REPORT TO COUNCIL: 26 MARCH 2014 2 BUFFALO CITY METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY’S 2014/15 INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW AND MEDIUM TERM REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FRAMEWORK (MTREF) BUDGET [File No: 1/1/191] Author: EXECUTIVE MAYOR (ZVN)/AF 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is for Council to approve by adoption the 2014/15 Integrated Development Plan (IDP) Review and Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework (MTREF). 2. AUTHORITY This report is for approval by the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality Council. 3. LEGAL / STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS • The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 • The Municipal Systems Act no. 32 of 2000, as amended; • The Municipal Structures Act no. 117 of 1998; • The Municipal Finance Management Act no. 56 of 2003; and • Circular 58, 66 and 67 of the MFMA. 4. BACKGROUND / REASONING Council adopted an IDP/Budget/PMS Process Plan, in compliance with section 28 of the Municipal Systems Act no 32 of 2000 as amended. The plan outlines the process to be followed in developing Buffalo City Municipality Metro’s Integrated Development Plan [IDP] and Budget. In terms of section 30(a) of the Municipal Systems Act, the Executive Mayor of a municipality must submit the draft Integrated Development Plan to the municipal council for adoption. Section 34 of the Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000 as amended, further states that a municipal council must review its integrated development plan: (i) Annually in accordance with an assessment of its performance measurements; and (ii) To the extent that changing circumstances so demand. In compliance with the above, Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality has embarked on a review to further develop its IDP and Budget towards the 2014/15 financial year in accordance with the requirements set out in the Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000, the Local Government: Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations 2001 & 2006 and the Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003. Annual revisions allow the municipality to expand upon or refine plans and strategies, to include additional issues and to ensure that these plans and strategies inform institutional and financial planning. The review and amendment of the IDP thus, further develops the IDP and ensures that it remains the principal management tool and strategic instrument for the Municipality. In terms of Section 16 (1) of the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) No 56, 2003: “the Council of the Municipality must for each financial year approve an annual budget for the municipality before the start of that financial year” In compliance with the above provisions, the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality’s 2014/15 reviewed IDP and MTREF Budget has been prepared and submitted to Council for adoption [Annexure A and B]. In terms of Section 16(2) of the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) No 56, 2003: “In order for a municipality to comply with sub-section (1), the Mayor of the municipality must table the annual budget at a council meeting at least 90 days before the start of the budget year.” 5. EXPOSITION OF FACTS 5.1 PROCESS UNDERTAKEN Section 28 (1) of the Municipal Systems Act requires each municipality to adopt a process in writing to guide the planning, drafting, adoption and review of its integrated development plan. In compliance with this requirement Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality undertook the following activities in line with the IDP/Budget review towards 2014/15: Activity Council IDP/Budget/PMS plan for 2014/15 Date adopts process 31 July 2013 Purpose Adoption of Process Plan Submission of 2013/14 SDBIP IDP Councillors Workshop 14 August 2013 Outlining the IDP/Budget Review process in order to ensure common understanding External Representative Forum Meeting 16 August 2013 Presentation of the IDP/Budget Process Plan and to provide feedback on 2012/13 performance to external stakeholders Mayoral Imbizo Programme 16-20 September 2013 - Executive Mayor to interact with communities - To provide feedback on issues raised during the last public consultation process - To share planned capital and operating expenditure earmarked for their respective areas - To highlight key achievements of the Metro. IDP/IGR Cluster Meetings 8-10 October 2013 To present and discuss draft cluster situational analysis reports. Executive Mayoral Lekgotla 16-18 October 2013 To review strategic objectives for service delivery and development and provide guidance to the unfolding review process Metro-wide Intergovernmental Relations Session 28 October 2013 To share information and align planning between BCMM and sector departments BCMM Workshop 12-14 November 2013 To present outcomes of the Mayoral Lekgotla held on 16-18 October 2013 to all BCMM Councillors. External Representative Forum Meeting 15 November 2013 To present draft IDP 2014/15 and MTREF Budget. To report on 2013/14 SDBIP 1st quarter performance. IDP Cluster Meetings 6-8 November 2013 To confirm draft IDP Review 2014/15 and MTREF Budget IDP Cluster Meetings 22-23 January 2014 To confirm draft projects and programmes for 2014/15 – 2016/17. Councillors IDP/Budget Technical Planning Session 6-8 March 2014 To consider: -Update on the Metro Growth and Development Strategy; -Mayoral Lekgotla priorities; -Built Environment Performance Plan; -2014/15 Draft IDP Objectives, Strategies, Indicators and Targets; and -Draft 2014/15 MTREF Budget IDP/Budget Workshop