Passing Peaks. A Series of Performative Individuations. 11th Performance Project at LISTE—Art Fair Basel June 15–20, 2015 Curated by Eva Birkenstock. Texts by Eva Birkenstock Design by Dan Solbach Printed by Druckerei Dietrich AG, Basel The Performance Project is made possible by the generous support of: ALFRED RICHTERICH STIFTUNG Thanks to the participating artists, Fabienne Blanc, Peter Bläuer, Susanne BALIMA STIFTUNG Blaser, Norman Chernick-Zeitlin, Nikola Dietrich, Yilmaz Dziewior, Ulrike Gerhardt, Tina Kim, Verena Kittel, Kerstin Stakemeier, and Jacqueline Uhlmann. Hosted by LISTE Art Fair Basel Burgweg 15 CH-4058 Basel The 11th edition of the performance project at LISTE focuses on works that examine different modes of individuation. In contrast to early performative approaches, which, from the sixties onwards, critically engaged subjectivity via Body Art and a desire for authenticity, the invited group of artists, dancers and choreographers embrace to the same extend the note of the artificial, the jargon of the neoliberal wellness culture, exoticisms, media surfaces, or self-constructed images, and realities. They intentionally confine the borders of one’s own body, one’s own mutability and fetishability, while constantly transgressing the boundaries between art and pop culture, art and avantgarde theatre, experimental dance, fashion or music. Beyond experiments with the own body, they work with layerings of various references, materials, and resources, that crisscross these bodies, and with it one’s own fluctuating states of individuation. founded in 2009 → On the street outside LISTE Burgweg 15 (see map in the back) Free Admission Z∆Z∆ZZ is a performative, tribal space music project initiated in 2009 by artists Melanie Bonajo and Joseph Marzolla. They see themselves as a musical institution for the unrepresented, a sound shield against the fantasies of the dominating group. Their performances are inspired by places unpenetrated by human thought, speaking landscapes, isolation, songs of ghosts and animal spirits, colonialism, erosion of the ethno-spheres, extinct feelings, extinct thoughts, fear of silence, intimacy to nature and death, absence of history, tri-genderism, unrevealed yet perceivable parallel universes, such as the spirit of Inua. For the Performance Project, Z∆Z∆ZZ expands the self to identify with “others” (people, animals, ecosystems). Human life is made possible due to the harmonious balance of interdependent relationships between these non-human organisms. Aspects of Western mythology commonly perceived as being truthful will be turned upside down and inside out. What would have happened if human beings had evolved from the potted houseplant? The performance by Z∆Z∆ZZ addresses a way to disband the model of human identity as only minimally and accidentally connected to Earth. Melanie Bonajo, lives in Amsterdam and New York Joseph Marzolla, lives in the French Alps Z∆Z∆ZZ with Melanie Bonajo & Joseph Marzolla, Heart of No, 2012. lives in New York and Athens with Trajal Harrell and Thibault Lac → Kaserne Basel (Rossstall 1) Klybeckstrasse 1b (see map in the back) Admission CHF 15 (, or +41 61 666 6000) In the American and English naming tradition, a junior ( jr.) is the son of a father with the same name. Thus, with Antigone jr. ++, the New York choreographer Trajal Harrell purposely scales down Sophocles’ tragedy to the playwright’s first scene depicting the relationship between Antigone and her sister Ismene; and their tragic fate. Antigone Jr. ++ confronts the postmodern antagonism against tragically dramatic dance epitomized by Martha Graham’s mythological Greek dramas by presenting this contemporary dance version of Sophocles’ “Antigone.” By imagining a theoretical meeting between Voguing and Post-modern dance, much of Yvonne Rainer’s 1965 “No Manifesto” is put into crisis. Most of the no’s become definite maybe’s: maybe to spectacle, maybe to transformations and magic and make-believe, maybe to the glamour and the transcendency of the star image, maybe to the heroic, maybe to involvement of performer or spectator, maybe to style, maybe to trash imagery, maybe to camp, maybe to seduction of the spectator by the wiles of the performer, and maybe to moving or be moved. Trajal