The Fort Worth Japanese Society Newsletter Jan. – Feb. 2015 Feb. 15th Sukiyaki Luncheon Mar 15th “Kodomo no Hi” Luncheon with “mochi” and “oyakodonburi” Our Mission: To foster understanding between Japanese and Americans by providing an opportunity to learn about Japan, it’s people, language and culture. February Luncheon Sunday, February 15th - From 12:30PM at the Yamagata Center Everyone loves Japanese nabemono cooking – it’s fun, you join in on the cooking, and dine around the sukiyaki cooking table. Chef Julia will talk about sukiyaki and regional variations, and each table of six or eight will be guided by someone who already has some experience with the dish. $12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8 – 12, children 7 and under free. For those who enjoy bingo, join in the fun after our sukiyaki. RSVP: To be sure we have enough sukiyaki ingredients, please RSVP with your name and number attending to Nobuko Foshee at 817-7384524 or Harvey Yamagata at [email protected] or [email protected]. Nabemono (鍋物, なべ物, nabe "cooking pot" + mono "thing or things, object, matter") or simply called nabe, refers to a variety of Japanese hot pot dishes, such as sukiyaki, yosenabe, mizutaki and shabu shabu. Yosenabe: Seafood Mizutaki: Chicken -2- Shabu Shabu: Beef Shinbokukai (Dinner Get-together) Friday Feb. 6th from 5:30PM In February, we’ll be having our dinner get-together at Hanabi Ramen & Izakaya, located at 3204 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth. This relatively new restaurant specializes in ramen, but they have a varied “izakakaya” menu as well. Their chef, Ito Takao came from Tokyo, Japan. RSVP by Sunday, Feb. 1st to Nobuko Foshee at (817) 738-4524 or Harvey Yamagata at (817) 737-9166 or email to [email protected] or [email protected]. March Luncheon – Kodomo No Hi Sunday Mar. 15th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center We’ll celebrate “Kodomo No Hi” (combines “Tango no Sekku” – Boys Day – and “Hinamatsuri” – Girls Day or Dolls Festival). We will demonstrate mochi making as well as give you a chance to make your own mochi, and of course, eat it. The food will be “Oyako Donburi” (chicken and egg over rice) prepared by Chef Julia and the society’s Events Committee. $12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8 – 12, children 7 and under are free. -3- SOCIETY NEWS - RECENT EVENTS We hope everyone enjoyed their holiday season and have geared up to tackle 2015 to make it a great year. Speaking of “tackle,” many of us who are TCU football fans finished off 2014 in great style with TCU’s win over Ole Miss in the Peach Bowl and finishing the season ranked 3rd in the nation. The Yamagata Center’s main room has a new look. If you haven’t seen it yet, we think you’ll like what we’ve done. We put in wood trim with a very Japanese flair, and installed new natural wood shades. (We are so happy to see those old, always breaking mini-blinds gone!) Next, we’ll put in new ceiling lights with a shoji-look cover and then work on our kitchen. We’ve got a limited budget so we’re working in stages, but it already looks so much more inviting. Come by to one of our luncheons and enjoy the new atmosphere. RECENT EVENTS Annual Bazaar Our annual Bazaar was held on Dec. 14th at the Japanese Palace Restaurant was a great success. Fortunately this year, we weren’t plagued by an “ice storm” so we didn’t have to postpone our event. In addition to our usual “okonomiyaki,” we also made “yaki-soba” on the metal cooking grill (“teppan”). Everyone enjoyed the “nigiri sushi obento” made by the Japanese Palace and the cooked “obento” made be our members. Lisa Meyer uses the teppan to cook