650.830.5310 WWW.MORTARANDPESTLEBAR.COM 130 MAIN ST. SAN MATEO FOLLOW @MORTARPESTLEBAR punch ESCAPE FROM THE BAY KRONAN SWEDISH PUNSCH PINEAPPLE LEMON GRAPEFRUIT WHITE LION ARRACK THE MORTAR & PESTLE K E N T U C KY VINATAGE BOURBON HONEY O R A N G E PEEL R O S E M A RY B L A C K C ARDAMOM JUNKYARD HEAR T MODEST VODKA LIME & MINT GINGER BEER BITTERS Boozy, yet refreshing, the ingredients in our namesake cocktail are pestled in a mortar with seasonal variations. This julep riff softens the bourbon and elevates the herbs. - 11 The Moscow Mule & Mojito hooked up one mug g y Indian summer night and The Junkyard Heart was born offering a light and refreshing flavor that does a Ginger heavy Tandava dance on your pallet. - 11 AMBIKA’S GROVE BANGALORE OLD FASHIONED BOMBAY SAPHIRE EAST GIN LEMON MANGO EGG WHITE SUMAC BITTERS INDI A N & C A R I B B E A N R U M GARAM MASALA B I TT E R S Her color is golden, her vehicle is a lion, she has four arms, in her two right hands, she carries a mango & in the other, a branch of a mango tree. Ambika, the Mother Goddess of Jainism is the patron deity of material prosperity, childbirth and protection of women. A velvety cocktail with bright flavors and subtle backing notes of vanilla & citrus. - 11 JERICHO ROAD C A S A PA CIFIC REPOSADO TEQUILA P I E D R E ALMAS MEZCAL G R A P E F RUIT A N C H O PEPPER LIQUEUR B I TTE R S This smoky & spicy margaritaesque cocktail is excellently balanced with Mexican spirits, Ancho Chile Liqueur, Bitters & finished with Paprika Oil. Yum Good. - 11 weary traveler PIERRE FERRAND 1840 COGNAC R AS EL HANOU T MILK LIQU ID NITROGEN BITTERS NU TMEG We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend and a good drink. This unique take on a classic milk punch is chilled ON & C FO with liquid TH OC OD E KTA nitrogen and FL IP ILS dressed with -S ID freshly grated E nutmeg. - 11 Bangalore is home to the Amrut Distiller y, which produces Old Port Rum. This subtle yet spicy old fashioned is rounded out with Garam Masala & Bitters. - 10 KHALEESI COCCHI VERMOUTH DI TO R I N O LEMON DEMERARA BITTERS A crisp, refreshing, bubbly, fizzy & easy to overindulge, low proof cocktail is ver y popular in Europe. The word comes from the German spritzen "spatter, squirt, spray, sprinkle", i.e. adding house made seltzer & thus diluting the vermouth so that it can be consumed in larger, thirst-quenching amounts. - 9 RED SEA PORT AUTHORITY C I TY O F L O N D O N G I N COCCHI V E R M O U T H D I TO R I N O COFF E E I N F U S ED C A M PA R I B I TT E R S A classic Negroni with Philz Red Sea Blend Coffee infused Campari. The coffee notes grow as the cocktail warms slightly. - 11 ROYAL INDIAN SAFFRON INFUSED BOM B AY S A P P H I R E G I N LEMON PINEAPPLE ORGEAT EGG WHITE SMOKED GRAPE SEED O I L BITTERS A riff on the classic tiki cocktail, The Royal Hawaiian, this gin based cocktail marries tropical flavors with saffron & smoked grape seed oil. - 13 Tiki Tiki Tiki !! This well-balanced libation is hard to resist, with tropical overtones & a ver y unique Sri Lankan coconut spirit. Enjoy the Sri Lankan party in your mouth. - 10 Daily Special 7 WEEDS O L D P O RT R U M L I N I E A Q U AV I T C A R R O T JU I C E LIME & MINT DEMERARA C O R I A N D ER T I N C T U R E The carrot family is classified as a weed. In this family of weeds we have coriander, caraway and mint