Patrick Büttner Laura Doernbach Klassenarbeiten Englisch 7 At home I arstufe Sekund ch oernba Laura D Büttner Patrick Downloadauszug D ownloadauszug aus Originaltitel: a us dem Originaltit tel: Englisch er 7 n Klassenarbeiten Englisch 7 At home Dieser Download ist ein Auszug aus dem Originaltitel Klassenarbeiten Englisch 7 Über diesen Link gelangen Sie zur entsprechenden Produktseite im Web. _____. Klassenarbeit Englisch Klasse: ___________ Datum: ___________ Name: ______________________________________________ /RRNDWWKHSLFWXUHDQGODEHOLW ___ 8 P. &RPSO &RPSOHWHWKHIROORZLQJVHQWHQFHV8VHWKHVLPSOHSUHVHQW HWHWKHIR HQFHV HWKHVLPSOH SUHV ___ 6 P. L. Doernbach/P. D Büttner: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 7 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Augsburg a) I ___ ______________________ _ (not allowe allowed d to) mow the lawn. b) My friend and I _____________________ ____ _________ (not able to) do our homework. c) John _____________________ _________ (not to be able to) play the piano. d) Rebecca becca _______ _____________________ ____ (not to be allowed to) go to parties. e) Troy ____________________ _ ________ (to have to) help his parents once a week. f ) She ____________________ ____ (to have to) get up very early every day. &RPSOHWHWKHIROORZLQJVHQWHQFHV8VHWKHVLPSOHSDVW ___ 4 P. a) My sister ______________________ (to be able to) do her homework yesterday. b) My brother ______________________ (to have to) tidy up his room last Saturday. c) My friends ______________________ (not to be allowed to) sleep at my house last weekend. d) Yesterday we ______________________ (not to have to) repair our car. At home 37 1 ___ 7UDQVODWHWKHIROORZLQJVHQWHQFHVLQWR(QJOLVK:DWFKWKHWHQVHV a) Meine Oma konnte die Einkaufstüten nicht alleine tragen. b) Ich darf das Auto meines Vaters waschen. c) Du darfst am Wochenende nicht auf die Party gehen. d) Mein Bruder musste meinem Vater helfen, den Dachboden aufzuräumen. 8 P. &RPSOHWHWKHVHQWHQFHVZLWKWKHFRUUHFWUHIOH[LYHSURQRXQV 9 P. ___ a) When nobody is there, I sometimes talk to __________________. _. b) The parents are on vacation, so the children have to cook __________________. ______ c) Gabriella has got a new camera. Now she can take photos otos of o _________________. __________ d) In Canada we had to protect __________________ from bears bears. e) That was a great concert; you can be very ve proud of __________________. __ _______ ____ ____ Michael th __________ ______ f ) Catharine thinks of __________________, thinks of __________________. ___ ________. They think of __________________. ra. Now w ures s of o __________________. ____ _________ g) Look, I have got a new cam camera. we can take pictures YHVRUHDFK RWKHU" U : QFHVDF DFFRUGLQJ FRUGL WR 7KHPVHOYHVRUHDFKRWKHU":ULWH(QJOLVKVHQWHQFHVDFFRUGLQJWR WKHS FWXUHV WKHSLFWXUHV L. Doernbach/P. D Büttner: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 7 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Augsburg a) ___ 4 P. ___ 4 P. b)) HPVHOYH 7KHPVHOYHVRUHDFKRWKHU"7UDQVODWHWKHVHQWHQFHVLQWR(QJOLVK a) Die Mädchen schauen einander an. b) Die Mädchen schauen sich im Spiegel an. c) Die Jungen denken nur an sich selbst. d) Die Jungen denken oft aneinander. ___ 43 P. At home 37 2 _____. Klassenarbeit Englisch Klasse: ___________ Datum: ___________ Name: ______________________________________________ )LQGWKH(QJOLVKZRUGVZKLFKDUHGHVFULEHGLQWKHVHVHQWHQFHV 7KH\DOOKDYHWRGRZLWKWKHWRSLF³DWKRPH´ ___ 8 P. a) You eat there: ________________________________________________ b) In this room you can