- Lernhelfer

Leicht verwechselbare Wörter
advice (n.)
Nomen: She gave me some good advice.
advise (v.)
Verb: She also advised me to read the book on
all ready (adj.)
Pronomen + Adjektiv: When the teacher arrived,
they were all ready to leave.
already (adv.)
Adverb: He has already left.
affect (v.)
What she said did not affect my decision.
effect (n., v.)
The headmaster effected many changes at his
choose (v.)
lose (v.)
desert (n.)
dessert (n.)
moral (adj.)
morale (n.)
Trotz gleicher Aussprache einmal doppeltes und
einmal einfaches o.
Wüste – Betonung auf erster Silbe
Nachtisch/Dessert – Betonung auf zweiter Silbe
moralisch – a moral question
die Moral – The morale of the citizens is low.
quiet (adj.)
quite (adv.)
ruhig – Church should be a quiet place.
ziemlich, gänzlich – He is quite a clever boy for his
Konjunktion bei Komparativen (bigger than)
Adverb oder Konjunktion (dann, danach):
I washed my face; then I combed my hair.
Possessivpronomen von they
The students gave their opinions.
da, dort
I’ll be there on time.
than (conj.)
then (adv., conj.)
their (pron.)
there (pron.)
they‘re (pron. +
short form)
weather (n.)
whether (conj.)
Kurzform von they are
They’re at the station now.
Wetter – The weather suddenly changed.
Konjunktion „ob“ – She didn’t know whether to
leave or to stay.