May 13, 2016 Ashikaga Holdings Co.,Ltd. Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2015, ended March 31, 2016 Stock Exchange Listing: URL: Representative: For Inquiry: Date of General Meeting of Shareholders: Payment date of cash dividends: Filing date of Financial Statements: IR Conference: Tokyo (code: 7167) Masanao Matsushita, President and Chief Executive Officer Kazuyuki Shimizu, Executive Officer and General Manager, Corporate Planning Dept. June 28, 2016 (scheduled) June 8, 2016 (scheduled) June 28, 2016 (scheduled) Scheduled (for investors) (Japanese yen amounts of less than 1 million and the first decimal place have been rounded down.) 1. Financial Highlights (from April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016) (%: Changes from previous fiscal year) (1)Consolidated Operating Results Ordinary Income Ordinary Profit Net Income % % % ¥Million ¥Million ¥Million Fiscal year 102,474 5.9 30,356 44.1 22,452 31.4 Ended March 31, 2016 96,723 (10.4) 21,064 (25.4) 17,076 (29.7) Ended March 31, 2015 (Note) Comprehensive Income Fiscal year 2015: ¥19,315 million [-56.0%] Fiscal year 2014: ¥43,963 million [ 93.7%] Net Income per Net Income per Return on Capital Assets Share Share (Diluted) Fiscal year Ended March 31, 2016 Ended March 31, 2015 ¥ ¥ 67.37 51.24 - - Ordinary Profit on Total Assets Ordinary Profit on Ordinary Income % % % 7.6 6.4 0.5 0.3 29.6 21.7 (Reference) Equity in earnings (losses) of affiliates Fiscal year 2015: ¥ - million Fiscal year 2014: ¥ - million (Note) Since net income per share does not decrease as a result of dilution, diluted net income per share for FY2014 and FY2015 is not shown. (2)Consolidated Financial Conditions Fiscal year Ended March 31, 2016 Ended March 31, 2015 Total Assets Net Assets ¥Million ¥Million 6,106,037 5,864,239 Capital Assets to Total Assets Net Assets per Share ¥ % 303,105 287,121 4.9 4.8 909.54 861.58 (Reference) Capital assets Fiscal Year 2015: ¥303,105 million Fiscal Year 2014: ¥287,121 million (Note) “Capital assets to total assets” represents (“Net assets”-“Subscription rights to shares”-“Minority interests”)/ “Total assets” at fiscal year-end. (3)Consolidated Cash Flows Cash Flows from Cash Flows from Cash Flows from Cash and Cash Operating Activities Investing Activities Financing Activities Equivalents at year-end Fiscal year Ended March 31, 2016 Ended March 31, 2015 ¥Million 179,447 18,608 2. Cash Dividends for Shareholders Fiscal year Ended March 31, 2015 Ended March 31, 2016 Ending March 31, 2017(Forecast) ¥Million End of 1Q (93,654) 5,525 Cash Dividends per Share (13,332) (2,832) End of 2Q End of 3Q End of FY Annual Total Dividends (Annual) ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥Million ¥ ― ― ― 4.50 5.50 5.50 ― ― ― 4.50 4.50 ― ¥Million ¥Million 9.00 10.00 ― 436,150 363,712 Dividend Ratio of Dividends to Net Assets Payout Ratio (Consolidated) (Consolidated) 2,999 3,332 % ― 17.5 14.8 % 1.1 1.1 (Note) 1. Cash dividends at the end of second quarter of FY2015 include a commemorative cash dividend ¥1.00 per share for 120-year anniversary of a wholly owned subsidiary, The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. 2. The year-end cash dividend forecast for FY2016 is undecided, because the business integration of The Joyo Bank, Ltd. and Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd. through a share exchange is scheduled on October 1, 2016. The forecast will be announced as soon as it is confirmed. 3. Consolidated Earnings Forecasts for Fiscal year 2016, ending March 31, 2017 Ordinary Income ¥Million Six months Ending September 30, 2016 Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2017 48,500 ― % (11.6) ― (%: Changes from corresponding period of previous fiscal year) Net Income per Share Ordinary Profit Net Income ¥Million 13,000 ― % (25.5) ― ¥Million 8,000 ― % ¥ 24.00 (27.6) ― ― (Note) The full-year earnings forecasts for FY2016 are undecided, because the business integration of The Joyo Bank, Ltd. and Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd. through a share exchange is scheduled on October 1, 2016. The forecast will be announced as soon as it is confirmed. *Notes (1) Material changes in consolidated subsidiaries during the period (changes in specific subsidiaries accompanied by changes in scope of consolidation): No (2) Changes in accounting principles, accounting estimates and restatement ① Changes in accounting principles in accordance with changes in accounting standard, etc.: Yes ② Other changes in accounting principles: No ③ Changes in accounting estimates: No ④ Restatement: No (3) Number of issued shares (common stock) ① Number of issued shares (including treasury stock): March 31, 2016 333,250,000 shares March 31, 2015 333,250,000 shares ② Number of treasury stock: March 31, 2016 ― shares March 31, 2015 ― shares ③ Average number of shares: FY2015 333,250,000 shares FY2014 333,250,000 shares (Reference) Earnings forecast of a subsidiary bank, The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd.(non-consolidated) (1) Earnings forecast for six months ending September 30, 2016 Six months ended Sep.30,2015 (A) Core gross business profit Expenses Core net business income Ordinary profit Net income Six months ending Sep.30,2016 (B) Forecast 43.7 23.6 20.0 24.3 17.0 42.0 24.5 17.5 16.5 11.5 (in billions of JPY) Change (B)-(A) (1.7) 0.8 (2.5) (7.8) (5.5) (2) Earnings forecast for fiscal year ending March 31, 2017 Fiscal Year ended Mar.31,2016 (A) Core gross business profit Expenses Core net business income Ordinary profit Net income 83.5 47.0 36.4 39.8 30.8 Fiscal Year ending Mar.31,2017 (B) Forecast 81.0 48.5 32.5 30.5 21.0 Change (B)-(A) (2.5) 1.4 (3.9) (9.3) (9.8) Statement relating to the status of the audit procedures Even though this report is not subject to the audit procedures, which are based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, the audit procedures are not finished at the time of release of these financial statements. Explanation for proper use of forecasts and other notes The above forecasts are based on information, which is presently available and certain assumptions which are considered to be reasonable. Actual results may differ from those forecasts depending on various future factors (changes in business environment, the market situation of interest rates and stocks, etc.). Financial Results for the Fiscal Year 2015, Ended March 31, 2016 ------------------------------------------- Contents ------------------------------------------Ⅰ Consolidated Financial Information for Fiscal 2015 1. Consolidated Balance Sheet ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・1 2. Consolidated Statement of Income and Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income ・ ・ 2 3. Consolidated Statement of Shareholders' Equity ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 3 4. Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 4 5. Note for Assumptions of Going Concern ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 5 6. 【Reference】【The Ashikaga Bank,Ltd.】Non-consolidated Balance Sheet ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 6 7. 【Reference】【The Ashikaga Bank,Ltd.】Non-consolidated Statement of Income ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 8 8. 