Used to indicate state of being

Daniel Adriano
1 st period
Sensei Thomas Adame
Follows number indicating amount, ご
ろ is used instead when indicating an
approximate time
Used to indicate state of being
住む、おぼえるis usually used in ている
form for nonpast tense and ていた form
for past tense.
I wonder
かなあ/かしらis followed by informal
verb, adjective, or nominals
Inverted sentence
Used to focus attention on inverted
Used to indicate quotation
Usually followed by 言う,聞く,話す,読む,or
Indirect quotation-> informal form
before って or と
Direct quotation-> indicated by 「
と is formal
って is informal, only used in conversation
Informal form of じゃありませんか or でわありませんか
じゃない is used when the speaker
expects the listener’s agreement
Used to express a person's features
Used at the end of a sentence, preceded
by a body term and descriptive word
-called, named, saying that
Quoting a statement or word, modifies
the following nominal
Used to express a person's proffesion
Followed by the profession
Used to express joy or anger
Used at the end of a sentence
…な for male or females
…なあ for males
Used to turn verb into subject or object
の follows a plain form verb, turning the
verb into a subject or topic
To meet
会うuses the particle に after whom to