be creative: ________________________________________________ c) The opposite of “downstairs”: ________________________________________________ ____ d) The British call it “first floor”. What do Americans say? y? ________________________________________________ ____ _____________ e) A room where you can put things s lik like a hoo hoover over or cle cleaning utensils: s: ________________________________________________ ____________ _ ___ f ) You keep your clothes, othes, especially esp cially your you socks and underwear, erwe we in itit: ________________________________________________ ___ ___________ _____ ___ g) B Butter, er, milk and cheese chees are kept cold there: e: ____ ________________________________________________ ______ ______ _ __________ L. Doernbach/P. D Büttner: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 7 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Augsburg h) You can bake a pizza in it. ___ _ ____ ________________________________________________ /RRNDWWKHSLFWXUHDQGGHVFULEHLW:KDWNLQGRIURRPGRHVLW KHSLFWXUHDQG ZDQ QGZKDWFDQ \RX VKRZDQGZKDWFDQ\RXILQGWKHUH":ULWHDWOHDVWQLQHVHQWHQFHV 8VHSUHS 8VHSUHSRVLWLRQVVXFKDVRQXQGHUQH[WWR RVLWLRQVVX ___ 10 P. At home 37 3 &RPSOHWHWKHVHQWHQFHVZLWKWKHFRUUHFWUHIOH[LYHSURQRXQV ___ 5 P. a) My guitar teacher is ill. Today I have to teach ______________________________. b) Leo did the homework ______________________________. c) My grandmother often talks to ______________________________. d) Lena and Hanna, if you want more cake, help _____________________________. e) We helped ____________________________ to some drinks at her birthday party. 7UDQVODWHWKHIROORZLQJVHQWHQFHVLQWR(QJOLVK:DWFKWKHWHQVHV VHV a) Eva bringt sich eine neue Sprache bei. b) Meine Hunde betrachten sich gerne im Spiegel. c) Meine Eltern konnten den Schrank nicht alleine verschieben. e ver chieben. d) Du darfst am Wochenende nicht zu u mir kommen. mmen. ___ 8 P. &RPSOHWHWKHIROORZLQJVHQWHQFHV8VHWKHVLPSOHSUHVHQW FHV8VHWKH VLPSOH ___ 6 P. a) We _______________________ play in the g garden. ________ _ (not to be allowed to) pl arden b) Mr Brown _______________________ _____________ (to have to) buy rolls every wee weekend. eken c) Kelly _______________________ (not to be able ________ _______ e to) tidy up her he room because she has broken her arm. ha L. Doernbach/P. D Büttner: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 7 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Augsburg d) My younger y unger sister _______________________ ________ _______ (to be b allowed to) sleep in my pare parents’ bed. e) Joe _______________________ ____ ___ (to ha have to) help his dad in the fields. f ) Robert _______________________ (not to be able to) install the computer program _________ himself. elf. &RPSOHWHW &RPSOHWHWKHIROORZLQJVHQWHQFHV8VHWKHVLPSOHSDVW WKH IRO ___ 4 P. a) Yesterd Yesterday Toby _______________________ (not to have to) clean the floor. b) My mother _______________________ (to be able to) go to her dancing lesson because I was taking care of my younger brother Benno. c) My friends _______________________ (not to be allowed to) come to my party. d) I _______________________ (to have to) do my homework after school. ___ 41 P. At home 37 4 _____. Klassenarbeit Englisch Klasse: ___________ Datum: ___________ Name: ______________________________________________ 1. The letters are in the wrong order. Find the correct words and translate them into German. They all have to do with the topic “at home”. ___ a) achir ___________________ b) domrbeo ___________________ c) worshe ___________________ d) oletti ___________________ e) keds ___________________ f ) obarwdre ___________________ _ 2. Translate the following words into English. Form a negative sentence with each word. Use different verbs and tenses. 