【Reference】【The Ashikaga Bank,Ltd.】Non-consolidated Statement of Shareholders' Equity ・ ・ 9 Ⅱ Financial Data for Fiscal 2015 (ended March 31, 2016) 1. Income Status ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 10 2. Net Business Income ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 12 3. Interest Rate Spread ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 12 4. Gains and Losses on Securities ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 12 5. Return on Equity ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 13 6. Capital Adequacy Ratio (Domestic Standard) ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 14 Ⅲ Status of Loans 1. Risk-monitored Loans ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 15 2. Allowance for Loan Losses ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 16 3. Ratio to Reserve for Total Risk-monitored Loans ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 16 4. Disclosed Claims under the Financial Revitalization Law ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 17 5. Status of Coverage on Disclosed Claims under the Financial Revitalization Law ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 17 6. Loan Portfolio ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 18 (1) Classification of loans by type of industry (2) Classification of risk-monitored loans by type of industry (3) Consumer loans (4) Loans to small-and-medium-sized enterprises 7. Loans to Entities Overseas by Country ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 19 8. Outstanding Balance of Deposits and Loans ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 19 Ⅳ Valuation Gains (Losses) on Securities 1. Valuation Standards of Securities ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 20 2. Unrealized Valuation Gains (Losses) on Other Securities (available-for-sale securities) ・ ・ 20 Ⅴ Retirement Benefits 1. Retirement Benefit Obligation, etc. ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 21 2. Retirement Benefit Costs ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 21 Ⅵ Tax Effect ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 22 Ⅰ Consolidated Financial Information for Fiscal 2015 1. Consolidated Balance Sheet 【Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd.】 (Millions of yen) Item As of March 31, As of March 31, 2015 2016 (Japanese) Assets Cash and due from banks Call loans and bills bought Monetary claims bought Trading account securities Securities Loans and bills discounted Foreign exchanges Other assets Tangible fixed assets Buildings, net Land Leased assets, net Construction in progress Other tangible fixed assets Intangible fixed assets Software Goodwill Other intangible fixed assets Asset for retirement benefits Deferred tax assets Customers' liabilities for acceptances and guarantees Allowance for loan losses Total Assets Liabilities Deposits Negotiable certificates of deposit Call money and bills sold Payables under securities lending transactions Borrowed money Foreign Exchanges Other liabilities Provision for directors' bonuses Provision for directors' retirement benefits Provision for reimbursement of deposits Provision for contingent loss Provision for point card certificates Deferred tax liabilities Acceptances and guarantees Total liabilities Equity Capital stock Capital surplus Retained earnings Total shareholders’ equity Unrealized gains on available-for-sale securities Deferred gains (losses) on hedges Defined retirement benefit plans Total accumulated other comprehensive income Total equity Total liabilities and equity (Note) Figures are rounded down to the nearest million. (資産の部) 現 金 預 け 金 コールローン及び買入手形 買 入 金 銭 債 商 品 有 価 証 有 価 証 貸 出 外 国 為 そ の 他 資 有 形 固 定 資 建 土 リ ー ス 資 建 設 仮 勘 そ の 他 の 有 形 固 定 資 無 形 固 定 資 権 券 券 金 替 産 産 物 地 産 定 産 産 ソ フ ト ウ エ ア の れ ん そ の 他 の 無 形 固 定 資 産 退 職 給 付 に 係 る 資 産 繰 延 税 金 資 産 支 払 承 諾 見 返 貸 倒 引 当 金 資 産 の 部 合 計 (負債の部) 預 金 譲 渡 性 預 金 コールマネー及び売渡手形 債券貸借取引受入担保金 借 用 金 外 国 為 替 そ の 他 負 債 役 員 賞 与 引 当 金 役 員 退 職 慰 労 引 当 金 睡眠預金払戻損失引当金 偶 発 損 失 引 当 金 ポ イ ン ト 引 当 金 繰 延 税 金 負 債 支 払 承 諾 負 債 の 部 合 計 (純資産の部) 資 本 金 資 本 剰 余 金 利 益 剰 余 金 株 主 資 本 合 計 その他有価証券評価差額金 繰 延 ヘ ッ ジ 損 益 退職給付に係る調整累計額 その他の包括利益累計額合計 純 資 産 の 部 合 計 負債及び純資産の部合計 -1- 365,322 1,644 7,727 4,164 1,207,938 4,150,466 5,837 23,938 24,291 7,074 12,831 18 1,025 3,341 85,754 3,037 82,182 534 13,884 604 16,566 (43,901) 5,864,239 437,509 414 7,627 3,596 1,296,769 4,235,174 4,377 34,277 24,424 7,527 12,798 16 435 3,647 78,601 2,087 75,979 534 10,446 584 12,913 (40,679) 6,106,037 5,071,110 197,379 - 2,473 232,546 365 49,169 54 262 803 495 115 5,774 16,566 5,577,117 5,206,700 174,878 78,000 25,263 251,726 282 46,266 57 311 858 464 134 5,074 12,913 5,802,932 117,495 29,025 94,474 240,994 44,704 (650) 2,072 46,126 287,121 5,864,239 117,495 29,025 113,594 260,115 48,527 (3,951) (1,585) 42,990 303,105 6,106,037 2. Consolidated Statement of Income and Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 【Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd.】 (1)Consolidated Statement of Income (Millions of yen) Item FY 2014(ended FY 2015(ended March 31, 2015) March 31, 2016) (Japanese) Ordinary income Interest income Interest on loans and discounts Interest and dividends on securities Interest on call loans and bills bought Interest on deposits with banks Other interest income Fees and commissions Other ordinary income Other income Recoveries of written off claims Gains on sales of stocks and other securities Others Ordinary expenses Interest expenses Interest on deposits Interest on negotiable certificates of deposit Interest on call money and bills sold 経 資 金 常 運 収 用 収 益 益 貸 出 金 利 息 有 価 証 券 利 息 配 当 金 コールローン利息及び買入手形利息 預 け 金 利 そ の 他 の 受 入 利 役 務 取 引 等 収 そ の 他 業 務 収 そ の 他 経 常 収 償 却 債 権 取 立 株 式 等 売 却 そ の 他 の 経 常 収 経 常 費 資 金 調 達 費 息 息 益 益 益 益 益 益 用 用 預 譲 息 息 渡 金 性 預 利 金 利 コールマネー利息及び売渡手形利息 Interest on payables under securities lending transactions 債 借 Interest on borrowed money そ Other interest expenses 役 Fees and commissions payments そ Other business expenses 営 General and administrative expenses そ Other operating expenses 貸 Provision of allowance for loan losses そ Other 経 Ordinary profit Extraordinary income Gain on dispositions of fixed assets Extraordinary losses Loss on disposal of non-current assets Impairment loss Loss on reduction of non-current assets Income before income taxes and minority interests Income taxes-current Income taxes-deferred Total income taxes Net income Net income attributable to owners of the parent 券 貸 借 取 引 支 払 利 用 金 利 の 他 の 支 払 利 務 取 引 等 費 の 他 業 務 費 業 経 の 他 経 常 費 倒 引 当 金 繰 入 の 他 の 経 常 費 常 利 息 息 息 用 用 費 用 額 用 益 特 別 利 益 固 定 資 産 処 分 益 特 別 損 失 固 定 資 産 処 分 損 減 損 損 失 固 定 資 産 圧 縮 損 税金等調整前当期純利益 法人税、住民税及び事業税 法 人 税 等 調 整 額 法 人 税 等 合 計 当 期 純 利 益 親会社株主に帰属する当期純利益 96,723 70,861 57,010 13,118 331 275 125 21,839 1,272 2,749 707 505 1,536 75,658 4,882 2,308 206 77 69 1,924 296 6,056 144 56,636 7,939 4,097 3,842 21,064 16 16 32 32 - - 21,048 10,592 (6,620) 3,972 17,076 17,076 102,474 73,805 55,936 16,958 393 404 114 22,138 1,692 4,838 524 3,290 1,023 72,118 4,832 2,079 212 8 211 1,537 783 6,198 192 55,471 5,423 2,013 3,409 30,356 - - 186 108 50 26 30,170 5,805 1,912 7,717 22,452 22,452 (Note) Figures are rounded down to the nearest million. (2)Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income (Millions of yen) Item (Japanese) Net income Other comprehensive income Unrealized gains on available-for-sale securities Deferred gains (losses) on hedges Defined retirement benefit plans Comprehensive income Comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent Comprehensive income attributable to noncontrolling interests 当 期 純 利 益 そ の 他 の 包 括 利 益 その他有価証券評価差額金 繰 延 ヘ ッ ジ 損 益 退 職 給 付 に 係 る 調 整 額 包 括 利 益 親会社株主に係る包括利益 非支配株主に係る包括利益 (Note) Figures are rounded down to the nearest million. -2- FY 2014(ended FY 2015(ended March 31, 2015) March 31, 2016) 17,076 26,887 24,473 (619) 3,032 43,963 43,963 - 22,452 (3,136) 3,822 (3,301) (3,658) 19,315 19,315 - 3. Consolidated Statement of Shareholders’ Equity 【Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd.】 