A. K. TAYLOR.. METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR OBTAINING REGISTERING FORMS. APPLICATION FILED MAY 4. 1914. 1,199,941. Patented Oct. '3, 1916. 2 SHEETS-SHEET I - Q . [\l IOI F Z. "WNW IOZI l/l A. K. TAYLOR. METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR OBTAINING REGISTERING FORMS. APPLICATION FILED MAY 4, I914. . 1,199,941. Patented Oct. 3,1916. 2 SHEETS—SHEET 2. l __ _____._______._.) 10» IXI|l W w m /\/\A/\/ m \j , \\6 I|WHIM0JHMI \\\ % “ ///\\Iw I HI||._I H a XI H,I III /I \ _ // \\\ n/ I|lv l\l \I \ 1/ 1/» \\ / \ ,\ _ , I I‘'.i|lIl/l 1Il|l \ 1/ \\ _/ 1 _ \ Q9 j/é'a MW UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ARTHUR K. TAYLOR, OF ROLAND PARK, MARYLAND. METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR OBTAINING REGISTERING FORMS. Speci?cation 01’ Letters Patent. 1 ,199,941. Patented Oct. 3, 1916. Application ?led May 4, ‘1914. Serial No. 836,339. To all whom it may concern . Be it known that I, ARTHUR K. TAYLOR, a citizen of the United States, and resident of Roland Park, Baltimore county, State of Maryland, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Methods of and Apparatus for Obtaining Registering The illustration of the several parts of the apparatus hereinafter referred to is more or less conventional in the drawings as the detail construction thereof can mani 60 festly be varied within wide limits without departmg from the scope of the invention. Referring particularly to Figs. 1 to 4, A ‘orms, of which the following is a speci— designates the ordinary compositor’s impos ing table or other suitable support adapted ?cation. The present invention relates to an im to receive the chase or form B, containing 10 proved method and apparatus for use in the type or printing surfaces from which positioning cuts, dies, transfer impressions the ?rst or primary impression is to be ob or type in printing, dieing and creasing or tained, and a form or chase C for use in lithographic forms so that very accurate producing a subsequent impression on a 15 65 70 registration of impressions from‘ a plurality sheet previously printed from the form B.‘ On the table or support A is arranged of forms will be insured. In the preparation of such forms for use, an apparatus adapted to project an image for example, in multicolor work according or representation of more or less of the to the method at present in common use, form B upon the form C so that type or 75 an undesirable length of time and amount printing surfaces in the latter may be read of labor is required. If the manipulations ily positioned therein so that impressions and adjustments required to properly posi therefrom will be caused to accurately tion the printing surfaces of the form or register with the spaces provided therefor 25 forms to be used for other than the primary in impressions obtained from the form B. impression, so that the necessary register Said projection apparatus comprises two of succeeding printings may be obtained, parallel, vertical, tubular members D, E connected at their upper ends by a tubular must be. idle for considerable periods of horizontal member F, mirrors or suitable are carried out in the press room, the press time during each job. Frequently very ?ne re?ecting surfaces (designated by G, H, in 30 or small misadjustment of a cut, die, or body of type will result in a considerable waste of material in addition to the loss in time and labor required to make the neces sary correction. 35 85 Fig. 4) being arranged within the member F at an angle of 45°. A suitable source of light, for example an electric lamp, is ar ranged in a suitable housing adjacent the lower end of the upright D so that the por 90 By the method hereinafter described it tion of the chase or printing form B be is possible to prepare in the composing neath said member D will be brightly room, in a minimum amount of time, the illuminated; and within the upright D is several forms required for use in producing arranged a light projecting system shown any particular piece of close register work, in Fig. 4 as comprising two double convex 40 95 in which a single sheet 15 necessarily sub? lenses I, J. jected to a plurality of operations; and ob The apparatus is represented as resting tain substantially correct and perfect regis upon suitable feet K (which are of such ter of the different impressions. height and so arranged that the forms B, C In the accompanying drawing: Figure may be adjusted as required to bring any 45 1 is an elevation of a form of apparatus adapted to carry out the invention as ap plied to printing; Fig. 2 is a plan of one lower end of the member E is situated in a of the printing forms shown in Fig. 1; Fig. horizontal plane somewhat above that in 3 is a similar view of the other form illus cluding the lower end of the member D so 50 trated in Fig. 1; Fig. 4 is a diagrammatic .that the workman may obtain a clear view view illustrating the action of the embodi of the portion of form C beneath the tube ment of the invention shown in Fig. 1; and E and that there will be su?icient space to Fig. 5 is a similar view showing a slightly permit of his e?’ecting any necessary ma— di?erent arrangement of parts for carrying nipulation or adjustment of printing sur 55 out the same method as the ‘apparatus of faces'in the form. , Fig. 1. 