24th FED Conference 15/16 September 2016 Bonn The Electronics Industry in Transition Technologies in Focus Kindly supported by: CSK - CAD Systeme Kluwetasch www.cskl.de The Electronics Industry in Transition - Technologies in Focus Plenarvortrag Prof. Dr. Rainer Thüringer Chairman of the FED Ladies and Gentlemen, dear FED members! The only constant is change. Innovative developments in hardand software, driven by the digital transformation of our society, keep creating new technologies. The focus of this year's FED Conference lies on Embedded Components Technology and 3D Technology. Experts and professionals will speak about these from different perspectives. Presentations will be accompanied by a facilitated discussion to answer participants' questions and derive important practical recommendations for action. The keynote speech on Friday, “Enterprise 2020 – The Internet was just the beginning” will also draw our attention to the coming change and all of its challenges and opportunities. For this speech, we have been able to recruit the internationally renowned expert and progressive thinker, Tim Cole. Our newly structured presentation programme consisting of two conference days contains current topics, innovative technologies and management topics. Another novelty is our Speakers' Corner within the accompanying trade exhibition. Make use of these various possibilities for your personal training and for maintaining and generating new contacts. In the name of my fellow Board members, the Advisory Council and the team at our FED office, I am very pleased to invite you to attend our 24th FED Conference in Bonn. Yours Prof. Dr. Rainer Thüringer Focus Topics 3D Technologies Embedded Technology Our Focus Topic on Thursday, 15 September, will look at different 3D techniques. These range from the necessary design tools across various printing technologies, specific application examples in 3D printing, and 3D MID technology up to manufacturing and 3D assembly. Furthermore, a process will be presented to calculate and analyse the clearance and creepage distances of electronic 3D assemblies. On Friday, 16 September, we will focus on presentations dealing with embedded devices and embedded systems. These will cover different hands-on examples of assemblies with embedded active and passive components. At the same time, we will look at questions regarding the illustration of embedded components in the CAD system, component library information and data formats. Afterwards, a facilitated roundtable discussion has been planned including all speakers and the EDA suppliers of Altium, FlowCAD, Mentor and Zuken. Users, speakers and audience will be able to ask the EDA suppliers questions concerning the practical implementation of the embedded technology with their software. Thu 15/09/2016 Conference Programme from 8:00 am Registration at FED desk and exhibition attendance Plenum 9:00 am Opening of conference and welcome - Prof. Dr. Rainer Thüringer, Chairman of the FED 9:15 am Words of welcome from the city of Bonn – Mayor Reinhard Limbach Management 9:30 am Current Topics Business Outlook for Global & European Electronics Markets - World & European electronic equipment, EMS, component & materials markets PCB-Design für Leistungselektronik - Isolationskoordination in leistungselektronischen Baugruppen und Geräten Walter Custer (EIPC) Peter Mauer (Semikron) Focus Topic 3D-Techniques Innovative Topics Intelligente Sensorik für elektronische Komponenten und Systeme - Vernetzung und umfassende Nutzung von Maschinen- und Sensordaten für die Smart Factory 3D-Druck in der Elektronikfertigung Prof. Dr.