スライド 1

“Towards a high productive design approach
applied to automotive systems”
The main objective of our research is to develop engineering methods
and tools in order to decrease time devoted to routine design and to
allocate more resources for innovation. A global methodology is
proposed, in connection with various digital tools (PLM environment,
KBE software, parametric CAD and CAE tool, etc.) and applied to
engineering and manufacturing process of automotive systems.
Samuel GOMES is a Professor at Belfort-Montbéliard University of
Technology (UTBM-France) and member of the M3M (Mechatronic, Methods,
Models and Skills) laboratory. He is currently Head of the Mechanical
Engineering and Design Department at UTBM and the Deputy-Director of the
M3M Laboratory. At this time, he leads several research projects related to
Product Lifecycle Management, Collaborative Engineering, Advanced CAD
modeling and Knowledge Based Engineering, in connection with various
companies, in the area of automotive systems.
:師講 サミュエル・ゴメス授教
(フランス国 ベルフォール・モンベリヤール工科大学 計設学工械機研究科)
日時: 平成24年 1月 24日(火) 13:00~14:30
会場: ES総合館 3階 031講義室
申込: 不要
エコトピア科学研究所 門部トクェジロプ合融 教授 大日方 五郎
Phone 052-789-5030 ,
E-mail [email protected]