Coastal Ocean Processes Hans Burchard, Ulf Gräwe and Lars Umlauf October 14, 2015 Contents 1 Basic equations 1.1 Dynamic equations . . . . . . . 1.1.1 Reynolds decomposition 1.1.2 Shallow-water equations 1.1.3 Boundary condition . . . 1.2 Tracer equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 2 3 6 7 2 Frictional effects and Ekman theory 2.1 Pressure-driven, non-rotating flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Ekman theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 11 15 3 Vertically integrated shallow-water equations 21 4 Bottom gravity currents 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Governing equations . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Non-rotating flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.1 Similarity solutions . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2 Formulation as a diffusion problem 4.4 The effect of rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Gravity current in a rotating channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 23 24 26 26 28 29 33 5 Entrainment 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Basic framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Evolution of the surface mixed layer . . . . . . . 5.3.1 Energetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Entrainment models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.1 Models based on energy partitioning . . 5.4.2 Models based on stability considerations 5.5 Further reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 45 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Surface waves in the coastal ocean 6.1 Observational evidence . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.1 Wave height and period . . . . . . . 6.1.2 The random-phase/amplitude model 6.1.3 The variance density spectrum . . . . 6.2 Small-amplitude wave theory . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Wave kinematics and pressure . . . . . . . . 6.3.1 The dispersion relationship . . . . . . 6.3.2 Phase velocity and group velocity . . 6.3.3 Wave induced pressure . . . . . . . . 6.4 Wave energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5 Wave propagation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5.1 Shoaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5.2 Refraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5.3 Currents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6 Radiation stress and wave setup . . . . . . . 6.6.1 Radiation stress . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6.2 Wave setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 47 48 49 49 51 53 54 54 55 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 7 Shallow-water waves and tides 7.1 Tidal current profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 63 8 Estuarine circulation 8.1 Observational evidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 The Knudsen relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3 Idealised dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 69 74 75 ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 1 Basic equations 1.1 Dynamic equations The hydrodynamical processes discussed in this lecture will be based on a wellknown mathematical framework usually referred to as the Navier-Stokes equations. Not only in the ocean, these equations have been shown to successfully describe the flow of so-called viscous Newtonian fluids under virtually all circumstances. Their derviation from material properties of viscous fluids, and the basic laws of classical mechanics and thermodynamics is discussed in detail in the lecture on “Hydrodyamics”, and in the following only some of the main results are briefly summarized. Here, the Navier-Stokes equations are formulated in Cartesian coordinates, with the x1 -axis (or x-axis) pointing eastwards, the x2 -axis (or y-axis) pointing northwards and the x3 -axis (or z-axis) pointing upwards. The origin of the z axis is at the mean (or reference) sea level such that the bulk of the ocean is associated with negative z-values. The components of the velocity vector in this local coordinate system are denoted as u1 = u, u2 = v and u3 = w. Under the socalled Boussinesq approximation (density variations are taken into account only in the buoyancy term), the Navier-Stokes equations on the rotating Earth can be written as 1 ∂p g ∂ 2 ui ∂ui ∂(ui uj ) + 2ǫijk Ωj uk = − − ρδi3 + ν 2 , + ∂t ∂xj ρ0 ∂xi ρ0 ∂xj (1.1) with the pressure p, the gravitational acceleration g, the density ρ, the constant reference density ρ0 (typically set to 1000 kg m−3 ), the kinematic viscosity ν (typically of the order of 10−6 m s−2 ), and the Earth rotation Ωj with components Ω1 = 0, Ω2 = Ω cos φ and Ω3 = Ω sin φ, where φ is the local latitude, and Ω = 2π/86164 s−1 the rotation rate of the Earth. The third term in (1.1) is thus recognized as the Coriolis force. 1 The balance of mass is identical to that of an imcompressible fluid: ∂ui = 0, ∂xi (1.2) where it should be clear that, with the Boussinesq assumption, this does not imply that density is constant, as evident already from the appearence of the buyoancy term in (1.1). To close this system of 4 equations for the 5 state variables u1 , u2 , u3 , p and ρ, the density is usually calculated from a so-called equation of state as a function of pressure, temperature, and salinity. This requires additional transport equations for the latter two quantities as discussed in more detail below. 1.1.1 Reynolds decomposition In virtually all geophysical problems, the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations is further complicated by the fact that the flows are generally turbulent, i.e. involving stochastic fluctuations that are impossible to predict on longer time scales. The standard procedure to attack this problem is the decomposition of any flow variable X into a mean component, hXi, obtained from the ensemble average of many (infinitely many, to be precise) identical flow experiments, and a fluctuating component X ′ such that X = hXi + X ′ . After Obsborn Reynolds, who first introduced this important concept, this decomposition into mean and fluctuating parts is often referred to as the Reynolds decomposition. By definition, the ensemble average denoted by the angular brackets has the properties hX ′ i = 0 and hhXii = hXi, i.e. the average of fluctuations is zero, and ensemble averaging does not change a mean quantity. Further, it can be shown that the averaging operator obeys the following important properties: 1. Linearity: hX + λY i = hXi + λhY i, (1.3) where λ is a constant. 2. Derivatives and averages commute: ∂X ∂hXi = , ∂x ∂x ∂X ∂t = ∂hXi , ∂t (1.4) 3. Product average: hXhY ii = hXihY i. (1.5) Inserting the decomposition into mean and fluctuating components for all variables in (1.1) and (1.2), averaging the resulting expressions, and using the 2 averaging rules summarized in (1.3) - (1.5), the so-called Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations are obtained: ∂hui i ∂(hui ihuj i) + + 2ǫijk Ωj huk i = ∂t ∂xj (1.6) 1 ∂hpi g ∂ − − hρiδi3 + ρ0 ∂xi ρ0 ∂xj ∂hui i ′ ′ ν − hui uj i , ∂xj ∂hui i =0 . (1.7) ∂xi Since all terms except the advection terms are linear, only the appearence of the latter is changed due to the following transformation: hui uj i = hui ihuj i + hu′i u′j i. Thus, an additional divergence term appears, which has been merged together with the existing diffusion term in (1.6). The quantity hu′i u′j i is called the Reynolds stress tensor. It is symmetric, and hence introduces 6 new unknowns, such that the mathematically closed Navier-Stokes equations have been converted into an underdetermined set of equations for the mean quantities. The “closure” of this problem is a complex topic in itself, and not discussed here in any detail (interested students are referred to our lecture on “Marine Turbulence”). Some very basic ideas for closing the system will be discussed below. 1.1.2 Shallow-water equations The Reynolds averaged Boussinesq equations in (1.6) describe most geophysical flow problems - but in many cases nearly identical results can be obtained also with much simpler equations. The most important simplification in geophysical applications is related to the fact that geophysical flows (oceans, lakes, atmospheres) are often very shallow, i.e. their vertical scale H is much smaller than their horizontal scale L. Assuming H/L ≪ 1 (small aspect ratio), it has been 3 shown in the lecture on Hydrodynamics that (1.6) become ∂hui ∂hui ∂hui ∂hui + hui + hvi + hwi − f hvi = ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂hui ∂ 1 ∂hpi ′ ′ ν + − hu w i , − ρ0 ∂x ∂z ∂z ∂hvi ∂hvi ∂hvi ∂hvi + hui + hvi + hwi + f hui = ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂hvi ∂ 1 ∂hpi ′ ′ ν + − hv w i , − ρ0 ∂y ∂z ∂z (1.8) ∂hpi = −ghρi . ∂z where we have introduced the Coriolis parameter f = 2Ω sin φ for convenience. These equation are usually called the shallow water equation. The most important change is identified in the vertical component, which has degenerated into the so-called hydrostatic balance for the pressure. Note that in the derivation of (1.8), we have also assumed that the horizontal Reynolds stresses are neglible. This additional assumption does not directly follow from the shallow-water assumption because without knowledge about the horizontal and vertical turbulent scales nothing can be said about the relative importance of vertical and horizontal Reynolds stresses. For the idealized flows considered in this lecture this assumption does not impose any constraints but in more complex shallow-water flows it is not guaranteed to be justified. In analogy with the gradient relations for the molecular fluxes, the vertical turbulent fluxes of momentum (or the vertical Reynolds stresses) appearing in (1.8) are often expressed as hu′ w ′i = −νt ∂hui , ∂z hv ′ w ′i = −νt ∂hvi , ∂z (1.9) where it should be noted that the vertical turbulent diffusivity, νt , usually is several orders of magnitude larger than its molecular equivalent ν. If νt would be known, the equations would be closed. At the most basic level, one could for example assume that νt corresponds to a prescribed constant, from which some interesting solutions of (1.8) can be obtained (see below). It is important to realize, however, that in essentially all relevant flows the turbulent diffusivity exhibits are strong spatial and temporal variability that is inconsistent with the assumption of constant νt . More complex and more generally valid models for the computation of νt are available from turbulence theory but none of them has so far proved to be universally applicable to all flows. 4 Inserting (1.9) into (1.8) and omitting the brackets denoting the ensemble averages (this convention will be used in all of the following, except noted otherwise) leads to the following form of the three-dimensional shallow water equations: ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂u +u +v +w − fv = ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂u ∂ 1 ∂p (νt + ν) + − ρ0 ∂x ∂z ∂z ∂v ∂v ∂v ∂v +u +v +w + fu = ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z 1 ∂p ∂v ∂ − (νt + ν) + ρ0 ∂y ∂z ∂z (1.10) ∂p = −gρ . ∂z The pressure p is typically eliminated from the shallow water equations by vertically integrating the hydrostatic equilibrium from a position z in the water column up to the surface η: ∂p = −gρ ∂z ⇒ p(η) − p(z) = −g Z η ρ dz z Z η ∂p(η) ∂p(z) ∂ ⇒ ρ dz − = −g ∂x ∂x ∂x z Z η ∂η ∂ρ ∂p(η) ∂p(z) − = −g dz − gρ(η) ⇒ ∂x ∂x ∂x z ∂x (1.11) where in the last step Leibniz’ rule of differential has been used. With the atmospheric pressure at the sea surface denoted as pa = p(η) and the approximation ρ(η) ≈ ρ0 (consistent with the Boussinesq assumption), the pressure gradient can be formulated as Z 1 ∂p ∂η g η ∂ρ 1 ∂pa − = −g − dz − , (1.12) ρ0 ∂x ∂x ρ0 z ∂x ρ0 ∂x where we have divided by ρ0 . Thus, the horizontal pressure gradient includes contributions from (a) the sea surface slope (external or barotropic pressure gradient), (b) the integrated density gradient (internal or baroclinic pressure gradient), and (c) the atmospheric pressure gradient. The treatment of the pressure 5 gradient in the y-direction is completely analogous. After substitution of these results into (1.10), the shallow water equations can be expressed in the following form: ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂u +u +v +w − fv = ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z Z ∂η ∂u g η ∂ρ 1 ∂pa ∂ −g (νt + ν) − dz − + ∂x ρ0 z ∂x ρ0 ∂x ∂z ∂z ∂v ∂v ∂v ∂v +u +v +w + fu = ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z Z ∂η ∂v g η ∂ρ 1 ∂pa ∂ −g (νt + ν) − dz − + ∂y ρ0 z ∂y ρ0 ∂y ∂z ∂z 1.1.3 (1.13) . Boundary condition As discussed in more detail in the lecture on “Hydrodynamics”, at the boundaries different types of boundary conditions have to be satisfied, depending on both the flow kinematics and the material properties of the fluid. Kinematic boundary conditions are derived from purely kinematical arguments, and have to be obeyed by all fluids, irrespective of their material properties. They follow from the assumption that the boundary of the fluid consists of the same material fluid particles for all times. For the geometries considered here, this is mathematically expressed as ∂η ∂η ∂η + u(η) + v(η) , w(η) = ∂t ∂x ∂y (1.14) ∂H ∂H − v(−H) . w(−H) = −u(−H) ∂x ∂y where z = −H(x, y) denotes the bottom, and z = η(x, y, t) the free surface. These important relations have to be satisfied for any flow, and for any type of fluid (e.g., viscous or inviscid). The expressions in (1.14) are useful for obtaining an evolution equation for the free surface η, starting from the continuity equation (1.2) in component form: ∂u ∂v ∂w + + =0 . ∂x ∂y ∂z (1.15) To this end, (1.15) is integrated term-by-term from the bottom z = −H(x, y) to the surface z = η(x, y, t). Then, the horizontal derivatives are moved out of the integrals using Leibniz’ rule, and the terms involving the vertical velocity are 6 replaced with the help of (1.14). The yields Z η Z η ∂ ∂ ∂η u(z) dz − v(z) dz = − ∂t ∂x −H ∂y −H (1.16) ∂V ∂U − , = − ∂x ∂y where the integrated velocities U and V are usually referred to as the horizontal transports. This relation, which will prove to be useful in later chapters, therefore states that any horizontal divergence in the transports results in a local rise or fall of the water level. For the special case of a viscous fluid, so-called dynamic boundary conditions are derived from the assumption that the velocity of a fluid particle directly adjacent to a rigid wall moves with the speed of the wall (e.g., it is zero if the wall doesn’t move). For the bottom boundary, this yields the simple relation u = 0 at z = −H(x, y) . (1.17) Equivalent to these Dirichlet-type boundary conditions, von Neumann boundary conditions involving the momentum flux, instead of momentum itself, can be formulated for the lower boundary: ν ∂u τb = ∂n ρ0 at z = −H(x, y) , (1.18) where τ b is the momentum flux into the fluid at the bottom, and n denotes the local coordinate normal to the bottom (directed away from the fluid into the bottom). Note that the bottom momentum flux is equal to the stress exerted by the bottom on the fluid. Similarly, the boundary conditions at the surface is ∂u τs ν = ∂n ρ0 at z = η(x, y, t) , (1.19) where n is again the outward unit normal vector, and τ s denotes the momentum flux into the fluid at the surface, or the stress exerted by the atmosphere on the fluid. 1.2 Tracer equations From the appearance of ρ in the Boussinesq equations (1.1), it is evident that both θ and S may be essential for the dynamics of the system because these quantities have a strong effect on the density of the fluid. It is known from the thermodynamics of viscous fluids that the dependency of density on these 7 quantities is given by an empirical equation of state that is of the following general form: ρ = ρ(θ, S, p) . (1.20) For water at surface pressure, this relation is displayed in Figure 1.1, illustrating that density generally increases with salinity but decreases with temperature, except for temperatures below the temperature of maximum density (approximately 4 °C for fresh water). 