Year's Cantatas of Bach's DRY CLEANED & PRESSED Elmer was represented by At» Lucie Duhon Sonier, 405 W. Em- "Christmas Oratorio" in a concert the residence of the late tnmey Frank D. Russo. Daniel Mehl, son of bur bargo St., Dec. 28, 1962, in USAF at 8:15 Sunday evening in the For Prompt Pickup and Delivery Dial FF 7-9020 ' JAMES AUNA JOOY * Hospital. Griffiss AFB, a son. member, Charles Mehl to Utica College Auditorium. HTCHUM UDO fcCftU • aaoaH— •* AH ?>P«« „ pay our respects, STURGUESS - To S-Sgt. Jerry Soloists will be McKinley ColRome, baritone; Calvin Gage License to Wed and Janice Keller Sturguess, 34 !lins, u II. I, I AM E. POBTNER, cotoe •* oe tuxe Circle Dr.. Griffiss AFB, Dec. 29 Whitesboro, tenor; Josette Stern. M l W. TbMMa St. — Ptmt .ad Office Commander UUca, soprano, and Catherine 1962, in USAF Hospital, Griffiss OP1N DAILY 7 A, Iff. M 1:30 P. M. PROMOTION Lochner, Utica, contralto. AFB, a daughter. Navy Quits Search For Missing Plane Two Ukrainian Churches Here Will Mark Christmas on Jan. 7 Roman Dies, Pipes Burst Was Veteran In Home On Nock St. O f W a r II Suspended 60 Days By City Judge Austin New Year's Eve Fire Destroys Home on Rome-New London Rd. 20 " ~16\3 Sears Oil Co., Inc. GO - KART RACES Zion Church Pageant Scheduled on Sunday Births Utica War Memorial Utica, N.Y. 8:30 P.M. Admission $1.50 THURSDAY, JAN. 3 fiPITOL Jew lews ftKn^^ |Choral Society * * * * Rene Chartand Lou Smith Jerry Mosher Dick Clark Many of Last Year's Stars 1 SUITS $ SUPERIOR DRY CLEANERS Untitled Document ~v Every Thursday After Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com Concession Kart Rides For All After the Races Chuck Mahoney
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