Diamond Approach® EUROPE GROUPS, SEMINARS AND PUBLIC TALKS For the latest information on programs in Europe, please refer to the Ridhwan School website at www.ridhwan.org For specific details on a program that interests you, please contact the person or email address listed below. Information about the Diamond Approach teachings is also available at www.ahalmaas.com If you do not already receive the twice-yearly e-mailings of this flyer and would like to be on our mailing list, please email [email protected] and ask to SUBSCRIBE. Please give your full name and city and country of residence; other contact information is helpful but optional. Email [email protected] to update your email address if it changes, to continue receiving this mailing. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Groups, Events and Classes are displayed in this flyer alphabetically by country location. Please note that many activities are international (taught in English) while others are being offered in Dutch and German. Locations: Germany / Deutschland Ireland Italy Netherlands / Nederland United Kingdom GERMANY / DEUTSCHLAND: Groups and Events • Falling Awake: With Byron Brown, January 22 - 27, 2016 Taught in English. An exploration through movement and voice of the ways our body can be a vehicle for directly experiencing the soul and its true nature. At ZIST, Penzberg, Germany: contact Tel. +49-8856-93690, [email protected] or www.zist.de to register. • True Heart’s Desire February 13 - 14, 2016 in Hamburg. Taught in English. A Diamond Approach weekend open to all. With Jeanne Hay Rosenblum & Tejo Jourdan. In this weekend we will explore through Inquiry and the Practice of Presence our relationship to Truth as it is now, and what it can grow to be. We will work with some of the elements that block the natural movement in our heart to love what is real in ourselves and the world at large. LOCATION: Elysée Hotel AG Hamburg Rothenbaumchaussee 10 D- 20148 COST: €190 incl. VAT. An €90 deposit will hold your place To register, contact Jill at [email protected] • DAWID-Muenchen Early registration is advised. (bisher angekündigt als RiM-Gruppe) NEW GROUP IN 2016 Fortlaufende deutschsprachige Wochenendgruppe (Freitag-Nachmittag bis Sonntag, eventuell jährlich ein 4 tägiges Seminar) im Großraum München. Die Wochenenden in 2016: 19. bis 21. Februar, 22. bis 24. Juli, 16. bis 18. September und 2. bis 4. Dezember. Die Gruppe wird von Christof Bosch, Eva Jansen, Gary Kaufhold und Jim Terrien geleitet und trifft sich 4 bis 5 mal im Jahr in der Jugendbildungsstätte Königsdorf südlich von München. Mehr Informationen und ein Anmeldeformular sind erhältlich per e-mail von [email protected] oder über die Webseite dawidmuenchen.org • Diamond Heart Europe 3 OPEN ONGOING GROUP Diamond Heart Europe 3 is a new ongoing international Academy group that will meet twice a year for 7day residential retreats in Seefeld, near Bremen, Germany. Rob Merkx and Tejo Jourdan will teach the retreats with other guest teachers. Applications are now available for Diamond Heart Europe 3, which started in October 2015. Currently there are students from 15 different countries. The group will be under the direction of Jeanne Hay Rosenblum and is part of the Ridhwan Academy. Academy groups follow a teaching curriculum set by founder of the Diamond Approach Hameed Ali (who writes under the name A.H. Almaas). Taught in English. Dates: February 26 – March 4, 2016 October 23 - 30, 2016 Continuing with retreats in March and October each year. For further information, or an application for DHEurope 3, contact: [email protected] • Das Herz der Erkundung in Hamburg Eine Serie von drei Diamond Approach® Wochenenden zum kennenlernen. 30. April – 1. Mai 2016 29. – 30. Oktober 2016 18. – 19. Februar 2017 Sowie Freitag 29. April 19.00-21.30 Uhr - öffentlicher Vortrag zum Thema: von Psychotherapie zur Spiritualität Lehrer: Philipp Hasselblatt, Gary Kaufhold. Ort: Toulouse Institute Hamburg Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl, frühzeitige Anmeldung wird empfohlen. Anmeldung und Informationen: www.Dawidgruppen.net email: [email protected] • Ongoing Inquiry May 22 - 26, 2016 With Jeanne Hay Rosenblum. Taught in English. This retreat is open to the public, and also is an introduction for those interested in the new Diamond Heart Europe 3 group. At ZIST, Penzberg, Germany: contact Tel. +49-8856-93690, [email protected] or www.zist.de to register. • Ridhwan Auf Deutsch 2 (RAD2) NEW GROUP IN 2016 RAD 2 Beginn für Herbst 2016 geplant Wie RAD 1 wird diese neue fortlaufende Ridhwan-Gruppe deutschsprachig geführt. Die Gruppe wird von Florentin Krause geleitet und trifft sich zweimal im Jahr für 7 Tage im Kloster Schöntal (Nähe Heilbronn/Würzburg). Das erste Treffen findet vom 10. bis 17. September 2016 statt. Mehr Informationen und ein Anmeldeformular sind erhältlich von Heidi Winkler