Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - Deutsche Länder in der

>> Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
The State Chancellery of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern plays the leading role in the federal states’
development cooperation activities. These activities currently focus on supporting vocational
education and training for qualified employees and executives from transition and developing
countries in companies based in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Apart from the transfer of know-how,
the training measures also serve to build bridges and to strengthen economic relations in the interest
of both sides.
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is an active member of the North German Partnership to Support the UNDecade “Education for Sustainable Development”. The partnership’s aim is to make a contribution to
the reduction of global environmental pollution, to the alleviation of poverty and injustice as well as
to sustainability. The Ministry of Agriculture, the Environment and Consumer Protection
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is hereby the responsible authority. It also represents the federal state at
the Round Table of the German National Committee for the UN-Decade 2005-2014 “Education for
Sustainable Development” ( Furthermore, the Ministry co-ordinates education
activities within the North German Partnership to Support the UN-Decade. Here, a main focus is set
under the slogan „Learning from the South“ (
Another emphasis of the development cooperation activities in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is on the
– often voluntary – work done by non-governmental organisations. Many initiatives dedicated to
development cooperation joined forces in 1999 und created the One World Regional Network (EineWelt-Landesnetzwerk). In addition to its support to developing countries, the network plays an
important role in the educational work against right-wing extremist ideologies. This task is faced by
the network through education programmes of “One-World”-groups or the annual Development
Days of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Landesweite Entwicklungspolitische Tage in MecklenburgVorpommern).
Since 2001, surpluses of the state-owned Bingo lottery of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern have been
utilised to support the non-governmental organisations of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The money is
allocated to the North German Foundation for Environment and Development (Norddeutsche Stiftung
für Umwelt und Entwicklung – NUE) and to fund environmental and conservation projects as well as
development aid projects. In this manner, 22 individual development cooperation projects could be
funded with EUR 388,300 by the NUE in 2012, using proceeds of the Bingo lottery of MecklenburgVorpommern. The projects were realised by means of voluntary engagement.
Translated from the German by the following MA students at the School of Translation, Linguistics
and Cultural Studies of the University of Mainz, Germersheim:
Swenja Bauer
Sina Brauch
Miriam Eckers
Ruthild Gärtner
Bianca Gerards
Christine Gubo
Anna Maria Kwiatkowska
Theresa Lupek
Jan Maintz
Susanne Mollen
Lara Nettekoven
Dorothee Schmitt
Viktorija Tapai
Anne Weber
Lars Zankl
We thank you for the good work!