FY 2014(ended March 31, 2015) (Millions of yen) Shareholders’ equity Accumulated other comprehensive income Unrealize Capital stock Capital surplus Total Deferred Defined accumulated gains other retirement ( losses ) benefit plans comprehensi on hedges ve income d gains on Total Retained shareholder availableearnings s’ equity for-sale securities 株主資本 資本金 Balance at the beginning of 当 期 首 残 高 current period 117,495 資本 剰余金 29,025 利益 剰余金 Balance at the beginning of current period reflected accounting change 会計方針の変更を反 映した当期首残高 Changes of items during the period 当 期 変 動 額 4,855 117,495 29,025 剰 余 金 の 配 当 Net income attributable 親会社株主に帰属 to owners of the parent す る 当 期 純 利 益 Cash dividends Net changes except for shareholders’ equity during the period その他の包括利益累計額 その他有 退職給付に その他の包 純資産 株主資本 繰延ヘッ 価証券評 係る調整累 括利益累計 合計 合計 ジ損益 額合計 価差額金 計額 75,375 221,896 Cumulative effect of an 会計方針の変更によ る 累 積 的 影 響 額 accounting change 当 期 変 動 額 合 計 - - Balance at the end of current period 当 期 末 残 高 117,495 29,025 20,230 (30) (960) 80,230 226,751 20,230 (30) (960) 245,990 (2,832) (2,832) 17,076 17,076 17,076 24,473 (619) 3,032 26,887 26,887 14,243 24,473 (619) 3,032 26,887 41,131 94,474 240,994 44,704 (650) 2,072 46,126 287,121 14,243 (Millions of yen) Accumulated other comprehensive income Unrealize Capital stock Capital surplus Total Deferred Defined accumulated gains other retirement ( losses ) benefit plans comprehensi on hedges ve income d gains on Total Retained shareholder availableearnings s’ equity for-sale securities 株主資本 資本金 117,495 資本 剰余金 29,025 Total Equity その他の包括利益累計額 利益 剰余金 その他有 退職給付に その他の包 純資産 株主資本 繰延ヘッ 価証券評 係る調整累 括利益累計 合計 合計 ジ損益 額合計 価差額金 計額 94,474 240,994 44,704 (650) 2,072 46,126 287,121 当 期 変 動 額 剰 余 金 の 配 当 Net income attributable 親会社株主に帰属 to owners of the parent す る 当 期 純 利 益 Cash dividends Net changes except for shareholders’ equity during the period 19,239 (2,832) Shareholders’ equity Changes of items during the period 241,135 4,855 FY 2015(ended March 31, 2016) Balance at the beginning of 当 期 首 残 高 current period 19,239 4,855 株主資本以外の項目 の当期変動額(純額) Total changes of items during the period Total Equity (3,332) (3,332) (3,332) 22,452 22,452 22,452 株主資本以外の項目 の当期変動額(純額) Total changes of items during the period 当 期 変 動 額 合 計 ― ― Balance at the end of current period 当 期 末 残 高 117,495 29,025 3,822 (3,301) (3,658) (3,136) (3,136) 19,120 3,822 (3,301) (3,658) (3,136) 15,983 113,594 260,115 48,527 (3,951) (1,585) 42,990 303,105 19,120 -3- 4. Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (Millions of yen) 【Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd.】 Item Cash flows from operating activities Income before income taxes Depreciation and amortization Impairment loss Amortization of goodwill Increase (decrease) in allowance for loan losses FY 2014(ended March 31, 2015) (Japanese) 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー 税 金 等 調 整 前 当 期 純 利 益 減 価 償 却 費 減 損 損 失 の れ ん 償 却 額 貸 倒 引 当 金 の 増 減 ( △ ) Increase (decrease) in provision for directors' bonuses 役 員 賞 与 引 当 金 の 増 減 額 ( △ は 減 少 ) Decrease (increase) in asset for retirement benefits 退 職 給 付 に 係 る 資 産 の 増 減 額 ( △ は 増 加 ) Increase (decrease) in provision for directors' retirement benefits 役員退職慰労引当金の増減額(△は減少) Increase (decrease) in provision for reimbursement of deposits 睡眠預金払戻損失引当金の増減額(△は減少) Increase (decrease) in provision for contingent loss 偶 発 損 失 引 当 金 の 増 減 ( △ ) Increase (decrease) in provision for point card certificates ポ イ ン ト 引 当 金 の 増 減 額 ( △ は 減 少 ) Gain on fund management Financing expenses Loss (gain) related to securities Foreign exchange losses (gains) 資 金 運 用 収 益 資 金 調 達 費 用 有 価 証 券 関 係 損 益 ( △ ) 為 替 差 損 益 ( △ は 益 ) Loss (gain) on disposal of non-current assets Loss on reduction of non-current assets 固 定 資 産 処 分 損 益 ( △ は 益 ) 固 定 資 産 圧 縮 損 Net decrease (increase) in loans and bills discounted 貸 出 金 の 純 増 ( △ ) 減 預 金 の 純 増 減 ( △ ) Net increase (decrease) in deposit Net increase (decrease) in negotiable certificates of deposit 譲 渡 性 預 金 の 純 増 減 ( △ ) Net increase (decrease) in borrowed money (excluding subordinated borrowings) Net decrease (increase) in deposit (excluding deposit paid to Bank of Japan) Net decrease (increase) in call loans 借用金(劣後特約付借入金を除く)の純増減(△) 預け金(日銀預け金を除く)の純増(△)減 FY 2015(ended March 31, 2016) 21,048 3,446 - 6,202 (149) 6 (1,248) 73 (803) 71 26 (70,861) 4,882 2,337 (11,116) 15 - (192,383) 127,973 26,338 30,170 3,495 50 6,202 (3,222) 3 (1,893) 48 55 (31) 19 (73,805) 4,832 (1,212) 7,905 108 26 (84,707) 135,589 (22,500) 51,901 29,180 391 251 コ ー ル ロ ー ン 等 の 純 増 ( △ ) 減 Net decrease (increase) in trading account securities 商 品 有 価 証 券 の 純 増 ( △ ) 減 コ ー ル マ ネ ー 等 の 純 増 減 ( △ ) Net increase (decrease) in call money 301 125 (6,175) 1,569 607 78,000 Net increase (decrease) in payables under securities lending transactions 債券貸借取引受入担保金の純増減(△) (3,491) 22,789 Net decrease (increase) in foreign exchanges - assets 外 国 為 替 ( 資 産 ) の 純 増 ( △ ) 減 131 (397) 68,191 (2,020) (2,564) 22,254 (3,645) 1,460 (83) 73,908 (7,692) (9,273) 191,853 (12,405) 18,608 179,447 Net increase (decrease) in foreign exchanges - liabilities 外 国 為 替 ( 負 債 ) の 純 増 減 ( △ ) Proceeds from fund management Payments for finance Other, net Subtotal Income taxes paid Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 資 資 そ 小 法 金 金 人 運 調 税 用 達 等 に に の よ よ の る る 支 収 支 払 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー -4- 入 出 他 計 額 (Millions of yen) Item (Japanese) Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of securities Proceeds from sales of securities Proceeds from redemption of securities 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー 有 価 証 券 の 取 得 に よ る 支 出 有 価 証 券 の 売 却 に よ る 収 入 有 価 証 券 の 償 還 に よ る 収 入 Purchases of tangible fixed assets Proceeds from sales of tangible fixed assets Purchases of intangible fixed assets Other, net Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Decrease in subordinated borrowings Cash dividends paid 有 形 固 定 資産 の取 得に よ る 支出 有 形 固 定 資産 の売 却に よ る 収入 無 形 固 定 資産 の取 得に よ る 支出 そ の 他 FY 2014(ended March 31, 2015) (257,319) 72,826 193,323 (2,618) 34 (664) (56) FY 2015(ended March 31, 2016) (330,762) 85,566 154,466 (2,093) 0 (760) (71) 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー 5,525 (93,654) 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー 劣後特約付借入金の返済による支出 配 当 金 の 支 払 額 - (2,832) (10,000) (3,332) 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー (2,832) (13,332) Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 現金及び現金同等物の増減額(△は減少) Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 現金及び現金同等物に係る換算差額 42 (21) 21,344 72,438 現金及び現金同等物の期首残高 342,368 363,712 現金及び現金同等物の期末残高 363,712 436,150 5. Note for Assumptions of Going Concern Not applicable. -5- 6. 【Reference】 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd.】 