List of Master`s Thesis Proposals

Bern University of Applied Sciences
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences HAFL
List of Master’s Thesis Proposals
Sustainable Agricultural and Forestry Production Systems (SPS)
Last Updated: 05.04.2016(RL)
Topics and Further Information
Seed production for seeding of species-rich meadows
Comparison of seed production potential in two different threshing
procedures for the production of seed for meadows (Heudrusch), with
possible seed potential of one meadow flower species (e.g. Salvia
pratensis). In cooperation with UFA.
Beat Reidy
Natural spread of plant species
Investigation of natural spread of a meadow flowers sown strip in a in
an existing meadow. Indiviudual plant observation with GPS tracking. In
cooperation with UFA.
Beat Reidy
Comparison of single plants in a population of typical species within an extensive meadow
For seeding of a species-rich extensive meadows, Swiss produced seed
are used, which are collected in natural meadows. As it is quite costly to
produce and collect these plants, the question arises of how many
mother plants or “basis seed” are need to produce sufficient volume of
Beat Reidy
Influence of biogas slurry on plant growth
Agricultural biogas plants are allowed to use up to 50% of co-substrate.
Type and composition of the co-substrate used can highly differ and
has an influence upon nutrient composition of the produced slurry. It is
also possible that the use of special co-substrate may have negative
impacts on plant growth. The aim of this thesis is to investigate by trial,
how biogas slurry of different origin affects plant growth in comparison
to fertilisation with normal slurry and mineral fertilisers.
Beat Reidy
Flower meadow project in Thurgau – Success of seeding speciesrich Arrhenatherum elatius meadows
The aim of this topic is to investigate the influence of seeding mixture,
seed bed preparation, seed timing, location characteristics, and weather
conditions through the year to understand their impact on seeding
success of species-rich flower meadows. Seedlings of the years 2009 to
2015 of the flower meadow project in Thurgau serve as a basis. Recommendations should be given for choice of an optimal seeding mixture, most promising seed bed preparation and seeding point, depending on location characteristics.
Beat Reidy
Stickstoff-Flüsse in zwei Milchviehweidesystemen
Im Projekt NiceGras in Posieux werden für zwei Weidesysteme (1. Vollweide ohne Ausgleich des Proteinüberschusses; 2. Vollweide mit Ausgleich des Proteinüberschusses durch Beifütterung von Maissilage) alle
N-Flüsse in Fütterung, Ausscheidungen der Tiere und Emissionen in Luft
und Gewässer erfasst. In dieser Masterarbeit geht es nun darum, den NHaushalt gesamtheitlich zu interpretieren und daraus Optionen zur
Verbesserung der N-Effizienz sowie zur Minimierung der Umweltbelastung abzuleiten. Kann kombiniert werden mit einer Teilzeitanstellung
als Praktikant/in während der Vegetationsperiode zur Unterstützung
der Versuchstätigkeit (Verzehrsschätzung, Probenahme, Tierbeobachtung etc.). In Zusammenarbeit mit H. Menzi, Posieux.
Beat Reidy
Thomas Kupper
Verbesserung der N-Effizienz von Milchproduktionsbetrieben durch
Optimierung der Hofdüngerwirtschaft
Durch die Optimierung der Hofdüngerwirtschaft können die N-Verluste
Beat Reidy
Thomas Kupper
Crop Production, Switzerland
Bern University of Applied Sciences
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences HAFL
von Landwirtschaftsbetrieben deutlich reduziert werden. Wie gross ist
dieses Potenzial und was sind die wichtigsten Faktoren, um die Effizienz zu verbessern? Im Emmental haben im Rahmen von Arbeitskreisen
Betriebe während Jahren ihre Hofdüngerwirtschaft bewusst optimiert.
Auf 70 dieser Betriebe sollen Daten zu N-Flüssen (inklusive Ammoniakverlusten) gesammelt und einzelbetrieblich analysiert werden. In
Diskussionen mit den Landwirten werden diese Analysen mit ihren
Strategien verglichen und daraus Erfolgsfaktoren abgeleitet.
Mycorrhiza Dependency of Grassland Species
How successfully do herbaceous plants establish from seed after extreme summer drought? In the context of grassland dynamics due to
global change, the HAFL-based SNF-project Drought Legacy Effects on
Grassland Invasibility has investigated this question by experimentally
adding seeds of 36 species to grasslands using a multi-site approach
across Switzerland. How much do these species depend on mycorrhizal
fungi? A Master's Thesis Project could answer this question by growing
the same species from seed in pots with sterile substrate and pots with
sterile substrate infected with mycorrizal fungi.
Andreas Stmpfli
Autonomous Agricultural Vehicles: Feasibility Study and Key Figures
In the framework of a feasibility study on the development of autonomous agricultural vehicles, key figures on the power requirements,
efficiency and performance of miniaturized machines for tillage, and
seeding have to be investigated.
