BLUEDATA INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE Learn English in New York W ELC OM E TO THE BLUEDATA EXPERIEN C E! BLUEDATA INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE Connecting to the World... Welcome to the Bluedata Experience! At Bluedata, our mission is to provide a quality learning experience and an opportunity for international students to learn English for personal, academic, and professional purposes while experiencing American culture in New York City. Whether you life, Bluedata in New York is for you. Why Bluedata? .Authorized under Federal law to enroll non-immigrant students .Conveniently located right in the center of Manhattan .Bilingual agents available to help .Unlimited choices for entertainment after school .Complimentary Wi-Fi Access 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS BLUEDATA INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE TABLE OF CONTENTS OUR SCHOOL ADMISSION PROCESS PROGRAMS AND SCHEDULES TEACHERS & STAFF STUDENT SERVICES ようこそブルーデータへ! 환영합니다! 博尔頓國際學院歡迎您! BIENVENIDOS ! Добро пожаловать в BLUEDATA! BEM VINDO 4 5 6 7 8-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27 5 Bluedata Our School • • • • Clean, air-conditioned, and well-equipped classrooms Specially designated computer areas that have state-of-the art desktops Relax and study in our student lounge net Free refreshments and unlimited internet access Penn Station Times Square Macy's Empire State Building Port Authority Bus Terminal 6 Admission Process The admission process truly starts with a simple phone call or email to Bluedata. Our expericenced Initial Student (Outside US) Change of Status Transfer Student • Submit Application Form and fees to Bluedata • Submit a copy of passport, visa, bank statement, and academic document to Bluedata • Obtain Form I-20 and Acceptance Letter from Bluedata • Send required documents to USCIS with your Form I-20 and I-539 Form • Submit Application Form and fees to Bluedata • Submit a copy of passport, visa, bank statement, academic document, previous I-20s to Bluedata • Obtain Acceptance Letter from Bluedata • Have your current school (Inside US) • Submit Application Form and fees to Bluedata • Submit a copy of passport, bank statement, and academic document to Bluedata • Obtain Form I-20 and Acceptance Letter from Bluedata • Interview with US Embassy/Consulate for F-1 Student Visa • Obtain your F-1 Student Visa and report to Bluedata once you arrive in US/New York • Start studying at Bluedata • Report to Bluedata as soon as you receive a response from USCIS (Inside US) form and send it back to Bluedata • Obtain I-20 from Bluedata • Start studying at Bluedata • Start studying at Bluedata Initial Student Change of Status Transfer Student I-20 Application Fee (Non Refundable) I-539 Application Fee (Non Refundable) School Service Fee (Non Refundable) School TransferForm / Previous I-20s Copies of Passport, Academic document, bank statement Copies of Visa, I-94 7 Programs and Schedules as preparation for the TOEFL. ESL L1 ESL L1 ESL L2 ESL L3 ESL L4 ESL L5 ESL L6 TOEFL 200 Hours (20 hours/week) Upon completion of this level, students will be familiar and comfortable with Basic English grammar. Students should be able to answer simple Yes/No, Wh questions. Students will learn basic survival English. This course will help improve student’s vocabulary, as well as reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. A secondary goal of this program is one of cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. ESL L2 200 Hours (20 hours/week) Upon completion of this level, students should be able to produce simple answers with emerging complexity. Students will learn survival English. This course will help improve students’ vocabulary, as well as reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. A secondary goal of this program is one of cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. ESL L3 200 Hours (20 hours/week) Upon completion of this level, students should be able to create dialogues, questions and answers, sentences, and polite requests in English for an intermdediate level. This course will help improve students’ vocabulary, as well as reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. A secondary goal of this program is one of cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. 8 ESL L4 200 Hours (20 hours/week) Upon completion of this level, students should be able to create dialogues, questions and answers, sentences, and polite requests in English for a high intermediate level. Critical thinking topics will be introduced to students. This course will help improve students’ vocabulary, as well as reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. A secondary goal of this program is one of cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. ESL L5 200 Hours (20 hours/week) Upon completion of this level, students should be able to create a simple essay with an introduction para- lary, as well as reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. ESL L6 200 Hours (20 hours/week) prepare students for competition in the mainstream upon completing their studies at Bluedata International Institute. Throughout this course, students will learn to analyze current New York Times articles and National Public Radio commentaries. By the end of this course, students shoud be able to discuss their views on global issues in English either via essay, or by short speech. Students should be able to write a focused opinion and/or compare/contrast essay. Students will learn to write a professional resume and cover letter. A secondary goal of this program is one of cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. TOEFL 200 Hours (20 hours/week) The goal of this course is to optimize the student’s performance on the TOEFL. This course helps the student acquire the following skills: familiarization with the format of the test, techniques for answering multiple choice questions, vocabulary expansion, grammar analysis, reading and listening comprehension skills. Upon successful completion of the course, the student achieves a comprehensive improvement in all aspects of his or her language skills and test-taking skills. CLASS SCHEDULE OPTIONS OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION 3 OPTION 4 OPTION 5 OPTION 6 OPTION 7 OPTION 8 AM AM PM PM EV EV WE WE Monday- Thursday Monday- Thursday Monday- Thursday Monday- Thursday Monday- Friday Monday- Thursday Friday Friday 8am-1pm 8:30am-1pm 1pm-6pm 1:30pm-6pm 6pm-10pm 6pm-9:45pm 6pm-10pm 6pm-9pm Friday Saturday Saturday 6pm-9pm 9am-5pm 9:30am-5pm Sunday Sunday 9am-5pm 9:30am-5pm 9 Academic Writing (Intermediate) 180 Hours (18 hours/week) Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of academic writing and be able to write well-organized and clearly developed academic paragraphs of various types as well as demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts of academic essay