Neuere und Neueste Geschichte Übung, Kurs American Pathways

Übung, Kurs
Neuere und Neueste Geschichte
American Pathways: Travel and Transport in the United States, 1815–2015
Dr. Wilfried Mausbach
Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA)
per Email an [email protected]
Montag 14:15–15:45 Uhr
HCA, Oculus (R.120)
Beginn: erste Woche
Epochendisziplin: Neuere Geschichte (1500-1900) (NG), Neueste Geschichte (ab 1900) (NNG)
Sach- und Regionaldisziplin: Amerikanische Geschichte (AmG)
Veranstaltungstyp/Modul (ECTS-Leistungspunkte): Quellenübung/B.A. Basismodul (3); LA Basismodul (3)
B.A.-Studiengänge neu ab WS 2015/16: Quellenübung/B.A. Modul Theorie und Methode (2 LP), B.A.
(25%) Vertiefungsmodul I (2 LP)
America has always been a nation on the move. In this course we will look at the waxing and waning of travel options for Americans. From nineteenth-century public roads, canals and rails to
twentieth-century superhighways and Amtrak’s intercity rail service, we will examine the plans of
policymakers, the undertakings of individual entrepreneurs, and the experiences of ordinary people
in motion. We will pay attention not only to long-distance travel, however, but also to urban transportation and to the consequences that industrialization, de-industrialization, and postindustrial
developments entailed both for these means of transportation and, in turn, for the social and cultural life of commuters and communities.
This course is also designed to serve as preparation for a major excursion to the Rust Belt of the United States in September 2016, organized by the Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) and
the Institute for Geography. Participants who plan to take part in the excursion will be required to
attend a preparatory meeting in late January/early February. In addition, it is highly recommended
that they also enroll in the upper level course (Hauptseminar) “Der US-amerikanische Rustbelt im
Wandel. Stadt- und kulturgeographische Einblicke von Milwaukee bis Washington, D.C.,“ (Prof. Dr.
Ulrike Gerhard/Dr. Gregg Culver; Tuesdays 2-4 p.m.; [email protected]).
Zu diesem Kurs wird es ein semesterbegleitendes Online-Angebot geben.
William L. Garrison and David M. Levinson, The Transportation Experience, 2nd ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014); Robert J. Dilger, American Transportation Policy (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2003); William L. Richter, The ABC-Clio Companion to Transportation in America (Santa Barbara,
Calif.: ABC-Clio, 1995).