Conference programme

Fifth VDA Automotive SYS® Conference
Quality, Safety and Security
for Automotive Software-based Systems
15th - 17th July 2015
Kongresshotel Potsdam am Templiner See
Head of Conference and Conference Chair
Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Eichhorn
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Dust
Managing Director, German Association of the
Keynote Speakers
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christof Paar
Dr. Frank Rabe
Chair Embedded Security, Member Horst Görtz
Senior Vice President, Continental AG,
Quality Strategy and Quality Competency, TU Berlin, Faculty of
Institute for IT-Security, Ruhr Universität Bochum
Head of Corporate Quality and Environment
Automotive Industry (VDA)
Mechanical Engineering and Transport Systems
Christof Paar is professor at Ruhr University and research
professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
His research interests include crypto implementation,
physical security and analysis of real-world systems.
He has over 180 peer-reviewed publications and is IEEE
Fellow. Christof has given invited talks at MIT, Yale,
Stanford, IBM Labs and Intel. He co-founded ESCRYPT
GmbH – Embedded Security, a leading system provider in
industrial security which is now part of Bosch.
Frank Rabe holds a Ph.D. in EE and worked in 3 industries:
Space Exploration, Medical Imaging, and Automotive.
In Space Exploration, Frank worked on image data
compression. In Medical Imaging, Frank held engineering management positions at Siemens Healthcare, in
Germany and the US. In Automotive, Frank was head
of R&D for Infotainment/Connectivity at Continental
AG, and later GM for business with Asian customers,
located in Shanghai. Since 2013, Frank is Head of
Corporate Quality and Environment of Continental AG.
On behalf of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), I
am happy to invite you to the VDA Automotive SYS® Conference 2015. The
conference is now in its fifth year, making this event well established in the
community. I hope that you will have the chance to take time in July to join
us again for interesting talks and discussions, networking and learning. This
year we have decided to include security as an additional main topic for the
conference to reflect the increasing challenges our industry is focussing in
the development of networked vehicles. With the excellent support of our
programme committee we have again setup a mix of high quality workshops,
keynotes and presentations. The organisation team, programme committee
and all of VDA QMC staff involved in the conference will do their best to make
you remember the 2015 conference as an informative and innovative event.
I’m looking forward to meeting you at the Automotive SYS® 2015 and I hope
for good weather giving us all the chance to enjoy the evening event on Lake
Templin in Potsdam.
Save the 6th – 8th of July 2016 for the Automotive SYS® 2016 in Berlin, Dahlem
On behalf of the VDA Automotive SYS® programme committee, it is my
pleasure to invite you to the Fifth International Conference on Quality, Safety
and Security for Automotive Software-based Systems. This yearly event
hosted by the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) gives
you the chance to meet the major players from the automotive industry and
share professional knowledge and experience with international experts.
As you will see from the programme, this year we will additionally focus
on security of electronic automotive systems for the first time. We have
expert speakers giving lectures, tutorials and workshops and a selection of
excellent keynote speeches. I’m personally convinced, that this conference will add a value to your daily business in working for quality, process
improvement, functional safety or security for road vehicles.
Thomas Tomakidi
Graham Smethurst
CEO, Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst GmbH & Co. KG
Head of the Networked and Automated Driving
Thomas Tomakidi received a degree in mechanical
engineering in 1987. He gathered business experience
as project manager leading the development of several
automotive systems, as a plant manager of a tool and
die shop and as managing director of an automotive
business unit before joining Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst in
Co-ordination Team, German Association of the
Automotive Industry (VDA)
Graham began his professional engineering career in
telecommunications electronics, transferring to the UK
automotive industry in 1989. In 2000 he moved to BMW in
Munich to lead the development of Car Communication
and Infotainment Systems. He was a founding member
of the GENIVI Alliance. Since October 2014 he has lead
the Co-ordination team “Networked and Automated
Driving” at the German Association of the Automotive
Industry (VDA) in Berlin.
Conference Programme
One specific topic the conference covers is the influence of software and hardware on the security and safety of in-vehicle systems.
Therefore you will have the chance to attend a workshop on hardware-based safety and security features given by experts from the
silicone industry. The relationship between software quality assurance and the quality of software code on the avoidance of bugs
threatening safety and security will be covered.