1025 1000.2 1020 25 −3 −3 ρ (kg m ) 20 1015 ρ (kg m ) 1000 15 1010 10 999.8 999.6 1005 5 1000 995 999.4 0 0 5 10 T (°C) 999.2 15 0 5 10 T (°C) 15 Figure 1.1: Left: Density as function of temperature for salinities ranging from 0 to 25 g/kg. Right: same as left, but enlarged for zero salinity (freshwater). The square dots denote the freezing point, while the bullets denote the maximum density temperature. In many idealised process-oriented applications, the full non-linearity of the equation of state is not needed. In this cases, a linearised form is frequently used: ρ = 1 − α(θ − θ0 ) + β(S − S0 ) (1.21) ρ0 with constant reference values ρ0 , θ0 and S0 , thermal expansion coefficient α, and haline contraction coefficient β. Typical values for temperate ocean water are α = 2 · 10−4 K−1 and β = 8 · 10−4 kg g−1 . Note that in (1.21), the pressure dependency is entirely ignored. This is justified for the idealized problems discussed in the following, as well in situations with small water depth and thus small pressure variations. In many other cases, however, the compressibility of sea water does matter (e.g. by adiabatically changing the temperature), and more sophisticated models for the equation of state are required. 8 It is often convenient to use the buoyancy b = −g ρ − ρ0 ρ0 (1.22) instead of the density, which simplifies some expressions due to the scaling by g/ρ0 . The budget equation for temperature is derived from the first law of thermodynamics, assuming, consistent with the Boussinesq assummption, that compressibility effects can be ignored (see lecture on “Hydrodynamics”). Furthermore, the same Reynolds averaging procedure as for the Navier-Stokes equations is carried out. Additionally, we allow for short-wave solar radiation as the only external energy source. With this, the temperature equation is of the following form: ∂θ ∂θ ∂ ∂θ ∂θ ∂θ ∂θ ∂ Kh − Kh +u +v +w − ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y (1.23) ∂ ∂θ 1 ∂I − (νt′ + ν θ ) = , ∂z ∂z ρ0 Cp ∂z with the eddy diffusivity νt′ , the molecular diffusivity ν θ , the horizontal eddy diffusivity Kh , the heat capacity at constant pressure Cp (≈ 3850 J kg−1 ) and the solar radiation in the water I (in W m−2 ). The salinity budget equation can be derived from simple mass conservation and subsequent Reynolds decomposition: ∂S ∂ ∂S ∂S ∂S ∂S ∂ ∂S Kh − Kh +u +v +w − ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y (1.24) ∂ ∂S − (νt′ + ν S ) =0, ∂z ∂z where ν S denotes the molecular diffusivity of salt. Bottom boundary conditions for temperature and salinity are typically zeroflux conditions, whereas at the surface freshwater and heat fluxes are needed. The freshwater flux is given by the net effect of evaporation and precipitation (this also needs to be considered for the surface elevation equation (1.16)), and the heat fluxes typically consist of sensitive (temperature difference between sea surface and atmosphere), latent (heat loss due to evaporation) and long-wave (emission of long wave radiation) contributions. As we will see below, dynamically relevant is only the surface buoyancy flux, B0 = −νt′ ∂b , for z = η , ∂z resulting from the effective heat and salinity fluxes at the free surface. 9 (1.25) In many coastal problems, so-called suspended particulate matter (SPM), i.e., particles with a certain settling velocity ws > 0 is of great importance, mainly because it (i) influences the light climate of coastal waters, (ii) consists of organic, degradable material and (iii) may on long time scales change the bottom bathymetry of coastal waters. SPM is typically quantified as a concentration C and may therefore be calculated by means of a conservative tracer equation with an additional settling velocity: ∂C ∂C ∂ ∂C ∂C ∂C ∂ ∂C Kh − Kh +u +v + (w − ws ) − ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y (1.26) ∂ ∂C − νt′ =0, ∂z ∂z In simple cases, it is assumed that there are no net fluxes of SPM through the surface and the bottom. 10 Chapter 2 Frictional effects and Ekman theory 2.1 Pressure-driven, non-rotating flows Let’s consider an unstratified (ρ = ρ0 ), stationary, horizontally homogeneous flow over flat bottom. If we assume in addition that the flow is non-rotational (f = 0) with a constant (prescribed) surface elevation gradient, the dynamic equations (1.13) reduce to a simple balance between the pressure gradient and the vertical divergence of the turbulent momentum flux (the molecular flux can usually be ignored): ∂ ∂u ∂η νt =g , (2.1) ∂z ∂z ∂x where we have assumed, without loss of generality, that the pressure gradient is aligned with the x-axis. The momentum balance in (2.1) can be integrated over the whole water column to yield ∂η τxs τxb + = gH , ρ0 ρ0 ∂x (2.2) where τxs and τxb denote the surface and bottom stresses, respectively, that have already been defined in (1.18) and (1.19). These stresses can also be interpreted as the surface and bottom momemtum fluxes using the convention that fluxes entering the fluid are counted positive. We ignore the surface stress in this simple example, and note that the bottom stress is often expressed in terms of the b b b b friction velocity u∗ implicitly defined as τx /ρ0 = −u∗ u∗ . Assuming here and in the following, for simplicity, that τxb ≤ 0 for ∂η/∂x ≤ 0 (bottom stress opposes the mean flow), (2.2) becomes − (ub∗ )2 = gH 11 ∂η , ∂x (2.3) indicating that the imposed pressure gradient due to the surface tilt is compensated by the bottom stress. Integration of (2.1) from the bottom to an arbitrary position in the water column, again assuming zero surface stress and inserting (2.3), results in νt z ∂u = −(ub∗ )2 , ∂z H (2.4) which, introducing the local momentum flux, τx = −ρ0 νt ∂u , ∂z (2.5) can also be written as z b τ . (2.6) H x This expression indicates that for a purely pressure-driven flow the momentum flux is a linear function of depth. Division of (2.4) by νt and vertical integration leads, after including the no-slip bottom boundary condition u(−H) = 0, to an expression of the form Z (ub∗ )2 z z ′ ′ dz . (2.7) u(z) = − H −H νt τx = − The solution of (2.7) for constant νt is the following parabolic velocity profile (a special form of the Hagen-Poiseuille flow): z 2 (ub∗)2 H 1− . (2.8) u(z) = 2νt H Alternatively, introducing the vertically averaged flow velocity, Z 1 0 u(z) dz , ū = H −H the parabolic profile in (2.8) may also be written as z 2 3 u(z) = ū 1 − . 2 H (2.9) (2.10) This solution holds with perfect accuracy for laminar flow (i.e., replacing νt by the molecular viscosity ν). The structure of the velocity profile for a typical value of the turbulent diffusivity is shown in figure 2.1. However, for realistic turbulent flows, the assumption of a constant eddy viscosity is only a rather poor approximation as discussed in the following. As most turbulent wall-bounded shear flows, marine bottom boundary layers are generally characterized by a thin near-bottom region with particularly strong 12 vertical gradients. In this region, the assumption of a constant eddy diffusivity fails, and there are two frequently used approaches to overcome this problem. In the first approach, it is attempted to parameterize the thin, unresolved nearbottom layer with the help of an expression relating the flow “just above the bottom “ to the bottom stress. In the most simple case, the following linear expression is used: (ub∗ )2 = F u(−H) (2.11) where F denotes the linear drag coefficient. Note that νt is still assumed to be constant but the no-slip condition (u = 0) at the bottom is longer imposed. Under these conditions, the integration of (2.4) yields z 2 FH u(z) = u(−H) 1− +1 , (2.12) 2νt H which, for given vertical mean velocity ū, can be re-expressed as z 2 FH 1− +1 2νt H u(z) = ū . 2 FH +1 3 2νt (2.13) The second approach relies on the more realistic assumption of a parabolic profile for the turbulent diffusivity: z b , (2.14) νt = κ|u∗ |(z + z0 + H) − H where κ = 0.4 is a universal model constant (the so-called von Kármán constant), and z0 the bottom roughness, both found from flow experiments. The physical motivation of (2.14) can be understood from considering the linear limiting case very close to the bottom: νt = κ|ub∗ |(z + z0 + H) . (2.15) This expression states that the viscosity very close to the lower boundary is the product of a turbulent velocity scale, set proportional to the only available turbulent velocity scale ub∗ in this problem, and a turbulent length scale, set proportional to the distance from the wall, which is the only relevant length scale here. The diffusivity of the form (2.15) then follows from dimensional arguments. It is worth noting that this is completely analogous to the kinematic theory of gases, predicting that the molecular viscosity is the product of a velocity scale (speed of sound) and a length scale (mean free molecular path). The parabolic profile in (2.14) provides nothing more than a simple extrapolation of two boundary layers with linear diffusivities as in (2.15) at the top and bottom, respectively, for the whole water column. More details on this topic are discussed in the lecture on Marine Turbulence. 13 Inserting (2.14) into (2.7), and integrating leads to a logarithmic variation of the velocity: z + H + z0 ub∗ . (2.16) ln u(z) = κ z0 Alternatively, if the vertically averaged current velocity ū is given instead of the bottom friction velocity ub∗ , the logarithmic law in (2.16) can be expressed as ū z + H + z0 u(z) = ln . (2.17) z0 1 + zH0 ln zH0 + 1 − 1 Figure 2.1 shows velocity profiles for the constant eddy viscosity, following (2.10), and two profiles with the more realistic parabolic eddy viscosity, following (2.17), all profiles being normalised with the depth-mean velocity. Clearly, the resulting shape for the constant eddy viscosity differs strongly from the logarithmic profiles resulting from the parabolic eddy viscosity, particularly in view of the much stronger near-bottom shear of the former. 0 z/H constant νt parabolic νt , z0 = 10−4 m parabolic νt , z0 = 10−2 m -0.2 νt = 0.01 m2 s−1 , F = 0.001 m s−1 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 u / ū 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Figure 2.1: Stationary velocity profiles with constant and parabolic eddy viscosity profiles. It is worth noting that very close to the bottom, the linear stress profile can be approximated by a constant-stress layer, implying that the local momentum flux is equal to the bottom stress: νt ∂u = (ub∗ )2 = const. ∂z 14 (2.18) Inserting (2.15), valid only in the near-bottom region, into (2.18), we find again the logarithmic profile in (2.16). This profile, often referred to as the logarithmic wall layer, is one of the most well-known results from turbulence theory for wallbounded shear flows. It can alternatively be derived from purely dimensional arguments (not discussed here), and therefore corresponds to an exact solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. If extended to the whole water column, however, additional modeling assumptions are involved that may not always hold. Finally, it should be noted that the logarithmic law (2.16) can also be rewritten as (ub∗ )2 = CD u2 , (2.19) with the quadratic drag coefficient defined as CD = ln 2 κ z + H + z0 z0 . (2.20) For the range of applicability of this relation (i.e. very close to the wall), typical values are of the order of CD ≈ 10−3 . Such a quadratic relation between the stress and the speed is characteristic for many other turbulent flows (e.g., for flows in pipes), whereas laminar flows typpically exhibit a linear relationship as in (2.8). 2.2 Ekman theory A more general view of the water column structure is obtained by including the effects of Coriolis accelerations but otherwise retaining the assumption from the previous section. According to (1.13), the horizontal momentum budget is then of the following form: ∂ ∂u ∂η ∂v ∂η ∂ νt + fv = g νt − fu = g , , (2.21) ∂z ∂z ∂x ∂z ∂z ∂y which are often referred to as the Ekman equations. If for a moment frictional effects are neglected in (2.21), we obtain a balance between the pressure gradient and the Coriolis force, the so-called geostrophic balance with the resulting geostrophic velocities defined as ug = − g ∂η , f ∂y vg = g ∂η f ∂x . (2.22) Note that the geostrophic flow occurs at a right angle with respect to the pressure gradient, i.e. currents follow lines of constant pressure (isobars). Inserting the 15 definitions (2.22) into (2.21), we obtain the relation ∂u ∂v ∂ ∂ νt + f (v − vg ) = 0 , νt − f (u − ug ) = 0 , ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z (2.23) illustrating that frictional effects lead to an ageostrophic component of the flow. In one of the classical examples, originally devised by the Swedish oceanographer Vagn Walfrid Ekman, the flow near the surface of an infinitely deep ocean with negligible surface pressure gradient (ug = vg = 0) is considered. Assuming, without loss of generality, that the wind stress is aligned with the x-axis, the horizontal transports, Z 0 Z 0 U= u dz , V = v dz , (2.24) −∞ −∞ for this flow are obtained by vertically integrating (2.23) from z = −∞ to z = 0. This yields: τs U =0, V =− x , (2.25) f ρ0 with the striking interpretation that the so-called Ekman transport is exactly to the right of the imposed wind stress. In order to obtain managable analytical expressions for the vertical variability of the Ekman transport, we assume in the following a constant viscosity, recalling from the above discussion that this represents the laminar case but should be treated with caution if applied to turbulent flows. For this case, the Ekman equations in (2.23) become νt ∂2u + f (v − vg ) = 0 , ∂z 2 νt ∂2v − f (u − ug ) = 0 , ∂z 2 (2.26) with boundary conditions (1.17) and (1.19). Introducing the complex velocity W = (u − ug ) + i(v − vg ) , (2.27) we are able to transform (2.26) into the more compact relation νt ∂2W − if W = 0 . ∂z 2 (2.28) The no-slip condition (u = v = 0) at the bottom leads to W = −ug − ivg for z = −H , (2.29) and, following (1.19), the surface stress is included in the form νt τys τs ∂W = x +i ∂z ρ0 ρ0 16 for z = 0 . (2.30) Using an exponential ansatz of the form W (z) ∝ eiλz , (2.31) the linear eigenvalue problem in (2.28) leads to (νt λ2 + if )eiλz = 0 . (2.32) For arbitrary z, this relation can only be satisfied if λ2 = −if /νt , or, taking the root, for 1−i (2.33) λ=± ∆ where we have introduced the Ekman depth r 2νt ∆= . (2.34) f The general solution is therefore of the form W (z) = Ae−(i+1)ζ + Be(i+1)ζ , (2.35) where A and B are two complex constants determined by the boundary conditions, and ζ = z/∆ denotes the non-dimensional coordinate. The expressions for A and B are obtained by inserting (2.35) into the bottom and surface boundary conditions (2.29) and (2.30), which yields Ae(i+1)δ + Be−(i+1)δ = −ug − ivg , (2.36) where δ = H/∆ is the ratio of the water depth to the Ekman depth, and B−A= τxs + iτys ρ0 νt (i + 1)/∆ . (2.37) The relations in (2.37) and (2.36) form two equations for the determination of the two unknowns A and B. The re-transformation of the complex solution to real velocity components u and v is straightforward but quite tedious, and here we only discuss the final result as presented by Simons (1980): α β γ+ε s γ−ε s 1 u = 1− ug − vg + τ + τ , c c ∆ρ0 f c x c y (2.38) α β 1 γ+ε s γ−ε s v = 1− vg + ug + τ − τ , c c ∆ρ0 f c y c x 17 with c = cosh(2δ) + cos(2δ), and a number of parameters depending on the non-dimensional vertical coordinate: α(ζ) = cosh(δ + ζ) cos(δ − ζ) + cosh(δ − ζ) cos(δ + ζ) , β(ζ) = sinh(δ + ζ) sin(δ − ζ) + sinh(δ − ζ) sin(δ + ζ) , (2.39) γ(ζ) = sinh(2δ + ζ) cos(ζ) + sinh(ζ) cos(2δ + ζ) , ε(ζ) = cosh(2δ + ζ) sin(ζ) + cosh(ζ) sin(2δ + ζ) . For large depths compared to the Ekman layer thickness (δ → ∞), the surface and bottom boundary layers are dynamically decoupled, and greatly simplified solutions can be obtained. For the example of an infinitely deep ocean with vanishing surface pressure gradient (ug = vg = 0), and the surface stress directed into the x-direction (τys = 0), the solution in (2.38) becomes: τxs u = eζ cos(ζ) + sin(ζ) , ∆f ρ0 v = eζ [sin(ζ) − cos(ζ)] τxs ∆f ρ0 (2.40) . The following observation can be made from (2.40). The velocity vector the decreases exponentially away from the surface with a superimposed clockwise rotation. This type of motion has become famous in physical oceanography under the name Ekman spiral. From the first term on the right hand side, the Ekman depth ∆ is identified as the exponential decay rate with depth. Quite peculiar is also the fact that, directly at the surface, the velocity exhibits an angle π/4 with respect to the direction of the surface stress, i.e. it is not aligned with the wind. Finally, it is worth noting that from the vertical integral of (2.40), the Ekman transport in (2.25) can be recovered. An example of the surface Ekman spiral is provided in Figure 2.2. To derive a solution for the bottom Ekman layer for deep water, we assume that the surface momentum flux is zero (τxs = τys = 0) and that the geostrophic velocity has a vanishing y-component (so the surface tilt is purely in the ydirection). Using similar simplifications as for the near-surface solution, (2.38) for this case yields u = 1 − e−(δ+ζ) cos(δ + ζ) ug , v = e−(δ+ζ) sin(δ + ζ)ug 18 . (2.41) To derive (2.41) we have used that near the bottom of deep water δ + ζ ≪ δ − ζ. For the interpretation of (2.41), it is helpful to note that the shifted vertical coordinate ξ = δ + ζ appearing in the function arguments starts at the bottom, pointing upwards. Figure 2.2 reveals that this solution corresponds to an Ekman spiral as well, now however with the velocity vector veering in the anti-clockwise direction towards the bottom with exponentially decreasing speed. If the distance from the bottom is much larger than the Ekman layer thickness (ξ = δ + ζ ≫ 1) the solution converges towards the interior inviscid, geostrophically balanced velocity ug . The Ekman transport found from the integral of (2.41) exhibits an angle π/2 to the left of the interior flow ug . Directly at the bottom, the velocity is zero (no-slip) and the bottom stress according to (1.18) is ∂u νt τxb = −νt = − ug , ρ0 ∂z ∆ τyb ∂u νt = −νt = − ug , ρ0 ∂z ∆ (2.42) so the bottom stress is not opposite to the interior flow (as in the non-rotating case discussed in the previous section) but rotated at an angle of π/4. 