writing. Academic Writing (High Intermediate) 180 Hours (18 hours/week) Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to plan, organize, write, revise, and edit a variety of academic essay types. Students will know and attempt a variety of complex grammatical structures in their writing. Academic Writing (Advanced) 180 Hours (18 hours/week) Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to produce well-organized, clearly developed academic essays and term papers in English, utilizing effective grammar, sentence structures, vocabulary, and research. Accent Reduction 180 Hours (18 hours/week) Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to identify word stress and pitch change in order to show emphasis in spoken English. Students will get extensive pronunciation practice and improve their pronunciation through a variety of stimulating listening and speaking exercises. 10 Business English (Intermediate) 180 Hours (18 hours/week) Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to write standard business documents using proper formatting. Throughout the course, various aspects of business English will be covered, including, but not limited to measurements, social language, language used in meetings, and specific vocabulary and communicative strategies. Business English (High Intermediate) 180 Hours (18 hours/week) Upon successful completion of this course, students will be equipped with the proficiency to identify and build meaningful business relationships in addition to recognizing and administering appropriate customer care found in actual business conditions. Business English (Advanced) 180 Hours (18 hours/week) Upon successful completion of this course, students will be familiar with trends in international markets. Students will also develop a wide variety of communication skills in English which will allow them to handle a wide variety of business situations in a professional manner. During the course, students will expand upon business English vocabulary and practice using it in situations that are drawn from common business practices, such as exchanging information by telephone, writing formal business letters, reports and e-mails, giving presentations and participating in meetings. Conversation and American Culture 180 Hours (18 hours/week) Upon successful completion of this course students will develop and improve linguistic, academic, and social English language skills while obtaining knowledge about American society and culture. Students will obtain this knowledge by participating in interactive activities, focused listening tasks, personalized discussions, challenging tests, and authentic projects. 11 ANTHONY PRUETT KIMBERLEY TAYLOR 12 LEON RODRIGUES DIANA VELIZ I take ESL classes and I enjoy very much. Along the courses, I’ve developed my English a lot, the teachers I had were amazing, very friendly and funny, and most important, they taught in a very productive way. Come enjoy with me ! 13 A cademic Counseling Unlimited walk-in academic, personal, and immigration counseling are provided to students all day long and all year long. Our counselors are sensitive and dedicated. They work closely with their students to meet all of their personal, academic, and professional needs while attending Bluedata. If you need help opening a bank account or obtaining a driver’s license, we would be glad to help. M onthly Recreational/Social Events While attending Bluedata, all students have access to many fun, educational, social, and