Bernhard Streit
Optimization of Nitrogen Fertilization with Precision Farming Techniques
Bernhard Streit
Optimization of Seeding with Precision Farming Techniques
Bernhard Streit
Cover Crops for Conservation Agriculture (CC4CA)
The use of cover crops is the key to optimize cropping systems with
conservation agriculture and in particular no-tillage. The aim of this
project will be to screen already known and new cover crop species
between two main crops with focus on weed suppression and nutrient
Bernhard Streit
Ecological and Economic Consequences of Chaff Collection During
Cereal Harvest
There is an increasing interest in collecting chaff as a substitute of
straw and as source for bioenergy. Removing chaff from the fields alters the micro-environment and, thus, weed populations and nutrient
cycles. On the other hand, farmers have an additional income selling
the raw material. Therefore, the aim of this study is to quantify these
Bern Region
Bernhard Streit
Alternative Control Strategies for the Sugar Beet Stem Nematode
Ditylenchus dipsaci
The stem and leaf nematode, Ditylenchus dipsaci, is a serious threat to
sugar beet production areas in Switzerland. Currently, chemical control
using granular nematicides is the only option to mitigate yield losses by
this nematode. However, due to the potential phase out of this group of
chemical nematicides, there is an urgent need for alternative control
Andreas Keiser
Effects of Bacterial Tuber Contamination and Agronomic Factors on
Blackleg in Potato Fields
The aim of the project is to improve the health status of seed tubers
relating to Dickeya spp. (former name Erwinia chrysanthemi)
Andreas Keiser
Epidemiological and Genetic Study of Rhizoctonia solani Focussed
on Symptoms
With this research we want to identify a link between tuber symptoms
(cracks, sclerotium or dry core) and the genetics of the pathogen (anas-
Andreas Keiser
Bern University of Applied Sciences
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences HAFL
tomosis group). This research will also investigate if those Rhizoctonia
strains will develop the same symptoms after inoculation of healthy
Fusarium Species and Mycotoxins in Wheat: Survey of Samples From
the Harvest 2009
Fusarium head blight is one of the most devastating cereal diseases,
leading to substantial yield losses and contamination of harvested produce with mycotoxins that threaten human and animal health. Aim of
thesis project is to determine correlation between Fusarium species
incidence, fungal DNA, and mycotoxin content in wheat grains.
Andreas Keiser
Verification of Thresholds of Important Agricultural Pests (Blossom
Rape Beetle, Cereal Leaf Beetle, Colorado Beetle)
In order to receive direct payments, Swiss farmers have to fulfil certain
requirements. One of these is, e.g. that direct plant protection
measures only are permitted after the attainment of controlled thresholds. The existing thresholds are partly obsolete, partly no longer
adapted to the practice. In collaboration with the Federal Research Station Changins and the cantonal plant protection services important
thresholds are tested. Field experiments take place all over Switzerland.
Hans Ramseier
Resource conservation by intercropping and undersowing
More efficient use of light, water, nutrients and energy is a great challenge for the future. Intercropping and undersowing are possible solutions in arable farming and should be studied in depth. In several European countries, more research is done in this area.
Hans Ramseier
Sustainable Land Use Technologies and Implementation Approaches in Frienisberg BE
In the EU research project Recare ( the current
vulnerability of soils and innovative solutions to prevent further soil
degradation in Europe is recorded. The Swiss case study is located
north of Bern in the region of Frienisberg, a hilly agricultural area. Main
degradation problems in Frienisberg are soil erosion and compaction.
To enable the identification and development of innovative soil protection measures, already applied measures of local farmers should be
documented and their effectiveness evaluated.
Matthias Stettler
Irrigation in Switzerland – Any Clue?
Little is known about the extent of irrigation and irrigation practices in
Switzerland. A first assessment by the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) in 2006 has yielded unsatisfactory results, and clearly indicated the need for more systematic and comprehensive data acquisition
regarding irrigation. This project aims at developing and testing an
approach to assess irrigated areas and crops, irrigation systems, water
sources and abstraction methods, and water quantities used for irrigation on a regular and systematic basis.
Christoph Studer
Sustainable land use technologies and implementation approaches
in Frienisberg BE
In the EU research project Recare the current vulnerability of soils and
innovative solutions to prevent further soil degradation in Europe is
recorded. The Swiss case study is located north of Bern in the region of
Frienisberg, a hilly agricultural area. Main degradation problems in
Frienisberg are soil erosion and compaction. To enable the identification and development of innovative soil protection measures, already
applied measures of local farmers should be documented and their
effectiveness evaluate.
Matthias Stettler
Molecular detection and control of Colletotrichum lupini, the causal
agent of anthracnose disease, in lupin seed (Lupinus albus)
One of the three commonly cultivated lupin species in Europe, the white
lupin (Lupinus albus), is well suited for the majority of Swiss soils. However, it is currently not grown due to a risk of anthracnose infection,
Hans Ramseier
Bern University of Applied Sciences
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences HAFL
caused by Colletotrichum lupini (Nirenberg et al., 2002). The fungus is
transmitted via the seed and can cause substantial or near-total yield
loss. In 2014, FiBL has started a lupin variety field trial to promote lupin
growing in Switzerland and initiate a breeding programme for anthracnose resistance. The aim of this study is to reduce the sources of primary field infection by developing a PCR-based diagnostic seed test and
by evaluating different methods of seed treatments for their effectiveness to reduce pathogen infection.