19 Surface Ekman spiral Surface Ekman spiral 0 1 -1 v / us z/∆ 0.5 -2 -3 0 -0.5 -4 u v -5 -1 -0.5 0 -1 0.5 1 (u,v) -1 (u, v) / us Bottom Ekman spiral -0.5 0 0.5 1 u / us Bottom Ekman spiral 5 0.5 v / ug (z + H) / ∆ 1 4 3 2 0 -0.5 1 0 -0.2 u v 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -1 1 1.2 (u,v) -1 (u, v) / ug -0.5 0 0.5 1 u / ug Figure 2.2: Surface (upper panels) and bottom (lower panels) Ekman solutions shown as profiles (left panels) and hodographs (right panels). The green dots in the hodographs are solutions of the Ekman dynamics for each step of ∆/2. 20 Chapter 3 Vertically integrated shallow-water equations In many applications the vertically integrated currents and the resulting surface elevation are of major interest, for example for storm surge and tsunami predictions, and for many other wave phenomena with wave length much larger than the water depth. Therefore, it is often attractive to first vertically integrate the three-dimensional shallow water equations from the bottom at z = −H(x, y) to the surface at η(x, y, t). Carrying out this vertical integration and inserting the dynamic boundary conditions (1.18) and (1.19) and the kinematic boundary conditions (1.14), the u-component of the shallow water equations (1.13) is of the following form: Z Z η Z η Z η ∂ ∂ ∂ η u dz + uu dz + uv dz − f v dz = ∂t −H ∂x −H ∂y −H −H (3.1) Z η Z η ∂η ∂ρ g D ∂pa τxs τxb −gD − dz̄dz − + + . ∂x ρ0 −H z ∂x ρ0 ∂x ρ0 ρ0 Inserting the vertically integrated transports U and V defined in (1.16) and using the approximations Z η Z η UU UV , , (3.2) uu dz ≈ uv dz ≈ D D −H −H (3.1) is of the following form: ∂ UV ∂ UU ∂U + − fV = + ∂t ∂x D ∂y D ∂η g −gD − ∂x ρ0 Z η −H Z z η D ∂pa τxs τxb ∂ρ + . dz̄dz − + ∂x ρ0 ∂x ρ0 ρ0 21 (3.3) The v-component of (1.13) may be transformed and approximated accordingly: ∂ VV ∂ UV ∂V + + fU = + ∂t ∂x D ∂y D (3.4) Z Z η ∂ρ g η D ∂pa τys τyb ∂η − dz̄dz − + + . −gD ∂y ρ0 −H z ∂y ρ0 ∂y ρ0 ρ0 22 Chapter 4 Bottom gravity currents 4.1 Introduction An interesting class of geophysical flows that we have ignored so far is driven by density differences inside the fluid that, in a gravitational field, lead to additional body force terms in the momentum budget (1.8). If the density is smaller than that of the ambient fluid, the gravity current is buoyant, and thus moves near the surface. So-called river plumes, in which fresh (and thus light) river water moves on top of saline ocean water form a well-known example that can be observed at many places in the coastal ocean. Contrary, if the density is larger than that of the ambient, the fluid sinks and propagates as a bottom gravity current or dense bottom plume along the topography. Such flows may be driven by higher salinity, lower temperature, or higher sediment concentration, which all result in a positive density contrast with respect to the ambient fluid. Bottom gravity currents in the ocean occur on a wide range of scales, from small-scale flows of a few meters width that propagate in small topographic corrugations, up to large-scale “overflows” that may have a width of up to 100 km, and a thickness of the order of 100 m. The latter form an important link in the global ocean circulation, and no useful ocean climate predictions can be made without their proper description. The same is true for the Baltic Sea, in which dense bottom gravity currents are formed by saline (dense) waters from the North Sea that, driven by their negative buoyancy, slowly travel along the bottom towards the deeper basins of the central Baltic Sea. Here, we aim at a simple dynamical description of bottom gravity currents in different configurations of increasing complexity. Our major goal will be the understanding of the basic physical principles that govern the flow, which requires the introduction of a number of approximations that simplify the mathematical description but may not always be justified. We focus on frictionally controlled bottom gravity currents, which contrasts the frictionless (hydraulic) treatment that can be found in many classical textbooks on buoyancy-driven flows (e.g. 23 Baines, 1995). 4.2 Governing equations In our simple model, we assume that a bottom gravity current consists of a homogeneous water mass with constant density ρ that is larger than the constant density ρ0 of the ambient fluid. We will see below that the dynamically relevant quantity related to this density difference is the relative buoyancy ρ − ρ0 B = −g , (4.1) ρ0 which is constant and negative, consistent with the idea the dense bottom gravity currents are negatively buoyant. The gravity current is bounded from below at z = −H by bottom topography, and from above at z = η by a moving interface separating the gravity current from the ambient fluid (Figure 4.1). This interface is assumed to be material, i.e. no ambient fluid is allowed to enter the gravity current. With this assumption, the possibility of mixing with ambient fluid is ignored, which is consistent with our assumption of constant B, and greatly simplifies the analysis. Clearly, however, the assumption of negligible mixing is rather serious, and may not always be justified. Figure 4.1: Geometry and coordinate system for the description of dense bottom currents on a slope with variable topography. The velocity components in the x and y directions are denoted by u and v, respectively, which may vary horizontally but not in the vertical. The latter implies that the transports U and V introduced in (1.16) can be expressed as U = uD and V = vD, where D denotes the local thickness of the gravity current such that η = −H + D. The key for the following investigations are the assumptions (a) that the flow is shallow (i.e. lateral scales are much larger than changes in D and η), and (b) that the ambient fluid above the gravity current is infinitely deep and stagnant (u = v = 0) at all times. This geometric simplification is often referred to as the 1.5-layer approximation. 24 Then, the gravity current will be described by exactly the same vertically integrated equations that also describe an unstratified flow with a free-surface (see Chapter 3), except for the fact that the acceleration of gravity, g, appearing in (3.3) and (3.4) has to be replaced by the buoyancy, −B. This last step can be understood from the following argument. Let’s assume that the pressure at a certain reference level zr above the gravity current corresponds to an arbitrary but constant reference pressure pr . Then, the hydrostatic pressure at a point inside the gravity current is given by p = pr + (zr − η)ρ0 g + (η − z)ρg . (4.2) The pressure gradient appearing in (1.10) is therefore − 1 ∂p ∂η ∂η ρ ρ − ρ0 ∂η ∂η = g− g = −g =B , ρ0 ∂x ∂x ∂x ρ0 ρ0 ∂x ∂x (4.3) where in the last step the definition of the buoyancy in (4.1) has been used. A similar equation follows for the y-direction. Vertical integration of the pressure gradient in (4.3) than results in BD∂η/∂x and BD∂η/∂y for the two components of the interfacial pressure gradient, which proves the statement made above. The geometry of the problem can be further simplified by assuming that the flow is homogeneous in the x-direction. This implies that all x-derivatives can be ignored, and that the flow can be described in a two-dimensional plane spanned by the y- and z-axes (see Figure 4.1). Under these conditions, the integrated continuity equation in (1.16) becomes ∂vD ∂η =− , ∂t ∂y (4.4) expressing the simple fact that any lateral flow convergence results in a local change in interface height if volume is to be conserved. The integrated momentum budget in (3.3) and (3.4) can be re-written as ∂uD ∂uvD τb + − f vD = x , ∂t ∂y ρ0 ∂η τyb ∂vD ∂v 2 D + + f uD = BD + , ∂t ∂y ∂y ρ0 (4.5) where we have replaced the factor g by −B as discussed above, and used the facts that (i) the density is constant inside the gravity current (see above), (ii) the atmospheric pressure pa is irrelevant, and (iii) there is no stress at the interface. The latter is consistent with the assumption of negligible mixing (why?). The momentum budget in (4.5) expresses a balance between acceleration, Coriolis force, pressure gradient due to the interface tilt, and bottom friction. 25 Equations (4.4) and (4.5) are only closed if the bottom stresses can be expressed in terms of other known flow properties. Such models generally relate the stresses to the velocities, resulting in the most simple case in a relation of the form τxb = −Ku , ρ0 (4.6) τyb = −Kv , ρ0 where K denotes the linear drag coefficient. The advantage of this model is its linearity that makes it often possible to find closed analytical solutions of the problem. The disadvantage is that a linear relationship between the velocity and the stress is generally not observed in turbulent flows. As discussed in the context of (2.19), a more realistic but also more complex alternative is a quadratic drag law of the form τxb = −CD |u| u , ρ0 (4.7) τyb = −CD |u| v , ρ0 where CD denotes the (dimensionless) quadratic drag coefficient, and |u| = (u2 + v 2 )1/2 the total speed. 4.3 Non-rotating flows We first consider the non-rotating case with f = 0. Under these conditions the flow is fully two-dimensional in the y-z plane (u = 0), and the momentum budget in (4.5) reduces to ∂vD ∂v 2 D ∂η + = BD − CD |v| v , ∂t ∂y ∂y (4.8) where we have used (4.7) for the bottom stress. 4.3.1 Similarity solutions Due to the strong non-linearities of the coupled system (4.4) and (4.8), a generally valid analytical solution of the problem cannot be found. For some special cases, however, similarity solutions exist, revealing a number of interesting features of the system. One solution of this type can be constructed by assuming that both the bottom slope, Sy = ∂H/∂y, and the down-slope speed, v = v0 , are constant. Assuming v0 > 0 (downslope flow), it is then possible to introduce a similarity variable, ζ = y − v0 t , (4.9) 26 hoping that self-similar solutions of the form η(ζ), D(ζ), and v(ζ) exist. Using (4.9), it is easy to see that the partial derivatives transform into ordinary derivatives according to d ∂ d ∂ = −v0 , = , (4.10) ∂t dζ ∂y dζ which strongly simplifies the problem in two ways. First, using (4.10) and the fact that v = v0 is constant, it is easy to show that (4.4) is automatically satisfied. Second, with exactly the same argument, it can be shown that the rate and advection terms on the left hand side of (4.8) cancel (although they do not vanish individually). Then, (4.8) can be written in self-similar form as CD v02 , (4.11) B where we have introduced the constant parameter R, and used the convention that derivatives with respect to ζ are denoted by a prime. Note that if we had used the linear drag parameterization in (4.6), we would have arrived at exactly the same expression, however, with R = Kv0 /B. Recall that B and thus R are negative. In spite of its simple appearance, (4.11) is a non-linear differential equation for which solutions are not obvious. Combining tabulated solutions for differential equations, or using a symbolic algebra package, it can, however, be shown that the full solution is given by the expression " #! 2ζ Sy − 1+ R R D(ζ) = − , (4.12) 1 + W −e Sy D(D ′ − Sy ) = R , R= which for v0 > 0 is valid for −∞ < ζ ≤ 0. Note that the symbol W in (4.12) denotes the so-called Lambert-W function; here, we don’t bother too much about the properties of this function except for noting that W (−e−1 ) = −1 and W (0) = 0. The former implies that at ζ = 0 the plume thickness is zero; the latter indicates that for ζ → −∞ (e.g. for large times) we have D → −R/Sy, indicating that the thickness of the gravity current approaches a maximum value. For some parameters that are typical for the coastal ocean, the evolution of a gravity current on a plane slope according to (4.12) is shown in Figure 4.2. The gravity current is seen to follow a steep front (it can be shown that the interface slope in fact becomes infinite at the front), moving downward with constant velocity v0 as required by (4.9). The thickness increases continuously, and slowly approaches the limiting value −R/Sy = 5 m that is reached for t → ∞. It is worth noting that the shallow-water assumption inherent in the vertically integrated equations (4.5) cannot hold in the vicinity of the front, where vertical and horizontal variations become comparable. The real shape of the nose of the gravity current is therefore expected to be somewhat different from the solution derived here, which is confirmed by available laboratory experiments and numerical simulations of the full (non-hydrostatic) equations. 27 z (m) 5 t=1h 0 −5 z (m) 5 t=2h 0 −5 z (m) 5 t=3h 0 −5 z (m) 5 t=4h 0 −5 0 2 4 6 8 10 y (km) Figure 4.2: Solution (4.12) for different times as indicated. The parameters used are Sy = 5 × 10−4 , v0 = 0.5 m s−1 , CD = 10−3 , and B = −0.1 m s−2 . 4.3.2 Formulation as a diffusion problem While the solution in (4.12) reveals a number of important properties, it is valid only under quite restrictive conditions (e.g., only for constant velocity). To derive a more generally valid framework, we first consider (4.8) under the additional assumption that the rate and advection terms on the left hand side cancel, and that friction is linear as in (4.6). From this, we obtain an expression of the form BD ∂η = Kv , ∂y (4.13) which is a simple balance between the down-slope pressure gradient and bottom friction. Note that (4.13) includes the similarity solution discussed above, for which the rate and advection terms were shown to cancel as well. Re-arranging (4.13) as an expression for the down-slope transport, vD = B 2 ∂η D , K ∂y (4.14) and inserting into (4.4) yields ∂η ∂ = ∂t ∂y η ∂η ν , ∂y where νη = − B 2 D K 28 . (4.15) (4.16) This suggests that the motion of the gravity current is governed by a diffusion equation with a non-constant diffusivity ν η . According to (4.16), we find ν η → 0 as D → 0 near the boundaries of the gravity current, such that ν η remains strictly positive and bounded everywhere, as required for any well-posed diffusion problem. It is interesting to note that the non-linearity of this diffusion problem may lead to the development of steep fronts, which is somewhat counter-intuitive in view of the usual expectation that diffusion has a tendency to smooth gradients. It is easy to show (see assignments) that for the more complex case of quadratic friction in (4.7), the expression for the interface diffusivity becomes η ν = −B CD 21 − 21 ∂η D 23 ∂y . (4.17) This quadratic solution retains the crucial properties of positivity and boundedness even near the boundaries, where ν η → 0. 