野菜の煮こごり Nikogori with Vegetables 1350 ( 乳 / milk ) 季節野菜を一つ一つ丁寧に炊きあげ、それぞれの野菜の香りや食感を彩り豊かに仕上げた一皿 seasonal vegetables set in jelly made with dried bonito dashi. pumpkin, japanese yam, common bean, shiitake mushroom, lotus root, red konjac, yellow chrysanthemum, etc. 鶏 肉と根菜の煮こごり Nikogori with Ground Chicken and Root Vegetables 1350 ( 乳 / milk ) 鶏そぼろの旨味、根菜の豊かな食感を鰹と昆布の出汁でまとめた柔らかく繊細な味わい ground chicken and seasonal root vegetables set in jelly made w ith dried bonito dashi. ground chicken, carrot, burdock, shiitake mushroom, common bean, red konjac, etc. 野菜の万華鏡 Vegetable “MANGEKYO” ( An appetizer sampler with seasonal vegetables ) 1800 ( 卵・小麦・乳 / egg・wheat・milk ) 枝豆のコロッケ・根菜のニョッキ・パズルゼリー・おから稲荷・干瓢巻・フルーツ田楽・ベリーの白和え 万華鏡を覗く様に色彩豊かな小さな前菜が並ぶ、美しい一皿 It is a very beautiful dish with a small portion of colorful appetizers lined up as if you are looking into a kaleidoscope Edamame croquette, Root vegetable gnocchi, Puzzle jelly, Okara inari, Dried gourd shavings roll, Fruits dengaku, and Berries dressed with a sauce made with tofu. 牛丼の新しいかたち A New Form of Beef Bowl 1500 ( 卵 / EGG ) 赤ワインで炊き上げた酢飯に、とろけるような和牛の上質な薄切り肉を合わせる 牛丼の新しいかたち a new form of beef bowl, a representative bowl dish of japan. red wine rice, beef, radish sprouts, and half-cooked egg yolk 肴 - Side Dishセミドライ枝付きレーズン Semi-Dry Dried-on-Vine Raisins 800 柔らかい果肉と種の食感を残し、房ごとセミドライに仕上げた一品。 噛むほどに花開く、熟成された葡萄の果実味 unlike normal dried raisins, these raisins are dried on vine with a slightly shorter drying period. 岩手県石黒農場から ホロホロ鳥燻製 “Smoked Helmeted Guineafowl” from Ishikuro Farm in Iwate 800 日本で唯一のホロホロ鳥専門農家である、岩手県石黒農場の鳥の燻製。「食肉の女王」と呼ばれる、 柔らかく上品な肉質で深い味わいのもも肉を燻製にした、香り高い一品 smoked meat of helmeted guineafowls grown by ishikuro farm in iwate. this type of birds is rare even in japan. 北海道産どろぶたのトンジャーキー Pork Jerky of Hokkaido-Grown Doro Pork 800 北海道十勝の広大な地で優雅に育った放牧豚。味わい深い熟成もも肉を、 醤油と味醂で味付けし、じっくりと燻煙した和風仕立てのトンジャーキー pork jerky of “doro” pork, a type of pork grown in tokachi, hokkaido. 三種の り豆かりんとう Karinto Made with Three Kinds of Roasted Beans 800 白大豆・黒大豆・フリーズドライ枝豆の三種の豆を 軽やかな歯応えと鼻から抜ける香ばしい味わい り、甘辛い味付けで仕上げた、 a traditional japanese snack “karinto” made with three kinds of roasted beans —white soybean, black soybean, and freeze-dried edamame— dressed with a sweet and salty soy sauce glaze.
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