German Advance Lecture Notices TT15

FHS lectures
Kevin Hilliard, Goethe’s Plays
Week 1: Götz von Berlichingen and Egmont.
Week 2: Iphigenie auf Tauris.
Week 3: Faust.
Week 4: Faust.
Kevin Hilliard, Schiller’s Plays
Week 1: Die Räuber.
Week 2: Kabale und Liebe.
Week 3: Wallenstein.
Week 4: Theory of tragedy, Maria Stuart, Die Jungfrau von Orleans.
Carolin Duttlinger, The German Novelle from Hoffmann to Thomas Mann
Lecture 1: History and theories of the Novelle
Lecture 2: Adalbert Stifter, Granit, Brigitta, Abdias; Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, Die
Judenbuche; Gottfried Keller, Kleider machen Leute
Lecture 3: E.T.A. Hoffmann, Der Sandmann; Theodor Storm, Der Schimmelreiter, Immensee,
Aquis Submersus
Lecture 4: Thomas Mann, Tonio Kröger, Der Tod in Venedig
Laura Macor, Writing Academic German (Monday, 10-11, wks. 1-4).
The class aims to familiarize graduate students with academic writing in German, with a view
to helping them publish in international peer-reviewed journals or similar venues. To do this,
classes will first focus on the differences between English and German academic writing, by
comparing English and German essays and books; the classes will then give concrete
suggestions about how best to structure a German article; finally, for those who may be in need
of specific advice, suggestions will be given in relation to their own subject. A high degree of
participation is expected. No extra work required.
For questions: [email protected]