SEFTON SAFER COMMUNITIES PARTNERSHIP MEETING HELD AT THE TOWN HALL, BOOTLE ON THURSDAY 6TH MARCH, 2014 PRESENT: Councillor Hardy (in the Chair) Chris Barker, Jenny Currie, Neil Frackleton, Christina Jones, Mark McCausland, Janet Marlow, Rob Pritchard and Gill Ward ALSO PRESENT: Paul Fraser, David Hunter, Kevin Johnson, Sefton Acting Area Commander, Merseyside Police and Kevin Parkinson. 49. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Kerrigan and Shaw and Graham Bayliss, Margaret Carney, Chief Superintendent Nicola Holland, Dr. Mike Homfray, Debbie Parkinson, Paula Simm and Andrea Watts. 50. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations of interest were made. 51. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 29 January 2014 be confirmed as a correct record. 52. DOMESTIC HOMICIDE REVIEW The Partnership received an update by David Hunter, the Independent Chair of the Domestic Homicide Review Panel. RESOLVED: That (1) Mr. Hunter be thanked for his informative presentation and he and the Panel Members be thanked for their efforts in the Domestic Homicide Review report and action plan; and (2) the Sefton Safer Communities Partnership approves that the Domestic Homicide Review Action Plan and in particular the recommendation “That Sefton Community Safety Partnership raises the awareness of domestic violence in the community. The advice should include how family and friends should respond after they receive disclosures of domestic violence”. 27 SEFTON SAFER COMMUNITIES PARTNERSHIP- THURSDAY 6TH MARCH, 2014 53. DOMESTIC ABUSE OVERVIEW The Partnership received a presentation from Chris Jones, Service Manager – Partnership and Neighbourhoods that provided an overview on domestic violence. Ms. Jones highlighted the following issues:• • • • • • • • • the performance of the MARAC including peaks, patterns and the improving picture of presented cases the numbers of repeat MARAC cases the domestic violence abuse dashboard providing information on the numbers of domestic violence incidents, recorded crimes, crime outcome rates, court attendance relating to domestic abuse, domestic violence and abuse unsuccessful court outcomes, numbers of MARAC referrals information relating to women and children accommodated referrals to MARAC by agencies the position regarding delivery mechanisms relating to the range of provision in the Borough, support for victims, work with perpetrators, work with families, MARAC and Domestic Homicide Reviews Governance structures and links between them the way forward regarding review, strategy and links with public health areas for development relating to work with perpetrators, awareness raising within communities amd work with young people and schools RESOLVED: That Partnership Members be requested to submit views on the issues highlighted in the presentation to Chris Jones, Service Manager – Partnership and Neighbourhoods. 54. GUN AND GANG CRIME UPDATE Kevin Johnson, Sefton Acting Area Commander, Merseyside Police, updated the Partnership on gun/gang crime incidents in Sefton, and in particular, on recent incidents in the Bootle area. Mr. Johnson also updated on organised crime groups within Sefton; the Matrix Serious Organised Crime group; the DISARM Strategy; close working arrangements with his colleagues in Liverpool; and the Respect programme. 28 SEFTON SAFER COMMUNITIES PARTNERSHIP- THURSDAY 6TH MARCH, 2014 RESOLVED: That Kevin Johnson, Sefton Acting Area Commander, Merseyside Police be thanked for his informative presentation. 55. YOUTH OFFENDING TEAM UPDATE The Partnership received a presentation from Mark McCausland, Service Manager – Youth Offending Team (YOT) that advised of the critical areas of activity allied to post inspection improvement, performance against local and national performance measures and information regarding Early Intervention and Prevention service re-structure in relation to YOT. Mr. McCausland highlighted the following points:Post Inspection Improvement Plan – January Update Quarter 4 – Inspection Improvement Priorities and Activities • • Practice – case management practice improvements Milestone Indicators to inform practice improvement against post inspection expectations Youth Justice Consultants Cordis Bright auditing practice week of 24 February 2014. This would support current improvement priorities and to prepare for inspection later in 2014. Youth Justice Board (body responsible for overseeing Sefton YOT inspection improvement plan) auditing practice 8 April 2014. Quarter 2 (July to Sept’) Performance (Source: Merseyside Criminal Justice Board Youth Performance Improvement Group) Mr. McCausland then detailed the Sefton YOT performance against 3 national performance measures for YOT’s: 1.Reducing first time entrants to the criminal justice system Further reductions of -50%, compared to baseline of 2010 256 young offenders (Oct 2012 – Sept 2013 -56% reduction) Practice – success of Triage supporting further reductions in FTE’s. Triage currently funded via the transitional arrangements within local Community Safety Partnership. 2.Reducing re-offending The cumulative figure for Sefton had gone up slightly, but remained better than Merseyside YOT’s. Average Sefton frequency rate for Oct 2010 to Sept 2011 was 1.01. Average frequency rate for Jan 2011 to Dec 2012 1.06 (Annual cohort of 419, 247 re-offences committed) 29 SEFTON SAFER COMMUNITIES PARTNERSHIP- THURSDAY 6TH MARCH, 2014 Merseyside average frequency for Oct 2010 to Sept 2011 was 1.23 3. Reduce the use of Custody Sefton’s performance for Oct 2012 to Sept 2013 - 5.9% of the number of sentences 270, 16 young people received a custodial sentence whilst the Merseyside average was 7.9% Quarterly comparisons: July 2013 – Sept 2013 1.3% was the proportion of the total number of young people sentenced who received a custodial outcome; Jan 2012 to March 2012 15.6% received custody Mr. McCausland concluded by deatiling the Early Intervention and Prevention Service Changes. From December 2013 he was now responsible for YOT, Youth Service and Attendance and Welfare Service; from April, supported by the Troubled Families Strategy, there would be a pilot Youth and Think Family offer to Linacre and Derby wards and that this would provide greater opportunities to optimise our commissioned service and local authority offer to those wards in the borough deemed in greatest need; and that this re-design, greater collaboration and integration of services would hopefully inform the future delivery of locality services. RESOLVED: That (1) Mr. McCausland be thanked for his informative presentation; and (2) the Partnership notes the excellent improvement in performance relating to the the critical areas of activity allied to post inspection improvement, performance against local and national performance measures. 