Tat Dat Tran – Curriculum Vitae

Tat Dat Tran
Curriculum Vitae
Born 04 March 1982
Vietnamese citizen
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Inselstrasse 22, 04103 Leipzig, Germany
2000–2004 B. Sc., Vietnam National University at Hanoi, Hanoi.
2004–2006 M. Sc., Vietnam National University at Hanoi, Hanoi.
2007–2012 Ph. D., University of Leipzig, Germany.
Undergraduate thesis
title Neutral differential equations with piecewise constant arguments
supervisors Professor Minh Van Nguyen
graduation June 2004
Master thesis
title On the almost automorphiy of bounded solutions to differential equations with
piecewise constant arguments
supervisors Professor Minh Van Nguyen
graduation June 2006
Doctor thesis
title Information geometry and the Wright-Fisher model of mathematical population
supervisors Professor Juergen Jost
graduation July 2012
T +49 341 9959 843 • B [email protected]
Í http://personal-homepages.mis.mpg.de/trandat/
Employment record
2011–2014 Work in Project VARIOGEO (ERC-2010-AdG), Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig.
2007–2011 IMPRS PhD Fellowship, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences,
2004–2007 Lecturer, Advanced Calculus and ODEs, Hanoi University of Sciences, Vietnam
National University, Hanoi.
Other Awards
2004 First prize at Scientific Research for Students of Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics,
and Informatics, Hanoi, Vietnam 2004
First prize at Scientific Research for Students of Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam
2002 Third prize of Analysis at National Mathematical Student Olympiad OLP’2002
2014 (with J. Hofrichter, J. Jost) The evolution of moment generating functions for the
Wright-Fisher model of population genetics, Preprint 2014.
(with J. Hofrichter, J. Jost) Book: Information geometry and population genetics,
in Preparation.
2013 (with J. Hofrichter, J. Jost) A general solution of the Wright-Fisher model of random
genetic drift., Preprint 2013.
(with J. Hofrichter, J. Jost) An introduction to the mathematical structure of the
Wright-Fisher model of population genetics, Theory in Biosciences, Volume 132,
Issue 2 (2013), Page 73-82.
2007 (with V. M. Nguyen) On the almost automorphy of bounded solutions of differential
equations with piecewise constant argument, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 326 (2007),
2006 (with Q. A. Ngo, D. T. Du, and A. T. Dang) Notes on an Integral Inequality, J.
Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., vol. 7, no. 4, p. 121, 2006.
2005 On the existence of almost periodic, periodic and quasi-periodic solutions of neutral
differential equations with piecewise constant arguments, Intern. J. of Evolution
Equations, 1 (2005), No. 2, 121-135.
Research activities
2014 Talk at VARIOGEO Seminar, Leipzig, Germany (February 20, 2014),
Title: Geometry of the Fleming-Viot processes
2013 Invited Talk at The 8th Vietnamese Mathematical Conference, Nha Trang, Vietnam
(August 10-14, 2013)
Invited Talk at Central European Seminar, Brno, Czech (May 24, 2013)
T +49 341 9959 843 • B [email protected]
Í http://personal-homepages.mis.mpg.de/trandat/
Invited Talk at WIAS, Berlin, Germany (February 05, 2013)
2012 Invited Talk at WIAS, Berlin, Germany (September 13, 2012)
Talk at VARIOGEO Seminar, Leipzig, Germany (August 23, 2012),
Title: An introduction to Ricci flow and some its applications
2011 Talk at Seminar on Dynamics, Leipzig, Germany (October 13, 2011),
Title: An introduction to Structural stability of hyperbolic dynamical systems
Invited Talk at Minisymposium "Computational Biology with Medical Applications",
Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany (June 21, 2011)
2010 IMPRS Workshop, Leipzig, Germany (December 9-11, 2010),
Title: Mathematical approaches to Wright-Fisher models
2009 5th Annual PhD Student Conference in Probability, Leipzig, Germany (September
10-12, 2009),
Title: From WF models to Kolmogorov eqs. and some geometrical interpretation
2007 VNU and CNU Workshop on Analysis, Differential Equations, and Dynamical
Systems, Hanoi, Vietnam (February 2-5, 2007)
2004 International Conference on Differential Equations and Applications, HoChiMinh
City, Vietnam (August 22-25, 2004)
2013 International Conference on Differential Geometry and Global Analysis, Leipzig,
Germany (October 07 - 11, 2013)
Summer School on Phylogenetic Combinatorics, Leipzig, Germany (August 28 - 30,
International Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Biology,
Leipzig, Germany (August 26 - 27, 2013)
VIASM Annual Meeting 2013, Hanoi, Vietnam (July 20-21, 2013)
Workshop on Differentialgeometrie im Grossen, Oberwolfach, Germany (June 30-July
06, 2013)
Conference on Emerging structures in Analysis and Probability, Leipzig Germany
(June 24 - 26, 2013)
Emerging Trends in Probability Theory, Leipzig Germany (April 29 - May 03, 2013)
Conference on Conceptual and Mathematical Foundations of Embodied Intelligence,
Leipzig, Germany, February 27 - March 01, 2013
2012 IMPRS Workshop, Leipzig, Germany, November 29 - 30, 2012
Symposion on Money Value and Capital Transfers, Leipzig, Germany, October 04 06, 2012
2011 Combinatorial Methods in Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra, Leipzig,
Germany, July 05 - 07, 2011
Spring School on "Limits of finite graphs", April 26-30, 2011, Leipzig, Germany
2010 IMPRS Workshop, Leipzig, Germany, December 9-11, 2010
2009 Fall School on Statistical Mechanics, September 07-09, 2009, Leipzig, Germany
T +49 341 9959 843 • B [email protected]
Í http://personal-homepages.mis.mpg.de/trandat/
Conference on Geometric Analysis and Riemannian Geometry, July 23-24, 2009,
Leipzig, Germany
2008 Summer School CIMPA, Nonlinear Analysis and Geometry PDE, June 15-24, 2008,
Tsaghkadzor, Armenien
2005 Workshop on Integral Differential Equations and Applications, December 15-16,
2005, Ba Vi, Vietnam
2003 Workshop on Applied Analysis and Dynamical Systems, August 2003, Halong,
Journal Referee: Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations.
Vietnamese native tongue
English fluent
Computer skills
Demonstration Matlab, Mathematica, Maple, R
Research Interests
{ Differential Geometry, Geometry Analysis, Information Geometry
{ Smooth dynamical systems, Piecewise constant dynamical systems
{ (Stochastic) Partial Differential Equations
{ Mathematical population genetics
T +49 341 9959 843 • B [email protected]
Í http://personal-homepages.mis.mpg.de/trandat/