Councillors 13-15 March 2014 To consider: -Update on the Metro Growth and Development Strategy; -Mayoral Lekgotla priorities; -Built Environment Performance Plan; -2014/15 Draft IDP Objectives, Strategies, Indicators and Targets; and -Draft 2014/15 MTREF Budget - Preparations for IDP/Budget Roadshows Council Meeting 26 March 2014 To adopt draft IDP Review 2014/15 and MTREF Budget 27 March – 4 April 2014 To present the draft IDP Review 2014/15 and MTREF Budget to all stakeholders. Council Open Day 8 April 2014 To provide feedback to key stakeholders on outcomes of IDP/Budget Road-shows State of the Metro Address 15 April 2014 Executive Mayor delivers the state of Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality IDP/Budget Roadshows 5.2 STRATEGIC OUTCOMES All processes undertaken above contributed to the IDP/Budget review towards 2014/15 financial year. During the review process BCMM’s key strategic focus areas were revisited and they still remain relevant. The strategic focus areas are outlined below: 5.2.1 Strategic Focus Areas SFA 1: Institutional Restructuring and Stabilisation; SFA 2: Improve Intergovernmental Relations; SFA3: Building Citizen Confidence; SFA 4: Bridging the Digital Divide; SFA 5: Improving performance, compliance, processes and systems; SFA 6: Build Sustainable Communities; SFA 7: Job Creation; SFA 8: Improving Governance; and SFA 9: Financial Viability 5.2.3 Priority Issues Community consultation on the draft IDP review 2014/15 and MTREF are scheduled to take place from 27 March– 4 April in the three regions of BCMM. Key issues raised by BCMM residents during the last public consultation which took place in September 2013 relate to housing, water and sanitation, roads and storm water, electricity, community halls and multi-purpose centres, job creation, cemeteries and solid waste management. Issues raised have been categorised in terms of the three constituent areas of BCMM which are coastal, inland and midlands. Key issues raised by BCMM’s coastal wards, in their order of priority, are as follows: • Roads and storm water • Housing • Electricity • Job creation / unemployment • Community halls/ Multi-purpose centres Midland wards raised the following as key issues: • Housing • Electricity • Roads and Storm water • Job creation / unemployment Key Issues from Inland Wards relate to the following: • Roads and Storm water • Community halls • Water and Sanitation • Electricity • Cemeteries BCMM is still on track in terms of pursuing the three main strategic focus areas as economic driver which are detailed below. These are: o Facilitate growth of SMME Sector; o Facilitate retention and attraction of investors within BCMM; o To market the city as a tourist destination in partnership with other stakeholders; and o Infrastructure Development for Economic Growth 5.4 2013/14 MTREF BUDGET The following was taken into consideration in preparation of the MTREF Budget: (a) Tariffs have been reduced by 0.2% in comparison to those which was approved by Council in the previous MTREF period, except for electricity and water. (b) Electricity tariff increase be set at 8,5%. (c) Water tariff be set at 14.95%. The cost of untreated water to the Municipality from Amatola Water increased by 9,3%. The variance relates to the cost associated with purification and distribution of water to consumers. (d) Due to the General Valuations, property values increased across the city by an average of 11%, as a result there is no increase in the property rates tariff. (e) General expenses has been reduced (consulting fees and telephones) except for fuel and operating leases. (f) Repairs and Maintenance be maintained at a steady growth of 7% of the total operating expenditure with R40m transferred to the electricity capital programme. The following budget principles and guidelines directly informed the compilation of the 2013/14 MTREF: • The 2013/14 Adjustment Budget was used as a baseline for the 2014/15 MTREF Budget; • The service charges tariff has been calculated taking into consideration the cost associated with generating the service. • In addition, the tariffs should take into account the need to address infrastructure backlogs. 6. CHALLENGES The main challenges experienced during the compilation of the 2013/14 MTREF can be summarised as follows: • The Municipality does not have a fully integrated financial system, including the necessary automated processes linked to budget reforms. • The need to reprioritise projects and expenditure within the existing resource envelope given the cash flow realities in providing an effective and efficient service to the community at large; • Funding future depreciation costs on infrastructure assets based on current replacement costs. • Water and electricity losses continues to remain a challenge. Risks associated with achieving the 2014/15 MTREF Budget: • The ongoing difficulties in the national and local economy, affecting the consumers ability to pay for services; • The increased cost of bulk water (due to tariff increases from Amatola Water) is placing upward pressure on service tariffs to residents. Continuous high tariff increases are not sustainable - as there will be point where services will nolonger be affordable; which will result in an increase in the debt book. 7. STAFF IMPLICATIONS The staff implications have been budgeted for and are contained in the detailed budget report attached as Annexure B. 8. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS In view of the aforementioned, the following table is a consolidated overview of the 2012/13 Medium-term Revenue and Expenditure Framework (detailed budget report attached as Annexure B : Table 1 Consolidated Overview of the 2014/15 MTREF Total Direct Operating Income 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 APPROVED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET (4,416,652,227) (4,761,340,651) (5,247,529,569) (5,771,100,498) 4,463,211,837 4,749,700,442 5,245,986,083 5,701,896,296 46,559,610 (11,640,209) (1,543,486) (69,204,202) Total Capital Expenditure 1,006,629,040 942,007,423 1,024,127,261 1,069,226,151 Total Budget 5,469,840,877 5,691,707,865 6,270,113,344 6,771,122,447 Total Direct Operating Expenditure Sub-Total - (Surplus) / Deficit The 2014/15 Reviewed IDP and MTREF Budget Financial outlines the service delivery financial implications for the IDP as well as the three year budget and the detailed report including funded projects is contained in Annexure C and D. 9. OTHER PARTIES CONSULTED 9.1 Council 9.2 Mayoral Committee 9.3 IDP Strategic Committee 9.4 Budget Steering Committee 9.5 National and Provincial Treasury 9.6 Other External Stakeholders 10. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that: 1. The Council of Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, acting in terms of section 24 of the Municipal Finance Management Act, (Act 56 of 2003) approves and adopts: 1.1. The draft annual budget of the municipality for the financial year 2014/15 and the multi-year and single-year capital appropriations as set out in the following tables: 1.1.1. Budgeted Financial Performance (revenue and expenditure by standard classification); 1.1.2. Budgeted Financial Performance (revenue and expenditure by municipal vote); 1.1.3. Budgeted Financial Performance (revenue by source and expenditure by type); and 1.1.4. Multi-year and single-year capital appropriations by municipal vote and standard classification and associated funding by source. 1.1.5. The revised Draft Integrated Development Plan (IDP) 2014/15. 1.2. The financial position, cash flow budget, accumulated surplus, asset management and basic service delivery targets are approved as set out in the following tables: 1.2.1. Budgeted Financial Position as contained in Table 22; 1.2.2. Budgeted Cash Flows as contained in Table 23; 1.2.3. Reserves and accumulated surplus reconciliation as contained in Table 24; 1.2.4. Asset management as contained in Table 25; and 1.2.5. Basic service delivery measurement as contained in Table 26. 2. The Council of Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality Council, acting in terms of section 75A of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000) approves and adopts effect from 1 July 2014: 2.1. the draft tariffs for property rates – as set out in Annexure E 2.2. the draft tariffs for electricity – as set out in Annexure E 2.3. the draft tariffs for the supply of water – as set out in Annexure E 2.4. the draft tariffs for sanitation services – as set out in Annexure E 2.5. the draft tariffs for solid waste services – as set out in Annexure E 2.6. miscellaneous draft tariffs as set out in Annexure E 4 The Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality Council, acting in terms of 75A of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000) approves and adopts with effect from 1 July 2014 the draft tariffs for other services as set out in Annexure E. 5 To give proper effect to the municipality’s draft annual budget, the Council of Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality approves: 5.1 That an indigent subsidy be granted to registered indigents in terms of Council’s Indigent Policy. 5.2 That an indigent consumer be given a maximum subsidy on his account of R441.73 per month, which includes a maximum of 50kwh for electricity and 6kl for water. 5.3 That free basic electricity be granted for a registered indigent consumer of 50KWh per month. 5.4 That free basic water be granted to a registered indigent of 6Kl per month. 6 The Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality Council, approves and adopts the Draft revised budgeted related policies as set out in Annexure F: 6.1 Credit Control Policy 6.2 Indigent Policy 6.3 Tariff Policy 6. That Council note the budget-related policies adopted in the previous financial year and where no amendments have been made, as listed in Section 2.4 of the report page number 82 and are available on BCMM’s website at including the following policies: • Capital Infrastructure Investment Policy • Policy on Long-term Financial Planning • Funding and Reserves Policy • Budget Implementation & Management Policy (Virement Policy) 7. That in terms of Section 24(2)(c)(iii) of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 56 of 2003, the measurable performance objectives for capital and operating expenditure by vote for each year of the medium term revenue and expenditure framework as set out in Supporting Table SA7 are approved. 8. That in terms of Section 24(2)(c)(iv) of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 56 2003, the amendments to the Integrated Development Plan as set out in the Budget Chapter 17 are approved, which had been agreed to at the Councillor workshop held on 13-15 March 2014. 9. Council notes that the 2014/15 MTREF Budget tabled for adoption is structured in terms of the then Buffalo City Municipality votes and functions. 10. MFMA Circular 70 and 71, Municipal Budget Circular for the 2014/15 MTREF attached as Annexure to be noted by Council. __________________ Z.V. NCITHA EXECUTIVE MAYOR ANNEXURES: A: 2014/15 Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality Integrated Development Plan Review B: 2014/2015 Medium Term Revenue And Expenditure Framework (MTREF) Budget C: 2014/15 MTREF Capital Projects D: 20143/15 MTREF Operating Projects E: 2014/15 Tariffs F: Reviewed Finance Policies
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