to name a few. In this cocktail they all come together in a beautiful way. With the carrot juice, this cocktail is practically good for you. - 10 H AV E A 9 house made east india company TONIC saigon, ceylon & cassia cinnamon, eucalyptus, grapefruit, elder berries, rosemary, lemongrass & cinchona BANDIT QUEEN OR I N D I A N & I S L AY W H I S K E Y S W E E T V E R M O U TH B I TTE R S L A PALOMA grapefruit soda delicately scented with coriander & green cardamom Phoolan Devi, known as the Bandit Queen, was a feared gang leader in the 80's. She was murdered in 2001 by someone from an upper caste, the ver y caste that forced her into becoming a dacoit after assaulting her. This Rob Roy variant blends two Indian whiskeys with a scottish whiskey & finishes with soft cherr y and vanilla tones. - 11 WITH ANY 1 INFUSED SPIRIT LAND OF MILK & HONEY G I N G E R TE A I N F U S E D M O D E S T V O D K A LEMON HONEY G R E E K Y O G U RT SPICED ORANGE LIQUEUR B I TT E R S Milk & Honey, the food of the gods. Wonderfully rich yet delicate all at the same time with aromas of citrus & flavors of the nectar of the gods garnished with Star Anise. - 12 1 rooibos infused citadelle gin 2 house chai & hibiscus infused royal dock gin 3 smoked earl grey infused city of london gin 4 ginger tea infused gruven vodka 5 cinnamon, allepo pepper & ginger tea infused casa pacific reposado tequila Mexican Bishop C A S A PA C I F I C R E P O S A D O TE Q U I L A A M O N T I L L A D O S H E R RY PINEAPPLE LIME P I N K P E PP E R C O R N & C O R I A N D E R B I TTE R S A dr y tiki style cocktail with island flavors paired with Amontialldo sherr y & tequila. Flavors from around the globe come together here in a ceramic skull. - 11 SPIRIT I INFUSED I I WITH A ROTATING SELECTION OF BOTANICALS 6 SW E E T P O TATO F R I E S V GF - 5 & Spicy Ketchup R A N C HI C L U B M A S A L A C H I P S V Invented by Duncan Nicol at the Bank Exchange at the end of the 19th centur y in San Francisco, this cocktail is steeped in Bay Area tradition. The Bank Exchange was located in the south-east corner of Montgomer y & Washington, which is now home to the iconic Transamerica building. - 10 The French Quarter, also known as the Vieux Carré, is the oldest neighborhood in the city of New Orleans. The drink was invented at the Hotel Monteleone by Walter Bergeron in the 1930’s & is potent yet smooth just like the Crescent City. A sk for the special AK version and you’ ll be drinking our owner’s favorite cocktail. - 11 GF - 8 ENHANCE WITH ENCANTO DISTILLER'S RESERVE - 12 E N H A N C E W I T H R I T T E N H O U S E RY E - 1 3 SIDECAR HEMINGWAY DAIQUIRI - 5.5 COGNAC SPICED ORANGE LIQUEUR LEMON B I TTE R S RUM GRAPEFRUIT LIME LUXARDO MARASCHINO The origin of the Sidecar is cloudy, though it is said to have been invented near the end of World War I in either London or Paris. The Ritz Hotel in Paris claims origin to this cocktail however it’s invention is also credited to the drink to an American Army captain in Paris during World War I & named after the motorcycle sidecar in which the good captain was driven to & from the little bistro where the drink was born & christened. - 10 Ernest Heming way to this day has a stool at La Floridita Bar in Havana Cuba, where the Daiquiri was said to have been invented. Heming way was a diabetic & preferred his daiquiris less