6 P. ___ 6 P. 3. Ask forr the underlined unde ned words. w ___ a) My new n bedroo bedroom is big. b) Our neighbour i hb helped us fix the dishw dishwasher. sher. c) We moved here in 2001. d) My best friend lives s in a flat near ear the fina financial district. e) Nobody is allowed low wed to sit in thiss armchair arm because it belongs to my father. 5 P. a) Bettbezug: b) Balkon: c) Dachboden: d) Kommode: e) Gästezimmer: L. Doernbach/P. D Büttner: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 7 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Augsburg f ) Proberaum: 4. What at ca can n you find in in the following rooms? Give at least four example examples for each rroom. ___ 10 P. a) garage: arage: b) boxroom: c) dining room: d) bedroom: e) bathroom: At home 37 5 5. Look at the picture and describe it. What kind of room does it show and what can you find there? Write at least ten sentences. Use prepositions such as EHWZHHQ, QH[W WR, XQGHU … ___ 10 P. te the fo ollowing sente nses. 6. Complete following sentences. Watch the tenses. ___ 7 P. a) Lin a _______ VHQ) go ffor or a walk with it the dog. Linda __________________ (QLFKW PVVHQ) ee __________________ ___ (GUIHQ) (GU ) watch a film yesterday evening. b) Desi Desiree L. Doernbach/P. D Büttner: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 7 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Augsburg c) I __ p my mother because I will be on a class trip. _________________ (QLFKW N|QQHQ) help ______ UIH have a party at the weekend. d) We __________________ (GUIHQ) iend _ e) Fabian and his ffriend _________________ (QLFKW GUIHQ) to surf the Internet last week. f ) Diana __________ ____________ (PVVHQ) pick up her little sister from the kindergarten every day. year-o brother __________________ (N|QQHQ) read the New York Times. g)) My nine-y nine-year-old p 7. Complete the sentences. Decide if you need a reflexive pronoun or not. Watch the tenses. ___ 6 P. a) Danny and Joe wanted __________________ (VLFK WUHIIHQ) in our garden. b) My friend __________________ (VLFK IKOHQ) much better today. c) My mother __________________ (VLFK VFKQHLGHQ) accidentally while preparing dinner. d) Alexander __________________ (VLFK EHLEULQJHQ) to play chess. e) Maurice and Yannik started __________________ (VLFK VWUHLWHQ), but then they made up again and ________________________ (VLFK DQOlFKHOQ). ___ 50 P. At home 37 6 _____. Klassenarbeit Englisch Klasse: ___________ Datum: ___________ L. Doernbach/P. D Büttner: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 7 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Augsburg Name: ______________________________________________ 7UDQVODWHWKHIROORZLQJZRUGVLQWR(QJOLVKDQGIRUPDVHQWHQFH ZLWKHDFKZRUG a) Sessel b) Spüle c) Dachboden d) Badezimmer e) Kommode f ) Ofen ___ 12 P. /RRNDWWKHSLFWXUHDQGGHVFULEHLW:KDWNLQGRIURRPGRHVLW VKRZDQGZKDWFDQ\RXILQGWKHUH":ULWHDWOHDVWWHQVHQWHQFHV 8VHSUHSRVLWLRQVVXFKDVEHWZHHQQH[WWRXQGHU« ___ 15 P. PSOHWH &RPSOHWHWKHIROORZLQJVHQWHQFHV8VHWKHVLPSOHSUHVHQW ___ 6 P. a) Emma _____________________ (QLFKW GUIHQ) sleep in her sister’s bedroom. b) My father _____________________ (PVVHQ) wear glasses. His eyes are not good. c) My brother and I _____________________ (QLFKW N|QQHQ) bake a cake. d) I _____________________ (GUIHQ) cook in the