recreational activities. Throughout the course of study, teachers take students on cultural outing / field trips in New York City, ranging from museum visits to outdoor activities, cultural parades, and free concerts. Each month, our staff will also provide a social calendar for students with a wide of events going aonround New York. Be sure to stay around for the school parties during holidays, They are fun and a great chance for students to mingle and have an enjoyable time. I nsurance Bluedata strongly suggests that students obtain health coverage prior entering the United States. If you have any questions about insurance information, please ask a school counselor. A irport Pickup If you need airport pick up service, please let your school counselor know. We can help schedule a pick up for you for a fee. 14 S tudent ID Bluedata offers a complimentary student ID card to all of our students. In order to get a Bluedata student ID simply bring a 1” by 1” picture to the main office. Once your ID is ready we will notify you. A ccommodations Finding a place to live in NYC can sometimes be difficult on your own. Students may speak to their agent regarding further information on housing options in NYC. Bluedata is here to help you. Health Insurance Since medical treatment in NYC is very expensive without insurance, it is highly recommended for all international students to purchase student health insurance for their stay in NYC. All international students holding F1 visa have the option of purchasing AIG’s affordable Compass Health Insurance plan, or ISO’s International Student Health Insurance. Students may speak to their counselor/agent at any time regarding further information about student health insurance. 15 ようこそブルーデータへ! ブルーデータインターナショナルは、 ニューヨーク、 マンハッタンの中心部に位置しています。 エンパイヤ ー・ステイト・ビル、 メイシーズ、 タイムズスクエアなどニューヨークの各名所から大変近く、 観光に、 ショッ ピングに、 グルメに、 ニューヨークを満喫するには最高のロケーションです。 当校は、連邦ニューヨーク州教育局より資格を受けた、 F-1ビ ザを持つ生徒にI-20を発行することの可能な機関です。 アメリカ国外からの留学生はもちろん、 アメリカ国内に留学中 で、 当校に転校をご希望の生徒様、又、現在お持ちのビザがF1以外で、 ビザをF-1に切り替えをご希望の生徒様(B-1/B2、 J-1/J-2,H-1/H-4, F-2などからはF-1への変更申請 が可能です。) など、様々なニーズにお応えしています。 当校ではESL (レベル1~6)、 TOEFL試験対策クラスの他 に発音矯正/英会話&アメリカ文化/アカデミック・ライティ ング (3レベル)/ビジネス・イングリッシュ (3レベル) を開講 しています。教師陣は全てNY州教育局より教員免許を取得し ています。 16 申し込み必要書類 -パスポート-最終学歴証明あるいは成績証明(英文) -I-20申込書 -銀行残高証明(本人あるいはスポンサーの名義) ・・・1年間のお申し込みで最低$18000以上、8ヶ月で $12000以上、4ヶ月で$6000以上の60日以内に発行されたものに限ります。 -アメリカ国内から転校希望の生徒様は上記に加え,I-94、 ビザのコピー、前に所属の学校より発行されたI20などをご用意頂きます。 ご提出いただく書類は全て英文翻訳されたものをご用意ください。 申し込み方法 必要書類をご提出、 I-20申し込み費用を納入いただいた後、 当 校よりI-20を発行いたします。 I-20と銀行残高証明、最終学歴証明あるいは成績証明、I-90 1領収書を持ち、 アメリカ大使館にてビザ面接をしていただきま す。ビザ取得後、渡米が可能となります。 アメリカ入国後、授業開 始日前に当校にご来校していただき、諸手続きを済ませ、 ご入学 となります。 アメリカ国内からの生徒様は、 日本人バイリンガルアドバイザー に直接ご相談下さい。 0 80 SA e U t or i Su 018 Flo e h 10 6t Av eet SA 8th rk, NY r t 0 S 1U Yo rd : 50 33 1000 t 住所 New 0 es NY 25 1 W ork, 6 3 3 1 wY -68 2790 Ne 12 .c 32 : oo 21 電話 212- @yah com : sl. an Fax ajap atae at lued ed blu ww.b w 17 환영합니다! 블루데이타는뉴욕의중심맨하탄한복판에자리잡고있는어학원으로 미국의문화와교육을동시에체험하고싶은학생들에게다양한 프로그램을 제공하고 있습니다. 선생님 전원은 ESOL 자격증과 뉴욕주교육부의교사자격증을가지신분들이며영어교육에열정을 가지고계십니다. 블루데이타는퀸즈, 브롱스, 브루클린, 뉴저지등 여러곳에서이동이편리한맨하탄32가브로드웨이에위치하고 있으며 Penn Station, Times Square, The Empire State Building, Macy's, Koreatown 등과 가깝습니다. 실생활 영어를 배우실 분들에게 적합한 곳이며, 여러분들을 환영합니다. 블루데이타는 뉴욕주 교육부와 미국이민국에서 정식으로 허가받은 교육기관으로 ESL(Level 1-6), TOEFL, 고급 작문(Level 1-3), 발음교정, 비즈니스 영어(Level 1-3), 미국문화 회화 수업 등이 있으며 등록시 I-20를 받으실 수 있습니다. 