-Ing. Claus Emmelmann, Leiter des Instituts für Laser- und Anlagensystemtechnik (iLAS) an der TU Hamburg-Harburg und CEO der LZN Laser Zentrum Nord GmbH Franz Stieber (ifm electronic) 10:15 am Gewährleistung, Untersuchungsund Rügepflichten - Auswirkungen der aktuellen Rechtsprechung und Gesetzgebung auf Ihre Lieferverträge Lagenaufbau und Stromversorgungsdesign für Highspeed-Anwendungen Das neue Proportionale Berechnungsmodell Immer kleinere Bauteile erfordern optimierte Anschlussflächen auf Leiterplatten 3D-Elektronik, neue generative Verfahren für die Elektronik Dr. Kai-Oliver Giesa (CMS Hasche Sigle) Jennifer Vincenz (tecnotron) Rainer Taube (TAUBE ELECTRONIC) Hanno Platz (GED) 11:00 am 11:30 am Coffee break - meeting and networking at the exhibition (Speakers’ Corner) Aktuelle Änderungen und Ergänzungen in der Umweltgesetzgebung (EuP, RoHs, REACh, WEEE und ELV) Jan-Henryk Serzisko (Alpha Assembly Solutions) Dr. Otmar Deubzer (Fraunhofer IZM) 12:15 pm Produkthaftungsrecht im Rahmen der Umweltgesetzgebung Dr. Jens Nusser, (KOPP-ASSENMACHER Rechtsanwälte) Reliability 3:00 pm 6:30 pm doors open Karl-Heinz Kluwetasch (csk) 3D-Technologien und 3D Druck - 3D Druck vom Prototyp zur Großserie Dr. Thomas Krebs (Mecadtron) Sebastian Bechmann (Christian Koenen) Andreas Kraus (Kraus Hardware) Current Topics Innovative Topics Entwurfswerkzeug zur Adaption kritischer Teilschaltungen im Entwurfsprozess kompakter Baugruppen The New Age of PCBDocumentation - Integrierte Dokumentation Alexander Klemm (TU Dresden) Bernd Stube (Fraunhofer IZM) Damien Kirscher (Altium) Zuverlässige Netzteile -Reine Glückssache? Konkrete Analysen für aussagefähige Ergebnisse Selbst- und Zeitmanagement in der If every single mesh counts – Projektarbeit an innovative qualification -mehr Zeit für das Wesentliche technique for printing screens Reinhard Greim (Organisations-Entwicklung) Jürgen Brag (Technologieberatung) Current Topics Verschließen von Vias mit Lötstopplack - Vor- und Nachteile - Designbedingungen Martin Sachs (db electronic) Sonderapplikationen mit dem selektiven Heißgaslötprozess - Reworkprozesse für die Reparatur und Modifikation von hoch komplexen Baugruppen Jörg Brand (Kraus Hardware) Coffee break - meeting and networking at the exhibition (Speakers’ Corner) 3:45 pm ends 5:00 pm Luft- und Kriechstreckenanalyse von elektromechanischen BG´n - Luft- und Kriechstreckenanalyse für 3D-Leiterplattensysteme In-Situ Röntgenuntersuchungen an Lötstellen der Leistungselektronik - Echtzeituntersuchung der Porenbildung Marcus Rehm (IBR) 4:15 pm Dampfphasenlöten – pro / contra Vakuum - Lötverfahren (Vergleich) - Vorteile/Nachteile CAD-systemunabhängige Erstellung von SMD Anschlussflächen nach IPC-7351C - Courtyard Outline - Namenskonvention - PCB Library Expert - CAD-Formate Lunch break - meeting and networking at the exhibition 1:00 pm 2:15 pm Bleifreie Lötverbindungen für hochzuverlässige Baugruppen - Hochtemperatur-Anwendungen - Niedrigtemperatur-Anwendungen Zuverlässigkeitsbetrachtungen mit Hilfe thermomechanischer FEMSimulation An Investigation into Parallel Conductor Heating in PWBs - Conductor Temperature Rise Due to Current Changes in Conductors Lester Pena Gomez (CADFEM GmbH) Mike Jouppi (Thermal Management LLC) Automatisierte Analyse von Leiterplattenlayouts zur Vermeidung von SI, PI und EMV Problemen Smart Manufacturing Systems Pave the Way for Embedded Technologies Joe Krolla (Mentor Graphics) Sven Lamprecht (Atotech) Evening event - awarding of the PCB Design Award - starts: 7:00 pm Fri 16/09/2016 Conference Programme 8:30 am Registration at the FED desk and exhibition attendance Plenum 9:30 am Welcoming of the participants – Prof. Dr. Rainer Thüringer, Chairman of the FED 9:45 am Unternehmen 2020 – Das Internet war erst der Anfang Tim Cole – Internet publisher and bestselling author Management Current Topics Kostenoptimiertes 11:00 am Leiterplattendesign 11:45 am - Kostenoptimiertes Leiterplattendesign aus Sicht der Elektronikfertigung Brückenschlag zwischen Design und Fertigung Michael Matthes (Wittenstein) Anatol Schwersenz (Würth) Laminate für Hochtemperatur Integration