GENERAL INFORMATION EXHIBITS The 13th Mid-America Blasting Conference is offered to provide individuals in Mid-America with the opportunity to attend a forum catering to the needs of the blasting industry. The conference is sponsored by three chapters of the International Society of Explosives Engineers: Heartland, Mississippi Valley and the MO University of Science and Technology Student Chapter. The conference will feature a golf outing, exhibitor reception, lunch and keynote dinner, exhibits and numerous papers with topics of interest to field blasters. Numerous suppliers of products and services will have exhibits set up during the conference. This will provide an excellent opportunity to see the latest technology being offered to the industry. The Mid-America Blasting Conference can be beneficial to the field blaster in many ways. These include becoming acquainted with the state of the art in the industry; the opportunity to interact with other blasters with similar situations and concerns; and a chance to have individual discussions with technical representatives, regulatory personnel, and consultants. The conference satisfies the Missouri Blasting Safety Act requirements for 8 hour refresher. Attendance at all presentations will be required. REGISTRATION Registration can be made through the conference website at The registration fee of $ 75.00 includes admission to the exhibitor reception on Wednesday evening, lunch and the keynote dinner on Thursday and admission to all papers and exhibits. The registration fee does not include the room rate. Payment by credit card through the Mississippi Valley SEE website at is preferred. We will also be able to take credit cards, checks and cash at the location. The conference will not invoice afterward. It is not necessary to fill out and mail in the Advanced Registration Form if paying by credit card through the website. Exhibit space may be reserved on the Mississippi Valley website at Each space accommodates one 8’ X 10’ display. The cost is $ 225.00 per space and includes one conference registration per space. For information on availability contact John Bowling at 417-624-0164. SPONSORSHIPS The Exhibitor Reception and breaks can be sponsored for $ 110.00. There will be a morning and afternoon break on Thursday and a morning break on Friday. Individuals or companies sponsoring the reception and breaks will have their names prominently displayed and listed in the conference program. Sponsorships must be reserved by September 1. HOTEL RESERVATIONS The event will be held at the Resort at Port Arrowhead in Lake Ozark, MO. The hotel is located ¾ mile from the junction of U.S. 54 and Business 54, 2 miles south of historic Bagnell Dam. Hotel reservations are the responsibility of the attendee. A block of rooms has been set aside at the special rate of $82.00 plus tax. Please make your reservation as soon as possible. The reserved block of rooms will be released on September 9th so make your reservation as soon as possible by calling (800) 532-3575 or (573) 365-2334. Be sure to indicate that you are making your reservation for the Mid-America Blasting Conference. You can also book your room online at and click on reservations. The group code and password is MABC14. ADVANCE REGISTRATION FORM 13th MID-AMERICA BLASTING CONFERENCE OCTOBER 8, 2014 to OCTOBER 10, 2014 Name Company Address City State Zip Email Telephone Registration ($ 75.00) $ Exhibitor's Fee (1 Registration/Table) ($ 225.00/Space) $ Exhibitor Reception/Break Sponsorship ($ 110.00) $ Exhibitor Reception (Significant Other) ($ 30.00) $ Keynote Dinner (Significant Other) ($ 40.00) $ Total Amount Enclosed $ If possible please pay by credit card through the Mississippi Valley SEE website at or Please make checks payable to: Mississippi Valley ISEE Mail to: Mississippi Valley ISEE 603 N Jefferson St. Florissant, Missouri 63031 REFUNDS Requests for refunds of registration fees must be made at least two weeks in advance of the conference. 13th MID-AMERICA BLASTING CONFERENCE 13th MID-AMERICA BLASTING CONFERENCE 13th Mid-America Blasting Conference SCHEDULE OF EVENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS (Continued) A conference for those in the blasting field who use explosives or supply and service the explosives industry. Wednesday (October 8, 2014) Friday (October 10, 2014) ISEE Heartland Chapter 6th Annual Crazy Horse Memorial Golf Tournament (Box Lunch Included – All Players) $100.00 PER PLAYER / $400.00 PER TEAM Questions: Contact Mike Seal - 816-500-7461 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Exhibitor Booths Open) 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Papers Presented 12:00 PM Conference Adjourns [email protected] 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM 8:30 AM (Check-In) (Shotgun Start) Sponsored by the following chapters of the International Society of Explosives Engineers: 13th MID-AMERICA BLASTING CONFERENCE 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM (Exhibitor Setup & Registration) 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM (General Registration) 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (Exhibitor Booths Open & Reception) Thursday (October 9, 2014) 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Exhibitor Booths Open) 8:00 AM – 8:30 AM General Registration 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM Papers Presented 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Papers presented 6:00PM - 7:00 PM Reception and Cocktails 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Dinner, Trivia Contest, Silent Auction HEARTLAND CHAPTER Topics and Presentations: Drilling Blasting Vibration Case Studies ISEE Regulatory Updates o ATF & E o MSHA o MO State Fire Marshal MISSISSIPPI VALLEY CHAPTER MO UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY STUDENT CHAPTER Conference Dates October 8, 2014 to October 10, 2014 Location The Resort at Port Arrowhead Near U.S. 54 and Business 54 Lake Ozark, Missouri 65049 (800) 532-3575 or (573) 365-2334
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