Fakultät Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften In der Fachrichtung Psychologie, Professur für Entwicklungspsychologie und Neurowissenschaft der Lebensspanne, ist im Rahmen des SFB 940, vorbehaltlich der Mittelbewilligung für die Fortsetzung des Forschungsverbundes, durch die DFG zum 01.07.2016 die Stelle als wiss. Mitarbeiter/in (100%, Post-Doktorand, Kognitive und/oder Computationale Neurowissenschaften) bei Vorliegen der persönl. Vorauss. E 13 TV-L) zu besetzen. Die Stellen sind zunächst für 4 Jahre (Beschäftigungsdauer gem. WissZeitVG) befristet. Der SFB 940 „Volition und kognitive Kontrolle“ (http://www.sfb940.de/de/home.html) umfasst 25 Teilprojekte und wird von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft mit ca. 10 Mio. € für weitere vier Jahre gefördert. Ziel des Sonderforschungsbereiches ist es die kognitiven und neuronalen Mechanismen zu entschlüsseln, die der willentlichen Kontrolle zielgerichteter Handlungen, sowie Beeinträchtigungen der Selbststeuerungsfähigkeit zugrunde liegen. In its 2nd funding period the Collaborative Research Center “Volition and Cognitive Control” (SFB 940) comprises of 14 projects with a budget of over 10 Mill. € (http://www.sfb940.de/de/home.html). The center combines expertise from experimental psychology, biological psychology, cognitive-affective neuroscience, lifespan developmental neuroscience, clinical psychology and psychiatry to investigate cognitive and neural mechanisms of volitional control, the development and aging of these mechanisms, and volitional dysfunctions in selected mental disorders. The Collaborative Research Center and the TU Dresden (which is one of the 11 Universities of Excellence selected by the German Research Foundation and the German Council of Science and Humanities) provide an outstanding scientific infrastructure and ideal environment for interdisciplinary cooperation. The to-be-filled position in this announcement will be associated with SFB940-Project B3 on Aging and Neuromodulation of Complementary Control Processes. The project will conduct pharmaco-fMRI studies in younger and older adults to investigate how aging may moderate dopamine modulation of complementary control processes in tasks subserved by the frontalhippocampal-striatal circuitries (e.g., perceptual, spatial, and dynamic decision tasks). Tasks: The successful applicant will work together with the principle investigators of the project in supervising Ph.D. students and will oversee the executions of neuroimaging experiments, conduct model-based imaging data analyses, as well as prepare manuscripts and conference presentations. Requirements: A doctorate degree in Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Medicine or related disciplines. Strong backgrounds in conducting and analyzing structural and functional imaging data. We particularly seek applicants who also have experiences in computational modeling and/or advanced imaging data analyses. Applications from women are welcome. The same applies to people with disabilities. Complete applications (including a CV, a short research statement, names and emails of 2 to 3 referees, and 2 to 3 representative articles) should be sent preferably as one PDF-document via email with “Application-Postdoc-SFB-B3” in the subject header to Prof. Shu-Chen Li, Ph.D. ([email protected]) and Prof. Dr. med. Michael Smolka ([email protected]). Please note that we are currently not able to receive electronically signed and encrypted data. Initial deadline of application is June x (stamped arrival date of TU Dresden central mail service applies); however, the search process will continue until the position is filled.
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