4.4 The effect of rotation A measure for the relative importance of rotational effects (that we have ignored so far) and frictional effects is the so-called Ekman number. In the context of (4.5), this quantity is defined as Ek = |τ b | , ρ0 f D |u| (4.18) which, using the quadratic drag law (4.7), can be re-written as Ek = CD |u| fD . (4.19) Using typical mid-latitude values (CD = 10−3 , f = 10−4 s−1 , u = 0.1 − 1 m s−1 ), it is clear that rotational effects will generally be comparable to, or even dominating over, frictional effects, unless the gravity current is very thin in which case one finds Ek ≫ 1 (rotational effects can be ignored). Searching for a simple framework for the analysis of the effects of rotation, we start from the general momentum budget in (4.5). As above, we assume that the rate and advection terms cancel, which removes so-called internal interface waves from the solution. Since, here, we are not concerned about wave phenomena, this assumption is convenient and greatly simplifies the analysis. However, it should be kept in mind that it may not always be justified. Note that assuming that the rate and advection terms cancel still allows for the evolution of fronts at the plume boundaries, as we have already seen above. 29 With these assumptions, (4.5) can be written as f vD = Ku , f uD = BD ∂η − Kv , ∂y (4.20) where we have again used the linear drag law in (4.6) for simplicity. For K = 0 (no friction), (4.20) is recognized as a geostrophic balance between the cross-slope pressure gradient due to the interface tilt, and the along-slope flow, similar to the flow discussed in the context of (2.22). In this case, the interface of the gravity currents remains stationary for all times, which contrasts the non-rotating case discussed above. This is one manifestation of the fact that rotation generally inhibits the conversion of potential to kinetic energy in geophysical flows. For K 6= 0, however, the relative influence of rotation becomes smaller, and it is clear from (4.20) that a cross-slope transport will be induced. This leads to a deformation of the interface according to (4.4), and eventually to a downslope motion of the gravity current. Friction is therefore essential for the conversion of potential to kinetic energy associated with the downward migration of dense bottom currents in rotating reference systems. Eliminating the along-slope velocity u from (4.20), we obtain B ∂η f2 2 , (4.21) vD 1 + 2 D = D 2 K K ∂y which can be written more compactly as an expression for the down-slope transport BδL D 2 ∂η vD = . (4.22) f δL2 + D 2 ∂y where we have introduced the bulk Ekman layer thickness δL = K/f for linear bottom friction. Qualitatively, the interpretation of δL as the near-bottom layer affected by frictional effects is similar to that of the Ekman layer thickness defined in (2.34) above. Our assumption of vertically constant velocities, however, is clearly not consistent with the frictionally-induced veering of the velocity vector (Ekman spiral) discussed in Chapter 2. This is the price that has to be paid for the advantage of working with the vertically integrated equations. The physical interpretation δL becomes clear from constructing, analogous to the case with quadratic friction in (4.19), the Ekman number as the ratio of friction and Coriolis terms in (4.20). In the linear case, we find Ek = K/(f D), which is equivalent to Ek = δL /D, indicating that the ratio of the Ekman layer thickness to the local plume depth describes the relative importance of friction in the momentum budget. As for the non-rotating case, it is evident that the transport in (4.22) can be expressed as the product of the interface gradient and a turbulent diffusivity, 30 defined here as νη = − BδL D 2 , f δL2 + D 2 (4.23) which, similar to (4.16), is strictly positive, bounded, and converges to zero near the boundaries of the gravity current. It is easy to show (see assignment) that for f → 0, the diffusivity in (4.23) becomes identical to the expression for nonrotating flows in (4.16). Finally, inserting (4.23) into the continuity equation equation (4.4) reveals that also in the rotating case the evolution of the interface is governed by a diffusion equation of the form (4.15). It can be shown that also for the case with quadratic friction, a diffusion equation can be derived. The corresponding expression for the diffusivity is, however, much more complex and outside the scope of this introductory text. 0 −200 t=0h z (m) −400 −600 −800 v (m s−1) u (m s−1) −1000 1 0.5 0 0.4 0.2 0 D (m) −0.2 100 50 0 0 50 100 y (km) 150 200 Figure 4.3: Solution of (4.20) for a gravity current on a plane with constant slope H ′ = 5 × 10−3 . Parameters used here are B = −0.01 m s−2 , K = 10−3 m s−1 , and f = 10−4 s−1 . The initial distribution of the thickness is parabolic (see last panel), and large compared to the Ekman layer thickness δL (gray-shaded area in last panel). For any given interface elevation η and bottom topography H, the plume thickness D = η + H is known, and (4.22) can be used to compute the downslope speed v. The along-slope velocity u then follows from the second relation in (4.20). As an example, we discuss some results for a gravity current with (initially) parabolic thickness on a sloping plane. The results shown in Figure 4.3 correspond 31 to typical parameters for large scale gravity currents on the continental slope. The along-slope velocity is seen to reach values above 1 m s−1 near the lower edge of the gravity currents, where the interface gradient is largest, and, according to the second relation in (4.20), largest geostrophically balanced speeds have to be expected. Note the reversal of the along-slope velocity at the upper edge, where the interface elevation changes sign. 0 −200 t = 72 h z (m) −400 −600 −800 v (m s−1) u (m s−1) −1000 1 0.5 0 0.4 0.2 0 D (m) −0.2 100 50 0 0 50 100 y (km) 150 200 Figure 4.4: Same as Figure 4.3 but now for t = 72 h. As discussed above, the down-slope velocity evident in Figure 4.3 causes a deformation of the interface that is predicted by the diffusion equation (4.15), using the diffusivity in (4.23). These equations have been solved numerically, and the situation after 3 days of integration is displayed in Figure 4.4. The most striking feature visible in this figure is a thin layer of thickness comparable to the Ekman layer thickness δL following a sharp front that quickly travels in the downward direction. This process, sometimes referred to as Ekman drainage, leads to gradual loss of fluid in the main body of the plume that is much thicker than the Ekman layer thickness, and only weakly affected directly by friction. In contrast to the swift descent of the lower edge of the gravity current, the upper edge remains almost stationary, which leads to an overall widening of the flow. Near the thickest part of the gravity current (the “vein”), we find δL ≪ D, indicating that the Ekman number is small, and the momentum budget is close to a geostrophic balance. The results for the quadratic drag law (not shown) are similar if the drag coefficient CD is adjusted accordingly. 32 4.5 Gravity current in a rotating channel An interesting extension of the two-dimensional geometry in (4.5) can be obtained by allowing for the possibility of an interface tilt in the x-direction. Clearly, to be consistent with our assumption of homogeneity in this direction, this interface tilt has to be constant. As an example, imagine an infinitely long channel with arbitrary cross-section that is tilted into the x-direction such that both bottom slope and interface tilt are identical: S = −∂η/∂x = ∂H/∂x. With the additional pressure-gradient term BD∂η/∂x = −BDS introduced by this, (4.5) can be written as ∂uD ∂uvD + − f vD = −BDS − CD |u| u , ∂t ∂y (4.24) ∂η ∂vD ∂v 2 D + + f uD = BD − CD |u| v , ∂t ∂y ∂y where we have parameterized the bottom stress with the quadratic drag law (4.7). The momentum budget in (4.24) is solved simultaneously with our usual continuity equation (4.4) for two-dimensional flows. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 z (m) 0 −5 −10 −15 0.0 h z (m) 0 −5 −10 −15 2.0 h z (m) 0 −5 −10 −15 4.0 h z (m) 0 −5 −10 −15 6.0 h z (m) 0 −5 −10 −15 −10 8.0 h −5 0 y (km) 5 10 Figure 4.5: Numerical solution of (4.4) and (4.24) for different times as indicated. Model parameters are: S = 5×10−4 , B = −0.10 m s−2 , CD = 10−3, and f = 10−4 s−1 . Color shading indicates the down-channel speed in m s−1 . A numerical solution of (4.4) and (4.24) for some parameters that are typical for bottom gravity currents passing through a system of submarine channels in the Western Baltic Sea is shown in Figure 4.5. The flow is seen to accelerate to nearly stationary conditions within a few hours, with higher speeds observed 33 in the deep part of the channel, where the gravity current is thicker and the relative importance of frictional effects is smaller. The increasing down-channel speeds are accompanied by a growing cross-channel interface tilt, which provides a clear indication for the effect of rotation. No interface waves are evident (a closer examination reveals the existence of small-amplitude waves that are quickly damped due to friction). Given the quick adjustment time of this flow, it may be interesting to look for stationary solutions of (4.24). In this case, the acceleration terms vanish by definition, and (4.4) requires v = 0 everywhere for the cross-channel velocity. Without any further assumptions, (4.24) can thus be written as BDS = −CD u2 , f u = B(D ′ − H ′ ) , (4.25) where the primes denote derivatives with respect to y (in the cross-channel direction). Equation (4.25) is recognized as (a) a balance between bottom friction and the down-channel pressure gradient, and (b) a purely geostrophic balance due to the cross-channel tilt of the interface. Eliminating u from (4.25), we obtain DSf 2 = (D ′ − H ′ )2 , (4.26) CD B which can be rewritten as a first-order differential equation for the plume thickness 12 1 S ′ D =− D 2 + H′ , (4.27) δG where, for convenience, we have introduced the frictional length scale CD B δG = − 2 . (4.28) f − For the linear drag law (4.6), as shown in the assignments, we would have obtained an equation that is rather similar to (4.27) but somewhat easier to handle because the non-linearity in D disappears. It is evident from (4.27) that for any given cross-channel bathymetry H the solution only depends on the parameter S/δG that involves a combination of all other parameters of the problem. Numerical solutions of (4.27) for some values of this parameter are shown in Figure 4.6. In the first panel, the value of S/δG corresponds to the parameter set given the caption of Figure 4.5. The same cosine-shaped topography has been used, and, as expected, the stationary solution in Figure 4.6 and the time-dependent solution for large times shown in Figure 4.5 closely correspond. Larger values of S/δG (e.g. due to steeper slopes, smaller friction, smaller buoyancy contrast) lead to thinner and faster plumes with a larger cross-channel tilt. Stationary solutions of this type have been compared with good success to a number of real oceanic gravity currents of largely different scales and parameter ranges. 34 z (m) 0 −5 −10 8 −1 S/δ × 10 = 5 m −15 z (m) 0 −5 −10 8 −1 8 −1 S/δ × 10 = 20 m −15 z (m) 0 −5 −10 −15 −10 S/δ × 10 = 80 m −5 0 y (km) 5 10 Figure 4.6: Upper panel: solution of (4.27) for the parameters given in the caption of Figure 4.5. Lower panels correspond to different values of the parameter S/δG as indicated. Note that in contrast to Figure 4.5 the gray shaded areas only indicate the fluid inside the gravity current, and not the down-channel speed. 35 Chapter 5 Entrainment 5.1 Introduction It is frequently observed that an unconfined turbulent region has a tendency to expand into quiescent ambient fluid as long as there is a sufficient energy supply for turbulence. On the small scale, turbulent eddies acting near the boundary between the turbulent and ambient fluids intermittently ”entrain” small amounts of ambient fluid, thereby increasing the net volume of the turbulent region. The growth of clouds provides a good example where these entrainment processes become directly observable due to the presence of microscopic water droplets that serve as an optical tracer (Figure 5.1). In this case, entrainment is energized by turbulent motions associated with plumes of light fluid rising in the interior of the cloud. Entrainment is also important in many engineering flows, as for example in the propulsion jet from a rocket engine shown in Figure 5.1, where shear instabilities near the boundary of the jet form the energy source for turbulence and entrainment. The expansion of the jet due to entrainment is clearly evident in this example. While the description of the complex geometry of the sharp, instantaneous interface between the turbulent and non-turbulent regions shown in the above examples is mathematically challenging, it has turned out that the motion of the averaged interface often follows relatively simple scaling laws. The key component of such models is a relation between the entrainment velocity, i.e. the average velocity of the interface with respect to the ambient fluid, and a characteristic velocity of the turbulent flow (e.g. the mean speed of the jet shown in Figure 5.1). An excellent and exhausting discussion of the entrainment concept including numerous applications to geophysical flows can be found in paper by Turner (1986). In the following, we concentrate on a class of entraining flows that is of particular interest in oceanographic applications. In the upper ocean, turbulence caused by the wind stress at the water surface is known to lead to a strongly 36 Figure 5.1: Examples for entraining interfaces separating a highly turbulent region from weakly turbulent ambient fluid. Left panel: cumulus cloud. Right panel: turbulent jet created by a rocket engine. turbulent, essentially well-mixed surface layer that deepens as a result of entrainment into the stratified, weakly turbulent interior. Due to its importance for the oceanic heat and momentum budget, this process has been investigated in detail in the oceanographic literature. In the following, we provide a short introduction into the most relevant concepts. 5.2 Basic framework The essential mechanisms of mixed-layer entrainment in the ocean can be understood from simplified versions of the transport equations for momentum (1.8), temperature (1.23), and salinity (1.24). Since for most conditions mixed-layer entrainment can be described as a purely vertical mixing process, the major simplifications arise from assuming horizontal homogeneity in all equations. Further, although Earth’s rotation may be quite important for entrainment in some cases, it is ignored here because the basic mechanisms and concepts can be illustrated more clearly without rotational effects. Thus, ignoring all horizontal gradients and rotation, and assuming that the molecular vertical flux of momentum is much smaller than the turbulent flux hu′ w ′ i, the momentum budget in (1.8) reduces to ∂u ∂hu′ w ′ i =− ∂t ∂z . (5.1) Here, and in the following, we omit the angular brackets denoting mean flow quantities (as in hui), and assume that the flow direction coincides with the x-direction. With analogous assumptions, simplified one-dimensional equations can be derived also for temperature and salinity from (1.23) and (1.24), respectively. It is easy to show (see assignments) that the resulting two equations can be combined 37 into a single equation for the mean density ρ, provided the equation of state is assumed to be linear as in (1.21). From this, using the definition of buoyancy given in (1.22), the transport equation for buoyancy is given by ∂hb′ w ′ i ∂b =− , ∂t ∂z (5.2) where we have ignored the effect of radiative heating such that the right hand side corresponds to the vertical divergence of the turbulent buoyancy flux. Working with buoyancy instead of temperature and salinity is often preferable because buoyancy is the dynamically relevant quantity. 5.3 Evolution of the surface mixed layer Experience has shown that turbulence associated with the surface wind stress creates a nearly well-mixed layer of thickness h near the surface. Thus, inside this layer, buoyancy can only be a function of time: b = bm (t). At the base of the surface mixed layer, density rapidly increases until the ”interior” density just below the mixed layer is reached. Such regions with strong vertical density gradients, often denoted as ”pycnoclines”, are a typical phenomenon at the interface between turbulent and non-turbulent regions in stratified flows. In the following, the pycnocline at the base of the mixed layer is described in the most simple way: as a discontinuity in buoyancy denoted by ∆b. To investigate the effect of stratification below the mixed layer, in the following we consider two idealized models that will serve as a simple representation of typical oceanic conditions. The first (Figure 5.2a) is a simple 2-layer fluid with zero stratification below the mixed layer: ( bm for z > −h (5.3) b= 0 otherwise , where z points upwards with z = 0 at the surface. Here, we have arbitrarily assumed that b = 0 below the mixed layer, which is dynamically irrelevant but convenient for the following investigations. In the second case (Figure 5.2b), we assume a constant vertical buoyancy gradient N 2 = ∂b/∂z below the mixed layer: ( bm for z > −h (5.4) b= N 2 z otherwise , such that without a mixed layer (h = 0) the whole water column is linearly stratified, and b = 0 at the surface. 