sweet. Substituting a larger amount of grapefruit & maraschino liqueur for lime & sugar, Heming way found the perfect cocktail, & demanded that the head bartender at La Floridita make all his Daiquiris. - 9 ADZUKI BEAN CHIPS & A3’S GUAC VG GF - 7.5 V GF - 8 VG GF - 9 B E E F / CHICKEN / CAULIFLOWER G U A C & B A C O N DE VI L L E D E G G S Av a i l able without Bacon NAAN BITS & TIKKA MASALA DIP (Cauliflower) V - 7.5 CALC U T TA C H I N E S E TA N G R A C HI L I C H I C K E N INDIAN CHINESE PORKY WINGS - 9 GF - 1 0 T r u c k F av o r i t e s DECONSTRUCTED SAMOSA V - 7 V - 8.5 C H I C K E N / PANEER / HELLA’ VEGAN SAMOSA C h ana Massala & Chutneys SEXY FRIES V - 6 V GF - 8.5 C H ICKEN / PANEER K AT H I R O L L S & Masala Chips V GF - 8.5 C H I C K E N / PANEER / VEGGIE Prohibition sent our most dedicated gurus in search of a place of refuge while cold sobriety infected the red, white, and blue. The dichotomy of American Whiskey and European expressions gifted us this character building libation. - 10 E N H A N C E W I T H W I L L I E T 7 Y R RY E - 1 2 Caipirinha VEGAN V V E GETARIAN VG This famed Brazilian national drink was thought to have been invented in the 1910's. This classic comes most likely from the state of Sao Paulo & was used to treat the Spanish flu with the addition of garlic & honey. - 10 GIN G R E E N C H A RT R E U S E LIME MARASCHINO This prohibition-era beauty was created at the Detroit Athletic Club, and quite possibly could have been lost in time until a compassionate vaudevillian brought her back with the classic “Bottoms Up!” Herbaceous and cloying cherr y meet the king's gin and scur vy killing lime to create this quaffable tipple. - 10 ENHANCE WITH ANCHOR JUNIPERO GIN - 12 BEE’S KNEES GIN LEMON HONEY This concoction was conceived during Prohibition, when most liquor was low-quality bathtub gin that needed plenty of masking with other flavors, in this case, honey plays that role well. To call something the “bee’s knees”, a popular phrase in the 1920’s, is to say that it’s top notch & grand. - 10 E N H A N C E W I T H S T. G E O R G E T E R R O I R - 1 2 GLUTEN-FREE GF We o f f e r m a n y d i s h e s t hat conform to Vegan, Gluten Free an d Ve g e t a r i a n d i e t s t h a t a r e indicated as such on t he menu. Please m a k e y o u r s e r v e r a w a r e of your dietary preference, if any. Some G F i t e ms m a y h a v e a s u r charge. Orders placed without indicating y o u r d i e t a r y p reference will be served as-is. LAST word RY E C O C C H I V E R M O U T H D I TO R I N O C A M PA R I B I TTE R S CACHACA MUDDLED LIME B I TTE R S D u e t o t h e o n g o i n g d r ought, water will be served on request. ENHANCE WITH FLOR DE CANA 7Y - 11 BOULEVARDIER “Now is the time for all good barflies to come to the aid of the party ..." - Harr y McElhone of Harr y's New York Bar in Paris C H I C K EN / PANEER / BEEF B U R R I TO S RY E COGNAC S W E E T V E R M O U TH B E N E D I C TI N E B I TT E R S pisco punch PISCO LEMON P I N E A P P L E - VA N I L L A VG - 5.5 CHILI C O N Q U E S O & A D Z U K I B E A N C H I P S DIL L I C H I N E S E C H I L I G O B I VIEUX CARRE - 5.5 VA D A PAV- M U M B A I VE G G I E S L I D E R S SALA NACHOS CLASSIC bar food — cocktail menu curated by Bittercube — PLEASE ASK TO SEE OUR SPIRITS LIST
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