The Fort Worth Japanese Society Newsletter July – August 2015 July 19th Luncheon Tanabata Festival Colorful tubular streamers called Fukinagashi (吹き流し) deocrates the streets for Tanabata Our Mission: To foster understanding between Japanese and Americans by providing an opportunity to learn about Japan, it’s people, language and culture. July Luncheon Sunday, July 19th - From 12:30PM at the Yamagata Center Let’s Celebrate the Tanabata Festival! We will again observe the Tanabata or the Star Festival. Chef Julia Dunaway will be organizing multiple food stations and will be making her very popular yakisoba. We’ll also have takoyaki, onigiri, edamame and red bean ice cream. Chef Kevin Martinez will bring his food truck to serve yakitori. $12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8 – 12, children 7 and under are free. Marcia King will show us how to make kirigami (paper cutting), while Lisa Meyer and Lisa Reinhart will entertain us with the story of Tanabata using our kamishibai theater. We will also hang tanzaku on our wish tree. RSVP: Please RSVP by Wednesday July 15th with names and number attending to Nobuko Foshee at 817-738-4524 or email [email protected]. or Harvey Yamagata at [email protected] Takoyaki Kirigami snowflakes Yakitori Traditional Kamishibai storyteller Yakisoba Tanzaku on our “wish tree” in 2014 Tanabata celebrates the meeting of the deities Orihime and Hikoboshi (represented by the stars Vega and Altair). According to legend, the Milky Way separates these lovers who are allowed to meet only once a year. The Japanese celebrate by writing wishes on tanzaku (短冊), small pieces of paper, and hanging them on bamboo a “wish tree.” -2- The Texas Rangers have set aside Monday, August 17th evening game as “Japan America Friendship Night.” The Fort Worth Japanese Society is organizing our group and leasing a bus to take us all there. The cost will be about $50 per person ($34 lower reserved seats discounted to $20 plus bus and tips/tax). We’ll meet in Fort Worth at about 5:15PM on the 17th to take the bus. We’ll provide more details, but make your reservation now by calling Harvey Yamagata at 817-737-9166, or Nobuko Foshee at 817-738-4524, or email [email protected]. -3- SOCIETY NEWS - RECENT EVENTS May Luncheon Approximately forty-five members joined us for our luncheon to hear the Honorable Nozomu Takaoka, Consul General of Japan in Houston. He spoke about Japan’s current relationship with various countries around the world, including the continuing strong friendship between Japan and the U.S. The food was potluck, and as usual, was tasty and enjoyed by all. This was the first time CG Takaoka visited our society so it was important to show our best side – and we did. To those of you who were able to make this luncheon – Thank You! June Luncheon Our luncheon in June was an ikebana presentation by Sandra Prachyl with assistance from Yoko Cotton. Teruko Green brought in one of her beautiful ikebana arrangements also. All three are members of the Ikebana International Fort Worth Chapter as well as the FWJS. Sandra’s actual creation of several ikebana arrangements right in front of us was the best way to get a sense of Ikebana. Thank you to Chef Julia Dunaway who began her preparation from early Sunday morning to create our luncheon of Gomoku sushi so that the events committee can help in the assembly of the sushi under Julia’s guidance. Nobuko Foshee made and brought in the sunomono for the luncheon. Origami and Calligraphy Demonstrations Our members often volunteer to spread a better understanding of