Crop Production, International
Pastures and shrubs in Australia, potential for CO2 abatement
Christoph Studer
Grain Storage Experiments with Clay Silos Looking at Storage Losses and Seed Germination, Mozambique
In the context of a seed program for maize and cowpeas, a locally developed clay silo (capacity 200 kg) was developed. The thesis should
compare this clay silo with the farmers' practice and with completely
sealed containers (Superbags and tin silos).
Urs Scheidegger
Impact Study of a Community-Based Seed Program for Basic Food
Crops (Maize, Cowpeas) in Northern Mozambique
Starting out from seed banks in a sample of communities, the flows of
seed from the bank to farmers and onwards to other farmers are to be
quantified over three generations of seed. Outcomes and impacts (yield
stability, economic benefits, food security, and resilience of seed supply, community ownership and finally effects on livelihood) are to be
measured. Information is to be disaggregated by social strata, gender,
crop and variety type (local or improved) and access to markets.
Urs Scheidegger
Study of Farmer-to-Farmer Seed Flows (Quality and Volumes) Triggered by the Mongolian Potato Project
The Mongolian Potato Project has triggered an extensive dissemination
of new varieties from farmer to farmer. The scope of these informal
seed flows is to be quantified and the health of respective seed along
the flows characterized (evaluation of symptoms of seed-borne diseases). Factors for success and risks are to be identified.
Urs Scheidegger
Dynamics of Organic Matter in Slash-and-Char Systems
When adding Biochar to improve the fertility of tropical soils, the dynamics of soil organic matter seems to be profoundly changed. These
changes are to be studied through field trials and observational settings.
or Benin
Urs Scheidegger
Land Tenure Issues Relevant for Conversion of Slash-and-Burn to
Slash-and-Char Farming
Study of the present situation and ex-ante analysis of policy interventions regarding land tenure. Land tenure could play a crucial role in
farmers’ decisions to adopt slash-and-char Biochar.
or Benin
Urs Scheidegger
Christoph Studer
Positive Selection and Sprout Cuttings to Improve Seed Quality of
Native Potatoes
In a food security project of World Vision community-based seed production looks very promising. In a factorial experiment the effect of
positive selection and sprout cutting will be studied, starting and ending in farmers’ fields. The work will be in tandem with a student from a
Bolivian university.
Bolivia, Northern Potosí
(3500 – 4000
Urs Scheidegger
Precision Agriculture for Small-Scale Farmers: Organic Fertilizers in
Rice Production
In a contract growing setting run by RMG (a commercial enterprise
linked to Syngenta Foundation), the IRRI nutrient manager is to be calibrated for conditions in Africa and for organic fertilizers.
Burkina Faso
Urs Scheidegger
Precision Agriculture for Small-Scale Rice Farmers: Rice Nutrient
Manager via Mobile Phone
Burkina Faso
Urs Scheidegger
Bern University of Applied Sciences
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences HAFL
In a contract growing setting run by RMG (a commercial enterprise
linked to Syngenta Foundation), the IRRI nutrient manager is to be integrated into the mobile phone app the contract farmers already use
Animal Science, Switzerland
Functional properties of different bedding materials for Equine
Conny Herholz
Animal Friendly Husbandry: Perception of Horse Owners Regarding
Group-Housed Open Stables
Group-housing in open stables is one of the most animal friendly husbandry systems for horses. However, in Switzerland most of the horses
are still kept in horse boxes. Why is group-housing in open stables still
not established in Switzerland? What does horse and stable owners
prevail from keeping horses in the most animal friendly husbandry system? How to change the perception of horse owners regarding grouphousing in open stables? The aim of the study is to analyse the challenges and boundaries of keeping horses in group-housed stables. Recommendations on how this husbandry system could be perceived in a
more attractive manner by horse owners should be developed.
Salome Wägeli
Ammonia Emission in Relation to Feeding and Bedding Materials in
Horse Stables.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the generation of ammonia in
different bedding materials as well as after feeding EM Active+ Carbon
Feed in horse stables. Over 80% of all horses are stabled in box stalls.
Therefore the quality of the surrounding air in horse stables and the
generation of ammonia from urine and feces are important factors regarding the impact on horses’ health and the environment.
Conny Herholz
Heritability and Breeding Values for Behaviour Traits in Cattle
The aim of this study is the estimation of heritability and breeding values for behaviour traits of one cattle breed of Switzerland using different methods.
Christine Flury
Adaptation of Brown Cattle to Harsh Environments: The Case of
Alpine Pastures
The aim of the project is to: 1) Analyse data from linear description and
standard production data to investigate possible relations with the ability of individuals to cope better/worse with the harsh environment on
alpine pastures; 2) Clarify if it makes sense to consider specific traits
for the selection of individual cows for the suitability of the harsh alpine
Christine Flury
Potenzial zur Verbesserung der N-Effizienz von Milchproduktionsbetrieben durch Optimierung der Hofdüngerwirtschaft
Durch die Optimierung der Hofdüngerwirtschaft können die N-Verluste
von Landwirtschafts-betrieben deutlich reduziert werden. Entsprechend
sollte es möglich sein mit gleich viel zugekauftem Dünger mehr zu
produzieren oder gleich viel zu produzieren, aber mit weniger Dünger.