유학비자(F-1)를 원하시는 분, 미국내에서 전학을 원하시는 분, 미국내에서 신분변경 (B-1/B-2, J-1/J-2, H-1/H-4, F-2등에서 F-1신분으로)을 하고자 하시는 분들은 블루데이타로 오십시오. 18 I-20 지원서 여권사본 (6개월 이상의 유효기간) 통장잔고서 (60일이내) $18,000-1년 $12,000-8개월 $6,000-4개월 스폰서가 있을 경우 재정보증서 영문 최종학력 증명서/성적표 I-20 발급 신청비 SEVIS 등록비 빠른우편을 원하실 경우 미국내 전학 (transfer) 학생일 경우 Visa사본, I-94사본과 Transfer Form 이 추가로 필요하며 SEVIS 등록비는 필요하지 않습니다. 위의 서류들을 블루데이타에 제출하시면 I-20 와 SEVIS 영수증 그리고 학교입학허가서를 받으시게 됩니다. 인터뷰시 필요한 서류와 받으신 I-20를 들고 미국대사관에 인터뷰를 신청해 주세요. 블루데이타의 한국인 담당자와 상담하세요! 00 te 8 8 USA i or u S Flo ve 1001 h A t Y th t6 0 8 ork, N ree USA t 0 S 5 Y : rd 01 주소 New est 33 Y 100 0 W ,N 625 0 131 York 3 -68 79 New 212 -213-2 om : ail.c 전화 : 212 m om @g 팩스 orean taesl.c k a ata lued d e b blu ww. w 19 博爾頓國際學院歡迎您! 博爾頓國際學院(Bluedata International Institute), 位於紐約市中心---曼哈頓中城. 比鄰帝國大廈,梅西百貨,賓士車站,曼哈頓購物中心(Manhattan Mall),以及時代廣場 等著名地標.地段繁華,環境優雅,交通便利, 地鐵四通八達. 本校為紐約州註冊學校,經聯邦授權,可向國際學生簽發I-20, 你可由此申請美國學生 簽證F-1.如果你在美國境外,可申請赴美留學; 如果你在美國境內,可申請轉學 (從其他院校轉入本校), 如果你以其他身份入境美國, 可以申請轉換身份(例如:從B-1/B-2,J-1/J-2, H-1/H-4, F-2等簽證轉換為F-1簽證), 進 入本校, 並合法居留美國. 本校專設:標準英語ESL(共分6級);升學考試課程: 托福 TOEFL.學術寫作(共分3級); 口音糾正課程; 商務英語(共分3級) ; 日常會話和美國文化課程.本校以師資優良著 稱;所有教師均操純正美式英語, 擁有各級教師執照和學士以上學歷. 申請準備: 1.護照影印本 (六個月以上有效期限) 2.最高學歷證明或成績單 3.I-20申請表格 4.經濟擔保文件(學生本人或資助人銀行存款金額證明) 20 申請標準: *銀行存款金額審核標準: 如申請就讀一年,存款金額18000美金以上; 如申請就讀八個 月,存款金額12000美金以上; 如申請就讀四個月,存款金額6000美金以上. *如申請者已在美國境內(轉學或轉身份申請), 則需要提供簽證影印件,I-94白卡正反面 影印本,前學校I-20等相關文件. *所有文件均須翻譯成英文並公證. 申請步驟: 1. 提供所有申請文件至本校,及繳交相關申請費用及學費. 2. 持學校簽發的I-20表和錄取通知書, 護照, 經濟擔保文件, 最高學歷證明或成績單, I-901表及其繳費收據等, 前往美國駐所在國大使館, 領事館或辦事處, 辦理簽證. 3. 獲取簽證後, 即可訂購機票, 前往美國. 4. 入境美國後, 請立即到本校報 到, 辦理相關入學註冊手續. 如果你目前身在美國境內, 申請步驟較為簡單. 詳情可 諮詢本校中英雙語職員. 本校專業中文顧問全程協助 申辦國際F-1學生簽證申請/ 轉學/轉身份等相關事項. 0 r 80 USA e loo t 8 i F 1 Su 00 th e 1 t 6 SA v Y e A tre 01 U th rk, N S 8 rd 00 00 Yo 0 33 Y 1 : 5 ew t s 25 N 址 N 6 e , k 地 3 r 90 om 1 W Yo c 68 -27 . 3 l 1 w ai 12 13 m om Ne :: 2 12-2 g 話 2 @ sl.c : 電 se e 真 ae 傳 hin dat c ta ue da .bl e w u bl ww 21 Bienvenidos ! Bluedata International Institute ésta ubicada en el corazón de la ciudad de Nueva York en Midtown, Manhattan. Está cerca de los sitios más famosos como el Empire State Building, Macy’s, Penn Station, el centro comercial Manhattan Mall y Times Square. Bluedata está aprobada por el Departamento de Educación del Estado de Nueva York, y también está autorizada por USCIS para expedir el I-20 a estudiantes del extranjero que soliciten la visa F-1. Si está dentro de los EEUU como estudiante, puede pedir transferirse de institución a Bluedata. O si entró a EEUU con otro tipo de visa, se puede solicitar un cambio de estatus (por ejemplo, si su estatus es B-1/B-2, J-1/J-2, H-1/H-4, F-2 y aún otros, puede cambiarse a visa F-1) para matricularse en Bluedata y permanecer en los EEUU legalmente. Bluedata ofrece cursos de ESL (Inglés como segundo idioma) en seis niveles, desde lo básico hasta lo más avanzado, al igual que curso preparativo para TOEFL. Reducción de Acento, Escritura Académica de nivel básico a nivel avanzado, Conversación & Cultura Americana e Inglés para negocios de nivel básico a nivel avanzado. Bluedata es reconocida por la calidad de su enseñanza. Todos los profesores están licenciados para enseñar Inglés como segundo idioma. 