Japanese culture. On May 7th, several went to Westpark Elementary School in Benbrook to work with children on origami and calligraphy. In June, Asako Cosby, Haruko Herness, June Everly, Nobuko Foshee and Mitsue Crow went to Lily B. Clayton Elementary School in Fort Worth. We thank the volunteers for their time and skills – we know that these are all-day commitments of their time, but over one hundred children benefit from each of these demonstrations. -4- Consul General Takaoka addresses our members at our May luncheon. CG Takaoka receives from Harvey Yamagata a photo book of Fort Worth and the Story of Fort Worth written in Japanese by his late father, Tadashi Yamagata. Sandra Prachyl Yatai Food Truck Society News – continued UPCOMING EVENTS July Luncheon – Sunday July 19th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center We will again observe the Tanabata or the Star Festival. Chef Julia Dunaway will be organizing multiple food stations and will be making her very popular yakisoba. We’ll also have takoyaki, onigiri, edamame and red bean ice cream. Chef Kevin Martinez will bring his food truck to serve yakitori. $12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8 – 12, free for children 7 and under. Marcia King will show us how to make kirigami (paper cutting), while Lisa Meyer and Lisa Reinhart will entertain us with the story of Tanabata using our kamishibai theater. We will also hang tanzaku on our wish tree. Chef Julia Dunaway making yakisoba at last year’s Tanabata celebration Texas Rangers “Japan America Friendship Night - August 17th The Texas Rangers have set aside Monday, August 17th evening game as “Japan America Friendship Night.” The Fort Worth Japanese Society is organizing our group and leasing a bus to take us all there. The cost will be $50 per person ($34 for lower reserved seats discounted to $20 plus bus and tips/tax). We’ll meet in Fort Worth at about 5:15PM on the 17th to take the bus. We’ll provide more details, but make your reservation now by calling Harvey Yamagata at 817-737-9166, or Nobuko Foshee at 817-738-4524, or email [email protected]. August – There is no luncheon in August September Luncheon – Sunday Sept. 13th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center We will have pot luck for this luncheon, and while we are enjoying the food, we will play the movie “The Legacy of Heart Mountain,” an Emmy Award-Winning documentary story about the Japanese internment during WWII. Japanese Garden Fall Festival Sat. Oct. 24 to Sun. Oct. 25 Mark your calendars for the coming Fall Festival. More details and request for volunteers in a couple of months. -5- 日本人会会報—最近の出来事 5月のランチョン ヒューストンの日本総領事である高 岡望氏をお迎えしてのランチョンに、 およそ45人の会員が出席しました。 高岡総領事は、アメリカと日本の強 い友好関係を含め、現在の世界諸 国と日本との関係を話されました。 食事はポットラックで、いつものよう に、美味しく楽しくいただきました。高 岡総領事が日本人会を訪ねたのは これが初めてだったので、私たちの 一番良いところをお見せしたく、それ は大成功でした。このランチョンに参 加してくださった方々、ありがとうご ざいました。 6月のランチョン 6月はサンドラ・プレチルさん、アシ スタントのようこ・コットンさんをお迎 えして、生花のプレゼンテーションが 行われました。てるこ・グリーンさん はとても素晴らしい生花を持ってい らっしゃいました。この3名はフォート ワース日本人会と同様、生花イン ターナショナル、フォートワースチャ プターのメンバーでもあります。サン ドラさんが私たちの目の前で実践さ れた生花は 生花の感覚を知るのに 最良の方法でした。そしてイベントコ ミッティがシェフ、ジュリア・ダナウェイ さんの指導で五目ずしの盛り付けを 手伝えるよう、日曜日の朝早くから 準備をしてくださったジュリアさん、あ りがとうございます。のぶこ・フォッ シーさんがランチョンのために酢の 物を作って持ってきてくださいました。 Honorable Consul General Nozomu Takaoka addresses the society Dondoko Taiko drummers entertained during the Consul General’s visit Sandra Prachyl demonstrates Ikebana -6- 折り紙と書道のデモンストレーション 私たちメンバーは、日本の文化についてよりよい知識を広めるお手伝いをします。 5月7日、何人かのメンバーがベンブルックにあるウェルトパーク小学校へ行き、子供達と一緒 に折り紙を折り、書道をしました。 