Wie gross ist dieses Potenzial und was sind die wichtigsten Faktoren,
um die Effizienz (vor allem für Stickstoff) zu verbessern?
Beat Reidy
Market analysis of horse feed purchasing behaviour in Switzerland
The horse feed industry in Europe is booming. Nonetheless, the competition is strongly increasing and the trend to feed less concentrates
affects the sales figures of producers negatively. Consequently, producers have to be more and more innovative and customer-oriented in
order to gain market share. However, there is little knowledge about the
buying behaviour of horse feed purchasers. The aim of the study is to
analyse customers' perception of different horse feed products as well
as their expectations and demands when purchasing horse feed. Different costumer segments should be identified and based on the results
Salome Wägeli
Bern University of Applied Sciences
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences HAFL
future markets described. The study will take place in collaboration with
Horse Riding in School: A Pilot Project in Switzerland
Horse riding is not yet integrated in the Swiss school sports curriculum.
There are different studies which show that horse riding has a positive
influence on the physical and mental development of children. Moreover, children getting in touch with animals, nature and agriculture will
be influenced in their opinion and perception of horse keeping and
riding in future. Therefore, the aim of the study is to create a pilot project to include horse riding in school sports curriculum. In a first step,
role models from neighbor countries have to be analyzed. In a second
step a syllabus for horse riding in schools has to be developed in collaboration with horse riding instructors and teachers. In a test run
horse riding will, in collaboration with a school, be performed in sport
lessons. The evaluation of the pilot project will serve to formulate recommendations for implementing horse riding in Swiss school sport.
Ökobilanz von Bergfleisch mit Molkeverwertung
Im Rahmen des Projekts « Gekoppelte Produktion von Rindfleisch und
Käse » führte Agroscope in den Jahren 2012 und 2013 Versuche zur
Rindfleischerzeugung in Alpkäse-Produktionsgebieten durch. Ergänzend
werden im Sommer 2014 noch Messungen von Methanemissionen
durchgeführt. Im Rahmen einer Master Thesis sollen die
Umweltwirkungen der Rindfleischproduktion auf Alpen mit besonderem
Fokus auf die Methanemissionen und die Wirkungen auf die
Biodiversität analysiert werden.
Salome Wägeli
Beat Reidy
Potenzial zur Verbesserung der N-Effizienz von
Milchproduktionsbetrieben durch Optimierung der
Durch die Optimierung der Hofdüngerwirtschaft können die N-Verluste
von Landwirtschafts-betrieben deutlich reduziert werden. Entsprechend
sollte es möglich sein mit gleich viel zugekauftem Dünger mehr zu
produzieren oder gleich viel zu produzieren, aber mit weniger Dünger.
Wie gross ist dieses Potenzial und was sind die wichtigsten Faktoren,
um die Effizienz (vor allem für Stickstoff) zu verbessern?
Bear Reidy
Woodland Egg Production in Switzerland
Egg production from hens kept below trees is advocated and marketed
as a particularly animal-friendly production system in the UK as well as
other European countries. This logic stems from the fact that these
hens can freely move around and live in an environment that resembles
that of wild Bankiva Chicken. Can this production system improve animal welfare in Switzerland as well, and can products be marketed with
an added value to the producer? Are there producers who already have
such a system in place? Can egg production be combined with fruit
production, or does this cause hygienic problems. Note: The main advisor for this thesis should be an expert for chicken production.
Resilience of fodder quality to extreme summer drought in hay
Investigating drought effects on grassland in a multi-site experiment
over a wide gradient of productivity (land-use intensity, SNSF 20142017) we sampled harvests in hay meadows of canton Ticino, Wallis,
and Bern to investigate the resistance and the resilience of grassland
yield and vegetation structure to experimental summer precipitation
treatments (extremely dry, constantly humid, ambient) and the resistance of vegetation to plant invasion (invasibility). An open question
is how summer precipitation affects fodder quality, especially energy
and protein values. As soil nutrient supply increases after drought we
predict that fodder quality might temporarily be increased in autumn
Jan Grenz
Stefan Probst
Andreas Stampfli
Bern University of Applied Sciences
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences HAFL
Animal Sciences, International
Developing and Evaluating Integrated Farming Systems for Improvement of Smallholder Dairy Production in Milkshed Areas of
Malawi and Zambia
Agroscope's research group in business management is working with
local partners in Malawi in order to increase the milk production in
smallholder mixed production systems. Based on a survey among small
farmers and group discussions, specific measures have been defined.
These will be implemented in the coming months by specially trained
small farmers (Lead-Farmer approach), in the hope that more small
farmers, e.g. their neighbors, also adapt the appropriate measures and
reach a production increase. In the frame of this project there are different opportunities to conduct a Master Thesis in the topic of agricultural economy or animal production.
Urs Egger
Intensification of Dairy Production in Rwanda
Will be done in collaboration with the NGO Food for the Hungry in
Rwanda. Objective is to evaluate sustainable ways of improving milk
production, using crossbreds, by improving feeding management.
