Daily schedule Monday, 30 May 2016 8:30 Registration and coffee 10:15 Opening / Kurt Rohner, President Interpraevent Josef Hess, President Organising committee Interpraevent 10:30 Keynotes Living with natural risks as a challenge for politics, economy and society Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard Welcoming of the participants Robert Küng, Government Council member of Canton Lucerne Word of welcome: Living with natural hazards in the city of Lucerne Adrian Borgula, City Council member of Lucerne The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction H.E. Margareta Wahlström, former SRSG for Disaster Risk Reduction Living with natural risks: Integrated risk management as the key to success Hans Peter Willi, Head of the Hazard Prevention Division of the Federal Office for the Environment The role of insurances in integrated risk management Robert Gremli, Head Global Risk Engineering, Zurich Insurance 12:00 Lunch, poster exhibition 13:30 Oral presentations: Risk governance and policies Integrales Risikomanagement - Naturrisiken erfassen, bewerten und steuern Integrated Risk Management - Identify, Evaluate and Manage Natural Risks Staatliche Naturgefahrenprävention im Schweizer Recht: Verantwortlichkeiten, legislative und verwaltungsorganisatorische Handlungsfelder in rechtlicher Perspektive Public prevention of natural hazards in Swiss law: responsibilities and fields of action in legislative and executive bodies Evaluating the Effectiveness and the Efficiency of Mitigation Measures against Natural Hazards – Experiences with EconoMe Das Audit „Hochwasser - wie gut sind wir vorbereitet“ - ein strukturiertes Verfahren für Kommunen zur Verbesserung des Risikomanagement Audit "Flood - how prepared are we" - a method for local authorities to improve local risk management Questions and discussion 15:00 Coffee break Gian Reto Bezzola, SWITZERLAND Roland Norer, SWITZERLAND Michael Bründl, SWITZERLAND Paul Gisenhofer, GERMANY 15:30 Oral presentations: Risk governance and policies Hochwasser-Restrisiko und Risikokommunikation: Ideen aus Bayern Chances and Challenges in the Field of Residual Flood-Risk and Risk Communication: Ideas from Bavaria Lokale Rahmenbedingungen und Qualität von Experten-Netzwerken: Eine Fallstudie zu Praktiken von Lawinenrisiko-Prävention (in Österreich) Local Conditions and the Quality of Expert Networks: A Case Study of Avalanche Risk Prevention Practices Gender mainstreaming in disaster risk reduction - a step towards the visibility of women in DRR 16:30 Coffee break 17:00 Oral presentations: Data acquisition and modelling Ronja Wolter-Krautblatter, GERMANY Gerhard Lieb, AUSTRIA Catrin Promper, AUSTRIA Einmündungen von Wildbächen in Gebirgsflüsse als kritische Spots für die Hochwassergefährdung – Prozessanalyse anhand 2d numerischer Geschiebe- und Abflussmodellierung Analysis of flood related processes at confluences of steep tributary channels and their receiving streams - 2d numerical modelling application Johannes Kammerlander, AUSTRIA Monitoring sediment fluxes in alpine creeks: the AQUASED project Gianluca Vignoli, ITALY Bedload transport simulation with the model sedFlow: application to mountain rivers in Switzerland Dieter Rickenmann, SWITZERLAND Monitoring and management of a huge landslide in a built-up area induced by the excavation of deep highway tunnels Guido Gottardi, ITALY Questions and discussion 18:15 Aperitif offered by Zurich 19:15 Public panel discussion „Always more floods and other natural hazards on our doorstep – What does this signify for politics, economy and society?“ Moderation: Mirjam Breu, editor Radio SRF Panel speakers: Martha Bächler (former mayor Engelberg) David N. Bresch (Global Partnerships Division Swiss Re) Philipp Gmür (CEO Helvetia Schweiz) Josef Hess (Vice director Federal Office for the Environment FOEN) Albin Schmidhauser (Head Division Natural Hazards Kanton Luzern) Michael Szönyi (Expert for natural hazards management Zurich)
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