Non-consolidated Balance Sheet (Millions of yen) Item Assets Cash and due from banks Cash Due from banks Call loans Monetary claims bought Trading account securities Trading government bonds Trading local government bonds Trading government guaranteed bonds Securities Government bonds Local government bonds Corporate bonds Stocks Other securities Loans and bills discounted Bills discounted Loans on bills Loans on deeds Overdrafts Foreign exchanges Due from foreign banks (our accounts) Foreign bills bought Foreign bills receivable Other assets Domestic exchange settlement account, debit Prepaid expenses Accrued income Variation margins of future markets Derivatives other than for trading - assets Other Tangible fixed assets Buildings, net Land Leased assets, net Construction in progress Other tangible fixed assets Intangible fixed assets Software Other intangible fixed assets Prepaid pension cost Customers' liabilities for acceptances and guarantees Allowance for loan losses Total Assets As of March 31, 2015 (Japanese) 現 現 預 コ 買 商 商 商 商 有 国 地 社 株 そ 貸 割 手 証 当 外 外 買 取 そ 未 金 (資産の部) 預 け け ー 入 品 ル 金 有 品 品 品 政 価 ロ ー 銭 債 価 証 国 地 方 府 保 証 証 方 の 他 の 証 出 引 形 書 座 国 国 他 入 外 立 外 の 他 決 済 手 貸 貸 貸 為 店 預 国 為 国 為 資 為 替 金 金 金 ン 権 券 債 債 債 券 債 債 債 式 券 金 形 付 付 越 替 け 替 替 産 貸 前 払 費 未 収 収 先 物 取 引 差 金 勘 金 融 派 生 商 そ の 他 の 資 有 形 固 定 資 建 土 リ ー ス 資 建 設 仮 勘 そ の 他 の 有 形 固 定 資 無 形 固 定 資 ソ フ ト ウ エ 用 益 定 品 産 産 物 地 産 定 産 産 ア そ の 他 の 無 形 固 定 資 前 払 年 金 費 支 払 承 諾 見 貸 倒 引 当 資 産 の 部 合 産 用 返 金 計 -6- 365,317 56,766 308,550 1,644 7,727 4,164 1,989 1,467 706 1,236,859 351,981 241,943 238,602 85,020 319,311 4,189,420 27,586 193,747 3,604,357 363,729 5,837 5,673 88 74 18,946 3 80 5,644 3 4,758 8,456 25,397 7,338 13,691 18 1,025 3,323 3,555 3,023 532 10,899 16,566 (39,009) 5,847,327 As of March 31, 2016 437,507 59,887 377,620 414 7,627 3,596 749 1,258 1,587 1,325,749 351,547 251,967 205,872 77,629 438,732 4,274,437 25,474 193,052 3,668,137 387,773 4,377 4,278 52 45 24,916 4 260 5,824 26 5,745 13,056 25,275 7,737 13,459 16 435 3,626 2,569 2,037 531 12,786 12,913 (33,328) 6,098,844 (Millions of yen) Item Liabilities Deposits Current deposits Ordinary deposits Saving deposits Deposits at notice Time deposits Installment savings Other deposits Negotiable certificates of deposit Call money Payables under securities lending transactions Borrowed money Borrowings from other banks Foreign Exchanges Foreign bills sold Foreign bills payable Other liabilities Domestic exchange settlement account, credit Income taxes payable Accrued expenses Unearned revenue Reserve for interest on installment savings Derivatives other than for trading - liabilities Lease obligations Asset retirement obligations Other Provision for directors' bonuses Provision for directors' retirement benefits Provision for reimbursement of deposits Provision for contingent loss Provision for point card certificates Deferred tax liabilities Acceptances and guarantees Total liabilities Net Assets Capital stock Retained earnings Legal retained earnings Other retained earnings Retained earnings brought forward Total shareholders’ equity Unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities Deferred gains or losses on hedges Total valuation and translation adjustments Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets As of March 31, 2015 (Japanese) As of March 31, 2016 (負債の部) 偶 ポ 繰 支 負 5,085,385 177,398 2,898,972 73,894 10,683 1,753,463 14,268 156,703 252,379 - 2,473 152,546 152,546 365 225 140 33,212 2,714 8,762 5,784 1,709 5 6,544 19 539 7,133 24 116 803 495 74 10,129 16,566 5,554,571 5,224,561 190,554 3,053,380 72,060 8,181 1,739,401 14,710 146,270 224,878 78,000 25,263 181,726 181,726 282 131 151 30,426 2,864 1,990 5,774 1,679 4 8,263 17 544 9,287 25 132 858 464 90 7,296 12,913 5,786,919 繰 延 ヘ ッ ジ 損 益 評 価 ・ 換 算 差 額 等 合 計 純 資 産 の 部 合 計 負債及び純資産の部合計 135,000 110,634 15,281 95,352 95,352 245,634 47,771 (650) 47,121 292,755 5,847,327 135,000 129,428 17,694 111,733 111,733 264,428 51,447 (3,951) 47,495 311,924 6,098,844 預 当 普 座 通 預 預 金 金 金 貯 蓄 預 金 通 知 預 金 定 期 預 金 定 期 積 金 そ の 他 の 預 金 譲 渡 性 預 金 コ ー ル マ ネ ー 債券貸借取引受入担保金 借 用 金 借 入 金 外 国 為 替 売 渡 外 国 為 替 未 払 外 国 為 替 そ の 他 負 債 未 決 済 為 替 借 未 払 法 人 税 等 未 払 費 用 前 受 収 益 給 付 補 填 備 金 金 融 派 生 商 品 リ ー ス 債 務 資 産 除 去 債 務 そ の 他 の 負 債 役 員 賞 与 引 当 金 役 員 退 職 慰 労 引 当 金 睡眠預金払戻損失引当金 発 損 失 引 当 金 イ ン ト 引 当 金 延 税 金 負 債 払 承 諾 債 の 部 合 計 (純資産の部) 資 本 金 利 益 剰 余 金 利 益 準 備 金 そ の 他 利 益 剰 余 金 繰 越 利 益 剰 余 金 株 主 資 本 合 計 その他有価証券評価差額金 (Note) Figures are rounded down to the nearest million. -7- 7. 【Reference】 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd.】 Non-consolidated Statement of Income (Millions of yen) Item (Japanese) Ordinary income Interest income Interest on loans and discounts Interest and dividends on securities Interest on call loans Interest on deposits with banks Other interest income Fees and commissions 経 常 収 益 資 金 運 用 収 益 貸 出 金 利 息 有 価 証 券 利 息 配 当 金 コ ー ル ロ ー ン 利 息 預 け 金 利 息 そ の 他 の 受 入 利 息 役 務 取 引 等 収 益 Fees and commissions on domestic and foreign exchanges 受 入 為 替 手 数 料 そ の 他 の 役 務 収 益 Other fees and commissions そ の 他 業 務 収 益 Other ordinary income 外 国 為 替 売 買 益 Gains on foreign exchange transactions 商 品 有 価 証 券 売 買 益 Gain on trading account securities transactions 国 債 等 債 券 売 却 益 Gains on sales of bonds Income from derivatives other than for trading or hedging 金 融 派 生 商 品 収 益 そ の 他 の 業 務 収 益 Other そ の 他 経 常 収 益 Other income 貸 倒 引 当 金 戻 入 益 Reversal of allowance for loan losses 償 却 債 権 取 立 益 Recoveries of written off claims 株 式 等 売 却 益 Gains on sales of stocks and other securities そ の 他 の 経 常 収 益 Other 経 常 費 用 Operating expenses 資 金 調 達 費 用 Interest expenses 預 金 利 息 Interest on deposits 譲 渡 性 預 金 利 息 Interest on negotiable certificates of deposit コ ー ル マ ネ ー 利 息 Interest on call money 債 券 貸 借 取 引 支 払 利 息 Interest on deposits for bonds lending transaction 借 用 金 利 息 Interest on borrowed money そ の 他 の 支 払 利 息 Other interest expenses 役 務 取 引 等 費 用 Fees and commissions payments Fees and commissions on domestic and foreign exchanges 支 払 為 替 手 数 料 そ の 他 の 役 務 費 用 Other fees and commissions そ の 他 業 務 費 用 Other ordinary expenses 国 債 等 債 券 売 却 損 Losses on sales of bonds 国 債 等 債 券 償 却 Write-offs of bonds 営 業 経 費 General and administrative expenses そ の 他 経 常 費 用 Other expenses 貸 倒 引 当 金 繰 入 額 Provision of allowance for loan losses 貸 出 金 償 却 Write-off amount of loans 株 式 等 売 却 損 Losses on sales of stocks 式 等 償 却 Losses on devaluation of stocks and other securities 株 貸 出 金 売 却 損 Losses on sales of loans そ の 他 の 経 常 費 用 Other expenses or losses 経 常 利 益 Ordinary income 特 別 利 益 Extraordinary income 固 定 資 産 処 分 益 Gain on disposal of non-current assets 特 別 損 失 Extraordinary losses 固 定 資 産 処 分 損 Loss on disposal of non-current assets 減 損 損 失 Impairment loss 固 定 資 産 圧 縮 損 Loss on reduction of non-current assets 税 引 前 当 期 純 利 益 Income before income taxes 法人税、住民税及び事業税 Income taxes - current 法 人 税 等 調 整 額 Income taxes - deferred 法 人 税 等 合 計 Total income taxes 当 期 純 利 益 Net income (Note) Figures are rounded down to the nearest million. -8- FY 2014(ended March 31, 2015) 92,616 68,160 55,008 12,430 331 275 115 20,716 4,783 15,932 952 403 41 486 20 0 2,787 - 701 505 1,580 62,846 3,075 2,312 220 77 69 104 291 6,155 875 5,279 0 0 - 48,962 4,652 1,742 1,571 871 43 0 423 29,770 16 16 29 29 - - 29,757 10,192 (224) 9,968 19,789 FY 2015(ended March 31, 2016) 100,545 71,582 53,724 16,958 393 404 102 21,253 4,764 16,488 1,343 347 58 895 41 0 6,366 1,284 508 3,508 1,065 60,695 3,458 2,082 226 8 211 150 779 6,314 886 5,427 36 0 36 47,711 3,175 - 1,552 980 8 7 625 39,850 - - 383 108 248 26 39,466 10,468 (1,861) 8,607 30,859 8. 【Reference】 【The Ashikaga Bank,Ltd.】 