Pascale Waelti
Jan Grenz
Participatory promotion of new value chains for the diversification
of income (apple processing, beekeeping, agrotorism, medicinal
FAO is developing, together with other actors such as SDC, an innovative approach of participatory watershed planning and management in
the Atlas Mountains of Morocco (GIBV-MA). HAFL, together with the
Centre for Environment and Development (CDE) of Bern University, is
backstopping this project. The Midelt region, targeted by the project, is
one of the poorest of the country. One of the project's objectives is to
develop promising or new value chains that will contribute to the diversification of income of the local population. Apple is the most important
agricultural production, but there is no processing of this commodity
and losses are important. Other promising value chains are aromatic
and medicinal plants, beekeeping/honey and agrotourism. The Master
student will support a process of participatory market chain approach
to develop or improve one selected value chain.
Guiliani and
Pascale Waelti
Fishermen become farmers: Development of a vocational training
concept and elaboration and testing of training modules for coastal
Quantifying the Environmental Footprint of Dairy Production and
the Potential for Reduction
Dairy farms usually have a large material turnover: large quantities of
feed, fertilizer, water and energy are needed for production, and emissions of methane, ammonia, nitrate, phosphate and nitrous oxide result
from it. Analyses of dairy farm sustainability done with the RISE method
( in China, India, Brazil and Mexico have shown that
there are major improvement potentials concerning the management of
feed and manure flows. The pattern and magnitude of environmental
impacts strongly differs between pasture-based and feedlot-based dairy
production. The significance of e.g. water and land use for dairy production strongly differs between densely- and sparsely-populated areas
(e.g. the Punjab vs southern Chile), and according to climate. How big is
the exact “environmental footprint” of dairy production? What are the
differences between different production systems and regions? By how
much can environmental damage be reduced through improved management and technology? Answers to these questions shall be sought
for three regions with different climate and population density. Data
collection will draw upon national and international databases (e.g.
FAOSTAT, Global Water Tool), scientific literature and expert interviews
with milk farmers, milk buyers and scientists.
Rural Economics, International
Bern University of Applied Sciences
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences HAFL
regions of the Gulf of Mottama in Myanmar
In partnership with Helvetas Myanmar and the Yezin Agricultural University YAU, Myanmar ( The idea is to enable
fishermen communities to get alternative incomes from non-fish aquaculture production and from farming. A specific training program
needs to be developed with the help of one MSc student from YAU and
one from HAFL. Field research is to be completed in 2016.
Forestry, Switzerland
Ganzheitliche ökonomische Bewertung von Waldleistungen
Ziel ist es, im Rahmen von Expertenbefragungen (Waldbesitzer,
Forstbetriebsleitende, etc.), ein realistisches Bild zu erhalten, welche
Kombinationen von Koeffizienten die Wirklichkeit bzw. die gestellten
Ansprüche an den Wald und seine Leistungen am besten abbilden und
daher in ein Modell zur ganzheitlichen ökonomischen Bewertung von
Waldleistungen einfliessen sollen.
Berhard Pauli and
Almond Trees as an Alternative to Sweet Cherry Trees
The number of cherry trees that belong to old varieties and that form a
traditional element of landscapes in northwestern Switzerland is
constantly decreasing. Harvesting these cherries is expensive, and
quality loss due to bad weather is a big problem. Furthermore, cherry
production increasingly suffers from insect damage. Almond trees, on
the other hand, can be grown further north now due to global warming;
there are even some sites in Belgium where they thrive. The biggest risk
to almond and cherry production alike is a late frost coinciding with
flowering and impeding fruit set. Research question: clarify whether
and to what extent almond trees can be an alternative to traditional
cherry trees on sites with a low frost risk. Which varieties would be
most suitable, how are consumer and farmer acceptance, how would
harvest and processing have to be organized etc.. If possible, some first
trees (late-blooming varieties) should be planted on selected sites in the
Basel Region.
Basel Region
Jan Grenz
Coppice forestry: A Valid Alternative Forest Management Option for
the Future in Switzerland?
Considering economic situations and challenges posed by climate
change. Literature studies, interviews and some comparative analysis
with field observations.
Jürgen Blaser
Comparative Analysis of the REDD+ Strategies of Member Countries
of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
More than 20 countries have embarked in major analysis of deforestation and forest degradation and proposed REDD+ strategies for this
purpose. What are these strategies and what can be learnt from the
initial implementation of these?
Desk Work +
(2-3) Case
Jürgen Blaser
Coppice Siliviculture and its Importance in Climate Change Adaptation
Oak and Beech coppice forest management systems will be analysed in
view of alternative forest management systems to respond to climate
change challenges.
Jürgen Blaser
Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainability of Private Forests in
Upper Bregalnica, Macedonia
Small private forests plots in state forest dominated mountainous regions of Eastern Macedonia.
Jürgen Blaser
Interaction Between Sheep Grazing and Forest Landscape Conservation in Eastern Macedonia
Socio-cultural and biodiversity study to better understand and value the
interaction of sheep breading and forest management.