kitchen. e) Jonny _____________________ (QLFKW PVVHQ) get up early tomorrow. f ) Leonie _____________________ (N|QQHQ) speak more than five languages. At home 37 7 &RPSOHWHWKHIROORZLQJVHQWHQFHV8VHWKHVLPSOHSDVW ___ 4 P. a) Last year we ________________________ (PVVHQ) get up at six o’clock. b) Toby spoke too fast. I ________________________ (QLFKW N|QQHQ) understand him. c) Louis ________________________ (GUIHQ) watch TV. d) My daughter ________________________ (QLFKW GUIHQ) go out alone. &RPSOHWHWKHVHQWHQFHVZLWKWKHFRUUHFWUHIOH[LYHSURQRXQV ___ 5 P. a) I cooked with my mother and cut ____________________ accidentally. dentally b) My mother dropped a plate on her foot, but she didn’t hurt ____________________. urt _ __________ c) If you want more food, help ____________________, _, John. d) Do you sometimes talk to ____________________? ____ _______? L. Doernbach/P. D Büttner: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 7 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Augsburg e) He got out of the bath and dried ____________________ ___ _____________ _ with a towel. owe 7KHPVHOYHVRUHDFKRWKHU"7UDQVODWHWKHVHQWHQFHVLQWR(QJOLVK HU" U 7UDQVODWHWKH V QWR OLVK E\XVLQJUHIOH[LYHSURQRXQV SURQRXQV a) Die Mädchen n schauen einan einander an. b) Die Mädchen schauen s sich in einem Spiegel an. c) Die Jungen machen ma en ihre Hausaufgaben alleine. d) Die Jungen J helfen he sich gegenseitig nseitig beii den Hausaufgaben. Hausau ufgab ___ 4 P. &RPS &RPSOHWHWKHVHQWHQFHV'HFLGHLI\RXQHHGDUHIOH[LYHSURQRXQ LGHLI\RXQHHG R RUQRW ___ 7 P. d gone out, so the th children _________________________________ a) The parentss had (VLFK HQWVSDQQHQ) HQWVSDQQHQ on the th sofa and watched a movie. b) Alina ccan’t an’t ______ ____________________ (VLFK NRQ]HQWULHUHQ) while the music is so loud. m c) Dominik made some popcorn and ____________________ (VLFK YHUEUHQQHQ). d) I can’t ________________________________ (VLFK YRUVWHOOHQ) to live in a small flat. e) Our friends ________________________________ (VLFK QHKPHQ) to something to drink while we were working in the garden. f ) Our children often ___________________________ (VLFK VWUHLWHQ), but five minutes later they ___________________________ (VLFK DQOlFKHOQ) again. ___ 53 P. At home 37 8 Impressum © 2015 Auer Verlag er Ve lag AAP Lehrerfachverlage ehrerfachv rlage GmbH Alle Rechte echte vorbehalten. vorb lten. Das Werk als Ganzes sowie in seinen Teilen unterliegt dem deutschen Urheberrecht. Der Erwerber des Werkess ist b berechtigt, das Werk als Ganzes oder in seinen Teilen für den eigenen Gebrauch und den Einsatz im Unterricht zu nutzen. Die Nutzung ist nur für den genannten Zweck gestattet, nicht jedoch für einen weiteren kommerziellen Gebrauch, für die Weiterleitung an Dritte oder für die Veröffentlichung im Internet oder in Intranets. Eine über den genannten Zweck hinausgehende Nutzung bedarf in jedem Fall der vorherigen schriftlichen Zustimmung des Verlages. Die AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH kann für die Inhalte externer Sites, die sie mittels eines Links oder sonstiger Hinweise erreichen, keine Verantwortung übernehmen. Ferner haftet die AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH nicht für direkte oder indirekte Schäden (inkl. entgangener Gewinne), die auf Informationen zurückgeführt werden können, die auf diesen externen Websites stehen. Autor: Patrick Büttner, Laura Doernbach Covergestaltung: Daniel Fischer – Grafikdesign München Illustrationen: Corina Beurenmeister, Steffen Jähde
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