The conference programme focuses on quality, functional safety and security of modern automobile electronics with respect to regulations and
relevant standards. This event will deal both with technical methods/solutions and management practices. The following topics will be addressed in
three distinctive programme sessions, which will run in parallel:
Another interesting topic will be addressed by intacs experts giving you a detailed insight in organizational maturity assessments
based on SPICE.
Last but not least we have established a specific morning and afternoon session from which you can get detailed information on
project management and process improvement in an agile software development environment.
Session A (Management and Processes Session): Quality, functional safety and security management
This session focusses on organizational aspects, infrastructure and process management, process assessments, safety and security
process audits. It will deal with management and organizational aspects of quality, functional safety and security in the context of relevant standards
such as ISO 26262, ISO/IEC 27000 series and Automotive SPICE® and their efficient combination.
Session C (Technical Session): Embedded safety and security
It addresses the technical engineering and focuses on embedded safety and security concepts. Both hardware and software measures to avoid
vulnerability of software-based systems in the vehicle are part of this session. Presentations on typical security threads for mobile embedded
applications and the fundamental protective methodologies and technologies can be found here.
The conference is accepted by the international assessor certification scheme (intacs™) as active or passive experience evidence for certification as
a competent or principal assessor Automotive SPICE®.
Tutorial and Workshop Day
Prior to the main conference, we have organized a tutorial and workshop day in conjunction with highly experienced trainers and experts. The tutorial
and workshop content is based on the conference topics.
Two basic tutorials will be held. In the morning you will learn about safety analysis and in the afternoon you will get an overview and a comparison of
different quality related methods and standards to help you identify their specific purpose and goals.
Tutorial and Workshop Day
Wednesday, 15th July 2015
Session B (Methodology Session): Risk, safety and security analyses and assessments
This session contains specialist presentations on functional safety methodology, safety concepts and safety analyses and the implementation and
interpretation of ISO 26262. Risk assessments and hazard analyses techniques for both safety and security of embedded systems are in the scope
of this session.
09:00 - 10:00
Workshop Registration
10:00 - 13:00
A1: Basic Tutorial
B1: Software development
processes for safety and security
C1: Hardware for safety and
D1: Agile Session
TUTORIAL: Safety Analyses per
ISO 26262 – Which, why, and how
do they fit together
WORKSHOP: Feel safe without
QA? Why Software QA matters for
Functional Safety
WORKSHOP: Hardware designed
for safety and security
Tomislav Lovric, TRW Automotive,
Lucas Varity GmbH Germany
Pascal Vollmer, ITK Engineering
AG; Marc Götting, ITK Engineering AG; Bernd Holzmüller, ITK
Engineering AG
Christopher Temple, Infineon
Technologies AG; Roberto
Colombo, ST Microelectronics;
Rafael Zalman, Infineon
Technologies AG
WORKSHOP: Automotive SPICE®Compliant Project Management
With Agile Teams
Frank Sazama, Kugler Maag CIE;
Markus Müller, Kugler Maag CIE
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch break
14:00 - 17:00
A2: Basic Tutorial
B2: Organizational maturity
C2: Software coding for safety
and security
D2: Agile Session
TUTORIAL: QM methods and
standards: VDA 6.3, VDA RGA,
ISO TS 16949, Automotive SPICE®
and ISO 26262
WORKSHOP: intacs™
Organisational Maturity
Markus Müller, International
Assessor Certification Scheme
(intacs e.V.); Detlef Vohwinkel,
International Assessor
Certification Scheme (intacs e.V.)