22 Documentos necesarios para la petición: 1. Copia del pasaporte (vigente por lo menos por 6 meses) 2. Diploma o expediente académico mas reciente 3. Solicitud para el I-20 4. Extracto bancario y “affidávit of support” (si el estudiante está siendo patrocinado por algún familiar o alguien mas) $18,000 por un año, $12,000 por 8 meses, $6,000 por 4 meses. • Si el estudiante está dentro de los EEUU solicitando transferir de escuela necesitará los mismos documentos enumerados anteriormente más su última I-20. Por otro lado, si se está tratando de cambiar de estatus, necesitará entregar los documentos enumerados anteriormente mas una copia de su visa, copia del I-94, y formulario I-539. • Todos los documentos deben de estar traducidos al Inglés y notariados. Proceso de solicitud: 1. Entregue el formulario de solicitud para el I-20 todos los documentos necesarios a Bluedata, y pague la cuota de inscripción y matricula. 2. Con su recibo de I-20, I-901, carta de bienvenida a Bluedata, y documentos suplementarios solicite una cita 0 r 80 USA loo con la embajada o consulado americano local. e F t 8 i Su 1001 t 6th 3. Cuando este aprobada su solicitud para la visa F-1 e ee USA Av , NY r t h S puede comprar el billete para su viaje a los EEUU. Los 8t ork d 0001 r 0 3 Y 0 1 3 50 estudiantes con visado F-1 pueden entrar a EEUU hasta 25 n: New est , NY 6 ó i 3 W rk c 30 días antes de el comienzo de su semestre. -68 2790 31 Yo rec i 2 1 D w m 321 Ne 4. Después de llegar a los EEUU, deberá reportarse a o: 2-21 om n o c lèf o:21 @gm esl. la escuela inmediatamente para completar los siguientes e a T ax l t s a F tae lued pasos del proceso y comenzar a estudiar Inglés. a ed .b Para más información, por favor póngase en contacto blu www con nuestro personal. 23 Добро пожаловать в Bluedata International ! Bluedata удобно расположена в сердце Манхэттана вблизи таких достопримечательностей как: Penn Station, Times Square, Empire State Building, Madison Square Garden, Manhattan Mall и Macy’s. Bluedata имеет лицензию Департамента образования штата Нью-Йорк и разрешение USCIS на выдачу формы I-20, которая является основанием для получения F-1 визы. Если Вы находитесь в Соединённых Штатax Америки и обучаетесь в другом Если Вы въехали в США по другой визе, с нашей помощью, Вы можете изменить свой неиммиграционный статус (B-1/B-2, J-1/J-2, H-1/H-4 и т.д.) на статус F-1 и продлить своё пребывание в США. Наши преподаватели не только настоящие профессионалы своего дела, но также имеют лицензию штата Нью-Йорк на преподавание английского языка как иностранного. Bluedata предлагает различные программы по изучению англииского языка: интесивная программа, которая включает 6 уровней; программу по подготовке к здаче екзамена TOEFL; а так же академическое письмо (три уровня); курс постановки-корректировки произношения; деловой английский (три уровня); американская культура и культура общения. 24 Документы, необходимые для поступления: - заявление I-20 - копия паспорта, срок действия которого истекает не ранее шести месяцев на момент регистрации - оригинал выписки с банковского счёта с суммой не менее $18000 на 1 год, $12000 на 8 месяцев, $6000 на 4 месяца документ о подтверждении финансовой поддержки) Если Вы находитесь в США, Вам необходимо предоставить копии визы, формы I-94, а также копию предыдущей формы I-20 и трансфер-форму при переводе из другого учебного заведения. Все документы должны быть предоставлены на английском языке, и перевод должен быть нотариально заверен. Процесс поступления: - заполнить заявление I-20 - предоставить все необходимые документы - оплатить школьный регистрационный взнос и обучение. После получения формы I-20 и письма о том, что Вы приняты в Bluedata, Вы можете назначить собеседование в посольстве США для получения студенческой визы. Как только Ваше заявление на получение визы одобрено, Вы можете приобрести билет на самолёт до Нью-Йорка. Bluedata и закончить регистрационный процесс. Для получения более подробной информации, Вы можете связаться с нашим русскоговрящим консультантом. 