100 desired portions thereof into alinement with the tubular uprights D, 0). As shown the In using the apparatus referred to, the 105 110 nieoeai tube D‘ will bepositioned above the form ' so that a space or blan'kin the printing sur e?'ecting a subsequent impression. ‘A modi ?cation of the construction described, as re face of said form corresponding to a section gards this feature, is diagrammatically illus of the ?nished Work which is to be printed trated in Fig, 5, Referring to this ?gure, from the form C, inva di?‘erent color from , it will be seen that the form or an impres the impressions obtained from the form EB, sion L therefrom is arranged on thelower or a su?cient portion of such a space, Wlll face of a suitable support M positioned at be in alinement withthe tube, An accurate . a considerable distance above the imposing ' and exact representation of such space or stone or table A. With such an arrange-~ a 10 the portion thereof in alinement with the ment all of the projecting apparatus-‘lean be tube D will be projected through the tubes arranged within a single tube-like body N. D, F, E, onto the base in the form C so that As illustrated, the body N adjacent its ‘the. necessary printing surfaces may be upper end isvprovided with a lamp house - readily adjusted on said base as required or casing Oand ‘interiorly of said bod is and secured in) proper position in the form G. *arranged'a suitable'lens systemadapte to If more than two impressions are required project animage ‘or representation of the it will be evident that other forms, each con - > printing form B, 85 lar use. For instance, the invention may be Instead of projecting a representation of employed with equal advantage imposition ‘ ' ‘form, or a .su?cient ing lithographic ‘transfers. Also instead of 'the primary printing a ove described, an im— vemploying .a form or impression therefrom, vportion thereof, as pression printed from such form may be an outline drawing or lay-out may be pro jected ontothe secondary form to de?nitely substituted for the form B. 30 ‘Comparing Figs. 2 and 3, it will be seen de?ne the boundary within which one or that it is not necessary that the entire area more electrotypes, for example, must be po of the primary form B, orimpression there sitioned. .As previously indicated, it is not from, be projected onto the secondary form necessary in every case to project an image C, in order to accurately locate the‘position of the entire space within which an impres in the latter of the printing surfaces 0, c’, sion from the adjustable printing surface 25 02 so that impressions therefrom will ‘cor 80 illuminated area onto the’ form mounted on ' . taining the printing surface, or surfaces, re the table A. v‘While in the foregoing description it is .quired for any one color, will be successively 20 positioned beneath the tubular'member'E pointed outthat the invention is particu of the projecting apparatus in place of the larly adapted for'use in positioning elec form C and the type, 'etc., therein adjusted - trotypes in registering position, it will be as required in conformity Tto the primary evident that it is not limited to that particu ' 75 90 95 of the secondary form is to occupy in the rectly register with the spaces 6, 6’, 62. It ?nished work, but merely a su?icient amount is only necessary that the projected image of detail thereof to enable the operator to 40 include a su?icient portion of the primary properly locate the electrotype in the sec form and the space I), for example, to enable ondary form. It is customary to include in the type or electrotype, constitutingr the the primary form or impressions therefrom, printing surface 0 to be placed in the proper, or a ‘drawing, certain “positioning points” corresponding, location in the secondary and a projection of these, or a portion there form 0. 45 50 55 60 of, is all that is required. . 