bei [email protected]. • Das Herz der Erkundung Benediktushof, 21 – 25 September 2016 ® Ein Diamond Approach SEMINAR, zugänglich für die Öffentlichkeit und Studenten der Ridhwan Schule Die Sehnsucht des Herzens sich selber zu erforschen und zu entdecken ist eine menschliche Erfahrung aller Zeiten. Diese Gruppe ist für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Die Unterrichtssprache ist Deutsch. Die Lehrer: Christof Bosch leitet und arbeitet mit Diamond Approach Gruppen in Süddeutschland Philipp Hasselblatt leitet und arbeitet mit Diamond Approach Gruppen in Deutschland, Holland und Großbritannien Ort: Datum: Kosten: Spirituelles Zentrum Benediktushof Holzkirchen/Unterfranken, Deutschland Mittwoch 21 Sept. 2016, 18.00 Uhr bis Sonntag 25 Sept. 2016 13.00 Uhr € 350, - zuzüglich Unterkunft und Verpflegung Frühzeitige Anmeldung wird empfohlen. Anmeldung und Fragen an: [email protected] • Soul without Shame: With Byron Brown, January 20 - 25, 2017 A compassionate exploration of the inner critic through discussion, movement and inquiry. Taught in English. At ZIST, Penzberg, Germany: contact Tel. +49-8856-93690, [email protected] or www.zist.de to register. GERMANY / DEUTSCHLAND: Ongoing Classes and Book Groups • Diamond Approach Buchgruppe in Berlin mit Gisela Bast Diese Gruppe trifft sich 1x monatlich zur Meditation und zur Praxis der Erkundung ( Inquiry ), wir lesen gemeinsam das Buch "Das wirkliche Leben beginnt jetzt" von A.H.Almaas, dem Begründer des Diamond Approach. Information: [email protected] 0049 30 787 55 87 • In die Tiefe des Seins (The Unfolding Now) Gruppe zum Studium des Buchs „In die Tiefe des Seins“ von A.H. Almaas und zur Erkundung der persönlichen Erfahrung auf dem Weg zu einem tieferen Verständnis von Wahrheit und Wirklichkeit. Die gemeinsame Arbeit basiert auf dem Diamond Approach und der Lehre der Ridhwanschule. Ablauf der Abende: Jeder Abend hat ein Kapitel des Buches zur Grundlage, das vorher gelesen sein sollte. • Einführung in die „Five Movements“ (von Linda Krier) und andere Achtsamkeitsübungen • Gemeinsame Meditation • Gemeinsame Erkundung (inquiry) auf der Grundlage des gelesenen Kapitels • Austausch und Fragen zu den Erfahrungen Die Gruppe wird an 10 Donnerstagabend stattfinden von 19 bis 21.30 Uhr. Kosten: 380 € Ort wird noch bekannt gegeben (Kölner Raum). Wahrscheinlicher Beginn: 28.01.2016 Lehrerinnen des Diamond Approach für diese Gruppe: Mo Ließem-Gallenmüller [email protected] Christa Jonas [email protected] Nähere Informationen und Anmeldung per mail. • Offene Erforschung ins innere Universum - Rhein-Main-Gebiet Diese Gruppe ist ein Angebot an alle, die offene Selbsterforschung verstehen und üben wollen und die Selbsterforschung als eine spirituelle Praxis entwickeln möchten. Dabei begleiten uns Texte aus dem Buch von A.H. Almaas: Forschungsreise ins innere Universum. Wir treffen uns an 10 Nachmittagen im Zeitraum vom 13. Februar 2016 bis 16. Juli 2016 in Reinheim bei Darmstadt. Kosten: 295 € Informationen und Anmeldung bei Kornelia Schneider – [email protected] oder Raphael Pischulti - [email protected] IRELAND • Diamond Approach Ireland 3 COMING IN IRELAND Diamond Approach Ireland 3 is forming a waiting list for the next group in Ireland. If you are interested, contact Angela Kelly at [email protected] ITALY • International Diamond Approach Italy OPEN GROUP IN ITALY “La Dolce Vita!” refers to the sweet life; the sweetest life is the Essential Life and is the focus of our on-going Work Group. This group is currently open to new students. The group meets in Italy on Lake Garda near Verona, twice a year for 7-day retreats. In the interim time, 5 live teleconferences are offered as support between retreats. The group is taught in English by Janel Ensler. Currently there are membership students who travel from both European and Middle East countries. For more information or an application, contact: [email protected] NETHERLANDS / NEDERLAND: Groups and Events • The Pleasure of Being: September 3 & 4, 2016 in Amsterdam With Tejo Jourdan & Rob Merkx, Taught in English. ‘We naturally love what is real. Being oneself brings a deep, simple and fulfilling pleasure’. In this weekend we will use meditation and open-ended inquiry into our moment-to-moment experience oriented by a love for truth. Cost: €185. A €85 deposit will hold your place. Location: Centrum ‘De Roos’, Amsterdam Netherlands: Registration: [email protected] • DAWN 2: Diamond Approach Weekend Group Netherlands #2 NEW GROUP IN 2017 3 years after the formation of DAWN 1, we announce an ongoing new international group DAWN 2, starting in 2017 with the same format of 5 long weekends and a few in-between days per year. Lead teachers: Elsa Teeuwen and Philipp Hasselblatt, with rotating guest teachers. For information and application contact Jill Carabelas at: dawn@ ridhwan.org NETHERLANDS / NEDERLAND: Ongoing Classes and