Jürgen Blaser
Forestry, International
Bern University of Applied Sciences
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences HAFL
Analysis of the Wood Flow (from Forests to End Use) in Eastern
Jürgen Blaser
Ecosystem Services in the Upper Watershed of Bregalnica – Their
Potential and Economic Valuation
Jürgen Blaser
Dynamics of Cloud Forests in Northern Andean Forests Under Consideration of Climate Change
Based on an initial study in the framework of a B.Sc. Thesis, in-depth
silvicultural analysis of forest dynamics of natural mountain forests.
Jürgen Blaser
Urban Agriculture, Farmers and Insects
Evelyn Markoni
Impacts of Agri-Environment Schemes on Farm Sustainability Trade-Offs and Synergies
All across Europe, and particularly in Switzerland, farmers can participate in agri-environment schemes, implement measures to enhance
biodiversity (hedgerows, wetlands, trees, various types of ecological
infrastructures) and receive government payments. The efficacy of such
systems in fostering biodiversity has been assessed through various
studies. The student will do whole-farm sustainability analyses for 4-5
farms of different types (arable, with livestock, special crops etc.), comparing scenarios with and without participation in an agri-environment
Climate Smart Agriculture
Im Rahmen des Nachhaltigkeitsprogramms Klimafreundliche Milch sollen die Milchproduzenten, die aaremilch AG, die End-Abnehmer (Nestlé
Suisse SA) und die Milchtransporteure als nachhaltige Milchlieferkette
näher zusammengeführt werden. Durch einen höheren ProduzentenMilchpreis (Klima-Prämie) sollen Massnahmen zur Minimierung der
Treibhausgasemissionen auf Stufe Landwirtschaftsbetrieb vom Markt
belohnt werden. Im Rahmen der Semesterarbeit sollen Synergien
zwischen CSA Booster und dem Projekt Klimafreundliche Milch und
Möglichkeiten für eine Zusammenarbeit aufgezeigt werden.
Jan Grenz
Jan Grenz
Andreas Stampfli
Wirtschaftlichkeit von Massnahmen zur Minderung der Methanemissionen auf dem Landwirtschaftsbetrieb.
Die aaremilch AG will die Treibhausgasemissionen aus der Milchproduktion auf den Milchbetrieben reduzieren. Im Vordergrund stehen Massnahmen zur Minderung der Methanemissionen aus der Wiederkäuerverdauung (Milchvieh). Im Rahmen der Semesterarbeit soll das Wertschöpfungspotenzial dieser Minderungsmassnahmen auf ausgewählten
Milchbetrieben berechnet werden und den Kosten für die Umsetzung
der Massnahmen auf den Betrieben gegenübergestellt werden.
Jan Grenz
Andreas Stampfli
Treibhausgasemissionen auf dem Milchbetrieb: Nachweis der
Wirksamkeit von Emissionsminderungsmassnahmen auf ausgewählten Milchbetrieben.
Das Pilotprojekt „Klimafreundliche Milchproduktion“ der aaremilch AG
konzentriert sich auf die Reduktion der Treibhausgasemissionen im
Bereich der Milchproduktion. Im Rahmen der Semesterarbeit soll ein
Konzept zum wissenschaftlichen Nachweis der Wirksamkeit ausgewählter Minderungsmassnahmen erarbeitet werden.
Jan Grenz
Andreas Stampfli
Lösungsansätze bei zeitlicher Überlastung von Betriebsleiter/Innen
Die zeitliche Überlastung der Betriebsleitung ist ein häufiges Problem
auf Landwirtschaftsbetrieben. Längeres Andauern der Überlastung ist
nicht selten Ursache von Krisen. Eine einfache Lösung liegt meist nicht
auf der Hand, sondern eine vertiefte Auseinandersetzung mit dem
Thema ist notwendig. In dieser Arbeit geht es darum, einen Überblick
über die verschiedenen Lösungsansätze und Methoden zu erarbeiten.
Dazu sollen Fachpersonen aber auch betroffene Personen befragt
werden, sowie eine Literaturanalyse durchgeführt werden.
Cross-Cutting Questions and Others, Switzerland
Bern University of Applied Sciences
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences HAFL
Welche RISE-Daten sind für Bauern interessant?
RISE liefert eine Vielzahl an Resultaten und Zahlen. Diese werden in
einem Bericht zusammengestellt. In einem Feedback-Gespräch bespricht der RISE-Berater den Bericht mit dem Bauern. Dabei fällt auf,
dass gewisse Themen und Kennzahlen stärker interessieren als andere.
In dieser Arbeit soll auf analysieren Betrieben systematisch erfasst
werden, welches die interessierenden Themen sind und welche Themen
noch ungenügend aufgearbeitet sind.
Validierung von RISE Resultaten im Bereich Biodiversität
Das Ziel von Analysetools wie das RISE ist, dass man mit geringem Erhebungsaufwand eine möglichst gute Einschätzung eines
Themenbereichs erreichen kann. Für den Anwender ist es wichtig zu
wissen, wie genau die Methode ist; das heisst, wie gut die Einschätzung
und die Realität übereinstimmen. In dieser Arbeit geht es darum, die
RISE Resultate im Thema Biodiversität mit der effektiv beobachteten
Biodiversität auf Landwirtschaftsbetrieben zu vergleichen. Falls notwendig sollen Vorschläge zur Verbesserung der RISE-Methode entwickelt werden.
