English Communication III Chapter 1 1 Of the many differences between the movie Titanic and history, one in particular 特に is impressive. In the movie, as the ship is sinking, the first-class passengers 印象的な 沈む struggle to climb into the small number of lifeboats. ~しようともがく Only the determination of 数 決意、覚悟 the brave seamen, who use guns to keep back the selfish millionaires, gets the 勇敢な 海の男 自己中な 金持ち women and children into the boats. 2 In fact, according to survivors' accounts, the "women and children first" 生存者 説明 convention was observed among the upper, that is, first and second, classes. 慣習 3 観察する 上流 つまり The statistics make this plain. In first class, every child was saved, as were all 統計 明らか ~と同じく but five (of 144) women, three of whom chose to die with their husbands. ~以外 By contrast, 70 percent of the men in first class died. In second class, which was 対照的に also inhabited by rich professional types, 80 percent of the women were saved but 90 住みつく 知的職業の percent of the men drowned. 溺死する 4 The men on the first-class list of the Titanic virtually made up the Forbes 400 of 事実上 the time. John Jacob Astor, who was supposed to be the richest man in America at 想定する the time, is said to have fought his way to a boat, put his wife in it, and then, refusing to take a seat, stepped back and waved her good-bye. In other words, some 断る of the most powerful men in the world stuck firmly to an unwritten code of honor くつつく しつかりと 規則 規則 even though it meant certain death. 確かな 5 The movie-makers altered the story for good reason: No one would believe it 変える ちやんとした理由があつて ~だろう today. We have freed our upper classes of any sense of responsibility, and they 解放する ~から 意味 責任 have happily returned us the favor. In modern thinking, they are just like any of us, 親切 regular folk . =person 現代の 考え方 We behave as if society is so democratic and so dynamic that it ふるまう あたかも 社会 民主的 doesn't actually have a governing elite. But it does. 支配する - 1 - 動的 English Communication III 6 Chapter 1 The rich and the powerful will always be with us. We can only ask that they recognize that with their privileges come responsibilities. 認識する 特権 Social conventions, 責任 社会の 慣習 professional associations, moral obligations, the gentleman's code - all were 職業的な つながり 道徳の 義務 紳士 規則 attempts to civilize the strong. In the past, American society expected these men 試み 教化する the ... ...な人 and women to behave themselves and in some way participate in the public life of 立派にふるまう ~に参加する 公共の the land. = country 7 Near East Potomac Park in Washington, D.C., stands a monument with a piece of writing on its base: "To the brave men of the Titanic, who gave their lives that 土台 勇敢な women and children might be saved." It was erected by contributions from 25,000 立たせる 寄付 women across the United States. 8 When leaders of society lived up to their ideals, they were honored. When they ~に従つて生きる 理想 名誉を与える did not, it was a matter of deep disappointment. Today, by contrast, we expect very 事柄 失望 対照的に little of those in positions of power, and they rarely = people 1 disappoint us. めつたに~ない タイタニックの映画では A)金持ちが自らを犠牲にして女性や子供を先に救命ボートに乗せた。 B)金持ちが我先に救命ボートに乗ろうとした。 C)勇敢なはずの船員が金持ちを銃で脅して、自分たちが先に救命ボートに乗った。 2~3 現実は A)映画の通りであった 4 B)映画とは逆であった C)映画ほどひどくはなかった タイタニックに乗っていた金持ちは A)名誉に執着するあまり、女性や子供の命を犠牲にした。 B)名誉のために、自分の命を捨て女性や子供を救った。 5 映画の制作者がストーリーを現実と変えたのは A) 現代では「上流階級の責任」というものが理解されないだろうから。 B) 現代は民主主義であり、誰もが平等だから。 6~7 権力や富を持っている人たちに A)特権を与えてはいけない。 B)特権には責任が伴うことをわからせなければならない。 8 A)昔も今も、リーダーには失望させられることが多い B)今ではリーダーに期待もしていないので、失望も少ない。 - 2 - English Communication III Chapter 1 INTENSIVE READING Paragraph 1 l.2 as the ship is sinking の as → A)...