Non-consolidated Statement of Shareholders’ Equity FY 2014 (ended March 31, 2015) (Millions of yen) Valuation and translation adjustments Shareholders’ equity Retained earnings Capital stock Capital surplus Other retained earnings Retained earnings brought forward Total retained earnings Total Unrealized Deferred valuation Total gains on gains and shareholde available(losses) on translation rs’ equity for-sale hedges adjustment securities s 株主資本 評価・換算差額等 利益剰余金 資本金 Balance at the beginning 当 期 首 残 高 of the period Cumulative effect of 会計方針の変更に an accounting change よる累積的影響額 Balance at the beginning of 会計方針の変更を current period reflected 反映した当期首残 accounting change 高 Changes of items during 当 期 変 動 額 the period Cash dividends 剰 配 余 金 Net income 当 期 純 利 益 135,000 135,000 の 当 資本 剰余金 12,332 その他利 益剰余金 繰越利益 剰余金 Total Equity 利益剰余 金合計 株主資本 合計 その他有 繰延ヘッジ 評価・換算差 価証券評 額等合計 損益 価差額金 88,404 100,737 235,737 4,853 4,853 4,853 12,332 93,257 105,590 240,590 2,949 (17,694) (14,745) (14,745) (14,745) 19,789 19,789 19,789 19,789 Net changes of items 株主資本以外の項 other than 目の当期変動額 純 額 ) shareholders’ equity ( 22,907 (30) 22,876 純資産 合計 258,614 4,853 22,907 (30) 22,876 263,467 24,863 (619) 24,244 24,244 Total changes of items during the period 当 期 変 動 額 合 計 - 2,949 2,094 5,043 5,043 24,863 (619) 24,244 29,288 Balance at the end of current period 当 期 末 残 高 135,000 15,281 95,352 110,634 245,634 47,771 (650) 47,121 292,755 FY 2015 (ended March 31, 2016) (Millions of yen) Valuation and translation adjustments Shareholders’ equity Retained earnings Capital stock Capital surplus Other retained earnings Retained earnings brought forward Total retained earnings Total shareholde rs’ equity 株主資本 Total Unrealized Deferred valuation gains on gains and available(losses) on translation for-sale hedges adjustment securities s 評価・換算差額等 利益剰余金 資本金 Balance at the beginning 当 期 首 残 高 of the period 135,000 資本 剰余金 その他利 益剰余金 繰越利益 剰余金 Total Equity 利益剰余 金合計 株主資本 合計 その他有 繰延ヘッジ 評価・換算差 価証券評 額等合計 損益 価差額金 47,771 (650) 47,121 純資産 合計 15,281 95,352 110,634 245,634 292,755 2,412 (14,477) (12,064) (12,064) (12,064) 30,859 30,859 30,859 30,859 Changes of items during 当 期 変 動 額 the period Cash dividends 剰 配 余 金 の 当 Net income 当 期 純 利 益 Net changes of items 株主資本以外の項 other than 目の当期変動額 純 額 ) shareholders’ equity ( 3,675 (3,301) 374 374 Total changes of items during the period 当 期 変 動 額 合 計 - 2,412 16,381 18,794 18,794 3,675 (3,301) 374 19,169 Balance at the end of current period 当 期 末 残 高 135,000 17,694 111,733 129,428 264,428 51,447 (3,951) 47,495 311,924 -9- Ⅱ Financial Data for Fiscal 2015 (ended March 31, 2016) 1. Income Status 【Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd.(Consolidated Income Status) 】 (Millions of yen) (Japanese) Consolidated gross profit Net interest income Net fees and commissions Net trading income Net other business income General and administrative expenses Write-off and reserve expenses of loans① Reversal of allowance for loan losses② Recovery of written off claims③ Gains (losses) on stocks Equity in gains (losses) of affiliated companies Others Ordinary profit Extraordinary income(losses) Income before income taxes and minority interests Income taxes-current Income taxes-deferred Net income Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests Net income attributable to owners of the parent 連 資 結 粗 利 金 利 益 益 役 務 取 引 等 利 益 特 定 取 引 利 益 そ の 他 業 務 利 益 営 業 経 費 貸 倒 償 却 引 当 費 用 ① 貸 倒 引 当 金 戻 入 益 ② 償 却 債 権 取 立 益 ③ 株 式 等 関 係 損 益 持分法による投資損益 そ の 他 経 常 利 益 特 別 損 益 税金等調整前当期純利益 法 人 税 、 住 民 税 及 び事 業 税 法 人 税 等 調 整 額 当 期 純 利 益 非支配株主に帰属する当期純利益 親会社株主に帰属する当期純利益 FY 2015 (A) 86,413 68,973 15,940 - 1,499 55,471 3,749 - 524 2,300 - 338 30,356 (186) 30,170 5,805 1,912 22,452 - 22,452 (A)-(B) 3,523 2,995 156 - 371 (1,164) (2,907) - (182) 2,709 - (830) 9,292 (170) 9,121 (4,787) 8,532 5,376 - 5,376 FY 2014 (B) 82,889 65,978 15,783 - 1,128 56,636 6,656 - 707 (409) - 1,169 21,064 (15) 21,048 10,592 (6,620) 17,076 - 17,076 (Note) Consolidated gross business profit=(Interest income-Interest expenses)+(Fees and commissions income-Fees and commissions expenses)+(Trading income-Trading expenses)+(Other business income-Other business expenses) (注) 連結粗利益=(資金運用収益-資金調達費用)+(役務取引等収益-役務取引等費用)+(特定取引収益-特定取引費用)+(その他業務収益- その他業務費用) Credit related costs (①-②-③) 3,224 (2,724) 5,949 FY 2015 (A) 数 4 (A)-(B) - FY 2014 (B) 4 - - 与信関係費用 (①-②-③) Reference(Number of Consolidated Subsidiaries) (Japanese) Number of consolidated subsidiaries 連 結 子 会 社 Number of affiliated companies applicable to the equity 持 分 法 適 用 会 社 数 method - 10 - - Reference(Non-consolidated Income Status) 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-Consolidated basis)】 (Millions of yen) Reversal of allowance for loan losses③ Recoveries of written-off claims④ Ordinary profits Extraordinary income(loss) Net gain (loss) from fixed assets Gain on disposal of non-current assets Loss on dispositions of non-current assets Impairment loss Loss on reduction of non-current assets Income before income taxes Income taxes-current Income taxes-deferred Net income うち貸倒引当金戻入益 う ち 償 却 債 権 取 立 益 経 常 利 益 特 別 損 益 固 定 資 産 処 分 損 益 固 定 資 産 処 分 益 固 定 資 産 処 分 損 減 損 損 失 固 定 資 産 圧 縮 損 税 引 前 当 期 純 利 益 法 人 税 、 住 民 税 及 び事 業 税 法 人 税 等 調 整 額 当 期 純 利 益 FY 2015 (A) 84,370 82,093 81,234 66,287 14,883 - 922 2,277 2,277 1,836 55 - 385 47,055 25,396 18,854 2,804 37,315 859 - 37,315 2,535 2,519 1,528 1,552 - 7 (31) 1,284 508 39,850 (383) (108) - 108 248 26 39,466 10,468 (1,861) 30,859 Credit related costs (①+②-③-④) 与信関係費用 (①+②-③-④) (264) (Japanese) Gross business profit Domestic gross business profit Core gross business profit Net interest income Net fees and commissions Net trading income Net other business income International gross business profit Core gross business profit Net interest income Net fees and commissions Net trading income Net other business income Expenses Personnel expenses Non-personnel expenses Taxes 業 務 粗 利 益 国 内 業 務 粗 利 益 (除く国債等債券損益(5勘定尻)) 資 役 特 そ 国 務 定 の 際 金 取 取 他 業 引 引 業 務 利 等 等 務 粗 利 利 利 利 益 益 益 益 益 (除く国債等債券損益(5勘定尻)) 資 役 特 そ 経 人 物 務 定 の 費( 金 取 取 他 除く 利 引 等 引 等 業 務 臨時処 件 件 益 利 益 利 益 利 益 理分) 費 費 税 金 業 務 純 益( 一般 貸引 考慮 前) うち国債等債券損益(5勘定尻) Gains (losses) on bonds 一 般貸倒引当金繰入額 Net transfer to general allowance for loan losses① Net business income (after general allowance for loan losses) 業 務 純 益 臨 時 損 益 Net non-recurrent gains (losses) う ち 株 式 等 損 益 (3 勘 定 尻 ) Gains (losses) on stocks う ち 不 良 債 権 処 理 額 Disposal of non-performing loans② 貸 出 金 償 却 Write-off amount of loans Net transfer to specific allowance for loan losses 個 別 貸 倒 引 当 金 純 繰 入 額 貸 出 金 売 却 損 Losses on sales of loans Net transfer to provision for contingent losses 偶 発 損 失 引 当 金 繰 入 額 Net business income (before general allowance for loan losses) - 11 - (A)-(B) 3,772 3,747 3,374 2,871 398 - 477 25 25 167 (20) - (122) (990) (609) (843) 462 4,763 372 2,265 2,498 7,581 2,928 (4,121) (19) (4,007) 7 (102) 1,284 (192) 10,080 (371) (96) (16) 79 248 26 9,708 275 (1,637) 11,069 FY 2014 (B) 80,598 78,346 77,859 63,416 14,484 - 444 2,251 2,251 1,668 76 - 507 48,046 26,005 19,698 2,342 32,551 486 (2,265) 34,816 (5,046) (409) 5,649 1,571 4,007 0 71 - 701 29,770 (12) (12) 16 29 - - 29,757 10,192 (224) 19,789 (2,947) 2,683 2. Net Business Income 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-consolidated basis)】 (Millions of yen) FY 2015 (A) (Japanese) Net business income (before transfer to general 業 務 純 益( 一般 貸引 繰入 前) allowance for loan losses) 職員一人当たり(千円) Per head (in thousands of yen) 業 務 純 益 Net business income 職員一人当たり(千円) Per head (in thousands of yen) (A)-(B) FY 2014 (B) 37,315 4,763 32,551 12,911 37,315 12,911 1,892 2,498 1,125 11,019 34,816 11,786 3. Interest Rate Spread 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-consolidated basis)】 Whole bank operations Average yield on interest earning assets① Average yield on loans and bills discounted Average yield on securities Average yield on interest bearing liabilities② (%) (Japanese) Average yield on deposits and negotiable certificates of deposit 資 貸 有 資 預 金 運 用 利 出 金 利 価 証 券 利 金 調 達 原 金 等 利 回 回 回 価 回 Average yield on call money and borrowed money Average interest rate spread (①-②) 外 総 部 負 債 利 資 金 利 回 鞘 FY 2015 (A) 1.22 1.28 1.47 0.88 0.04 0.09 0.34 (A)-(B) 0.02 (0.07) 0.45 (0.05) (0.00) (0.02) 0.07 FY 2014 (B) 1.20 1.35 1.02 0.93 0.04 0.11 0.27 (%) Domestic operations Average yield on interest earning assets ① Average yield on loans and bills discounted Average yield on securities Average yield on interest