Nachhaltigkeitsanalyse des eigenen Betriebs oder anderer Betriebe
Wie wirtschaftlich, umweltschonend und sozialverträglich arbeitet der
Betrieb? Der eigene Betrieb oder ein anderer interessierter Betrieb in der
Schweiz oder im Ausland wird mit Unterstützung des RISE-Teams auf
seine Nachhaltigkeit untersucht. Ausgeprägte Stärken, sowie Möglichkeiten zu Verbesserung werden ermittelt und Strategien für Massnahmen und Innovationen diskutiert.
Jan Grenz
In dieser Arbeit geht es darum das aktuelle Wissen und die Lücken
zusammenzutragen und die Resultate der Forschungsanstalten in Europa auf folgende Schwerpunkte zu erarbeiten. Schwerpunkte sind dabei
Sortenwahl, Befruchtersorten, neue Birnenverfallrobuste Unterlagen,
Pflanzenschutz, Kulturmassnahmen bei befallenen Bäumen. Das Ziel ist
die Sortenempfehlung Mostbirnen noch besser abzustützen und die
bestehenden Bäume zu erhalten. Die Arbeit eignet sich gut als Einstieg
in eine Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit. Auf die Arbeit aufbauend soll dann
ein Feldversuch bei Hans Brunner in Steinmaur gestartet werden, in
dem vorgeschlagene Massnahmen /Methoden geprüft werden.
Abfall Biomasse?
Mit dieser Arbeit gilt es Alternativen zur heutigen Praxis zusammenzutragen und auf ihre Wirtschaftlichkeit und praktische Umsetzbarkeit hin
zu überprüfen. Dabei dürfen auch die ökologische Wirkung des Bachunterhalts (z.B. Schnittzeitpunkt, Strukturelemente) optimiert bzw. allenfalls relativiert werden: Denn, was ist der optimale Schnittzeitpunkt
wert, wenn damit die offene Verbrennung des Schnittgutes „provoziert“
wird? Der Umfang der Aufgabenstellung rechtfertigt die Bearbeitung
des Themas auch durch mehr als eine Person. Projektpartner: Amtsträger und Auftragnehmer des Lyssbachverbands, Pro Natura Seeland.
Combined heat-power generation from biogas in a Swiss dairy factory
The research shall include the collection of technical information on
large resp. small biogas digesters, on slurry and biogas slurry logistics
etc. – hence interest in engineering is a precondition for this MSc project. The scenarios will be analyzed for and ranked according to their
environmental, social and economic feasibility and performance.
Jan Grenz
Bern University of Applied Sciences
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences HAFL
Ökobilanz eines Kompoststalls
Auf einem Biobetrieb in Rubigen wird ein Kompoststall gebaut. Dieses
in der Schweiz noch wenig verbreitete System ähnelt dem des Tieflaufstalls, es werden aber u.a. Sägespäne als Einstreu verwendet
( Auf Anfrage des
Betriebsleiterehepaars soll eine Ökobilanz erstellt werden, in der der
Kompoststall mit einem gängigen Laufstall verglichen wird. Damit soll
geprüft werden, ob das neue System tatsächlich günstiger punkto
Nährstoffkreisläufen, Klimagasen etc. abschneidet.
Jan Grenz
Combined heat-power generation from biogas in a Swiss dairy factory
A reduced environmental impact of operations has become an important performance indicator in many companies. The key resources
whose consumption is to be reduced include freshwater, land and energy. As for waste and emissions, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are in
the center of con-cern. This also applies to Nestlé Switzerland, which
pledged to reduce GHG emissions and freshwater consumption by 50%
(in absolute terms, by 27,300 tons CO2-eq resp. 3.7 million m3 of water) from 2010 until 2020. Given this situation, the factory management
is considering to invest, together with partners, into combined heatpower (CHP) generation from biogas, obtained from fermenting the
slurry of ca. 25,000 dairy cows in the region. Transforming energy supply to a slurry-based CHP system should help reduce the factory’s energy consumption and put it on a more sustainable basis. In addition, ties
with farmers in the region would be further strengthened. However,
several important logistical and technical questions are to be solved
prior to project implementation.
Jan Grenz
Heavy Metals in Precipitants and Their Impact on the Quality Phosphorus Fertilizers Derived from Sewage Sludge Ashes
Assessment of heavy metals in the precipitants used for phosphorus
removal in waste treatment plants. Analytical survey of commercial
precipitants in cooperation with Agroscope Reckenholz. Modelling the
heavy metal burden of phosphorus fertilizers derived from ash obtained
from separate sewage sludge incineration
Thomas Kupper
Processes influencing ammonia emissions from grazing cattle
Measurement of ammonia emissions from cattle urine with different N
contents in will be carried out at several locations using wind tunnels.
Thomas Kupper
Ammonia Emissions from Field Application of Slurry After Anaerobic Digestion Using Different Spreading Technologies
Field experiments on a commercial farm, which operates a methanization plant, will be carried out. Spreading technologies include splash
plate, trailing hose etc.