105 ' The invention is also well adapted for As the invention is primarily intended for use with large forms the projecting appa positioning dies for cutting and scoring ratus will be so supported that it can be sheets so that registration of the outlines readily shifted relative to the two forms, B, produced thereby will register with printed C, to bring different areas of the forms into matter on said sheets, and the term “im alinement therewith as required. In carry pression form” used in the claims is to be ing out the method hereinbefore described, understood as covering any form which in the low or cut-out portions of the electro cludes a movable or adjustable impression type or printing member to be positioned in member, whether adapted to print, out, score the secondary form may be dusted or or otherwise act upon a sheet or blank. Having thus described the invention What powdered with a suitable white or light colored powder so that the high printing I claim and desire to secure by Letters Pat surface of such member will be clearly dis ent is: tinguishable, which will materially aid in - 1. The herein described method of de adjusting said printing member into the termining the correct position of a mov proper position. Generally, the apparatus able member in an impression form com_ 1110 1115 12@ 1915 will be used in a subdued light or slightly prising displaying on the form an optical darkened room. image of such necessary registering detail It is not necessary that the primary form as to de?ne the location for said member or impression to be projected be supported within the form. 65 on the same table or level as the form for 2. The method of making up registering 180 3 1,199,941 impression forms, each including a movable and adjusting said movable member to' bring member, which comprises providing means corresponding parts thereof and‘. of said containing suitable registering detail of- a image into superposed relation. 40 6. The combination with a support for onto the surface where the mova le member an impression form, of means adapted to is to be placed an image of a su?icient por sustain above said support a representation 45 plurality of members of a form projecting tion of said registering detail, and adjust ing said movable member to bring corre 10 of suitable registering detail to indicate the proper position of a movable ‘impression sponding parts thereof and of said image member in a form on said support, and means adapted to project onto said sup into superposed relation. 3. The method of making up registering port an image of a suf?cient portion of said 50 impression forms, each including a movable registering detail, for the purpose described. 7. The herein described improvement in member, which comprises supporting above a form a representation of suitable regis the method of making up the secondary. ' tering detail, projecting onto the form an forms for use in multicolor printing com ‘image of a su?icient portion of said reg prising projecting an image of a sufficient 55 istering detail, and adjusting said movable portion of a primary form or an impression member to bring corresponding parts there therefrom, onto a second form to de?ne the of and of said image into superposed rela~ location for a printing surface in the sec ondary form, and securing such a surface tion. 4. The method of making up registering in 'alinement with said image. 8. An apparatus for use in preparing impression forms, each including a movable 25 30 member, which comprises providing means containing suitable registering detail of a plurality of members of a form, illuminat ing a suitable part of said registering de tail, projecting onto the form an image of 60 printing forms for multicolor printing com prising a hollow body adapted to have its ends positioned vin alinement with suitable areas of a primary form, or impression therefrom, and a secondary form, means for the illuminated area, and adjusting said illuminating the surface of the primary movable member to bring corresponding form, or impression therefrom, that is in parts thereof and of said image into super alinement with one end of said body, and means Within the body for projecting an 5. The method of making up registering image of said illuminated surface onto the impression forms, each including a movable secondary form, for the, purpose described. posed relation. member, which comprises placing the form In testimony whereof I a?ix my signa ing detail, illuminating a suitable part of said registering detail, projecting onto the form an image of the said illuminated area, Witnesses: ARTHUR L. BRYANT, on a suitable support, arranging above the ture in presence of two witnesses. ARTHUR K. TAYLOR. form a representation of suitable register B. M. MUTH. \ 70
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