Teaching Teaching, Understanding, Understanding

Teaching Teaching,
Understanding, Understanding
04.10.2016 und 05.10.2016
09.00 – 17.00 Uhr
Dr. Hendrik den Ouden is acting head of the Center
for Higher Education at the Cologne University.
Hauptgebäude der
Humanwissenschaftlichen Fakultät,
Gronewaldstraße 2, 50931 Köln
Raum: S138 (3. Etage)
Teaching at University can be inspiring, dynamic, fun and sometimes chaotic. It challenges you as a lecture to
manage difficult teaching situations. In this workshop we focus on the reflexion of teaching roles in different
settings. Additionally, we talk about how difficult it can be to change into the student's perspective. Therefore
we work on the questions: what is the best way of learning and what does it mean for learning motivation?
What are the characteristics of good teaching and good lectures?
Students learning activity is massively influenced by their learning motivation, either it is intrinsic or extrinsic
based. But what will you do as a lecture at University, if the student's intrinsic motivation is low? How can you
establish motivation which is based on content, didactics, interaction or on a motivated teacher's behavior? In
this workshop we focus on different ways of motivation in teaching settings as well as on aspects of group
dynamics plus their influences on motivated learning behavior.
Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung wird mit 16 Arbeitseinheiten bewertet und ist in diesem Umfang
anrechenbar auf das Zertifikatsprogramm „Professionelle Lehrkompetenz für die Hochschule“ des Netzwerks
Hochschuldidaktik NRW (Basismodul).