0 r 80 USA e loo t i F 8 Su 01 th ve Y 10 t 6 SA e A e 8th rk, N d Str 01 U 0 o 0 r 0 : 5 ew Y st 33 Y 10 0 с 25 0 e k, N ре N 6 д W r 9 3 А 1 o 68 3-27 13 w Y ) 12 21 Ne ma m g : (2 12) o л n @ esl.c Те с: (2 a i s a к s t Фа taru eda a u .bl ed blu www 25 Bem-vindo Bluedata International Institute está localizada no coração de Nova Iorque - Midtown Manhattan. Perto do Empire State Building, Macy’s, Penn Station, Manhattan Mall e Times Square, famosos marcos históricos da cidade. A Bluedata é licenciada pelo departamento de educação de Nova Iorque e também é autorizada pelo USCIS à emitir o Formulário I-20 para as pessoas que desejam solicitor o visto de estudante (F-1). Se você está fora dos EUA, é necessário que você siga o processo para estudar fora do seu país. Caso você já esteja estudando nos EUA, você deve solicitar sua transferência (de outras instituições para a Bluedata). H-1/H-4, precisam ser trocados para o F-1). A Bluedata oferece cursos ESL (Inglês como segunda língua) em seis níveis, do mais básico até o avançado. Também oferecemos cursos preparatórios para o TOEFL. Escrita Acadêmica (três níveis), redução de sotaque, Inglês para Negócios (três níveis) e Conversação e Cultura Americana. nossa escola são licenciados pelo Departamento de Educação de Nova Iorque. 26 Documentos necessários para admissão: 1. Cópia do passaporte válida por até 06 (seis) meses. 2. Último diploma adquirido. 3. Formulário I-20. 4. Extrato Bancário/Documento de Suporte Financeiro (Fundos do estudante ou do seu parente/patrocinador). USD $18,000 para um ano, USD $12,000 para oito meses, USD $6,000 para quatro meses. devem estar traduzidos para a lingua inglesa. Processo de Admissão: 1. Entregue o Formulário I-20 para a Bluedata, assim como todos os outros documentos, e pague a taxa de admissão juntamente com a trimestralidade. 2. Marque uma entrevista na embaixada Americana mais próxima da sua cidade e leve o seu Formulário I-20, Recibo do I-901 e a Carta de Admissão emitida pela Bluedata, Passaporte, Documento de Suporte Financeiro e outros documentos necessários para a aprovação do seu visto. 3. Assim que o seu visto for aprovado, você pode comprar a passagem aérea para vir aos EUA. 4. Ao entrar nos EUA, você deve avisar a escola imediatamente da sua chegada, para completar o seu registro na escola. Por favor, contate um agente para mais informações. 00 te 8 8 USA oor i u l S 01 th F Ave Y 10 6 h t t N 8 A ee k, Str 1 US 500 Yor d : r 0 o ç New 33 00 ere est , NY 1 d n 0 W E k 625 131 Yor 3 w 68 Ne 12- -2790 2 : om 13 ne efo 212-2 mail.c m l e T o : g Fax esl@ aesl.c t a t a da ed lue blu ww.b w 27 Time Square 42nd St Bryant Park 35th St 8th Ave Macy’s Herald Square ay adw Bro 33th St Empire State BD 33th St 32th St 6th Ave 7th Ave Penn Station 34th St 31th St Licences by USCIS, NYSED, CEA Learn English in the center of New York We Issue Form I-20 for Foreign Students BLUEDATA INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE 500 8th Ave Suite 800 New York, NY 10018 131 West 33rd Street 6th Floor New York, NY 10001 (T) 1-212-683-6250 (F) 1-212-213-2790 (E) [email protected] (W) Monday-Friday: 8am-10pm Saturday and Sunday: 8:30am-5:30pm Excluding Holidays We have bilingual counselors for your convenience. 5th Ave 35th St
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