newsletter - Deutsche Botschaft Kuala Lumpur

DAAD Information Centre Kuala Lumpur, Issue December 2015
Meet German universities face-to-face!
Dr. Guido Schnieders
Director of DAAD Information Centre Kuala Lumpur
Topics of this issue
Meet German universities
face-to-face page 1
 German alumni seminar cum
reception 2015 page 2
New double degree in Mechanical Engineering (BA) p. 3
UMP and UAS Karlsruhe
award double degrees p. 3
Doing a PhD in Germany
page 4
P.R.I.M.E. - Mobility for Postdoctoral Researchers p. 4
Deutsche Studierende im
Regenwald Borneos p. 5
RISE - European Union
Research and Innovation
Staff Exchange p. 6
Advertisements page 7-9
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Kuala Lumpur
DAAD Information Centre KL
German Business Center,
Suite 47.05
Menara AmBank
No. 8 Jl. Yap Kwan Seng
50450 Kuala Lumpur
On Friday, December 18, and Saturday / Sunday, December 19-20, there is
good opportunity to meet German university representatives in Kuala Lumpur
and get first-hand information on research and studying in Germany.
Information Day on Research and Postgraduate Study Opportunities in Germany
The Information Day is organized by the DAAD in cooperation with the
Graduate Centre and the Centre for Research & Instrumentation
Management (CRIM) of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) with
support by the Federal German Ministry of Education and Research.
The event provides opportunity to meet 11 German universities, research institutions and academic exchange
organisations. It addresses future PhD-candidates as
well as experienced scientists and research managers
from Malaysian universities. The Information Day offers information on research opportunities in
Germany, provides advice on research cooperations with German research institutions and
informs about funding programmes for individuals and projects. Click here for the programme.
You may register for the event at
French-German Pavilion on the Facon Fair in KLCC
SATURDAY / SUNDAY, 19TH / 20TH DECEMBER 2015, 12:00 H - 18:00 H at KLCC, HALL 4
With booths from the following German universities and educational institutions:
 University of Freiburg
 University of Bremen
 University of Duisburg-Essen
 HTW Berlin - University of Applied Sciences
 Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences
 Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences
 Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences
 Study in Baden-Württemberg
 Goethe-Institut Malaysia
 OTH Regensburg - University of Applied Sciences
 Non-profit Professional Association German as a Foreign and Second Language e.V. (FaDaF)
 German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
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DAAD Information Centre Kuala Lumpur, Issue December 2015
The DAAD-website provides
comprehensive information
on the German higher education system, on study and
research opportunities in
Germany and on funding
This website offers a searchable database comprising all
degree courses in Germany.
In addition, the site gives
detailed views of what life is
like in Germany.
Looking for funds to study in
Germany? This scholarship
database lists funding opportunities for international students, graduates and postdocs offered by DAAD and 60
other German organisations.
Learn German
Where can I learn German?
This is one of the questions
frequently asked by our visitors. Here in Kuala Lumpur,
German language classes are
offered in the Goethe-Institut.
German Alumni seminar cum reception 2015
On November 13, 2015, the DAAD together with the German Embassy Kuala Lumpur, the
German Alumni Association (GAAM) and the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) organised
a German alumni seminar cum reception. The meeting was the 6th alumni networking event
since 2009 and consisted of two parts.
The alumni seminar on The ASEAN
Economic Community - what does it
imply for higher education? at UTM
Kuala Lumpur addressed questions of
higher education development within
the framework of the ongoing ASEAN
integration. Issues discussed included
quality assurance, mobility of students
and researchers, employability and
cooperation with German universities.
