The Fort Worth Japanese Society Newsletter May May –– June June 2015 2015 May 17th Luncheon Honorable Consul General Takaoka th Luncheon June June 28 28th Luncheon Ikebana Ikebana and and Gomoku Gomoku Sushi Sushi Our Mission: To foster understanding between Japanese and Americans by providing an opportunity to learn about Japan, it’s people, language and culture. May Luncheon Sunday May 17th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center We are honored to have Consul General of Japan in Houston Visit our Society Pot Luck – Bring Your Favorite Dish Dondoko Taiko Drummers to Perform Consul General of Japan in Houston, the honorable Nozomu Takaoka will be our guest speaker. He has served in various positions internationally, including Italy and Iran. The food will be pot luck so please bring your favorite food to share with us and the Consul General. Those of you who went to the Texas Rangers Japan-American Friendship Night game might remember that Consul General threw in the opening pitch. Not everyone realizes how hard it is to get the ball to the catcher, and many end up bouncing the ball on the ground even before reaching Home Plate. CG Takaoka did us all proud by throwing a great pitch! -2- SOCIETY NEWS - RECENT EVENTS March Luncheon At this luncheon, we celebrated “Kodomo No Hi” (combines “Tango no Sekku” – Boys Day – and “Hinamatsuri” – Girls Day or Dolls Festival). The Oyako Donburi was a smashing success. The mochi making was fun, and the eating of it was even more satisfying. Thank you Chef Julia and the society’s Events Committee for the donburi and mochi and Nobuko Foshee for the otsukemono (pickled vegetables). Discover Japan About 35 Fort Worth area students and their supervisors attended our Discover Japan educational session this March. These students are a part of the Sister Cities International of Fort Worth student exchange program and will be visiting Nagaoka this summer. We help them prepare for their trip by providing information on Japanese culture, shopping, dining, and most importantly, a brief introduction to the language so they can better enjoy their stay in Japan. Shortly after their visit, Japanese students from Nagaoka will visit us in Fort Worth. Thank you to Taeko Horwitz, Akiko Sonnemann, Mikako Daniel, William Winston, Sonya Cole, Asako Cosby and Lisa Meyer for all your effort. Japan America Society of DFW Annual Sun & Star Legacy Award Dinner Some of us attended the JASDFW awards dinner honoring Yoshiyuki Kasai, Chairman Emeritus of the Central Japanese Railway Company and Ann and Gabriel Barbier-Mueller. Mr. Kasai was a major force in the development of the Shinkansen (Japanese “Bullet Train”) and will provide North Texas advice on developing our own high speed rail system. The Barbier-Mueller’s own a very comprehensive Japanese samurai collection and provided all of the artifacts for the fantastic samurai exhibit that was shown at the Kimbell Museum this past summer. Many area mayors attended, including Mayor Betsy Price of Fort Worth. -3- Chef Julia Dunaway shows children how to make daifuku mochi as our March luncheon. Taeko Horwitz and Akiko Sonnemann show Fort Worth students at our “Discover Japan” session basic Japanese language skills in preparation for their trip to Japan. Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price joined society members for a photo at the JASDFW dinner. Society News – continued Spring Festival in the Japanese Garden Members of our society were again out in full force to support the Fort Worth Botanic Garden’s Japanese Garden Spring Festival. There were easily over 50 volunteers helping with cultural demonstrations in calligraphy, origami, tea ceremony, taiko drumming, Japanese games, Kamishibai, kimono dressup and classic dance. Everyone always has a great time, so don’t miss out on the fun next time. These festivals are held every Spring and Fall. UPCOMING EVENTS Sara Guardado, Jose Gasca and Matsue Koscal demonstrate Origami May Luncheon – Sunday May 17th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center From time to time, we are honored to have the Consul General of Japan in Houston visit us at one of our luncheons. The honorable Nozomu Takaoka graduated from Tokyo University and studied at Oxford University in England. He has served in various positions internationally, including Italy, Sweden and most recently in Iran before coming to the U.S. He and his wife have a son and a daughter. The food will be pot luck so please bring your favorite food to share with us and the Consul General. June Luncheon – Sunday June 28th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center Our luncheon this month will a “Cultural Snapshot” event with Sandra Prachyl (and possibly Yoko Cotton) talking about and demonstrating Ikebana, the art of Japanese flower arrangements. Sandra’s presentation on this subject is informative and will give you plenty of ideas on making your own flower arrangements. Food will be Gomoku sushi (a type of Chirashi or "scattered" sushi, where ingredients like vegetables are scattered onto or into sushi rice). $12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8 – 12, children 7 and under are free. Please RSVP by Wednesday June 24th to Nobuko Foshee at (817) 738-4524 or Harvey Yamagata at (817) 737-9166 or email to [email protected] or [email protected]. July Luncheon – Sunday July 19th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center We will again observe the Tanabata or the Star Festival, celebrating the Cow Herder Star (Altair) and Weaver Star (Vega), lovers separated by the Milky Way who are allowed to meet just once a year. Everyone enjoys the variety of Japanese foods we serve for this celebration which includes yakitori, takoyaki, onigiri and yakisoba. $12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8 – 12, children 7 and under are free. Please RSVP by Wednesday July 15th to Nobuko Foshee at (817) 738-4524 or Harvey Yamagata at (817) 737-9166 or email to [email protected] or [email protected]. -4- Spring Festival in the Japanese Garden THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS!! The success of the festival depends on you! Calligraphy Wesley Noles (Lead) Sonya Cole Mikako Daniel Lisa Meyer Harumi Sharp Funmi Solano William Winston Games & Gifts Elishia Flowers (Lead) Stephanie Deras Mariana Deras Shanice Francais Kaitlin Jones Michio Porter Tommio Porter Cory Waggoner John Yoon Julia Yoon Kamishibai William Winston (Lead) Lisa Meyer Lisa Reinhart Origami Irene Koscal (Lead) Nobuko Foshee Jose Gasca Sara Guardado Savanna Gunn Julia Gwilim Sara Helmer Matsue Koscal Mei Moore Hannah Pittman Alicia Templeton Natalia Vega Tea Ceremony Asako Cosby (Lead) Kimiko Akashi June Everly Mizuho Helmer Akiko Templeton Takahashi Society Info Marcia King Sam Sumner -5- Classical Dance Chiga Oi (Lead) Hitomi Frasier Teruko Green Bon Odori Dance Nobuko Foshee Yoshiko Hall Amelia Payer Andrew Payer Matthew Payer Saachio Payer Adelle Sample Mari Sample Dondoko Taiko Asako Cosby (Lead) David Bakutis (Lead) Aaron Bakutis BJ Bakutis Henry Graves Cori Hallock Sophia Hill Antony Pryor Rick Ruiz Kimono Dress-Up Kumiko Porter (Lead) Anthea Austin Hitomi Frasier Kazumi Gibson Jessica Rene Gill Ritsuko Gwillim Yoshiko Hall Emiko Hasegawa Miki Jory Kanako Narita Sakura Noritsune Kaori Pickett Mitchio Porter Tommio Porter Takae Royal Mari Sample Ayako Small Yumiko Smith Kaoru Yoshida 77 Volunteers! 日本人会会報—最近の出来事 3月 子供の日ランチョン このランチョンでは、こどもの日(端午の節句とひな 祭りを合わせて)をお祝いしました。親子丼はとても 美味しく、大成功でした。餅作りはとても楽しく、美味 しくいただきました。親子丼とお餅を準備してくださっ たシェフのジュリアダナウェイさん、イベントコミッティ のメンバー そしてお漬物を準備してくださった、信 子フォッシーさん、ありがとうございました。 ディカバージャパン フォートワース地区のおよそ35人の生徒と先生が この3月に行われたディスカバージャパンのイベント に出席ました。