なので B)...につれて C)...として l.4 keep back ~ → A)stop the millionairs from getting into the boats B)let the millionairs get into the boats Paragraph 2 l.6 A)the upper class は the "woman and children first" convention を傍観していた。 B)the upper class は the "woman and children first" convention を実行した。 Paragraph 3 l.8 this → a)the selfish millionare b)the "woman and children first" convention l.9 as were all but five (of 144) women → A) 5 women were saved and 139 women died. B) 139 women were saved and 5 women died. l.9 three of whom の whom は?→ a)5 women b)139 women c)all the women Paragraph 4 l.14 John Jacob Astor a)got on the lifeboat with his wife. b)got on the lifeboat, leaving his wife in the Titanic c)saved his wife and chose to die himself. l.17 stuck firmly to ... → a)...に従って行動した b)...にとらわれて柔軟に対応しなかった Paragraph 5 l.19 No one の前に入れるとしたら→ a)In the past b)These days l.21 they are just like...の they は→ a)movie makers b)regular people c)upper classes l.23 it does → a) the society has a governing elite. b)a governing elite behaves so. Paragraph 6 l.24 ask that...→ a)~ことをお願いする b)~かどうか確かめる l.25 with their privilege... a)特権には責任が伴う。 l.27 these men and women → a)people with privileges b)特権と責任は同じことだ。 b)people in the past Paragraph 7 l.31 Why did so many women give contributions for the monument? a)They were on the Titanic. b)Those men saved children and women. Paragraph 8 l.33 When leaders ...の前に入れるとすれば? a)In the US, - 3 - b)In the past, c)In other words, English Communication III Chapter 1 p.5 6① so that ... = ...ように 決めた ② prove = 証明する、manner = 行動様式 ③ determined = 覚悟を ⑤ based on... = ...に基づいて、reasonable = 論理に合う、ちゃんとした 和訳追加 We behave as if society is so democratic and so dynamic that it doesn't actually have a governing elite. But it does. (so ... that ~に注意) ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. p.5 の1、2、添削希望のものは、この紙に書いて提出。 ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. Class/No ( ) Name ( ) - 4 - English Communication III Chapter 1 Grammar Paragraph 1 1) Of the many differences .... of ... = ...のうちで Paragraph 2 2) the "women and children first" convention was observed ... →受動態 Paragraph 3 3) , which was also inhabited by rich professional types, →文中の , ..... , (つまり, で挟まれている部分)は、日本語の( )的な感じ。 →「, which」のコンマ(関係代名詞の前の, 、非制限的用法)は、「ちなみに...」という感じ。 Paragraph 4 4) , who was supposed to be the richest man in America at the time, → 3)と同じ 5) is said to have fought → to do を「過去」の意味にしたいときは、to have done にする。← to の後で過去形は使えない! is said to do 「~すると言われている」/ is said to have done「~したと言われている」 → is said to have ① fought his way to a boat ② put his wife in it ③ refusing to take a seat, stepped back ④ waved her good-bye ※下線の過去分詞は全部 to have から続いている。 Paragraph 5 6) society is so democratic and so dynamic that it doesn't ... → so ... that ~「とても...なので~」 Paragraph 6 7) the strong → the 形容詞 = ~な人(もの) ex. the rich, the poor, the powerful, ... 8) American society expected ... in the public life of the land. → expect O to do = O が~するのを期待(予測)する → expect these men and women 1)to behave themselves and 2)in someway (to) participate in the public life of the land a) アメリカ社会は、こういう人々が立派に振るまうことを期待し、何らかの形で public life に参加している。 b) アメリカ社会は、こういう人々が立派に振るまい、また、何らかの形で public life に参加することを期待している。 Paragraph 7 9) It was erected ... →受動態 Paragraph 8 10) , they were honered ... →受動態 11) those in position → those ... = ...(な)人 - 5 - English Communication III Chapter 1 鈴木君の答え 1(1)ジョン・ヤコブ・アスターは、当時アメリカでもっとも裕福な人とされていたが、何とか救命ボー トにたどり着き、奥さんをボートにのせた後、自分は乗船することを拒否して、ボートから離れ、妻に 手を振って別れを告げたと言われている。 ポイント①「, who」は後ろから訳すのではなく「ちなみに」という感じで訳す。