von 3D-Bauteilen Anwendungen – eine Alternative zu in Embedded Printed Circuit Boards Keramik? - Abbildung der Bauteile im CADSystem - Informationen, Datenformate, Schnittstellen (IEC 62878-2) Anna Graf (Isola) Michael Schleicher (Semikron) Current Topics UL-Forum Focus Topic Embedded Technology Backdrill Failure Hierarchy and Stub Length Analysis - Design of IST reliability coupons - 6 x 260° C reflow simulation Evaluation Kabelkonfektion - Einschätzung/Bewertung - Abstimmung mit dem Kunden - Qualitäts-Anforderungen UL PCB Recognition – What does it really mean? Alun Morgan (EIPC) Stephan-Johannes Paul (spe Paul Kabelkonfektion) Emma Hudson UL International (UK) Ltd Interconnect Stress Test - Messmethode nach IPC-TM-650 - Messen und Bewerten - Analyse der Messergebnisse Fehlervermeidung - Fehlerursachen und Hinweise zu deren Vermeidung Wärmestabilität und ULZertifizierung aus Sicht eines Basismaterialherstellers Embedded Power Electronics on the way to be launched Hermann Reischer (Polar Instruments) Stephan-Johannes Paul (spe Paul Kabelkonfektion) Roland Schönholz (Isola) Mike Morianz (AT&S) Next Generation PCB and panelbased Packages using Embedding Technologies Lars Böttcher (Fraunhofer IZM) Coffee break - meeting and networking at the exhibition (Speakers’ Corner) 3:00 pm Reliability 3:30 pm Dirk Müller (FlowCAD) Point of no Return ? Rückstrompfadauslegungen (flächig, GND-Hatch, GND-Balls) und ihr Einfluss auf das Übertragungsverhalten schneller digitaler Signale Ralf Brüning (Zuken) Reliability 2:15 pm Subkutan implantierbarer Receiver zur Übertragung von Energie zu einem Implantat - Embedded Multilayerinduktivität mit integrierten Bauteilen Lunch break - meeting and networking at the exhibition 12:30 pm 1:30 pm Designmethodik zur Drahtlose, effiziente Miniaturisierung elektrischer Energieübertragung mit loser Schaltungen bei steigender Qualität Kopplung und Zuverlässigkeit Marcus Rehm (IBR) Helge Schimanski (Fraunhofer ISIT) Focus Topic Embedded Technology Innovative Topics Qualitätsregelung mit automatischer inline Inspektion - Inline-Prüfung - Qualitätskennzahlen erfassen - Qualitätsregelschleifen Michael Mügge (Viscom) Current Topics UL-Forum Qualifizierte Lötprofilerstellung für Reflow-, Wellen- und Selektivwellenlötprozesse UL recognition in the view of a PCB manufacturer Jürgen Deutschmann (AT&S) - von den Vorgaben durch Temperaturmessung zu belastbaren Profilen Roundtable-Diskussion Moderation: Sven Nehrdich Teilnehmer: Emma Hudson, Roland Schönholz, Jürgen Deutschmann Focus Topic Embedded Technology Embedded Technology Roundtable-Diskussion Realisierung von Embedded Technologies im CAD-System - Anwenderfragen an die EDAAnbieter - Lösungen der EDA-Anbieter Moderation: Prof. Rainer Thüringer und Rainer Taube Optimierung der Zuverlässigkeit Helge Schimanski (Fraunhofer von bestückten Leiterplatten durch (Fraunhofer ISIT) Simulation – QFN und BGA Bauelemente Kleine Ursache, große Wirkung Auswirkungen des Leiterplattendesigns auf die Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit ends 5:00 pm Dr. Victor Tiederle (RELNETyX) Sven Nehrdich (Jenaer Leiterplatten) 5:15 pm Farewell of the conference participants and outlook on the 25th FED Conference 2017 in Berlin 4:15 pm Prof. Dr. Rainer Thüringer, Chairman of the FED Michael Matthes, Michael Schleicher, Lars Böttcher, Michael Morianz, Altium, FlowCad, Mentor, Zuken Keynote Speech Fri 16/09/2016 09:45 am Tim Cole Tim Cole is an expert on topics regarding the Internet, eBusiness, Social Web and IT Security. Born in Washington in 1950, he lived for more than 40 years in Germany, working as a journalist, book author, TV host and speaker at congresses and corporate events. As a columnist and commentator, he is well appreciated for his clear and neutral analyses and his critical assessment of technological developments in Germany and in the world, as well