L2 You Are What You Eat

L2 You Are What Your Eat
What kind of food had Aya been thinking of making?
I: Why did you become interested in/ vegetables?//
A: I started my career/ by learning/ how to cook/ French cuisine.// This experience
taught me/ the importance of/ enjoying food.// However,/ as I was physically weak/ in
my childhood,/ I had always wanted to create food that/ could make people healthier/
and/ happier,/ not food that/ is just for enjoyment.//After opening my own restaurant,
I had a chance/ to visit some farms/ and/ see their vegetables.// The tomatoes at one
farm looked/ so fresh and juicy/ under the burning summer sun.// It was as if/ they
had been given/ a special power/ by Mother Nature.// I thought/ I could make use of/
the power in vegetable.//
Q: What did Aya think about/ the tomatoes she saw at the farm?//
L2 You Are What Your Eat
What kind of food had Aya been thinking of making?
I: Why did you become interested in/ vegetables?//
野 菜//
A: I started my career/ by learning/ how to cook/ French cuisine.// This experience
私は自 分の仕 事を始めた/
料 理 の仕 方/
フランス料 理//
この経 験は
taught me/ the importance of/ enjoying food.// However,/ as I was physically weak/ in
私に教えてくれた/~の重 要 性/
私 は肉 体 的に弱 かったので/
my childhood,/ I had always wanted to create food that/ could make people healthier/
子 供 時代/
人々をより健 康的にする
and/ happier,/ not food that/ is just for enjoyment.//After opening my own restaurant,
自 分自 身のレストランを開いた後 /
I had a chance/ to visit some farms/ and/ see their vegetables.// The tomatoes at one
私は~の機 会があった/ いくつかの農 家を訪 問する/
そして/彼らの野 菜を目にする//
ある農 場のトマトは~のように
farm looked/ so fresh and juicy/ under the burning summer sun.// It was as if/ they
とっても新 鮮でみずみずしい/ 燃え盛っている夏の太 陽の元で//
had been given/ a special power/ by Mother Nature.// I thought/ I could make use of/
それらは~を与えられた/ ある特 別な力を/
母なる自 然によって//
私は~と思った/ 私は~を利 用することが
the power in vegetable.//
野 菜の中のチカラを
Q: What did Aya think about/ the tomatoes she saw at the farm?//
柿 沢さんは~ついてどんなことを思いましたか?/
彼 女が農 場で目にしたトマト
What an idea did cross her mind after visiting the farms?
I: That’s interesting!// Now,/ tell me about/ the sweets you make.//
A: Well,/ after my visit to the farms,/ an idea crossed my mind.// It was to make
sweets/ with vegetables of good quality.// I became convinced that/ such sweets would
be/ more nourishing than/ typical ones.// I want people to eat/ my sweets/ and/ become
more aware of/ the natural power/ in vegetables.// This power will help us/ stay healthy.
I:Do you have any plans/ for the future?//
A: Yes.// I’d like to explore/ more innovate ways/ to use vegetables/ in our daily diet.//
I hope/ to make people all over the world appreciate/ how good/ the quality of Japanese
vegetable is.//
Q: What does Aya hope/ to make people all over the world appreciate?//
What an idea did cross her mind after visiting the farms?
I: That’s interesting!// Now,/ tell me about/ the sweets you make.//
それは面 白い!//
~について教えてください/あなたの作るお菓 子 //
A: Well,/ after my visit to the farms,/ an idea crossed my mind.// It was to make
その農場を訪 問した後 /
それは~のお菓 子を
sweets/ with vegetables of good quality.// I became convinced that/ such sweets would
良 い質 の野菜 で//
私は~と確信 した/
そうしたお菓 子は~になる/
be/ more nourishing than/ typical ones.// I want people to eat/ my sweets/ and/ become
~よりもっと栄 養がある/
典型 的なもの//
私は人々に食 べて欲しいと思っている/私のお菓 子を/そして/ もっと
more aware of/ the natural power/ in vegetables.// This power will help us/ stay healthy.
~に気 づいてほしい/ その自 然 力 /
野 菜 の持 っている// この力 は私 達 を助 けるだろう/
健 康 な状 態 にすることに
I:Do you have any plans/ for the future?//
ほかに計 画はありますか?/
将 来 的に//
A: Yes.// I’d like to explore/ more innovate ways/ to use vegetables/ in our daily diet.//
私 は探 求したいと思っている/もっと革新 的な方 法を/
野 菜を使う/
私 達の日 常の食 事 において
I hope/ to make people all over the world appreciate/ how good/ the quality of Japanese
私は望む/ 世 界 中の人々にしみじみ味わってもらうこと/
どんなに良 いのか/日 本の野 菜の質が
vegetable is.//
Q: What does Aya hope/ to make people all over the world appreciate?//
柿 沢さん望んだのはどんなものですか?/ 世 界 中の人達 がしみじみ味わってもらうことを//
What message is given to high school students?
I: Regarding foods,/ what message can you give/ to high school students?//
A: We live in a world of/ abundant and convenient food,/ but/ you should remember:/
You are what you eat.// Food is what builds your body,/ so/ eating wholesome foods is
very important for/ your health.// Imagine/ your future.// What will you be doing/
ten or twenty years/ from now?// If you want to achieve/ your dreams,/ you need to
live/ a healthy life.// So,/ pay more attention to/ your daily diet!//
Q: What does “You are what you eat” mean?//
What message is given to high school students?
I: Regarding foods,/ what message can you give/ to high school students?//
食 べ物に関して/
高 校 生へ//た
A: We live in a world of/ abundant and convenient food,/ but/ you should remember:/
私 達は~の世 界に暮らしている/ 有り余るほどのそして便 利な食べ物 /
You are what you eat.// Food is what builds your body,/ so/ eating wholesome foods is
自 分 自身 は食 べたもので作られているということを/食べ物は体を作るもの/
だから/ 健 康に良 い食 べ物を食べる事 は
very important for/ your health.// Imagine/ your future.// What will you be doing/
とっても~にとって大 事なことだ/ 健康//
想 像してみなさい/将 来を//
ten or twenty years/ from now?// If you want to achieve/ your dreams,/ you need to
10 年または 20 年 後/
あなたの夢を/ ~をおくる必 要が
live/ a healthy life.// So,/ pay more attention to/ your daily diet!//
ある/ 健康 的な生 活を//
だから/ ~にもっと注 意を払いましょう/
日 常的な食 事に//
Q: What does “You are what you eat” mean?//
「You are what you eat」とはどんな意 味ですか?