38 Figure 5.2: Model stratification for mixed-layer deepening (a) without and (b) with stratification below the mixed layer. For simplicity, we assume that the fluxes of heat and salinity, and thus the buoyancy flux, vanish at the surface and below the mixed layer. Vertical integration of (5.2) then yields Z d 0 b dz = 0 , (5.5) dt −∞ indicating that the total buoyancy in the domain remains constant. This result can be used to obtain information about the temporal evolution of bm and ∆b during mixed-layer deepening (ḣ > 0) due to entrainment (see assignments). For the 2-layer stratification in (5.3), it is easy to show that (5.5) is satisfied only if bm h = ∆b h = const. (5.6) for all times. For the case of linear stratification, (5.4), assuming that h = 0 initially, we find that 1 (5.7) bm = − N 2 h = −∆b 2 is required to satisfy (5.5). Thus, while in the 2-layer case the buoyancy jump at the base of the mixed layer decreases in time, it increases for linear stratification below the mixed layer. This difference has considerable implications for the energetics of entrainment as discussed in the following. 5.3.1 Energetics During the entrainment process, dense fluid from the mixed-layer base is lifted up and mixed with fluid in the surface layer by wind-generated turbulence. This lifting of dense water implies that work against gravity is performed, or, in other words, that potential energy is increased at the expense of (turbulent) kinetic energy in the mixed layer. The ultimate energy source for this process is the work done by the surface wind stress. 39 To express this energy conversion in mathematical terms, we first note that the potential energy per unit area is defined as Z 0 Z 0 g(ρ − ρref ) Ep = z dz = − (b − bref ) z dz , (5.8) ρ0 −∞ −∞ where ρref (z) and bref (z) refer to a given reference state with respect to which Ep is defined. In (5.8), we have also assumed that Ep is referenced with respect to the surface, z = 0, which does not affect any of the following results but is convenient for the analysis. For the 2-layer case in (5.3), we identify the reference state with the initial stratification at t = 0, corresponding to bref = b0 inside a mixed-layer of thickness h0 , and bref = 0 below. Then, from (5.6) and (5.8), it can be shown (see assignments) that the increase of potential energy with respect to the reference state is Ep = b0 h0 (h − h0 )/2. From this, using (5.6), it follows that ∆bh ḣ , (5.9) 2 illustrating that the rate at which Ep increases is proportional to the entrainment velocity we = ḣ. Similarly, for the linearly stratified case, taking the undisturbed initial stratification bref = N 2 z as the reference, it can be shown that the potential energy follows from Ep = N 2 h3 /12. Using (5.7), a short computation illustrates that the rate of change of Ep is identical to that of the 2-layer case in (5.9). In spite of this formal similarity, however, it is important to realize that the temporal evolution of ∆b is very different for the two cases. In the linearly stratified case the buoyancy jump ∆b increases in time, whereas for a 2-layer fluid, it decreases. For any given rate of mixed layer deepening ḣ, the rate Ėp at which turbulent motions have to work against gravity thus increases more rapidly in the linearly stratified case compared to the 2-layer stratification. A general expression for the change of potential energy for arbitrary stratification can be obtained from multiplying (5.2) with z, and integrating by parts: Z 0 Ėp = − hb′ w ′i dz , (5.10) Ėp = −∞ where we have exploited the fact that the buoyancy flux hb′ w ′i vanishes at both the upper and lower integration limits. Expression (5.10) illustrates that any increase in potential energy (Ėp > 0) is associated with a net downward buoyancy flux (hb′ w ′i < 0). This mirrors the work done by turbulent eddies in moving buoyant fluid down (or, vice-versa, dense fluid up). Of key interest for describing this process with the help of a theoretical model is therefore the question about the energy source for this mixing process. In order to find a relation for the kinetic energy as the second important form of mechanical energy, we vertically integrate (5.1) resulting in d(uh) = u2∗ , dt 40 (5.11) where the surface wind stress τs has been expressed in terms of the (squared) friction velocity u2∗ = τs /ρ0 , which is a frequently used convention in studies of boundary-layer turbulence. The stress below the mixed layer has been assumed to be negligible. In this simple model, the surface layer moves in a slab-like fashion with vertically constant velocity u. Multiplying (5.11) by u, it can be shown that dEkin u2 = u2∗ u − ḣ , (5.12) dt 2 where the vertically integrated kinetic energy is denoted by Ekin = u2 h/2. The right hand side of (5.12) reveals that part of the surface energy flux u2∗ u is used to accelerate newly entrained fluid at the bottom of the mixed layer (last term). In this context, it is very important to note that our assumption of a vertically constant velocity u eliminates any transfer from mean to turbulent kinetic energy by turbulence shear production, and ultimately to dissipation. In this type of mixed-layer models, dissipation is thought to take place in the strongly sheared boundary layers at the top and bottom of the mixed layer that are not explicitly considered (although they are crucial for the total energy budget). The term u2∗u in (5.12) thus has to be interpreted as the energy flux into the mean flow rather than the total energy input into the whole mixed layer. 5.4 Entrainment models If the wind stress is assumed to be constant in time and the flow in the mixed-layer has reached a quasi-steady state, the entrainment velocity we = ḣ is thought to primarily depend on only 3 parameters: the friction velocity u∗ , the mixed layer depth h, and the buoyancy jump ∆b at the base of the mixed layer. In some cases, it may be necessary to include additional parameters describing the stratification below the mixed layer because internal wave motions in that region may drain energy from the mixed layer and thus affect the entrainment process. This effect, however, is ignored in most studies. Also ignored is the direct impact of the molecular diffusivities for momentum, heat, and salinity because their effect is generally believed to be negligible in the strongly turbulent mixed layer. Note that the assumption of negligible molecular effects is not justified in most laboratory experiments of entrainment, and caution is always advised when translating such experiments to oceanic conditions. Under these assumption, 2 non-dimensional products can be constructed for the 4 dimensional key parameters. The most frequently adopted non-dimensional parameters are the entrainment parameter Eτ and the frictional Richardson number Rτ : ∆bh ḣ (5.13) , Rτ = 2 , Eτ = u∗ u∗ 41 for which we expect to find a non-dimensional relationship of the form Eτ = Êτ (Rτ ) , (5.14) If the wind stress is variable, or if the system has not yet reached a steady state, the function Ê has to include information about the history of the processes (e.g., about the history of the wind stress). As discussed in the following, modeling assumptions and observations have led to different suggestions for the functional relationship between Eτ and Rτ . 5.4.1 Models based on energy partitioning Early models for wind-driven entrainment were based on the simple idea that a (fixed) portion of the energy imparted by the wind is converted to potential energy by mixing up fluid from the base of the mixed layer. The rest of the energy is either dissipated, or used to accelerate the mixed layer as described in (5.12). While it is straightforward to compute the increase in potential energy due to entrainment as shown above, a model for the energy input due to the wind is less evident because the partitioning between Ekin and the amount of energy that is dissipated is unclear. Most authors have assumed that the wind energy input is proportional to u3∗ , which implicitly assumes that most of the wind energy is dissipated in a strongly sheared near-surface layer, the rest being available for mixing. Accepting this scaling, the assumed proportionality between the wind energy input and the gain in potential energy can be expressed as u3∗ = c∆bhḣ , (5.15) where c is a model constant, and the right hand side follows from (5.9). Rewriting (5.15) in non-dimensional form yields 1 Eτ = Rτ−1 , c (5.16) which is recognized as a special incarnation of (5.14) with an inverse dependency on the frictional Richardson number. In the 2-layer case with constant ∆bh, (5.15) can be integrated to yield h= u3∗ t + h0 , cb0 h0 (5.17) where h0 and b0 are the mixed-layer depth and buoyancy, respectively, for t = 0. The linear increase of h reflects the constant entrainment velocity that follows directly from (5.16) and the fact that both u∗ and Rτ are constant in this case (for constant wind stress). 42 In the linearly stratified case, we have ∆bh = N 2 h2 /2 as shown above, and (5.15) integrates to 31 2 1 6 (5.18) u∗ N − 3 t 3 , h= c for which Kato and Phillips (1969) have suggest the value c = 2/5. Compared to the constant entrainment velocity in (5.17), the linearly stratified case exhibits decreasing entrainment in time, which mirrors the rapidly increasing rate of work against gravity required for entrainment. 5.4.2 Models based on stability considerations A different class of entrainment models is based on the idea that the interplay between the destabilizing effect of the shear across the mixed-layer base, and the stabilizing effect of the pycnocline represented by ∆b, governs the entrainment process. Instead of scaling the non-dimensional parameters with the friction velocity u∗ as in (5.13), in this approach non-dimensional parameters are constructed with the help of the velocity jump ∆u = u (the lower layer is assumed to be stagnant), while the rest of the parameters remains identical. Analogous to (5.13), the entrainment parameter and the bulk Richardson number can be defined according to ḣ ∆bh E = , Rv = 2 , (5.19) u u suggesting that a non-dimensional relationship of the form E = Ê(Rv ) , (5.20) quantifies the entrainment process. Often, the dependency on Rv is replaced −1/2 by an (equivalent) dependency on the bulk Froude number F r = Rv . The relationship in (5.20) should not be understood as a replacement for the generally valid relation (5.14). Rather, as shown in the following, (5.20) corresponds to a class of models that can ultimately be used for deriving expressions of the form given in (5.14). One advantage of (5.20) is its applicability to a broad range of entraining flows that do not necessarily involve the surface friction velocity as an important parameter. Examples include surface and bottom mixed layers, dense bottom gravity currents, and buoyancy-driven intrusions. However, in spite of numerous laboratory and field investigations, a generally valid functional form for (5.20) is still lacking. Most authors seem to agree on a power-law dependency of the form E ∝ Rvp , (5.21) with negative exponent p < 0. In any case, if the functional form of (5.20) is prescribed, the problem is closed, and the temporal evolution of momentum in 43 (5.11) and buoyancy in (5.6) or (5.7), respectively, can be determined with the help of (5.20). Some interesting insights into the general behavior of stability-based entrainment laws can be gained by investigating a particularly simple form (5.20). This model is based on the experimental observation that the mixed layer velocity u adjusts, as a result of entrainment, exactly such that the bulk Richardson number remains close to a limiting value Rv ≈ 0.6. This closure assumption is mathematically expressed as Ṙv = 0, or, using the definition of the bulk Richardson number in (5.19) as Ṙv = 0 ⇒ (∆bh)˙ 2∆bhu̇ = u2 u3 . (5.22) Replacing the time derivative of ∆bh by the expressions corresponding to the 2-layer and linearly stratified cases, and using 1 2 u∗ − uḣ , (5.23) u̇ = h derived from the momentum balance in (5.11), (5.22) can be re-written as ḣ = n u2∗ , u (5.24) where n = 1 corresponds to the 2-layer case, and n = 1/2 to the linearly stratified case. One important observation is that (5.24) can be re-written as 1 − 12 E∗ = nRv2 Rτ , (5.25) which is recognized as a special form of (5.14), derived from the simple model assumption that the interface is marginally stable for a fixed value of Rv . Assuming Ṙv = 0 and using the different expressions for ∆bh in (5.6) and (5.7), respectively, (5.25) can be integrated to yield the temporal evolution of the mixed-layer depth. For the 2-layer case, this results in 1 Rv 2 2 h= u∗ t + h0 , (5.26) b0 h0 which, similar to the energy-based model in (5.17), predicts a linear increase in time. Note, however, that the dependency on the wind stress is different. For the linearly stratified case, we obtain 1 1 h = (2Rv ) 4 u∗ (t/N) 2 . (5.27) with a different temporal behavior compared to (5.18). It has been shown that (5.26) and (5.27) predict the correct evolution of h, at least during the initial phase of mixed-layer deepening. 44 5.5 Further reading The key paper describing the entrainment concept in a broad geophysical context is Turner (1986). The classical references for energy-based entrainment models are Turner and Kraus (1967) and Kraus and Turner (1967), after which this class of models is often referred to as the “Krauss-Turner” model. Pollard et al. (1973) have pointed out that shear instability at the mixed layer base is likely to be the primary reason for entrainment, similar to entrainment in dense bottom gravity currents discussed by Turner (1986). Pollard et al. (1973) have also suggested to use a constant value for Rv as the most simple stability-based entrainment model, which was later confirmed by Price (1979) from a reanalysis of laboratory experiments. The importance of rotational effects has been emphasized by Pollard et al. (1973) and Niiler (1975). In the review paper by Umlauf and Burchard (2005), stability-based models for surface layer entrainment are compared with the predictions from state-of-the-art turbulence models. 45 46 Chapter 6 Surface waves in the coastal ocean 6.1 Observational evidence When the surface of a body of water is disturbed in the vertical direction, the force of gravity will act to return the surface to its equilibrium position. The returning surface water has inertia that causes it to pass its equilibrium position and establish a surface oscillation. This oscillation disturbs the adjacent water surface, causing the forward propagation of a wave. A wave on the water surface is thus generated by some disturbing force which may typically be caused by the wind, a moving vessel, a seismic disturbance of the shallow sea floor, or the gravitational attraction of the sun and moon. These forces impart energy to the wave which, in turn, transmits the energy across the water surface until it reaches some obstacle such as a structure or the shoreline which causes the energy to be reflected and dissipated. The wave also transmits a signal in the form of the oscillating surface time history at a point. As a wave propagates, the oscillatory water motion in the wave continues because of the interaction of gravity and inertia. Since water particles in the wave are continuously accelerating and decelerating as the wave propagates, dynamic pressure gradients develop in the water column. These dynamic pressure gradients are superimposed on the vertical hydrostatic pressure gradient. As the wave propagates energy is dissipated, primarily at the airwater boundary and, in shallower water, at the boundary between the water and the sea floor. The different wave generating forces produce waves with different periods. Wind-generated waves have a range of periods from about 1 to 30 s with the dominant periods for ocean storm waves being between 5 and 15 s. Vessel-generated waves have shorter periods, typically between 1 and 3 s. Seismically generated waves (tsunamis) have longer periods from about 5 minutes to an hour and the dominant periods of the tide are around 12 and 24 hours. 