『すきなたべものはなんですか?』 Hyogo Boys : どうも、Hyogo Boys

Hyogo Boys : どうも、Hyogo Boys です。よろしくおねがいします。
Ryuji: Now we are studying Japanese, right?
Masato: Yes, Japanese is pretty hard, but it’s interesting.
Ryuji: Now we’ve just learned how to say “What is your favourite food?” in Japanese
, haven’t we? Do you know how to say?
Masato: Of course, I know!
Ryuji: Very good! Now I will ask you about that question in Japanese.
Then you can answer me.
Come on!
Ryuji: すきなたべものはなんですか。
Ryuji: なんでやねん!Are you a koala?
Masato: Am I a koala?
Ryuji: You don’t have to check your body.
Of course, not!
Masato: Oh, thanks, god!
Ryuji: You can say, ぼくは、すしがすきです。 or something.
Masato: Sushi, I see.
Let me try once more!
Ryuji: すきなたべものはなんですか。
Masato: ぼくは、すしがすきです。でも、ユーカリがいちばんすきです。
Ryuji: なんでやねん!You are still talking about a eucalyptus.
Masato: I really like e eucalyptus.
Ryuji: Fair enough. Your Japanese is very good, though.
Masato: Thank you.
Ryuji: Let’s talk about something different.
What about drinks? Drinks are のみもの in Japanese.
Masato: ぼくは、しょうゆがすきです。
Ryuji: なんでやねん!Soy sauce is not a drink, is it?
You will become sick!
Masato: What? Soy sauce is very important for the Japanese.
I really like sushi with soy sauce. Yummy.
Ryuji: OK. That’s true. But now we are talking about something to drink.
So, you have to talk about drinks.
Masato: OK. I understand.
Let me try once more.
Ryuji: This is your final shot.
Masato: Okie-dokie.
Bring it on.
Ryuji: すきなのみものはなんですか。
Masato: ぼくは、キッコーマンのしょうゆがすきです。
Hyogo Boys: どうも、ありがとうございました。