国際姉妹都市協会の交換留学のプ ログラムでこの夏、長岡を訪れます。彼らが日本へ 行く前の準備として、日本の文化、買い物、食事 そ して 日本滞在をより満喫できるよう大切な日本語 の初歩を紹介しました。彼らが日本へ行った後、長 岡の生徒たちがフォートワースを訪れます。妙子ホ ルウィッツさん、明子ソネマンさん、みかこダニエル さん、ウィリアムウィンストンさん、ソーニャコールさ ん、あさこコスビーさん、リサマイヤーさんのご協力 に感謝します。 日米協会DFW アニュアル サン&スターレガシー アワードディナー JR東海の名誉会長である葛西敬之氏、アン、ガブリ エル・バービェーミューラー夫妻のJASDFW賞ディ ナーに日本人会から何人かが出席しました。葛西 氏は日本の新幹線の開発に大変貢献され、北テキ サスでのハイスピード鉄道システムの導入に助言を してくださっています。バービェーミューラー家は包 括的な侍コレクションを所有し、昨年の夏キンブル 美術館で行われた素晴らしいサムライ展示会にコレ クションを提供されました。フォートワース市長の ベッツィプライスを始め、多くの市長が出席しました。 -6- Mitsue Crow, Yoshiko Yamada, Sunako Richey and Nobuko Foshee prepare for Oyako Donburi Taeko Horwitz, Akiko Sonnemann and Mikako Daniel presents “Discover Japan” Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price greets Asako Cosby at JASDFW Awards Dinner 日本庭園 春祭り 4月25日(土)4月26日(日) 私たち会員はボタニカルガーデンの日本庭園で行われた春祭りでまた多大な協力を納め ました。50人以上のボランティアが書道、おりがみ、茶道、太鼓、ゲーム、紙芝居、着物ド レスアップなどの日本文化の紹介に携わりました。いつも 誰もがいつも楽しい時間を過ごすので、次回はお見逃しないように。このお祭りは毎年、春 と秋に行われています。 予定されているイベント 5月のランチョン 5月17日(日)午後12時半から 山縣会館にて 時折、ヒューストン日本領事館の総領事をランチョンにお迎えすることをとても光栄に思って います。名誉ある高岡望氏は東京大学を卒業し、英国オックスフォード大学で学びました。 米国に赴任する前に、イタリア、スウェーデン、最近ではイランと国際的な職務を遂行され ました。奥様との間に息子さんと娘さんが一人ずついらっしゃいます。食事はポットラックで す。どうぞ好きなお料理を持って来て、総領事と一緒にシェアしましょう。 6月のランチョン 6月28日(日)午後12時半から 山縣会館にて この月のランチョンは「カルチュラルスナップショット」として、サンドラプレイチルさん(おそら くようこコットンさんと)が日本の芸術でもある生花についてのお話と実演をしてくださいます。 サンドラさんのプレゼンテーションは教えられるところも多く、あなた自身の生花にたくさん のアイディアを提供してくれることでしょう。食事は五目寿司です。大人は12ドル、8歳から 12歳の子供は8ドル。7歳以下の子供は無料です。6月24日までにのぶこフォッシーさん (817)738−4524、またはハービー山縣さん(817)737−9166 か Eメール [email protected] or [email protected].までお願いします。 7月のランチョン 7月19日(日)12時半から 山縣会館にて 今年もまた七夕、星祭り。天の川を隔てて、年に一度だけ会うことを許された恋人たち、牽 牛と織姫のお祭りです。 食事は、やきとり、たこ焼き、おにぎり、焼きそばです。 大人は12ドル、8歳から12歳の子供が8ドル、7歳以下の子供は無料です。7月15日 (水)までにのぶこフォッシーさん(817)738-4524, またはハービー山縣さん(817) 737−9166、Eメールは[email protected] or [email protected].までお願 いします。 -7- Scenes From Our March Luncheon and Spring Festival Ian tries cooking sukiyaki (look at that beautifully sliced beef!) Japanese Classic Dance and Folk Dance groups lead guests in a “Bon Odori” dance (family reunion festival). Dondoko Taiko Drummers open and close the festival each day. Cory Waggoner, Stephanie & Marina Deras and Kaitlin Jones in the Japanese Games area. Origami with Natalia Vega and Irene Koscal. -8- Lisa Meyer and Lisa Reinhart prepare eggs for the oyako donburi. Wesley Noles and Funmi Solano ready to demonstrate calligraphy. Elishia Flowers hard at work describing Japanese gifts. 日本語クラスニュースレター 5月5日 こどもの日 May 5th The Boys Festival All the students had a chance to do crafts for the Boys Festival before their class. Everybody enjoyed making their own Koinobori. -9- Society Activities Drummers with Fort Worth Mayor Price and Nagaoka Mayor Mori at July 4th Celebration. Dondoko Taiko (Drum Group) This group performs at many metroplex festivals and special events. Practice every Sunday 6:00 to 8:30 PM. Contact: Asako Cosby Japanese Language Class Adult classes Mondays 6:00-7:30pm. (There may be other evenings, depending on class size.) Children’s classes Mondays 4:45-5:30pm (must be over 3 years old). Very reasonable tuition. Visit our website at Contact: Harumi Sharp. Students practicing calligraphy at our language school demonstration Classical Japanese Dance This is a relatively small group meeting at the Society every Monday morning from 11:00am to 1:00pm. The instructor is Mrs. Keio Miyamoto, an accredited master of Fujima School. If anyone is interested in Japanese dances, please come and join us. The group enjoys dancing with other Fort Worthians at the spring and autumn Japanese Festival. Contact: Teruko Green Kurumi Ningyo This group makes Japanese crafts and meets from 10:00am to 2:00pm every other Wednesday. Contact: Nobuko Foshee - 10 - Join the Fort Worth Japanese Society MEMBERSHIP FORM for 2015 Tel: 817-294-5004 Date ____________ Name _____________________________________ Born/Raised _________________________ City/State/Country Name _____________________________________ Born/Raised _________________________ City/State/Country Current Address: No. & Street _____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _________________________________________________________________ Tel. No. Home ______________________________ Work _____________________________ Email ________________________________________________________________________ I would like to receive my newsletter by (check one): Mail eMail I would like to be notified of coming events by (check one): Telephone eMail If you will let us know what activities are of interest to you, such as Japanese Dance, volunteer at our the Fall and Spring Japanese Garden Festival, etc., let us know. Also, if you wish, let us know your age range and we will let you know what activities might be of interest to you. Your comments: ___________________ ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Annual Membership Dues (please mark (x) in front of the classification you are joining). ____ Family Membership $40.00 ____ Single Membership $30.00 ____ Associate Membership (Students) $20.00 Make check payable to Fort Worth Japanese Society. Mail to: Fort Worth Japanese Society c/o Harvey Yamagata 4220 Ridgehaven Road Fort Worth, TX 76116 Optional: Membership dues do not cover all expenses such as maintaining our building which facilitates all our activities. These expenses are augmented by donations and fund raising events. If you wish to make a donation at this time, please mark (X) in front of the level of donation. ___ Maple $10.00 - $49.99 ___ Ginko $50.00 - $99.99 ___ Sakura $100 and over. Donations will be recognized in our newsletter. The Fort Worth Japanese Society is a not-for-profit organization and contributions are tax deductible. - 11 - Local Business Supporters Arigato Gozaimasu [email protected] Natsuko E Piano Studio 3209 Lawndale Ave. Fort Worth, TX 76133 Tel. (818) 481-1384 Piano lessons for all ages and levels. Over 10 years of teaching experience. 5121 Pershing Ave Fort Worth, TX 76107 (817) 737-8568 Would you like to advertise in our Newsletter? Contact Harvey Yamagata at [email protected] - 12 - Fort Worth Japanese Society 3608 Park Lake Fort Worth, TX 76133 SAVE THE DATE May Luncheon – Sunday May 17th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center Consul General of Japan in Houston, the honorable Nozomu Takaoka will be our guest speaker. He has served in various positions internationally, including Iran. The food will be pot luck so please bring your favorite food to share. There is no charge, just bring your pot luck. Please RSVP by May 14th to Nobuko Foshee at 817-738-4524 or Harvey Yamagata at 817737-9166 or email to [email protected] or [email protected]. June Luncheon – Sunday June 28th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center Our luncheon will a “Cultural Snapshot” event with Sandra Prachyl and Yoko Cotton talking about and demonstrating Ikebana, the art of Japanese flower arrangements. Food will be Gomoku sushi. $12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8-12, children 7 and under are free. Please RSVP by Wednesday June 24th to Nobuko Foshee or Harvey Yamagata or email. July Luncheon – Sunday July 19th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center Celebrate the Tanabata or the Star Festival, with us. Everyone enjoys the variety of Japanese foods we serve for this celebration which includes yakitori, takoyaki, onigiri and yakisoba. $12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8 – 12, children 7 and under are free. Please RSVP by Wednesday July 15th to Nobuko Foshee or Harvey Yamagata or email. Fort Worth Japanese Society Tel: 817-294-5004 . 3608 Park Lake Drive Fort Worth, TX 76133
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