Book Groups • The Art of Inquiry 10 woensdagavonden in Hilversum, Nederland “The journey of inquiry takes us from knowledge to mystery. Our inner guidance reveals to us the truth and richness of our Being. The more it reveals the truth the more we are in touch with the mystery.” A.H. Almaas In deze training zullen we focussen op het ontwikkelen, verfijnen en verdiepen van de diverse capaciteiten die nodig zijn om de beoefening van inquiry effectief te maken. Deze groep is bedoeld voor Ridhwan studenten en voor mensen die geïnteresseerd zijn in inquiry als spirituele beoefening. De groep wordt begeleid door Odile van Eck en Harma Ebels Plaats: Hilversum Deze training wordt in het Nederlands gegeven We zullen gebruik maken van een aantal hoofdstukken uit het boek Spacecruiser Inquiry van A.H. Almaas. (ISBN 1-57062-859-9). Dit boek is alleen in het Engels verkrijgbaar. Van de deelnemers wordt verwacht dat zij voorafgaand aan de bijeenkomsten de relevante hoofdstukken lezen. Voor meer informatie en aanmelding kun je contact opnemen met: Odile van Eck via [email protected] • Runaway Realization: 5 weekend days in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Taught in Dutch. Practicing realization can be a joyful, lively and moving journey of being in the world! In this book study group we will be reading and discussing chapters of the latest book by AH Almaas called Runaway Realization. We will study and deepen our practice and realization by meditation, sensing the body and inquiry. The group is open for anyone who is interested in practicing realization, whether they are in the Ridhwan School or not. The group will be facilitated by Bregytta Rooney and Marko Rinck, both certified Ridhwan teachers. We will meet on weekend days: March 5, April 3, April 23, May 8, June 11. For information and registration: [email protected] Other activities in the Netherlands and surrounding regions: To receive general information and to be added to a general mailing list for future new activities, contact: [email protected] UNITED KINGDOM • UK4: A New On-going Retreat Group in the UK NEW GROUP IN 2016 The Diamond Approach is a path of wisdom, an approach to the investigation of reality and a method of working on oneself that leads to increased understanding and liberation. It is a spiritual path that grew out of and in response to the needs of those leading their lives in our current Western culture. Teachers: Tejo Jourdan, Rob Merkx, Candace Harris, and Christine Dveirin. Dates: The first retreats will be May 6 - 13, 2016 and December 2 - 9, 2016 with subsequent retreats twice a year. A series of introductory weekends are designed as the foundation course for this retreat group. These weekends are recommended for students interested in joining UK4. Early registration is advised to guarantee a place in this group. For information about joining this group please contact Diane Jonas at [email protected] • Diamond Approach Weekends in London, UK Open to the public and existing students. January 8 – 11, 2016: The Unfolding Now Location: Mary Ward House, 5/7 Tavistock Place, London WC1H 9SN, UK Teachers: Tejo Jourdan and Rob Merkx. Cost: £185. Early registration is advised. March 19 – 20, 2016: Humanness Location: Mary Ward House, 5/7 Tavistock Place, London WC1H 9SN, UK Cost £150 Teachers Candace Harris, Tejo Jourdan August 27-28, 2016: The Pleasure of Being Location: Mary Ward House, 5/7 Tavistock Place, London WC1H 9SN, UK Cost £150 Teachers: Tejo Jourdan and Rob Merkx. For information and registration of these weekends please contact Diane Jonas at [email protected] SPIRITUAL INQUIRY SESSIONS WITH TEACHERS-IN-TRAINING • Spiritual Inquiry Sessions with Teachers-in-Training from the Ridhwan European Seminary Training Program: Low-cost guided inquiry sessions with local European Teachers-in-training in the Ridhwan School are now available for interested individuals who are not already in an on-going Diamond Approach group or seeing a Ridhwan Teacher. Ridhwan Teachers-in-training are supervised and mentored by Ridhwan Teachers. Sessions will be conducted in the English language only for training purposes. Meetings with a teacher-in-training must be in person, therefore the possibility of having sessions may be limited by the location of teachers-in-training in Europe. Contact: e-mail [email protected] for information on how to apply. © 2015 Ridhwan Foundation. All rights reserved. "DIAMOND APPROACH", "DIAMOND HEART", "RIDHWAN" and the Ridhwan “Hu” symbol are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Ridhwan Foundation in the U.S., Europe, and various other countries throughout the world. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TO UNSUBSCRIBE: If you no longer wish to receive this flyer, please email [email protected] and put “UNSUBSCRIBE” in the subject line.
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