Thomas Kupper
Technologies Mitigating Ammonia Emissions During Storage or
Field Application of Slurry and Manure
Measurement of ammonia emissions will be carried out by means of
static chambers and or wind tunnels. Different mitigation options such
as slurry separation, addition of biochar etc. will be examined.
Thomas Kupper
Development of a Solids-Feeding Device for Laboratory Fermenters
Predict change in plant species composition in grassland based on a
multi-site seed-addition experiment with annual weeds. The importance
of propagule pressure, management type, and neighbourhood-scale
species diversity as drivers of invisibility and degradation will be quantified.
Michael Studer
Bern University of Applied Sciences
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences HAFL
Cross-Cutting Questions and Others, International
Participatory natural resources management by local community
(watershed planning by pastoralist groups)
FAO is developing, together with other actors such as SDC, an innovative approach of participatory watershed planning and management in
the Atlas Mountains of Morocco (GIBV-MA). HAFL, together with the
Centre for Environment and Development (CDE) of Bern University, is
backstopping this project. The GIBV-MA project seeks to involve the
local actors and population in the rehabilitation of four watersheds and
to support the economic development of the local population. One important natural resource user of the targeted watersheds is the nomad
pastoralists group, raising sheep and goats. However, this group is
highly marginalized and for the moment not well integrated in the process of participatory watershed planning. There is also a gap of
knowledge about this group. The Master thesis's aim will be to gain a
better understanding of the nomad pastoralists of the Midelt Region
and to study ways to involve them in participatory natural resource
management processes (such as participatory rangeland management
(PRM) / participatory forest management (PFM)).
Quantifying the environmental footprint of dairy production and
the potential for reducing it
How big is the exact “environmental footprint” of dairy production?
What are the differences between different production systems and
regions? By how much can environmental damage be reduced through
improved management and technology?
From Camel meat to fondue: changing food habits of Somali migrants to Switzerland
The student will work within a research project in collaboration between
two departments of the BFH (HAFL and WGS (Business, Health, and Social Work) and MARIL, a private research institute in Ethiopia. The project aims at assessing how rural migrant population from pastoral societies adapt their nutrition patterns when moving to industrialized countries. The reasons behind food choices and the impact on balances
nutrition are analysed additionally for the two settings. The focus lies
on the Somali community. Intervention needs and resources to promote
healthy lifestyle changes will be identified and enable the planning of
further project stages.
Enhancing the Production and Processing of Cassava Through Improved Varieties to Increase Income Generation and Food Security
of Small Farmers in Tamil Nadu (Southern India)
The thesis will be conducted in the framework of a project of the IndoSwiss Cassava Biotechnology Research Network and in close collaboration with the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) in Coimbatore,
Southern India. The thesis will contribute to the socio-economic research related to the improving production and marketing of cassava in
Tamil Nadu. According to the student’s interest, the thesis can focus on
different aspects of the project: farmers’ adoption of or resistance to
new improved cassava varieties (including GMO), cassava value chain
analysis of differentiated cassava products processed in Tamil Nadu by
small factories, Socio-economic analysis of tribal farmers producing
cassava on hilly areas, or subsistence farmers in southern districts of
Tamil Nadu for house hold consumption. Language: English.
Pascale Waelti
Jan Grenz
Horn of Africa
Pascale Waelti
Thomas Brunner
Food Systems, Switzerland
Edible Insects
Meat provides protein for humans. Its production requires a high resource input, which has a negative impact regarding environmental and
social aspects. Therefore researchers are looking for alternative sources
of protein, such as edible insects. Today 65% of the world population
already eats them. But, why are edible insects not offered for consump-
Bern University of Applied Sciences
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food
Sciences HAFL
tion in Switzerland? In this master thesis a paper-and-pencil survey is
elaborated in order to analyse consumers’ attitudes towards eating
insects, focused on Switzerland
Label Products from Agroforestry Systems
In Switzerland, several food products that originate from agroforestry
systems are marketed with a label (e.g. Hochstamm-Suisse, Posamenter
etc.). There is no overview of the various label products, the label conditions, the advantages and disadvantages of agroforestry label production, the quantities produced, etc. Create an inventory of agroforestry
related label production in Switzerland with an overview of label requirements, quantities produced, costs and prices (price difference to
non-label products), etc. This overview should be a basis for a Europewide inventory and overview of agroforestry label products.
Insects as a Source of Functional Proteins for use in Food Industry:
Screening of Potential Insects and Maggots
Jan Grenz
Christoph Denkel
Horn of Africa
Pascale Waelti
Food Systems, International
Nutrition Patterns of Somali Communities in Switzerland and in
Their Regions of Origin
The student will work within a research project in collaboration between
two departments of the BFH (HAFL and WGS (Business, Health, Social
Work)) and MARIL, a private research institute in Ethiopia. The project
aims at assessing how rural migrant populations from pastoral societies
adapt their nutrition patterns when moving to industrialized countries.
The reasons behind food choices and the impact on balanced nutrition
are analysed additionally for the two settings. Intervention needs and
resources to promote healthy lifestyle changes will be identified and
enable the planning of further project stages.