WORKSHOP: Coding for safe and
secure software
WORKSHOP: Applying Agile
Principles To Process
Improvement Initiatives
Thorsten Höppner, QMH
Consulting; Timo Karasch,
Method Park
William Forbes, TRW Automotive;
David Ward, MIRA Ltd.;
Priyamvadha Vembar, Bosch CoC
Frank Sazama, Kugler Maag CIE;
Fabio Bella, Kugler Maag CIE
Conference Day 1
08:00 - 09:00
Conference Registration
09:00 - 09:30
Welcome Note Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Eichhorn, Managing Director, German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA)
09:30 - 10:15
Opening Keynote - „The networked vehicle and automated driving – opportunities and challenges”
Graham Smethurst, Head of the Networked and Automated Driving Co-ordination Team, German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA)
10:15 - 10:50
Morning break
10:50 - 12:30
Sessions A1 | B1 | C1
Session A1
Session B1
Session C1
Status and Outlook VDA QMC
working group 13
Kai-Helge Dieken, Head of VDA QMC WG13
Mastering variability and dependability in
functional safety projects
Michael Käßmeyer, Audi Electronics
Venture GmbH
Cybersecurity Guidebook for Cyber-Physical
Vehicle Systems Overview
Barbara J. Czerny, Fiat Chrysler Automotive
Outlook next version ISO 26262
Jürgen Schwarz, Daimler AG
12:30 - 13:45
Lunch break
13:45 - 15:45
Sessions A2 | B2 | C2
SPICE for Mechanical Systems
André Zeh, F+S Fleckner und Simon
Informationstechnik GmbH
Integrated method for Safety and Security
Requirements Validation
Eduard Metzker, Vector Informatik
Session A2
Session B2
Session C2
The CERT Resilience Management Model (RMM)
Lisa Young, SEI
Worked example from the MISRA Safety
Case Guidelines
Ireri Ibarra, MIRA Ltd
Hardware Security for Automotive
Systems – Use-cases, Challenges, Solutions
Frederic Stumpf, ESCRYPT GmbH
Setting priorities for the ISO 26262
SW development process
Heiko Dörr, Model Engineering Solutions GmbH
Save lives and save time: – An efficient test
strategy can achieve both
Joerg Hermes, Hermes Sicherheits- &
Establishment and Implement of Safety
Culture - Strengthen of skill for functional safety Qualitätsmanagement
development and skill qualification system
Safety Complexity Analysis by State Space
Shuji Abe, Panasonic Corporation
Rainer Faller, GmbH
Extending Software Solutions from Safety to
Alexander Much, Elektrobit Automotive GmbH
Aviation Software Safety Standard Potential Synergy for Application of ISO 26262
Berndt Wieczorek, Sarel Consult GmbH
15:45 - 16:15
Afternoon break
16:15 - 17:00
Afternoon Keynote
Dr. Frank Rabe, Senior Vice President, Continental AG, Head of Corporate Quality and Environment
17:00 - 18:00
Meet the experts: Plenary and Panel Discussion with international leaders in the areas of security, safety and quality
18:45 - 22:30
Evening-Event: boat trip around Potsdam
Conference Day 2
Friday, 17th July 2015
Thursday, 16th July 2015
08:00 - 09:00
Conference Registration
09:00 - 09:45
Morning Keynote - How to Manage the Challenge of Merging Mechanical Hardware
and Software Development by Application of the V Model
Thomas Tomakidi, CEO, Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst GmbH & Co. KG
09:45 - 10:15
Morning break
10:15 - 12:15
Sessions A3 | B3 | C3
Session A3
Session B3
Session C3
An Empirical Study on Software Process
Improvement in Automotive
Fabio Falcini, CNR ISTI
Functional safety – Does the ASIL outshine
all other safety domains
Karlheinz Morgenroth, Schaeffler
Technologies AG & Co. KG
On fast authentication methods for security
applications in modern cars
Steffen Reith, University of Applied
Sciences Wiesbaden Rüsselsheim
Security Engineering Process – the Bosch
Priyamvadha Vembar, Bosch CoC Security
Automated cars meet ISO 26262
Jan Edel, SGS-TÜV Saar GmbH
The Divemaster for Automotive SPICE®
assessments. Or How to Accelerate
Assessments Successfully
Martin Becker, Volkswagen AG
Speed of Improvement programs
Sandro Antenori, Continental Automotive GmbH
Software Quality - Enabling future Safety
and Security
Mario Trapp, Fraunhofer IESE
Integrated Design and Evaluation of Safety and
Security in Automotive System Development
Marc Born, KPIT medini Technologies AG
12:15 - 13:30
Lunch break
13:30 - 14:15
Afternoon Keynote - Security and Vulnerabilities of Embedded Systems in Real-World Settings
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christof Paar, Chair Embedded Security, Member Horst Görtz Institute for IT-Security, Ruhr Universität Bochum
14:15 - 14:30
Conference closing: best presentation award
General Conference Information
Thursday, 16th July 2015
15th - 17th July 2015 at the Kongresshotel Potsdam am Templiner See
On Thursday the 16th of July we would like to invite you to be part of a boat trip around Potsdam accompanied by unique live music.