as their consequences for the economy. Internet publisher and bestselling author Enterprise 2020 - The Internet was just the beginning Germany at a digital crossroads Why do some companies find it so hard to handle the changes of the digital age, and why do others succeed? Why is Apple today worth more than GE, Wal-Mart, GM and McDonald's together? And, above all, why is there not a single German enterprise that can compete with the ”Big 4“ – Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon? Internet publisher and bestselling author Tim Cole will address these and other questions in his speech. His thesis: the next five to ten years will decide who is part of the winners and who is part of the losers of the digital transformation. Companies need to reinvent themselves, give up wellknown habits and ways of thinking, and adapt internal processes to the pressure of the new. This concerns all company areas, from sales to purchasing, from marketing to logistics, from manufacturing to human resources. Wed, 14/09/2016 FED General Meeting Use your opportunity to shape our association! We are pleased to invite all of our members to attend our FED General Meeting 2016 on 14 September 2016 at Maritim Hotel Bonn. Afterwards, participants will get together for a snack and an evening of networking. “Digital Transformation“ is a term Cole would like to be understood as a wake-up call. To him, Germany is standing at a digital crossroads today: there is an actual risk of other countries, especially the so-called developing countries, to catch up with Germany or even start to overtake. It is about time to set the course for the digital future – and time is short. Please note! Contrary to former practice, the General Meeting will already be held on Wednesday evening and not on Thursday. 06:00 pm Thu 15/09/2016 - Fri 16/09/2016 Trade Exhibition Plenarvortrag Accompanying exhibition – a cross-section of the field of electronics The event area has been perfectly integrated into the Maritim Hotel Bonn. Its generous foyer with an exhibition area of approx. 1,000 sq. offers an excellent open-space setting for the accompanying trade exhibition. tions at the Speakers' Corner as well as hard- and software demos. Take part in our trade exhibition as an exhibitor and use the opportunity to present your company to a broad professional audience! Presentations will be held at the various seminar rooms directly connected to the foyer. As usual, coffee breaks will take place directly inside the exhibition area. During session breaks, you can look forward to short presenta- Thu 15/09/2016 PCB Design Award Plenarvortrag 07:00 pm 20:00 Uhr Awarding of the PCB Design Award 2016 PCB and assembly designers represent the bridge between electronics development and manufacturing. They are the interface for all people involved in the development process, where all requirements merge. The start of the evening event of the 24th FED Conference in Bonn has for the third time been reserved for those PCB designers who have submitted a sample of their work. The judging panel will finally disclose the best-kept secret of the industry – the winners of the PCB Design Award. The PCB Design Award 2016 will be awarded in four categories: Ÿ3D/Space ŸHigh-Power ŸHigh Wiring Density, High Transfer Rates, HDI ŸSpecial Creativity Three candidates are nominated as per category and invited to our evening event, and one of each will win the PCB Design Award 2016 in the chosen category. Furthermore, one of the competition's participants can look forward to winning an Apple iPad in our lottery. We would like to thank the sponsoring companies who have supported the FED in this call. Event Venue Plenarvortrag Maritim Hotel Bonn Godesberger Allee 53175 Bonn The 24th FED Conference will be held at the Maritim Hotel Bonn. Along with its universities, a number of Fraunhofer