6月はあさこ・コスビーさん、晴子・ハーネスさん、ジューン・エヴァリーさん、のぶこ・フォッシーさ ん、そしてみつえ・クロウさんがフォートワースのリリーB、クレイトン小学校へ行きました。ボラ ンティアの方々の丸一日という時間のコミットメントと皆さんの技術に感謝します。どちらのデモ ンストレーションも100人以上の子供達のためになったことでしょう。 7月定例ランチョン 7月19日(日)午後12時30分から、山縣会館 また、七夕またはスターフェスティバルをお祝いしま す。シェフ、ジュリア・ダナウェイさんがいくつかの食 べ物ステーションを用意し、人気のある焼きそばを作 ります。他にはたこ焼き、おにぎり、枝豆、そして、あ ずきアイスクリームも。 シェフ、ケビン・マルティネスさんは焼き鳥を作るため にフードトラックを持ってきてくださいます。大人12ド ル、8歳から12歳の子供は8ドル7歳以下は無料で す。マルシア・キングさんが切り紙の作り方を見せて くださっている間、リサ・マイヤーさんとリサ・レイン ハートさんが七夕物語の紙芝居をしてくださいます。 短冊に願い事を書いて、竹に飾りましょう。 Akiko Sonnenmann and Mikako Daniel making takoyaki iat our 2014 Tanabata テキサスレンジャーズ「日米フレンドシップナイト」8月17日(月) テキサスレンジャーズは8月17日(月)の夜を「日米フレンドシップナイト」としてゲームを行いま す。フォートワース日本人会はバスをチャーターし、グループで観戦に行きます。料金は一人5 0ドル(低い座席の割引34ドルプラス、20ドルのバス料金タックス、チップ)17日の5時15分に フォートワースで集合します。詳細は追って連絡します。予約をハービー・山縣(817)737−9166 またはのぶこ・フォッシー(817)738−4524まで。またはEメール [email protected] ヘお願い します。 8月のランチョンはありません。 9月定例ランチョン 9月13日(日)午後12時半から、山縣会館 9月のランチョンはポットラックです。食事を楽しんでいる間, エミー賞を受賞したドキュメンタ リー映画「The Legacy of Heart Mountain」(邦題「証言-ハートマウンテン収容所の遺産」第二 次世界大戦の間日本の抑留について)を観賞します。 日本庭園 秋祭り 10月24日(土)10月25日(日) カレンダーに秋祭りの日にちをマークしてください。詳細とボランティアのお願いは2ヶ月以内に。 -7- Scenes From Our May and June Luncheons Makio Nishida, Al Komatsu, Consul General Takaoka, Harvey Yamagata and John Stich, Honorary Consul General in Dallas Above right: Sumptuous pot luck dishes at our May luncheon Left: Chefs Julia Dunaway and Kevin Martinez serve yakitori to Irene Koscal Gomoku Sushi prepared by Chef Julia and Sunomono by Nobuko Foshee ready to be served Sandra Prachyl created three beautiful examples of ikebana in front of us over forty of us who attended the luncheon. -8- A stunning example of Ikebana by Teruko Green Kevin’s “Yatai” Food Truck Visits FWJS Chef Kevin Martinez brought his “Yatai” Japanese food truck to our luncheon in June. Kevin was the chef at Tokyo Café, but the restaurant is still undergoing renovations since their fire last year so Kevin has found a way to keep busy. Left: Chefs Julia Dunaway and Kevin Martinez preparing yakitori. Right: The Yatai food truck. Dondoko Taiko Drummers These photographs of our Dondoko Taiko drummers appeared in a recent issue of D Magazine. The drummers were performing at the Harwood District hosted SHUKUGA: A Samurai Celebration. Sam the Samurai made a special appearance. -9- Society Activities Drummers with Fort Worth Mayor Price and Nagaoka Mayor Mori at July 4th Celebration. Dondoko Taiko (Drum Group) This group performs at many metroplex festivals and special events. Practice every Sunday 6:00 to 8:30 PM. Contact: Asako Cosby Japanese Language Class Adult classes Mondays 6:00-7:30pm. (There may be other evenings, depending on class size.) Children’s classes Mondays 4:45-5:30pm (must be over 3 years old). Very reasonable tuition. Visit our website at Contact: Harumi Sharp. Students practicing calligraphy at our language school demonstration Classical Japanese Dance This is a relatively small group meeting at the Society every Monday morning from 11:00am to 1:00pm. The instructor is Mrs. Keio Miyamoto, an accredited master of Fujima School. If anyone is interested in Japanese dances, please come and join us. The group enjoys dancing with other Fort Worthians at the spring and autumn Japanese Festival. Contact: Teruko Green Kurumi Ningyo This group makes Japanese crafts and meets from 10:00am to 2:00pm every other Wednesday. Contact: Nobuko Foshee - 10 - Join the Fort Worth Japanese Society MEMBERSHIP FORM for 2015 Tel: 817-294-5004 Date ____________ Name _____________________________________ Born/Raised _________________________ City/State/Country Name _____________________________________ Born/Raised _________________________ City/State/Country Current Address: No. & Street _____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _________________________________________________________________ Tel. No. Home ______________________________ Work _____________________________ Email ________________________________________________________________________ I would like to receive my newsletter by (check one): Mail eMail I would like to be notified of coming events by (check one): Telephone eMail If you will let us know what activities are of interest to you, such as Japanese Dance, volunteer at our the Fall and Spring Japanese Garden Festival, etc., let us know. Also, if you wish, let us know your age range and we will let you know what activities might be of interest to you. Your comments: ___________________ ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Annual Membership Dues (please mark (x) in front of the classification you are joining). ____ Family Membership $40.00 ____ Single Membership $30.00 ____ Associate Membership (Students) $20.00 Make check payable to Fort Worth Japanese Society. Mail to: Fort Worth Japanese Society c/o Harvey Yamagata 4220 Ridgehaven Road Fort Worth, TX 76116 Optional: Membership dues do not cover all expenses such as maintaining our building which facilitates all our activities. These expenses are augmented by donations and fund raising events. If you wish to make a donation at this time, please mark (X) in front of the level of donation. ___ Maple $10.00 - $49.99 ___ Ginko $50.00 - $99.99 ___ Sakura $100 and over. Donations will be recognized in our newsletter. The Fort Worth Japanese Society is a not-for-profit organization and contributions are tax deductible. - 11 - Local Business Supporters Arigato Gozaimasu [email protected] Natsuko E Piano Studio 3209 Lawndale Ave. Fort Worth, TX 76133 Tel. (818) 481-1384 Piano lessons for all ages and levels. Over 10 years of teaching experience. 5121 Pershing Ave Fort Worth, TX 76107 (817) 737-8568 Would you like to advertise in our Newsletter? Contact Harvey Yamagata at [email protected] - 12 - Fort Worth Japanese Society 3608 Park Lake Fort Worth, TX 76133 SAVE THE DATE July Luncheon – Sunday July 19th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center CelebrateTanabata with us. The variety of Japanese foods we will serve includes yakitori, takoyaki, onigiri and yakisoba. Entertainment will be our kamishibai theater, kirigami (paper cutting) and hanging tanzaku on our wish tree. $12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8 – 12, children 7 and under are free. Please RSVP by Wednesday July 15th to Nobuko Foshee or Harvey Yamagata or email. Texas Rangers “Japan America Friendship Night - August 17th We will lease a bus to take us all there. The cost will be $50 per person ($34 for lower reserved seats discounted to $20 plus bus and tips/tax). If you wish to drive on your own, then the cost is $20. Make your reservation now by calling Harvey Yamagata at 817-737-9166, or Nobuko Foshee at 817-738-4524, or email [email protected]. September Luncheon – Sunday Sept. 13th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center Pot Luck luncheon, and watch the movie “The Legacy of Heart Mountain,” an Emmy AwardWinning documentary story about the Japanese internment during WWII. Japanese Garden Fall Festival Sat. Oct. 24 to Sun. Oct. 25 Mark your calendars for the coming Fall Festival. Fort Worth Japanese Society Tel: 817-294-5004 . 3608 Park Lake Drive Fort Worth, TX 76133
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