okonomiyaki Lisa Reinhart, Julia Dunaway and June Everly assemblle the obento Oshogatsu (New Year’s) Luncheon Sun. Jan 4th from 12 noon to about 3:00PM On Sunday, Jan. 4th, we celebrated the New Year at our annual “Oshogatsu” luncheon. As usual, the pot luck buffet was filled with many Japanese delicacies. For entertainment, some of the children from our Japanese Language class entertained the crowd with Japanese songs. They were followed by our Dondoko Taiko Drummers. They have been performing at special events all around the metroplex, but we hadn’t had them perform at our luncheons for a few years, so it was a great treat. Makio Nishida was our raffle Master of Ceremonies, and prizes were won by many. The two Grand Prizes of $500 each went to Nicholas Jackson, and of all people, Makio Nishida (he wanted to donate it back, but we insisted that the prize was not for him, but his wife). -4- Society News – continued Toyoto Motors U.S.A. Comes to North Texas If you haven’t already heard, Toyoto Motors is moving their U.S. headquarters from Torrance, CA. (a Los Angeles suburb) to Plano, TX. This will be a tremendous boost to the North Texas economy so many officials gathered on January 20th so celebrate their ground breaking ceremony. They placed good fortune tags on tree branches which were going to be gathered and placed into a time capsule to be opened many years into the future. The Fort Worth Japanese Society also Plano Mayor welcomes Toyota. Good provided a good fortune tag. Fortune red tags on trees in background. UPCOMING EVENTS Shinbokukai (Dinner Get-Together) – Friday Feb. 6th, from 5:30PM In February, we’ll be having our dinner get-together at Hanabi Ramen & Izakaya, located at 3204 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth. This relatively new restaurant specializes in ramen, but they have a varied “izakakaya” menu as well. Their chef, Ito Takao came from Tokyo, Japan. RSVP by Sunday, Feb. 1st to Nobuko Foshee at (817) 738-4524 or Harvey Yamagata at (817) 737-9166 or email to [email protected] or [email protected]. February Luncheon – Sunday Feb. 15th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center Our “sukiyaki” luncheon was a great hit last year, so we’ll do it again. Chef Julia Dunaway will provide some background information and cooking directions, and then WE get to COOK and EAT. Bingo immediately following lunch. $12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8 – 12, children 7 and under are free. RSVP by Monday, Feb. 9th to Nobuko Foshee at (817) 738-4524 or Harvey Yamagata at (817) 737-9166 or email to [email protected] or [email protected]. March Luncheon – Sunday Mar. 15th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center We’ll celebrate “Kodomo No Hi” (combines “Tango no Sekku” – Boys Day – and “Hinamatsuri” – Girls Day or Dolls Festival). We will demonstrate mochi making as well as give you a chance to make your own mochi, and of course, eat it. The food will be “Oyako Donburi” (chicken and egg over rice) prepared by Chef Julia and the society’s Events Committee. $12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8 – 12, children 7 and under are free. Spring Festival in the Japanese Garden – Sat. Apr. 25th to Sun. Apr. 26th Put these dates on your calendars so you won’t miss the fun in volunteering for our various cultural demonstrations in calligraphy, origami, tea ceremony, taiko drumming, Japanese games, Kamishibai, kimono dress-up, etc. -5- 日本人会会報 皆さん ホリディシーズ ンを楽しく過ごし、 2015年を素晴らしい年 にしようと取り組みギア アップしていることと思 います。「タックル」と 言えばTCUフットボー ルファンである私たちの 多くはピーチボウルで、 Ole Missに見事に勝利し、 2014年を終え、TCUは 全米で3位の成績を収め ました。 山縣センターの広間は新しい雰囲気になりました。まだ見てない方もきっと気にい ると思います。