You can also find some of the services offered by the Student Councils (StudentInnenRäte) and the City of Leipzig on our website: Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy (Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie) Goeth htsw eg e str. Center for Social Services, Gutenbergplatz 4, 04103 Leipzig (via the courtyard use the stairs or lift at staircase C in order to get to the 4th floor) Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy (Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie), Semmelweisstraße 10, 04103 Leipzig (opposite the Russian Memorial Church) Assignment of Appointments: e nbe rger Nür Liebig nn ha E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 0341 97 18 848 Jo Peterssteinweg Karl-Liebknecht-Straße e H Please note that due to operational needs availability cannot always be guaranteed. ße stra eis elw Legal Information: Publisher: Studentenwerk Leipzig, March 2016 Edited by: Julia Becker Photos: Swen Reichhold, Studentenwerk Leipzig; olly, christophe papke, WavebreakmediaMicro, pablographix, luna, Nelos - Composition/Layout: Kerstin Sommerfeld Print: FISCHER druck&medien OHG m Sem en ik in l rk ie n T e An d st-Bebel-Straße Deutsche Deutscher Platz Bibliothek Locations of the Counselling Offices: r. St str aß er g ße ra st dt kt ob Counselling is free of charge and open to all students of Leipzig’s universities and academies falling within the responsibility of Studentenwerk Leipzig. er n le üh W un 8. O ße stra Semmelweis ag Pr dm in W Harkortstraße ße Kurt-Eisner-Straße Dresd henw e s1 se nt ha l-S tra ße siehe Detailplan Artur-Hoffmann-Straße ra St rt- Str. des 17. Juni enstr. Beethov . ner Str Täub c Talst raße be r. Wächterst ing Stra ß .-E Fr z-Str. hnit Tauc Karl- ther-R in-Lu Mart Geor girin g AugustusCampus platz Augustusplatz uer Straße g in hr ric tt Sitz Studentenwerk de Geric Di estraß e Zentrum Ro isa lle llee a Jahn St ra ße p- aße Str HBF Ph ilip Russische Kirche ger Pra Center for Social Services of Studentenwerk Leipzig including kindergarten, counselling offices and hall of residence Psychosocial Counselling Provided by Studentenwerk Leipzig E-Mail: [email protected] Postal Address: Studentenwerk Leipzig, Postfach 100928, 04009 Leipzig psychosoziale-beratung Psychosocial Counselling Counselling Options Psychological Problems while Studying Individual Counselling It is not always easy to master your studies, be it due to high demands or because of stress situations. Therefore, difficulties with studying and psychological problems are nothing particularly unusual. • Studentenwerk Leipzig is offering free of charge psychosocial counselling to all students of Leipzig’s universities and academies falling within the responsibility of Studentenwerk Leipzig. Such counselling is provided in cooperation with the Medical School (Medizinische Fakultät) of Leipzig University, represented by the Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy (Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie) of Leipzig University Hospital (Universitätsklinikum Leipzig). No matter whether you are having a quarrel with your partner, whether you are not able to finish your term paper, or whether negative thoughts are making it harder for you to learn and to study – you can always turn to us for assistance! Support in solving personal problems, for example in case of lack of self-esteem depressed moods fears relationship problems or problems within your social environment conflict or crisis situations Support concerning study-related strains and problems, for example in case of uncertainty regarding the choice of your subject of studies procrastination/working disorders test anxiety problems in completing your studies stress or difficulties concerning time management Counselling and Getting an Appointment: For individual counselling, an appointment for a personal talk that will usually last 50 minutes is made in advance. The assignment of such appointment is made via the front desk of the Psychosomatic Outpatient Clinic (Psychosomatische Ambulanz) at the following hours: Monday and Tuesday Tuesday and Thursday Friday 8.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. 8.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. 8.00 a.m. – 12.00 noon Telephone: 0341 97 18 848 Please note that appointments on the phone can only be made in German. Via E-mail under: [email protected] Support concerning difficulties due to mental illnesses Showing individual solution methods in a variety of circumstances, such as, for example, when studying in a foreign country Our individual counselling is aimed at supporting you in solving your personal problems and in showing you any possible solutions. Open Counselling: Open counselling at both counselling locations is provided without prior appointment and will take 20 minutes (if required, there may be subsequent appointments with 50 minutes of consultation). You can just come by during office hours if you cannot or do not want to wait until you get an appointment. In case of acute emergencies, you can also always use the counselling services offered by the City of Leipzig. Group Counselling Closed Groups e.g. concerning the subjects of test anxiety procrastination/working disorder dealing with stress Our offers for group counselling may be used to complement individual counselling. Participation will be coordinated in advance for each individual case. Open Groups e.g. for first-year students students changing their field of study international students students having difficulties completing their studies These groups are open for students without prior arrangement. You will find information about all current offers for groups and respective dates on the Internet under If you have any questions or queries, please write to: [email protected]
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