The German Ambassador, H.E. Holger Michael, addresses
Presenting on the seminar were four
the alumni at UTM with a greeting.
highly profiled speakers: Dr. Gatot
Hari Priowirjanto, Director of the SEAMEO-Secretariat in Bangkok; Prof. Dr. Zita Mohd. Fahmi,
Secretary of the ASEAN Quality Assurance Network Committee, Chair of the ASEAN Quality
Assurance Framework for Higher Education Task Force and former Deputy CEO of the
Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA); Prof. Dr. Azirah Hashim, Executive Director of the
Asia-Europe-Institut (AEI), Universiti Malaya, and Dr. Irene Jansen, Head of the DAAD
Regional Office Jakarta and Programme Director of the EU-Share Project.
Prof. Azirah Hashim and Dr.Irene Jansen in
a discussion with Carsten Fischer from the
German Embassy
Prof. Zita Mohd. Fahmi and Dr. Gatot Hari
Priowirjanto during the Q&A-session with Prof.
The subsequent evening reception in the residence of the German Ambassador H.E. Holger
Michael brought the alumni into contact with HR-representatives from German companies in
Malaysia. The event offered excellent opportunities for networking. Besides, the alumni
enjoyed German snacks, met old and new friends and exchanged memories of their time in
Outside KL, in Penang, the
Malaysian-German Society
also offers German language
courses. Check their offers at
The German Ambassador H.E. Holger
Michael with guests
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DAAD Information Centre Kuala Lumpur, Issue December 2015
DAAD KL events
in pictures
Meeting of the Ministry of
Higher Education (MoHE) and
a German delegation, with
Dato' Seri Hj. Idris Jusoh
Information session at Goethe
Institut Kuala Lumpur
Meeting in the MoHE, with
Prof. Arham Abdullah, Director of Industrial Relations
Divison, and Mohd. Yunus
Charlie Charington, International Relations Division
New double degree in Mechanical Engineering (BA)
UTeM and Hochschule Hannover start a new joint BA-programme
The Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) and
the Hochschule Hannover - University of Applied
Sciences and Arts (HS Hannover) will start a new
double degree Bachelor's programme in Mechanical
Engineering next year. The programme is open for
students from both universities. Participating students
will study one year at the respective partner university
during their BA-studies and be awarded a degree from
both universities. Malaysian students in Hannover will
study in German and learn German before the exchange
Visit of a delegation of UTeM to Germany:
H.E. Mohd. Khalil bin Yaakob, Governor of
Melaka and Chancellor of UTeM and Prof.
Sharin, VC of UTeM, in the Volkswagenheadquarter in Wolfsburg, with Prof. Josef v.
As a university of applied science,
HS Hannover offers a practiseoriented, hands-on training in good
cooperation with the local industry
like e.g. Volkswagen Group which
has its headquarters in the region.
The delegation from UTeM and their
hosts in Hannover
UMP and UAS Karlsruhe award double degrees
Info session at USM in
Penang, December 2015
On October 17, University Malaysia Pahang (UMP) and University of Applied Sciences (UAS)
Karlsruhe celebrated the graduation of the first batch of their joint BA double degree programme
in Mechatronics. The 16 students were trained at UMP in Pahang by lecturers from UMP and
from UAS Karlsruhe in English and German. They received two degrees, one from UMP and
one from UAS Karlsruhe.
Info session at MGS in
Penang, December 2015
UMP also runs a BA double degree programme in
Automotive Engineering together with UAS Karlsruhe
and a BA double degree programme in Business
Engineering with UAS Reutlingen. For more
information on these programmes please check the
website of the German Academic Career Center at
UMP at
Info session at USM
Engineering Campus, Nibong
Tebal, December 2015
Meeting in the MoHE, with
Datin Ir. Dr. Siti Hamisah
Tapsir, Deputy Director
General of Higher Education
(Public Sector)
The convocation was witnessed by
Tengku Abdullah ibni Sultan Haji Ahmad
Shah, Crown Prince of Pahang and
Chancellor of UMP; Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz
Meisel, Rektor of UAS Karlsruhe, Prof.
Dato' Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim, VC of
UMP and Dr. Günter Gruber, the former
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DAAD Information Centre Kuala Lumpur, Issue December 2015
PhD in Germany
A platform for doctoral
positions and research
opportunities in Germany
The site offers a wealth of
additional information on how
to pursue a PhD in Germany.