日本風にアレンジしたウッドトリム、自然な木の色合いのブライン ドをインストールしました。(壊れていた古いブラインドがなくなって嬉しいで す)次は障子のようなデザインのカバーのライトを天井につけ、次はキッチンです。 限られている予算の中、段階的に作業していますが それでも前よりずっと魅力的 に見えます。どうぞランチョンにいらして 新しい雰囲気をお楽しみください。 最近のイベント 日本人会バザー 恒例のバザーは12月14日にジャパニーズパレスで行われ、大成功を収めました。 幸運なことに今年は「アイスストーム」に悩まされることなく、延期せずに済みまし た。今年はいつもの鉄板で作る「お好み焼き」に加え「焼きそば」も作りました。皆 さん ジャパニーズパレスによる「握り寿し弁当」を、そしてメンバーによる「お弁 当」を楽しく味わいました。 お正月ランチョン 1月4日(日)12時から3時頃まで 1月4日、日曜日に「お正月」をお祝いする恒例の新年会が行われました。いつもの ように ポットラックバフェは様々な日本食でいっぱいでした。余興には日本語クラ スの子供達が歌を披露してくれました。その後に私たちのどんどこ太鼓の太鼓奏者が 演奏しました。彼らはフォートワース近郊で様々なイベントで演奏していますが、こ こ何年かランチョンでの演奏がなかったので、とても素晴らしいもてなしでした。西 田牧夫氏はラッフルの最高の司会者で、たくさんの人が賞品を当てました。グランド プライズの500ドルは、ニコラスジャクソンさんと西田さんに当たりました。(西 田さんは寄付しようとしましたが、これは西田さんではなく奥様へ、と受け取りませ んでした。) -6- トヨタモータースアメリカがノーステキサスへ まだご存知ない方、トヨタモータースがアメリカの本社をカリフォルニアトーラン ス(ロスアンジェルス郊外)からテキサスのプレーノに移転します。1月20日に 多くの役員を集め、ノーステキサスの経済に凄まじい景気づけである着工式典を祝 いました。彼らは幸運タグを木の枝に付け、それらは何年か先の未来に開けられる タイムカプセルに入れられました。フォートワース日本人会も幸運タグを提供しま した。 予定されているイベント 親睦会 2月6日(金)午後5時半から 2月の親睦会は花火ラーメン&居酒屋(3204 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth)で催さ れます。この比較的新しいレストランはラーメンが専門ですが、居酒屋メニューも 色々あります。シェフの伊藤たかお氏は東京から来ました。予約は2月1日までに 定例ランチョン:2月15日(日)午後12時30分より、山縣センター 月例ランチョン:2月15日(日)午後12時半から 山縣センター すき焼きランチョンは去年の大ヒットだったので、またやりましょう。ジュリアダ ナウェイシェフがすき焼きの予備知識や、作り方を教えてくださいます。みんな一 緒に作りながら食べましょう。ビンゴはランチのすぐあとです。大人12ドル、子 供8歳から12歳が8ドル、7歳以下は無料です。予約は2月9日かまでにのぶこ フォッシーさん(817)738−4524またはハービー山縣(817)737−9166 またはEメ ール [email protected] or [email protected]. までお願いします。 月例ランチョン:3月15日(日)午後12時半から 山縣センター 「子供の日」をお祝いしましょう。ひな祭り(3月3日と子供の日(端午の節句) 5月5日を合わせて祝います。)お餅作りのデモンストレーション、ご自分で好き なお餅を作ります。食事は親子どんぶり(牛丼)。大人12ドル、8歳から12歳の 子供は8ドル、7歳以下の子供は無料です。 日本庭園での春祭り:4月25日(土)、4月26日(日) 書道、折り紙、茶道、太鼓、日本のゲーム、紙芝居、着物ドレスアップなどで様々 な日本文化のデモンストレーションのボランティアを楽しむチャンスを逃さないよ うに、カレンダーに書き込んでください。 -7- Nihongo Class Newsletter January 2015 -8- Scenes From Our Oshogatsu Luncheon Thank you for making our raffle a success! Donors: Asako Cosby, Don & Kathryn Cosby, Mitsue Crow, Julia Dunaway, June Everly, Maki Farias, Nobuko Foshee, Haruko & Joe Herness, Matsue & Irene Koscal, Elloie Leary, John Powell, Kimiko Rogers, Akiko Sonnenmann & Elaine Yamagata. Editor’s note: I apologize in advance to those generous contributors whose names I missed Please let me know and I will add your name to this list. Children of the Japanese Language class sang songs Four of our Dondoko Taiko Drummers performed Taiko drummers. David Bakutis, lead drummer announces explains the number they will perform Michael Moore Elaine Yamagata -9- Makio Nishida MC’s our raffle Society Activities Drummers with Fort Worth Mayor Price and Nagaoka Mayor Mori at July 4th Celebration. Dondoko Taiko (Drum Group) This group performs at many metroplex festivals and special events. Practice every Sunday 6:00 to 8:30 PM. Contact: Asako Cosby Japanese Language Class Adult classes Mondays 6:00-7:30pm. (There may be other evenings, depending on class size.) Children’s classes Mondays 4:45-5:30pm (must be over 3 years old). Very reasonable tuition. Visit our website at Contact: Harumi Sharp. Students practicing calligraphy at our language school demonstration Classical Japanese Dance This is a relatively small group meeting at the Society every Monday morning from 11:00am to 1:00pm. The instructor is Mrs. Keio Miyamoto, an accredited master of Fujima School. If anyone is interested in Japanese dances, please come and join us. The group enjoys dancing with other Fort Worthians at the spring and autumn Japanese Festival. Contact: Chiga Oi Kurumi Ningyo This group makes Japanese crafts and meets from 10:00am to 2:00pm every other Wednesday. Contact: Nobuko Foshee - 10 - Join the Fort Worth Japanese Society MEMBERSHIP FORM for 2015 Tel: 817-294-5004 Date ____________ Name _____________________________________ Born/Raised _________________________ City/State/Country Name _____________________________________ Born/Raised _________________________ City/State/Country Current Address: No. & Street _____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _________________________________________________________________ Tel. No. Home ______________________________ Work _____________________________ Email ________________________________________________________________________ I would like to receive my newsletter by (check one): I would like to be notified of coming events by (check one): Mail Telephone eMail eMail If you will let us know what activities are of interest to you, such as Japanese Dance, volunteer at our the Fall and Spring Japanese Garden Festival, etc., let us know. Also, if you wish, let us know your age range and we will let you know what activities might be of interest to you. Your comments: ___________________ ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Annual Membership Dues (please mark (x) in front of the classification you are joining). ____ Family Membership $40.00 ____ Single Membership $30.00 ____ Associate Membership (Students) $20.00 Make check payable to Fort Worth Japanese Society. Mail to: Fort Worth Japanese Society c/o Harvey Yamagata 4220 Ridgehaven Road Fort Worth, TX 76116 Please renew your membership by January 31st Optional: Membership dues do not cover all expenses such as maintaining our building which facilitates all our activities. These expenses are augmented by donations and fund raising events. If you wish to make a donation at this time, please mark (X) in front of the level of donation. ___ Maple $10.00 - $49.99 ___ Ginko $50.00 - $99.99 ___ Sakura $100 and over. Donations will be recognized in our newsletter. The Fort Worth Japanese Society is a not-for-profit organization and contributions are tax deductible. - 11 - Local Business Supporters Arigato Gozaimasu [email protected] Would you like to advertise in our Newsletter? 5121 Pershing Ave Fort Worth, TX 76107 (817) 737-8568 Contact Harvey Yamagata at [email protected] - 12 - Fort Worth Japanese Society 3608 Park Lake Fort Worth, TX 76133 SAVE THE DATE Shinbokukai (Dinner Get-Together) – Friday Feb. 6th, from 5:30PM We’re getting together at Hanabi Ramen & Izakaya, located at 3204 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth. RSVP by Sunday, Feb. 1st to Nobuko Foshee at (817) 738-4524 or Harvey Yamagata at (817) 737-9166 or email to [email protected] or [email protected]. February Luncheon – Sunday Feb. 15th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center “Sukiyaki” luncheon followed by Bingo. $12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8 – 12, children 7 and under are free. RSVP by Monday, Feb. 9th to Nobuko Foshee at (817) 738-4524 or Harvey Yamagata at (817) 737-9166 or email to [email protected] or [email protected]. March Luncheon – Sunday Mar. 15th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center We’ll celebrate “Kodomo No Hi” by demonstrating mochi making and of course, eating it. Main course will be “Oyako Donburi” (chicken and egg over rice). $12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8 – 12, children 7 and under are free. Spring Festival in the Japanese Garden – Sat. Apr. 25th to Sun. Apr. 26th Join the fun by volunteering for our various cultural demonstrations in calligraphy, origami, tea ceremony, taiko drumming, Japanese games, Kamishibai, kimono dress-up, etc. Fort Worth Japanese Society Tel: 817-294-5004 . 3608 Park Lake Drive Fort Worth, TX 76133
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