56. COMMUNITY SAFETY FUND The Partnership considered a report of the Service Manager – Partnership and Neighbourhoods on Community Safety Fund (the Fund) commissioning. The report indicated that Sefton were allocated an indicative sum of £393,000 from the Police and Crime Commissioner as part of the Community Safety Fund Grant; that the Partnership had previously agreed a series of investment priorities for the funding, namely domestic violence and sexual violence, drugs, alcohol and substance misuse, anti social behaviour, hate crime and local emerging issues (including gun and gang crime); that a series of specific areas were identified within each of the themes to be focused upon in terms of delivery:and a brief summary of the themes and the interventions supported were also detailed in the report. The report concluded by detailing that indication had been given that further Community Safety Funding would be allocated to the Partnership for 2014/15; that subject to confirmation, the amount would be similar to that allocated in 2013/14 with a 4% reduction (in line with the overall 30 SEFTON SAFER COMMUNITIES PARTNERSHIP- THURSDAY 6TH MARCH, 2014 reduction that had been applied to the PCC funding settlement); and that it was proposed that, should the funding be agreed for 2014/15, the Partnership approve the same level of funding for those areas that were previously ringfenced. This would equate to: - Drug Interventions £188,834 - Youth Offending £52,800 - Positive Futures £35,200 In relation to the remaining sum it was proposed that an executive sub group be established to identify the priority areas to be developed, retaining the previous delegation to the Chair for final agreement on what was to be approved. RESOLVED: That (1) the report be noted; (2) subject to confirmation of the receipt of funding from the Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner the resource commitments for 2014/15 be approved; (3) the Service Manager – Partnership and Neighbourhoods be requested to establish an an executive group sub-group to consider priorities for 2014/15; and (4) delegation be given to the Chair of the Partnership to approve final allocations from the Community Safety Fund. 57. PREVENT Partners had nothing to report with regard to Prevent at this meeting. 58. SAFEGUARDING Gill Ward, SWACA indicated that she had the responsibility for reporting on safeguarding issues but that she considered that it may be more appropriate for a representative of the local Safeguarding Board to undertake this role. RESOLVED: That the Service Manager – Partnership and Neighbourhoods be requested to investigate the appointment of a more appropriate representative to report on safeguarding issues. 59. PAYES SCHEME Neil Frackelton, Sefton CVS advised the Partnership that he had recently met with Police and Youth Encouragement Scheme (PAYES) representatives. Mr. Frackelton advised that PAYES was a registered 31 SEFTON SAFER COMMUNITIES PARTNERSHIP- THURSDAY 6TH MARCH, 2014 charity scheme that provided incentives for young people to raise their social aspirations and in doing so deter them from crime; and that one such incentive was taking young people away on residentials to help prevent them from engaging with criminal / anti-social behaviour. Mr. Frackelton continued that he had met with PC Paul King, Chair of PAYES, to discuss Sefton CVS support for PAYES to move forward as they were a successful project but were at a crossroads in terms of future development and would like Sefton CVS’s assistance. Mr. Frackelton also advised that the meeting was very constructive and that one of the tasks arising from the meeting was that he would liaise with Kevin Johnson, Sefton Acting Area Commander, Merseyside Police, regarding raising the profile of PAYES; that this had now been done and one outcome was to include the PAYES Scheme as an item on the Partnership agenda; and that this was the reason for the item being considered. RESOLVED: That PC Paul King be invited to a future meeting of the Partnership to update further on the PAYES scheme. 60. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (1) Kevin Johnson, Sefton Acting Area Commander, Merseyside Police advised that new legislation would come into force on 1 April 2014 that would affect the operation of ASBO’s/CRASBO’s. RESOLVED: That Kevin Johnson, Sefton Acting Area Commander, Merseyside Police be requested to make a presentation to the next meeting of the Partnership on the new regulations that come into force on 1 April 2014; (2) Chris Barker, HMP Kennet advised that he would submit a report to the next meeting on the new policy to accommodate low risk category D sex offenders at the prison; and (3) Further to Minute No. 47 of the meeting held on 29 January 2014, Jenny Currie, Community Engagement Officer for the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) covering the Sefton area updated on the results of the consultation exercise undertaken by the PCC that sought views on paying for police services via the Council Tax precept. Ms. Currie indicated that 75% of respondents to the consultation exercise agreed with the suggestion that a 1.95% precept should be adopted. 32 SEFTON SAFER COMMUNITIES PARTNERSHIP- THURSDAY 6TH MARCH, 2014 61. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The Partnership was advised that a programme of meetings for 2014/15 would be approved by the Council at its meeting to be held on 24 April 2014. The recommendation being made to Council is that the next meeting of the Partnership be held on Thursday, 12 June 2014 at Bootle Town Hall commencing at 10.00 a.m; and that thereafter meetings be held on the following dates at 10.00a.m. 14 August 2014 16 October 2014 11 December 2014 29 January 2015 19 March 2015 RESOLVED: That the dates of meetings of the Partnership, once approved by Council, be circulated to all Partnership Members by the Head of Governance and Civic Services. 33
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