Harrell’s work will be presented in cooperation with Kaserne Basel. Trajal Harrell, Antigone jr. ++ /Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at The Judson Church (Plus) Photo: Mark Levine lives in Berlin 2015 → junges theater basel Kasernenstrasse 23 (see map in the back) Admission CHF 15 (, or +41 61 666 6000) Berlin-based performing artist Jeremy Wade presents Death Asshole Rave Video, a one-man show. An asshole, that interrogates death and the agreements we make as a society. In a gothic and queer-scape, Wade offers vehicles for experiencing different deaths—the death of theatre, the death of value, the death of sense, and the death of attachment. He demands of us to die before we die. He asks us, if all of the social agreements that have been made are either breaking or already broken, then what’s next? It’s time to die! Jeremy Wade’s work will be presented in cooperation with Kaserne Basel in the adjacent venue of junges theater basel. Jeremy Wade, Death Asshole Rave Video, 2015 Photo: Ian Douglas lives in Amsterdam lives in Zürich lives in Zürich lives in Amsterdam lives in Zürich 2015 → Alemannengasse 44 (see map in the back) Free Admission With GONZO performance artists, dancers and choreographers Florentina Holzinger, Nils Amadeus Lange, Annina Machaz, Vincent Riebeek, and Manuel Scheiwiller attempt to place the audience directly into the scene. The title of this new production refers to “Gonzo Pornography”—a term deriving from “Gonzo Journalism,” a form of journalism without any claim to objectivity. On the contrary, the reporter him / herself is part often of the story, and reports via a firstperson narrative. Likewise, the audience in Basel is put right into the action to avoid its usual exclusion, in this case, from the direct on-stage experience. The visitors are invited to merge into the creation of the piece by being offered multiple perspectives onto the scenes, and thus to reveal the reality of the creation. GONZO takes place in an abandoned pavilion in a private garden close to the Warteck. The performers occupy this “contemporary wilderness” to apply Hunther S. Thompson’s (who popularized Gonzo Journalism) motto, “Doing it yourself your own way,” while trying to survive outside the theatre. GONZO is part of the group’s ongoing project, Jungle, which will be premiered at Tanzhaus Zurich in October 2015. Florentina Holziner, Nils Amadeus Lange, Annina Machaz, Vincent Riebeek, Manuel Scheiwiller, GONZO, 2015. Photo: Manuel Scheiwiller lives in New York 2014 → Volkshaus Basel Rebgasse 12–14 (see map in the back) Free Admission In her performance Lord of Beef Ieva Misevičiūtė presents a series of impersonations, dance and speech acts depicting objects, people, phenomena, and philosophical concepts. Enactment and impersonation is where theatre begins, but also the point where theatre is accused of its artificiality and inauthenticity. However, maybe the failure of the “realness” of theatre is precisely its attempt to depict reality? In Misevičiūtė’s performance impersonations go beyond the imitation of human qualities to concepts such as radical hospitality, soft knowledge, small face behind you, I don‘t care about friends, I’d like some parents, and there is no stopping this institution. The last impersonation of the show is based on a Japanese Butoh tongue dance technique, where the performer’s body gradually surrenders to the movement itself, inverting the mechanism of impersonation and thus the theatrical act finds its border with ritual. Ieva Misevičiūtė, Lord of Beef, 2014. Photo: Michael Underwood founded in 2011 2015 → junges theater basel Kasernenstrasse 23 (see map in the back) Free Admission For the 2015 Performance Project at LISTE, Villa Design Group premiers a new dramatic work entitled A Summer’s Rest (Je t’aime Mont Blanc). Drawn from the groups research into the pioneering work of early 20th century American theatre collective, The Group Theater, the new performance, detailing the forced exile of a textile dynasty in the face of modern terrorism, features original sets, costumes, and props, and continues Villa Design Groups investigations into the complicated relations between economies of use and economies of decoration in the queer present. Villa Design