Application for exemption from the obligation to pay contributions to

First name, family name
Street, ZIP code, place
Matriculation number
Application for exemption from the obligation to pay contributions to
Studentenwerk due to leave of absence in
Winter semester 20
Summer semester 20
Please note that the exemption can be applied for one semester only – the application will not be
processed otherwise!
Serving the federal volunteer service *
Illness *
Studies abroad or stay abroad beneficial to studies
Pregnancy * / Parental leave *
Internship /traineeship related to studies *
Please provide evidence of the reason for exemption with the application.
* The exemption from the liability to contribution for the reasons marked with * is granted only, if
the student will demonstrably not stay in Leipzig.
Refund of already paid Studentenwerk contribution needs to be applied for on a separate
form, providing the necessary evidence.
I herewith declare that I will not make use of the services provided by Studentenwerk Leipzig
(student restaurants, cafeterias, student halls of residence, social services) for the period of the
exemption. I know that I am not covered by the accident insurance by Studentenwerk Leipzig for
the period of exemption.
Date, signature of applicant
Submit to:
Studentenwerk Leipzig
Abteilung Rechnungswesen
Frau Uta Niedenführ
Goethestraße 6
D-04109 Leipzig
Phone: 0341 9659-665
0341 22529823
E-mail: [email protected]
Date, stamp, signature of Studentenwerk
Es gilt die deutsche Fassung. / The german version applies.