bearing liabilities ② Average yield on deposits and negotiable certificates of deposit Average interest rate spread (①-②) (Japanese) 資 貸 有 資 預 総 金 運 用 利 出 金 利 価 証 券 利 金 調 達 原 金 等 利 資 金 利 回 回 回 価 回 鞘 FY 2015 (A) 1.18 1.28 1.47 0.86 0.04 0.32 (A)-(B) 0.00 (0.08) 0.48 (0.06) (0.00) 0.06 FY 2014 (B) 1.18 1.36 0.99 0.92 0.04 0.26 4. Gains and Losses on Securities 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-consolidated basis)】 (Millions of yen) (Japanese) Gains (losses) on bonds(Government bonds, etc.) Gains on sales Gains on redemption Losses on sales Losses on redemption Write-offs Gains (losses) on stocks, etc. Gains on sales Losses on sales Write-offs 国債等債券損益(5勘定尻) 売 却 益 償 還 益 売 却 損 償 還 損 償 却 株式等損益(3勘定尻) 売 売 償 - 12 - 却 却 益 損 却 FY 2015 (A) 859 895 - 0 - 36 (A)-(B) 372 408 - (0) - 36 FY 2014 (B) 486 486 - 0 - - 2,519 3,508 980 8 2,928 3,002 108 (34) (409) 505 871 43 5. Return on Equity 【Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd. (Consolidated basis)】 FY 2015 (A) (Japanese) Net income attributable to owners of the parent basis (%) 親会社株主に帰属する 当期純利益ベース 7.60 (A)-(B) 1.20 FY 2014 (B) 6.40 (Note) A denominator (Net average assets) is calculated as follows: (Net assets at the beginning of the period excluding subscription rights to shares + Net assets at the end of the period excluding subscription rights to shares)/2 (注) 分母となる自己資本平均残高は、[(期首純資産の部-新株予約権)+(期末純資産の部-新株予約権)]÷2としております。 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-consolidated basis) (%) FY 2015 (A) (Japanese) (A)-(B) FY 2014 (B) Net business income basis (before general allowance for loan losses) 実質業務純益ベース 12.34 0.64 11.70 Net business income basis 業 務 純 益 ベ ー ス 12.34 (0.17) 12.51 Net income basis 当期純利益ベース 10.20 3.09 7.11 (Note) A denominator (Net average assets) is calculated as follows: (Net assets at the beginning of the period excluding subscription rights to shares + Net assets at the end of the period excluding subscription rights to shares)/2 (注) 分母となる自己資本平均残高は、[(期首純資産の部-新株予約権)+(期末純資産の部-新株予約権)]÷2としております。 - 13 - 6. Capital Adequacy Ratio (Domestic standard) 【Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd.(Consolidated basis)】 (Millions of yen) As of Mar.31, 2016 (A) 8.61% (A)-(B) (0.06%) (A)-(C) 0.07% (B) 8.67% (C) 8.54% 341,988 3,754 8,107 338,234 333,881 258,615 9,901 19,120 248,714 239,495 (Preliminary figures) Capital adequacy ratio 自 率 Basic Core capital ① コア資本に係る基礎項目 うち、普通株式等に係る Of which, common equity capital 株 主 資 本 の 額 己 資 本 比 As of Sep.30, As of Mar.31, 2015 2015 Of which, total accumulated other comprehensive income うち、その他の包括利益累 計 額 (634) (1,091) (1,048) 456 414 Of which, total amount of provision うち、引当金の合計額 20,007 944 (1,964) 19,063 21,971 Of which, directly issued capital う ち 、 適 格 旧 資 本 instruments subject to phase out 調 達 手 段 の 額 from Additional Tier 1 64,000 (6,000) (8,000) 70,000 72,000 コア資本に係る調整項目 79,932 (1,958) (5,224) 81,890 85,157 うち、のれんに係るものの額 75,979 (3,101) (6,202) 79,080 82,182 Of which, intangible fixed assets う ち 、 の れ ん 以 外 の 無 形 固 定 資 産 の 額 excluding goodwill 729 330 244 398 485 Of which, deferred tax assets うち、繰延税金資産の額 excluding temporary differences (一時差異に係るものを除く) 317 (30) (286) 347 603 うち、退職給付に係る 資 産 の 額 2,906 843 1,019 2,062 1,886 Adjustment Core capital ② Of which, goodwill Of which, retirement benefits Capital ①-② 自 額 262,056 5,712 13,332 256,343 248,723 Total risk weighted assets リ ス ク ・ ア セ ッ ト 等 3,041,648 87,670 131,845 2,953,977 2,909,802 己 資 本 の 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd.(Non-Consolidated basis)】 (Millions of yen) As of Mar.31, 2016 (A) As of Sep.30, As of Mar.31, 2015 2015 Capital adequacy ratio 自 率 8.67% (A)-(B) (0.25%) (A)-(C) 0.09% (B) 8.92% (C) 8.58% Basic Core capital ① コア資本に係る基礎項目 270,358 2,837 17,090 267,520 253,267 Of which, common equity capital うち、普通株式等に係る 株 主 資 本 の 額 252,364 1,769 18,794 250,594 233,569 Of which, total amount of provision うち、引当金の合計額 17,994 1,068 (1,704) 16,926 19,698 コア資本に係る調整項目 4,272 2,260 2,307 2,011 1,964 Of which, intangible fixed assets う ち 、 の れ ん 以 外 の 無 形 固 定 資 産 の 額 excluding goodwill 714 318 231 396 483 3,557 1,942 2,076 1,614 1,481 (Preliminary figures) Adjustment Core capital ② Of which, prepaid pension cost 己 資 本 比 うち、前払年金費用の額 Capital ①-② 自 額 266,086 576 14,782 265,509 251,303 Total risk weighted assets リ ス ク ・ ア セ ッ ト 等 3,067,431 92,647 139,717 2,974,783 2,927,713 己 資 本 の - 14 - Ⅲ Status of Loans 1. Risk-monitored Loans 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-consolidated basis)】 (1)Risk-monitored loans (Millions of yen) As of 31,2016 (Japanese) Mar As of Sep 30, As of Mar 31, 2015 2015 計 (A) 1,616 69,210 - 20,340 91,168 (Reference)Amount of partial direct writeoff executed (参考)部分直接償却実施額 9,548 1,606 1,277 7,942 8,270 Total loans (Term-end balance) 貸 出 金 残 高 ( 末 残 ) 4,274,437 69,875 85,016 4,204,562 4,189,420 Loans to bankrupt borrowers Non-accrual delinquent loans Loans past due 3 month or more Restructured loans Total risk-monitored loans 破 延 綻 先 滞 債 債 権 権 額 額 3ヶ月以上延滞債権額 貸出条件緩和債権額 合 (A)-(B) 44 (6,122) (5) 2,830 (3,252) (A)-(C) (25) (8,114) - 1,303 (6,836) (B) 1,571 75,333 5 17,510 94,420 (C) 1,642 77,324 - 19,037 98,004 (2)Ratio of Risk-monitored loans to total loans (%) As of 31,2016 (Japanese) Loans to bankrupt borrowers Non-accrual delinquent loans Loans past due 3 month or more Restructured loans Total risk-monitored loans 破 延 綻 先 滞 債 債 権 権 (A) 0.03 1.61 - 0.47 2.13 額 額 3ヶ月以上延滞債権額 貸出条件緩和債権額 合 Mar 計 As of Sep 30, As of Mar 31, 2015 2015 (A)-(B) 0.00 (0.18) 0.00 0.06 (0.11) (A)-(C) 0.00 (0.23) - 0.02 (0.20) 【Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd. (Consolidated basis)】 (1)Risk-monitored loans (C) 0.03 1.84 - 0.45 2.33 (Millions of yen) As of 31,2016 (Japanese) (B) 0.03 1.79 0.00 0.41 2.24 Mar As of Sep 30, As of Mar 31, 2015 2015 計 (A) 1,704 69,914 - 20,340 91,959 (Reference)Amount of partial direct writeoff executed (参考)部分直接償却実施額 11,342 1,315 1,009 10,027 10,333 Total loans (Term-end balance) 貸 出 金 残 高 ( 末 残 ) 4,235,174 69,551 84,707 4,165,622 4,150,466 Loans to bankrupt borrowers Non-accrual delinquent loans Loans past due 3 month or more Restructured loans Total risk-monitored loans 破 延 綻 先 滞 債 債 権 権 額 額 3ヶ月以上延滞債権額 貸出条件緩和債権額 合 (A)-(B) 12 (6,367) (5) 2,830 (3,529) (A)-(C) (70) (8,289) - 1,303 (7,056) (B) 1,691 76,282 5 17,510 95,489 (C) 1,774 78,203 - 19,037 99,016 (2)Ratio of Risk-monitored loans to total loans Item Loans to bankrupt borrowers Non-accrual delinquent loans Loans past due 3 month or more Restructured loans Total risk-monitored loans (%) As of 31,2016 (Japanese) 破 綻 先 債 権 額 延 滞 債 権 額 3ヶ月以上延滞債権額 貸出条件緩和債権額 合 計 - 15 - Mar (A) 0.04 1.65 - 0.48 2.17 As of Sep 30, As of Mar 31, 2015 2015 (A)-(B) 0.00 (0.18) 0.00 0.06 (0.12) (A)-(C) 0.00 (0.23) - 0.03 (0.21) (B) 0.04 1.83 0.00 0.42 2.29 (C) 0.04 1.88 - 0.45 2.38 2. Allowance for Loan Losses 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-consolidated basis)】 (Japanese) Allowance for loan losses 貸 倒 引 当 (Millions of yen) As of 31,2016 (A) 33,328 17,994 15,334 - 金 General allowance for loan losses 一 般 貸 倒 引 当 金 Specific allowance for loan losses 個 別 貸 倒 引 当 金 Allowance for specific foreign debtors 特定海外債権引当勘定 Mar As of Sep 30, As of Mar 31, 2015 2015 (A)-(B) (2,782) 1,068 (3,850) - (A)-(C) (5,680) (1,704) (3,976) - 【Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd. (Consolidated basis)】 Allowance for loan losses General allowance for loan losses 一 般 貸 倒 引 当 金 Specific allowance for loan losses 個 別 貸 倒 引 当 金 Allowance for specific foreign debtors 特定海外債権引当勘定 Mar (A) 40,679 20,007 20,671 - 貸 倒 引 当 金 合 計 (C) 39,009 19,698 19,311 - (Millions of yen) As of 31,2016 (Japanese) (B) 36,111 16,926 