Institutes, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and a high-performance IT sector, Bonn has developed into a centre for economy and science. Upon request, we will be glad to provide you with a further selection of hotels, or please refer to the overview at our conference website. Please book your accommodation as early as possible. Contingencies are limited. Keyword for room reservation: FED. Room reservation We kindly ask you to reserve your rooms as early as possible (keyword: FED). We kindly ask you to reserve your own hotel room and settle the accommodation costs yourself. Maritim Hotel Bonn Tel. +49 (0)228 8108 777 or E-Mail [email protected] Keyword: FED Single room from 119.00 EUR/night/person incl. breakfast. This contingency will be available to you until 03 August 2016. © Maritim Bonn Your Contact Plenarvortrag FED e.V. Frankfurter Allee 73c 10247 Berlin Tel.: +49 (0) 30 340 60 30 50 Fax: +49 (0) 30 340 60 30 61 www.fed.de [email protected] www.facebook.com/fachverbandelektronikdesign Registration Plenarvortragfor 24th FED Conference Conference attendance No. 01-03: Early booking discount of 10% before 15 July 2016 Members Non-Members 01 Conference 1 Day on Thu (15/09/2016) incl. evening event 490 EUR 710 EUR 02 Conference 1 Day on Fri (16/09/2016) 490 EUR 710 EUR 03 Conference 2 Days (15 and 16/09/2016) incl. evening event 850 EUR 1,200 EUR 04 Additional person evening event (15/09 from 6:30 pm) 70 EUR 100 EUR 05 Student (fee per day) 100 EUR 100 EUR Trade exhibition A1 Premium Partner exhibitor package 2 days (15 - 16/09/2016) Members Non-Members 3,500 EUR 4,900 EUR 1,340 EUR 1,990 EUR 690 EUR 990 EUR incl. 2 booth staffs, incl. advertising package (logo at website, conference programme and advert, slot at Speakers' Corner), free choice of place A2 Standard exhibitor package 2 days (15 -16/09/2016) incl. 1 booth staff A3 additional booth staff 2 days (15 -16/09/2016)* A1 - A3 plus VAT * max. 2 booth staffs per exhibition booth incl. conference attendance and evening event Your data/conditions of participation With this registration, I accept the conditions of participation stated below and the terms and conditions of the FED. Company http://www.fed.de/downloads/AGB_2014.pdf Invoice Adress Participant First Name Last Name Date, Stamp, Signature Telephone, Fax, E-Mail Participation fees (01, 02, 03, 05, A1, A2, A3) include: conference participation (incl. attendance of all presentations and the trade exhibition), conference transcript, lunch, snacks during breaks, refreshments during breaks, as well as (for 01, 03, 04, A1, A2, A3) dinner at the evening event, Thu 15/09/2016 incl. champagne reception. Upon receipt of your registration, you will receive your invoice as a confirmation of registration. The amount stated on the invoice has to be remitted to the FED prior to the start of the event. You can cancel your registration up to four weeks prior to the start of the event at no charge. Later than that, cancellation is only possible up to two weeks prior to the start of the event at a charge of 10 % of the total invoice amount. Upon expiry of this deadline, the full amount of the invoice has to be paid in any case. The legal right of withdrawal according to paragraph 6 will remain unaffected by this. Cancellations need to be received in writing by mail (as evidenced by postmark), E-Mail or fax. In case of nonattendance or late cancellation, there is no right of refund of the participation fees. It is possible to inform the office in writing about alternate participants in due time prior to the conference's start. Fees do not include any hotel accommodation. Participants are responsible for accommodation booking. Please register by fax at +49 (0)30 340 60 30 61 or send an E-Mail to [email protected] Online registration: http://j.mp/konf2016
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