The Research Explorer is an
online directory that provides
information on around 20,000
German university and nonuniversity research institutes.
GEPRIS (German Project
Information System) is an
online database that offers
information on current and
completed DFG-funded
research projects.
Doing a PhD in Germany
Germany is one of the leading researching nations in the world. Its science and research sector
is renowned for its outstanding infrastructure, a widely diverse spectrum of research areas and
well-equipped facilities and institutes.
Some 25,000 academics receive doctoral degrees in Germany
every year – far more than in any other European country. And
each year, more and more young international researchers choose
to do their PhD in Germany.
You can do your PhD in Germany at a university or at one of about
270 excellent non-university research institutes. You can do an
individual doctorate, guided by an academic supervisor - a most
flexible form that may be tailored to your personal needs. Or you
can do your PhD in a structured programme, supervised by a team of professors and often
offering a curriculum of supporting courses.
Young Malaysian researchers need a good Master‘s degree from an accredited university in
order to do a PhD in Germany. In the sciences and engineering, it is often no problem to write
the PhD in English. Interested? For more information on doing a doctorate in Germany please
refer to and check the links in the left column.
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DAAD Information Centre Kuala Lumpur, Issue December 2015
About DAAD
The DAAD is a joint organisation of German institutions of
higher education. Our aim is
to promote academic cooperation world wide, especially
through the exchange of students, scholars and scientists.
To achieve this, we offer
information and advice and a
number of support and
scholarship programmes.
DAAD is a non-profit organisation largely financed by
Germany’s federal government. For more information,
please visit:
Dr. Guido Schnieders
DAAD Information Center KL
German Business Center,
Suite 47.05
Menara AmBank,
No. 8 Jalan Yap Kwan Seng
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Phone: +60-3-92351841
Mail: [email protected]
Deutsche Studierende im Regenwald Borneos
Interview mit Dean Haltmayer
Im Rahmen einer Kooperation des Instituts
für Geographie der Universität Hamburg und
der International School of Tropical Forestry
der Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) können
Hamburger Geographie-Bachelorstudierende
mit DAAD-Förderung ein Auslandsjahr an der
UMS absolvieren. Dean Haltmayer berichtet
von seinen Erfahrungen auf Borneo.
German students in Borneo's rainforest
Within the framework of a cooperation of
the Institute of Geography of the University
Hamburg, Germany, and the International
School of Tropical Forestry of Universiti
Malaysia Sabah (UMS), German Bachelor
students study a year at UMS with financial
support by DAAD. Dean Haltmayer shares
his experience in Borneo.
Warum haben Sie Malaysia gewählt?
Mich hat gereizt, in einem Land mit einer der
weltweit höchsten relativen Abholzungsraten
"Internationale Tropische Forstwirtschaft" zu
studieren und die malaysischen Standpunkte
dazu kennenzulernen, ebenso wie zu der
Transformation von Wald- und Agrarflächen
zu Palmölplantagen und zum Biodiversitätsverlust einer einzigartigen Flora und Fauna.
Womit haben Sie sich akademisch befasst?
Dean Haltmayer
Deutscher Akademischer
Austauschdienst e.V.
German Academic
Exchange Service
Kennedyallee 50
D-53175 Bonn
Mail: [email protected]
Circulation: 8.000
If you don’t wish to receive
any further issues of our
newsletter, please send an
email to [email protected]
with the subject “re: unsub”
Fotos / Abbildungen
Page 1: DAAD Bonn
Page 2: DAAD IC KL /
German Embassy
Malaysia /
Wenzel, DAAD
Page 3: DAAD IC KL /
HS Hannover /
MoHE /
Page 4: Bayer AG
Page 5: Dean Haltmayer
Ich habe an der UMS forstwirtschaftliche
Kurse belegt, z.B. zum Management und zur
Konservierung von Waldflächen und zur
Biodiversität. Es wurden forstwirtschaftliche
Ansätze und Methoden und die Situation in
den ASEAN-Ländern verglichen.