For more information
please contact:
Meeting point:Lobby Kongresshotel Potsdam
Meeting time: from 18:45*
Dress Code: Casual
Ms Julia Feldmann
Telephone: +49 30 / 89 78 42 - 231
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr.-Ing. Louise Stewart
Telephone: +49 30 / 89 78 42 - 253
E-mail: [email protected]
Conference Location
Kongresshotel Potsdam
Am Luftschiffhafen 1
14471 Potsdam, Germany
Telephone: +49 331 / 907 - 0
+49 331 / 907 - 70 777
E-mail:[email protected]
Conference Registration
Mr Semih Kösger
Telephone: +49 30 / 89 78 42 - 232
E-mail: [email protected]
Participation fee for the Conference and Workshops
Conference Dates
Workshop + 2 days Workshop + 1 day
15th July 2015 09:00 - 17:00
16th July 2015 09:00 - approx. 22:30
17th July 2015 09:00 - 14:30
Price: *€ 990.00 (plus VAT)
Price: *€ 650.00 (plus VAT)
*The fee includes: conference documentation, light meals
on all days, cocktail reception and social event with dinner on 16th July 2015
* Please be aware that the boat will departure at 19:15. It is not possible to enter the boat after departure!
Workshop Day
Keynotes, lectures, panel
discussion and social event
Keynotes, lectures
Hotel Information
Directions to the hotel
Kongresshotel Potsdam
Am Luftschiffhafen 1
14471 Potsdam, Germany
+49 331 / 907 - 0
+49 331 / 907 - 70 777
E-mail:[email protected]
Hotel rooms can be booked online at
(switch to the English website)
Please enter the following booking code "VDA_QMC" to receive
the special conference rate.
• € 85.00 / night; single room incl. breakfast
• € 115.00 / night; double room single use incl. breakfast
Please book your room before 15th May 2015 to get the special
conference rate.
By car:
By plane:
from the north: coming from the A24, turn onto the A10 (‘Berliner
Ring’), exit ‘Potsdam Nord‘, direction of ‘Potsdam-Zentrum’ via
‘Zeppelinstrasse’, left before city limits
Berlin Schönefeld:
Take the RB 22 regional train from the ‘Berlin Schönefeld’
airport to the ‘Potsdam Charlottenhof’ train station and then take
91 tram to the last stop ‘Bahnhof Pirschheide’. Travel time is around
55 minutes. From the ‘Pirschheide’ station you will need approx. 5
minutes by foot to the ‘Kongresshotel Potsdam’, please follow the
hotel signs. | Approx. taxi costs: € 75.00
from the west: coming from the A2, turn onto the A10, exit ‘GroßKreutz’, direction ‘Potsdam-Zentrum’, right at city limits
from the south/east: coming from the A9/A13/A12, turn onto the
A10, exit ‘Michendorf’, take B2 direction of ‘Potsdam-Zentrum’ via
‘Zeppelinstrasse’, left before city limits
By public tansport:
With the S-Bahn or regional train to ‘Potsdam Hauptbahnhof’
(main station) and then either:
• With 91 tram to the last station ‘Bahnhof Pirschheide’. Please
follow signs to the hotel, which is about 5 minutes away.
• Take the 631 bus in the direction of ‘Werder’, disembark at
‘Luftschiffhafen’ stop, left before the bridge, then also
follow signs to hotel, approx. 5 minutes by foot.
Berlin Tegel:
Take the 109 bus in the direction of ‘Zoologischer Garten’ to S-Bahn
station ‘Charlottenburg’. From there you will take the RE1 regional
train to ‘Potsdam Hauptbahnhof’ (main station). Then you will
take the 631 bus or the 91 tram to ‘Luftschiffhafen’. Travel time is
approx. 60 minutes. From there it takes around 5 minutes
by foot to the ‘Kongresshotel’, please follow the hotel signs. | Approx. taxi costs: € 70.00
Parking facilities:
For cars:
The hotel has an underground garage.
Daily rate* for overnight guests: € 7.00
* for non-resident guests: €10.00
Free parking is available near the hotel.
Behrenstrasse 35
10117 Berlin, Germany
+ 49 30 / 89 78 42 - 0
+ 49 30 / 89 78 42 - 605
[email protected]