② richest, fight his way to a boat, take a seat, step back, waved her a good-bye ←英語だと簡単に意味がわかるが、日本語に するのが結構大変。日本語力!③ is said (言われている)のはその後に書かれていること全部。 1(3)対照的に、現代では私たちは権力を持った人にほとんど期待をしていない。だからこそ、彼らが 私たちを失望させることはめったにない。ポイント① very little を「ほとんど~ない」的に訳す。 ② and を「だからこそ」と訳してみた。 2 映画では裕福の人が我先に救命ボートに乗ろうとしたが、史実では裕福な人が社会に貢献しなければ ならないという不文律に従い、自らを犠牲にしながら女性と子供を助けた。(79字) →やりなおし 映画では裕福の人が我先に救命ボートに乗ろうとしたが、史実では「名誉の不文律」 に従い自らを犠牲にして女性と子供を助けた。(59字) 和訳追加 我々は、社会は非常に民主的で動的であるので支配層のエリートなど存在しないかのように 振る舞っているが、実際には支配層はしっかり存在している。ポイント① so ... that とても...なので~ ② as if ... = あたかも... ③ but it does のところはある程度日本語を補う。 付属解答の答→1.(1) ジョン・ジェイコブ・アスターは、当時アメリカ国内で随一の資産家とみな されていた人物だが、必死で救命ボートに進み、妻をボートに乗せると、自分は乗り込むのを拒んで後 ろに下がり、妻に手を振って別れを告げた、と言われている。(3)それとは対照的に今日では、我々 は支配的立場にいる人々に対してほとんど何も期待しておらず、また彼らが我々を失望させることもめ ったにないのである。2. 上流階級の男性客は、映画では我先にとボートに乗り込んだが、史実では生 命を犠牲にして女性や子どもを優先的にボートに乗せた。(60字) Of the many differences between the movie The movie-makers altered the story for good Titanic and history, one in particular is impressive. reason: No one would believe it today. We have In the movie, as the ship is sinking, the first-class freed our upper classes of any sense of passengers struggle to climb into the small number responsibility, and they have happily returned us of lifeboats. Only the determination of the brave the favor. In modern thinking, they are just like seamen, who use guns to keep back the selfish any of us, regular folk. We behave as if society is millionaires, gets the women and children into the so democratic and so dynamic that it doesn't boats. actually have a governing elite. But it does. In fact, according to survivors' accounts, the The rich and the powerful will always be with “women and children first” convention was us. We can only ask that they recognize that with observed among the upper, that is, first and second, their privileges come responsibilities. Social classes. conventions, professional associations, moral The statistics make this plain. In first class, obligations, the gentleman's code - all were every child was saved, as were all but five (of 144) attempts to civilize the strong. In the past, women, three of whom chose to die with their American society expected these men and women husbands. By contrast, 70 percent of the men in to behave themselves and in some way participate first class died. In second class, which was also in the public life of the land. inhabited by rich professional types, 80 percent of Near East Potomac Park in Washington, D.C., the women were saved but 90 percent of the men stands a monument with a piece of writing on its drowned. base: “To the brave men of the Titanic, who gave The men on the first-class list of the Titanic their lives that women and children might be virtually made up the Forbes 400 of the time. saved.” It was erected by contributions from John Jacob Astor, who was supposed to be the 25,000 women across the United States. richest man in America at the time, is said to have When leaders of society lived up to their fought his way to a boat, put his wife in it, and ideals, they were honored. When they did not, it then, refusing to take a seat, stepped back and was a matter of deep disappointment. Today, by waved her good-bye. In other words, some of the contrast, we expect very little of those in positions most powerful men in the world stuck firmly to an of power, and they rarely disappoint us. unwritten code of honor - even though it meant certain death. - 6 - English Communication III Chapter 1 - 7 -
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