19,185 - As of Sep 30, As of Mar 31, 2015 2015 (A)-(B) (3,496) 944 (4,440) - (A)-(C) (3,222) (1,964) (1,258) - (B) 44,175 19,063 25,112 - (C) 43,901 21,971 21,930 - 3. Ratio to Reserve for Total Risk-monitored Loans 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-consolidated basis)】 As of 31,2016 (Japanese) Before partial direct write-off After partial direct write-off (%) Mar (A) 42.84 36.52 部 分 直 接 償 却 前 部 分 直 接 償 却 後 As of Sep 30, As of Mar 31, 2015 2015 (A)-(B) (0.48) (1.69) (A)-(C) (1.92) (3.25) (B) 43.32 38.21 【Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd. (Consolidated basis)】 Before partial direct write-off After partial direct write-off (%) As of 31,2016 (Japanese) (C) 44.76 39.77 部 分 直 接 償 却 前 部 分 直 接 償 却 後 - 16 - Mar (A) 50.67 44.20 As of Sep 30, As of Mar 31, 2015 2015 (A)-(B) (1.03) (2.02) (A)-(C) 0.77 (0.10) (B) 51.70 46.22 (C) 49.90 44.30 4. Disclosed Claims under the Financial Revitalization Law 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-consolidated basis)】 (Millions of yen) As of 31,2016 (Japanese) Mar (A) Bankrupt and substantially bankrupt claims Doubtful claims Claims requiring supervision Subtotal Normal claims Total Ratio of disclosed claims under the Financial Revitalization Law (Reference) Amount of partial direct write-off executed 破産更生債権及びこれら に 準 ず る 債 権 危 険 債 権 As of Sep 30, As of Mar 31, 2015 2015 (A)-(B) (A)-(C) (B) 4,975 (370) (1,840) 5,346 6,816 権 計 権 計 66,152 20,340 91,469 4,262,153 4,353,623 (5,911) 2,825 (3,456) 82,030 78,573 (6,418) 1,303 (6,956) 104,164 97,208 72,063 17,515 94,926 4,180,123 4,275,049 72,571 19,037 98,426 4,157,988 4,256,415 金融再生法開示債権比率 2.10% (0.12%) (0.21%) 2.22% 2.31% (参考)部分直接償却実施額 9,548 1,606 1,277 7,942 8,270 要 小 正 合 管 理 常 債 債 【Ashikaga Holdings Co, Ltd. (Consolidated basis)】 (Millions of yen) As of 31,2016 (Japanese) Mar (A) Bankrupt and substantially bankrupt claims (C) As of Sep 30, As of Mar 31, 2015 2015 (A)-(B) (A)-(C) (B) (C) 破産更生債権及びこれら に 準 ず る 債 権 危 険 債 権 要 管 理 債 権 小 計 正 常 債 権 合 計 5,789 (661) (2,089) 6,450 7,878 66,261 20,340 92,391 4,225,079 4,317,471 (5,918) 2,825 (3,754) 82,248 78,493 (6,418) 1,303 (7,205) 104,339 97,133 72,180 17,515 96,146 4,142,831 4,238,977 72,680 19,037 99,597 4,120,740 4,220,337 Ratio of disclosed claims under the Financial Revitalization Law 金融再生法開示債権比率 2.13% (0.13%) (0.22%) 2.26% 2.35% (Reference) Amount of partial direct write-off executed (参考)部分直接償却実施額 11,342 1,315 1,009 10,027 10,333 Doubtful claims Claims requiring supervision Subtotal Normal claims Total 5. Status of Coverage on Disclosed Claims under the Financial Revitalization Law 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-consolidated basis)】 (Millions of yen) As of 31,2016 (Japanese) Mar Coverage amount ② Portion covered by allowance Reserve for specific debtors 保 貸 担 ② 金 等 (A) 69,236 18,891 50,344 Total disclosed claims under the Financial Revitalization Law ① 金融再生法開示債権残高① 91,469 全 額 倒 引 当 保 保 証 As of Sep 30, As of Mar 31, 2015 2015 (A)-(B) (5,749) (3,415) (2,333) (A)-(C) (7,064) (3,770) (3,293) (B) 74,985 22,307 52,678 (C) 76,300 22,662 53,638 (3,456) (6,956) 94,926 98,426 (%) Coverage ratio ②/① 保 全 率 ② / ① 75.69 (3.30) (1.83) 78.99 77.52 (Reference) Breakdown of Disclosed claims under the Financial Revitalization Law (As of Mar 31, 2016) Bankrupt and substantially bankrupt claims Doubtful claims Claims requiring supervision 破産更正債 権及びこれら 危 険 債 権 要 管 理 債 権 合 に準ずる債権 Total claims outstanding Collateral and guarantees Uncoverage amount Allowance for loan losses Coverage amount Allowance ratio Coverage ratio 与 信 残 担 保 保 証 等 保 全 非 保 全 貸 倒 引 当 保 引 保 全 当 全 ① ② ③=①-② ④ 額 ⑤=②+④ 率 ④/③ 率 ⑤/① 高 額 額 金 - 17 - 4,975 3,550 1,424 1,424 4,975 100.00% 100.00% 66,152 39,046 27,106 13,963 53,010 51.51% 80.13% 20,340 7,746 12,593 3,502 11,249 27.81% 55.30% Total 計 91,469 50,344 41,124 18,891 69,236 45.93% 75.69% 6. Loan Portfolio (1) Classification of loans by type of industry 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-consolidated basis)】 As of 31,2016 (Japanese) Total Manufacturing Agriculture / Forestry Fishery Mining / Quarrying of stone / Gravel Construction Electricity, gas and water Telecommunication Transportation / Postal activities Wholesale / Retail services Financial and insurance services Real estate / Goods rental and leasing 合 計 製 造 業 農 業 、 林 業 漁 業 鉱業、採石業、砂利採取業 建 設 業 電気・ガス・熱供給・水道業 情 報 通 信 業 運 輸 業 、 郵 便 業 卸 売 業 、 小 売 業 金 融 業 、 保 険 業 不動産業、物品賃貸業 そ の 他 サ ー ビ ス 業 国 ・ 地 方 公 共 団 体 Services Government / Local government そ Others の (Millions of yen) 他 Mar (A) 4,274,437 500,153 11,489 514 5,474 149,759 43,145 20,287 102,787 395,757 184,346 483,484 307,272 504,820 1,565,139 As of Sep 30, As of Mar 31, 2015 2015 (A)-(B) 69,875 (3,655) 497 (23) (171) 7,444 1,920 (19,037) 1,190 334 (11,406) 13,778 6,343 24,929 47,734 (A)-(C) 85,017 (16,230) 1,129 (10) (329) 5,585 3,404 (20,824) (324) (158) (14,328) 36,635 10,901 (15,177) 94,743 (2) Classification of risk-monitored loans by type of industry 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-consolidated basis)】 As of 31,2016 (Japanese) Total Manufacturing Agriculture / Forestry Fishery 合 計 製 造 業 農 業 、 林 業 漁 業 Mining / Quarrying of stone / Gravel 鉱業、採石業、砂利採取業 Construction Electricity, gas and water Telecommunication Transportation / Postal activities Wholesale / Retail services Financial and insurance services Real estate / Goods rental and leasing Services Government / Local government Others 建 設 業 電気・ガス・熱供給・水道業 情 報 通 信 業 運 輸 業 、 郵 便 業 卸 売 業 、 小 売 業 金 融 業 、 保 険 業 不動産業、物品賃貸業 そ の 他 サ ー ビ ス 業 国 ・ 地 方 公 共 団 体 そ の 他 - 18 - (C) 4,189,420 516,383 10,360 524 5,803 144,174 39,741 41,111 103,111 395,915 198,674 446,849 296,371 519,997 1,470,396 (Millions of yen) Mar (A) 91,168 27,963 331 - - 5,774 - 481 2,981 17,465 92 11,719 10,909 - 13,448 (B) 4,204,562 503,808 10,992 537 5,645 142,315 41,225 39,324 101,597 395,423 195,752 469,706 300,929 479,891 1,517,405 As of Sep 30, As of Mar 31, 2015 2015 (A)-(B) (3,252) 3,305 118 - (52) (566) (2) (148) (103) (1,550) 4 (441) (4,219) - 402 (A)-(C) (6,836) 784 94 - (69) (1,152) - (80) 355 (496) 19 (2,697) (4,071) - 477 (B) 94,420 24,657 213 - 52 6,341 2 629 3,084 19,015 88 12,160 15,128 - 13,046 (C) 98,004 27,178 237 - 69 6,927 - 561 2,625 17,961 73 14,416 14,981 - 12,971 (3) Consumer loans 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-consolidated basis)】 (Japanese) Consumer loans Housing loans Other loans (Millions of yen) As of 31,2016 消 費 者 ロ ー ン 残 高 住 宅 ロ ー ン 残 高 そ の 他 ロ ー ン 残 高 Mar (A) 1,694,476 1,647,528 46,948 As of Sep 30, As of Mar 31, 2015 2015 (A)-(B) 53,556 49,543 4,013 (A)-(C) 108,593 100,545 8,048 (B) 1,640,920 1,597,985 42,935 (4) Loans to small-and-medium-sized enterprises 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-consolidated basis)】 (Millions of yen) As of 31,2016 (Japanese) Mar (A) Loans to Small and medium-sized 中小企業等貸出残高 enterprises Ratio of small and medium-sized 中小企業等貸出比率 enterprises loans (C) 1,585,883 1,546,983 38,900 As of Sep 30, As of Mar 31, 2015 2015 (A)-(B) (A)-(C) (B) (C) 3,205,981 84,475 169,103 3,121,506 3,036,878 75.00% 0.76% 2.52% 74.24% 72.48% 7. Loans to Entities Overseas by Country 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-consolidated basis)】 (1) Specific overseas loans Not applicable (2) Loans to Asian Countries (Millions of yen) As of 31,2016 (Japanese) Mar (A) China 中 495 - 495 - 国 (Of which, risk-monitored loans) ( う ち リ ス ク 管 理 債 権 ) Total 合 計 (Of which, risk-monitored loans) ( う ち リ ス ク 管 理 債 権 ) As of Sep 30, As of Mar 31, 2015 2015 (A)-(B) 15 - 15 - (A)-(C) 15 - 15 - (B) (C) 479 - 479 - 480 - 480 - (3) Loans to Latin American Countries Not applicable (4) Loans to Russia Not applicable 8. Outstanding Balance of Deposits and Loans 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-consolidated basis)】 (Millions of yen) As of 31,2016 (Japanese) Deposits (Terms-end balance) Deposits (Average balance) Loans (Terms-end balance) Loans (Average balance) 預 金 ( 末 残 ) 預 金 ( 平 残 ) 貸 出 金 ( 末 残 ) 貸 出 金 ( 平 残 ) Mar (A) 5,224,561 5,043,012 4,274,437 4,173,068 - 19 - As of Sep 30, As of Mar 31, 2015 2015 (A)-(B) 166,443 15,037 69,875 27,708 (A)-(C) 139,176 99,948 85,016 127,531 (B) 5,058,117 5,027,975 4,204,562 4,145,359 (C) 5,085,385 4,943,064 4,189,420 4,045,537 Ⅳ Valuation Gains (Losses) on Securities 1. Valuation Standards of Securities 売 有 Securities held-to-maturity 買 価 Market value method (Valuation differences are recognized 的 券 as gains or losses and stated in statement of income) 時価法(評価差額を損益処理) 満 期 保 有 目 的 Amortized cost method 債 券 償却原価法 Trading purpose securities 目 証 Other securities (available-forMarket value method (Valuation differences are stated in net そ の 他 有 価 証券 sale securities) assets of balance sheet) 時価法(評価差額は全部純資産直入) Stocks of subsidiaries and 子 会 社 及 び Cost accounting method 原価法 関連会社株式 affiliated companies 2. Unrealized Valuation Gains (Losses) on Other Securities (available-for-sale securities) 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-consolidated basis)】 (Millions of yen) As of Mar 31, 2016 As of Sep 30, 2015 As of Mar 31, 2015 Unrealized valuation gains Unrealized valuation gains (losses) (losses) Unrealized valuation gains (losses) (A) 満期保有 目 的 Bonds 債 券 Others そ の 他 Other (available- そ の 他 有 for-sale) 価 証 券 Stocks 株 式 Bonds 債 券 Others そ の 他 Total 合 計 Stocks 株 式 Bonds 債 券 Others そ の 他 Held-to-maturity (A)-(B) (A)-(C) Valuation Valuation gains losses (B) Valuation Valuation gains losses (C) Valuation Valuation gains losses 13,840 3,740 3,794 13,840 - 10,099 10,099 - 10,045 10,045 - 13,781 3,789 3,896 13,781 - 9,991 9,991 - 9,885 9,885 - 58 (48) (101) 58 - 107 107 - 160 160 - 71,633 19,372 4,128 75,624 3,991 52,260 55,473 3,213 67,504 68,714 1,209 29,438 (1,732) (6,800) 29,515 76 31,171 31,220 49 36,239 36,277 38 30,974 17,042 15,841 31,283 308 13,932 14,452 519 15,133 15,480 347 11,219 4,062 (4,912) 14,825 3,605 7,156 9,800 2,643 16,131 16,956 824 85,473 23,113 7,922 89,464 3,991 62,359 65,572 3,213 77,550 78,760 1,209 29,438 (1,732) (6,800) 29,515 76 31,171 31,220 49 36,239 36,277 38 44,756 20,832 19,737 45,064 308 23,923 24,443 519 25,018 25,366 347 11,278 4,013 (5,014) 14,883 3,605 7,264 9,908 2,643 16,292 17,116 824 (Note) Stocks in other securities (available-for-sale securities) that have market prices are stated at their average market prices during the final month of the fiscal year, and bonds and others that have market prices are stated at their fiscal year-end market prices. (注) 時価は、株式については期末前1か月の市場価格等の平均に基づいて算定された額に、またそれ以外については、期末日における市場価格に 基づいております。 【Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd. (Consolidated basis)】 (Millions of yen) As of Mar 31, 2016 As of Sep 30, 2015 As of Mar 31, 2015 Unrealized valuation gains Unrealized valuation gains (losses) (losses) Unrealized valuation gains (losses) (A) 満期保有 目 的 Bonds 債 券 Others そ の 他 Other (available- そ の 他 有 for-sale) 価 証 券 Stocks 株 式 Bonds 債 券 Others そ の 他 Total 合 計 Stocks 株 式 Bonds 債 券 Others そ の 他 Held-to-maturity (A)-(B) (A)-(C) Valuation Valuation gains losses (B) Valuation Valuation gains losses (C) Valuation Valuation gains losses 13,840 3,740 3,794 13,840 - 10,099 10,099 - 10,045 10,045 - 13,781 3,789 3,896 13,781 - 9,991 9,991 - 9,885 9,885 - 58 (48) (101) 58 - 107 107 - 160 160 - 68,225 19,364 4,326 72,825 4,600 48,860 52,596 3,736 63,898 65,536 1,638 26,030 (1,740) (6,604) 26,717 686 27,771 28,343 572 32,635 33,101 466 30,974 17,042 15,843 31,283 308 13,932 14,451 519 15,130 15,478 347 11,219 4,062 (4,912) 14,825 3,605 7,156 9,800 2,643 16,131 16,956 824 82,065 23,105 8,121 86,666 4,600 58,959 62,695 3,736 73,944 75,582 1,638 26,030 (1,740) (6,604) 26,717 686 27,771 28,343 572 32,635 33,101 466 44,756 20,832 19,739 45,064 308 23,923 24,443 519 25,016 25,363 347 11,278 4,013 (5,014) 14,883 3,605 7,264 9,908 2,643 16,292 17,116 824 (Note) Stocks in other securities (available-for-sale securities) that have market prices are stated at their average market prices during the final month of the fiscal year, and bonds and others that have market prices are stated at their fiscal year-end market prices. (注) 時価は、株式については期末前1か月の市場価格等の平均に基づいて算定された額に、またそれ以外については、期末日における市場価格に 基づいております。 - 20 - V Retirement Benefits 1. Retirement Benefit Obligation, etc. 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-consolidated basis)】 (Millions of yen) FY 2015 (A) 退 職 給 付 債 務 残 高 (42,576) (A)-(B) (3,866) FY 2014 (B) (38,709) (退職金制度割引率) 1.0% - 1.0% (年金制度割引率) 0.3% (0.9%) 1.2% (Japanese) Projected retirement benefit obligation ① (Discount rate for retirement benefit) (Discount rate for pension plan) Fair value of plan assets ② 年 金 資 産 時 価 総 額 53,061 444 52,617 Unrecognized prior service cost ③ 未認識過去勤務債務 (1,012) 144 (1,157) Unrecognized actuarial differences ④ 未認識数理計算上の差異 3,314 5,163 (1,849) Sub total (①+②+③+④) 貸借対照表計上額の純額 12,786 1,886 10,899 Prepaid pension cost う ち 前 払 年 金 費 用 12,786 1,886 10,899 Reserve for employee retirement benefits うち退職給付引当金 - - - 【Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd. (Consolidated basis)】 (Millions of yen) FY 2015 (A) 退 職 給 付 債 務 残 高 (42,752) (A)-(B) (3,879) FY 2014 (B) (38,872) (退職金制度割引率) 1.0% - 1.0% (年金制度割引率) 0.3% (0.9%) 1.2% (Japanese) Projected retirement benefit obligation ① (Discount rate for retirement benefit) (Discount rate for pension plan) Fair value of plan assets ② 年 金 資 産 時 価 総 額 53,199 441 52,757 Sub total (①+②) 連結貸借対照表計上額の純額 10,446 (3,438) 13,884 Net defined benefit asset うち退職給付に係る資産 10,446 (3,438) 13,884 Net defined benefit liability うち退職給付に係る負債 - - - 2. Retirement Benefit Costs 【The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. (Non-consolidated basis)】 (Millions of yen) FY 2015 (A) 退 職 給 付 費 用 1,156 (A)-(B) (809) FY 2014 (B) 1,966 (Japanese) Retirement benefit costs Service cost 勤 務 費 用 1,815 (102) 1,918 Interest cost 利 息 費 用 442 (10) 452 Expected return on plan assets 期 益 (1,736) (444) (1,291) Amortization of prior service cost 過 去 勤 務 債 務 償 却 (144) - (144) Recognized actuarial gain or loss 数理計算上の差異償却 767 (249) 1,017 Other retirement cost そ 12 (2) 14 待 運 用 の 収 他 【Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd. (Consolidated basis)】 (Millions of yen) FY 2015 (A) 退 職 給 付 費 用 1,157 (Japanese) Retirement benefit costs - 21 - (A)-(B) (812) FY 2014 (B) 1,969 Ⅵ Tax Effect Breakdown of sources for deferred tax assets and liabilities 【Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd. (Consolidated basis)】 (Millions of yen) Tax loss carryforwards FY 2015 (Japanese) (A) 税務上の繰越欠損金 1,593 Liability for retirement benefits 退職給付に係る負債 Allowance for loan losses 貸 Write-offs of securities 有 Other そ FY 2014 (A)-(B) (B) (5,362) 6,956 3,493 994 2,499 金 14,440 (1,204) 15,644 券 11,592 (693) 12,285 他 5,968 911 5,056 Subtotal deferred tax assets ① 繰 延 税 金 資 産 小 計 37,087 (5,354) 42,441 Less valuation allowance ② 評 額 (21,049) 6,574 (27,623) Total of deferred tax assets ③ (①+②) 繰 延 税 金 資 産 合 計 16,038 1,220 14,818 Unrealized gains on available-for-sale securities その他有価証券評価差額金 19,697 504 19,193 Property revaluations in preparing consolidated financial statements 連結時固定資産簿価修正 737 (40) 777 Other そ 他 93 76 16 Total deferred tax liabilities ④ 繰 延 税 金 負 債 合 計 20,528 540 19,988 Net deferred tax assets (③-④) 繰延税金資産の純額 (4,490) 679 (5,170) 倒 引 価 当 証 の 価 - 22 - 性 の 引 当
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