Was war am Anfang überraschend für Sie?
Der familiäre zwischenmenschliche Umgang
an der School of Tropical Forestry hat mich
positiv überrascht, außerdem der starke
praktische Bezug des Studienganges, der
neben den akademischen Kursen über ein
zweiwöchiges „Forestry Camp“ und einen
FörsterInnenkurs verfügt, zu dem u.a. ein
Schwimmkurs, Fitnesstest, Überlebenstraining und ein Erste-Hilfe Kurs gehören.
Gibt es lustige und lehrreiche Anekdoten?
Der Wald in Borneo hat der Redewendung
'ein Unterschied wie Tag und Nacht' für mich
eine ganz neue Bedeutung gegeben. Ich
konnte mich tagsüber im Wald problemlos
mit Sportschuhen bewegen, doch als ich das
bei einer Nachtwanderung versucht habe,
habe ich Bekanntschaft mit sehr schmerzhaften nachtaktiven Feuerameisen gemacht.
Was haben Sie aus Malaysia mitgenommen?
Ich nehme mit nach Deutschland: eine groβe
Begeisterung für forstwirtschaftliche Themen,
zahlreiche Methoden der Untersuchung und
Identifikation von Pflanzen und Tieren, neue
Ansichten und Meinungen, das Lernen einer
neuen Sprache, tolle neue Freunde und die
Gewissheit nach Borneo zurückzukehren.
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Job Advertisement
Training Consultant (DVT) in Penang
The Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MGCC) is part of the umbrella organization
of the German Association of Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK). The official recognized
German Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a membership-based service organisation committed to
provide services to Malaysian and German companies with the aim to promote bilateral economic
MGCC’s Department of the Dual Vocational Training (DVT) Program in Kuala Lumpur, is looking for a
new colleague, based in Penang, Bayan Lepas, in order to support the DVT Team and to drive and
support especially the implementation and coordination of new technical training programs in Penang
in close cooperation with the Penang Skills Development Center (PSDC) and training companies.
Cooperation with PSDC to develop and implement technical vocational training based on the German model
Point of contact and consultant for companies, training institutions and Department of Skills Development (JPK)
Point of contact for relevant institutions (e.g. IHKs) and experts in Germany
Coordination of examinations
General administrative tasks (preparation of meetings, meeting minutes etc.)
Supporting marketing activities (e.g. education fairs, raising awareness of the program)
Minimum: two years working experience within an educational environment and/or consultancy
Very good knowledge of the German education system
Good knowledge of the Malaysian education system
General interest in (technical) vocational training
Very good command of English
Very good command of German
Strong communication skills within a multicultural environment
Basic computer skills (MS-Office, Outlook etc.)
Ability to work independent and to self-motivate highly important
The position is available as soon as possible.
Please send us your cover letter, CV and salary expectations via email:
[email protected]
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DAAD Information Centre Kuala Lumpur, Issue December 2015
Boost Your Professional Success by Lifelong Learning!
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, one of Germany’s top-ranked business
schools, offers general management degree and non-degree programs in an international
context. We meet your expectations at every step of your career.
The range of programs includes:
Bachelor in International Business Administration (BSc)
Master in Management (MSc)
Master in Finance (MSc)
Full-Time MBA
Part-Time MBA
Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA
Doctoral Program
Customized and open enrollment Executive Education Programs
WHU's international network includes more than 195 partner universities with which there are
exchanges of lecturers and students, as well as cooperation in research worldwide. WHU is
regularly certified by EQUIS and FIBAA and a member of the renowned accreditation
institution AACSB, which guarantees the excellent standard of courses and a high degree of
internationalization. In addition, WHU is the only private business school in Germany, which
is a member of the German Research Association (DFG). In both national and international
rankings WHU – Otto Beisheim
School of Management continues
to occupy leading positions.
Our goal is your success!
For more information please visit