47 The simplest and often most useful theory (considering the effort required in its use) is the two-dimensional small-amplitude or linear wave theory first presented by Airy (1845). This theory provides equations that define most of the kinematic and dynamic properties of surface gravity waves and predicts these properties within useful limits for most practical circumstances. The assumptions required deriving the small-amplitude theory, an outline of its derivation, the pertinent equations that result, and the important characteristics of waves described by these equations are presented in this chapter. 6.1.1 Wave height and period In the description of wind waves it is common to define the wave height H as the vertical distance between the highest and the lowest surface elevation (crest to trough) in a wave. A wave will thus have only one height, with the definition of the mean wave height H as N 1 X Hi (6.1) H= N i=1 where i is the sequence of the wave in a record. This definition if rather straight forward, but not often used, because H deviates from visual estimated wave heights. Instead, another wave height, called the significant wave height HS (just as in visual observations is used. It is defined as the mean of the highest one-third of waves in a wave record: N/3 HS = H1/3 1 X = Hj N/3 j=1 (6.2) where j is the rank number of the sorted wave heights (j=1 the highest wave, j=2 the second-highest, etc.). One can also define the amplitude a as H1/3 /2. It is equally natural to define the period T of a wave as the time interval between the start and the end on the wave (time between two crests/troughs, two downward/upward zero crossings). If the wave period is defined as the zero-crossings, it is called T0 and in analogy tho the mean wave height H, one can define the mean wave period T , as N 1 X T = T0,i (6.3) N i=1 Mostly, only the significant wave period TS is used: N/3 TS = T1/3 1 X T0,j = N/3 j=1 48 (6.4) 6.1.2 The random-phase/amplitude model The basic model for describing the moving surface elevation η(t) is the randomphase/amplitude model, in which the surface elevation is considered as the sum of a large number of harmonic (monochromatic) waves, each with a constant amplitude ai and phase ψi : η(t) = N X ai cos(2πfi t + ψi ) (6.5) i=1 with fi the frequency. It is important to note, that ai and ψi are random variables, which are characterised by there respective probability distributions p. In the random-phase/amplitude model, the phase at each frequency fi is uniformly distributed between 0 and 2π: p(ψi ) = 1 2π for 0 < ψi ≤ 2π and the amplitude ai follows a Rayleigh distribution: πai 2 π ai exp − 2 for ai ≥ 0 p(ai ) = 2π µ2 4µ (6.6) (6.7) with µ the expected value of the amplitude µ = hai i. For typical oceanic applications fi vary between 0.05-1.0 Hz. Although the random-phase/amplitude model is widely used, the following remarks should be made: The random-phase/amplitude model generates a stationary Gaussian process. But this is only true for durations of less than 30 minutes. In additions, the model rely on independed wave components (a sum over independed monochromatic waves), which is not fully true, because they interact to some degree. However, if the waves are not to steep and the water is not to shallow, the random-phase/amplitude model can be used as a good basic model to describe ocean waves. In Eq. 6.5 the summation is done of discrete frequencies, but in reality this would be a continuum of frequencies. 6.1.3 The variance density spectrum The amplitude spectrum provides enough information to describe the sea-surface elevation realistically (the phase is not important). However, it is more relevant to present the spectral information in a different way: consider the variance h 12 ai 2 i, rather than the mean hai i. Thus, we consider the variance spectrum and not the amplitude spectrum. Netherveless, we still consider discrete frequencies, 49 whereas in Nature this concept does not exist. Thus the discrete model needs to be modified. This is done by distributing the variance h 21 ai 2 i over frequency intervals ∆fi at frequency fi . The resulting variance density spectrum E ∗ (fi ) is then, 1 1 2 h ai i (6.8) E ∗ (fi ) = ∆fi 2 This spectrum is defined for all frequencies, but still varies discontinuously from one frequency band to the next one. A continuous version is obtained by having the frequency band ∆fi approaching zero: 1 1 2 h ai ∆f →0 ∆f 2 E(fi ) = lim (6.9) The variance density spectrum E(f ) gives a complete description of the surface elevation in a statistical sense. Thus all statistics of the wave field can be expressed in terms of the spectrum. To show how useful this concept is, one needs to recall that the variance of the surface elevation η(t) by definition the average of the squared surface elevation η 2 is (assuming zero mean). For a harmonic wave with amplitude a, the variance is η 2 = 21 a2 . Thus for a wavefield, with a large number of individual waves, the variance η 2 is: N X 1 2 η = h ai 2 i for hηi = 0 2 i=1 Therefore it follows that the total variance η 2 in the continuos spectrum is Z ∞ 2 η = E(f )df (6.10) 0 Thus by knowing the spectrum, simple integration will give us the variance. A quantity which is directly related to the variance is the energy Etotal . The energy can be expressed as 1 Etotal = ρg a2 2 (6.11) with ρ the water density and g the gravitational acceleration. Because we defined above η 2 = 21 a2 , the energy of a wave field simply be computed as: Z ∞ 2 Etotal = ρgη = ρg E(f )df (6.12) 0 For simplicity, in the following sections we will use only monochromatic waves, thus the variance density spectrum can be expressed with a delta peak. Although, this is a simplification, by considering the superposition of a large number of monochromatic waves, we can recover the random-phase/amplitude model. 50 6.2 Small-amplitude wave theory The small-amplitude theory for two-dimensional, freely propagating, periodic gravity waves is developed by linearising the equations that define the free surface boundary conditions. With these and the bottom boundary condition, a periodic velocity potential is sought that satisfies the requirements for irrotational flow. This velocity potential, which is essentially valid throughout the water column except at the thin boundary layers at the airwater interface and at the bottom, is then used to derive the equations that define the various wave characteristics (e.g., surface profile, wave speed, pressure field, and particle kinematics). Specifically, the required assumptions are: 1. The water is homogeneous and incompressible, and surface tension forces are negligible. Thus, there are no internal pressure or gravity waves affecting the flow, and the surface waves are longer than the length where surface tension effects are important (i.e., wave lengths are greater than about 3 cm). 2. Flow is irrotational. Thus there is no shear stress at the airsea interface or at the bottom. Waves under the effects of wind (being generated or diminished) are not considered and the fluid slips freely at the bottom and other solid fixed surfaces. Thus the velocity potential φ must satisfy the Laplace equation for two-dimensional flow: ∂2φ ∂2φ + 2 =0 ∂x2 ∂z and ∂φ =u , ∂x ∂φ =w ∂z (6.13) (6.14) 3. The bottom is stationary, impermeable, and horizontal. Thus, the bottom is not adding or removing energy from the flow or reflecting wave energy. Waves propagating over a sloping bottom, as for example when waves propagate toward the shore in the nearshore region, can generally be accommodated by the assumption of a horizontal bottom if the slope is not too steep. 4. The pressure along the airsea interface is constant. Thus, no pressure is exerted by the wind and the aerostatic pressure difference between the wave crest and trough is negligible. 5. The wave height H is small compared to the wave length L and water depth D. H L H ≪1 , ≪1 , ≪1 (6.15) L D D 51 is also called the wave steepness. If this ratio is bigger than The ratio H L 1/8, waves usually start to break. This assumption allows one to linearise the higher order free surface boundary conditions and to apply these boundary conditions at the still water line rather than at the water surface, to obtain an easier solution. This assumption means that the small-amplitude wave theory is most limited for waves in deep water and in shallow water far away from the breaking point. 6. The small-amplitude wave theory is developed by solving Eq. 6.13 for the a 2D domain (we neglect all variations in the y-direction), with the appropriate boundary conditions for the free surface and the bottom. At the bottom there is no flow perpendicular to the bottom which yields the bottom boundary condition: w= ∂φ = 0 at z = −D ∂z (6.16) At the free surface there is a kinematic boundary condition that relates the vertical component of the water particle velocity at the surface to the surface position: w= ∂η ∂η +u ∂t ∂x at z = η (6.17) The Bernoulli equation for unsteady irrotational flow may be written p 1 2 ∂φ u + w 2 + + gz + =0 2 ρ ∂t (6.18) where g is the acceleration of gravity, p is the pressure, and ρ is the fluid density. At the surface where the pressure is zero the dynamic boundary condition becomes: ∂φ 1 2 u + w 2 + gz + = 0 at z = η (6.19) 2 ∂t Eq. 6.20 and the Eq. 6.19 have to be linearised and applied at the still water line rather than at the a priori unknown water surface. This yields for the kinematic boundary condition (Eq. 6.20) w= ∂η ∂t at z = 0 (6.20) and for the dynamic boundary condition becomes (Eq. 6.19) 1 2 ∂φ u + w 2 + gz + = 0 at z = η 2 ∂t 52 (6.21) and for the dynamic boundary condition gη + ∂φ = 0 at z = 0 ∂t (6.22) Employing the Laplace equation (Eq. 6.13), the bottom boundary condition (Eq. 6.16), and the linearised dynamic boundary condition (Eq. 6.22), one can derive the velocity potential for the small-amplitude wave theory (see Ippen, 1966 or Dean and Dalrymple, 1984). The most useful form of this velocity potential is φ= ga cosh (k(D + z)) sin (kx − ωt) ω cosh(kD) (6.23) with a the wave amplitude a = H/2. Inserting the velocity potential into the linearised dynamic boundary condition (Eq. 6.22) with z=0 to directly determine the equation for the wave surface profile: η = a cos (kx − ωt) (6.24) Thus, the small amplitude wave theory yields a cosine surface profile. This is reasonable for low amplitude waves, but with increasing wave amplitude the surface profile becomes vertically asymmetric with a more peaked wave crest and a flatter wave trough. Combining Eq. 6.20 and Eq. 6.22 by eliminating the water surface elevation yields ∂2φ ∂φ +g = 0 at z = 0 2 ∂t ∂z (6.25) Then, inserting the velocity potential, differentiating, and rearranging we have ω 2 = gk tanh (kD) (6.26) This equation is commonly known as the dispersion equation. For a spectrum of waves having different periods (or lengths), the longer waves will propagate at a higher speed and move ahead while the shorter waves will lag behind. 6.3 Wave kinematics and pressure The particle velocities can readily be obtained form the velocity potential φ (Eq. 6.23) and the definition of the velocities (Eq. 6.14): u= ∂φ cosh (k(D + z)) = ωa sin(ωt − kx) ∂x sinh(kD) (6.27) w= sinh (k(D + z)) ∂φ = ωa cos(ωt − kx) ∂z sinh(kD) (6.28) and 53 In deep water, i.e. when kD → ∞, the expression for the wave velocity component u and w reduces to u = ωaekz sin(ωt − kx) , w = ωaekz cos(ωt − kx) (6.29) These expressions show that, for deep water, the wave induced velocities decrease exponentially with the distance from the surface. In shallow water, i.e. when kH → 0, the expression for the wave velocity component u and w reduces to z ωa cos(ωt − kx) (6.30) sin(ωt − kx) , w = ωa 1 + u= kD D The first of these two expressions show that, in very shallow water, the amplitude of the horizontal velocity is constant over the vertical, whereas the second expression shows that the amplitude of the vertical varies linearly along the vertical. 6.3.1 The dispersion relationship As given above the dispersion equation (Eq. 6.26) reads as: ω 2 = gk tanh (kD) or gT 2 tanh L= 2π 2πD L (6.31) (6.32) For deep water (tanh (kD) → 1 for kD → ∞) the dispersion relationship approaches: p gT0 2 ω = gk0 or L0 = (6.33) 2π with k0 and L0 the deep water wave number and wave length respectively. For shallow water (tanh (kD) → kD for kD → 0) the dispersion relationship approaches: p p ω = k gD or L0 = T gD (6.34) 6.3.2 Phase velocity and group velocity The propagation speed of the surface wave profile, i.e. the phase speed, is readily obtained from the dispersion relationship r g g tanh (kD) (6.35) c = tanh (kD) = ω k 54 This shows that, in general the phase speed depends on the wave number and therefore on frequency. Such waves are called dispersive waves. In deep water (tanh (kD) → 1 for kD → ∞) the expression reduces to: r g g or c0 = T0 (6.36) c0 = k0 2π In shallow water (tanh (kD) → kD for kD → 0) the expression reduces to: p c = gD (6.37) This equation shows that, in shallow water, the phase speed does not depend on wave length of frequency. Thus the waves are said to be non-dispersive. Note: In engineering applications, the phase velocity is often called celerity. A second important quantity to describe surface waves is the group-velocity cgroup = cg = ∂ω = nc ∂k (6.38) where c is the phase speed (Eq. 6.35) and n is (from the dispersion relationship Eq. 6.26) 2kD 1 1+ (6.39) n= 2 sinh(2kD) Since 0 ≤ kH ≤ ∞ and therefore 0 ≤ 2kD/ sinh(2kD) ≤ 1, the expression for n shows that n varies between n = 0.5 (deep water) and n = 1 (shallow water). This implies that the speed of an individual wave (phase speed) is always larger than the speed of the group:c ≥ cg . 6.3.3 Wave induced pressure An analytical expression for the pressure is readily derived by substituting the solution for the velocity potential (Eq. 6.23) into the linearised Bernoulli equation p ∂φ + gz + =0 ρ ∂t (6.40) which yields p = −ρgz + ρga cosh (k(D + z)) sin (ωt − kx) cosh(kD) (6.41) The first term on the right hand side is the hydrostatic pressure. It is obviously independent of the presence of a wave (at least in first order theory). The second 55 term is due to the wave and therefore represents the wave induced pressure, pwave In deep water the wave induced pressure is pwave = pw sin (ωt − kx) with pw = ρga cosh (k(D + z)) cosh(kD) (6.42) This expression is a propagating pressure wave in phase with the surface elevation. In deep the amplitude of the wave induced pressure is pw = ρgaekz (6.43) These expressions show that, for deep water, the wave induced pressure decrease exponentially with the distance from the surface. In shallow the amplitude of the wave induced pressure amplitude is constant along the vertical: pw = ρga (6.44) 6.4 Wave energy The total mechanical energy in a surface gravity wave is the sum of the kinetic and potential energies. The instantaneous potential energy (i.e. mass times elevation, at a given moment of time) of a slice of water, relative to z = 0, is therefore ρgz∆x∆z∆y. The corresponding wave induced potential energy EP in the entire water column, is equal to the potential energy presence of the wave minus the potential energy in the absence of the wave over a wave period. Thus Z TZ η Z TZ 0 Z TZ η EP = ρgzdzdt − ρgzdzdt = ρgzdzdt (6.45) 0 −D 0 −D 0 0 For a harmonic wave with amplitude a, this integral reads as Z T 1 2 1 ρη = ρga2 EP = 2 4 0 (6.46) where η is replaced by Eq. 6.24. Doing the same exercise for the kinetic energy EK , EK can be written as Z TZ η 1 2 EK = ρu dzdt (6.47) 0 −D 2 Replacing u by Eq. 6.14, the integral can be expressed as 1 (6.48) EK = ρga2 4 Therefore, in the small amplitude wave theory, EK = EP . The total wave energy E over on wave period is then 1 E = EK + EP = ρga2 2 56 (6.49) 6.5 6.5.1 Wave propagation Shoaling A harmonic wave, propagating over slowly changing topography, retains its frequency, but, since the dispersion relationship is still valid ω 2 = gk tanh(kD) (6.50) it wavelength will decrease, if the depth decreases and the phase speed also decrease r g tanh(kD) (6.51) c= k The same holds for the group velocity cg 1 cg = nc with n = 2 1+ 2kD sinh(2kD) (6.52) As the wave propagates into shallower water, the phase speed approaches the group velocity and the wave will be less and less dispersive. Assume a beach with parallel depth contours and normal incidence (perpendicular to the coastline). Further assume that the whole situation is stationary. This enables a simple energy balance. At first we have to define the energy flux P = Ecg . As the wave propagates forward the energy flux at one point must equal the energy flux at a subsequent point minus the energy added, and plus the energy dissipated and reflected per unit time between the two points. In first-order theory and over reasonably short distances it is common to neglect the energy added, dissipated, or reflected, giving 1 1 P1 = P2 → [Ecg ]1 = [Ecg ]2 → ρga1 2 cg,1 = ρga2 2 cg,2 2 2 so that a2 = r cg,1 a1 cg,2 (6.53) (6.54) If one takes the up-wave boundary in deep water and replace the index 1 with ∞ and drop the index 2, one can define the shoaling coefficient Ksh as r cg,∞ Ksh = (6.55) cg Therefore, as the wave approaches the shore, the shoaling coefficient will start to grow and therefore the wave height. However, one can also see as the wave reaches the shore and cg is 0, the shoaling coefficient shows a singularity and tends to infinity. Obviously, the linear wave theory breaks down long before that. 57 6.5.2 Refraction As a wave approaches the same straight coast as above, but now with an angle (oblique incidence), the wave will slowly change its direction as its approaches the coast. This is due to the depth variations along the wave crest, with a corresponding variation of phase speed along the crest r g c= tanh(kD) (6.56) k Because refraction is a 2 dimensional problem, the wave number turns into a wave number vector k = (kx , ky ). Using the analogy to geometrical optics, one can apply Snel’s Law sinθ d =0 (6.57) dm c where m is the normal of the wave crest and theta the angle between m and the normal of the shore line. This can also be written as sinθ = constant c (6.58) Thus the wave direction at any point can be written as sin θ = c sin θ∞ c∞ (6.59) where c∞ is the deep water phase speed and θ∞ is the deep water wave direction. This expression shows that, when the wave approaches the shore line, where c = 0, the wave direction will be θ = 0. Thus all waves always reach the shore at a right angle, independently of the deep water direction. 