Group, This Summer We Rest, But They Still Chase, 2015. lives in Amsterdam and Brussels 2015 → Starts at Basel Minster Rittergasse 3 (see map in the back) Free Admission Eglė Budvytytė works with performances and cinematographic situations to subvert implicit, unwritten “scripts” present in dominant paradigms that determine our behaviour. Her performative inquiries explore the discrepancies between individualized movements and habits, and the rational, homogenized layout of the city. She is fascinated by the potential of both the body and gesture to induce a shift of awareness in space, as well as situations where the boundaries between scripted and ordinary modes of acting dissolve in favour of unseen gaps, cracks, and distinct movements. What happens when culturally coded and “scripted” bodies start to behave slightly differently, deviate from expected routines and scenarios of normativity? For the 11th Performance Project she produced a new site-specific performance dedicated to the river, fatigue, and the act of softly dragging each other around. Eglė Budvytytė, sketch for Some were carried, some—dragged behind, 2015. se e tr a lat z sse V Re bg as ste ins tr a ss e se We tt ke rüc inb ste M er tt ga ss e From Basel SBB / SNCF: Tram Nº 1 or 2 in direction Basel Badischer Bahnhof until Kunstmuseum, walk 3 minutes ass Ri From Basel SBB / SNCF: Tram Nº 8 in direction Kleinhüningen / Weil am Rhein Bhf until Claraplatz, walk 2 minutes From Messeplatz: Tram Nº 2 in direction Binningen / Kronenplatz until Kunstmuseum, walk 3 minutes ke rte ns Müatz pl From Messeplatz: Tram Nº 6 or 14 in direction Allschwill / Pratteln until Claraplatz, walk 4 minutes From LISTE: Wettseinplatz Tram Nº 2 in direction Binningen / Kronenplatz until Kunstmuseum, walk 3 minutes as lar ep atz tz From LISTE: 9 minutes walking distance via Rebgasse, see map M BASEL MINSTER → Rittergasse 3, 4051 Basel ler üc ng apl pla From Messeplatz: Tram Nº 2 in direction Binningen / Kronenplatz until Wettsteinplatz, walk 3 minutes it t r eB G fe re i r Cla rk t From Basel SBB / SNCF: Tram Nº 8 in direction Kleinhüningen / Weil am Rhein Bhf until Kaserne V VOLKSHAUS BASEL → Rebgasse 12-14, 4058 Basel M A ALEMANNENGASSE → Alemannengasse 44, 4058 Basel From Basel SBB / SNCF: Tram Nº 1 or 2 in direction Basel Badischer Bahnhof until Wettsteinplatz, walk 3 minutes C as From Basel SBB / SNCF: Tram Nº 8 in direction Kleinhüningen / Weil am Rhein Bhf until Kaserne From Messeplatz: Tram Nº 6 or 14 in direction Allschwill / Pratteln until Claraplatz, walk 4 minutes en ss Me bg From Messeplatz: Tram Nº 6 or 14 in direction Allschwill / Pratteln until Claraplatz, walk 4 minutes From LISTE: 2 minutes walking distance, see map ng e Ma From LISTE: 14 minutes walking distance via Rebgasse, see map K li ass Re K KASERNE BASEL → Klybeckstrasse 1b, 4057 Basel K s tr ta l e ter From Messeplatz: Tram Nº 2 in direction Binningen / Kronenplatz until Wettsteinplatz J From LISTE: 14 minutes walking distance via Rebgasse, see map Un From Basel SBB / SNCF: Tram Nº 1 or 2 in direction Basel Badischer Bahnhof until Wettsteinplatz (4 stopps) J JUNGES THEATER BASEL → Kasernenstrasse 23, 4058 Basel We tt L LISTE → Burgweg 15, 4058 Basel Alem Grenzacherstrasse a nne n L ga sse A June 15 ZAZAZOZO with Melanie Bonajo and Joseph Marzolla Concert for Potted Plants, Endlings, the Unrepresented and Other Awkward Beings. 7 p.m. → On the street outside LISTE Free Admission June 16 Trajal Harrell with Thibault Lac Antigone Jr. ++/ Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at The Judson Church (Plus) 7 p.m. → Kaserne Basel (Rossstall 1) Admission: CHF 15 (, or +41 61 666 60 00) June 18 Florentina Holzinger, Nils Amadeus Lange, Annina Machaz, Vincent Riebeek, Manuel Scheiwiller GONZO 4 p.m. → Alemannengasse 44 Free Admission June 19 Ieva Misevičiūtė Lord of Beef 3 p.m. → Volkshaus Basel Free Admission Villa Design Group A Summer’s Rest (Je t’aime Mont Blanc) 7 p.m. → junges theater basel Free Admission June 17 Jeremy Wade Death Asshole Rave Video 7 p.m. → junges theater basel Admission: CHF 15 (, or +41 61 666 60 00) June 20 Eglė Budvytytė Some were carried, some—dragged behind. 8 p.m. → Starts at Basel Minster Free Admission
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