6.5.3 Currents If a wave propagates in an area with constant depth and a constant current, the linear theory is still valid in a frame of reference moving with the current. The frequency of the wave moving in this frame of reference is called relative of intrinsic frequency, denoted as σ and is expressed as σ 2 = gk tanh(kD) (6.60) In a fixed frame of reference, the frequency of the wave is called absolute frequency, denoted as ω and is expressed as ω = σ + kUn 58 (6.61) where Un is the component of the current in the wave direction (normal to the crest). The propagation velocity of the wave energy cg,absolute in this fixed frame → − of reference, is obtained by adding as vectors the current velocity U to the group velocity relative to the current, cg,relative → − cg,absolute = U + cg,relative (6.62) The direction of wave energy transport is therefore generally not normal to the wave crest in the presence of an ambient current. 6.6 Radiation stress and wave setup In fluid flow problems, some analyses are best carried out by energy considerations (e.g., head loss along a length of pipe) and some by momentum considerations (e.g., force exerted by a water jet hitting a wall). Similarly, for waves it is better to consider the flux of momentum for some problem analyses. For wave analyses, the flux of momentum is commonly referred to as the wave radiation stress which may be defined as the excess flow of momentum due to the presence of waves Longuet-Higgins and Stewart (1964). Problems commonly addressed by the application of radiation stress include the lowering (setdown) and raising (setup) of the mean water level that is induced by waves as they propagate into the nearshore zone, the interaction of waves and currents, and the alongshore current in the surf zone induced by waves obliquely approaching the shore. 6.6.1 Radiation stress The horizontal flux of momentum at a given location consists of the pressure force acting on a vertical plane normal to the flow plus the transfer of momentum through that vertical plane. The latter is the product of the momentum in the flow and the flow rate across the plane. From classical fluid mechanics, the momentum flux from one location to another will remain constant unless there is force acting on the fluid in the flow direction to change the flux of momentum. If we divide the momentum flux by the area of the vertical plane through which flow passes, we have for the x direction p + ρu2 (6.63) For a wave, we want the excess momentum flux owing to the wave, so the radiation stress Sxx for a wave propagating in the x direction becomes Z 0 Z η 2 (p + ρu ) dz − ρgdz (6.64) Sxx = −D −D 59 where the subscript xx denotes the x-directed momentum flux across a plane defined by x =constant. In Eq. 6.64 p is the total pressure given by Eq. 6.41 so the static pressure must be subtracted to obtain the radiation stress for only the wave. The overbar denotes that the first term on the right must be averaged over the wave period. Inserting the pressure (Eq. 6.41 and the particle velocity from Eq. 6.14 leads to (Longuet-Higgins and Stewart (1964)) 1 2kD ρga2 1 = E 2n − (6.65) + Sxx = 2 2 sinh(kD) 2 For a wave traveling in the x-direction there also is a y-directed momentum flux across a plane defined by y =constant. This is ρga2 kD 1 =E n− (6.66) Sxx = 2 sinh(kD) 2 The cross components Sx y = Sy x are both zero. In deep water Eqs. 6.65 and 6.66 become Sxx = E 2 , Syy = 0 (6.67) In shallow water Eqs. 6.65 and 6.66 become Sxx = 3E 2 , Syy = E 2 (6.68) so, like wave energy E, the radiation stress changes as a wave propagates through water of changing depth (as well as when a force is applied). If a wave is propagating in a direction that is situated at an angle θ to the specified x-direction, the radiation stress components become Sxx = E n (cos2 θ + 1) − 12 Syy = E n sin2 θ + 1 − 21 (6.69) 2 E Sxy = 2 n sin θ = Syx 6.6.2 Wave setup When a train of waves propagates toward the shore, at some point, depending on the wave characteristics and nearshore bottom slope, the waves will break. Landward of the point of wave breaking a surf zone will form where the waves dissipate their energy as they decay across the surf zone. As the waves approach the breaking point there will be a small progressive set down of the mean water level below the still water level. This setdown is caused by an increase in the radiation stress owing to the decreasing water depth as the waves propagate toward the shore. The setdown is maximum just seaward of the 60 breaking point. In the surf zone, there is a decrease in radiation stress as wave energy is dissipated. This effect is stronger than the radiation stress increase owing to continued decrease in the water depth. The result is a progressive increase or setup of the mean water level above the still water level in the direction of the shore. This surf zone setup typically is significantly larger than the setdown that occurs seaward of the breaking point. The equations that predict the wave-induced nearshore setdown and setup can be developed by considering the horizontal momentum balance for two-dimensional waves approaching the shore (Longuet-Higgins and Stewart (1964)). The net force caused by the cyclic bottom shear stress is reasonably neglected. ∂Sxx ∂η ∂Qx =− − ρgD (6.70) ∂t ∂x ∂x with D the water depth D = d + η. For stationary situations, thus all time derivatives are zero; this can be reduced to an ordinary differential equation dη dSxx + ρg (d + η) =0 dx dx (6.71) If one further assumes that η ≪ d, dη 1 dSxx =− dx ρgD dx (6.72) This implies that, if the radiation stress is positive, dSxx /dx > 0, the slope of the mean surface is negative, dη/dx < 0 (set-down), and if the if the radiation stress is negative, dSxx /dx < 0, the slope of the mean surface is positive, dη/dx > 0 (set-up). If no energy dissipation occurs (one might discuss about this assumption), than the variation of the wave amplitude is due solely to shoaling. Integrating Eq. 6.71, taking η = 0 in the deep water, using the shoaling equation for the amplitude (Eq. 6.54), one can find (Longuet-Higgins and Stewart (1964)) η=− a2 k 1 2 sinh(2kD) (6.73) The minus sign in this expression shows that shoaling lowers the mean sea level, thus a set-down occurs. In the shallow water limit, this can be approximated with 1 H2 (6.74) η≈− 16 D This equation indicates that the set-down is proportional to the square of the wave height (which is generally increasing towards the shore, if no breaking occurs), so that the setdown increases as the wave propagates towards the shore. At 61 the location where the wave starts to beak, the wave height-to-depth ration is typically Hbr /dbr = γ ≈ 0.8, so that the set-down at this point is 4-5% of the local water depth or wave height. At the point of breaking, the amplitude starts to decrease. This implies that dSxx /dx < 0 and the slope of the mean water surface changes sign and a set-down starts to turn into a set-up. 3 = 16 ρgH 2 and also If one again assumes shallow water, and this Sxx = 3E 2 that the wave height remains equal to a fixed fraction of the local water depth H = γ(d + η), it follows that Sxx = 3 ρgγ 2 (d + η)2 16 (6.75) Substituting this result into Eq. 6.71, gives dη dd = −K dx dx (6.76) with K = 83 γ 2 /(1 + 38 γ 2 ). Since the water depth decreases towards the shore, the mean surface elevation in the surf zone tilts up towards the shore (dη/dx > 0) 62 Chapter 7 Shallow-water waves and tides 7.1 Tidal current profiles Before oscillating velocity profiles are considered, the simple oscillation of forced and damped vertically averaged tidal flow ū is briefly investigated: ∂ ū ∂η F = −g − ū ∂t ∂x H (7.1) with the linear friction velocity F , which can be considered as the product of a constant drag coefficient, cd and a constant reference velocity, uref . When the forcing is harmonic, i.e., ∂η = η̄x cos(ωt), (7.2) ∂x then the solution is easily found as −g η̄x F ū = F 2 cos(ωt) + ω sin(ωt) . (7.3) 2 H + ω 2 H For a frictionally dominated situation with F/H ≫ ω, surface slope and velocity are in phase (both proportional to cos). For a frictionless situation with ω ≫ F/H, surface slope and velocity are out of phase. In the following, velocity profiles in a tidal flow with linearised friction are considered. Without the effect of Earth rotation and density differences and with constant eddy viscosity the linearised dynamic equation for the eastward velocity profile reads as ∂u ∂η ∂2u = −g + νt 2 . (7.4) ∂t ∂x ∂z At the surface, the dynamic boundary condition (1.19) with zero surface momentum flux will be used, for the bottom the linearised bottom boundary condition (2.11) is applied. The ansatz for solving (7.4) is to separate the vertical coordinate 63 and the time: u(z, t) = R [û(z) exp(iωt)] , (7.5) η(t) = R [η̂ exp(iωt)] , i.e., the real part of the solution is considered as the physically relevant solution. Inserting (7.5) into (7.4) gives the following relation: iω û = −g ∂ η̂ ∂ 2 û + νt 2 . ∂x ∂z (7.6) A solution ansatz for (7.6) is û = A exp(dz) + B exp(−dz) + C, (7.7) where we directly see: d= iω νt 1/2 ; C=− g ∂ η̂ . iω ∂x (7.8) Inserting the zero-flux surface boundary condition into (7.7) gives A = B, (7.9) and insertion of the linearised bottom boundary condition (2.11) gives dAνt (exp(−dH) − exp(dH)) = F [A (exp(−dH) + exp(dH)) + C] , such that the complete solution reads as (exp(dz) + exp(−dz)) û(z) = C +1 E (7.10) (7.11) with E= dνt (exp(−dH) − exp(dH)) − (exp(−dH) + exp(dH)) . F C can be eliminated by defining the vertical mean velocity amplitude: Z 1 0 û(z) dz ûmax = H −H (7.12) (7.13) and inserting this into (7.7): C= ûmax dHE . exp(dH) − exp(−dH) + dHE 64 (7.14) With this, the following solution is obtained: exp(dz) + exp(−dz) + E û(z) = dH ûmax exp(dH) − exp(−dH) + dHE (7.15) Since û(z) is a complex velocity profile, the real part of its multiplication with exp(iωt) will result in a linear combination of a sin and a cos function, i.e., a profile of harmonic oscillations where the phase shift is a function of the vertical position. Figure 7.1 shows solutions for the velocity field u(z, t) from (7.5) with the z-dependend velocity profile û(z) from (7.15) for two different water depths. Clearly, for shallow water frictional effects dominate over the whole water column whereas for deeper water frictional effects are constrained to the lower part of the water column. It can be clearly seen that the solution depends on two non-dimensional parameters, 1/2 ω −1/2 J =i dH = H , (7.16) νt which can be interpreted as the non-dimensional depth and Y = (ωνt )1/2 , F (7.17) which reflects the effect of bottom friction. For details, see Prandle (2009). When scaling the eddy viscosity with the water depth H and the maximum bottom friction velocity u∗max , compare to (2.14), νt ∝ u∗max H (7.18) and scaling the linear bottom friction coefficient F with the bottom friction velocity, F ∝ u∗max (7.19) we see that J2 ∝ Y 2 ∝ ωH = St , u∗max (7.20) with the inverse Strouhal number, St . This can be interpreted in a way that the fundamental external parameter of the tidal flow is here the inverse Strouhal number. Another external parameter however is given by the way how exactly the bottom friction is applied. In realistic scenarios (not using a constant eddy viscosity) this parameter will be the non-dimensional bottom roughness, z0 /H. It has been shown by Baumert and Radach (1992) that also for a spatially and temporally variable eddy viscosity the simple tidal oscillation depends on one 65 Figure 7.1: Velocity profiles (upper panels) and velocity time series at z/H = −0.9 (red) and z/H = 0 (green) for shallow water (H = 1 m, left) and relatively deep water (H = 10 m, right). For these simulations the following other parameter have been used: ω = 2π/44714 s−1 , νt = 10−4 m2 s−1 and F = 10−4 m s−1 . The solutions have been calculated as the velocity field u(z, t) from (7.5) with the z-dependend velocity profile û(z) from (7.15). non-dimensional parameter only. Assuming a spatially variable eddy viscosity and a harmonic pressure gradient (surface slope) forcing, then (7.4) ∂u ∂u ∂ νt , (7.21) = −gSmax cos(ωt) + ∂t ∂z ∂z with the maximum surface slope Smax . When introducing non-dimensional parameters z u νt , t′ = tω, z ′ = , νt′ = √ , (7.22) u′ = √ H gHSmax H gHSmax equation (7.21) can be cast into the following non-dimensional form: ′ ∂u′ ∂ ′ ′ ∂u S̃t ′ = − cos(t ) + ′ νt ′ , ∂t ∂z ∂z 66 (7.23) with S̃t = √ ωH , gHSmax (7.24) which can also be interpreted as an inverse Strouhal number. Since the only parameter included in (7.23) is S̃t , it is clear that the dynamics does only depend on this parameter. However, to calculate the eddy viscosity, typically a turbulence closure model is used, which introduces the non-dimensional bed roughness as a further parameter. In a generalisation of the work by Baumert and Radach (1992), Burchard (2009) demonstrated how a number of other non-dimensional parameters come in when effects of Earth rotation, wind and horizontal density gradients are considered. It should be noted that there are many definitions for the Strouhal number, which originally has been defined by Strouhal (1878) as the ratio of the velocity at which a wire is moved through the air and the product of its thickness and the frequency of the generated sound. In oceanography, it has been defined as clockwise and anti-clockwise Strouhal numbers for investigating rotational tidal flow, as the ratio of the clockwise or anti-clockwise tidal velocity components to the product of the water depth with the sum or difference between tidal and inertial frequencies (multiplied by π, see Prandle (1982)). Examples of flows for two different inverse Strouhal numbers are shown in figure 7.2. The results have been obtained by applying the General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM, see and Umlauf et al. (2005); Umlauf and Burchard (2005)). It should be noted that the surface gradient forcing was proportional to − sin(t′ ). It can be clearly seen that the velocity profile has more vertical shear for the low inverse Strouhal number (relatively large friction velocity) and is also significant less than a quarter tidal period out of phase with the surface gradient forcing, which is in accordance with the simple result shown in (7.3) for frictional tidal currents. In contrast, for the case of a large Strouhal number, the tidal current is out of phase by a quarter tidal period compared to the surface gradient forcing almost over the entire water column, which is in accordance with (7.3) for frictionless tidal currents. 67 S̃t = 4.5 · 10−2 20 S̃t = 4.5 · 10−1 15 10 u′ u′ 5 0 -5 -10 -15 z ′ = −0.9 z′ = 0 -20 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 t′ /(2π) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 ′ -2 z =′ −0.9 z =0 -2.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 t′ /(2π) Figure 7.2: Non-dimensionalised tidal currents calculated with GOTM ( using a two-equation turbulence closure model and a harmonic forcing. Shown are time series of currents of a periodic state at two depths, near the bottom at z ′ = −0.9 (red) and near the surface at z ′ = 0 (green). Left: small inverse Strouhal number. The flow is clearly asymmetric due to the effect of friction. Right: large inverse Strouhal number. Here the flow is fairly symmetric with the currents being fully out of phase with the surface gradient forcing, which was proportional to sin(t′ ). For both simulations, the water depth was H = 10 m, and the maximum surface slope was Smax = 10−5 . For the small inverse Strouhal number, the tidal period was 44714 s, and for the other case it was 4471.4 s. 68 Chapter 8 Estuarine circulation 8.1 Observational evidence Tidal estuaries are the lower reaches of rivers where the discharged freshwater is mixed with oceanic water by tidal motions. A horizontal density gradient due to the horizontal salinity gradient is an essential dynamic feature of tidal estuaries. As one of the most remarkable phenomena, distinct estuarine turbidity maxima (ETMs) are observed at the upper limit of the salt intrusion. These are established by high concentrations of suspended particulate matter (SPM) which is accumulated in this part of the estuary. This is shown for the Elbe Estuary in figure 8.1. For two different river run-off situations, high SPM concentrations are observed at salinities below 4 g kg−1 . Observations of tidal mean (residual) profiles of velocity and SPM concentration explain the accumulation of SPM in the upper limit of the salt intrusion, see figure 8.2: The lower part of the residual is directed upstream, i.e., against the residual river run-off. The SPM, due to its tendency to sink down to the bottom against the vertical mixing, is therefore subject to a net upstream transport in the entire region of horizontal density gradients. At the upper limit of the salt intrusion where the horizontal density gradient is vanishing, this transport mechanism is absent, such that SPM accumulated due to the divergence of horizontal net transport. Mechanisms which drive the upstream near bottom residual velocity will be investigated in section 8.3. Another key process in tidal estuaries and coastal seas is tidal straining: During flood dense off-shore waters are sheared over less dense onshore waters, leading to static instability and subsequent full vertical mixing. Thus, during flood there is the tendency for the mixing the water column from the bottom (where the shear is strongest) upwards to the surface. During ebb the opposite happens, less dense onshore waters are sheared over denser offshore waters, leading to stable stratification, suppression of vertical mixing and stratification. This process of tidal straining has been first described by Simpson et al. (1990). 69 54°10' WGE Be 10.96 Trischen Großer Vogelsand Friedrichskoog bsan ee -K d 730 Neufelder Sand Neuwerk Medemsand 720 No rd -O sts Scharhörn 54°00' an al Gel 740 Brunsbüttel Stör 700 710 690 Cuxhaven 53°50' 680 Medem Medemgrund Gr. Knechtsand Glückstadt isc W a ck e lb ere üd .S hh Oste u 670 Krü Pagensand Pinnau 660 53°40' Stade 650 640 inge Watt 630 Hamburg Lü he Schw Es te Strom-km 700 0 10km 8°10' 20' 30' 40' 50' 9°00' 10' 20' 30' 40' Mühlenberger Loch 50' 53°30' 10°00' Figure 8.1: Observations of estuarine turbidity maxima in the Elbe estuary. Upper panel: Map of the Elbe Estuary with river kilometres. Lower left: Synoptic observations of surface salinity and suspended particulate matter concentrations along the Elbe Estuary at a river runoff of 707 m3 s−1 at Neu Darchau (upstream of Hamburg). Lower right: Same as lower left panel, but for a weak river runoff of 464 m3 s−1 . The two lower panels have been kindly provided by Jens Kappenberg (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht). 70 Figure 8.2: Observations of tidal residual velocity, SPM concentration, horizontal SPM flux and salinity in the Elbe Estuary (Kappenberg et al. (1995)). Depending on the relative force of the horizontal density gradient (see section 8.3 for details), Simpson et al. (1990) could observe three different regimes: Permanently mixed waters (weak density gradient forcing), permanently stratified waters (strong density gradient forcing) and an intermediate state which they called Strain-Induced Periodic Stratification (SIPS). In coastal waters such as Liverpool Bay, all three situation may occur subsequently at a certain position, depending on the external forcing conditions, see Verspecht et al. (2009). Detailed direct observations of SIPS have been made by Rippeth et al. (2001), see figure 8.4. 71 Fig 2.a Temperature (Degrees C) 0 16 Depth (m) 1 5 .5 -20 15 1 4 .5 14 -40 1 3 .5 LB2 13 1 2 .5 -60 12 1 1 .5 11 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Fig 2.b Salinity (PSU) 0 3 4 .4 Depth (m) 3 4 .2 34 -20 3 3 .8 3 3 .6 3 3 .4 -40 3 3 .2 33 3 2 .8 -60 3 2 .6 3 2 .4 3 2 .2 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Fig 2.c Sigma T (kg/m3) 0 2 6 .6 2 6 .4 2 6 .2 Depth (m) 26 -20 2 5 .8 2 5 .6 2 5 .4 2 5 .2 -40 25 2 4 .8 2 4 .6 2 4 .4 2 4 .2 -60 24 2 3 .8 2 3 .6 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Distance Along Transect (km) Figure 8.3: Hydrographic transect across Liverpool Bay on July 7, 1999, showing the horizontal gradients of temperature (upper panel), salinity (middle panel) and density anomaly (lower panel), see Rippeth et al. (2001) and Simpson et al. (2002) for details. The arrow shows where the water column observations by Rippeth et al. (2001) have been carried out. 72 Liverpool Bay, observed temperature Liverpool Bay, observed salinity 0 0 T /◦ C 16.0 -5 -10 15.5 -10 -15 15.0 14.5 -20 S/psu 33.6 33.4 z/m z/m -5 33.2 -15 33.0 32.8 -20 32.6 14.0 -25 -25 -30 -30 186.8 187.0 187.2 187.4 187.6 186.8 187.0 Julian Day 1999 187.2 187.4 187.6 Julian Day 1999 Liverpool Bay, observed u-component Liverpool Bay, observed v-component 0 0 u/m s−1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 z/m -10 -15 -20 v/m s−1 -5 0.4 -10 z/m -5 -25 0.2 0.0 -15 -0.2 -20 -0.4 -25 -30 -30 186.8 187.0 187.2 187.4 187.6 186.8 187.0 Julian Day 1999 187.2 187.4 187.6 Julian Day 1999 Liverpool Bay, observed dissipation rate 0 log10 (ε/m2 s−3 ) -5 -3 -4 z/m -10 -5 -15 -6 -7 -20 -8 -25 -30 186.8 187.0 187.2 187.4 187.6 Julian Day 1999 Figure 8.4: Strain-Induced Periodic Stratification (SIPS) in Liverpool Bay: Temperature T̄ , salinity S̄ and velocity components ū and v̄ and turbulent dissipation rate from observations by Rippeth et al. (2001) and simulations without nudging to observed T̄ and S̄ for two tidal cycles. See figure 8.3 for the location of the observed water column within the horizontal density gradient. 73 Figure 8.5: Sketch of an estuary to explain the Knudsen relation. Graphics taken from MacCready and Geyer (2010). 8.2 The Knudsen relation The intensity of an estuarine exchange flow has already been described by Knudsen (1900) for the example of the Darss Sill which is the main sill into the Baltic Sea. With QR being the river volume run-off (plus net precipitation) into the estuary, Q1 being the outflow at the mouth of the estuary and Q2 being the inflow at the mouth of the estuary (see figure 8.5), then the steady state volume balance is expressed as Q1 = Q2 + QR . (8.1) With s1 denoting the outflow salinity and s2 denoting the inflow salinity, the salt budget of the estuary can be calculated as (note that the salinity of the river is sR = 0) V ṡa = Q2 s2 − Q1 s1 , (8.2) where st is the volume averaged salinity. Assuming a stationary salinity in the estuary (which a good approximation on long time scales), i.e., ṡa = 0, the inflow and outflows can be estmated on the basis of their salinities (which are much easier to measure): Q1 = s2 QR ; s2 − s1 Q2 = s1 QR , s2 − s1 (8.3) relations which can be used to get a simple relation for the ratio of the inflow to the outflow: s1 Q2 = (8.4) Q1 s2 In his historical paper, Knudsen (1900) gives for the Darss Sill values of s1 = 8.7 and s2 = 17.4, such that Q2 /Q1 =0.5, i.e., the inflow is half of the outflow (as well as half of the total river run-off + net precipitation). 74 8.3 Idealised dynamics To reproduce the basic dynamics leading to estuarine circulation, Earth rotation, horizontal velocity gradients and atmospheric pressure gradients are neglected in the dynamic equations (1.13), leading to the following one-dimensional momentum equation: Z ∂u ∂η ∂ g 0 ∂ρ ∂u (νt + ν) = −g − − dz. (8.5) ∂t ∂z ∂z ∂x ρ0 z ∂x If, additionally, a temporally and spatially constant horizontal density gradient is assumed, then the equations simplify to the following form: ∂u ∂η ∂ ∂u (νt + ν) = −g − − zbx (8.6) ∂t ∂z ∂z ∂x with bx = ∂b g ∂ρ =− , ∂x ρ0 ∂x (8.7) see (1.22). If furthermore the eddy viscosity is temporally constant and the molecular viscosity is neglected, and additionally the temporal average of a periodically oscillating solution ū is considered, then the dynamic equation is of the following form: ∂ ū ∂ νt = −g η̄x − zbx , (8.8) − ∂z ∂z with the temporally averaged surface elevation gradient, η̄x . By assuming periods of Tp = 44714 s, the semi-diurnal principal lunar tide is considered in the following. Integration from an arbitrary position z in the water column to the surface (where we assume zero stress, i.e., no wind stress), results in ∂ ū z 2 bx + zE, = ∂z 2 νt (8.9) where for simplicity E = g η̄x /νt has been defined. Subsequent integration from the bottom at z = −H (using ū(−H) = 0) to an arbitrary position in the water column leads to 3 2 z z H 3 bx H2 ū(z) = + E. (8.10) + − 6 6 νt 2 2 To eliminate E, we define the residual run-off ur as the vertically and tidally averaged velocity: Z 1 0 u(z) dz. (8.11) ur = H −H 75 When taking the vertical average of (8.10), and using the result for eliminating E in (8.10), the following classical solution for estuarine circulation is obtained (Hansen and Rattray (1965); MacCready and Geyer (2010)): z 2 3 z 2 bx H 3 z 3 8 +9 −1 − − 1 ur ū(z) = 48νt H H 2 H z 2 z 3 3 z 2 = 8 +9 − 1 ue − − 1 ur , H H 2 H (8.12) with the exchange flow intensity, ue = (bx H 3 )/(48νt ). The deviation of the resulting vertical salinity anomaly Z 1 0 ′ s =s− dz (8.13) H −H (deviation from the vertical mean salinity) can be obtained from the following balance between salinity advection and vertical mixing: ūsx = νt′ ∂ 2 s′ , ∂z 2 (8.14) see assignment 1. The salt deviation profile will come out as a fifth-order polynomial (due to the double integration of the third-order polynomial for ū) with zero-gradients at the surface and the bottom. In (8.14), the constant in time and space horizontal salinity gradient is defined as sx = bx gβ (8.15) with the haline contraction coefficient β from (1.21). The suspended particulate matter equation (1.26) simplifies for stationary and horizontally homogeneous conditions to ∂C ∂ ′ ∂C − ws νt = 0. (8.16) − ∂z ∂z ∂z Vertical integration from the bottom to an arbitrary position z in the water column leads to ′ ∂C ′ ∂C − ws C(z) − νt = −ws C(−H) − νt , (8.17) ∂z z ∂z z=−H where the right hand side is zero due to boundary condition that the net SPM flux through the bottom vanishes. With this, the vertical net SPM flux is zero for 76 all z, such for a spatially and temporally constant eddy diffusivity the following condition is obtained: ws ∂C = − ′ C, (8.18) ∂z νt the solution of which is ws C = C0 exp − ′ z . νt With Cb = C(−H), this can be reformulated to C ws H z = exp − ′ +1 . Cb νt H (8.19) (8.20) Figure 8.6 shows the residual velocity, salinity anomaly and particulate suspended matter profiles for constant in time and space eddy viscosity and diffusivity, resulting from equations (8.12) and (8.19). The resulting SPM flux profile for q = ūC/Cb as well as the analytical solution of (8.14). The similarity of these four profiles with the Elbe Estuary measurements shown in figure 8.2 are remarkable. With this, the classical estuarine circulation profile can be explained by the presence of the horizontal density gradient, such that the circulation is density driven. Therefore this type of circulation is also called gravitational circulation. This gravitational circulation has been identified by Postma and Kalle (1955) as the major driver of estuarine turbidity maxima, as shown in figure 8.1. The dynamics of the up-estuary SPM flux as theoretically derived here is governed by two dimensionless parameters. As shown in (8.12) the exchange flow velocity can be expressed as bx H 3 , (8.21) ue = 48νt such that with (7.18) the dimensionless exchange flow can be formulated as bx H 2 ue ∝ =: Si, u∗max (u∗max )2 (8.22) with the Simpson number Si, which quantifies the non-dimensional horizontal density gradient. It can also be interpreted as the ratio of the stratifying forcing due to the density gradient forcing and the de-stratifying forces due to vertical mixing. The importance of Si for estuarine and coastal dynamics has first been acknowledged by Simpson et al. (1990). Later this number has been phrased as horizontal Richardson number Rx (Monismith et al. (1996)) and just recently it was renamed to Si to honour John Simpson for his substantial scientific contributions to the Physical Oceanography of coastal, estuarine and shelf sea waters. The other relevant non-dimensional parameter governs the SPM profile: ws H ws ≡ ∗ := R, ′ νt umax 77 (8.23) with the Rouse number R, which characterises the balance between setting and vertical mixing of SPM. However, gravitational circulation is not the only process leading to nearbottom upstream residual velocities. The role of tidal straining for the generation of estuarine circulation has been first proposed by Jay and Musiak (1994), see figure 8.7: The flood profile is denoted as Uf and shows in comparison to a symmetric flood profile +A a negative velocity defect in the upper and a positive velocity defect in the lower part of the water column, caused by a relatively large flood eddy viscosity Kzf which mixes large amounts of momentum down to the bottom. This is because during flood denser, saltier offshore water is sheared over less dense onshore waters, leading to strong enhancement of vertical mixing due to statically unstable stratification, see also the enhanced turbulent dissipation rate during flood as shown in the observations presented in figure 8.4. During ebb, the opposite mechanism is active, leading to suppressed downward transport of down-estuary momentum. Averaged over a complete tidal cycle, an excess of up-estuary transport is mixed downwards, leading to up-estuary near-bottom residual circulation, in addition to the classical gravitational circulation shown in figure 8.6. This tidal asymmetry had been described before as tidal straining by Simpson et al. (1990), who concentrated on the strain-induced periodic stratification (SIPS, see figure 8.4) caused by this mixing asymmetry. Using a one-dimensional numerical model and observations, Stacey et al. (2008) could show the importance of tidal mixing asymmetry for the generation of estuarine circulation. It was recently shown by means of a one-dimensional numerical model study only considering longitudinal flow processes that for a SIPS situation tidal straining accounts for about 2/3 of the residual circulation (Burchard and Hetland (2010)). This confirmed an earlier result by Burchard and Baumert (1998) who used a two-dimensional vertical-longitudinal model for a tidal channel to prove the dominant role of tidal straining for the generation of estuarine circulation. 78 Residual SPM profile z/H Residual velocity profile 0 0 -0.2 -0.2 -0.4 -0.4 -0.6 -0.6 -0.8 -0.8 -1 -0.1 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 -1 0 0.02 0.04 0 0.2 0.4 0 -0.2 -0.2 -0.4 -0.4 -0.6 -0.6 -0.8 -0.8 0 0.005 0.8 1 Residual salinity anomaly profile Residual SPM flux profile 0 -1 -0.01 -0.005 0.6 C/Cb ū / m s−1 0.01 0.015 -1 -0.3 0.02 q / m s−1 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 s′ Figure 8.6: Residual velocity, ū (upper left), SPM normalised by bottom SPM, C/Cb (upper right), horizontal SPM flux normalised by bottom SPM, q = ūC/Cb (lower left), and salinity anomaly, s′ (lower right) for constant in time and space eddy viscosity and diffusivity. 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